26x11 - In It or Win It

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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26x11 - In It or Win It

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the

Amazing race" -- five teams

Race from holland to peru.

Hayley and blair and jelani and

Jenny celebrated an early lead.

But the next morning the party

Was over.

At the roadblock, matt worked

Up a sweat.

Dehydrated, hungry.

Still working.

Climbing 10,000 feet into

The andes, the bottom dropped

Out for laura and tyler.

In the end, hayley and blair

Won the leg, while matt and

Ashley couldn't come their

Speed bump.

Coming up tonight, four teams

Compete for a spot on the final

Leg and a chance to win "the

Amazing race."

In is for a million dollars.


Tyler had a temper tantrum.

It was kind of scary.

It's ok, just breathe.

Although I'm calm and

Collected 99% of the time with

You the race is so important

And we're getting so close.

We're fighting for a million


We're in it to win and if I

Have to be more aggressive,

I'll be more aggressive.

Make your way to peru.

Pipe our couples will head down

To the ocean in search of a mo

Stayic made up of an estimated

Teams will find their next clue

Hidden somewhere in this wall.

We are so excited to be in

The top four right now.

It's a huge accomplishment to

Make it this far with someone

You don't know.

The couples have an advantage

Over us.

They know each other's

Strengths and weaknesses and we

Developed that in the course of

The race.

I'd say one of your

Strengths is attention to


Another strength is whispering.

You never raise your voice.

I know.

My indoor voice is just like my

Outdoor voice.

Were you a lie brain before

Nurse something

Make your way to -- peru.

We're going to do what we've

Been doing.

We started off hot, sthart

Started slowing down and now

We're building it back up,

Picking up at the right time.

We're going to blaze through


That's true.

Oh, my god, is this is whole


Oh, my goodness.

This mural is not kidding.

Do you see the clown anywhere?

I do not.

There's the clown, there's

The clown!

Can we take one of those?

Por favor?


Oh, you're funny.

Right over here.

That's not going to help at


I think we're getting close --

Oh, yeah, yeah.


Look at these.

Yes, yes, yes.

Right here, right here is the


How do we get it off of this?

Take it off.

Good job.

Hayley and blair have

Found their next clue here on

South america's largest mosaic.

Oh, phil.


All right, where do you

Think we're going?


Teams can choose to

Perform a national dance or

Help to preserve a national


The dance represents a man's

Courting of a woman.

Teams must learn the steps,

Rhythm, flavor and flair of

This colorful dance.

Architectureologists work

Tirelessly to protect these

Ancient adobe brick walls that

Date back almost 900 years.

Our couples will legend a

Helping hand.

They'll need to make 12 bricks

To the satisfaction of the

Foreman then they must

Transform 12 dry bricks to the

Work site.

Which the architectureologist

Approves they'll sheave their

Next -- receive their next


We're going to an

Architectureologyal site.

We were not expecting to do


I didn't see jenny and

Jelani at all.

So just as well.

Let's look for blair and

Heyler -- hayley.

They're probably gone


We have a piece of the puzzle.

Do you think it's down this


I have no idea.

Going back to --

[Having trouble starting


Are we going to make it?

I don't know.

This kind of sucks.

Such a huge lead.

Getting jelani and blair and

Hayley seem to have a pretty

Good lead.

Seems like we're just racing

Against tyler and laura.

They're pretty fast and good.

This is going to be one hell of

A leg.

We're the only couple left.

That means more to us.

Especially in our small


A million dollars could

Probably buy the town.

Vroom, vroom, baby.

Vroom, vroom, we found out

Is universal.

It's known in every country.

Couldn't be more excited to be

Here in leg 11.

Got one team to beat today and

We'll be fighting for that

Million bucks.

We just need to get in that

Final three.

Wow we got it.

I feel good today.

I feel great today.

It's not this we're looking

For an animal.

This is an animal.

I don't know for sure what

It is.

Keep looking.

Oh, here, look.

So there's race stripes here.

It peels off.

I think we just bring it to




Let's go the dancing.

A little celebration dance.

I can shim illinois.

Sounds like we're going to

Get dirty again.

Here we are.



Those dogs aren't going to

Bite me, right?

Where do we go?

Right there.

We need to watch them.

Just toss out some sand.

And they roll it through,

Like flour and dough and puts

Its in that box.

It looks pretty


I just love patrick.

Steady, hands up.


Let's do this.

Coat the box.

It's like your sifting flour.

Go back.

I think it's easy to do like

One big one.


