35x11 - We're Finding Our Pot of Gold

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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35x11 - We're Finding Our Pot of Gold

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on

The Amazing Race

Five teams dove into Stockholm.

At the Roadblock,

Rob and Corey used

their Express Pass

to jump ahead

- Thank you.

- They're doing it.

The boys just used

their Express Pass.

while Todd and Ashlie

fell into last place.

Everyone's gone,

and it's just me.

Greg and John unlocked

a new skill at the Detour.

It's in French.

I speak French.

Steve struggled

to keep up with Anna Leigh.

Come on!

They're gonna leave us!

A mad dash to the Pit Stop

It's a footrace, Gregory.

- Yep.

- We got to outrun them.

ended with a new pair

of winners

- You're team number one.

- Are you kidding me?

- No! No!

- No way.

- No way!

and a farewell

to Todd and Ashlie.

You have been eliminated

from the race.

I don't need a million dollars.

I just need my family, so

Would you like to know

- where you're going to next?

- We would.

- Yeah.

Dublin, Ireland.

And the great news is

you will be able

to book your own flights

and hotel accommodation

using the Expedia app.

Take a phone.

It's an easy app to use.

All right,

you ready to go to Dublin?

- I'm ready. Let's go.

- All right.

- Let's get our flights booked.

- Okay, Expedia app, flights.

- These are a lot of options.

- A lot of options.

- Here's one at 7:35.

Do you want to book that one?


-Yeah, let's do that one.

That one's early.

-All right.

Let's get that one.

It's the most

expensive one. Let's get it.

Let's take that one.


Looks affordable

in the right area.

-Let's go.

-All right, cool.

Let's go to Dublin.

This was actually

really straightforward.

Yes, it was. Yes, it was.

We're on our way to Ireland.

Route Info.

- "Fly to Dublin, Ireland."

- Dublin, Ireland.

"Once there, drive to Forty Foot

Sandycove and take the plunge."


The final four teams

will now fly

one thousand miles

from Stockholm, Sweden

to Dublin, Ireland.

- leg of the race.

- Let's go. Let's go.

Who's got a taxi?

- We're going to the airport.

- Yes, please.

All right, let's go.

There's only one goal

in the penultimate leg,

and that is,

"Don't get eliminated.

Make it to the final."

I can start

to smell the million dollars.

Smell that?

Stockholm Airport, please.

- Okay.

- Thank you.

We're gonna

have to earn it today.

Everyone's gonna be

on the same flight.

So it's just

gonna be a dogfight today

in terms of, like, getting out

as quick as possible

and kind of

establishing your lead.

Think of this as, like,

there are only three seats left

in this game of musical chairs,

and the circle's

just getting faster.

So we just really want

to keep up

and make sure we get a spot.

Leg 11, baby.

Hello, hello.

We need to go to the airport.

"Swim out to a buoy

in the Irish Sea

to retrieve your clue."

"You have zero euro

for this race."

- We

- Let's go!

Pressure makes diamonds,

and we're ready

to show out today.

We are going to Dublin,

and we're doing a plunge.

We're all balled up together.

If we can get far enough ahead

in the challenges

or Detours and not

have to rely on our speed

and get in a footrace,

then I think we'll be okay.

We're real proud

of the race we've run,

and hopefully

it doesn't end today.

So we're gonna do the best

we can to keep it going.

I hope it's warm there,

'cause we are Texas people,

- and the cold

- I can frog swim.

We don't do good in the cold.

Yeah, we can both frog swim.

Let's go.

Thank you. Have a good day.

There we are.

That's us.

There's one, and there's two.

Top three,

here we come.

We're finding our pot of gold

at the end of this leg.

Let's do it.

We're going to Dublin!

This is Dublin, Ireland.

Home to Guinness,

Trinity College

and this country's

most successful rock band, U2.

Teams will begin this leg

of the race

with a dip

in the chilly Irish Sea.

