29x06 - Double U-Turn Ahead

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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29x06 - Double U-Turn Ahead

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing
race" -- seven teams raced to

It's freak beautiful.

At the road block, matt
climbed up.

Look at this.

He's not even stopping.

While at the fast forward,
becca and floyd went down.


- Vanck and ashton annoyed

Other teams at the detour.

Vanck and ashton are very

At upcoming you turns they'll
certainly be the targets.

But mike and just annoyed
each other.

You are team number one?

Tara and joey.

While liz and michael's day got
worse before it got better.

You are the last team to arrive
but lift your heads up.

You have not been eliminated.
I have your next clue.

Who will be eliminated next?

I love that.

Productions and cbs, inc.]

Tara and joey, I'm pleased

To tell you you are team number


However, are you still

Here is your next clue.
Awesome, joey.

Way to go.

Make your way to --
- tara and joey will fly to

The republic of italy, known as
the boot.

They can purchase ticket on the
fast and easy trave osty mobile


They must travel to the piazza
where they'll find their next

You're going to need this phone

To block your next flight.

We're going to italy!

Italy has a special place in my

I met and fell in love with my
husband there and happen to

Speak a little bit of italian.

Being assigned there with the
military was some of the

Highlights of my life to date.

Here's your next clue.

Rip it, read it.

You're going to need in to book
your next flights.

Thanks, travelocity.
Book your next flight to

Heathrow, london.
Land at 11:30 p.m.

We're going to italy.

Landing in milan, italy.
Let's do that.

Going to milano.
Arriveling in milan at 11:30

A food deparschur oslo.

Let's book it.
Guys, we're going to milan!

Liz, you all right?
I'm fine, film.

Why you had a tough day?

A lot of egg in activity.

Foip michael is what --
- michael is that your


I didn't do anything.

Both of you, make come

We came in last.
We have to put this nastiness

Behind us but somebody has to
meet you halfway.

I'm trying to.
It's when you act like a jackass

And stop in the middle of the
road and make a big scene.

Now you're going to call me

This is so stressful.

Ok, I'm sorry.

Are you sorry?

For what, calling me names?

I called you a jackass
because you contact like a


I said I'm sorry, what more do
you want?

We were so good on leg two

And three.

What happened today?

Every decision has to be
jours -- yours.

It's not all liz and the guy who
follows us around.

I'm done fighting.
Can we shake on it?

Can we hug it out?

It's over.
We're done.

I don't think it was fair for
know get as nasty with liz as I


I'm embarrassed at the way I

We're in this for all the right

We're still a great team.
I stand by what I said, I

Wouldn't take anyone else as a

I wouldn't take anyone else.
Let's go.

It's downhill.
Let's get to this train


On to the next one.

On to the next one.

Ok, we are heading to the
train station to go to the

Airport to go to italy.
From what we know, seven going

To be on the same flight to

I'm mad about the last leg.

We are always showing up at the
end of the pack and I don't know

What it is.
We have the ability to come

In at the top of the pack so
let's be smarter in the upcoming


We're playing a social game
and we want to get some of these

People out.
We wanted to make sure we were

Not the team to target and right
now the easiest targets are

Ashton and vanck.
There will be no bad blood on

Our hands because every other
team on this race wants them


We're here.
Let's see what we have here.

All right, we ready for this?

All right.

Being with the other teams
let the gossip start early in

The day about u-turning.

The k started immediately.

We all talked about u-turning
one team and we all decided that

Vanck and ashton was the team to

It's definitely like a big
social game and they're not

Socially as close as everyone.

They definitely rub people the
wrong way to all the other teams

Put a target on them.
It's brutal but that's how

The game works.
U-turning ashton and vanck is

Definitely the prime target --
target for everyone.

Let's do this.
Here we go.

Here we go.



Taxi, right here?

The square.

We're going to go to the square.


Hurry, hurry.

As fast as you can, please.

It's a race.

I never thought I'd be back in
italy on "the amazing race."

