19x03 - Don't Lay Down on Me Now (Indonesia)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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19x03 - Don't Lay Down on Me Now (Indonesia)

Post by bunniefuu »

Phil: Previously on "the amazing race

The leg began with a shock.

this leg will begin with a double elination. Oh, no.

Double elimination.

Oh, no.

Phil: In jakarta, teams danced.

please, money, money, please.

Phil: Descended --


Look at you guys.

Here we go!

come on, you guys!

Phil: And directed.

when eight of the eleven

Teams miss a key piece of information at an orphanage

the chaos erupted.

Chaos erupted.

In the end, snowboarder andy's

Sharp eye vaulted him and

Tommy to the top.

You are now officially team number one

and while the first ever

Double elimination sent former

"survivor" winners ethan and jenna

and master partners ron and bill

out of the race.

Nine teams remain

who will be
eliminated next?

Phil: Indonesia

is comprised of
over 17,000 islands

and more than half of its citizens

live on jmblings ava, the most

Populated island in the world.

And in the city of jo jakarta an

Indonesia palace is the start of

The third leg as teams continue

To race around the world.

Andy and tommy won the last leg

Of the race and depart first at

take a ride into the colonial area.


Phil: The dutch colonized

Indonesia over 300 years ago and

Their cultural influence is

Still seen today with bicycle

Clubs like these.

Teams will reenact the bicycle

Patrols of the 1940's.

They must now fall into

Formation with their fellow

Riders who are clearly in no


When they finally arrive, the

Commander will hand over their

Next clue.

pick one of these guys.

who do you want to pick?

who's feeling it?

you've got a good smile.


how come you don't have any

Cool pins like this guy.

follow me.

-- Like this guy?

follow me.

looking sharp, dude.

We're just cruising with our


come on, tommy.

Hey, we have some lokes in the



on the last leg we did things


We just continued to not miss

Anything, that's key.

start the bike.

let's go.

join the colonial bicycle

Uard and patrol the streets of


my dad was there.

take me to the changing area.

Let's go.

all right.

A lot of the chags are going to

Take us out of our comfort zone.

We've been challenged out on the

Ocean many times.

And think it's going to bring

The best out in us.

take a ride back to the dutch

Colonial era.

let's go.

these must be them.

as a single mom, my daughter

Is my 100% motivation for this

Race to show her what the

Possibilities are in challenging

Yourself and I don't want to

Fail her.

we're here?


right here.

and patrol the streets of


I'm definitely a little bit

Of a control freak, so in order

To prepare for the list I made a

Packing list.

We studied lots of geography


We've taken intensive language


Done a lot of exercising.

the pants are too tight so I

Must have gotten fatter.

my life has been basically on

Her schedule for six months.


everything ok?

All right.

ernie's dad is a cop so I'm

Thinking he's feeling pretty at

Home right now.

Just kidding.

there we go.


Join the colonial bicycle guard.



twins riding bicycles side by


group info.



Let's open this baby.

colonial bicycle guard?

I love bicycles.

we went through the teams

Last night and we are 40 years

Older than probably the youngest


All of these people look like

They could be our children.

But we're fearless.

At our age, you know we're going

To die soon anyway, so it's all



let's go!


We are cruising the streets.

We're patrolling.

hit the willy.

all right.

kick stand?

thank you, tommy.

thank you.

Great ride.

Travel by taxi to lasand


Phil: Teams will now leave the

Busy streets of jakarta and go

To this village to this

Restaurant where they'll receive

Their next clue.

all right.

Here we go.

we're doing this.

there you go, tommy.


thank you.

sounds good.



we need to go to this place.

we're in a race.

And we need to get there as

Quickly as possible.

It would be amazing.

I'm sure they're starting as

Quickly as possible.

everybody's gotten a taste at

How volatile our relationship

Can be.

The goal today is to focus more

On the positives and try to get

As far away from the negatives

As much as possible.

why is this so shaky?

Oh, my god, justin.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

come on, come on.

Come on.

all right.

Let's go.

I was definitely feeling the

Pressure being at the back of

The back.

I played in a game once.

We were down 21 points with four

Minutes to go and came back and


I'll do a little lance

Armstrong circuit.

it's not over till it's over.



his pedal fell off.

can we go without it?

oh, man.

Not good.

they're trying to fix ernie's

Bike but it's not really


liz, watch out.


Girls are right behind us.

don't worry.

Don't worry.

I think ernie's pedal came

Off his bike.

so that's great for us.


this is getting a bit


oh, sh**t.

Ernie, here comes somebody else.

We need to get out of here.


looked like ernie had a

Little mishap.

