29x10 - Riding a Bike Is Like Riding a Bike

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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29x10 - Riding a Bike Is Like Riding a Bike

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing
race," five teams raced from

Athens to hanoi, vietnam.
This is crazy and I love it.

Before leaving greece,
scott faced his greatest

Nightmare again.

Why am I getting all the
height ones?

I'm so scared.

And took the plunge.

Oh, my god!

That was horrible.
- At the detour in hanoi,

London's quick thinking --
no, no.

Logan, there's one up here.
Get it, brooke.

Caused friction with
brooke and scott.

I thought we were playing it

Not cool.
- Which caused friction with

Tara and joey.

Be cool.
They ni knew there were no

More ladders and didn't say

A tight race ended in
victory for becca and floyd.

Are you feel number one.

Brooke and scott fell apart.


, I need this to be over.
- But tara and joey'sneak.

I didn't read it right.

Sorry, saori.
- Made the difference.

They only had two.
Oh, my god.

Unfortunately you are the
last time to -- team to aarrive

But this is a noon-elimination

While some relationships
were beyond repair, others were

Mended at the pit stop.
Can I hug this out?

Of course.
Can we talk about the ladder

Situation later?

We don't need to talk about

I'm over it.

Or about that.

I'm sorry.
The gloves come off when

You're doing a challenge and
want to maintain your place in

The race but we're all good now.

We're still an alines of

There's no hard feelings.
The race is all about building

Alliances when necessary but
then dropping them when it's

Time for you to win.

Yaj -- yay!

Race to the spectacular

Limestone mountains of --

Teams will now catch a bus
to an ancient city, famous for

Its rugged topography.

Taxi is right there.
The confidence level is

Through the roof.
We've learned a lot of things

About what we can do better in
terms of communication and

We've assembled this awesome

Skill set.

I'm hoping we'll definitely
be in front of some teams.

They gave us $30 for this leg
of the race.

We're rich!

We act like we're in last and
still push as hard as we can.

Hopefully the weather cools
down wherever we're gone --


The last leg was prement
disappointing because it was the

First time that mom and dad came
in last place and of course it

Happened to be a non-elimb.
We need to look the broonbroo

-- The bright side and now --
know they're in an elimination

Leg today and they have a pit

I hope we catch up.

What this race has taught me
is that I have more patience

Than I thought I had because
I've had to take a lot of time

To understand brooke.
We're not moving.

It's going to take us three
hours to get there.

Take a taxi?
The other option is walk so I

Don't know why we're having this

This is it, this is it.

Keep our hustle on in case it
leaves in a minute.

Hi, we're looking to go to --
when's the bus leave?

Least one team will not get on.

If not multiple teams.

Sounds good so number two.
All right, cool.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.
Boy, this is a fancy bus.

We're starting this leg last
but today is a new leg.

We're -- day.
We're going to k*ll it today.

We're going to have a speed

Whatever it is, we're going to
k*ll it.

It's going to be like a come
back of the red sox on the


I see him.
Thank you.


Here we go.

So right now we're going to

Ninh binh, vietnam, where there
are some spectacular limestone


Get tong bus we knee -- knew
that redmond and I and becca and

Floyd had the lead.
What time?

Tara and joey at least won't

Make it.

They're not on this bus?

Oh, baby.
Oh, baby.

Tara and joey are behind us.
Oh, my god.

Joey, hurry.

Where do we get tickets?

This way.

This way.
Go, go, go.

Ninh binh?

What time is the bus?

Wow, your driver was fast.
He was excellent.

I'm feeling pretty good that
no one else is going to be on

This bus.
Number two?

Thank you.
Go, go.

I'm right here.

Walk faster.
Please hurry.

Ah, yes!
Tell the driver to go.

Ok, can we go?
The bus is leaving.

That's in-- fine, that's

What if we pay you.

That's fine, we're going to
pay you.

Let's go now.
They're here?

They're here now.

Yeah, forget it.
They're on the bus.

Wow, we just made the busby
about a minute and scott and

Brooke and the l of course los
are on it.

It's going to be a race to the
blue box when we get to the


Here we go.

Wow, it's still hospital.