We just have to do one big


Debt get the sand in there


That's what holds it together.

So he just turns it like



Careful, careful, careful.

Is that right?

See how nice his is -- are

Around the sentence I don't

Think that's going to work.

Let's make 12 as best as we


These mountains are crazy,

Like right underneath the


Oh, it's making more noise.

Is this car going to make it?

Um --


I don't know if he's

Coasting or the brakes work or

Not or what's going on.

Sounds like the car isn't doing

Too well.

Need an extra handle.

Planning to dance our way to

First place.

All right, let's go.

Nice, this is a cool outfit.

This looks really pretty and

I get some flowers for my hair


Ooh, pretty.

You ready?

All right.

I like the outfit.


Just watch them.


That's not too bad.

We can do this we can do this.

In three parlingts.

We start.

-- Parts.

We start.


We go in circles.

Right and left.

We then -- same pose.

Stop the easy pose.

It's very important that

Your back is up, your chin up


You're a champion.

I'm not so up on my peruvian

Dancing skills.

Look at her.

It's floating.

I'm scared.

The brake is not working.


Our driver just stopped to

Check his car out it's smoke a

Little bit there.

I think it might be the brakes.

Oh, this is bad.

Not good.


Oh, they've broken down.

Oh, my god, oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

Oh, man.

I was literally just praying

That someone would get a flat


Oh, my god.

Oh, this is bad.

I guess our driver is trying

To get us some help here.

Hopefully his friends drive

Better than he does.

Ah, that's such a bummer.

I know, I feel bad for them

But we're in a race too win a

Million dollars.

I wish blair and hayley were

Stuck on the side of the road.

To lose a million bucks to

Blair and hayley is not going

To sit well.

Got it?

Getting dirty as usual.

I'm becoming like a manual


That's not going to work.

In is harder than it looks.

Oh, gosh, he's coming to

Inspect it.


So we have three good ones.

We got this let's watch again,


This is really hard.

See how he just grabs it like

One and rolls you.

The key is that first one

Getting enough and then jam it


I think that's the issue with

Our edges are nasty.

We need too use more force so

It spreads out into all the


Come on, sweet baby.

Oh, yeah, I'm feeling good

About this.

Yeah, that's looking a lot


That brick is amazing.

Now we know what we have to do.




Smile to him.

Like that yeah.

So that's the first part.

And we have to smile a lot.

I'm digging the role of a

Traditional peruvian couple.

Smile to him.


Look alhim, smile.

Closer, the face.

Try to kiss him.

You ready?


We're going to try it.

Always smiling.


Don't forget about it.

It sucks.

A new taxi as approve --

Arrived to rescue us.

We have to hurry.

Here we go.

So we're at 11 right now.

That's a quality brick.

We'll have them inspected for

This one.

You're doing an awesome job.

You are too.

You are.

No, you are.

When we have tasks we don't

Have anything to argue about

Because we're on the same prage

With the tasks.

Except you're really slow

Right now.

Oh, shut up.

We're doing so well.

Oh, that's a good one.

Come on, my man.


Up there where it says brick


Holy crap, these are heavy.

How many are we delivering?

Are you good at driving a


We'll find out.

Oh, boy, do you think this

Is going to work?

Oh, geez.

Didn't see that one coming.


Let's do six and six.


I'll just run this

We probably took double the

Time we should have with this.

Come on, smile.


Part of the routine is being

A showman.

And that's the hardest part for

Me, the presentation part.



More eye contact.


One more time.


We need to keep our chests

Sticking out and make more eye


Just try to look at me as much

As you can.

All right, so let's plan an

Attack here.

Want to start down there?

Yeah, this isn't like a

Hidden object.

It's not very big.

I promise you're going to be

Able to see it.

Come here.

I'm trying to help you with


It's fine, I get what you're


We're finally out of the

Mountains and safe and sound in

The city.

We're going to search among

Millions of tiles.

It sounds like it's going to be

Quite the teed yougs task.

Hopefully the task slowed

Tyler and laura down.

Oh, my god.

Do you need any help?

What are you doing?


That's fine.

Good job.

This is kind of hard.

If it gets too hard.


I'll take it.

Is that ok?

You're k*lling it.

Careful, careful, careful.

Will they help us unload


Here's the last one.

We have to get the others.

We made our own choice picking


This is pretty impressive


Hey, I think this is it.

It's definitely those birds.

Yeah, there are so many.

Here, laura, found it.

Ok, great.

Let's go.