I don't know.

It didn't look too good for him.

He was not happy which made me


another team's coming


road k*ll number one.

come on.

Come on.

Come on.

they had an accident.

Let's keep going.

Keep going.

come on.

Here comes another group.

Let's go.

good luck, guys.

that's real good.

this is not going to work.

amani and marcus are coming


We need to just go.

Here comes another group.

Let's go.

he needs to say so.

he needs to say so.
oh, my god.

you've got to move.

let's just go.

The fourth team just past us up.

That sucks.

thank you.

travel by taxi to the


hold this.

Thank you.

we can't pronounce it.

Let's go.

thank you.

thank you so much.

thank you.

we completely lost our third

Place position.

] marcus mumbayai.




Do you know where this is?

That way?

go fast.

The restaurant?



never a dull moment.

team number one.

number one!

Number one!

that looks like another team.

Right on there, yeah, yeah,


can you not stress out our

Cab driver, please?

can you calm down?

thank you very much.

travel by taxi to the


I think every single team

Except for amani and marcus past


I think we park here, baby.

He got a taxicab.

We know where he's going.




We should be right about here.

the restaurant.

all right.

Here we go.


go for it.

Detour, rice field or grass bed?

Phil: Nearly half all of

Indonesians work in agriculture.

They will help farmers by

Choosing rice field or grass


they will deliver the midday

Meal to these hard-working men

And women.

And while the workers eat their

Match they must plant 300


When they're satisfied that

Their seedlings are firmly

Planted they'll hand over the

Next crew.

Grass fed, you will pick up two

Sheep and bring both to a shed.

They must then collect six

Buckets of water from this well

And pour them into this watering


Once they've completed their

Shores, the farm manager will

Hand over their next clue.

what do you think?

300 rice seedlings.

dude, let's grass fed.

yeah, yeah, yeah.

This is sick.

I love this.

This is awesome.

we're looking for piles of





Nice work, guys.

where are you going?


All right.

Here's the bags.

Hey, no.

-- Now.

all right, here we go.

Carry them to the sheep shed.

That's where we were.

So right back where we came?




number one.

Number one.

number one, yes.


Here they come.

Bill and cathi.

pass them.

yeah, yeah.

Go, go.

Pass them.

Number one.

yeah, yeah.


Number one.


Good job.

Good job.

it look like we're in a pack

Of four.

we caught up, which is good.

past somebody in a taxi.

We don't know who it was.

another team just past us.

he's laughing.

It's all funny.

They're in a hurry.

They're going to lose $1


Ha, ha, ha.

he doesn't know where he's


He's lost.

This is vital and important to

Me, brother.

these guys.

Pick up your sheep.

I've got my sheep.

this way.

Come on.

Come on.

come on.

Come on.

Come on.

let's do a little jogging.

You like to jog?

I can't get him around.





Oh, we need more?

Tommy, tommy, grab a sheep,


Grab a sheep.

We have to go back.

We don't have enough grass.

Not enough grass, dude.

Let's go back.



rice field or grass fed?

Let's do the grass fed.

let's come over here.

that's where it is.

The grass.



that's where it is, the


let's go.

let's go, guys.

what's up, guys?

Make sure it's full.

oh, there boy.

Come on.

Come on.

oh, ouch.

Stop that.

Let's cross here.

a cross here?

we almost got this tommy.

That's good.

get in there.

We have to draw six.

Four buckets of water into the

Well, pour them into the

Watering trough.

Use two buckets at a time.

keep nice and calm.

come on.

Come on.

mine's trying to run off.

Come on.


Come on.

This way.

zac and laurence are right on

Our tail.

six buckets of water.

yeah, guys.

How are you doing?

quick, quick, will just go.

We've got people on our tail.

We've got to find more buckets.

zac, we can make it.

you have another bucket.

read your clues, guys.

zac and laurence, they were

Doing everything pretty quick.

But I didn't notice they had

Three buckets.

You're only supposed to have two

Buckets as a team.

here we go.

right here.

All right.

All right.

rock and roll.

make your way to --

Phil: Teams will now travel by

Taxi to the temple and climb to

The top where they'll receive

Their next clue.



] nice work.


It's the last two.

This is six.

search for your next clue at

The top of the temple.

is this the restaurant?

in here.

In here.

it's in here.


is this it?

right across the street.

Oh, here it is right across the


oh, yeah, yeah.

are we there?

let's go.

Let's go.

pull over.

Pull over.

Thank you.

it's a detour.

rice field or grass fed?

grass fed seems like it's a

Little bit quicker.

grass fed.

we're going to do grass fed.

we're going to do the rice


I think the rice field.

take two meals.