Right here, bikes.
- Teams must now travel by

Bicycle to the temple, where
they'll meet up with their

Traveling companion, the
travelocity roaming gome gnome,

Who will join hem for the les of
the leg.

The temple.

That way.
Which direction?

All right.
Come on, floyd.

Let's do it.

This is great.
A little wind.

Gold, it's so hot.


These -- just come out oaf

Not a bad place to go for a
little bike ride.

Vroom, vroom!
That might be it.

There's a sign that, big dunk.

We park our bikes?
Oh, this is it.

What does the clue say?

Meet your trooveling

I found a gnome right here.

And there's the clue box.

Take a ride to -- and search
for your next clue.

All right, let's get out of

Let's get this little guy,
and a clue.

I got the travelocity roaming

Let's go.

Trying to catch up with becca
and floyd.

Here we go.

Got some wheelies?

He did a wheelie, yeah, bud.
Ooh, stuck in traffic.

A great way to spend the day.

We have nothing else to do.

Becca and floyd and the boys
were on the bus so I'm sure

They're stuck in this traffic

That's why I'm not really


Follow the marked path.
I see the drew -- clue poth.

Yeah, floyd, yeah.

Yeah, becka.

Who's feeling trapped?

There are more than a
billion bicycles in the world

And here in vietnam, just one
bike can carry hundreds of

Shrimp traps like this.
For some people, this is a

Balancing nightmare.


Oh, my god.

There's not a chance in hell
I can push this.

In teams can transport
the correct number of traps to

This fisherman, they'll receive
their next clue.

I'll document.
Who's feeling trapped?

Surf to load these traps onto
my bicycle with the correct

Any number how many traps?

Follow the demonstration.

Oh, this is going to be hard.

I'll count the little guys,
wasn't to count the big guys?


It feels so good to be in
front of everyone.

This is really hard to count.

I got 17.

Yeah, 17 bunches of little


Working right now with floyd
a little bit because we have a

Lead and I think it's better to
keep that lead together.

I see it.

There are little nails to hang
these on.

That's awesome.
Be detail oriented.

You got it, floyd.

You're k*lling it.

Start with the bottom and
move up kind of like singleles

On a roof.

We're hoping that everyone,
like maybe lolo and brooke and

Scott world -- work together so
they can stay ahead of mom and


I want mom and dad out because
they're a strong team.

They u-turned us and they're

I don't trurs them one bit.
Well to beat them.

Sidot -- scott, are you behind

I'm coming.

It's right here, brooke.

Come on.

How does this kick stand go

Will you help him with the
kick stand?

Got it.

Let's go, joey.

Good thing riding a bike is
like riding a bike.

I don't know how to get this
thing on my back.

You have to balance.

Hot out here in nam.

I've never sweated so much in
any entire life.

I'm not used to temperatures
like this.

It's ok, it's part of the

They seem really even in is
going to be neck and neck.

You got it, floyd.
Funbelievable, floyd.

You are fun-believable.
I'm so confident right now.

I'm not even worried.

I'm good.
You think you got them all?


What have you got?

I got 15 and 17.

I think I got that.

It seems like that's going to
be the hardest part is getting

The numbers right.

All right, I'm doing it.
Good job, matt.

Yeah, floismed.

Hold on.
Oh, shaky ride.

Woo, dogive.

This casho is really light so
sbhount that big of a deal.

Floyd is having some trouble

With his bike not bans --

Gout it, floyd.

Getting it started is the
hard part.

Damn it, he dropped two


You're doing great, matt.




It's really hard to keep it
straight because you overcorrect

And the weight of these pull you
to one side.


All right, here we go.
Gout it, you got it.


It's hard to balance with all
this weight.

He dropped one right here

Oh, man.
Oh, god.

I have to go.

Oh, man.
I might have been better at this

Than him.
Oh, this is hard.

When you pedal, the bags get in
your leg.

I feel like my legs are shot but
I'm just making excuses, I can

Do this.

Yes, sir!
Yes, sir.

Let's go.
Let's go!

Ah, this is hard.


There we development -- go.

I bike wherever all the time.

I never bike with baskets but I
could tell just biking over here

That I'm more stable and
comfortable on a bike than floyd

Oh, this is really hard.

Yeah, I got it on this bike.
You keep your speed up and it's

Easier so as long as you keep
moving, it's not so bad.

