32x01 - One Million Miles

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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32x01 - One Million Miles

Post by bunniefuu »

This season, The Amazing Race

hits one million miles.

Along the way,
more than 300 teams

have experienced the extreme...

This is amazing!

...the exotic...

...and the unforgettable.

Relationships have been
pushed to their limits.

Silence is golden.
Then why don't you shut the...

Some dreams came true...

Would you marry me?

You are the official winners
of The Amazing Race!

...while others were shattered.

That was
a million dollars, guys.

Now, 11 new teams

from all walks of life,

have their shot at
the adventure of a lifetime.

We're retired NFL players.

Everything we do
is about winning.

The race?

This is us.
We was bred for this.

So, Haley and I are
from the school of hard knocks.

We moved out super young.

I was 16, she was 15.
And I was 15.

We've taken care of ourselves
from such a young age

that all we know
is street smarts.

I'm Alana.
And I'm Leo.

We met on Tinder ten months ago.

People that see us, they're
like, "That's the nerdy team,

because we both have master's
degrees and we have glasses.

And I'm really happy about that,
because I hope they think

that we, like, can't run a mile,
I hope they think we have

no, like, interpersonal skills,
like, great.

Think that we're nerds.
Bring it on.

Oh, my God. This is crazy.

Welcome to the Hollywood Bowl

and the start
of your Amazing Race.

Is everybody ready to race?

Now, you've all had a chance
to eye each other up,

so I'm very interested to hear

what you all think
of each other.

We'll start with those guys.

We got offensive lineman
and running back.

Are you, are you calling me fat?

You slimmed down.
You slimmed down.

You've been training
a lot for the race.
: Yeah.

I mean, clearly, you guys are,

you're big,
you'reyou're strong.

You can't just assume,
on this race, that just because

you're fit and strong
that you can win it.

Definitely can't.

We would say green team
definitely looks really smart.

Just 'cause of those glasses.

It's all a lie.

Will, James, are you confident?

Oh, yeah.But I'm not counting anyone out.

I have applied
for this show nine times,

with my mom, my dad, my sister.

Never in a million years
did I think

that I would run this race
with the love of my life.

Will is my best friend.

I can't imagine doing this
race with anyone but him.

You're about to embark

on a 33,000mile adventure
that will change your lives.

From the small Tennessee
town that we come from,

nothing like this happens.

Just being on the race
is the opportunity of not just

a lifetime but
a hundredthousand lifetimes.

Now, to win this race,
you need the perfect combination

of brains, brawn
and teamwork...
Oh, boy.

...with a little bit of luck
thrown in for good measure.

Now, your first clue

is on top of the bags
that you dropped over there.

And when I give you the word,
you can run over to your bags,

read your clue
and then jump into a cab

and make your way to Los
AngelesInternational Airport

to start your race
around the world.

Is everybody ready to race?

The world is waiting for you.

Good luck.

Travel safe.


All right.
Come on, let's go.

Come on, come on.

This way, this way,
this way. Come on.

Out of the way.

Come on, baby.

Let's go, let's go.

Come on, Haley!

Careful down the hill.

Oh, my God.

BOTH:"Fly to the island of Trinidad."

When you arrive, travel by taxi
to the 24hour fruit stand

in Saint Augustine
and search for your next clue.

Let's do it.

Trinidad. Never been there.

We got to go to LAX.

All right. Here we go.

We're getting excited.
This is crazy.

How does this even happen
to people like us?

I get my first clue
and I can't even read it!

: I know.
I'm like, "Oh, God!

What the hell am I doing?"

Oh, my God. This is amazing.

This is it.
We're on The Amazing Race.

Oh, my God.

Let's go, let's go.

Taxi! Taxi!


You got one?

Thank you, thank you.

Taxi, ta ah.

Let's go, baby.

Taxi? Taxi?
Yes, sir.

Ah, thank you.

Let's go.

It's The Amazing Race.

In the city of Louisville,
my father's a legend.

I've been coached under him and,
you know, I played under him.

And it was tough sometimes,
just because

basketball training was 24/7.

So this race will give us
the opportunity to do things

that we would've
never done together.

I want to spend
quality time with my son.

This is a bucket list

That was a legit taxi

Not go up all crazy.
I was like, "Taxi,"

and he communicated with me.
You see?

Good juju vibes.
It was teamwork, Michelle.

