27x03 - Where My Dogs At?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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27x03 - Where My Dogs At?

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing


Aires, argentina.

It's just something about

Their personalities and how

They're playing it.

We don't trust them at ausm

And it only got worse at

The roadblock.




I can't stand them.

At the detour teams

Cleaned up.

I'm going in.

And wiped out.



Justin and diana made a

Dream come true.

You are the first team --

And while other feared the

Worst it was alex and adam who

Went down in defeat.

Two legs.

That's all we got.

Nine teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next.

It's $1 million!

I'll buy you a new one!

I'll buy you a new one!
Come on, let's go!

Come on, let's go!

How does it feel?

It's not like it's bun of

Those things that you can put a

Brace on and make it better.

That last pit stop, I pulled my

Hamstring on the way in.

I'll just work hardener the

Physical competitions and we

Just have to pray nonstop


We know that god has a plan

For us.

We took for granted what god

Gave us our strength and ability

And the physical challenges.

Hopefully it will work out for

The best.

Travel by bus to san antonio,


Teams will now travel by

Bus to the rural town of san

Antonio de arego.

Once there they will choose a

Pickup truck.

Take me through to there?


Leaving in first place and it

Sees natural.

I think the other teams are

Seeing us as a threat.

I've seen every season at least

Three times.

That's going to be a huge


We're going to jump in the back

Of a pickup truck.

So this could get interesting.

Bus, bus, you know, bus


Son of a g*n -- this is the

First time that we spent a lot

Of time together.

What's this?

I don't want to say too many


You always tell me to shut


We butt heads and when we butt

Heads it's not going to be good.

I'm not.

Really confident we're not

Going to make any mistakes.

That's the goal.

We'll see.


Bring us.

Trying to get on the earliest

Bus we can.

How far is the bus station?

Oh, close.


Thank you.

San antonio de arego.

Another team.

I know.

We've got to beat them.

Our taxi driver is the best.

Thank you, sir.

We want the exact same thing.

Will we be able to get on?


Did a good job.

I guess they're going to get on.

It's supposed to leave right



Take off.

No, stop, stop, stop.

Thank you!

What's up, guys?

That was a run.

There's nobody else on here.

No, we're good.


So money.

Two tickets.

We're on the way to san

Antonio de arego.

On the bus is kris and logan and

The cheerleaders.

We've got to get to the bus


Today is catch-up game.

Every little mistake put

Putts you behind somebody else.

You're lucky.

We're on a mission now.

This is the race.

Anything can happen.

We found local bus that would

Take us to a bus terminal.

And we get bus tickets to san

Antonio de arego.

Jesse gets on our nerves.

Justin is real in your face

And he yells.

And he yells too.

That isn't good either.

Once we get the express pass we

Have to turn it to another team.

If someone gets it, we're going

To promise them the express


Hey, guys, oh, my god --

Oh, there is other teams


It's relieved to see other

Teams but it sucks because we

Had a nice lead.

Justin and diana and

Justin and joey are making their

Way to thing a cultural

Heartland of this country, the

Pompous region home to the


You see them?

Let's go!

Come on, come on, come on!





Oh, god.

They're in front of us right now

As always.

La portena.


I'll get out myself.

Best you can.

Justin and diana have the

Lead and will be the first to

Meet these gauchos.

Cooking meet has become an art

Form in this country perfected

By gauchos in the pompous region

For generation.

This roadblock requires team to

Hang meat on racks to be cooked.

If the gauchos approve their

Work, teams will be given a rack

Of meet.

Who is smoking hot?

I am but you'll do it.

I am, but you'll do it.

Let's go, babe!

Pick up two lambs and a rack

Of beef.

All right.

So I need two racks of lamb.

And a rack of beef ribs.

Good job, chue!

Rock it!

You've got it!

Yes, sir, go.



Legs up, tied there.

Smoke it.

You've got it.

Hopefully we could eat this

Stuff later.

Roadblock was paying

Attention o detail studying the

Example and being able to put

That example exactly like the

One that you're working on.

I'll do everything old



So this goes through here.


Good job, joey!

You've got this!

He loves cooking.

It's right up his aly.

He can do it.

He's got one in.

One down.

Something that you've never

Done before is always difficult.

You just have to make sure it's


Oh, wow.


Did not see that.

The wire has to be coming

Through here and there's two.

Oh, sh**t.

The back is facing the pole.

Yeah, that's right.

Good work, josh.

We all want number one.

We're not worried about coming

Last now.

Any lead is great.