This is one of my lifelong
dreams to come here.

Looks like we're in first place
right now.

We just want to get this clue
and keep moving on.

I really hope we pass vanck
and ashton.

We have to get in front of
those two.

We're so close.

Mike and liz are behind us
right now.

Pass them, pass them.


Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Go get them.

Yes, pass them.

We are now first right now.

There's the clue box.

Great job.
It's all you.


Who's hungry for the next clue?

Go ahead.

Italy is known for its
amazing culinary delights but

What makes the experience really
special in this restaurant is

That you're treated to a moving
view this mobile restaurant

Offers pleasures of the palate
while traveling through the

Heart of milan.
Teams must try to spot three

Different words while completing
one lap around the city.

And just to make things
interesting, they'll need to

Polish off this meal as they do.

-- Go.
Go, go,.

Go get them, t.
Who's hungry for the next

You're hungry

It's got to be me.

This place is unbelievable.

Here we go.



What's up?
Do you want me to try to help


That would be great, we could
help each other.

Search for three signs.

Next location.

Oh, yeah.

We have to hurry and eat it

When it stops, I'm going to
take a bite of this dwoirges --

Gorgeous looking pasta.
Is a lewd.


Good job.


You see it?

Right there.

I feel a little underdressed

Remember no, tunnel vision.

Stay focused.
You got this, bud.

This is cool.

I'm hung rip.
This is the roadblock for me.

We're on it.
Do your thing, dude.

I only see ferry people in

Logan is not inside yet.

Logan just showed up so I
know we're not in last place.

We're just going o do this.

Sorry, all full.
Wait until next tram.

All right, sit down.
We're going for a ride.

All right.
They're going to just leave

Logan off?

There was a four-person max
on each tram.

This is ridiculous.
So I just had to wait all by

How are we always last?


I'm nervous.
I think we probably missed one.

Where was the flag?

Right underneath it.

Oh, nice.
Bon appetiteo.

Grazie, grazie.

Ooh, thank you.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

This looks delicious.

Is it good, scott?
It's so good.



Redmond, how are you doing
over there?

We're finally sharing a

Dinner together is.
This our first date?

Many more to come.
Thank god.

Is that it?



See anything?

Oh, there's one.

Did it look like that?
It had the flag, I promise.

On my mother's eyes.

Hey, vanck.

What's up?
I just want to see how you're


Pretty good.
How about you?


I want more food.

We're getting another course.

It is pretty cool to have a tour
in downtown milan.

The eye tour is pretty good too.

This is a long train ride.
I think we're all just trying

To stay ahead of logan.

This is stupid.

We have to eat all the food,
it said?


I'm going to get stuffed.

Do you think we missed one early

I don't think so.

Look at that, mikey.

Isn't that magnificent?

Yeah, we're not in pittsburgh

Let's see.
Now I can relax.

I have all three worlds.

Uh, there it is.

Think you got it?

Roll these dice.
I see a tram, I see a tram!

This is great.

It's tara and mike.

She's off.
She's going to give to it


Come on, girl.

Come on, t.





That a girl.
Oh, my god.

It's such a crapshoot.

Locate como is italy's
most popular lake.

A romantic destination featured
in many films.

And this beautiful likeside town
is where teams will find out

They're in for a big night.
Where we going?

On our way to the steamship
to go to lake comeau.

Oh, gatsy, gatsy.

He's got it.
Take a cruise across lake

Como to the village of beretti.
We're going on the cruise.



You have.comgot this, logan.

We're back, people, we are

The words are in italian so

I've -- I'm not sure if I've
spelled them correctly, the ones

That I've seen so far.

I have one more left to go.
Red and yellow is a very

Popular color combination around
the world.

That is true.

I hear a trolley, people.

And we've arrived.
It's all good, guys.

Everyone looks so dainty in

It looks like a charming little

Oh, my god, please get it

Got it, vanck?
Cerroblio,, concordia.

Sorry, I'll have to go back.
He didn't get it.


Please get it right.

