27x05 - King of the Jungle

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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27x05 - King of the Jungle

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing

Race" team texas --

Justin and diane.

We'll get off the express


And got everyone onboard

Against justin and diana.

There's a strategy to knock

Out the green team.

Once in africa, diana

Soared over victoria false at

The roadblock, while team texas

Used their express pass to jump


But when their strategy


We thought there would be a

Detour on this leg.

I guess there is but not until


Justin got the last laugh.

It's going to be a crucial


And their rivals reached a

Peaceful agreement.

We're not going to u-turn


We choose not to u-turn anybody.

And got a surprise on the


You're still racing.

In second place, team texas

Faced a huge decision.

You need to decide who

You're going to give the express




They've helped us a lot and

They're also not a threat to us.

What's your decision?


Ok ok texas next leg of

The race starts right now that's

Your next clue.

You're still racing.


Thank you so much.

Thanks y'all.

Going to the lookout cafe.

We can continue to stay ahead

Of them.

We think it's going to be both

Sets of girls at the back of the

Pack and that way we can use our

Express pass to beat each other.

We didn't want to basically help

A team out and give them an


Never give us an express pass



We don't even deserve one.

We're extremely excited to be

In first place right now

Bhutanner and josh are literally

A minute behind us.

We made an agreement with josh

And tanner.

We told them we wouldn't u-turn

Them and they said they wouldn't

U-turn us.

They're really nice guys.

They were but they're also

Our toughest competitorses.

I have the most respect for


He honored his agreement.

Huge respect for justin.

But the next time the green team

Is behind us, we're u-turning


We're here to win.

U-turn away.







Let's go.

Use your map.

U-turn -- nobody.

We're not going to u-turn


We're not u-turning anybody.


How much would you like to


All of it.

They need it more than we do.

Great news for you.

Tanner and josh have decided

That they would like you to have

The express pass.

This is for you.

This has been so much better

Than the last leg.

Well, speaking of the last

Leg, it's over.

However, the next leg starts

Right now.

This is your next clue.

Thank you, phil.

Good luck.

We have to use it this leg,


So our next detour.

There we go.

Lookout cafe.

We choose not to u-turn.

We got to express pass!

The boys are the best.

I'm so glad they gave it to


Lookout cafe, yes, yes, whoa!

With the express pass.

Yes, yes.

All right, let's do it.

Holy cow.

All right, roadblock.

You can do this.

All right, I will gorge


This is the zambisi river,

Where it all begin.

And -- began.

Oh, my god, kevin!

The very first "the

Amazing race" challenge and the

First challenge for teams on

This race of the -- leg of the


Oh, my goodness, justin.

Holy cow.

I'm jealous now.

This is unbelievable!



I'm doing good.

This is pretty crazy.

Make sure he's nice and

Tight, please.

I'm going to marry this man.

No problem.

Who wants to gorge


I think it's in the gorge.


Gorge zipline.

Ok, I'll be doing it.

So, let's see what we're doing.

Take a big swing over if zambisi

River, free falling over 200

Feet into the gorge.

All right, let's go.

I'll do it.

Oh, my goodness.

I'm terrified.

You got the next one this

Thing is scary as --

There's that nervous


Oh, my god.

You'll go about 95 meters.

Then swing about 90 meters.

Oh, my gosh.

Look at this.

All right.


Holy -- whoa.


Oh, my god.

Five, four, three, two, one,




Oh, my god.

Look at this.

Oh, my god.

This is crazy!


Good luck, josh.


About 110 on my heart rate.

I'm 120.

I'm scared for you.

I wish I didn't see justin go

But at least I saw that it was

Flat down there so I felt a

Little more confident.

Oh, my god, unbelievable


Give me a little slap on my


Not too hard.

A little harder.


How was it?

Unbelievable, dude.

Just do it, no hesitation.

Thank you for honoring your


I appreciate that.

No problem.

We plan to do that the whole


Thank you very much.


Crocks orca news.


Teams have a chance to

Make three levels.

The most popular crocs in town.

Once teams have fed them their

Favorite dish, raw meat, and if

They can get out alive, they'll

Get their next clue.

The zambisi river is so long it

Crosses six countries and

Stretches 22,00 miles.