Locals can't agree

on exactly how the 40-foot

swimming hole got its name,

but there's no doubt

that swimming here

is a shock to the system

due to the water's

freezing-cold temperature.

After putting on

their swimsuits,

teams can walk down to the sea,

making their way out

to one of these buoys

to get a clue.

- Let's get to work.

- Yep.

- Let's go.

- Come on, Dad.

We're looking for C. That's H.

Here we go.

- All right,

we got manual, peeps.

- It's a stick shift?

Yep, and I'm shifting

with my left hand.

Exit to the right.

- Exit to the right?

- Yep.

Going into this leg, my dad

had done all six

of his Roadblocks,

and I had only done four.

We wanted to weight

the final Roadblocks towards m,

thinking that they'd get harder

as the legs go on.

There's definitely

a little bit of pressure,

but this was our strategy.

- Try to not let all these cars

pass you 'cause

- I hear you.

We thought that we were even

on Roadblocks,

but I actually did six

and he's at four,

so he's got

to do the next Roadblock.

All I know is that water

is gonna be frigid.

We're gonna be cold.

Being on the opposite side

of the car

and having stick shift

on my left hand

definitely feels different.

- Hey, Greg, how's it going?

- Hey!

Hey, how is it going

with the stick shift?

- The left-handed shifting?

- Yeah, it's

- I don't like it.

- I don't like it at all.

It's not natural.

Was that Castle Park?

I think it was back there.

- You think so?

- Yeah.

Should I turn?


Eden Terrace

And the first street with

Ain't nobody on it.

You're going the wrong way.

- What?

- You're going the wrong way.

- You want me to turn around?

- Yes.

I don't know why

you turned on this road.

Because you told me

to turn around.

No, 'cause I told you

to turn around, not turn left.

Well, I know, but I had

to turn left. I couldn't

- Just go straight. Go straight.

- Lord, girl.

God, here we go.

Don't freak out yet.

Don't freak out.

- This is it Castle Park School.

- We're here.

Let's go.

All right.

There's some teams here.

- At least one.

- How'd they beat us?

We got to roll. Let's jog.

- Here's their car.

- Here's another one.

All right.

So we're the third team.

Bust it out. Bust it out.

We need to find somebody

to help us.

Well, wait, here's people.

Excuse me. We're trying

to get to Castle Park School.

Okay, so,

we keep going right

and then we go right on

Castle Park Road.

Okay, thank you.

Go for it, Dad.

Let's change. We got this.

All right, I see an arrow.

- All right, let's run downhill.

- Hey!

I bet you

that's the changing area.

All right, Smithe, move quick.

A quick change.

I'm no stranger to cold water.

I like to take ice baths

after a basketball game

or something.

But that water was cold.

All right, let's do it.

My gosh.


Corey and Rob were

just ahead of us

on their way out to the buoy,

so we didn't hold back.

We jumped in

that freezing cold water,

and, boy, I tell you,

it woke us up.

- Good.

- Let's go. Let's go.

Almost there.

My goodness.

- Let's get to work, Gregory.

- Come on, let's go.

- This is parking,


- Yep.

Park right here.

Yeah, just park.

- Anna Leigh.

- Sorry, Dad,

but every team is here but us.

- How do you know that?

- 'Cause I see their cars.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Route Info.

"Drive to the Gaiety Theatre

to find your next clue."

"Drive to the Gaiety Theatre

to find your next clue."

- That's it. Let's go.

- All right.

"Drive to the Gaiety Theatre

to find your next clue."


Come on, Dad.

Right here.

All right, the one

with the red and yellow?

- Right now. Holy

- Yeah?

We don't like cold water.

At home, we have a pool.

I don't get into it

unless it's body temperature,

not 50.

That polar plunge

is bad for people.

My body temperature dropped

about ten degrees,

and I thought

I was going into shock.

We were last, so we knew

there was no room for mistakes.