There are five teams on this


Who know where is the dancers


They were pretty far behind

Everybody else.

Thank you.

I don't see no other teams at


There is nobody there right


Ay yay yay.

Oh, boy.

Oh, boy.
I hope we catch up somehow.

I hope we catch up somehow.

There's nobody here right


Just like last leg, I said


We're still in, right?

You're not giving up on you.

You're not giving up on me.

We're going to get there and

Just crush it.

Down the last one and hoping

It's correct.

Trying to get this inside.

It's not working.

I'm by a fire and I'm


He wiped his head and grabbed


It's like I don't want that one.

This has to be catching the

Meat on both sides.

Ata boy, stick it.



Let's go, joey!

Got it, joey.

You can do it.

You've got it, joey.

All right.

Cook that.

Good job, justin!

Got this, baby.

I had this on the wrong side.

If I can get this corrected I

Think I'll be ok.

Let's go.

Go, go, go, go.

Let's go, girls.

Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.

In the back or where?

In the back.

Over here.


Go, go, go!

Go, go, go, go!

Go, go, go, go!

I love it.

I'm good.

No more arguing today.

Pinky promise.

Pinky promise.

Remember that.

That was a pinky promise.

Just got to slow down and

Make sure to do it right now.

It's definitely not pretty as

Long as it's effective.


My amigo!

What do you mean no?



So mean.


He said no.

He means no.

Here they come.

Other trucks are here, jay.

I'm right behind you.

The lead seems to be gone.

He's smoking hot.

I'm smoking hot.


Goes right there.

Josh, just relax and look at


Come on, jay, finish it!

This game is on.

Game is on.

These bad boys are heavy.

Kris, get that meat, yeah!

Go, go, go!

People look at kristen and I

But we are two little girls but

We are athletes.

Christy, you've got this!

Oh, lord.

I don't want to eat that


Come on, you can do it!

Feet up and then right

Through the super spinadas.

You have to see which way the

Meat was facing and which part

The sticks were going through.

This is all about attention to

Detail and I've got this.

Study it, study it.

Yep, the bars are not secure.

The meat.

Hola, gaucho.

The other team showing up didn't

Affect meat.

I didn't notice anyone else

Besides justin being annoying.


Thank you so much.

I got it, babe.

Well, they just got it.

So let's go!

Pick up a roasted lamb and

Dwoffer discover it to the plaza


We need a lamb.

I said a prayer and I promise

You you got it 10 seconds later.

Texas just got clear.

They're heading out.

This is on the wrong side.

Those dockers can do --

Doctors can do it.

They do stitches and stuff.

They can do it.

It's like tying a proline


Work with the wire not

Against it.

I love meat so this is not

Really problem for me.

There we go.

You've got this, bayy.

One down and two to go!

Woot, woot!

Man, the smell is k*lling me!

Come on, jay!

Gaucho, my amigo.

Justin's a little annoying at

This point.


I fix.


Has got the big end up top,


Big end up top.

I guess we're waiting and see

What happens when we get off

This and get closer.

Hopefully when we get there,

Just going to try to make up

Some time.

Fast side up and -- fat side

Up and pick the ribs.

I think it's this rack of


I'm just try -- ribs.

I'm just trying to switch a few


But I generally have no clue.

Come on!

I'm going to kick myself in

The face just for taking this


Gaucho -- we do barbecue on the


What do you mean no?


You've going to, joey!

Come on, jay!

Thank you!

Thank you, sir.

You got it?

Come on, jay.

Of the three teams that got

Here at the same time I'm last.

It's very frustrating.

I'll just start it over from the

Beginning and do every detail

One by one.


Come on, come on, please?

We got it?



Oh, my god.

They just got it.

Thank you.

You got it?

Press chac attack got it!

I know.


Come on, now!


That's it, buddy!

I see a table.


Smells good.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Horse or carriage.

Some historians believe

Polo is the world's team's

Oldest sport and argentine

Yeah's fire are the best.

They are required to get into

Uniform and properly equip a

Polo horse.

Horse drawn wagons like this

Have been a valuable means of

Transportation for centuries.

Carriage requires teams to

Detail a carriage.

They must then drag it down the

Street to this area and have it

Harness to a team of horses.

Most detours require teams to

Deliver their horse or carriage

To this local festival where

These gauchos will hand them

Their next clue.

The horse.


Let's do it.

Take one of the six polo


Right here.

I can't run.

We need to ask someone where

That's at.

You ok?


He got hurt too.

The roadblock was terrible

For me.

I did a terrible job r. No, you

Did a good job.

No, I did a terrible job.