Where's that?

The clown?

I don't know.

Do you have magnifying


Are you a --?

Obviously a peoso is not a


Any time now.




Thank you.

I think we need to make some


Tyler was not very impressed

By the clown.

I think you hurt its feelings.

Boy, girl, whatever.

The clown wanted you to clam

For the clue.

She was trying to do magic


It might have been a boy.

I'm not sure what it was.

If it ever gets hard, stop,

I'll take it.

I just need a little bit of


All right, can you take it?


Oh, blisters.




I got it.

Make your way to the corner

Of -- in huanchoco.

That was hard.

That was tough.


Have to finish it.

This is crazy.

The van will be as red and


Oh, no!


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


A peoso is a clown.

We just have to run faster.

You sure it's that one?

What are we searchling for?

For our next clue.

Oh, here, right here.

Is that the clue?

For sure.

On the road to chon chon.

I'll show you how to make a

Mean brick.


Let's make some bricks!

I'll follow his lead.

Roll it up and down.

Fill this with water then

Put sand it.

It's like butter while cooking.

We approached it like making

A cake.

Laura was prepping the pan and

I was making the doug and we

Put the dough in the pab.

Is that ok?


I just want to get there.

Every second is going to count.

The first brick looked

Pretty good.

Right here, right here.

There's a roadblock.

Who wants to --

Boats have been made here

For 3,000 years and are

Believed to be the earliest

Form of a survive board.

They're tied with reads and

Fishermen use a bamboo pole as

A paddle.

The roadblock requires one of

Them to make their way through

This punishing surf and find

This buoy.

Once they grab the clue they

Can take a wave back to their


Are you excited?

Let's hope I don't suck.

I've never seen anything

Like this.

Pretty cool.

Can't wait to make some bricks

And help preserve it.

Looks like tyler and laura


Damn it.

We're good.

Do you think?

I'm worried about that one.

I'm worried that those guys


Just keep going.

See how we can get to six.

I don't know how he keeps it

So together.

Is that high enough?

I don't think it's high enough.


Watch him again.

I think we're fine for third

Place right now.

Trying to do it as efficiently

As possible.

Ok, let's go.

What are you doing?

I'm filling this with water.

I already did that part and

Put the sand in it.

Now it's too late.

Thanks for telling me.

We need to work together.

I was working together.

I had it ready for you to go.

You didn't tell me that.

You told me to wash it again.

Ok, we got this, tyler.

This is tough.

This work is definitely tough.

At this point we're racing

-- Is that right?

It doesn't look like the

Ones they're making.

Let's switch.

Let's go.

They're leaving.

They're going to the other


Let's go.

We're not leaving.

We know we're pretty much in

A race with tyler and laura.

At this point it's our best

Decision to switch to the other

Detour and hopefully we'll go


It's like taking a gamble but

It was a gamble we had to take.

Oh, my god.

This is insane.

How's your dance something

We have to get this done.

There's no turning back now.

We have to hope we can get done

Before tyler and laura.

Kind of scary right now.

There it is, see it?

Oh, man.

We just take any one of


Do you have the rower thing?


This is actually kind of



This is not very fun carrying

This thing.


It was so nice to just share

That part of local culture with

The peruvians.

It's an experience we'll take

With us long after the race.

I'm going to take that to

The clubs in new york.

He now has three dances he

Can show off.


That was pretty good.


Mucho gracias.

Mucho gracias.



So look for the --

This thing did not seem to

Be that heavy.

There we go.

I am so excited to do this I

Have a sailboat and a standup

Paddle board they go to my boat


I wouldn't say I was cocky but

I was confident going out


Good luck.

You got this.


It's completely different

Than a paddle board.

The base is not wide.

It's like this little wooden

Burrito that just rotates in

The water and is constantly





Oh, boy.

There you go.


Oh, no.


Oh, my gosh.



Just very nerve-racking at

This point.

Right here.

Hopefully this isn't too hard.



Holy crap.


That looks hard.

When we first saw them

Demonstrate the dance it looked


We're used to the dances where

You have the steps down.

Stuff we could memorize just

The steps and this was more



You're going to turn to the


So it will be down and you



You have to keep a good


Then we go to the left


You're going the wrong way.

I'm lost already.


I think we have to redo a few

Of them.

Keep going.

You got this tyler.

Finished brick has to be

About 15, 20 pounds.

Peruvian guys are no joke.

Hard work, my man.

They make it look easy.

This is not easy.

This is hard stuff.