I looked back at one point,

and Dad's going so slow.

Like, is something wrong?

I look back

at one point,

and Dad's got both

of his shoes off,

paddling backwards.

And I'm like,

"What are you doing?"

Well, I thought The Rock said

that having these shoes

would help,

but as soon as I hit the water,

you can't paddle.

They drug me down.

I couldn't even swim.

So I had

to get 'em off my feet.

On my feet,

they were holding me down.

Let's go.

Deadass last.

This is it, home stretch.

We're looking for the

parking lot we have to go to

on Park Rite, Drury Street.

- Gaiety Theatre.

- God, I don't know where we are.

- Somewhere in here.

- Let's Maybe

we should get closer.

All right, get us here.

All right?

- Let's get out of here.

- You got the clue?


All right, I think I got us.

Where the heck

did Greg and John go?

We're in a race right now,

and we don't have any phones.

We just have to find out

how to get to this next

If you could just Google this,

it'd be so helpful.

- Dad, come on!

- I'm coming.

- Hey, we are dead last.

- I know.

Hey, guys.

All right.


-All right, we'll see you later.

Thank you.

-Thanks so much.

How was this swim?

- Horrible.

- Horrible, right?

- Yeah, it's cold.

- What about y'all?

- So cold.

- Cold, cold, cold.

- So cold.

- Yeah.

- They're not too far

ahead of us, too.

The other team.

The other two teams.

- Go! Go, Dad.

- I'm going.

I don't want them following us.

I got to walk this hill.


- Dad, I'm carrying your bag.

- I

Let's go.

If we can follow them out.

All right, see you guys there.

Where's the key? Dad, please

- get in and follow them!

- God.

- We don't have time.

- Okay.

- Left or right out here?

- Make a left.

See them up there?

- All right.

- They're going left. Go!

Steven and Anna Leigh

hadn't gotten directions

by the time

they got into their car,

so I don't know exactly

how they're gonna know

where to go unless

they're right behind us,

which I haven't checked yet.

Don't be too obvious.

They're gonna know we're

following right behind them.

We're dead last.

I hate following them,

but at this point,

being so far behind

and having to get out

and ask questions and then wait

for everything else

we just don't have time for it.

It's still a very,

very tight race. No one's lost.

Everyone's, still together.

So, it's anyone's game.

Because we were heading

back to town,

which is where we came from,

we just rerouted

the same way we came

and went back down

to the freeway.

It's a lot more distance travel,

but we are going a higher speed

with no stops or turns.

All right, let's just focus

on navigating.

That one.

- Park where we can.

- If nothing, go to level six.

We got this.

Time to rock.

Roadblock. I wonder

who's doing this one.

"Who wants

to get their steps in?"

Riverdance is

a high-octane version of

traditional Irish step dancing

that has entertained billions

around the world.

Launched in the mid-1990s

here in Dublin,

it is now a global phenomenon,

with 12,000 performances

and counting.

Professionals have the stamina

to perform like this

for up to two hours.

This Roadblock requires teams

to do just 30 seconds worth

here at the historic

Gaiety Theater.

Once they can match

the quick tempo of these pros,

they'll get a clue.

All right, let's do it.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- How are you?

All right,

who's most excited to teach me?

You were quick. Let's do this.

The energy

that's what I needed.

- Hi. I'm Anna Mai.

- Anna Mai? Corey.

- Yes. Corey, nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.

We get upstairs,

and I had to change into this

shiny, silky, green shirt,

a cummerbund.

I've never worn

a cummerbund before.

I had no idea

how to put that on.

I might have to see

what I can do

about getting me one

of these shirts.

I feel like I look pretty good.

- Yeah, it looks great.

- Thank you.

So, have you ever

Irish danced before?

- I have not.

- Okay.

So, we're mainly looking

for five key things, okay?

Posture, which is

having our shoulders back.


which is always smiling

- when we're on stage, okay?