Teamwork. Yes, you, too.
Okay, sorry.

We were born and raised
in Louisiana.

We're Cajun Asians all the way.

Growing up,
we weren't very close.

You know, sisters
are always best friends and...
We weren't.

She's the golden child and
super favorite of all time.

And then if you opened
my mom's wallet,

there was just a picture of me.

Haley and I are looking

for the 24hour fruit stand...

...for our next clue.

It's one the left. Yes, sir.

Right, yep. Yeah.
Yes. There it is.

There it is, there it is.
Go, go, go.

Riley, let's go.

Let's go!

Go, go, go.

Okay. Right here.

All right, Route Info.
Go for it.

Teams must pick up
a pair of oil drums

that are used
to make steelpans.

...then roll
these unwieldy barrels

a quarter of a mile down
the uneven streets of Trinidad

to this Saturday night
street party.

They'll need to comb through

a crowd of hundreds of people
to find the Midnight Robber,

who will give them a ticket
for a flight to Tobago.

"Race hard.
The first seven teams to arrive

will have an advantage
over the others."

Let's go, grab the clue
right here.

Come right here.
Oh grab the clue.

Grab it, grab it.

Let's go.

Let's go. Come on.

What do we do?
Don't turn yet.

Put it on the ground.

Let's go.

Go, go, go.

All right, let's do this.


I'm five foot tall,
about 100 pounds.

And for me,
it was very difficult

toto roll in a straight line.

But one thing about Hung
is she's not gonna give up.

I'm very competitive.

I'm pushing my own limits
and boundaries.

We're here to win.

Don't know what he's doing.
He's going all over the place.

Me and Maddison have got
these giant backpacks on

we totally overpacked
and we're, like,

trying to roll these things
down the street.

We're bending over,
our backs are breaking.

That was hard.
Go, got it.

They're rolling.

We got to get out.

Go! Kick it, kick it!

Let's go!

Come on, Haley!

Let's go. Get it.

Thank you.
All the taxis are waiting.
Come on.

Okay, okay. Got to read.
Route Info.

Route Info.

Go faster.

We've got to go.

Hopefully we beat
some of the teams.

I thought it was better
to kind of lay behind,

'cause there was
a lot of pushing and shoving

in the front of the pack.

I feel like that's possibly,

you could just trip or
somethingand then, like, that's i

that's your race
is kind of over.

Especially for your
just maybe a tensecond lead.

We're siblings.
We're both
software engineers.

We both studied computer
science at UC Berkeley,

and honestly,
we're really ... smart.

Eswar and I grew up
watching the show together.

I was, like, ten, he was eight.

So to be actually able
to compete on The Amazing Race

!sis a childhood dream.

Should we just get off early
if it's pretty close?

Okay, um, we're gonna get out.

Where is it?

It's up there?
All the way down.

Come on, come on, come on.


Come on, let's go.

Trinidad is known
as the Rainbow Country

because of its ethnically
diverse population.

The people here
just love dressing up,

and take part in what they call
the greatest show on Earth,


Route Info!

We made it on the first flight.

We knew had the ability

to finish these
anything doing with strength,

and stuff, like, physical,
we got it.

"Congratulations, you are
flyingto Tobago on the first flight."

Oh, man.


Kaylynn, stay ahead.

Over here, babe. Over here.

"Congratulations, you're dr

flying to Tobago
on the first flight."

We got the clue
before the other teams,

which put us as the seventh
team on the first flight.

Praise to the Lord Jesus,
we were saved by the devil.

Saved by God.
First flight, here we come.

"You are flying to Tobago
on the second flight."

"You are flyingto Tobago on the second flight."

"You are flying to Tobago
on the second flight."

Let's go, Aparna.

Go, go, go.

Come on, Aparna.

"You are flying to Tobago
on the second flight."

We weren't just on
the second flight,

we were the last team
to complete the challenge.

So that was
even more demoralizing.

Nobody wants to be the first
team that gets eliminated.

And you have a higher chance of
being eliminated right now than

anybody on the first flight.

Flight number one.

I'm excited to get
on a prop plane.

Teams are now flying to
the next island over, Tobago.

The beautiful beaches here
regularly make

the bestintheworld list.

Teams will find their next clue
at Swallow's Beach.

Have a great day.

Got a nice little 30minute
cushion right now.

