26x09 - Can I Get a Hot Tub!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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26x09 - Can I Get a Hot Tub!

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing

Race" -- six teams raced to

Nambia for two legs.

In the bush, hayley made new



You're so cute.

While some teams served up

A snack.

Who's hungry?

There they are!

Teams hit the slopes.


Yeah, baby!

And mike got hit below the



Frontrunners matt and

Ashley and laura and tyler

Teamed up and each won their

First leg of the race.

Matt and ashley, you are team

Number one.

Laura and tyler, this is your

First, first.

The two teams also conspired at

The u-turn.

We're choosing to u-turn

Jelani and jenny.

We're u-turned.

Causing anger and an


Ellie and steve, you are

The last team to arrive.

Five teams remain, who

Five teams remain, who
will be eliminated next?

Will be eliminated next?


Camping again.

Camping again.

Camping is better after a

Victory, though.

Yeah, this camping is going

To be great.

I'm home.

Will you just set it up for


Did I hear a bunch of like


Please, thank you.

We've worked out our

Communication differences.

We have common goals.

It's just how we express what we


It sometimes sounds a little


And you don't know right away

And don't give me an answer --

I have no idea who you're

Fighting with right now.

I'm just trying to help out.

Great observation there.

Yes or no.

It's a work in progress.

It will continue to be, I'm


I just don't like tents.

This looks so good.

Is it good?

Are you happy?

I don't want to talk right


You guys on a u-turn tonight?

We were just playing the game,


It's all good, man.

Don't worry about it.

When we get our game faces

On, you have to think like

Express pass --

You're playing to win the


If you want to use a u-turn,

Make sure the team you use it on

Gets eliminated.

Matt and ashley used their

U-turn on us but it really

Didn't work because we're still


Is -- if there is a situation

Where we could single out, who

Are we going to single out?

Of course the team that u-turned


If you have a chance to get

Me back, I know you will.

Laura and tyler came in

First and won a vacation from

Travel city.

Check out this app to see

Where we're going.


New zealand.

I always wanted to go.

It's beautiful.

Maybe we can bring the gnome.

They'll depart first at

Here we go.


Teams will now travel all

The way back to europe, flying

More than 5,000 miles to

Amsterdam, the capital of the


They must catch a taxi, where

They'll find their next clue.

It's nuts.

We need to go to the airport.

We felt pretty good playing with

Matt and ashley the last two


They're a physical team but in

The end it's going to take more

Than physical strength to win.

They kind to have -- of go

Crazy so hopefully we'll use

That to our advantage.

We're going to amsterdam.

I would love some fresh, cool


I'm looking forward to it.

The beer right now is like a

Hungryman beer.

I'm going to forego that until

We win.

We are leaving from the

Airport, which is also the place

Where you fell in love.

The pilot was absolutely


He wasn't wearing a ring so I

Think he was available --

If I interfere --

Oh, shut up.

Don't crush this dream.

You're excused from my dream


So we're leaving from nambia

Right now and we're heading to


Amsterdam, here we come!

Taxi, taxi?

Ooh, amsterdam.

We have no idea what we're

Going to be doing there.

I know exactly.

Yeah, sure, you and your


Tyler is 0 for 100 predictions.

We're getting in a boat the

Minute we get there.

Boats in this weather?

Keep trying.

Maybe one day you'll get one


I don't know.

I know people have a lot of

Fun here in amsterdam.

It's a party place.

I told him to wear contacts.

He didn't listen.

That seemed to be the foggy


I know, until we get here and

Now we can't see.

Now we're getting to crunch


The strategy is stay positive,

Good communication, trust each


I think we'll do fine today.


Right here.

Stop, stop.

I see it, there.

Right there.


Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Right hereby, right here.

There it is.

Roadblock, who's got a nice

Set of klompen?

The dutch have been

Wearing clomp be -- klompen,

Wooden shoes like these, for

Nearly 800 years.

They'll search through hundreds

Of incatley decorated klompen to

Find a match for their partner.

The devil is in the details.