Let's go.

come on.

Follow me.


Watch your footing.

Watch your footing.

Come on.


Oh, my god.

that's good.

don't fall.

There's water on both sides.


Are you all right?


be really careful.

on, come on.

two bag.

You have to stuff two bags.

down here.

You have to give her your food.

you go eat.

let's just get our hats and


is this one full enough?


Come on.

got it?

You sure?


Come on.

you go, go, go.


you all right?


That was a good one.

18, 19, 20.

this is my first time ever

Planting rice.

I'll be ok if I never have to

Plant rice again.

we have to do one at a time.

Like this?


I think there's about 300 of


it's muddy too.


I'm ok.

two sheep, please.

come on.

Come on.

come on.

Good, boy.

Here we go.

Over here.



Come on.

come on.

Get behind them and push them.

baaa, baaaa.

come on.

Come on.

Yours sounds like it smoked a

Six pack for the day.

don't get too far ahead of

Me, honey.

I'm good.

you've got to go kidding me.

I hope and pray that he knows

Where he's going because right

Where he's going because right
now I'm not confident at off.

-- At all.

here we go.

Exit --

oh, right here.

Right here.

you stay?



high five.

When you got to the temple you

Had to go through the

International entrance and you

Got a sh wrong.

-- Shrong.

-- Shrong.
thank you.

is it ok to run or no?




oh, snap.

Look at that thing.

That's why I'm talking about.

That's why you do "the amazing

Race" for stuff like this right



Phil: This spectacular buddist

Temple built in the eight

Century was covered in dense

Jungle until discovered a few

Hundred years ago.

Those who worship here are

Looking for enlightenment and

Now buda will provide teams for

Their next clue.

Working in a clockwise

Direction, teams must identify

Buddist statutes with four

Distinct hand positions.

Additionally they must figure

Out that they must demonstrate

The four hands positions.

When they have a proper count

For each statute, they'll

Receive their next clue.

I better do it, zac.

winner gets to pick.

go for it, dude.


count the four distinct

Buddhist statutes.

let's just work together on


I count.

You remember them.

what I like about andy and

Tommy, they're similar roots,

You know, a spirit of adventure

That's kind of why we formed an


you count count them.

I'm remembering.

-- you count them.

I'm remembering.

one, two.

I'm not a village child.

I'm almost done.

how much more do you have


how's it going?


I'm done.

we're done.


I'm done.

We're done.

thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

thank you.




run up to the top.

To the clue.

Make your way to --

can you tell him fast?


follow them, yeah, yeah,


that was it.

the restaurant.

good lord have mercy.

rice fields or grass fed?

Grass fed?


Grass fed.

we need six buckets of water.

Did you read it?

we need to have these buckets

Of water before the next team

Gets here.

how are you guys doing?


thank you.

yeah, there you go.


hey, children, stop!

we can do this.

You want to carry and I'll take

This one?

hello, turkey.


I think so.

all right.

We're in last place.

We've got to go.

two more, baby.

Two more.

We've got this.

thank you.

search for your next clue at

The top of the temple.

two more.


Thank you.

Search for your next clue at the

Top of the temple.

what number are you guys on,



thank you.

Make your way to borobdur.

we have to take two sheep to

The shed.

follow the signs.

come on, babies.

don't lay down on me.

he's tripping.

He doesn't want to go.

come on, little bit.

come on.

down there, babe.

We have to take it to the shed.

put him in here.



we need more?


He needs more.

It's not full enough, he said.

dang it.

that's disappointing.


let's run back and get the


whatever you want to do

let's do that

let's run back and get there.

we're going to plant the


thank you so much.

search for your next clue at

The top of the temple.

let's go.

we need two plates.

Open it and tie it back


let's go back the way with


dang, we should have planted

The rice.

The rice.
God dog it.

we decide we were going to


hoping that the rice might be

A little quicker.

so by the time we get to the

Rice field, everybody that was

Working are gone.

At that point we know we are

Majorly behind.

hang in there, sweaty --


eight, nine, 10, 1.

I remember this one.

one, two, three.

so you had to know how many

Numbers and correct number of

Hand positions.

17, 17, and 18.

let's go.

that's what I got.

That's what I counted as well.


keep going, dad.

You got it.

17, 17, 17, and 18.

17 of what?



praying hands, 17, 17, 17,

And 18.


that's it.

We've got the right numbers but


which way the hands are


I've got to go down again.

roadblock was really hard.

the rule was count four

Separate types of buda.

You had to demonstrate the

Position of the hands to the


take your time, dad.

You got it.


take your time?