Known as the river of life, it

Is home to some imposing


The perfect place to paddle a


After surviving a river

Crossing, one team member must

Hoigs their partner to the top

Of this tree and pick up their

Next clue out of a vulture's


We're choosing paddlele.


Who wants to gorge


I do.


Whoo, babe.

Oh, my god.

I love you, man.

You're my only child so stay


You doing it, kel?

I'm doing it.

You're going to love every

Second of it.

Oh, lord just help me not to

Scream like a girl.

I'll just fall off, right?


Oh, my god!

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my god.

That is amazing.

Whoa whoo!

I think my heart stopped


That was amazing.

Oh, my god.



Oh, my gosh, that was


Good job.

That was incredible.

Was it awesome?


Thanks, man.

We're strong.

We can paddle faster.

Let's go.

Probably a u-turn.

I don't know.

We choose not to u-turn


Let's go.

In is it.

Here you go.

Cindy and rick?


You're team number five.

Yes, we'll take it.

I can't think about this

We're not u-turning anyone.

There it is.

Hey, guys.

Big donation for you guys.

How much money do you have

And how much did you donate?

I donated 20.

We have 155 bucks left.

If it's any consolation,

All the other teams donated all

Their money.

Look where it's going to.

To all these chinch here.

I guess we don't need it.

There it go, -- goes.


You are team number six.

However, I have to tell you that

You are still racing.

Here is your next clue.


Lookout cafe.

No one wants to u-turn.

I didn't even want to think

About it.

Maybe we should have towlingt

To -- thought about it.

We've been together about six


We work together and we live

Together and we do this at work


The indecision as -- has gotten

Us in the past where we've made

A really bad mistake.

At home, trust me, when I make

That bad call, it's not pretty.

We're team six and there are

Two teams behind us so they're

Going to fight it out, not us.

We're not u-turning anybody.


There's phil.

Are you team number seven.

However, you are still racing.

I have your next clue.

Thank you, phil.

Thank you, guys.

Hi, phil.

If we'd known this would be a

Virtual piss "p.t.i." Stop we

Would have u-turned the

Cheerleaders but I wanted to

Focus on what was lying ahead

And not what might have


We told everyone we would.

Just do it.

We're u-turning the green team

Because we made a promise with

Everyone and we're keeping our


Tiffany and krista, I'm

Sorry to tell you that you're

The last team to arrive.

However, you're still racing.

Here is your next clue.

You're going to have to do some

Serious catching up.

Thank you, bye!

Oh, my god.

I'm sick of questioning

Myself and being in the back.

It's just so frustrating.

I know.

We're fighters and we're not

Going to give up no matter what

We keep pushing ourselves.

Oh, man, that is a big drop.

Let's go.


Oh, my gosh.



That looks amazing.


Oh, my god.


I love you, man, I love you.

Love you too.

Way to go, kembings, ls.


Feeling good.

No doubt about it.

Five, four, three, two, one,



Oh, my god!

Love you, mom.

Way to go!


Get back up here!

Where's the jetty?

Here, here's the boat.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

There's an elephant.

That's a real elephant.

I can't even focus right now.

I want to touch the elephant.

So cool.

All right, let's do it.

Come on, babe.

Let's go.

I'm very nervous.

It's pretty scary.

Oh, my god.


It was definitely in the back

Of our minds the whole time that

A crocodile or a hippo could

Attack us.

Come on.

I got it.

We tried to use tunnel vision

And focus on what we needed to


Look at that.

They're in a canoe too.

Go, go.

Watch out.

Holy crap.

Gosh, that's extreme.

We just have to paddle other

Them, make sure they don't bite

Us on the way.

We could beat them.

We looked over and saw josh

And tanner in the water behind

Us and knew they were stronger

Than the both of us in our --

Their upper body but it was

About knowing the proper


Keep paddling.

Seems like they don't know

What they're doing.

I used to teach small bolt

Canoing and she was on a team

And so we feel really confident

In the water.

Come on, dude.

Why are we not catching them?

Oh, my gosh, come on.

We're beating the

Cheerleaders and track stars

Right now.

We're not that far behind the

Other teams.

Go, go, go.

We're going to him.


You almost knocked me down.


Who wants to gorge


Oh, it's eating.

I'll gorge myself.