He didn't get it.

Sorry, brooke.
It's ok.



Corbelli o?


There it is.
I got two out of the three

Concordia and

You guys want to share?


Don't know me?
Let's wait on the last train.

He's going to light up when
he sees some faces waiting to

Hop on that thing.

I think we see some teams who
did not get and it they're

Waiting to get back on.
Good luck, logan.

Did he get it?

Oh, that's a deathly shake of
the head.

No one wants to see a head shake
like that.

Long, slow --
that's right and that's


I wrote down the three correct
words and one extra one and I

Chose the one wrong world.

Did he say yes to that one?


Here we go, room two.

See you in an hour.

We're going to lake cono.

That's awesome.

[Speaking italian.

Wow, it's really pretty, huh?

Look at this steamboat, so

This is where I'm moving.

I've made up my mind.

Oh, there's food and

Wow, look at this!
So pretty.


How lucky are we?

So I'm going to get my chance
to eat now.

Good luck, logan.

Get it, logan.
Have fun.

How's it going, guys?

Logan, you can do it.

Thank you.
Going to be my last plate of


Second time it's even more

All right.
Got it, vanck.

Chernoblio, concordia, lago.
Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Good job.

There we go.
Yeah, buddy.


Go get it.

This is it.


Did you find it?

Found it.

Got it.

Nice job.

Thank you.
Oh, I'm so excited right now.

We can do it.
Chennobl oimbings, corn

Korda, lagow.
Thank you so much.


Good job.
Let's go.

I wrote an extra word out and
we couch passed all four of

Those teams.

Thank you so much.
Thank you, goodbye.

Corn korda.

I got the clue.

You come something

Let's go.

Come on, we can catch them.


He k*lled it, he k*lled it.


Let's go, becca!

Here, is this it?

Got it.

Good job, good job.

Good job, man.
That's the steamboat.

This is it.
Wow, look at them.

They're wining and dining this
place is fancy.

Number six.

Back of the pack again.

You want white or red?
Actually, I want red.

Even was just hanging out as
normal friends, basically like

We weren't involved in some

This is awesome, guys.
But in the morning, it's game



Eating and drinking like

Look at this.
Ah, delight.

Really we're just five
minutes behind whoever is the

Last person.


Not bad at all.

We've been more than 30
minutes behind.

So the boat moved to the

Middle of the night while we
were sleeping and said across

Lake como.

Now we're in the village just
waiting to get your next clue.

In place is unbelievable.

I thought norway was as
beautiful as it could get and

Italy is a close match.
Find your next clue at four

U-turn directly ahead.

It's three minutes by foot.

Is this the right way to go?
U-turn directly ahead.

Yes, we need that.

Come on, mike.

Are we going to u-turn somebody?

I don't know.

No idea.

Last time we decided to
u-turn olive and seth.

And they got sent home.

We don't want to be the total
bad guys the whole race.

Give us the clue box.

Is that for us?

Yes, this is it.
Get the freaking clue and open


What do you want to do?
It's up to you.

If you want to do it, I'll do

What do you want to do?

Ah, leave it for mikey.

You don't want to u-turn

Let mikey do it.
We're not going to u-turn

Joey and I are at a point right

Make a mold or grab a hold?

Costello is famous for
being haugetted and inspired

Local artists to create
spooky-looking ghosts, like

If they can make one of them

Appear, they can give up the
ghost for anywhere next clue.

Italy is mostly mountous and
part of up's alps.

The rock extends to the
shoreline of lake como and

Attracts climbers from all over
the world.

If teams wants to climb for
their next clue, they'll have to

Make their way up this vertical
rough fails 90 feet above the

You want to wrap me blaster?

I'll wrap new plaster.
Ok, we'll make a mohammed.

Good thing we saw that clue box
because I didn't see the sign.

It's a u-turn right there.
We didn't u-turn.

You do it.

Go back up the stems.

[Speaking italian.


It's up here.
Let's go find the u-turn.

They didn't u-turn.
We will.