Hopefully we're gonna take
a little advantage of it.

Got to be confident.

'Cause if you're not confident, then you go home.

Going home today
is not an option.

We can do this.

I'm feeling very jittery today.

It's a lot of pressure on us
on the second flight.

We're only 30 minutes
behind them, so we have, like,

a good shot to catch up because
someone's gonna mess up...

I hope.

Come on, let's go.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Come on, stay close, baby.


Do you know
where Swallow's Beach is?

We got a little gas
in that pedal now.


There we go. We jammin'.

Wow, this reminds me of home.

This looks exactly like
the East Shore of Oahu.

We grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii,

and we both started
playing volleyball

at a pretty young age.

We went to USC
and we always had to shave.

We moved to Greece,

we played indoor volleyball
professionally together.

While we were there,
we thought, "Why not grow a beard?"

And it's been four years since.

I think my mom likes it.

There's a boat captain
on the benches.

Look, they're getting out.
Let's go.

Where's the clue? Thank you.
Oh, rightright here.

"Route Info. Travel by boat
to Nylon Pool."

Legend says that swimming here
in the Nylon Pools

gives you everlasting youth
and virility.

Today, teams will search
through 125 painted fish

scattered over an area
the size of a football field.

They're looking for a fish

with unique color combinations
on both fins

that matches the one
attached to their boat.

They then have to remember the
code from the fish on the boat

to unlock the magic fish
in the water.

Come on, James. Let's go.

Go, go, go, go.

Let's do it.

Hey, what's this place called,
right here, this bay?

No man's land!

You know Jack Sparrow?



We have this fish.

It has a number on it, it's
gonna unlock a matching fish.

It's the same iidentical thing.

So hopefully we get
the first time and we're done.

We played in Carolina together
for five years

and we're brothers
from a different mother.

We became friends
when he started riding

to the football games with me.

We started traveling together,
we started doing stuff together

We cosplay.

We go to ComicCon all the time.

And I found out that he's not
much different than I am,

other than the fact
that he's a sixsix white guy,

tight end.

That was the only difference.

We have to find
the matching fish.

And what's the code for it?

Okay. Okay.

You may not remove the fish

or the fourdigit code
from the boat.

Got to love a water challenge!

We're river rats.

Nathan and I have been friends
for about

six years now.
Six years.

We became friends from noodling.

Basically sticking
our hands in holes

and catching catfish
just barehanded, no bait.

It's like, uh, getting bit
by a pit bull with no teeth.

We're pretty adventurous people.

We want to travel the world and
do something that we literally

would never havethe
opportunity to do otherwise.

We're ready to rock and roll.

: Yeah!
Bunch of hillbillies.

Okay, let's go!

Let's go!
Taxi, taxi!

We got to go really fast.
We got to beat these teams.

First cab out the gate.
That's what I'm talking about.

Close this gap.
Fast as you can.

You got this, man.
Fast as you can.

I wish you guys all the best.

Thank you so much.
Oh, thank you so much.

Well, if you can
get us there first,

you could really be
doing us a solid.

So on our fish,
the code was 6546.

And what were the colors?

Yellow, red, green,
red, yellow, green.

Ugh, there's so many.

All right, I'm going.

Let's go!

Red, yellow, green,
green, yellow, red.


Okay, well, w...
So it's all about,
it's all about this.

It's got to match the colors.I
don't remember the order, hon.

We were trying
the combination

on every single fish,
one by one,

because all I focused on

is just remembering
those four numbers.

Uh, and shame on me and shame
onus for not thinking to memorize

colors of the fish.

All right, let's do this.

Sure we don't need
a combination?

Was there a combination
on our thing?

Was there? Did you look?

I think I'm gonna look
down this side.

Did you have
a combination, ladies?

Hold on f Yes.

Let's go back.
We're going back,
we're going back.

Is this the one we want?

I hope so. Nope.

Ah, crap. This ain't it.

All right, well,
you want to go back again?

Yellow, green, red?

No. Green's always last.

Obviously, this isn't
the right color, then.

You said it was.
You got to hold the right way.

Are you sure this was this
way? Yeah, let's go back.

Oh, my God.

Yellow, green, red.

No, no. You just said it.

Oh, my gosh.

Okay, we got to go!
Let's do it.

Oh, my God!

Get in, get in.


Come on. Fast. We're sprinters.

I ran in the 2012 Olympics.