Once they've found a matching

Pair, the cobbler will hand them

Their next clue.

All right, I will do it.

Oh, we have a date night.

I don't know what the hell is

Klompen is.

Change into the provided


Get dressed over there.

Thank you.

Right in here.


Who's got a nice set of


You do.

You got a nice klompen.

Go ahead.


I'll do it.

Let's go, jenny, you got it.

You got this tiler.

These pants look sweet.

You like to do roadblocks

With costume.

This season I've dressed up

In traditional german


I've dressed up as a lady boy.

And I dressed up like a prince

In monaco.

I feel like a million bucks.

What do we think?

All right.

How does this work?

We have to find the matching


You may not take notes of any




Holy crap.

Oh, my god.

This sun real.

They all look the same.

Oh, my gosh.

The room was crazy.

There were shoes everywhere.

There's a lot of klompers.

Who wants to do some klompen?

I'm looking for the matching


I got it.


Let me see.

You got this.

I'm sorry, sir.

Wrong one.

Not correct?



Go ahead, babe, you got it.

He pace real good attention

To detail.

What are klompen?

I don't know, I'll do it.

Sure, go for it.

This is really scary.

Oh, wait.

This is not it.

There's a lot of klompers.

So this is it, right?

Got it.

All right.


They all look really, really




Yes, you did it.

Thank you.

There you are.

Ride bikes into the city of


Teams must ride along the

Amstel rimb always -- all the

Way to the mentur.

Good job.

You did a great job on that

So we'll go to the ferry and

The ferry is take us over the



In is like the perfect way to

Get an introduction to


It feels fantastic to escape the


There's like these extra two

Lines on the top that no one

Seems to be finding.

So they all have similar zinals.

They all look very, very


Tell me that's it.

You got it, baby.

I'm sorry, sir.

It's the wrong one.

Anybody else get it?


Two lines on the top.

Looks like this one.

Let's do this.

You got it, tyler.

Well done.


Ride bikes along the amstel


Tyler, you're amazing.

We're riding bikes.

Still 0 for 100 on


That was nerve-racking.

It's really stressful when

You're the last person.

Already different heights?

This is crazy.


How beautiful is this?

This is pretty awesome.

Oh, my god, windmill.


This is fun.

I love riding bikes.

Oh, yeah!


You show off.

Check this out.

You're legs are twice the

Size of mine.

This might be it here.

Yeah, right here.



Good morning.

I've never ridden a bike onto

A ferry before.

This is it.

Not that one.

Not that one.

Is the bottom flat?

Come on, blair.

Study it really well.

Tell me that's it.


Oh, that's not it?

Come on, blair.

Come on, blair.

Let's get tough.

We have to catch up.

She gave me worlds of


It was so sweet.

I had chills the whole time.

Let's catch up.

Oh, my god, this is


I feel like an idiot.

Come on, blair.

You're not there.

Where are you?

Where are you?

Here it is.

Come on, blair.

Hurry, hurry, hurry.

You got this.


You got the right one!

I present with you this.

Thank you.

I feel like a complete idiot.

Search for your next clue.

Let's go.

Did blair get it?



What am I not seeing?

We get to ride along the

River again towards amsterdam

And then toward monturen.

Do you know how to get to

Amsterdam from here?

Excuse me.

How do we get to downtown


It's more ha that way.

I see jenny.

I think they just got off the


All the way until you get

Into the center.

Ok, is there another route?

There's tyler and laura.

It's not the quickest route

But it's the easiest.

We have to get on here and

Then cross the river?

Come on, ferry man.

Let's go.

Continue on your bikes to the


That is awesome.

Oh, that smell.

That smells like poop.

Beautiful day out.

Oh, my god, it's so cold.

It feels amazing out right


I need gloves.

The faster you ride, the

Warmer it gets.

Oh, it is so combed.


What am I not seeing?

I got it, I got it.

Boom, baby.

There it is.

I'm sorry, sir.

It's not correct.


I should have done this one,

I think.