- Ought to be easy.

Um, our turnout, which is,

we turn out from the hip,

- being in time with the music.

- Okey dokey.

And the last thing is

just working as a team.

- Okay.

- Okay.

The first thing

we're gonna do is

we're gonna stand

right foot to left.

We're gonna go point and point.

- Wait.

- Hop step, back. So

Five, six, seven, eight.

Point, point, hop step back.

Point, point, hop step back.

Perfect. That's it.

That's the first section done.

The pacing of the steps

Heel, two, three.

It was very, very

intricate and particular.

- Then we go stomp.

- You had to move

certain feet

- Toe.

- at a certain time,

at a certain pace.

And then we're gonna go back

into our point and point, step

and repeat it.

So, it was pretty complex.

- I'm getting the idea.

- And you're getting

the speed, 'cause

- when we go on stage,

it's superfast.

- It's gonna be fast.

You can back up

another foot if you need to.

- I'll make it.

- Suck it in!

Right here.

Pedestrian exit.

- Guide us where we're going.

- Yeah.

Steve and Anna Leigh

are still behind us.

I think they might be going

the same route that we're going.

So, we'll probably be

with them for a little bit.

We're on Larchfield Road.

We're backwards.

Yeah. I don't know

if we peel off

and try

to get better directions.

Hanging with them's not helping.

If we can figure it out

and get away from them,

that would be awesome.

Good Lord. That damn curb

just sneaks up so quick.

Sir, can you help me

with directions?

I don't see

-Steve and Anna Leigh.

We might be free.

-You're right.

- You're right. We might be free.

- We might be free.

Especially if you know

where you're going.

I am so sure.

Brooks Hotel.

- Brooks Hotel. Yep, yep, yep.

- On Drury Street.

- Why not

- It's really easy.

You go that way

for about two kilometers,

swing a right,

then you're there.

- Thank you, sir.

- Let's go.

- Yeah. That was parking.

- That was the parking garage?


So if you can make a U-turn.

- 'Cause this is a dead end.

- Okay.


- Really sorry that happened.

- Yeah, it's all right.

Clue box, Smithe.

Roadblock. "Who wants

to get their steps in?"

- I do.

- All right.

He wanted to do it, so I let him

do it. He opened that clue up.

"Join the legendary Riverdance."


-Okay. Let's go.

Come on upstairs.

Heel, two, three, four,

five, six, seven.

Stomp, toe.

Point, point and step back.

All right.

White shirt goes underneath.

- White underneath?

- Yep. Bathrooms are down here.


I took a dancing class

in college to meet girls

and all I tried to do

was meet girls

and not learn how to dance.

So you're gonna do

four skips to the front.

One-two, step, two-two, step,

three-two, step, four-two, step.

- All right.

- Then from here,

you're gonna go

stomp, stomp, step.

- Stomp, stomp, step.

- Stomp, stomp, step.

Stomp, stomp, step.

And point.

- And toe.

- And toe.

Cut, look.

- There you go.

- Okay.

That's it.

That's the whole thing.

- You got that super quick.

- All right.

- Yeah?

- Easy enough.

So we're gonna start

with our right foot in front.

- Right foot in front.

- Right foot in front.

- And we're gonna go point.

- Point.

- And point.

- Point.

- Hop.

- Hop.

- Twist back.

- Now, okay, do that one again.

The immediate thought

that tried to jump

to the forefront of my mind was,

"You can't do this."

But I continually

was pushing that thought

to the sides

the entire time I was there.

Point and


-You're going like this.

Point, point.

-All right.

It's easier if you just think

about putting

the left foot forward.

- Okay, so point.

- Yeah. And now swap them.

- Point.

- That's it.

So if I'm doing it facing you,

I'm gonna go,

and one, and two,

and three, and four.

Stomp, stomp, step,

stomp, stomp, step,

turn and point and toe,

cut, stomp.