Nice work.

Oh, my god.

Damn it.

The foreman stepped on four

Of our bricks.

That's ok.

We want him to be happy so

We'll make more bricks.

Oh, crap.

Come on, a million dollars.

There you go!

Good job!

Good job.

There he goes.

Now he's got it.


The waves aren't little by

My -- any means.

It's really kind of a rough



All right.

Oh, he's got it!

Good job, blair!

Oh, yes.

Right here.

Who wants to ride a sea


You do.

I do.

Let's do it.

This way.

We got this.

Lucky number 12.



We're good.

We're now going to

Wheelbarrow some bricks.

If we can fit all 12, I can

Push it.


Now for the fun part.

This is going to be heavy.

You got it.

You got it.


This is for a million


Ok, you got it.

Heavy, very heavy.

Would it help if I carry




Hold on.

This is light.

Are you so strong.

You got it.

Push through it, push through


Ok, hold on.

Holy -- how far is this?

Oh, it's really far.

We turned the corner and

Then the door to hell opened up

And it was just so


It was so far.

You got this.

It's downhill right there.

You can do this.

Look out.

Left, left, finish together.

Try to kiss her.

Only try.

Only try.


I'm sort of understanding this.

Do you want to try it?

Yeah, we'll try it.

Wait, wait, wait.

This is scary.



Both the other dances you

Danced with the other dancers.

This was just us going out

There in front of this


I don't like being in front

Of like a big audience and

Being judged.

Your chin has to be up and

Always smiling.

We'll try it again.

We know all of it but our

Presentation is kind of


I can't fake smile.

We're going to be here a

Long time.

I know.

Right there.

It has the marker right there.

Over there.

Is it heavy?

Yeah, it's really heavy.

Let's go.

Good job, yeah!

I am so proud of him right now.

Great job!

Make your way on foot to search

For phil.

Towering above this

Seaside community is dell

Socorro bits in 1535.

It is now the pit stop for this

Leg of the race.

The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

Just keep walking.

We got this laura.

A million bucks.


These bricks are very heavy.

I'm hoping he can make it

Around the corner.

Thank god.

We're here, tyler.

This is the hardest physical




As I was placing the bricks

Down I broke one.

I tried to hide the evidence

But the guy saw.


That one, no.

All right, let's go.

Come on, come on.


One bad brick spoiled the

Whole bunch.



One, two, three, four -- hey!

Oh, guy.

Le -- boy.

Not yet.

Your back has to be straight.


When you spin around.


You were spinning like that.

You need to practice it more.

Oh, got.

We'll be back.

Man, this is taking forever.

Are you ok?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Ok, good.

Do you see it?

It's over there.

Good luck, jelani.


Oh, my god.

Jelani, careful.

Oh, my gosh, there's a big one.

Oh, damn it!

You have to ride out the

First couple of waves.

Just get out there and you'll

Be fine.

He is getting his butt kicked

By the sea right now and that

Marker over there looks very,

Very far.

And the boat is riding him

Instead of the other way

No, I shouldn't laugh.

It's not funny.

Got to bring him a fresh


I'm going to make that brick

Master the happiest guy on


Here we go.

You ready?

We're not going to stop.

This is a million-dollar run.

This is what we want.




Grags ass.

Let's go.

-- Gracias.

Let's go.

Holy crap.

Let's get out of here.




Holy moly.

If dancing is easy, we're


That was insane and it's not

Over yet.

Worst case scenario we're neck

And neck right now with them,

Would be my guess.


I mess up my footwork, I


You made a mistake in the

First part.

You got it?

You want to practice again?

All right.

At that point I was down in

The dumps.

It was frustration but it was

Also knowing that we were


We'd got then far and it would

Be heartbreaking to be sent


I have this -- it's hard.

I don't think the other team

Struggled as much as us and I

Feel like we have experience

Through that and know how much

Heart we have.

Anything is possible if we

Don't give up.

Try again?


Oh, my god.

All right, jelani, let's go!

I think I got it.

Although his technique is

Different I guess he's sort of

Getting it.

He's created his own jelani


At first it was really

Difficult and then I did a

Little different technique to

Lean back and disperse --

Disperse my weight more.

Which meant I couldn't go

Really fast but at least I

Wasn't falling off.

We got it.


All right, jelani, good job.

Make your way to -- to search

For phil.

Warning the last team to check

In may be eliminated.

Let's do there.

That's it.

That's it for sure.

We're coming?

Welcome to pursue.