Um, the 100meter hurdles,
I got the bronze medal.

I ran the 100 hurdles as well.

It went really bad,
but it was okay.

I supported and I did her hair.

It was awesome.
She did my hair.

It was clutch.

We don't get to spend
a lot of time together.

The race is gonna be a
great time for us to rekindle

and get catch up on the tea.

Yellow, green, red?

James, pay attention.


Yeah. That's it.

Get the code.

Hey, guys!

Thank you!

Go, go.

"Return to your boat
to travel to Pigeon Point.

When you arrive, disembark
to find your next clue."

Good job, girls.
Red, yellow, green.


That's not it, either.

There we go.
There we go, baby!

That's my guy!
They got it.

James, worry about us,

because we have to find this.

Dude, there's a lot
of boats up here.

There are people still here.

We're catching up, and, you
know, that's all that matters.

Oh, there's still teams.

That's good, that's good,
that's good.

The other plane is here.

Move faster.

This is stone crazycrazy.

Pop, I got it.
Let's go, baby boy. Let's go.

Yellow, red, green?
Yellow, red, green?

Green, red, yellow, right?

Red, yellow, green, yellow.
Green, red, yellow.

Everybody's yelling colors.

Mentally, we were a mess.

I kept being like,

"Red, yellow, green,
red, yellow, green,"

and then someone would be like,

"Green, yellow, green,
green, yellow, green."

Red, yellow, green.
Yellow, green, red.

Red, yellow, green.
I'm like,

"What's wrong with my brain?
Oh, my gosh."

Green, red, yellow.

Here. James, James, James.
All right.


Go. Swim.

Um, let'slet's keep
doing this.

Ah, it worked. Okay.

No, 9879.


Are you sure?

So now we've figured out
the color code

and how the fish actually goes.

And then I am also dyslexic.

What is it, 9879?

I'm dyslexic, so...


Where's our clue box, Vic?

Oh, right there.

Follow that ship.

Good job, good job, good job.

We've got it.

"Who thinks they can
steelthe show?"

This is the steelpan,

Trinidad and Tobago's
national instrument

and the only acoustic
instrumentinvented in the 20th century.

Teams must learn how to play
a piece of this song.

"DayO." If they can hit the
right notes and stay in time,

they'll end this Roadblock
on a high note with a clue.

Yep. I'm gonna do it.
You can do it. You got that.

Let's go, let's go.
Let's go, let's go.

I'm gonna steelthe show.


Are you the steel teachers?


Uh, we've been playing piano
since we've been five,

so who'd like to help us?

Let's go!

Thank you, ladies.

Who loves teaching?

All right. What's your name?

Cindy. I'm Maddison.

All right, Cindy, let's do it.

Yes, ma'am.
Right. Good.

It's 3, 5, 3, 5, 5,

Yes, I see that. Okay, so...

Okay, so I go...

All right.

The numbers mean
different notes,

so I'm just going 3, 5,


Okay, so let's start
the middle one.

One, two, three, four.

And then the next one.

Fire! Hey, llet's do it
from the start.

"Who thinks they can
steel the show?"


You're a dancer, you got rhythm.Let's do it.

What are we looking for?
Box, right there.

"Who thinks they can
steel the show?"

Me. Let's Let me do that.
Okay. Yeah.

I saw something with rhythm.

He was absolutely none.

He needs to learn how to do
something other than...

jiggy his body around.

I'm pretty good.

"Who thinks they can
steel the show?" You.

Yeah. Me. Yeah.
It's playing the steel drums.

Yeah. Okay, I'll do it.

Can you just clap
instead of singing?

II want you to be my
metronome, if you don't mind.

Ugh, that one was not good.
Hit the number,
hit the number.

In the mid Yeah.

Oh, ...

Okay. Start over.


Found it.

I got it.

Got it.

No, no Go this way.

Yes. Yes!
Come on.

There we go.
Oh, here we go.

Green, red, yellow...
We found the fish!

We went through
every single fish,

up and down the rows.

The fish isn't here.

I hate losing

more than I love winning. So...

If we were the first team

that would be the wackest thing

that has ever happened
in my life.

We got to go.


Oh, my goodness.

It was super disheartening
to watch

every boat leave.

And then, literally,
we're the only people out there.

But training for the Olympics
was the hardest thing ever.

