19x02 - The Sprint of Our Life (Indonesia)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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19x02 - The Sprint of Our Life (Indonesia)

Post by bunniefuu »

first time in race history,

Uh-oh, this leg will be a

Dubble elimination

Oh, no.

The last two teams to check in

At the next pit stop will be


Tohe airport.

I'm pretty nervous about the

Double elimination.

Not because I think we'll get

Eliminated but because there

Are so many new twists to this


you're headed to

This leg will be a double



The big surprise is a double


Very scary.

We have to beat two teams

go Jakarta, Indonesia.

do you have a phone?



Any relationship has its ups

And downs and sibli rivalry

Is a reathing.

When she gets a little angry

I'll get a little angry and

We'll keep moving.

Do you want me to do it?


here we go.



I was ok with fourth place.

If wd come in first there

Might have been a bigg target

On our back.

Oh, they're the "survivor"

Guys, we came inirst.

We make mistakes, we're just

Like eveone else.

We bicker.



We are headed to indonesia.

you're headed to -- let's


I'm surprised there are

Going to be two teams

Eliminated at the end of this


This is going to mutt it in --

Us in a -- yeah.

dude, ind o?

Go cch some waves, dude.

ticket counter.

What's your next flight to

Jakarta, indonesia?

So there's no flights out

Tonight at all?


so looks like a night out at

double elimination.

Change the way anybody thinks

Out gay couples.

We have a 13-year relationship

Of truth and honesty.

Other, we'reruly best


double elimination?

jakarta, indonesia.

hi, we would likeo go to

The airport.

a double?

a double elimination.

I don't know what's going to


we'll figure it out.

I'm just being negative.

you can't be negative we

Just started our day.

is this departure,


he they come.

hi, guys.


ethan andennifer are goi

To be tough.

They both look strong and they

Already won "survivor," this

Which is crazyso they have a

Pretty good chan with this.

I think ethan and jenna wit

Their "survivor" experience are

Going to be contenders.

jenna has that madusa thing

Going on.

You can't trust her so much.

with the double elimination?

I don't know.

we haven't seen cathi and


We weren't sure if the first

Round was an elimination round

Or not.

the big question is where's

Ma and pa?

excellent job.

This leg will be a double


let's hit it.

we were very shocked that

The first leg because


because of the speed bump

And the time lag and the double

Elimination we have to work

Hugely hard.

But we've had a life of

Experience together so we know

To stick it out.

we're hoping we'll see all

The kids who won't be so

Excited to see us because

They'll think we are toast and

We're not toast yet.

thank you very much.


Ah, I'm going to cry.

ma and pa.

ma and pa made it.


hello, we're alive.

You don't know how we've missed


it was pretty radse mau

And pa were there.

They have a good energy about


I actually am happy they

Weren't eliminated.

The more people that can fall


back in the rails.

This is blessing.

it is.

It's huge.

we'll take it.

here we are, taipei to


Looks like everyone boarded

This bird.

We're all going to the same

Place, same time.

So we're all going to hit the

Ground running.

Phil: All teams are now making

Their way to jakarta,

Indonesia, where they'll catch

An overnight train to jakarta.

pardon me, please.

let's go outside.

I feel like o.J.

station cambia.

"survivor" is here?

yeah, they're over there.

like a school of fish.

hello, how are you?

Jakarta station.

We want to get the train that's

Going to get there the


next time is 5:30.

hi, guys.

I think we're all going


you want to get a phone to

See if we can get

Transportation or what kind and

Find out anything else about

The area?


Justin and I fought a lot when

We were kids.

A lot.

They were first fights.

Do you want to make this phone

Call or get on the train?

I want us to be a better

Team than we were right now.

justin is very by the book

And I might be a little


you're hostile.

I just asked you a question.

We're in a place we've never

Been before and you're sitting

Here with a -- an attitude with


you are driving me

Absolutely insane right now.

This is what you're going to

Get right now.

I can't keep doing it.