I'm glad that mate was going
to do this one.

The balance this would have
taken is something that would

Have really slowed me down.
Come on, pedal hard.

They're right behind us.

We're bicycling to the bich
dong temple.

Loving it.

It's so pretty.
All the farmland.

I like that wove lost both
teams now.

Yeah, let's keep the pace.
I'm down with that.

Come on, brooke.

Oh, my god, brooke, let's go.


Oh, my god, you're not giving

Here it is.

Park your bike right here.

Joey, joey, park your bike.

It's nothing.
Hustle, logan.

At the temple we're going to
pick up a travelocity gnome.


Get up here.
I'm coming.

This is our speed bump?


Quickly, collect six dozen
duck eggs from a local farmer.

Ducks the an essential
part of farming here in jamb


For one thing, they help to
fertilize the rice farms and

Give these nutrient-rich eggs.

They need to collect six dozen
eggs before they can continue on

The race.
Six dozen eggs.

Where are we going?
To the right.

The temple is on the I thought

Don't give up.
Don't give up.

Go to the temple for your
next clue.

I have a feeling we're going
on bike.

Let's get this gnome home.
E.t., Gnome home.

That's what I was looking

Close call but we're good.

Delivering shrimp baskets.

I've counted twice but you can
never be too sure.

Make it good news, buddy.
I want to be your friend.

All right.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

All right.

I have to unload these and give
them to him.

I don't know where floyd is at.
I know I'm missing some but

It's ok because I can go back
and get the rest.

Come on, gnome!

Having trouble moving it.

Can you help me lift it back up?


Thank you.


So get move something

There you go, ok.


He's struggling.
But I helped him out with the


It's tough to get that bike

Oh, man.

Not good.
It's right here, it's right

Watch out.

Coming through.
It's very hot here and it's

Literally a one-gear bike around
all of vietnam.

Let's go, let's go.

It's too hot!

I swear.
We're on "the amazing race"!

Here it is, brooke, come out

Let's go, hurry.

I'm trying.

Take a right to -- once
there, search for your next

Let's go.

Come on, brooke, you got it.

Here comes matt.
Good job, matt.

About to bust out of here!
Riled to --

And search for your next

Is floyd walk something
he's got to go back and grab

Some that he dropped.
He dropped more of them.

That's ok.

We're still in second, so that's

There are two baskets to
collect eggs for the farmer.

Here they are.

Six dozen duck eggs.

I'll get three dozen, you get
three dozen.


Where are they?

Here's an egg.

Don't tep -- step on any.
I got two.

All thorns.
Gentleman accepty, how you


-- Giuse, pe, how you doing?

I'm hurrying.

Good job.

Come oranges partner.

Transport them to a fish

I got this these are so

You got it, london.

Floyd has been gone a long

I know I'm missing some.

I understand.
Thank you.

Can I unload this first?

I can't unload it?

I have to go back with it all?

Darn it.

Critical error in judgment

Because I thought I could just
drop off what I had but

Apparently I can't.
Have to go the whole way back.

How many do you have?

I need two more.

Come on!

Please don't give up now,
joey, ok?

Hurry up.
We need one more uncracked,

Joey, hurry up.
One, two.

Yeah, joey!

Flee dozen, six dozen.
We got it.

Let's go.
We have to go back to the

Take a ride to -- once there,

Search for your next clue.

Dig deep, let's go.
Making that changed

Everything for us today.

This is promising.

There we go.

We got it now.

I love the way the locals
do, using your feet instead of

Your hands.
All right.

- Considering that your legs

Are about three times as strong
as your arms, it makes sense

That when you row a borkts you
do it like this.

This technique was developed so
therouxers could protect their

Faces from the sun using an

With their gnome leading the
way, either team member may

Choose to row.

If teams can master the method
and deliver these offerings to a

Ceremonial dragon bolt, they'll
be rewarded with anywhere next

I think we have to recreate

Ok, we have a stack of red


These pixie stick things.

Red things, flowers and

Wait, this thing.
One stack of funny money.

Time to row our bolt.

Look at that.

That's tough.
Oh, my god.

All right.

I guess I'm doing this.
Matt has two legs.

I don't complain at all.