Oh, my god, unbelievable.

It was just nerve-racking.

I saw the way matt was running



I knew if I was in that state

I would never find it so I just

Tried to keep my cool.

Yeah, it's right.

She found it?

Good job, babe.


I got it, baseball.

I got it.


Close your eyes and take a

Deep breath.

You got it.

I know what it looks like,


I know what I'm looking for.

I just have no clue where it is.

It will take a few minutes.

It will take a few minutes.
He'll get it.

He'll get it.

We were the last team here.

He's having a tough time finding

Whatever he's looking for.

Am I missing something here?

Same exact design.

I'm looking for a hole that's on

Both sides of the shoe.

He's great with detail when

He's not under pressure.

When he's not trying to play

Catch-up for $1 million.

There's another like bike


Right there.

That looks like tyler and


I think it's blair and


Only one team can get on each

Ferry, I'm hoping so hopefully

The ferry gets back before the

Others come back.

It's training for the final

Three right here.

You got to want it.

Yeah, we're racing.

It's what we live for.

You were a lot better on that

Roadblock than I would have


It was hard.

Like trying to find a need until

A haystack.

Everything looks exactly the


Look at me.

Stop for a second.


You can't talk to me.

Hold on.

Tunnel vision.

The longer we're here, the worse

It gets.

I'm sorry, I realize I don't

Think I'm going to find this.

I don't think any of the

Teams would take another route,

Even though it's shorter.

It's too confusing.

Tyler, what are we doing?

Turning left here?

Let's try it.

We're good.

Holy crap.

We need to hook it out of here.

The faster we go, the faster

We get out of here.

Come on.

I can't, I'm so cold.

Can you wait?

I don't like only being ahead

Of one person.

Matt and ashley will probably

Catch up to us.

Who knows?

You never know what's going to


Hopefully he's still looking.


I'm walking in circles around


I just feel bad for him

Because he's going to put it on

Himself and it's not his fault.

sh**t, sh**t, sh**t!

I literally just can't find this


Look at this, what's up,


Laura and tyler are

Looking for their second win in

A row and will be the first team

To make a detour choice here in


Soak or shuffle?

Soak will let our teams drive

One of these electric-powered

Hot tubs along a waterway,

Shotting -- spotting a series of

Symbols along the way.

Shuffleboard dates back to the

Go back and time and play a

Dutch version of the game salled


If they can half the art of this

Frustrating game and score 51

Points with their pucks, they'll

Receive their next clue.

Let's do soap.

I agree.

We're going to go out here


Blair, can you please wait

For me?

I'm waiting.

Blair, you have to wait for



I can't hear a word you're


That's why if you were next to

Me, like a teammate.

I'm like 10 feet ahead of


Blair, you have to wait.

Be a team mate.

I am.

I'm right here.

I was trying to be nice and a

Gentleman and set the pace but

It was interpreted as me being a

Jerk and going too fast so we

Slowed down and rode side by

Side and it was so cute.


Just keep going.


Let's push it.

You want to help me find this


Because apparently I can't find


You don't know exactly what

You're looking for?

No, I don't, I really don't.

I think I've looked after a --

At every shoe.

I'm sorry, sir.

Oh, my god, you have to be


Keep going, babe, it's ok,

It's ok.

I don't know what it is,


You said you were never give


You're right.

But I just literally can't --

Then bring every shoo-in

There out.

There it is.


Soap -- soak, let's do soak.


Hot tub?


Right here.

Let's do it.

Oh, we have to get in that


The lover room is over there.

It's 37 degrees out.

What are you changing into?

I'm just going to wear my


Oh, my god.

Getting into a hot tub.


This looks like so much fun.

I'm ready for a hot tub.

Let's do it.

It looks hot.

Oh, my gosh, the water is

Actually really, really niles.

It just works like a simple


Bon voyage.

This is more like a date night

Than a detour.

You're in your underwear.

I'm more comfortable.

Date night, underwear.

Amsterdam, 37 degrees,




Hi, amsterdam.