You need to give me something.

I don't have anything else,

This is it.

If you want to call somebody on

The phone, let's do that.

we can't do this every stop

Of the way.

let's go ahead and stop,


This is what we're going to do.

you treat me like -- every


What do you want to do?

This is the moment to get it


I want to wait on the train.

I want to wait on the train.
That's what I want to do.

every time I say something

Or ask something I get --

no every time I say

Something you give me the --

Just come on.

this is an incredible


Not only is this an amazing

Trip but there's a chance at a

Million dollars.

Obviously, if we can't get

Beyond this, all of that comes

To an end.

this is a moment to get it


let's go wait on the train.

we're on our way to jakarta

For our next clue.

everyone is on our train.

chattanooga k crsh choo

Can't got nothing on this.

Phil: Teams will go to a remote

Village on the outskirts of

Jakarta, where they'll get

Their next clue.

that way, that way.




we're going to -- you know


you know exactly where that


follow them, follow them!


You are keeping us if -- in



Push, let's go.

see, this car is passing us.

we got you, brother.

go get them, fast.

that's how you drive.

Hat's how you drive.

speed bump is a major

Concern for us.

We're anxious to find out what

It is, where it is and how long

It's going to take us.

double elimination is not

Something to play with.

everybody is under pressure

Pretty much.

we're going to try our best

To not be in the bottom two


we've never driven in a

Foreign country like this and

It makes both of us so nervous.

Oh, my god.

I don't know what to do.

these guys, they're on a

Different level.

he drives like a bat out of


oh, lord.

The blood pressure up.

you're so intense right now.

oh, I'm just watching --

I know, that's called


But that's ok.

great job.

they're eating our dust.

yeah, he's our man.

there's the sign.

yabbadabba do!

it's a roadblock.

Phil: Indonesia has hundreds of

Intricate cave systems and

Hidden under this dense jungle,

The awe inspiring world where

Teams will go spelunking.

Descending 1 0 feet into this

Dark cave.

They must search for a mask and

An independence gig thousands


Then they must tower this

Bamboo ladder and dwhriver them

To this man, who will hand them

Their next clue.

this is us, hundred.


Phil: After arriving last on

The previous leg, bill and

Cathi must now perform a speed

Bump before -- before

Proceeding to the roadblock.

It requires them to untangle

This noth rope.

Once they're worked out enough

Kinks to reach this tree, they

Can continues with the race and

Try to make up for the time

That's lost.


Right here.

we were so excited because

We knew we were the first team.

christmas vacation.

This is christmas tree lights

Gone crazy.

there are chickens --

this is insane.

oh, my gosh.

this is the rockiest path

I've ever seen.

down to the wire and another

Team hasn't shown up yet.

we arrived.

There's bill and cathi.

I was shocked.

Who's ready to --


I got to do it?


we are almost finished.

who's ready to spelunk?

I told you!

then we have to tie it to

The palm tree.

right down the hill.

I know how you feel, big


come on, bill!

Go, go.

to spelunk?

I had no idea what

Spelunking was.

Never heard of it.

Good lord.

I was really excited to do

The roadblock because I love

Mountains climbing and

Rappelling so it was really fun

For me.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm like in a jurassic park

Jungle here.

Vines hanging off, rocks poking


This is pretty amazing.

Here comes one of the twins.

come on, marie!

I'm going to pee in my


Ok, we're going down right now.

I'm really nervous.

I'm really afraid of heights.

I'm a deer hunter and I'm

Always up in trees so this is

No fear for m.P.

I'm ready for this.

attack, attack!

yeah, that's what I'm

Talking about.

This is so cool.

holy cow.

Look in that cave.

It's muddy.

I think I'm going down there.

this is great.

And I'm going to hit a tree and

I'm still not looking down.

get away, tree.

You bother me.

Leave me alone.

This is child's play for me.

oh, the cave entrance is

Right there.

this is the coolest

Experience so far.

it was beautiful.