I never say the leg holds me
back but just being real, there

Are certain things I'm
definitely going to who ors at.

This is not easy.

It's tricky.

You have to do the same oar
motion with your feet that you

Do with your hands.
When you turn, that was touch.

See what I mean?

But there's a trick and I'm
going to find it out.


Ok, I got this.

Ah, foot cramplet I think teams
are going to struggle with this


Good job, london.

Brooke, right here.

Let's go, let's go!
Park it, let's go.

Roadblock, scott's doing it.
Scott, you can do it!

I have faith.
Good job, scott!

I got in sick feeling in my

Stomach that floyd is like out
in the middle of wherever we are

Is that floyd?

Did I hear him yelling?
I'm coming back, I got it.

I'm coming.
Oh, my god, he had to bring

The whole thing back.
Go in the back.

Good job, scott.
Pay attention to adam.

Floyd had to come back, you got

I feel bad for him.

I'm glad he's still keeping --
keeping up, though.

I feel pretty defeated.
He is struggling so harmed.

Oh, why couldn't I have done

Way heavier than it looks.
Slow and steady, scott, you

Got in.
Just need to start going.

You got it, floyd.
Calm, cool, and checked.

This is where we can get joey
and tara out.

I don't think this is it.

It's not going to be that far
from here.

Let's ask these people.

How far?

Oh, my god, joey.
We'll go all the way back

Where we came.

Overshot the freaking turn by
two kilometers and now I'm

Getting tired.

I hear some drums.
There it is, right there.

Oh, this is rad.
This is amazing.


There you go.

Thank you, guys.
All right.

Power back.
I love this bolt behind us.


I'm going to get it straight
then I'm going to keep us going

One leg at a time.

I'm better that way.

Shrimp delivery.
I hope to dear god I have them


Please, please, please.




Thank you.

Thank you.

Come here.

Come hug me.

Ok, don't hug me.

Thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Oh, my gosh, that was so hard.

I'll do this one first.

Land ho.

We had a good time.

Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Thank you very much.
All right!

Where to now?

This is the peak where
locals climb almost 500 steps

For these spectacular views.

The last team to find me at the
pit stop may be eliminated.


Pit stop, phil.

Going to see my best friend.

You ready to win one?
Brooke, you better not

Complain about the travel.

Gout it?
Yes, I got it.

Go and search for your next


Second place for final four.
Let's go.


Slow and steady is all we need.

Good job, guys.

Keep it up.
Stay straight and steady,

Keep breathing.
Yes, floyd, you're amazing.

Floyd, am I going the right


Oh, no.

Floyd, floyd?
I'm coming, london.

I'm coming.
I can't do it.

I can't document.
Floyd, help me.

Help me

I'm coming, london.

Oh, good.

It's going to fall!
I'm coming, I'm coming.

Calm down.

Got it.

You got it.
You got this girl.

I got it.

Ok, go.

Oh, no.

Help, help, help!
Ok, calm down.


There's a guy coming, floyd.

Excuse me, sir.

Can you help us?

She's falling.

You need to help her.
Yes yes,.

Here you go.
You got this london.

We're not giving up.

Let's do this.
Slow and steady wins "the

Amazing race."

Look for the marked -- on

Oh, mom and dad are showing

Damn it.
Look at these baskets, oh, my


Search for your next clue.
Let's go, joey.

This one goes upside down.
Just got to hoom hook them the

Right way and then gravity takes

Not going to jinx it but
we're ahead.

Did you have a good time,

I had an awesome time.
Floyd, how much farther?

I don't know, just keep

Me and the gnome are having
some fun.

We have the right number of

I feel like we're almost there.
Are we, floyd?

Row a boat the way locals do
it using your feet instead of

Your hands.

Napkins this thing underneath.

The red guy, candles, incense,
money and the green thing.

Got it.
I have big thighs.

I'm going to push the hell out
of it.

You do have big thighs.

Oh, no, the currents is
coming this way.

It's all right, you got it.

On the way back, the currents
will be with us.

Oh, my gosh.
I know, I know.

The current is coming our

I know it is.

Oh, my god, I'm going the
wrong way.

Scott, don't get frustrated!
Quit yelling at me.

I'm trying to be encouraging.

A lot of stairs.
It looks like a thousands-foot


You want to go up some

We're coming, phil.