It was one stupid mistake that

You couldn't see.

When you feel the pressure

Sometimes you drop the ball and

I dropped the ball.

Should be right here.

Hold on.

We're here to be throughout

With polo gear.


Here we go.

Never played polo.

Actually always kind of wanted


I used to wear polo.

They're nice and tight.

We're doing horse.

Let's go.

Thank you, everybody!

Just like horse, take one of

The six polo mallet to select a




Got it.

Hold it.

Wait for me.

We have to read that every time

We leave.

That's what I'm telling you.


Come on.

Let's go.

We're going to do carriage.

Let's go.

Chacattack is here.

We're going horse.


Pull them out right there.

All right.

Come on.

Looking for the -- so I go

Down to that street.

Did we go too far?

Maybe we had to go there first.

I've never felt so ridiculous

And felt so good at the same


Justin, right there.

That's why we're a team.

The guys just got there.

How far up, guys?

All the way down.

It's on the corner.

Good luck, you guys.

That was dumb.

Come on.

This is a five-mile jog.

Let's do it.

Right here.

Right here.

I'm in pain.

I'm not tired.

It's k*lling me.

Good job, man.

Good job.

Good job.

Those are fake horses, dude.

We have to dress them just like


I haven't tied a horse in a

Long time.

I think it's just the socks.

But I can help you in a sefpblgt

-- Second.

We have to get the bridele

And everything.

Making everybody proud.

He's more country than me.

He know what is he's doing now.

We've got a good little lead

But it's shrinking.

Make sure you got everything

From the --

Come on, jay, we can catch


We got it.

We got everything?


Come on, spider.

Got the faith in you, bud.

Please, god, please, god.

Please, god.


Let's see if this is right.

Come on, tiff, good girl!

I'm so proud of you, tiff!



Is it the big piece?

Look at the big slap.

That's where everybody's having

Trouble with the big slab.

During the roadblock you have

To know when to keep your mouth

Shut an not give up those


Got it.

I know what it is, mom.

I hope we don't get a penalty

For that one.

Oh, he will k*ll me.

Sir, I think I'm good.


Oh, my god.

I don't know.

I'm not quitting, honey but I

Really can't figure this out.

One, two, over rib, over rib.



Let's go, danny!



This is brutal.

This is brutal standing here.

I don't know what's going on


He doesn't know what to do.

He doesn't know what's wrong.

I really can't figure this



He's so confused.

I don't know if she know what

Is she did wrong.

I hope the boys don't show



She's pretty.

I'm praying they don't pull

Up right now.

Up right now.
I just hope they're really far

I just hope they're really far

Come on, tiff!

We've been here a while, so,

I don't know if he's exactly

Sure what he's doing.

Sir, come over.




Thank you!

It's ok, tiffany, don't


You've got this.


We're at the end of the road


Oh, my goodness.

Son of a g*n.

Are they yours?

No, he doesn't have one on.

There's your bit.

Oh, god.

We're struggling and in come

Justin and diane.

Coming into this competition

We thought we could just coast

An never look back but this is a

Competition so we've got the get

Rid of them.

Doesn't look good.


You've got the saddle on


That's not funny.

My dad's going to be so






Said no.

We have a very small lead.

We're doing horse.



Take one of them and pull

Them out.

Find wrout this place is --

Find out where this place is.

I'm with you.

Please say yes.

Please say yes.


Give me a kiss!

We're in the right place.

So far.

Now what?

Let's read the clue again.

Take one of the six buggy

Whips -- was it at the starting


Oh, my god.

Was the buggy whips at the

Starting point?

We had forgotten the whip so

We had to run all the way back

To the festival.

How did we miss that?

Dang it.


This is really far.

It's going over.

But look how far his is pushed.

So here.

This is where we come back to

First place.

I know.

It's why I'm saying just take

Your time.

All right.

Ask him now.

Big money.

We good?


Is his bit in his mouth?

Seems like they don't know

What they're doing.

Delivering this thing is

Going to be a bitch.

You see anything?

No, I don't see anything


It looks identical to me.

Oh, my ankles, I could feel a

Blister right now.

I'm coming.

I got you.

Stop complaining.

I'm checking on you.

Hold on.

You're making me scared.

This is an old truck.

You sound like mom right now.

Shut up.

Put your hands down!

This is it, bro.

Don't look like nobody's


Who is smoking hot?

I'm the sexy one, all right?

What is that?

I don't know!

I'm watching my brother

Running around with meat things

Or something like turkeys or


Hopefully he can get it it.

I believe in him.