People think you're knits

Nuts in this thing.

You're right, we are in a


We are in a bolt.

There's the flag.

What do you think?

Oh, my god.

Don't feed into it.


Do you see any singles yet?


You're not paying attention.

You're too busy showing off your


We're going to do soak.

Do you know where that is?

You have to go there.

I have a picture.

Down there and then take a left?

All right, thanks.

How far out, blair?

Just keep going until we hit

The road with an "h."

Guys, you're on the right


Blair, which way?

There's a street with an "h"



It says so on that sign.

Look at the sign, blair.


Not it?


I'm just making sure.

Mike and rochelle are on our


We need to go quickly.

Soak or shuffle?

We're deciding to choose


We both so want to be in


He's just struggling like crazy

Right now and it's so hard for

Me to see it.

I'm so sorry, babe.

Don't be sorry, you're fine.

Wait a second.

Oh, -- I'm starting to see

Things they wasn't seeing


Because you had tunnel


Yeah, because I'm an idiot.

You know what you're looking


Yes, know yourself, try and

Calm down for a second, just


I'm being a nut job.

What a moron.

I should have seen it in the


Open my two eyes.

I got it.

Tell me that's not it.

This is the one!

]]Or, -- sabre, babe.

It's ok.




I, i, i, i, i.

Two I's and then three I's.

We have to decold this.

There's another clue hanging

Up on this one.


All right, so it says minus

Is plus the square root of 64

Plus ringer.

Telephone ring minus r.

Did you get it all?

I think it's ring minus r.

So skis would be s.k. And then

The square root of 64.



Yeah, that's right.

What does that even mean?

Skating rink.

The world escapes me.

What's the first thing?

I don't know.

I, i, over i, i, i.

Something skating, I'm not sure.

I don't get it.

I think we start up there.

They're in the hot tub.

I don't know how they got

There so quickly.

They're coming from this


I think we have to change before

We get in the bolt.


Yeah, yeah.


A robe?

Turn around here.

This is another clue here to

Your left.

R plus splalt.

R plus splat.

Skating rink.

Skating rink.

That's ink.

Five I's in skating rink.

Five I's in skating rink?

I don't know about the five I


Can we stop so I can double

Check this?

Oh, my god, blair, I thought

You knew directions.

Are we lost?

This is the river.

Which is going that way so I

Think we need to be going that


Then why --

That's where the guy said to


I asked you if that was


It's a work in progress.

Let's figure it out and keep


Which way are we going?

We can't just go riding around

In the wrong direction.

I asked you, are you sure?

Yeah, blah, blah.

Oh, my god.

I asked you if that was right.

Where the hell are we going?

Hayley, you're not thinking.

You're just screaming.

If in is wrong again I'm

Going to be really ticked off.

Especially if it's the street I

Said I think it is.

This is the exact street that I


This is exactly what I said!

What did you say?

When we stopped there I said

Look at that sign.

It has the h-street on it.

You have to start listening.

Oh, my god.

I freaking told you will this

Was the way.

I told you you need to go down

This street from the beginning

This street from the beginning
like a freaking idiot.

Like a freaking idiot.

I am so angry right now

Because I said this was it and

You were like no, it's not.

We rode right past it.

I'm always right and you never


Oh, my god, what is going on

In your head?

I might have screwed up a street


Let's figure it out, stay calm

And move forward.

But the thing is, I was


Who cares?

Let's be productive, how about


Do you know the address?

Up here?

It must be in here.


This is the dutch sjoelen.

You play with 20 stones.

You need to get 51 points.

Four holes you can see in the


A one, a two, a three, and a


And then if you get the stones

For each slot, it's 20 points.

It's a double.

When you have 51 points, you're

The winner.

I'll go first.

I'll retrieve them after

She's thrown?


You got it.

It's kind of like




There you go.


There we go.

We got it.

There's, one, two, three,


If you got four, you not four

Points but if you got one puck

In one, two, three, and four,

You'd score 30 points.

I'm hoping you can get the

Rest we need.