We're climbing that.

Yeah, boiled.

It's all about that pit stop.
So awkward.

I don't know if I can ride it.

Excuse me.

There goes joey.
Holy --

Go, guiseppe!

I think I see london.


Good job.

We're going to get the clue.

Please be right.

Be the right number.

It's not good?

Oh, my god.

Mine is probably wrong too.
Oh, please.

Please, gold.

Thank you so much.

It's ok.
Oh, floyd.


It's ok.
I don't want to give up.

I just don't know if I can do
that again but I don't want to

Give up.

This thing is impossible to

Oh, my god.

There's joey.

Hey, joey.
Hi, buddy.

Don't unload them yet.
They have to count them.

Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Thank you.

I'm so sorry.

Floyd, you bitter get going.
I will.

I was just trying to overcome
the physical exhaustion.

But I knew we were still racing
and I could not give up.

I was incredibly exhausted and
feeling a little bit


Physically I was like I need to
take a nap right now.



You're the champ.

Come on.
We got this man.

Hell, yeah.

This bike is broken.
Are you kidding me?

Come on, bike.
Come on, gnome.

The bike does not work.

I don't want to lose this.

Here, logan.

I knew my bike, something was
wrong with it when I started

Riding back.

I think something snapped.

It was like icing on top after
such a hard challenge to have to

Run in that heat with this bike
and all I want to do is get back

And joey just like passes me.
This sucks.

Is joey with it empty?
Are you kidding me?


Are you done?

I have no idea what's going

I have no idea.
Go to -- and search for your

Next clue.

You smoked it.

Go, london, yeah!

Where's floyd is he come

He had to do it again.
Right here.

I got your back.

First ones here, last ones to


Matt and redmond, you want

Some good news?

You're team number one and
I have some great news for you.

Come up here.
Almost there.

Three, two, one.

Yeah, buddy.

You've won a trip for two
from travelocity.

That little fellow right there
and you guys are going to coste


- You'll spend five nights

At the rio hotel, take in a
bungalow, zip lines and a white

Water took adventure.

Depinally, feels pretty good.

We're number one!

You're number one.

Tell us about this leg.
It's made out of carbon


There we go.

It's getting close now and I
keep telling myself don't look

At that finish line because I
got to get there first but it's

Getting close and I'm starting
to look at that finish line.

I think I found down the road
that one of my things fell off

So I'm going to try to go back
and get it.

I don't understand how it's
possible that floyd has gone

There twice now and every single
team has come in here and gotten

It first time.

I just don't understand.

Fun meter?


Feels pretty terrible.
This is definitely one of the

Worst points of my life.

I just feel bad for becca.

I'm sorry.

I'm staying optimistic.
The race isn't over it's it's

Thank you, my friend.

Thank you.

All right, let the currents

Take us out.

Finally done.

Let's do this.

Yes, floyd!

Good job, floyd.

Good job.
I'm sorry, becca.

It's ok.
Here, put your backpack on.

All right, we're still in this,

You got this, floyd, you're

Let's go, let's go.

It ain't over it's it'so,

Team funstoppable is coming for


What's the problem?

I don't know, I'm just really

Let me hold your backpack for

You all right?


You got this floyd.
He looks very fatigued and I

Kept trying to give him as much
positive encouragement as I


I think tara and joey just
got here.

My big feet maybe will come
in handy.

This is harder than giving

Team lolo is here too.
Where are becca and floyd?

Oh, my gosh.
This guy makes it look so

Easy, look at him.

Come -- come on, girl.
Yes, thank you!

Make your way to the top of
-- and your next pit --

Am I too big for this?
I can't even bend my hips that

Can you --

No it won't do -- go back

Come on.
I'm giving it everything I've

Got, scott.
Let's go the best finish we've

Ever had.
Look at your blade.

You're not doing anything.

Straighten it out.

Nice and slow.

Come on, come on.

Momentum, momentum.

You got this floyd.
You're amazing.

Deep breaths, floyd.

You got it.

You can do this, floyd.

You got it, floyd.

Oh, boy.


Oh, boy.
You all right?

Floyd looks very fatigued.

Belly breaths.

Try and breathe into your belly.

Deep breaths.

You got this.
You got this.