Absolutely beautiful.

who's ready to spelunk?

You are.

I'll spelunk.

clue box.

who's ready to spelunk?

I'll do it.

you have to do it.

oh, my god, everyone's here.

who's ready to spelunk?

what is spelunking?

That's going down in the hole.

yeah, it's going down in the


you do it.

all right, I'm going to


ah, this is nuts and it's

Really hard to see.

wow, it's dark in here.

I'm scared.

I can literally only see --

me too.

oh, my god.

oh, my god!


when I got down into the

Cavep we were look for a mask

And a little sword and they

Were all just sitting on that

You are sticks so we're like

That must be it.

y'all headed back?


going through a cave.

oh, my god!

Holy smokes.

rock 'n' roll.

all right, here we go.

look at this I feel like a

Monkey flying from tree to


here we go!


back up.

when we came out of the

Cave, there was actually a huge

Bamboo ladder.

this is insults.

oh,, this is huge.

keep it coming!

this is spectacular.

Some cave.

these are kind of cool.

it's like indiana jones in

The temple of jakarta.

this is so amazing

I can't even explain how

is so harw beautiful it was.W

Ac timbut thereas

Point where the were so

T reach.T that my ls

Limbs than cindy.

that's where I moved ahead

Because I have a strong upper


oh, yeah.

I've got a mask.

oh, my god, this is insane.

that is crazy.

this is awesome!

thank you, sir.

this is pretty crazy.


53 and still running!


take a detour.

Phil: This detour offers teams

The chance to immerse

Themselves in two activities

Popular on streets of jo


Shake your moneymaker or be a

Ticket taker.

Shake your moneymaker requires

Teams to make their way to this

Congested intersection and earn


One team member must learn a

Traditional dance while the

Other accompanies them.

Be a ticket taker requires

Teams to make their way to this

Pop already mall d work as

Motorbike parking adefend ants.

Once they've earned 15,000

Groupia, themselves hand over

Their ticket book.

Most detours require teams to

Travel to this orphanage,

Orphanned by the devastating

Uptif the volcano.

Ddition,eams must notice

Thisign, which ininstructs

Them to hand over all the money

Ok,heir possession.

e're going to be ticket


You just rocked that.


ticket taker.

hey, hey!

Bla, bla!

there's another team going

Out ahead of us.

I'm ready to dance.

And we're going to make money

For the orphanage.

make your moneymaker or be a

Ticket taker.

let's dance.

good job, baby.

lord, have rc

Ghbo t

holy smokes.

come on, justin!

I'm coming!


let's go.

thank you.

all right.

Head back up.

everybody's ahead of us


We're dead last, not the pla

To be right now.

did you find a mask?

yeah, they're up ahead.



T is poun r


Ace, comes to finis

H adf push him


And to be honest, need


you got it?

tha you.

] being the last three is very

Success stressle.

I'm going to remain optimistic.


Ht here?

right there, right there.

cross over this way.

we can't cross the street.

right ove there.

Is that it?

yeah, right there.



that's the tricky part.

you have to dance around and


shake your moneymaker.

Swing those hips.

it' exciting to make some


please, some money, money,


I saw you laughing.

Thank you so much, thank you.

Anyone else?

Oh, my god.

Definitely not enough yet.

You have to have 30,000.

oh, my gosh

oh, my goodness.



Here we are.

We're ready!

over here.

we have them come in?


come in, come in!

park your bike here.

park your bike here.

yes, yes.

there are motorbikes going

Every which way.

The chaos is crazy there.

ernie, we have to park them.

thank you.

park your bike here!

come on, you guys.

ark your bike here!

Oh, no, not dn there.

shake your moneymaker or be

A ticket taker.

I'd rather dance because I

Can't ride.

good job, justin!

e're going to be aicket


get that clue.

ticket taker it is.

I'm good as long as we don't

Come in last or secondo last

Onhis leg.

we cannot make a mistake at


If we make a mistake right now

It's fatal.

let's do it.

there's only one team behind


it's not over.