The guys were awesome.

They were very encouraging.


Good beer.

All right, try again.

All right.

We'll get it this time.

It's very difficult.

I'm sorry, babe, I'm sorry.

Don't be sorry.

It's ok.

That was horrible.

Playing catch-up now.

I hope we can catch up.

We can probably catch up to

Some people on here.

Ok, I love you.

Hoping the water is warm?

It's 100 degrees, yeah.

Oh, this feels so good.

All right.



Use that brain while I drive.

I, i.

It's got to be eyes.

Like ice.

Ice skating ring.

-- Rink.

I think that's what it is.

Ice skating rink.

Yeah, there you go.

We might be going ice skating.

Good job.

I think they're coming back.

Can I get a hot tub?

Good luck, guys.

Bye, guys.

I'm freezing in here.

I have to pee to warm it up.

I already did.

I'm just -- ooh, I wouldn't pee

In here, you nut bag.

Thank you so much.

This was fun.

Do we write the answer?



Thank you.

Thank you, thank you!

Teams must now find the

Museum, home to over 900 years

Of dutch history and this ice


The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

Let's go.

Baby, take your time.

Really aim.


I think you're going too


Oh, we just got 50.

He needed one more.

We were so close.

You got it.

The ferry is down there.

Maybe this is it.

Oh, here's the spot right here,


We ride on, right?

Let's go, baby.

Vroom, vroom.

Y --

I see him.

Right there.


Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Player, the next gretzky of the

Nepter lands.

You look fierce.

Laura and tyler I have --

Laura and tyler I have

Great news.

This is your second win in a


You've won a trip for two from

Travel city and you are going to

Seoul, south korea.

Oh, my god.

That's awesome.

You'll stay five nights at

The conrad seoul, which includes

Dinner at the bar and grill, a

Kimchi cooking class and a tour

Of the korean marketplace and a


If I wasn't mistaken, I would

Assume that you giese are madly

In love right now.

I think that we both share

Such a love for the race I think

That's overpowered anything


It's awesome.

Ok, so that's the first one.

Look down here.


Hey, guys!

Right here.

It's down here, I see it.

Skis minus i-i is.

Or ring minus r.

Skate, skating.

So what was the first one?

Two, three skating?

Figure skate something line

Skate something

Come on.

I looked almost completely


Basically I was in underwear and

A shirt.

Oh, my god.

R-plus -- dot?



Skating rink.

Two, three skating rink?

Five skating rink?

Number skating rink?

Let's go.


I think we can catch up to


Let's book it then.

How you doing, blair?

What's up?

They're already done.

The five I's is skating rink?

Look, see that sign?

Ok, so two and three.

What does that mean?

I'm pretty sure they just saw

My -- and that's why they were


Minus -- so skate.

Stop, stop.

So skate --

Skis minus the i-s is s.k.

Plus ring or ringer is in --


So skate --


I have no idea.

What should we do?


I think we ought to do it


We rushed through it the first


It's a little bit of a risk.

We have to do it over again.

There were signs.

I tried to decode them.

We didn't get it.

I saw the five I's.

We were just like stuck.

Let's just ask hayley and



What does that mean?

R plus a blot?

R plus anything?

Wait, ice skating rink!

You have to throw softly at

First and then when you get them

Filled up you start to throw

Harder but we're getting the

Hang of it.


You I got.

We're still in this, baby.

I know we are.

I love you.

Love you.

Thank you for not giving up

On me.

I'll never give you on -- up

On you.

The five I's.

Act like we're confused.



Play along.

Blair, play along.

They're not even here yet.

I know.

That was a practice round.

I see.

Did you guys get the five


We got the rest.

Skating rink.


What's the first one?

We have no idea.

It's got to be like five I's.

Oh, my butt is cold.

Thank you.

That's cool.


It's a skating rink of some


Roman skating rink?

Oh, roman skating rink.

Soak or shuffle?


Babe, let's get back in this




Oh, no.

I'll take it.




Good job.

Four and three.

All right.

This is it.


