29x05 - Have Faith in Me, Broski

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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29x05 - Have Faith in Me, Broski

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing
race" -- eight teams continued

Raising through zanzibar --
racing through zanzibar.

In zanzibar, the detour tested
their attention to detail and

Vanck, please come on.

Just shut it.

Seniora and -- shamir's
continued fighting.

She doesn't want to listen to

Cost them dearly.
The rod block pushed brooke to

Her lifts.

I can't do it.
- But she got by with a

Little help from her friends.
Let me help you cut the

Thank you.

It's just touch.
Big hits.

You can do this
- tara and joey won the leg,

While sara and shamir cunlte
catch up.

I'm very sorry to tell you that
you have been eliminated from

The race.
Seven teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next and
and -- next?

If I needed to have a ladle
for dinner, my family would


We have to get our bags.
Give you waterful

We're getting along great.
Out of all these people, I

Wouldn't take another partner.

You're going to make me cry.
Shut up.

Keep your partner happy.
You big teddy bear, you.

Big -- big smelly teddy bear.

I'm a road wife.
Feeling good?

Feeling good.

Fly to norway.
- Tara and joey will be the

First to fly from the continent
of africa 5,000 miles north to

Europe and the kingdom of
norway, home to the highest

Concentration of fords in the

When they arrive, they'll drive
to a lighthouse and be treated

To rock fish, something locals
just can't get enough of.

We're going to norway.
Let's go, come on.

Joey and I are psyched.

We're so happy we finished

Unfortunately we have no idea
who has the express pass.

The express pass must be used
through leg five.

We're definitely going to use it
this leg because we want a first


It's getting cutthroatish.
Seven teams left.

It's going to get down to where
liz isn't so nice.

I'm pretty level.

You haven't even seen me angry

Ashton and vanck are not
getting along with each other.

I don't like drama.
That's one thing about being a

Team of dudes.

We don't have to use emotion.
It's awesome if your partner

Is never getting you down in the
dumps because negativity is a

Real buzzkill on something like

We're going to work together
this time navigating.

We're going to go straight if
there's a y in the road, right?

I can't just stop in the
middle of the intersection.

But generally don't make many
random turns.

Well, that's common sense and
I do have quite a bit of common


But I got it.
We can do that.

I wish we had the express

We have it

I would have used it at the
last leg of the race.

I think we do have the
express pass.

Can you stop that?
It's really bugging me,


We need to get to norway as fast
as possible.

What time does it depart here?

Damn it, everybody is going to
be on this flight out tonight.

We're on our way to norway
and we're assumer excited to be

On the flight with over other

All teams are now making
their way to alesung -- alesund,

Freak beautiful.

Rocks with trees and green on
the rocks.

Look a --
look at this.

Look out there.
This is the most gorgeous land

I love norway so much.

It's so beautiful.

Pretty rad place.

Look at it.
I feel like I'm living in a

Fair way tale right now.

Wow, this is a tunnel.
We're going through the most

Incredible tunnel.

This is scary.

Yo, I feel like I'm on a
different planet.

Deep in the bowels of norway
right now.

We're lost again.

How are we lost?

We got perfect directions.

We're going to right way.

Just keep going.

No, I just want to figure out
where we're going.

Hello, how are you?

Looking for the lighthouse.
This way?

I knew we were going to right

Caulk talk to me.
Oh, there's the lighthouse.


She's making a left.

Follow her, make a left.

Go, go, go.

You got it, girl.

Come on.

I can't.

They're all ahead of us.

Come on.

Would've, this sun

Look at this view.

Welcome to alesund.

Thank you.
I'm going to serve awe famous

Norwegian fish.
I'll love it.

When you finish your plate,
you'll get your next clue.

It's very salty.
Delectable, though, I want me

-- More.

Calm down.
Eat, eat.

I can't eat all this.

I thought the fish was

I loved it.
Take your time.

Thank you, appreciate it.

I can't.
I can't eat it.

Why can't you eat it?

I need breathe.

I can't breathe.

Are you kidding me with this?

Are you serious?

Oh, my god.
Why are my pieces so freaking


Teams must now drive
themselves to the village and

Search for the --

Let's do it.
We're going to do the fast


It is not good.

They're coming.

All the teams are here.
Thank you.