If you could make it
through that,

you could make it
through anything.

Come on. Kellie, let's go.

Come on, we're almost there.

Got it. Let's go.
All right, let's go.

"Who thinks they can
steel the show?"

Uh, the answer's you.
YYou g you got it.

Well, it's the steel.
It's st It's STEEL.

Okay. Yeah.

"Learn to play 'DayO'
on the steelpan,

"then play along
with the rest of the band

"to the satisfaction
of the band leader

to receive your next clue."

I told you.
That was me, bro.

We rolled them yesterday,
so I'm thinking like,

the heavy lifting, bro.

Okay, let's go. I'm ready.

I got to play a song on drums,

but this is more
DeAngelo's forte.

I wasn't thinking.
I let the saltwater get to me.

I do not play any instruments,

but somewhere in my DNA,
somebody played an instrument.

I'm almost sure
somewhere in his DNA...
Oh, whoa...

...nobody played an instrument.

I'm pretty sure that's a lie.

"Who thinks they can
steel the show?"

Oh, that's you, definitely.
You sure?

"Steel." Probably you.
It's probably heavy.

All right, I need somebody smart

and somebody really pretty,
which is all of you.

Well, come on with me,
since you're close.

Let's do this.

"Who thinks they can
steel the show?"

Can you please do it?

Come on, come on.

Okay... You...
I'll I can do it.

Okay. She's got it.
I can do it.

Y'all up in the band,
marching band, percussionists,

auxiliary, all that stuff, too,

How's my hair and makeup?
I was in the water. Hi.

One, two, three, four.

Go, Michelle.

...7, 8.

She got this.

So sorry, band director.

Oh, no.
Hi, everyone.

Oh, my gosh.

Look, another Asian before...

All right, let's do this.

If he gets it before me,
I'm gonna die.

I'm so gonna die.
Bom, bom, bom, bom...

Love you, Chee!

Let's go!

This is, like,
so embarrassing right now.

Come on, Chee!
Oh, my gosh.

Thank you so much. Thank you.

"A goat."
"Race with a goat
to the very first Pit Stop

at the Buccoo
Integrated Facility."

Tobago is known
as the goatracing capital

of the world.

And it started here
in Buccoo in 1925.

Today, this impressive arena
will serve

as the first finish line
in our race around the world.

The last team to cross
the finish line with a goat

will be eliminated.

Let's go!

He's Asian,
he probably played piano.

Ah! Mwah.

Oh, my God, oh, my God.
Want to, uh,

thank my parents for all
those years of piano lessons.

Thanks, Mom and Dad.

Come on, Miche.

You got it.

Thank you, thank you.

I'm so sorry, Victoria.

I messed up and Chee beat me?

Maybe Chinese are better
at piano than Vietnamese are.

All right, we're doing this.

Here we go, Maddison.

Oh, my God.

Well, that was quick.

Dude, not loud enough.

it makes me sick. Oh, my God.

I think I would've done better,
because I played

the actual bass drum
and the piano.

But Michelle's very great
at the piano, too,

so either of us
could've done it.


We're gonna do great.
Oh, my God, oh, my God.

Go, babe!

You got it, Will!

Oh, my God,
this is so nerveracking.


It's okay, babe. It's okay.

"Who thinks they can
steel the show?"

I'll go.

God bless.

No. Oh, you're so sweet.

Pretty, smart and sweet.
I like you.

Center. All right.

OOh, okay.

I'm dyslexic, too.

We got to the drums,

and then again with these
numbers, literally.

It was numbers everywhere,
and I was just like, "Oh, God."

All right?
Okay, let's start over.

Come on, Maddison.
Let's go, baby.

Come on, Maddison.



Good job, Maddison!

Thank you so much, Tyrone.
Thank you!
We had so much fun.

Okay, we're looking for
the Buccoo Integrated Facility.

Hey, we're coming in second,
we should've been in first.

I think we can
still take it back.

Starting lane's ahead!

Which goat is a good goat?
Hi, goats.

Thank you, thank you.

Uhhuh. Okay.

Hold it tight. Okay, bud?

Hold it until we cross the line.

Well, I h oh, oh, oh!
Oh, this guy's ready to go.

Oh... It is really strong.

There's the entrance.Yeah. Look at the pups.

Oh, we love animals.

Let's try to do it
the first time.

I'm really concerned.

I don't know how quick they are.