That's it.
You pulled the first one up.

Vanck and ashton.

So long.
Here it is.

Make a mold or graba hold?

Graba hold?

Choose a marked -- come on,
let's go.

Wait, where we going?

We're going this way.

Back up.

Double u-turn ahead.
Do you know where four

Greenway di patriarca would be?

Guys, listen go, back that

We u-turned vanck and ashton.

You u-turn someone.
We're heading north, aren't

It's beautiful.

Over there.
Ok, so what do we do if it's


If it's empty, we get vanck
and ashton.

So u-turn liz and michael?

Putting a double u-turn into
a single u-turn?

I've never seen that.
Ashton and vanck are going to go

On two u-turns add.
-- Today.

Make a rock or graba hold.
Grab ahold?

Double u-turn directly ahead.

God, double you durn?
Let's hope we're not u-turned

That is that road so where's
the dock?

Is it down that way?

I don't know.

Make your way north along --
let's go.

Your thing doesn't tell you


So this is north?

Rock climbing.


Look, he's standing, he's


All right.
Heck, yes.

This is the most beautiful place

I could possibly imagine to

I am very excited.

Have you ever done this


We're going to go pull,
break, under, slide.

I am a climbing instructor.

I climb at least five days a

This could not be a more perfect
challenge for me.


Go up.

It's a castle.
Up this way.


What the hell is that?


Wait until you see this.

What in the world is that?

Wire mesh.

Are you sure that's it?

Yeah, let's get to work.


Lake como.

Over here?
Do you see anything?

Vanck and ashton got u-turned
so they're going to be the only

Ones to have to do two detours.
How did we miss it?

This is our life right now.


Let's go.
I got it.

A double u-turn ahead.

We're going to get u-turned.

Joey, you have to put this

Wait, where's the example?

They're doing it right there.

See how she's draping it

Dip in your cloth.
Wring it out.


Thank you.

The process of completing the
task was to add the ingredients

The right way.

Mix it for 45 seconds to get it
to the right consistency.

Tara sat down.

And I had to dip in my cloth,
wring it out and get it on


Cover all the holes and spaces.
Make something vir jin


Make sure it's all covered.

Really reminded me that I'm
not a slur.

This looks fun.

-- Clap or.

Do you nope --
if you go up here and left.

Thank you very much.
The boys are here.

Let's go.

That's right.

Oh, there.

I think we need to go along
the lake.

Hopefully you may see it.

Thanks so much, sir.
I think we're doing this


Yeah, there we go.
Paid off.

This is a parking lot.
Right here.


A dead end.
Look for a marked path.

Follow the water.
No, that's not right.

Why is there nothing open?
It must be down on the other

There's a team going this


Come on, mike.

That's all right, that's

Here's a bolt, mike.
I want to get out of here before

Vanck and ashton come over here
and drill us.

I'm getting wet!

I think we should climb.
Oh, the u-turn is right here.

Is it us?

No, it's not us.

Let's climb.

Even if we have to wait, they
have to do two.




Oh, my god.

Oh, double u-turn.
Let's go.

How beautiful is in?
The u-turn worked out exactly

How brooke and I wanted it to.

Vanck and ashton are the only
team that has to do two detours,

Which gives us a fighting shot
to stay in game.

You look ridiculous in that

This from the girl sitting in
a big blaster -- plaster of

Paris shroud.
We're confident.

We're not u-turned.

Let's go!

Thank you, boys.

Here comes the bolt.
They just got off the boat,

Michael is.
We love you!

Did it say u-turn for anyone
after us?

It's blocked out.

They're not the biggest
runners so let's jog with them,

Let's go.

I still have to dry.
I wonder how long that will

You're ok in there?


Your feet ok?

Are you supposed to move it

I can move it every couple of


Let's do this.
I rock climb at home so this

Will be good.
I'm excited.

This will be fun.
We're going to try and beat the


We know becca is a badass.

Whoo, going to be fun.
Climbing, baby!

I need shoes.