Thank you.

Wants to do a fast guard?

Becca and floyd have
decided to go with the fast

Forward, which starts with a
trim in the


What they don't know is that the
fast forward requires them to

Perform a tandem skydive from

Search for the -- fast guard.

Let's go.

Enjoy the food.
That was not tasty.

One plate each?

Let's get to the helicopter.
It's going to be beautiful.

Go straight to the end of the

Oh, my god, I want the

Run, run, run.
Fast forward, let's go.

That's becca.

Isn't that becca?
Damn, they're in there.

Brooke and scott are wanting
to -- they're gone.

They're leaving.

Damn it!
I love that.

I need a beer.
All right, let's start

Running back.
Thank you so much.

It was a pleasure to meet you.

Yeah, that's going to be it,

Let's go.

You're racing right now.


We're the luckiest people in

The world.

Take a right turn there, all

Normal ashton and vanck.
We need a fast forward.

We didn't need it, we're in
fast forward.

We got this.
I'm just saying it's better

To skip two taskses.

I understand.
I have to go the speed limb.

Scorkts I'm not going to
argue with you.

Please just drive.

I have to go the seethe speed

If we lose them, we lose them.

They're doing the speed

If you want to do sparring
right now, we can do sparring

Right now.

Sexrange ashton had a map.
But they went off so we're not

Sure where we're going.
We're going to have to ask


I want to you pull over for a

But that will put us in last.

Then don't pull over.

I don't know.
I'm super bummed we didn't

Get to the fast forward in time.

This is the reality of our team.

We're never going to beat
another team in a footrace.

I'm not like this sad,
elderly, pathetic broken woman.

I'm able to do it and I've done
everything that's been put in

Front of memory.

So good.

Salty, popcorny flavor to it.

Thank you, thank you.
I hate raw fish.

Now we can do the fast

Forward and we'll never have to
use the express pass.

We should do better than the
other teams.

That's kind of like a

Oh, my god.
That is a rainbow.

Somewhere over the rainbow.
Ho ho chi minh.

That's where we're going.

Look at -- --

That's where we're going.

Look at this thing, you guys.

How cool is this?

Holy cow.

Want to help break a world

- Every year, more wiegens

Attempt to break their own world
record for the tallest hand

Stacked bonfire, made with about

This, that are stacked about 30
stories high, creating this

Rickety toumplet one person must
came little climb to the top

Then place and name down a pal
let so this place is ready to be

Lit up.
Oh, my god, that's awesome!

If you want me to do it, I'll
do it.

Are you going to be afraid of
the height?

I'm do it.
Ok, don't look down.

I'm about to climb this big
old stack of wood.

I don't really like heights.
But my teammate has a sore paw

So I'm going to do this one.

That one looks good.

Thank you, guys.

This is going to be fun, man.
I love climbing.

I climb at home and I was hoping
there'd be a climbing challenge

I'd get to do.

It's going to be fun.
Here, you can do it.

I'm so excited.

Be careful with it.

You got it, joey.


You're not allowed to fall.

You have to climb up and you
have to climb down.


This is crazy.
Get it, matt!

I am so glad you chose this go,

Look at that speed.
He's not even stopping.

Oh, gold.

It's not good at all.

Matt is like spider man right

All right, joey!
Slow and steady wins the

Go, matt.

The roadblock is great.

I'm used to looking at something
and instead of faking just going

For it.
How you doing?

Great day for a climb.

I will do it.

I are -- will do it?

Are you good with heights?
You got it, you got it.

I'm proud of you.
I don't need you right now.


I have a fear of heights and

I'm really scared about it.
Hey, I did heights before, I'll

Do heights again.
This way?

Is that ok?
Oh, man, you want to do it?

This is all you will.

All right.
Keep it up, joey!

Thank you.
Atta way, mau -- mattie.

Keep it going.

Almost there.
Matt, you're a beast!

He is.
He is an animal.

Matt just beasted through
this thing like he's not even


That's awesome, man.
So much fun up there.

Gout it.

Tolls or trolls?
- According to a fairy

Teenagers an evil professor was
responsible for the great fire

Of alesun demmbings 1904.
When the town was rebuilt, these

Little trolls were trapped in
the building.