I'm sure there's going to be

Another event.

it's been a little


thank you.

let's go park morcycles.

eveone is ahead of us

Apart from two teams that are

Behind us.

Is could be the game clincher

good job, kaylani!

thank you.

let's go.

All right, we have to me up

Some time.

let's get going.

et's dress up and be


wwe the last team to leave

wwe the last team to leave
this tk.

we have to earn some money

For the kids.

I can't believe this.

e're going to make money


as you can tell I'm the

Worst dancer.

ou have to swing those


my rhythm is totally off.

Money, please, please.

my hand's getting tired.

thank you.

Thank you.

our friends are still here.

they're right the.

let's cross.

oh, look.


we're aost there, marie.

try to m10.

k, I will.

come on, now!

Come on, come oin.

another o.

we went upseam on this

Way street while the bikes

Were coming down and bill and

Thi stayed towards the


so we caught every bike that

Might have thought tt they

Wanted to park inhat parking


Anybody that was going to park

There, we got tforehem beill

And cathiould even get to


here we are.

Ma and pa.

How you guys doing?



right there, right there.

a little comtition with ma

let's go.

park your bike here!

Here we go.




you're lucky number 15.

let's go.

Thank you, thank you.

they had a better spot up


we kled it.


High five.

We k*lled it.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Logoodoking looking good.

I'm proud of you already,


come on, be.

Let's go.

they're going to wo that

Rner now so we have to hurry.

Here we go.

show your boss so love.

Come on, now.

I'm breaking out the latest

Michael jackson.

Here we go.

thank you.

we need to find some big


We need to get the kind that


park something

one more, one more.

here you go.

Get another one.

oh, thank you, right here.

thank you so much.


thank you.

I ma and pa got it.

thank you so much.

I think we have enough.

I think we're good.

we're good, we'd!Re goo


take off your stuff.

I--- I've never been to an

Orphanage never in my entire


Thinking about an orphanage is

Really sad.

Theytheir parents.

Wenow how that feels.

We just lost our dad.




here we go.

oh, this one?

how do I look?


you're dancing, babe.

I'm playing.



get with it!

bng home the bacon.


this is easy, this is easy.

you look hot.

so that's orphanage money,



yeah, this is it.


we have a gift for y.

thank you.

thank you all.

So cute.

What is this?

We got this thing.

Phil: Teams will now make their

Rrento kraton palace, the

Cu residence of the sultan

Of jakarta.

The last two teams to check I

Ill be elimid.

wt the heck is this?


Go. Tokt'sn?


U tay.Nk you, we havenjoyed

This way.


we have had aondeul day

In your city.

Thank you.

this is for you.



There you go.

Thank you.

thank you.

Y're so cute.

here comes a lot of


keep coming.

come on in.

Don't be y.




you ladies have a great time

At the mall.

yeah, yeah, go.

we need one more, one more.


We just need e more.



that's it.


All right.

We're movi on.

Thanks, gs.


All right.

let's go down this way.

let's go.

let's go this way.

gd luck. Uys.

that s fun, actually.

that was a go one.

the orphanage.

really falls.


30,00 ok?

30,000, yep.

thank you.

thank y.

come on, now.

Or the kids.

Let's go!

29, 30,000 groupa.

ll right, babe.

Let's go do it.

Let's give tm something to

Talk about.

Look at your little purple


A lite small.

oppe pa blood vessel.

At least yours closes.

how do you dance?

Just whatever?




we're head to the

Orphanage to hand them a wad of

Cash right now.


We're on the move.

you got the money?



Hi, you guys.

thank you.


welme to jakarta,


Phil: Ernie a cindy, you're

The first team to arrive,

However,here is a problem.

yeah, yeah.

L right.

In exchange you will receive a


so we have to givthem all

Our cash.

what's that?

youust give all the money

In your possession to help the


ok, all of it.