Yes, honey, you can do it,


Yes, go, go.

Turn around.

We have to go.

We're going to the zambisi

River, the swing.

The river.

Free falling into it.

We're going to bungee jump

Over the river.

Where is that?

You know where that is?

Follow this car if you don't.

Follow the car.

If you don't know where this is


I don't understand.

Just follow them.

It's not in there, right?

It's not in there.

Is that a team?

Yeah, it's the doctors and

That's miami.

Ok, we're good.

You got it, you got it.

Who wants to gorge


I guess I do.

Good job.

All the other teams went back in

Their tackies.

They didn't go right here.

I told them to get away from


You fall in but you start

From the top.

Oh, it's right there.

We're just going to follow


Do not lose the car.

Hurry, fast.

Ok, just follow.

They seem to know now.

I hope they're right or we're

Messed up.

Thinking anything could

Happen right now.

It's anybody's game.

I'm just so sick of showing

Up to the mat last.

I don't understand why little

Things keep happening to us.

Here it is right here.

It's a roadblock.

I got it.

We have to catch up.

Come on.

I have to not be frantic.

We got frantic and we --

Gorge in bridge view.

We're right there.

Oh, man, we might have messed


We were already there.

This is it.

We missed -- messed up.

We're the last team right


Miami and doctors drove the

Opposite way, we're the only one

That is took the path.




The girls are ahead of us.

We are so stupid.

Oh, my god.

We didn't know it was here.

We didn't look around.

This is the roadblock.

We're at the roadblock.


We suck.

That could have been our


Are we last?

I don't know.

I don't know.

We messed up.

Dude, why are we doing that?

I don't know.

We thought we had to go

Somewhere else?

I don't know.

We're at the roadblock.

You go to the roadblock and you

Do it.

We're stupid.

We missed the roadblock all


We would have been in front

Of them.

We're over, we're done.

We're done.

We're done.

We're done.

That's not a good attitude.

This is not every till it's


I know.

Oh, my god.

You need to do this.

Just enjoy this


We're not over, honey.

Where do you want to do go?


We're almost there.

Have a good one.

Thank you, sir.

Number one.




Oh, man.

I put this on?



Oh, man.

I'm not exactly the thrill

Seeker that kelsey is but having

Seen the size of the croc that

Was in the first pen there, he's

A big guy so we'll seal exactly

What we have to do.

Do you see it?


All right.

I cannot believe we are --

Keep paddling.

Almost there, baby.

Come on, babe, go.

Keep paddling.

Keep paddling.

I am.

Shut up, dude.

Juve and tanner are right --

Justin and tanner are right on

Our heels, all day.

Vulture's nest is way up in

The tree.

Ready, babe?


Go, baby.

It's a good thing I'm light

Because we can get this done.

A little bit more.

Almost, justin.

Whoa, it's heavier than I


How much farther are you?

About 15 feet.

I got it.

I got it.

I really should have gone on

That diet like I talked about.


Maybe your -- make your way

To --

Almost there.

Five feet.

All right, stop.

Got it.

We got it going at the same



Josh and tanner leave yet?


They're just getting in.

Oh, my gosh, look.

I'm a little scared.

Come on.

One, two.

Come on.

They beat us.

Wow, they just k*lled us.

Oh, my god this is insane.

Five, four, three, two, one.

Oh, my gosh.

This is amazing!

Oh, my god!


We're so stupid.

Thank you!

We're going to feed some


We're not scared.

Oh, god.

Thank you for taking the detour.

You'll meet the most ferocious


You'll be inside the cage.

That's good.

Hey, we're going to use our

Express pass.

Thank you so much.

Have a great day.

Thank you.

Giving it to denise and james

, We're fine with that.

We would have liked it.

We're just glad that the

Express passes are gone and

Nobody is going to be pulling up

Next to us, showing the express

Pass and passing us.

Oh, got.


Oh, my god.

Look how big they are.

Hope you're hungry.


They're hungry.



I felt the force of that jaw

Going on the stick and him kind

Of pulling it.

I'm glad we were in cages

Because it was scary the force

That crocodile had.

We did it, baby!



That is ridonkulous, that

Drop there.


What morons.

Why did we follow them?


Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.


Just enjoy this



Pull me up fast when you're


We're our own worst enemy,


We just don't see the obvious.