- Okay?

- It's very impressive

watching you do it.

Just something

Give you a visualize of what

- it's supposed to look like.

- Okay.

Supposed to. Okay.

No, you're doing amazing.

Anna Mai was

a fantastic instructor.

So helpful, so kind.

Very, like, supportive, and

she was super cute.

Did you get your parking ticket

and the keys?

- I got the keys,

I got the parking ticket.

- Yeah. Then just go.

- Lock your car.

- I'm locking it.

And then go left. Run, run, run.

- Go, go, go.

- Hey, there's the box office,

Anna Leigh.

Right there.

- Roadblock. It's you.

- It's me.

- Read it.

- "Who wants

to get their steps in?

Steve and Corey must perform

this Roadblock."

- All right, go. Inside.

- Go where?




- Hello!

- Hi.

- All right.

- Dad, pick one.

Here, give me your bag.

Just focus on your

- Focus on your Roadblock,


- Let's go.

- Yeah?

- Come on. You look friendly.

- Here. Let's go. Okay.

- You can teach me

some Riverdance.

- Read your clue.

- Come on.

- I got it.

- You got it.

- My name's Maeve.

- Hi, Maeve. Steve.

Nice to meet you.

Hey, guys.

As soon as I saw what this was,

I was like,

"thank goodness

Anna Leigh can't do this one."

- Have they already been going?

- They're still practicing.

Let's pick a spot.

- Should we go back here?

- Sure.

So you're gonna learn

the iconic Riverdancesteps.

- Okay?

- Let's go!

Stomp, two, three.

- Stamp, two, three?

- Yes.

- Stomp two, three.

- Stamp, two, three.

- Stomp.

- Stamp.

- Yes.

- All right,

let's do that again.

All right, let's go.

- You have the parking ticket?

- Yeah.

And you got the keys?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

All right. It's right here.

- Yup.

All right.

Want to rip it?

- All right. Roadblock.

- Roadblock.

"Who wants

to get their steps in?"

- Want me to do it?

- I kind of do.

Okay. All right, I'll do it.

You got it.

- Hey.

- How's it going?

-Who's my height?

You're my height?


- Yeah. Okay, thank you.

- Let's go?

Yeah, let's do it.

See ya.

- I'm Jordan. Nice to meet you.

- Good to meet you. I'm John.

I run upstairs knowing

that I'm in fourth,

and see a practice room

of just

- well-dressed gentlemen.

- Your costume here.

Once I saw it was Steve

doing the Roadblock

and Joel doing the Roadblock,

I thought, "Okay,

this might be the opportunity

to try to get a lead."

I figured I could just go

as quickly as I can.

- Step, stomp, toe.

- Where are my feet

getting messed up?

Two, three.

Okay, I-I got lost.

Looks like every other team's

here now, so it's go time.

Point and point.

- Hop on your right foot.

- Hop.

Step back.

- Step back?

- Exactly.

- Stomp, two, three.

- Stamp, two, three.

- Stomp.

- Stamp.

Point and point,

and hop step back.

Make sure when we do the point,

it's your toe

- that's touches the floor.

- Toe. Got it.

I studied music composition

in college.

I've been playing piano

since I was, like,

six years old.

I play guitar,

I play ukulele, bass.

It's been a part of my life

for as long as I can remember.

So when I found out we were

dancing, I was pretty relieved

that there's a musical element

and something that

I can pick up pretty quickly.

It's a language, after all.

- Point and toe.

- Point and toe.

And stomp. That's it. Yeah.

- Okay.

- Hey, go from the beginning.

Stomp, stomp, step,

so your feet are together.

Behind, together.

So, six.

I'm actually going seven, toe.

- Yeah, kind of. Yeah.

- Okay.

I don't do the line dance.

Now if we could slide like this,

I got those.

Stomp and point

and toe, cut, stomp.

- Yeah? You look great doing it.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Yeah, very natural.