Sucks that I know we're last.

So time is crucial.

I'm not going to tell my brother

That I'm scared.

If I tell him he's probably

Going to get nervous that I'm


There it is!

I'm going!

Trying to smoke my meat!

So hopefully I'm not that far


We're still fighting to stay in


Bird's chirping.

They're cheering me on too.

Thanks, guys.

Oh, this is so disgusting.


Something about here.

Now, look at this though.

Right here.

This is somewhere.

Look at his mouth.

I can't get in the horse's


Under the chin.

That's what it is.

Under the chin?

Under the chin.

There we go.



He'll walk with me.

The boys got it.

We can do it.

That goes around his neck.

The texas boys just left.


We're doing horse.


Where is the mallet?

Mallet, one left.


Let's go.

I think this is on backwards.


This goes in here.

Let's go over there.

Look at horse on the way in.



It's no good?

The horse thing.

Put up that there.

And then put that on there.

Okie dokeie.

Put that on there.

You want to ride him?

Come on.

Let's go, number one.


Make your way on foot to your

Next pit stop.

Argentina's gauchos are

Celebrated just like the

American cowboys.

They are honored in this town

And in this beautiful historic

Building which is the pit stop

For this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

Last team to check in may be


Come on.

This needs to be this way.

I get it.

This part goes in here.

Find out where this goes.

Find out where this goes.

Yes, ma'am.

You got the saddle on?

This is down low.

That's it.

Can you check?


Don't celebrate too much with

The horse there.

You don't want to get kicked.

Yeah, leave the -- lead the

Horse to water.

I'll make it drink.

Oh, lord.

Let's get the lick and get out.

There's a lot of land.

Stay focused.

Keep going.


I'm good!

I'm feeling a lot more positive

Right now than I did at the bus


I feel a lot more calm.

I don't know if it's the fact

That I'm in the country or


I'm not a meat smoker.

I don't know if you can tell.

Come on.

I know my brother's probably

Going crazy over there right


But because he's my little

Brother he's going to cheer me

On no matter what.

I think I've got it!

Hopefully he does and we can

Get out of here.


I don't know if this is right.

But I guess I'm about to find


Grill master?

Please say that it's correct.

Please, please, please.

Yes, it's right?

Thank you very much.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I think we're good.

Just say check.




Easy, easy, easy.

They got it.

Hurry up.

Chain under the chin.

How can I help?

That's really far.

That's over a river.

I don't want to hurt I now.

Justin and die yna.

Are you motivated?

I'm motivated.

Oh, wow!



Thank you, my amigo!

Make your way to the next pit


Make your way on foot!

Keep rung, babe -- running.

Maybe we can beat them.

Why are my hands so tight and

Yours are so loose.


How are we going to do it?

All right.

There we go.

There we are, sir.

Last team to check in may be


No more mistakes.

Check into our gaucho clothing

And get this detour on the road.

Yeah, let's do it.

All right.



Perfect, perfect, perfect.

Do you guys got it?

I've got it.

You guys got it?

Thank you.


Let's go.

I've got the ass.

You get the front.

Good horse.

This one does not fight.


Which way did we come in?

Didn't we pass these horses

On our left?

Yeah, we did.


We should go left.

We came on this street and

Came right here.

Come on, baby.

We're almost there.

Come this way.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

They're behind us.

My leg's k*lling me.


Come on.

Keep running, babe.

Maybe we could beat them.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.



Welcome to san antonio de


Tanner and josh you are

Team number one.

As the winners of this race, you

Have won a race to cambodia.

You're going to stay six nights

And enjoy a spa treatment and a %

Menu for two and a private

Stroit the magnificent temples

Of ankor.

Justin and diana that would make

Team number two.

I've got to tell you some

Interesting news.

Sometime during the next leg of

The race there's going to be a


Would you be keen to u-turn?

If you u-turn somebody you

Better go home.

I know the race for sure.

Pretty much everybody's

Aiming to get them out.

If they want to play dirty,

Then, let's go, let's get dirty.

Let's go.

We have to put pants and the

Necktie and the beret.



Dust off the carriage seat using

The provided duster.

Let's do some cleaning.

Let's get on it.

Very dusty.


You guys have really


We feel like we're hitting

Our stride and we're happy.


Breathe out.

Good job.

Right there.

We've got to get changed.

On zerboni street.

How are you guys?

Good, good.

We've got to get changed


Come on!

You want to go around?

Can you pick the damn horse


Come on, let's go!

Why are you going this way?

They're straight there, caddie


You've got to head, pull and

Go, please.