We need to focus.

That was our motto coming in

Here and we haven't done it.

What do I hold when I fall?

I'm scared.

All right, wait.

Oh, no.




Oh, good, he didn't die.

To hunt for your next clue.

The lion is the undisputed

King of the jungle.

To walk with africa's royalty is

A unique experience offered here

As lion encounter, which works

To introduce wildlife back into

The environment.

Following these magnificent

Creatures into the bush, teams

Must search for their next clue

Along the way.

Thankfully it's not dinner-time.

This is going to be amazing.



So animals that are pretty


A couple of things on the board


Obviously stay alert.

Standard rule of the bush, do

Not run.

Loud noises, try and keep the

Volume down.

We don't want to excite them.

There's a clue box.

Look for the skulls to find

Your clue.

Someone's in front of us.

Who's that?

We had to change our clothes

When we got there.

Glad we broict other clothes.

Otherwise we might have been

Lion chow.

Oh, my goodness, justin.

Oh, my god.

When should you be scared?


We're walking with lions.

Are you kidding me?

I know.

This is amazing.

Don't crouch down.

Don't move.

Look them in the eye.

You must look them in the eye.

Walking next to two lions.

Keep your eyes open.

I'm looking.

So far ahead instead of

Chasing them.

They beat us.

Walk with the lions to hunt

For your next clue.

Ok, we're walking with the

Lions, buddy.

We have two teams.

We have a few minutes before you

Guys will be able to get out.

Oh, man.

I'm excited to see the


So ready.

Oh, my god.

We're going -- oh, my god, we're

Going in a cage.

Love you.

Love you.

I'm more nervous feeding the

Crocodiles than falling off of a


Oh, my god.

They're so big.

Oh, my god!

Let's go.

Come on!

Oh, there's them now.






Oh, my god.

Good job.

Who else is here?

Straight down.

Is it just us?

How much -- how many have gone

There besides them?

Quite a few.

All the other teams are here.

We're behind.

We can't do this we have to go.

We have to go.

No, what are you doing?

You're being irrational.

Everyone's done this.


Honey, I think this might be

A mistake here.

This is no joke.

We're too behind to do this.

Look how long -- ok, we're

Already here.

By the time --

Oh, my god, my feet.

He's going to bite my toe.

Do you want to switch or not?


Then stop talking about it.



Hubba, hubba.


He's ripping the stick.


Whatever you want.

Should have done this a while


Just put your clothes on and

Let's go.

Do you think this is stupid?

I'm changing back!

You can't -- you had me change!

Don't --

Ok, change.

What, what do you think?

I told you when I thought out

There when I was standing in

Line for the crocodiles.

We're stand standing in line for


I don't know.


We're standing in line for


Now we're changing.

I don't know, I don't care.


Let's just take what's


We're being stadium.

We're just panicking because --

Are they done already?




That was so scary.

Oh, they're done.



Yeah, they're done.

Ok, this is fine.

Thank you!

Go, go, go.

We should have done the swing

Job appropriately and we

Wouldn't be -- this sucks.

This is so wonderful.

Males can be poached easily

Because of the beautiful

Maintenance they have.

Oh, poached.

We are using these to

Repopulate the numbers of the

World population.

That's nice.

Keep our heads on a swivel,


Looking for skulls ask -- clues.

There's a skull.

Looks like an elephant skull

Or something huge.

Do you want to go there?

Yes, please.

We got our clue.

Walking with our new pet.

So awesome.

I feel like a lion king.

He won't be friendly no more.

So they don't get used to you

Now and they love you?

They will eat us.

They'll eat you?

Go slow.

I don't want that thing to eat


Please, go slow.

I see a skull.

Can we go there?

Come with me.

Slow, slow.



Wait, wait.

Oh, my god.

Oh, boy.

When a male lion looks at you

And starts walking towards you,

It's pretty scary.

If they want to eat me there's

No way I could truly stop them

From eating me.

They are powerful predators.

If you want to see

Elephant, buffalo, leopard,

Rhinoceros or lion than the

Masui private game reserve is

The perfect place to find them

In 1,000 acre reserve is now the

Pit stop of this leg of the race

And just to make things

Interesting, teams must bring

Two large futes brackets --

Fruits baskets to the mat.