Even if I don't nail it

at the beginning

All right, let's give it a shot.

There's only one way

to see if I'm ready.

the best practice

is gonna be in the theater

in front of an audience,

with all the pressure on.

I figure,

with no one else in line,

let's start doing the thing.

So now we just need

to get you some shoes.

So you're gonna try these on.

- Heck, yeah.

- Yeah, so we'll sit down here.

I'll grab mine.

This would be a lot harder

if there were pots on my head,

I'll tell you that.


So we're gonna stand this side.


- I'll count you in, okay?

- Okey doke.

Okay, Sean, go.


One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, and

point, point and step back.

Point, point and step back.

Turn, two,

three, four, five, six.

Step, step, turn.

Point, point, hop step back.

Point, point,

hop step back.

Turn, two, three,

four, five, six.

Step, toe.

One, two, three, four.

Stomp, two-two, stomp, two-two.

Turn, tap and toe, cut.

Okay, Corey, well done.

Um, I think we just probably

need to go again.

Stay as a team when you're

coming up at the end, okay?

- Sounds good. Thank you.

- Great.

I've never worn heels before.

That was fascinating.

I almost ate it so hard.

I slipped.

I was like, "All right,

we're not passing this one.

"But now I know

what it feels like.

Be careful with the heels."

Point and point, hop step back.

One, two, three, four, five.

And toe, cut, stomp.

And toe

- Point?

- Point, and toe, cut, stomp.

- Point, and toe, cut, stamp.

- Yes.

You ready for the next bit?

We might as well get on to it.

Okay, so we have step, toe,

and then you're just gonna

step on that step.

One, two, three.

The kids have been born

and raised dancing,

and it's all

country-western dancing.

We do a lot of sliding.

That that hoppy

Riverdance wasn't something

I was used to.

There was a learning curve

there, and my feet kept wanting

to slide instead of jump.

Point, point.

- Hop step back, point

- I got off.

Yeah. I think

you're just sometimes

getting the hop step back wrong.

And one-two-three,




Punch down-two-three.

And stomp, point and toe,

and stomp.

Okay, just the end

point, toe, stomp.

- All right.

- So it goes out the front,

out the back. That's it.

- Got it. I might give it a go.

- Yeah. Let's do it.

I'll be back probably,

but we'll see.

- Okay.

- Thank you so much.


Feel like it's gonna be a trial

run, but it's good to know

- what music sounds like.

- Five, six,

seven, and point, point,

and hop back.

Point, point, and hop back.

Turn, two, three, four,

five, six, seven.

Stomp, turn.

Point, point, and hop back.

Point, point, and hop back.

Turn, two, three, four,

five, six. Step, toe,

and one, two, three, four.

Turn, toe, stomp.

Corey, unfortunately,

that is a pass.

- Get down here!

- Yes!

A pass! A pass!

- Yay!

- Thank you.

- You are such a good teacher.

- You're welcome.

Corey finished.

Good for him.

We still got Steve and Joel

kicking it up there.

That's yours. All right?

-That's your own.

Well done, man. Well done.

-Thank you. Thank you.

- Much appreciated. Thank you.

Best of luck.

Best of luck.

That looked tough.

- That looks so tough.

- Yeah.

Okay, you're gonna be in center.

- Let's go, Johnny!

- Yeah.

- Looking suave.

- And go, Sean.

Five, six, seven, eight.

Point, point, hop back down.

Point, point, hop back down.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven.

Point, point, up.

Point, point, up.

Turn, two, three, four,

five, six, seven.

And one-two-three,

two-two-three, three-two-three,



Point the toe.

- Great, John!

- Okay.

Good. Good, John. Good. Look,

we need to do it again, John.

We can't pass that one.

He did it.

Route Info.

"Drive to Croke Park

to receive your next clue."

- Thank you.

No problem.

Well done.

And point and point,

hop step back.