Then stop questioning me,


Wait a minute.

This is bad.

Then let's pick the horse up

And try to put it up there.

That's what I said and you

Said no.


If you think we can do it, we

Can do it.



Come on, girls!

We're stuck on something in

The front.

We've got to find somebody

With english.



Thank you.


We need to go.

I mean, this is not done.

Let's look at the mouth


There's a connector here r.

Does it go here.

We're missing.

It's a chain.

I just want to connect it




Thank you.

Let's go.

Straight ahead.

I hope it's not -- I'm --

You getting tired?


Get it into between the

Button on the seat.

Spanspap --


How heavy is this thing?

You want to go in the back?

Yeah that helps, that helps.

Hopefully we're doing

Everything right.

Thank you.

Last team may be eliminated.

It's a museum of the gaucho.

Jazmine and danielle you

Are team number four.

Denise and james you are

The fifth team tour to arrive.

However, you know how a

Roadblock works, one person has

To do the task and unfortunately

Because you helped him out, you

Will wait out the penalty.

If you want to wait over here.

Stop, honey, stop.

I'm so tired.

We got to go on a -- we get to

Go on a carriage ride.



We pick carriage.

We've got to move.


This horse drawn carriage

Ride is the best part of this

Whole detour.

The cheerleader will have to

Push it all the way back.

Good job krista.

Do you see anything?

Keep going.

We need to go.

Thank you.

Come on.

Go, go, go.

Bear to the left.

Left, left, keep going.

Good, good, good.


Is this the place?


Good job.

Good job.

Good job.

We pushed it here.

Do you have the whip?

Oh, we forgot the whip.

Oh, my god.

We have to have the whip.

We got to go back all the

Way, oh, my god.

Way, oh, my god.
What a nightmare.

What a nightmare.

Oh, my god.

We have to have the whip.

We've got to go back.

I guess we're going to have

To run.


We're going to go run and get it

So we'll be back.


We left it by the dusters.

Oh, my god.

Thank you so much.

Let's ask this guy right


You're looking mad.

Please, please, please, just

Let me be for a little bit.

This is the place we're

Looking if?

-- For?

Logan and kris, you are

The fifth team a arrive.

Kris and jason have incurred a

Penalty so you are team number


Sorry, guys.

We've got the whip.

Thank you.

Feels like we're going to


You look kind of swag.

You have to remember I'm your


I'm not mad at you.

But do you understand where

You're coming from?

I do.

Denise and earl --

I don't want to let him down.

This is both of our dreams.

I've got to follow the rules.

Any negative energy put it

Somewhere else because I'm not

Her enemy.

I'm her partner.

It's closed for construction.

It was completely fenced off.

Are you sure?

I'm very sure.

Do you want to go back to the


We see the pit stop but we

Can't get over there.

People dumping in doo doo


Take it to a car wash or


Come on.

We've got to hurry up.

We got it.

Oh, my god.

We got the whip.


Fast, fast, fast, please,

Please, please.

Come on.

Hurry up.

Where my dogs at?

Where my dogs at?

Last place ain't funny.


Cindy and rick you are

Team number seven.


Slow down.


You good?



Let's pull it over.

Hold on.

Stop pushing.


We have to take a ride.


After you.

Thank you.

Thank you!


Let's go!

Go fast.

Still in it, man.

Where is it at?

Find that bridge.

Find the bridge.

Let's do it.

Come on.

Thank you very much.

Let's hurry up.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

They said it's over the


There's wire.


Wait, krista.

This isn't a street.

They said the bridge.

Where is it?


On to the right.

You have to cross the river --

Thank you.

That's where the construction


It's almost over.

It's almost over.

There he is.


We made it.

Tiffany and krista, you

Are team number eight.

Much better than being last.

Unfortunately, you are the last

Team to arrive.

And I'm very sorry to tell you

That you have been eliminated

From the race.

It's ok.

Not going to cry.

We just kind of kept having


We're survivors, we're fighters.

Me and my brother wanted to

Beter our lives and went in the

-- "The amazing race" gave us

That boost to pursue our dreams.

We appreciate your spirit.

Life is about moments.

Some wonderful dancers here.

I feel bum to be eliminated

But I've definitely had fun and

Got to be in places that I

Thought I would never ever go to

And the experience, the amazing

And the experience, the amazing
people, it's just awesome.

People, it's just awesome.

Next week on "the amazing

Race," teams head to africa.

And with the double u-turn in

Place, it's team texas vs.

Justin and diana.

We had the express pass and

You've created an enemy
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