Just hold onto it tight, okay?

Oh, my God!

Come on, come on,
come on, come on.



Victoria, I'm sorry.

Okay, keeping up
with you, though.


Ow, ow, ow.

I'm okay. I'm on the mat.
You all right?

I'm on the mat.
You are on the mat.
Give me your hand.

Oh, it's nice to see you.
You hit your
you hit your head there.

Michelle, that goat
was so powerful.

The goat iis powerful.

Uh, you all right?
I'm good. Yeah.



Welcome to Tobago.

This is Hung and Chee, and...
Nice to meet you.

...and they are team number one.

Winning this leg
sets a good tone for us.

We know what it takes.

Good communication,
don't get frustrated,

uh, and just keep supporting
each other

and only good things
can happen.
Oh, it's great...

You're the first team
to arrive here at Tobago.

You're still racing, though...

Of course we are.
...so I need to tell you

You need to rip
and read this clue.

All right, let's do this.
Yes. Okay.

"Fly to the city of Bogotá
in Colombia.

Keep on racing. All right.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.


Victoria, coming down,
coming down.

Coming down, coming down. Yes.

Yes, I see it!

All right,
you can let 'em go. Let 'em go.


This is 100%

my Roadblock, and...

I 100% should've done this.

With our pro background,
you're used to

picking up on things quickly.

You have to pick up playbook

you got to learn
everything quick, but, like,

that's a whole different thing,
'cause it's keeping a tempo.

You got to remember the numbers,

you also got to find
where they're at

and you got to hit it
in the middle.

'Cause if you don't hit it
in the middle,

you don't get it
loud enough.

And then first line
is normal tempo,

the second line
is a spedup tempo.

And the third one's
a slow tempo, so...

it's a combination
of everything.

Let's go, Kellie!

We'll get it.

We got it. We'll get it,
we'll get it, we'll get it.

Let's go, babe. You've got this.

Holy crap. Come on, baby.

Come on.

Yeah, babe!

Come on! Yes!

I'm so proud of you. Give me...

You got it. You got it, baby.

Yes, thank you. Yes.


Yes, son!

Come on, Eswar, you got this.

Ugh, this is so frustrating.

Hey, guys. Cody.

You'll learn my name eventually.

Come on, Cody!

Yeah, Kaylynn,

you got this.

I don't know. I'm sorry, yeah.

Y'all are great. Thank you.

That's all right, Kaylynn.
Next time.

Good job. You got really far.

You got it, Leo!

Leo is very musical.

Like, if he's got anything,
he's got this one.

He's got one more.
He's got one more.


Let's go! Stop being cute!

Dang it.
He's hitting
the notes,

there's just no rhythm.

Come on! Beat me! Beat me!

Let 'em go. Let 'em go,
let 'em go.

Let the record show
that I won that.

Let's go, Kellie.

We arrived at the Roadblock
lastand now there are

four teams here with us,
and it's a combination

of people from the first
and the second flight, so...

Our odds are still
as good as they could be.

I'm getting out of here.
I don't know about y'all.

I'm getting out of here.

Too slow!

That's okay!

I got it, I got it.

I can't even watch this.
I can't watch.

You got to stay on beat, man.

Come on.


This is the one.
This is the one.

Long leg!

Come on, Pop, get inside.

Don't drop the rein.

Four teams left.

I'm here with Catfish,
I'm here with the Olympian,

Gary and me.

This is not good.
Come on, Cody.

All right, let's do this.
Shimmy and shake.

I try my hardest and have fun,
but as the line

started getting shorter,
you're like,

"What can I do to get better?"

Because my biggest fear
in running the race

is letting Nathan down.

Money doesn't mean a lot to me.

Just to make a memory,
make a friendship like this,

uh, that's what motivates me.

Oh, he sounds a little better
this time.

It's all right, Cody.
You got it.

He's getting a little better.
He's getting better.

She get it? Did she get it?
Tell me she got it.

Did I get it? Did I get it?

Oh, my God! Thank you so much.

I got it!

I got it, thank you! Love you!

Good job, good job, good job.

I know.

Here, just touch my hand.
I need, I need some luck.

We're in the final three.

He can't carry a tune
in a bucket.



He has no rhythm, man.

Dang it.


Oh, my God.

We're getting close.

We're getting close.

It's over for us.

That Roadblock, it was awful.
We look terrible.