Hayley and blake, it's

All good news.

Are you team number one and as

The winners of this beg -- leg

Of the race you have won a

African-american for two from

Travel city and you are going

To go to india.

For five nights you'll stay at

The spa golf and resort, which

Includes a spa, a round of golf

And a tour of the spectacular


The other good news is that you

Are one of the teams who will

Be racing to the finish line

For $1 million.


We started off at the bottom

With poor communication issues

And here we are.

I feel like we're the team

To beat at this point in the


We've finished first the last

Two legs.

We're as confident as we've

Ever been.

Laura and my -- must perform

This roadblock.

The waves are going to be

The only sketchy part.

I know but I'm kind of


I don't want to fall in.

Ready for some footwork?





Gracias, gracias.

All right, ready?


Bye, everybody.


I see phil up there.

I'm pleased to tell you you are

One of the teams that will be

Racing to the finish line for

$1 Million!

This boat is really heavy.

Heavier than the bricks.

You're doing such a good

Job, tyler.

You got this

What's the number one thing.

Hop on.

Number two?

Be calm.

Number three?

Keep padaling.

I'm going to paddle my way out

To the clue so we can be the

First team.

Don't let this wave get you.

Paddle, paddle!

Oh, my gosh.

No, no!


Ah, I hope that mike and

Rochelle are still behind us.

I think they are but you never


-- Know.

Laura and rochelle must

Perform this road block.


Let's go, laura!

This is tough.

That's a long way out there.

Oh, my god!

You got this one.

Keep paddling!

We can do this we're going

To catch up.

Oh, my gosh.

You got it, you got it,


Great job, laura.

I don't know, she's headed back


We don't know what position

We're in I think we're in third

But you never know with the


Anything can happen.

It's not over until you see




Warning, last team to check in

May be eliminated.

Let's go.

Awesome job.

You got it.

You can do it.

Just balance.

Be calm.

Oh, my god.

You can do it.

Just take your time.

Don't worry about it.

Don't worry about it.

Oh, my god.

Are you all right?


It's tough having michele

Out there and having to stand

Onshore hoar and not being able

To help her.

I feel like a helpless boy


I can't do it.

We've gotten this far.

You've done stuff you didn't

Think you could do.

I know you can do it.

This is it.

This if the run for the final


Laura and tyler, I am

Pleased to tell you, even

Though you look like a drowned

Rat right now, you are one of

The teams that will will racing

In the final leg to the finish


I know it's tough.

It's not even a matter of


It's like I'm getting beat up.

There were points where I felt

Like I couldn't do it and I

Wanted to give up but -- I

Think I can do this.

Battering me and my son's life

Was my main motivation nor

Running this ways race and

Letting him down would have

Been awful.

I'm super proud of michele.

Once she gets something in her

Head she's not going to give


Getting down to these final

Legs, it's been a lot harder

Than we expected.

It's been a rough leg.


Mike and rochelle, 11

Legs of the race.

It's a long way.

It's a long way.

I'm sorry to tell you

That you're the last team to


However, your race is not over.



You are one of the teams

That will will racing to the

Finish line in the final leg.

You still have a chance to win

$1 Million.

Oh, my god.

The final leg starts

Right now.

I have your clue, rochelle.

Keep it together because you

Still have a chance to win this


There is insane.

All right?

Thank you so much, phil.

Fly to dallas, texas.

Good luck.

By the way, I have to warn you.

Sometime before the finish

Line, I will be eliminating a



So you have some catching

Up to do.

Race hard.


See you, phil.

Oh, bimy god.

We know what it's like to be at

The bottom and fight your way

To the top.

We've struggled quite a bit

During this race.

I feel like other teams might

Have broken.

Anything is possible.

Laura and hayley bicker all

The time.

Jenny and jelani get lost

Everywhere they go.

I'm not worried about mike

And rochelle.

I don't think they're

Competitors like we are.

Laura and tyler, when

They're not at the front they

Don't do well.

There's noway hayley and

Blair are beating us.

I think we can beat any team

In the race.

We're definitely going to

Win the race.

We're going to win "the

Amazing race."

We have this then they're

Going to listen, rights?

Stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Next week on the season

Finale of "the amazing race" --

This is the day we've been

Waiting for.

Just got to be ready to race.

We're as confident as we've

Ever been.

Watch out.

We're definitely going to

Win the race.

That's why we came, to win.

We need this I need this

Eight countries, more

Than 35,000 miles.

You are the official winners of

"The amazing race"!
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