- Point. Right, right.

- Point. Point?

- It's that one every time.

- It's that one every time.

- Point and point.

- Point and

Point and

Take a minute, get a drink.

- You know the steps.

- Okay.

-You know the steps.

You can do the steps.


I'm learning it.

Point and point.

Hop, back step.

Point and point.


One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven. Again.

Point and point, hop-two-three.

Point and point, hop-two-three.

One, two, three, four,

five, six. To the front.

One-two-three, two-two-three,

three-two-three, four-two-three.


Okay, John. Okay.

Why don't you come down here

- and let me tell you

a couple of things?

- Okay.

- Please.

- Okay?

So you know how

we need to pay attention

to all those five key points

- that the guys would have

shared with you, right?

- Yeah.

Well, you just did. Well done.

- Well done. Congratulations.

- Lots of fun. Thank you.

- You all are great. Thank you.

- Well done. Well done.

Here we are.

Bottom-dwellers unite.

Here we are again.

- Team second flight.

- Gosh dang.

Route Info.

Johnny stepped up.

Rob and Corey were gone

and all the rest of the teams

just were way far behind us.

All right.

What you want to do?

I want to try it

with some music.

- Okay, let's go.

- Let's try it.

Stomp, point, and toe,

cut, stomp.

- All right.

- That was good.

I'll give it a shot.

It's gonna be down to us.

It's been a nice ride, Garrett.

- You want to just give it to us?

- No.

- We're ready.

- Sure. I'll give it a try.

- Come on out.

- Let's go.

Check out that sexy beard.

Okay, Sean,

ready when you are.


Five, six, seven, eight.

Point, point, hop, switch back.

Point, point, hop, switch back.


Stomp, toe.

It is way faster

than I thought it would be.

I was dancing

with a whole group of people.

They were fast, they were grea.

And I was just trying

to keep up with them

and everything

in my head just went blank.

It was not

a comfortable place to be.

That was fast.

That was extremely fast.

We won't be able to pass

that one, but I know you'll have

learned a lot

from that one experience, okay?

All righty, then.

- Let's go.

- Okay. Enjoy, Steve.

- Yay.

- Let's go, Steve.

- Let's go, Dad!

I forgot everything.

- Yes, but that's to be expected.

- Now, I know what All right.

- I think we better go upstairs

and practice some more.

- Yes.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight.

Point, point. Hop step, hop.

Point, point. Hop, two, three.

One, two, three,

four, five, six.

Hop step back.

High now. One, two, three.

And point to point,


One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, step, hop.

One-two-three, two-two-three,



step-two-three, step-two-three.


Point your toe, and cut.

- That's all right, Steve.

- That's all right.

Look, we can't pass it just yet.

The heel turns is just where

you went a little bit wrong.

Another couple of times

and you might just have it.

Okay. All right.

My confidence is waning now

after that,

but I know

it's part of the process.

- Yeah, it's okay.

- I got to stay

I'm trying to stay positive.

Strasser left?

- Maybe.

- No.

- It's really hard.

- But I can learn it,


You are learning it.

It's just a matter

of repeating it, repeating it,

- repeat it

till it's muscle memory.

- Yeah. Okay.


So we see the stadium off

to our right, so,

we're close.

Maybe if I perform it

a few more times,

- I'll get used

to the speed of it.

- Yeah.

So maybe I should just keep

taking turns performing it

- Okay.

- until I get it.

Yeah. Let's go.

Five, six, seven, eight.

Point, point, hop, two-three and

point, point, hop, two-three.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, another one,

point, point, hop, two-three and

point, point, hop, two-three.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven.

And one-two-three,

two-two-three. Keep going!

Good. One-two-three,

step, two-three.

And point the toe and cut.

Steve, you're k*lling me.

You're so close.

You're so, so close.

It's just that end.

Let's go, Strasser!

Ready when you are, Sean.

Five, six, seven, eight.