The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

We're in trouble.

This is amazing.

Walking with the king of the

Junglele, babe.

What do they eat?


This is incredible.



They're absolutely gorgeous.

They're beautiful.

Get the food.

Get some.

Got it.

Oh, yummy.



If we had done the thing

Right we would have left.

Come on, babe, it's for the

Pit stop.

Be positive.

I can balance.

I can balance.

You have good balance.

I don't know if I could do that.

Men wear these two?

We want to be first.

Just one time.

Come on, mom.

Who's there?

My god.

I'm terrible with this stuff.

Oh, crap.

You make it look so easy.

Where you at, mom?

I'm two from tonight of you,


Justin, where are you?

What the heck, man?

This is definitely the

Slowest foot reyes ever.

-- Footrace ever.

Might be our last thing we

Get to do.

Will you not get your hand

Cut off?

We did it.

Just don't talk.

There's a skull over there.

See that skull?


All right.

Let's grab it.

We're look for skulls for


Right there.

Go as slow as you need, to


Come on, baby, I got it now.

I'm as frustrated as I can

Possibly be.

All right, come on, babe.

One step at the same time.

You're doing great, mom.

It's just at that little



Come on, baby, I'm trying.

We're in this!

Let's do this baby.

I'm doing my best, justin.

Are they behind us?

I don't know where we are.

Come on, baby, you got this

Come on, baby, we're almost


I see phil.

Oh, jay.

You're so close.

So close.

My feet are on.

Mine are too.

You are on the mat.


Denise and james earl, you

Are team number one!

And as the winners of this leg

Of the race you have won a trip

For two from travel city and you

Are going to slovakia.

You'll spend five nights at

Merril's boutique hotel and

While there, you'll enjoy a

Two-hour massage and a

Three-course dinner at the

Messina restaurant.

Coming off that third leg, we

Struggled all day.

To be number one is so good.

We had the express pass and

You get that little momentum


We can do it, we can do it.

I think I can.

The green team and the dallas

Boys, they've been up at the top

And now we can say we've joined


Justin and diana, I'm

Pleased to tell you that you're

Team number two.

We were in first the whole

Day and to just get passed up at

The last second because we

Couldn't bounce food on her


No more express passes.

Now let the best team win and we

All know who the best team is.

That's right.

It's been a great day so far.

Where are we going, the lion


Near the masuwe lodge?


Ok, that looks like it's it.

Do you see anything?

No, I don't.

We have to carry a basket on

Our held.

Just go slow.

I am.



Hey, guys.

If it feels like it's flying

Just recenter it and keep on


That's what I'm doing.

There's phil.

This isn't right.

Reeled the clue again.

Make your way to the lion


Is this lion encounter?

Oh, my god.

Is this is lion encounter?

No, down that way, take a


Run all the way down that


We're supposed to do this

After we do the lion encounter.

Lions and tigers and bears,

Oh, my.

Let's do it.


Look for the skulls.

Walk with the lions to hunt

For your next clue.

Let's go.

Tanner, come on.

This thing is coming off.

Over my eyes.

First his leg and now it's


You ok, babe?


Big strides.

There you go.

I never felt more ridiculous in

My life.

I can't get in front of those


I just want to get there so they

Don't have too much of a lead.

Tanner and josh, you were

Going to be u-turning justin and

Diana, correct?

Originally that was the


We ended up finishing in third


We're not happy about that but

At the same time it could have

Been much worse.

The green team at the u-turn,

That gives us hope later on.

Kelsey and joey, you guys

Are such a strong team but not

Yet the strongest.

No, we're chipping away at

The guys up at the top and

They're tough.

There's a lot of really

Competitive, good teams and we

Feel like we can beat them.

This is where we we have to

Start looking, ok?

Skull, skull, red and yellow.

We're making stupid mistakes.

Just be focused and make sure

We're not making stupid


We see a skull.


Thank you.

So many little mistakes.

We have to pay attention.

Walk with the lions to hunt

For your next clue.

Logan and chris are pulling


They're literally right on our


It's between us and lowingen and

Chris to see who gets to phil


You never know.

You never know.


Let's do it.

Oh, my gosh.

Walk with the lions?

Tiffany, we can balance.

We got this.

Thank you.

Bye, lions.