Teams must search for trolls
like this around town and then

Resite a poem for freedom and
then they'll be remarkabled with

A giant firework.
When they've collected 60's --

Six rockets, they'll find out
the name of the next fit stop.

One of the great things about
living in alesund, you get to go

Fritsching -- fishing from the
comfort of your own home.

Fishing does seem a lot more

Let's do fishing.

That was buffaloed.

Becca is going to be bummed she
missed out.

She's probably having fun
somewhere in a helicopter right


I'd give anything right now
to use the fast forward.

Nothing in our minds about
going back and completing

And I love that.

What are we doing?
We're looking like we're

About to land.


Fast forward?

You're going skydiving.


Joey is doing great.
He's all the way at the top.

Look at how these guys did this.

This is insane.
Scott and ashton.

You got this.
I heard that.

It's a great view.
Take a second to look around.

Hurry up, joey.

Tell me you'll be faster than
the guys.

How is she passing him and
you have to be kidding me.

Doing snithes
doing heights again.

Thanks, joey.

I'm very nervous.
You're so fast, keep it


-- Going.
Keep up with london.

Liz, you're going to scamper
up there like a rat on a sewer

Joey did it and he's like

There you go.
You're an animal, liz.

Keep it up, baby!
We have to do the kayak.

Let's go.

I don't want to see that
thing go up.

Can you imagine that?

This is one of the most
incredible views I've seen in my

Entire life.

Is scary.

Oh, my god, don't look down,
don't look down.

I can do this.

Keep it up, liz!
Scamper, scamper, liz.

Liz, you're scrushing the speed,

Come on, we have to get up.


Come on, scott.


Good job, ashton.

Damn it.
Oh, my god, I did it.

It's gorgeous.

Now get your butt back down
here fast.

Get down here!

I'm conquering my fear of

Heights right now.

He was so mad at me when her
back in brazil and I volun told

Him to do the collage on the
building 2340u and anyhow he's

Psyched to do all sorts of
challenges like he did today so

Maybe I did him a favor.

Thanks, brooke.

You're welcome.

That's what I'm here for.
We'll be out of here before

You can say -- I don't know,

Get down here!
We're not last.

Screaming also to you get down a

That's cool.

The little jewel bell
illinois button rings.

That's cool.

Ok, let's walk.

London, you are doing

Keep it going.

All right, lolo, you're cute
and fast climbers, we get it.

Come on, you sewer rat, let's

That's awesome and the view
through is uninsane.

I did it, I did it.

She crushed it going up

I can't believe I just did


Let's revel at it in the car.

I just climbed that thing.
Scott in the car.

Should I use the express pass

I will m*rder you.
The card?

Do you have my --
I don't have your pass?

How did you have my jacket
and my pack.

We'll be right back.

Oh, my goodness, vanck.
They forgot something.

Iraqis sorry.

Is this mine?


Detour, seriously?
This is freaking ridiculous.

We're going to go do trolls.
I'm sorry I'm serious, I need

To you get it together.
I wish we could stick around

And watch it burn.


Lock it?

Ready to go kayaking.

Pull up some lures.

This is pretty sweet.

All right, you see any
fishing lines?

Not yet.
Are these fishermen?

Right here.


I'm handing it to you.

No, ok.

Go back.

Ok, see any more fishing lines?
Some over there, to our


We have to go that way.
Just grab it.

Go up to the barge.
We're ripping.

Grab that?

Definitely not.

We're going back over there.

We got this.

So surreal.

I can't believe what's

I'm scared, I think, but this is
going to be fun.

You guys ready?

I've never been skydiving and
I was waiting for "the amazing

Race" to pay for it.

I've never jumped out of


Kayak more tomorrow.

How you doing?
That was orange.

That looks like it.
Do you think that's it?

It's red and yellow.

It's orange.
I don't think that's right.


The boys are here.
Paddle, joey.


It's got to be that lure.

What are we missing here?
What -- where do you want to

Let's go to that guy with the

Blue shirt.
You want me to pull it up?

See it?


There's nothing.


There's another one right

Get it.
Oh, in the corner in front of us


That one.

Is there a mark on it?
What is it?



Says oxla on it.
Let me check the one ahead to

Make sure it looks different.
Got it?


Ok, let me just look at this
one just to make sure.