What are you guys doing?

we're here.


all right.

Get out.


Wait here.

We'll be back.

lisa, you right behind me?

yeah, I'm right behind me.

my goodness, look at that.


oh, my god.

This view of this temple is the

Most incredible view to walk up


this temple looks like it's

Been here for a really long


are you ready?

yeah, I'm ready.

says the top of the temple.

Big breath.

I think we're almost there.


who is prepared to follow the

Path to buda?

if you're tired don't do it.

who's prepared to follow the

Path to buddha?

got it.

you can go.

can you do it?

count to four.

Think buda statutes.

different hand positions.

we can't make any mistakes.

is the car ok?

my car not do this.

we are so screwed if our taxi

Breaks down.

this car is dead.

Can we get out?

this is one kilometer?

let's go.

Let's run.

oh, we're so screwed.


Can you wait?

can you wait here?




you're better at directions.

who's prepared to follow the

Path of buda?

I'll do it.

come on.


there's like so many little

Buda statutes in this thing.

I wasn't sure actly which

Buda we were supposed to count.

If the carvings counted or the


there are so many.


sit 71?





is it 87?







oh, my god.

I'm obviously not doing

Something right.

what are you getting?

you're going to make me lose


Like 400 and something.

who's prepared to follow the

Path to buddha?

you have more energy than I


do you know how many of those


thank you.

Make your way to bourabodur to

Search for your next clue.

We are tired and disgusted.





Most important thing I'm tired.

But I know one thing we will not


we're not going to quit.

if our kids don't quit, we're

Not quitting either.

17, 17, 17.

Let's keep it quiet.

There's a few people around.

it's 17 of this.



make your way to the next pit


Phil: Teams must now search the

Grounds for the pit stop.

The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

no running.

No running.

No running.

17, 17, 17, 18.


thank you very much.

good job, man.

warning, the last time to

Check may be eliminated.

working with laurence is the

Only way.

could he wait?


he decided to let him go

Because he was so bad.

it can't get in worse.

the temple to the trance is

Over here to the right.

-- The temple and the entrance

Is over here to the right.

y'all know what it is?


18, 17, 17, 17?

you told them the whole


17, 17?

I think you give them the

Hand signals --

I'm down with it, dude.

We have to choose who we want to


they were trying to help us.

But by the time we got the top

Of the temple, it didn't matter.

I didn't know a through z.

keep your head up, girl.

keep your head up.

who is prepared to follow the

Path to buda?

can you do it or do you want

Me to?

I want you to.

was I breathing?

yeah, you were breathing

Really hard at that point.

I was seeing stars.

I got it.





count the four distinct buda

Statutes each with a different

Hand position.

there's four different hand


I've got to start over.

And you to have the proper count

Of each one.

But there are so many of them.

all right.

Here we go, brother.


how much?


thank you.

High five.

Let's be team number one, zac.

welcome to indonesia.

thank you so much.

Phil: Laurence and zac, you are

Team number one.


Phil: However, when you guys

Were at the detour today, the

Clue specifically said that you

Could only use two buckets per


You guys used four.

we've got find more buckets.

you got another bucket?

that means you've encured a

Need you to wait out that

Penalty before I can check you


So I will need you to check over

The tree over there.

sorry about that, man.

That was me.

Phil: Tommy and andy, you are

The second team to arrive.

however because zac and

Laurence encured a 1546 minute

Penalty that makes you team

Number one.

you're kidding me?

Phil: I'm not kidding you.

And it means you've won a trip

For two there travelocity and

You will be going to dubai.

this is crazy, dude.

Phil: You'll be staying at the

Five-star palm jamira where

You'll be swimming with the

Dolphins and unlimited water

Park in the middle east.

they should have this win

Right now.

Phil: That doesn't mean we have

To gift it to them.

then we have to face our


Guy, we're sorry.

hey, no worries.

talk to us when you need some

Snowboard gear.

we do owe you one.

Phil: Ok.

Come on over, you guys.

I could check you in.

Laurence and zac, you are now

Officially team number two.

that's all right.

you guys, how many of you

Guys counted?

I counted 51.

What do you think?

there is something in the

Clue that we're not reading.


once you believe you have the

Proper count of each distinct

Buddist -- so one with the hands

Down and hands up.

There's 50 of this guy, four of

There's 50 of this guy, four of
that guy.


Oh, sh**t.

we did run into andy and

Tommy on the way in.

And they did give us some


I'm hoping that marcus was


I was just carrying backpacks

And running.

I remember him saying something

About hand gestures and the


I should have been paying more

Attention because it would be

Paying off right now.