-- Bye.

That was so cool.

All right, let's go, babe.

On our way to the pit stop.

We're in trouble.

We're not doing -- we're last.

We're having a hard time getting

Ahead of the other teams.

We need to go fast today because

We're last.

You're what?

Did you find the clue?

Ok, you have to wait until

The next group to go.

Oh, my god.


We just want to stay in


We don't want to go home to


We want to stay with these

Big old cats.

What's that sound coming?

I was like looking


I didn't see anything.

I saw nothing at all.

Where's the additional


Let me read all this look for

The skulls.

I did see a skull.

You did see a skull?


When we were walking along

The thing.

We didn't reeled the whole thing

So we didn't see to look for the


Look for skulls.

Honey, stop saying that.

I get it.

Just keep watching for

Skulls, ok, honey?


It's so will coo, these cats

Are so cool.

We're last.

We're not at the pit stop.

Maybe someone else messed up


Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes.

Just made the same mistakes


Oh, my god.

Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes.

This has been our downfall this

Entire leg.

We have to wait until miami

Comes back because we didn't

Look for the skull heads.


Don't go skulls.

Just find the skull.

We think we're in last place

So we're hoping that team miami

Doesn't find the clue.

Come on, skulls.

Oh, there's a skull.

I see a skull.

Good job.

We got it, we got it.

That's it.

There's one over there.

I see a skull.


Quick, please.

See, I'm not scared of these

Big cats.


Ooh, ooh.

Just don't greek -- freak


That's scary.

I did notice that.

I was like honey.

Cats like me.

I don't like cats.

Uh, uh, oh, my god!

You guys are amazing!

Tiffany and krista, you

Are the last team to arrive on

The last leg.

I know.

This time you're team

Number five.


We're not last!

Oh, the girls are here?

Oh, wow.

Yeah, they're waiting.

Go, go.

Oh, the girls are sitting.

Something happened.

Oh, gosh, ok, go, go.

Oh, my god, we're still in it.


When did you see those


It's toward the middle, just

Sitting in the bush.

Let's go.

It's already off.

Just pick it up.

Come on.

Pick it up.

Don't talk to me.

I can do this if you don't talk

To me.

Come on.

The others are going to overtake


There's a skull right right


That's it.

Ok, let's go.

We might have some kind of

Chance if they can't hold the

Fruit on their head.

Chris, did you just drop it?


Oh, my god, chris.

Look, he's messing up.

We can do this but you have to

Be calm.

Just don't talk to me.

I know what I need to do.

The talking is distracting me.

Come on, baby, we got this.

Rick, are you close by?

Hang on.

They're just ahead of us.

Yeah, it's the doctors and

That's miami.

I'm coming, honey.

Go ahead, start walking.

I'm getting it now.

Ok, I don't want to talk,


Getting the hang of it now.

Good job.

There's phil straight ahead.

That's it.

Go, go, go.

Don't tell me to go.

You got it.

I'm coming, honey.

Go ahead and start walking.

He's so close by.

I can see phil.

Logan and chris, you

Didn't make it look easy,

However, you are team number



Our takeaway is the same from

Every leg.

It's just calm down.

We knew it was our weakness and

We have to work together to stay


I think he's just right

Around the corner, honey.

We're going to get there.

See how easy it is?

Right there.

I know, I'm coming, I'm


Go ahead, you can do this.



We're going to beat them.

Oh, my god.

Just relax.

I got it.

Go, honey, go.

Come on, rick, you can do it!

Come on.

You're on.

I'm on.

Cindy and rick, you are

Team number seven.

Thank you, phil.

Good job, guys.

Good job.

We're almost there.

Jazmine and danielle,

Unfortunately you were overtaken

When you were doing the lion


Yeah, we were.

Sorry to tell that you

You've been elimb mated from --

Eliminated from the race.

We're bummed out because

We're athletes, competitors and

We want to win at everything we


The experiences we've had,

The places we've done.

To do it with my friend.

I wouldn't have done it with

Anybody else.

Love you, sugar.

I love you too, sugar.

Stay tuned for scenes from

Our next episode.

Next week on "the amazing

Race," tanner's worst nightmare

Comes true.



The cheerleaders get down.


Justin flips out.


And logan loses it.

We had a good lead

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