Deep breaths.
You got it, buddy.

Deep breaths.
You got to look where you're


Can you keep your mouth shut,
boston, just for a few seconds?

Why don't you try to stay
positive and tell me I'm I'm

Doing all right.

You're doing all right.

I'm trying to tell you what to

Every time I row it gets
caught under the cement.

It was very frustrating.
I would get the motion down but

I was too tall for it.

Logan is doing a phenomenal

He is getting it done and we
have our little gnome friend

Leading the way.



Giving births again.
Hold on.

It's twins this time.
I can -- yes, I can.

Yes, you can.

Right here, brooke.

Oh, thank the lord.

Taxi, right there.
Can we go?

If he says team number two,

I'm going to damn near pee my

Are you going to pee your
pants because we are team numbe


Team number two.

Team number two.

That's annoying.
Right side.

Hold on.

Nice work.
I see tara and joey.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.
Watch out.

Hello, hello.


You guys got this use your

What's floyd's stat us?
He had to redo.

Oh, my god.

So keep up the good work,

Oh, no.

He's so cute with his halt.

He is.
I like him.

I want his halt.
Super cute.

I like his halt.
Thank you.

Thank you so much, thank you.
Oh, my god.

Focus, brooke.
Brooke, we need to focus, ok?

That can't be right.
That is correct.

It says the top.

Why sit not correct?

Please explain.
It's t*rture.

Please help medical get
second place here.

Thank you so much.
Thank you.

You know how to get out of
here, right?


Thank you.

Good jock.
Thank you, thank you.

Make your way to the next pit
stop at hang mua.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Sorry we were crazy.

Homestretch, brooke this sit.

I'm right behind you.

Yeah, beautiful.

We are team number two.

Yes, you are team number

We nailed it today so I am so
proud of us.

What's happening -- I would I
rub off on her?

I don't know, she's scott
and --

She's scott.

Dizzy, huh?

A little bit.

Sit down here.
You're overheated.

You have to bring your
temperature a little bit bowen

Now my head is starting to

Hurt a little bit.

I can't believe that this is
what's happening right now.

I've never seen anyone in this
state before and it's definitely


And I don't really know what
happens at this point.

Thank you so much.
Thank you.


Let's do it.

Let's try to make it up without

This leg sucks and we're happy

To be almost done.

Hang mua, the to.

Oh, are you kidding me?

Look at where we're going.
Slow and steady.

Oh, my god.

We have to go as fast.
We're going to do this.

There he is.

Hi, film.
Come on.

You guys completed the
speed bump and you finished as

Team number three.

Pretty amazing.
Pretty amazing.

He was ow redemption today
with the baskets on the bike.

He creamed it.

Nice job, london.
Thank you.

Yes, yes!

London and logan, you're
team number four.

You're still in this race.


Can you get up?

Come on, get up.

How are you feeling?

Uh, I feel a little dizzy.
Just a little dizzy.

Yeah, I'm not sure if I can keep


It's a pretty tough pill to

I mean, I feel sad that we've
made it this far and this is the

Way things have panned owl.
Yeah, it's -- not the way I

Don't think either of us wanted
to go out.

Becca and floyd.

- Sorry, man, you've had a

Tough day.

Yeah, just a little bit but I
didn't give up so --

I'm really sorry to tell
that you all the other teams

Have checked into the mat and
unfortunately this is an

Elimination leg and you have
been eliminated from the race.

What happened, you just got to
the breaking point?

I just kept, kept trying
until I physically just

Floyd has been the best

Teammate for this race and his
undying positive activity sort

Of ran
- into the ground, quite


Quite literally.
I really was ready to win "the

Amazing race" but at the same
time at least I went out really

Fighting hard.

We had the best time together
and to be able to share it with

Someone who just wants to enjoy
life as michigan if not once

Than I do is just -- once upon a
time floyd and becca for -- were

Total strangers.


And now floyd and becca are
great friends.

Team funnel out here living the

We'll see you at the finish line

Taking first place.

Or just waving and -- yeah.

Stay tuned for scenes from

Our next episode.

As teams fight it out.

Don't back me into a corner.
That's ruled.

I am a woman.
Smash her.


To earn a spot in the
final three-point.

You're kidding me.
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