Getting eliminated in the
first leg, that is my only fear.

If he get this one,
it'll be like Lady Luck.


Come on, Gary.

Let's go.


That's what I'm talking about,

Thank you. Thank you.

We got to go.
Hey, good luck, guys.

Good luck.

Let's go, Kellie.

I saw people leaving, I was
like, "Don't get flustered.

Stay with it,
just stay with it."

I knew that, like, our game

literally, was, like,
in my hand.

It wasn't in
anybody else's hand but mine.

Let's go, Kellie.

Oh, my gosh.

Let's go, Kellie.

Come on. Let's go.

I told you you had to doyou
should've done that one.

I screwed us. I did, bigtime.

Got to get moving.

We got this.

You got it this time.

Come on, let's go!

Come on.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah, come on.

Come on, Cody!

Okay, Aparna, hold tight.

I'm not gonna let go,
I'm not gonna let go, okay?

Hold really tight.

Aparna, ho...

That goat
was really, really fast.

Guys, thank you so much.
We love you.
Thanks, guys.

Thank you guys very much.
We love you very much.

Aparna, you got it. Let's go!

Yeehaw! You got this, Aparna.

All right, you can
let 'em go, let 'em go,

let 'em go, let 'em go.

Lucky number eight!

But the day is not over,

because you're still racing.

Hey, we're still going.We're
gonna go to this Pit Stop.Yeah.

And, uh, see Phil,
hopefully not be last.

"If either of you drop
your reins

before crossing
the finish line..."

Okay, so to make sure you
hold the reins.
Hold the reins.

Uh, the steel drum competition
didn't go so hot, Nathan.

If you didn't hear me...
Yeah, it's all right.

It is all right.
We're not out of this yet.

Racing's always something that
I like to do, so I mean, um,

now we got to go race
with some goats.

I like goats. I think.

It's gonna be
a super tight finish.

We got to go!

Yeah, so we have a boat
that only has one engine,

most of the other teams had
a boat that had two engines.

So we're at a little bit
of a disadvantage on speed.

Thank you so much.

All right, let's go.

It'll be awful, man, to go home
on the first leg, man.

That's the walk of shame, dude.

Oh, my God, we have to hurry.

Starting line.


Come on.
Come on, we're almost there.

Wow, see how they can run?

Okay. You can let 'em go,
let 'em go,

let 'em go, let 'em go.
Oh, let him go? Okay.

Let go, let go, let go.

Welcome to Tobago, ladies.

Thank you.

Did you notice
that they had some speed?

Yeah. And form.

Kellie and LaVonne, I'm pleased

to tell you that you are
team number...


But you're still racing.

This extra little part here
gives us another little chance.

Yeah. Because we're pretty good
with animals, and we love them.

We're very animal...
Well, it might give us
a chance to catch up.

Just don't let go of it.

There's aanother team.

They're coming.
Let's go. Kick it,

kick it, kick it!

Go. Go.

Come on, Gary.


There's a team behind us.
We got to go, go, go, go.

Come on, Beater.
Let go,
let go, let go.

My God.

DeAngelo and Gary,
I'm pleased to tell you

that you are team number ten.

Hey, we're still in it. Good.

You'll take that?
I'll definitely take that.

We got another good leg in us.

Nathan and Cody,
I'm really sorry to tell you

that you are the last team
to arrive.

And you have both been
eliminated from the race.

Tough day.

We jumped out

to a great start,
and it went south from there.

I think that I messed up,
but I'll take

the responsibility is on me.

Cody, you ain't got
to worry about nothing.

Don't worry about a thing.

We did our best.

It's still, it's
adventure of a lifetime

with my best friend,
so I'm not sad.

This was a really good

for us to bond,
spend some good time together.

It's still just aamazing

just to get to this point

with my best friend.

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Captioned by
Media Access Group at WGBH

Stay tuned for scenes from this
season ofThe Amazing Race.

This season
onThe Amazing Race,

over 30,000 miles
of adventure...

It's not working!

...with hairraising

Oh, my God! Oh, my God, oh!

...stunning locations...

This is incredible.

Look at this.

...frustrating moments...

Damn it!
I just don't want this
to be the end.

...and new surprises.

Everyone's gonna have
the power to yield.

Oh, my God.

Go, go, go.
Who will win

...The Amazing Race?

This is bad.
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