Phil: Because you didn't see

The sign and didn't give all

Your money to the orphanage,

You need to go back and do so

Before I can check you in.

oh, my sh.

Are u serious?

we have to get there before

The oer teams.

when phil told us we hado

Lost it.

Growing up in a competitive

Asian environment, there's

Nothing short of success and

Then youe like how can you be

Tupid to miss one thing?

a good freaking eye, man.

One?, who's going to blow that

I'm glad we saveed that up.

That's more thatto goes hem.

all right, that's it.

Thank you, guys.

eme? Xcuse

walk or taxi?

we don't have any money.

oh, yeah, no money.

let's do this.

all right.

I can't do this.

I can't believe we did that.

I can't believe we did that.

I can't do it.

I'm so sorry.

I can't believe we did that.

ow we doing?

yes, it's good?

money for charity.

Yes, yes, yes.

That's 3


thank you.

do you have everythin

Do you have your nanny pack?


this is 16.


Let's go.

we divery good.

3,000 more?

we're done, we're done.

we're good.

We have to go to the or


do you ha the clue?

in your pocket.

I don't have the clue.

I don' have the clue.

Name in your pocket!Fannage

I don't have that.

why not?

I don't know where it is.

we have to goack and get


I gave you the clue.

it's over with the clhes.

Ill forgot it.

why would you forget the


because it was an accident,


let's go this way.


oh, they're so beautiful.

all right.

There you go.

Thank you.

thank you.



come on, jennifer.

Come on.


thank you.

thank you.

Thank you so much.


Thank you.

High five.

thank you.

thank you.

Phil: Liz and marie, you're the

Second team to arrive.

However, I understand that you

Did not hand over all your

Money at the orphanage, is that



Phil: Ok, you'll need to go

Back and do so before I can

Check you in.

oh, my god.

We have to go back, give all

Our money and make it back here

In time.

this is it.

thank you!


you're beautiful.


you must give all in your

Possession --

to help the orphanage.


oh, my god.

thank you very much.

rere the girls right

Behind us.

over there.


how are you?

you must give all the money

In your possession to help the


Give all the money.


thank you.

ok, thank you.


Phil: Bill and cathi?


Phil: You're the third team to

Arrive, however I need to know

Whether you handed over all

Your money at the orphanage.

no we didn't.

Phil: Ok, you will need to go

And do so before we can check

You in.


That sucks.

the clothes, the clothes?


Let's go.

thank you.

please, please, we need you

To go.

I assumed you put everything

In here.

That's why you have this.

I do.

I didn't do it on purpose.

good job.

Phil: Andy and tommy?

yes, phil.

Phil: You're the fourth team to


However, because other teams

Ahead of you had to go back to

The or fannage, you are now

Officially team number one and

That means I have some good

News for you.

You have won a trip for two

From travelocity and you are

Going to ireland.


Stay five nights at a luxury

Suite at an historic estate

Where you can play golf, enjoy

The spa and try your hand at


we were having a blast

Running this ration.

it was huge to notice that

Sign at the or fonnage.

It's awesome we came in first


I don't know how we missed


such a nerd, gosh.

all our money?

yes, all the money.

thank you, thank you.

I'm so sorry.

that's all right.

We still have a shot to stay in

The game.

oh, thank you!

all right, let's count it


One, two, three, four, plus

About four -- 2,800.

I think that's the most I've

Ever made as a moneymaker.

If we're going out today we're

Going out in style.

Let's take this to the


Phil: Did you hand over all

Your money at the orphanage?

we did not.

Phil: Ok, you will need to go

Back and hand over all your

Money before I can check you


we have a team right behind


We have to move.

Jennifer, we have to move, it's

A million dollars!

you want me to pass out?

Leave me alone!

If I can't run I can't run.

Phil: Justin and jennifer, you

Did not hand over all your

Money at the orphanage and

You'll need to do so before I

Can check you in.

thank you.