This is your line.
You see your clue?

This one will come and this one
will go.

Tie, more tie.

I knew there was climbing out

Let's charm what -- charge up

This thing.
Get it, matt.

Good job, man.

Matt is like spider man.
He's basically running up the

I hear you're a freaking


Ok, I'm ready.
Climbing is fun

Heck yeah,
heck yeah, you can pull slack


Heck, yeah, I love touching

It feels so good!
What in the world are we miss

one over.

There it is.
We got u-turned.

We're the only ones that are
going to be doing both u-turns.

We'll power through it.

That's all we can do.

That's all we can do.

Good job, becca.
All right there.

Keep it up.
Go, girl.


Ok, red, ready?

Red, I'm coming down.

There you go, man.

I'm letting go.
There you go.


Good job.

Easy peesy.

Squeezey, baby.
Get out of here.

Travel by boat to search
along the shore deadline shline.

Teams will travel in style
to the pit stop in a famous riva

Watercraft known as the ferrari
of the seas.

I'll be waiting for them in the
tone of -- town of trimezzo.

Here in this beautiful park.

The last team to check in at the
mat may be eliminated.

Here it is, I see people.

They did it?
You've got to be kidding me.

Why do you do everything?
Super man.

Good work.
Good work.

That was awesome.

Thanks, man.

Let's go fast.
It doesn't matter which one

Goes first, we have to get both.

Yeah, we have to do both.

Let's do this one first.

Graba hold.
It doesn't matter when we got

There, we were going to get
u-turned regardless.

It's ok.
Grearks phil says we're going

Home -- until phil says we're
going home, we're not going home


We're not going home until
phil says so

Swear to god, you drop me, I
will haunt you forever.

Never, never.

I'm going to climb a rock

Oh, my god, how am I suppose
told get up there?

I'm not the strongest.

It's all legs.
I'm not scared of the height.

I'm squared -- scared I can't do

I know you're both veterans
so let's go as fast as we can.

Ok, we're going to tramezzo.
Go, go.

We're so close to first right
now, it just -- it hurts.

This is neck and neck.
As neck as neck as it can be.

Scott, you just have to hold
me strong.

All right.
Scott, pull.

There you go.


You got it, you're doing

Isn't there another hold?

No, straight over to your

Oh, my god.

How am I supposed to get way up

You can get way in front of
brooke right now.

Am I going the right way?

You sure are.

You're going to fly up this

You have to beat mike up

Pull, mike.

I'm pulling harmed.

I'm looking for my footing.

Yes, we're here.
Oh, dude!

Look at that.

To the left.
Look at that.

The top is good.
Let's do it.

We're still in this baby.
You got it, brooke.

How's liz doing?
She's getting up there.

Doing ok?

I'm good.

You're catching her.
Do you see anything that I

Can grab?
No it's there.


My niche.
Please hold me.

I'm scared.
I can't see what's up there,

You have to look around.

I can't grab anything!
All right, look at all the

Nooks and crannies.
I don't know which way to go.

I'm very concerned.
Keep calm.

You're doing great.
Scott, help me!

Scott, I really don't think you
have me!


Is that him?

Phil, phil?


Damn it, damn it, damn.

All that matters, becca is
we're still in the race, ok?

We're still in it.
Going to be the best boat

Race of our lives.

I'm ready.
Becca and floyd are really


Oh, no.

Oh, no.
Get ready to get off.

Go as soon as you can touch

Go, go, go!



That sucks.

Becca and floyd get on the

How did you get past them?


Wow, that was a close

Welcome to lake como, italy.
Thank you.

Becca and floyd, I'm
pleased to tell you you're team

Number one!
As the winners of this leg of

The race you've won a trip from
travelocity and you are going to

-- Argentina!
You're going to spend six nights

At the resort and spa, take a
helicopter tour over the city,

Sail the benkal channel.

We finished in first place.

First place.
First place.

- Matt and redmond, very

Close second-place finish.

I really want that finishes

We were inches away today.
We just have to tighten up our

Game a little bit.