Here's another one.
What does yours say?

Same thing.

That might not be it.

It's a clue for someone else.

What do you mean?

There's more clues.

Just keep going.

Why do you have have that

There's one for everybody.
What do you mean?

I don't think that's right.

No, it is.
This is it again.

This has got to be it.
Let's bring it.

We have to figure out what
that means.

Let's go.

There were two like that
right there.

Why were there two?
I'm just saying it doesn't make


The other one I pulled up said
it too.

I know.

If we and the boys went to those
two lines, why should there be

Two in the water for us?

I knew that was it with you I
didn't know what to do with it.

What are the boys doing?
They're still checking lines.

Let's put our heads together
with them.

Hello, how you?

Can you come up on stage,

Of course.
You need to find the trolls that

Are trammed inside the
architecture somewhere here in

You'll need in map and this

Magic spell to set them free.
Sounds good.

And when you think you have
found the troll, you need to say

This riddle --

You're ready to go.
Good luck.

Thank you.
Oh, my goodness.

Sit down here?
There's a kayak challenge.

Do you want to do that because
we're here and I can kayak?

Not really.


This is going to take

You guys, we got this.
Let's go.

Let's go.
There's vanck and ashton.

Damn it.
Come on, come on.


Let's do this really quick.

You will need this magic
spell to set them free.

Thank you.
Where are we right now?

Vanck, please come on.
There are others behind us

Right now.

How are you?

Better now.

Let's look at this.

Can we see if anything looks
like --

That's exactly what I'm

That plooks like that bridge.

That would be the candle that
way so this is -- canal that


So that's right there.

Yeah, that's it.
Let's go.

Where are you supposed to get
it fro -- from?

This is this look at that.
This is this.

This is this.


- Reciting riddle]

Thank you.

Thank you, troll.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Oh, look.
This might be more physical than

I thought.

Let's go.

There's another one on this

Building is what it's showing.

You need the door first and
then look -- above.

I know.

I just said there's a door

We need to look for eyes.

Yeah, right here, right?

Is that right?


There's two.
Yes, yes.

Let's take these back to her
so we're not running around with

Ah, the storyteller.

The storyteller.
I just read it, vavenlgt

Detail-oriented, this is my

I promise you I'm right.

That is where we're going and
that is what we're looking for

On it.

Let's take a moment and think
about it.

Look, they've already got

This is like a sires

How'd they do that so fast?

If we could find them, we

There's the statue.

We should go across the street
because there's two.

This house.

See the little brick thing?
I hate this.

This, I'm the worst at.
We got this.

Look, that door has this
thing on it.

Let's go.

She's coming.


We got it.
All right, guys.

We don't have to return them
each time.

We can carry these.
Let's get two.

We're looking for these

On the same building?

Yes, on the same building.
We can carry at least one

More before we go back.
Will you top -- stop ripping

Stuff out of my hands?

Left, on the river.

Let's drive because the
others are so far away.

That's north.

How do you know?
Because that's how the map is

Set up.
In way is north.

Dude, you obviously don't
understand -- now turn around.

Now this way's north.
Now this way's north.

Let me see my watch.


This is north.

There's that guy with the
statue and see how that guy is

Standing right there?
Do you have in have any idea

How a compass works?


It's only north if you point
it north.

Ok, so this paper is magic

And it knows which way is north?

Would you just look?

There's the bridge.

I understand but --
that building is right there.

You just show me.

Because you know this, and I'm
telling you we shouldn't do this

Challenge and I'm telling that
you paper is not a compass.

She and I had a difference of
opinion on how to read the map.

We were still strangers, still
getting to know each other.

This building is right over
here that has that little thing.

You show me because you have
the magic paper.

Hush your mouth and listen to

See, right there.

Ok, we found one.

Now we can use this to orientor

Which one is this?

This one I just said.

When I'm convinced I'm right
about something, I get stuck and

That can drive people a little

I owe you an apology.
I'm really sorry.

I really am.

That's ok.
I semiyour apology.

Holy crap this thing is

We're looking for an owl

It's right there.

It's right here.
Look at the building.

Not confinement.
Not quite.

In has got to be the
building, though.

Ashton, I don't think that's

I don't see one there.

Just want to try it on the
door here?

Why not?
Let's just try here.