Is that good?

We got it?


We did it.


Thank you.

Last team to check in may be


Hey, phil.

There they are.


Hayley and blake, you will

Be pleased to know that you must

Have overtaken some other teams.

Are you team number two!

Oh, yes.

We did it.

That was a little awkward

Right there.

It's clear to me that at this

Point we might have different

Ways of dealing with stress.

On this race, you don't deal

With stress.

Because there's a million

Dollars on the line so we are

Still happy to be here.

Yes, we are.

We can do it.

We can.

All right.

Get this done, baby.


It's like air hockey.

One shot, ok?

Then we're getting out of here.






Do that again.


Got it.


Now you got the two.

You have to get the two in.


Get the three in now.

Got it.



Oh, this one, this one.

Get another one and then we're

Like there.


How many points is that?

Oh, I got this look at me.

All you have to do is get nine


Babe, you got it.

Come on.

Nine points.

Do it like this.


Baby, not sideways.

Go like this go slower.

Go towards to -- guards to


Yes, beautiful.

Go for a two.

Honey, try to get this four,

Nice and slow.

There you go.

Baby, hit this nice and soft.

Oh, you got it.

You got it.

A little bit harder but not too


You got it.


You got this babe.

Slow down?


You got it.


Yeah, baby.

You're doing it, baby, you got

This just go for the four, babe,

And that's it.

Skating rink.

Get that four.


Get that four, baby.

Hit this right here, honey.

Five I's skating rink?

Please try again.

Please try again.
We're going to get this.

We're going to get this.

So let's ask somebody to be

Skating rink and then maybe they

Have it on their internet and

Then we can figure out the name

Of skating rinks.

Excuse me.

We're trying to look for the

Name of a skating rink around


Nice and easy.

Right here, you'll get them both

In baby, one time.

One shot.

Oh, so close.

All right, we have to go again.

It's ok, babe.

Same thing we did before.

It's ok.

sh**t, damn it.

We're going to get it this


Oh, ice.

Ice skating rink.




Ok, thank you.

Ice skating rink.


Thanks a lot.

Thank you.

Thank you.

We'll do a very, very quick

Search for phil.

I don't know where we're really


Excuse me, ma'am.

Can you help us with direction?

Which way to you want?

The medium ice skating ring.

You have to go there.

Hi, phil.

Jelani and jenny, it

Wasn't exactly a perfect leg but

You are team number three.



The first three teams to

Check in are all newly dating


There you go.

That's awesome.

It's really the blind date

Couple magic.

The qualities that the

Individuals on those teams have

Are have strong and they happen

To be together, there's two of


One of the blind date couples

Are definitely going to win the


Mike and rochelle, are you

Team number four.

Yes, all right.


You survived.

We were on the bolts since

Leg one and we slowly keep

Fighting our way up.

We're going to do it until the


Two or three, honey.


Thank you, thank you.

I'm happy because I've had the

Most amazing time.

Got engaged.

This experience is priceless.

We're rung around and doing the

Most amazing things.

The experience of a lifetime.

Tell me about it.

We got stories to tell our

Kids, when we have them.

Which is going to be soon.

Matt and ashley --


You are the last team to



You know that everybody

Has to go home sometime but

You're not going home.


What's that?

This is a non-elimination



Nache could have been all over

Today --

Oh, my god!

We're still here!

We're not having babies yet.

So you do know that that

Means that sometime during the

Next leg of the race there will

Be a speed bump and you suggest

You get through that speed bump

As quickly as you can because

You're going to have a lot of

Catching up to do.

It's not over yet.

Watch out, teams.

It's not over yet.

Favre all the way?

All the way.

All the way.

Stay tuned for scenes from

Stay tuned for scenes from
our next episode.

Our next episode.

Next week on "the amazing

Race" -- teams head to peru.

This is so much fun.

Oh, my depod!

Where they go to work at

The roadblock.

Fast, that's fast.

Good job, babe.

And come crashing down at

The detour.

Wait, no.

Wait, no.
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