Lovely, sir.
Thank you, thank you.

Come over here.
Come over here.

I stick this in here.

Ok, you out?

Logan will be my model today.

So now I open it up and I'm
going to start in the middle.

Yay, joey!
Last team to check in may be

Let's go down to the water.

You did so well.

I'm so proud of you.

I wonder what the rock
climbing one is like.

Let's hope they're climbing
something and people are just

Going crazy.

I don't know what to do.
Take a breath.

I can't see anything from down

I'm asking to you use your

Brooke, I'm using my eyes.
Do you see any holes where

You're at?

I don't know.

I don't know!
Slizz right next to you.

Go, baby.

You see the clue?
I see it.

Go hard, go a foot.

I will not let you fall.

Every second you you -- step you
take, I pull the rope.

You're an animal, liz!

Keep it up, baby.
You are a rock star.

Yeah, liz!



Liz, do you love me?
I love you.

How much do you love me?
A lot.

There's nowhere to grab.
Yeah, there is.

You got it, brooke?

Good job.
See you all at the pit stop?

One big one, let's go.

Like pushing a baby out.

One, two, three.

I got it.

Grab it, put it in your teeth
or attach it to you, whatever

You want to do.
Slowly, slowly!

I didn't even realize I was
being so vocal today.

I don't even know.

You sort of black out and you
start going, I don't know.

I kept moving.

I climbed all the way the hell
up there?

Yes, you did.

Thank you.

Let's go, brooke.

We're headed north now,

Yeah, we are.

Who is that?
I think it's michael and liz.

Thanks, guys, appreciate you.

He's on our second piece of

Plaster already.

Lay it on me.

Ooh, it's so heavy, I don't
know if I can handle -- this is

So fun.
I've gonen -- done a little bit

Of climbing in the past three

I boxed.

My upper body and shoulders are
strong so I'm helping that's

Going to help me there.
You're good.

As long as I can get a grip


Welcome to lake como, italy.
Thank you so much.

It's so beautiful.

Who have we got over here?


That's liz and michael
whizzing by and there's another

Look at this.

-- And scott, all right.

We're not going down without
a fight.

We have to do both.
Just have to do the other

That was so lard.

My arms are so shot.

You want to go with the wire

Just slow and methodical.
Go up.

Go up.

You got it.

Can we please have it



All right.
Thank you!

Kicking ass.
- So someone had to go down


You have your favorite people
that you want to sit down and

Have dinner with and --
vangse is --

I didn't say that.
There is a b-list of invite

You want to keep your favorites

Around anded people who play the
game you -- the way you want to

Play the gape.

We did it.

London and logan, you are
team number six.


Still in it, baby.

Still in it.

Let's go.

I'm proud of us.
I'm very, very proud of us.

Everybody thought we were doomed
from the get governor because

We're so different.
You are such a good model.

We work the pop or opposite
oddball combination.

All I can tell issue you're a
beautiful ghost.

I always wanted to be a
beautiful something.

I think it proves that people
from completely different

Backgrounds, completely
different personalities can get

Together, work together and be

Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Gratz -- successful.

Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Hi, phil.

Hi there.
Vanck and ashton I'm sorry to

Tell you that you're the last
team to alive and unfortunately

You have been eliminated from
the race.

That's ok.
- For whatever reason, some

Of the other teams decided to
get rid of you.

It got to a points where you
felt everything was jelling?

I think we were getting there
but this is where the road


I'm disappointed and mad and sad
and all these things right now.

We're obviously two very
different people from different

Backgrounds, different careers
and we were able to start to

Work things out.

And, the facts we did as well as
we did with how different we

I'm proud of us for being able

To work through that.

Stay tuned for scenes from
our next episode.

On the next episode of
"the amazing race," teams held

To venice, italy.
It was very distracting.

Where some carry a tune --

And others carry a grudge.

Let's run over here so nobody


Let's move.

So glad we helped them

I got nothing for lolo, dude.
I'm done.
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