If it doesn't work, we'll go try

He's horrible.
Vanck and ashton are very

I know for a fact at an up --

Upcoming u-turn they will
certainly be the targets.

Right here this is the door.
I don't think this is right.

Who calmed upon me?

Yes, yes, yes
good job, guys.

Good job, guys.

Thank you, thank you.

How are they dressed?

It's huge.
It's huge.

Why would we drive?

Maybe we can fit all of them in
the car and that way we're not

Having to run every single one

I'm a little nervous.

It hasn't hit me yet.
I think once my feet are

Dangling blow -- below the
helicopter, though --

What's the altitude?
We're at 2,000 feet.

Oh, my gosh.
He's going for the door

We're at 10,000 feet.

Oh, my gosh, he's going for
the door.

Put your feet out there,

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god!


Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

Ha ha ha ha.

Oh, my lord.

Oh, my lord.

How was that?

That was absolutely insane.

Oh, my gosh, there he is.

I just took off from a

There's lighthouse, oh, my





We're going to the pit stop,


Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

A week ago we were strangers.

We just flew out of a

After the fire, aselund
was rewith it and this area is

The perfect place to take it all
in the last team to check in

Mere at the mat may be

Let's go.

We just jumped out of the

You guys, let's put our heads
together for a second.

I think the lure is a clue.

What does yours say?
It doesn't say anything.

On the back.

Ours says a word on the back.

We don't have that clue.
There's another one over


Look at the one we have.

Oh, that's wrong.

Look at this one.

That is the clue, for hour.

-- Sure.

With coach go out on the
street and ask people what that


I understand what she's --
he's saying.

We just have to go.
Go where?

Out in the street.
We have our clue.

It's acksla.


Thank you, joey.

Why did you freaking tell me?

I don't know.

Let's get this one first.

We're right here.
We just ran down this street

And made a left.

Oh, great, so it's behind

What do you think?
Go with your gut.

I have to see the rest of
this building.

Talk to me, liz.
That's it, that's it.

There we go.
Thank you so much.

Thank you, thank you.

You're beautiful.
Thank you.

Right there.

Yes, thank you.

We got it.

That one next.

Right across the street.

Ooh, sorry.


We need to get to mounts acdsla.

Over the bridge.
Appreciate it.

Glad we stopped?

And we're about to win first
place unless people freaking

Zoomed through that leg but I
don't think that's possible.

Acksla is next to the

It's that way.

It's like 400 staircases.
Oh, my gosh!

That's not going to be good
for me --

You got in.

Just keep following the


We have a long way up.
I don't want to do this


Oh, my god.

Good for the lungs, though,

You got it?

Holy crap.
Let's move.

We didn't use the express
pass but we got first without

Having to use its.

It's too good to be true.

Excuse us.

So good.
Welcome to olesund, norway.

Tara and joey, I am
pleased to tell you, you are

Team number one!

Seconds first place in a row.

We beat the team that

U-turned us.

Matt and redmond, foose

I'm pleased to tell you that you
are team number two.

Team fun is team number one.
- Becca and floyd, you had

The express pass in your pockets
and you had the fast forward.

However, you're actually team
number three.



Even though we did the fast

Forward, we didn't get first
place but the experience we had

Was so fantastic we can't
trailed that for anything.

There's mike the liz.


Mike and liz are coming
boigeds us.

We can run faster.
Yeah, I take this?

Thank you.

We're last.

I feel like I'm jousting

Slow and steady, guys, you

Got it, let's go.

You guys are you asome.

Let's go.

Can these all fit?
I don't know if they're all

Going to fit here.

This won't fit.
We didn't see the one on our

Way back.
It's right in front of the.

Why don't you drive slowly.

I'll hold it on top.

That's what I'm going to do.
It's not the lightest thing.

Oh, this hurts my shoulder
but I can't complain because I'm

Only carrying one.

Thank you very much.
We have all six now.

Four here, two there and we feel
like we're saving quite a bit of

Time by taking the car instead
of walking like these people.

What's up, guys?
Host it going?


Oh, my gosh.
Bad decision.

Whose dumb idea was that?


Damn, we're in last.

If you take one, sit possible?

For at least a minute?

Vanck and ashton are right

Behind us.

Last but not least --

Thank you!
Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.