Phil: You did not hand over all

Your money at the orphanage and

You will need to do so before I

Can check you in.

if everybody else has done

What they were supposed to do

We'rin trouble.

great, it's right here.

so sorry, we forgot to give

You everything.

this challenge was really

Cool because we gold got to

Raise money and it's going to

An orphanage.

go, run.



Thank you.

Thank you.

here you go, girls.

thank you.

thank you.

We're going to have to run.

Phil: Laurence and zac?

You're the eighth team to


yes, I'll take it.

Phil: However -- some of the

Other teams did not hand over

All their money at the


That will make you officially

Team number two.


Phil: A bonus.

that's not bad at all.

there's sandy and jeremy.

We have to beat at least mom

And dad.

they are faster than we are.


that's it.

come on.

this is ifments.

get the money out, hundred.

they're right behind us.

good job, guys.

yeah, you too.

hello again.

more money.

Phil: Eitheren and jen?

You did not hand over all your

Money at the or,

ur m all oey total.

Phil: You'll need to go back

And do that before I can eck

You in.



How is that psible?

that sucks.

Unfortunately you're the 10th

Team to arrive andou know

That this is a double

Eliminion leg.

But because you guys did what

You were meant to do,ou are

Now officially team number


And you a still in th

"amazing re."

I hate you for doing that.

Phil: Ernie and cindy, did you

Hand over all your mey at the


Phil: I am pleased ttell y

That you are nowffially

Team number four,


Liz and mari

You are now team number five.


Phil: Jeremy and sandy?

You are now team number six.


You did awesome.

Phil: Bill and cathi, I'm

Pleased to tell you that you

Are now officially team number


Great recovery today.

wonderful recovy.

yes, phil.

Phil: You are team number



You're still in this race.


I definitely think the race was

Harder tn we thought it would


My goa sblet to come out here

And pick or beat up on my


It's to millwin a n dollars.

I feel terribl

here tgs.

Thanu so much.

Oh, I see th kids.


we have special gif for


Thank you ry much.

All right, baby, let's go.

there are tms coming back

Is week.

-- Way.

lord a mrsa.

-- Mercy.

come on.

there's ron and bill.

We don't know if they're

Right or wrong y, though.

let's catch up.

Phil: Ron and bill?


Phil: Do you have any money on

You at all right now?

we just have our money for

E race.

Phil: You were meant to hand

Over all the money.

So I need to you go back and

Hand over everything you own

Before I can check you in.

thank you, phil.

Phil: , baby, go.

I'm trying.

finish strong.

Phil: Amani and marcus?

Have youanded over all your

Money to the or fannage?

yes, we have.

Phil: Well, I'm pleased to tell

You that y are nowffic olly

Team number nine and you are

Still in this race.

Etn and jenna?

You're now the 10th team to

Rive and because this is a

Double elimination, you've both

Been eliminated from the race.

I'm really sorry to te you


Even though we're incredibly

Disappointed that it w such

Shot run we can't ult

Ourselves forg. Tryin

You got to fry.

Afr I beat cancer, jen and I

Made a promise to ourselves

That we're goingtake

Advantage of every single


After what we've been throu

The past year and a half,

By my side is -- thwhole time

Is what matters e most.

It's a blessing.

we' back.


Okwe have more gifts for you

U tahank you.

Yo care.


we have more than you can

Ever win on a show.

People wld pay millions to

Have what we have.

I know.

o but we're going to

Keep going.


that's it, film.

We're strong.

Phil: Ron and bill?

yes, phil.

I know you don't want to say


Phil: You are the last team to


and I know you don't want to

Y this.

Phil: And I am sorry to tell

You that you have been

Eliminated from the race.

we are too but it's been


Absolutely incredible.

running "the amazing race"

Truly was fun, exhilarating,


you know, this is just a

Chapter in our racit'se and

Been amazing and it will

Continue to be.


for us, the special honor

Was being together in it and

Even though the time we wted

To be here was cut short, it

Doesn't take ay a moment of

We truly have had such an

We truly have had such an
incredible time.
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