Whatever they were saying had to

Be good because they were

Be good because they were


I just remember him saying

Something about hand gestures.

I wasn't even listening.

Dang it, I've got to count up


All right.

Here we go.

I've got to find the start.

Start counting.

do one of you guys want to

Hand him like that symbol?

four of us.


so you take that guy.



I've got it.

I've got it.

Keep that count in mind.

each one do a different one.

one, two --

10, 11.


Like this.

bill, be quiet?

and there are 19 like this.

Shhh, bill.

I can hear you.

I'm sorry but not yet.



16, 17.


what are you thinking?

It says to count the different

Hand positions.

there's four hand positions.

There's a hand that does this.

There's another one that does


well let's just start it on

That corner.

So one, two, three, four, five


you had 18, right?

mine's the last one.



First one is 17.

17 --


yeah, so you're sure.


yeah, yeah.


I'll give it one more try,

Then we'll see.

] let's go down there.

, and 17 and it's 18

?7 and 17

] congratulations.


we're amazing.



you got it?

all right.

You ready?

we have to go get our bags.


So we have to go around, find a

Taxi, get our bags and settle up

With him.


See y'all in a minute.

get it, guys.

Get it.

warning, the last team to

Check in may be eliminated.

17, 18.

thank you.

where are you at?

I'm right here.

17, 18?

Thank you so much.

Good job, marie.

Good job.

Come up this way.

We've got to pay our taxi.

I'm sorry.

we have to go pay our cab.


thank you.

warning, last team to check

In will be eliminated.

18, 17?

oh, my god.

Thank you.

warning, the last team to

Check in may be eliminated.

make your way to the next pit


Everyone else has a taxi to

Settle and we don't have one

Because ours broke down.

everybody has their bags but

They have to settle with their


18, 17, that's right.

Grab your backpack.

I believe we're on our way.

the last team to check in may

Be eliminated.

Come on.

Phil: Jeremy and sandy, you are

Team number three.


this way 679



-- This way.



I knew we should have paid

The taxi.

We should have paid the cab and

Asked him to wait.

we didn't realize how long

We'd be in there.

that's more than enough in

American money.

come on.

Kaylani, you need to realize

That I'm not as rested as you.

I'm going as fast as I can.

thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

come on.

trust me.

Hurry, hurry.


Good job.



Phil: Justin and jennifer, you

Are team number four.

Ernie and cindy, you are team

Number five.


just keep positive.

That's all we can do.

is this the exit?

bring it home, baby.

is this him?

there he is.

where's our taxi driver?

go, go go,.

Bill, get the bags.

marie, over here.

did he leave?

sorry, sorry.

Phil: Amani and marcus, you know

Where you finished?

we don't know.

Phil: You are team number six!


good job.

Good job.

Phil: You look like you just won

The super bowl right now.

I feel like I just won the

Super bowl because a lot of

Times when you win the super

Bowl, you need a lot of luck on

Your side.


we've got to run this.

I'm giving it all.

I don't think he's here.

what do we do?

what do we do?

Phil: Bill and cathi, you are

Team number sen.


That must be lucky.

good enough.

here's right there, marie!

He's right there!

excuse me.

Excuse me.

let's go.

Let's go.

Et's go.

Phil: Liz and marie, you're team

Number eight.


Oh, my god.

Thanks god.

We thought we were last because

We let go of our cab.

we're barely making it but

we're barely making it but
we're still here.

welcome tindosia.

thank you.

Phil: Kaylani and lisa, you're

The last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you that

You've both been eliminated from

The race.


It was a good experience and it

Was fun and hard work and we've

Been to places that we've never

Been too before and probably may

Never come to again.

Phil: You feel the same way?

What's going through you --

You're allowed to cr

It's ok.

What's going through your mind

Right now?

It's just the idea that the race

Has ended so quickly?

I just miss my little girl so


Phil: Really?

What made you think of her?

I've been thinking about her

All day.

She's 4.

Blonde hair, blue es, like the

Light of my life.

I was hoping to go farther

Because it's not easy being a

Single mom.

So I was kind of hoping to go

And do something good for her

Phil: She's not going to think

That you failed her.

She's going to be proud of you

That you went out and you gave

This a good shot.

You guys never gave up.

We did all we could. Shot.

We'll be able to think of all

The amazing places weot to see

And visit.

Kaylani ve learned a lot about

Each other that we didn't know.

If anything, I think we'll be

Closer and better friends

Because of it.

yeah, I get to go home and I

Hope my little girl's going to

Be proud of me.

Be proud of me.
she will.

Phil: Stay tuned from scenes

Phil: Stay tuned from scenes
from our next episode.
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