This is where we're headed.

Let's ask somebody.

Thank you so much.

Have a great day.

Thank you.

Logan and london.

Between the house?
Yes, the mountain?

They're right there.
He says it's right up there.

Up on the hill, that big

Oh, my god, no way.

Slow down, guys, we don't want
to burn out.

I see it on the map.
You do?

On top of that mountain


All the way up the stairs?
So there's no driving up there?

Walking only?
I think there's a road that

Comes around the back but we
just walked.

And it really wasn't --
all right, only 420 steps?

Not really.

We're driving up there.

You want to drive?
Can I please?


We can't go left here so we
have to go around the block.


I see the car pulling out.

I had a really rough day today.
That guy is in that van that

You hit.


Damn it, damn it.

Oh, boy.
We have to be dead last now.

We're done.


I bumped the back of your van
with my car.

You did?
Uh --

What do we do?
I don't think we did that

Damage low but I can't prove it
for sure.

That one is old.
That is the new one?

That's my responsibility.
It's not that bad compared to

The other.

Thank you.
I'm very sorry.

Let's keep going up.
Let's hope we figure this out

Before they do.
No need to k*ll ourselves

Because we don't know how long
the trail is.

Oh, my god.

This is a bitch.

I don't know if I can do this.

You're doing do -- going to
do it because this is a pit

Go to the top of this little

Hill there and go left.
I have a good feeling about

There's a park up there and

It goes up the hill.

Go to the park garage.
See, excellent.

There's probably an elevator or
something to take us up there.

Over here.
- Vanck and ash then --

Ashton, you're team number four.

Ashton, if your team -- is your
teammate pulling his weights?

Are you happy?

We're working on it.
You can do it.

I am trying my hardest!

I don't need my teammate to
make me feel like crap every


This is taking us in circles.
What are we going to do?

Let's get out.
Go to the elevator.

I just saw a sign that said an
elevator on it.

You got this.

Oh, my god.

Come on, come on.

This is harder than I

Slow down, let's look for the
elevator is.

This it?

Right here.
Elevator, park.

We're on b-2.

I could go for water.

One step at a time.

Oh, my back.
Oh, my god, there are so many

We're close.

Keep going.
Keep going.

It's right there.

London and logan?

You're team number five.

Brooke, you don't look happy.
Tell us the news.

I'm pleased to tell you
that you're team number six.

Oh, that's good.
- Scott, you're good?

Out of breath.
He's a pleasure.

We should have just went out
and around and not parked.

What do you want to do?

You know everything, you tell

No need to get fussy.

Jest tell me.

Go back down to where that
park was, park on the side of

The road and walk up the hill.

I know you don't want to but
that's about the only way you're

Going to get up there.

It's not.

I'm sure it's not.

So this elevator doesn't go
all the way to the top.

Forget it.
You know everything, I don't.

Let's go.
What was the name of that

Place again?

You know everything.
You tell me.

I'm asking you a question.
I'm not capable of making a

Decision, liz.

You can do it.
Levingts go.

I got to wait a second.

Liz, wait, please.
Come on.

He's up here.

Welcome to olesund, or --

Thank you.
It's beautiful.

Liz and michael, you are
the last team to arrive.

But lift your heads up because
you're still racing.

I have your next clue.

Keep on racing, don't give up
because because you can still

Win this race.

Liz, you all right?
A lot of negativity.

A lot of negativity.

Michael is that your doing?

It goes both ways.

I didn't do anything.

Of course you didn't but
we're moving on.

You guys have got to work
this out because there's no

Reason why you can't win this

I'm ready to roll.
When I say something, listen to

When I say something, I'll

Listen to you.

This is what I'm talking

I listen to every world she

That's why we're hiking up here.

I was rights on that and so
far we've been good.

That's right, you're right on

There's no arguing with ill.

I can't say anything to make you
think differently.

It's obviously not her fault.
I'm ready to do anything.

Forget it, we're done.
I don't know how to keep going.

In sit.

It's over.

Stay tuned for scenes from
our next episode.

On the next episode of
"the amazing race," will

Scomplizz michael overcome their

I'm trying to meet you halfway.

And when the race heads to
italy, teams face another

If you want me to do it, I'll

Do it.

And their fears.

I don't think you have me!
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