Point, point, hop step back.

Point, point,

hop step back. Heels.

Point, point, hop step back.

Point, point, hop step back.

Heel, two.

Step, toe. And one-two-three,

two-two-three, three-two-three,


Stop, stop.

There's a huge

improvement there.

Let's see the same amount

of improvement the next time.

All right.

Four and one-two-three,



Keep the speed up.

Step, two-three,

step, two-three and

point the toes back out.

And one, two, three, four.

Step, two-three,

step, two-three. Step, point.

One-two-three, arms. Good.

Step, two-three,

step, two-three

and point the toes and cut.

All right.

You-you gave up on it there

- at the end yourself.

- I did.

It was me. It was me.

- We can't pass that until

you get that ending, right?

- I got it.

- I got it.

- I know you got it.

We just got to do it

with everybody else.

- Johnny, really great job.

- Thank you.

Really, really great job.

Like, that might have

saved us right there.

Like, honestly.

If we can just be on it,

we'll be good.

- We'll at least survive.

- We just have to be on it.

I'm done with

Roadblocks, though.

You're done with

Roadblocks, though.

Three, four, five,

six, seven, eight.

And point and point,

up, two-three,

and point and point, up,


One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, step, toe,

and point and point,

up, two-three,

and point and point, up,


One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, step, toe,

and one-two-three,




step, two-three,

step, two-three

and point the toe, cut.


Well done.

- Snapped my head around.

- Yeah!

This is what

you're waiting for, right?

- That's what I'm waiting for.

- Well done, man.

He got it. Finally.

It's probably not very pretty,

but I finally got out

before Joel, so that was a step

in the right direction.

-This is the one.

This is the one, team.


- Yes, sir.

- I'm gonna use your energy.

- Yeah. Yeah.

- I'm channeling your energy.

"Drive to Croke Park.

Once there, make your way

to the top of the stadium

to find your next clue."

Let's go.

Five, six, seven, eight.

Point, point, hop step back.

Point, point, hop step back.

Heel, two, three, four, five,

six, seven, step, toe.

Point, point, hop step back.

Point, point,

hop step back.

Heel, two, three,

four, five, six,

seven, stomp, toe.

Hop, one-two-three,


three-two-three, four-two-three.

Step, two-three,

step, two-three, step.

Okay, Joel, um, look


T-There's still a good amount

of work to be done, Joel.

- I think you see it yourself.

- I do.

Now we're in last place

in the penultimate leg.

I'm gonna take three minutes,

I'm gonna come back here,

I'm gonna nail it.

I knew that the doubt was just

getting tougher and tougher.

I kept having to fight back

that doubt so much.

I started picturing

us losing

and us being eliminated

because I couldn't

figure out the Riverdance.


Ready when you are, Sean.

Five, six, seven, eight.

Point, point, up, twist back.

Point, point, up, step back.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, step, stomp toe.

Up, step back.

Up, step back.

Hands. Up.

One, two, three, four.



- Yeah!

- Yes.

Yes, get down here.

That's what

you've been working for.

- All right. Well done, man.

- Got to give you a sweaty hug.

Thank you for it.

Thank you for it.

Thanks for working so hard, you.

The thing that I've learned

in not just in this race,

but in life is that it's not

about how hard you can hit,

it's about how hard

you can get hit

and keep moving forward.

I was dumbfounded.

I couldn't believe that

I had actually accomplished

this difficult thing

because I never gave up.

- Route Info.

- All right, let's

go to Croke Park.

All right. Croke Park.

Stadium is on our right,

though. That's

- Stadium.

- Yes, yes, yes.


We got this.

Corey! Let's go.

From that moment on,

I was inspired.

"Yes, you're right. Let's go."


"Who's Got the Swing?"

This is sacred ground

the world's greatest stage

for the ancient game of hurlin.

Dating back

more than 3,000 years

as a way to train warriors,

it's considered by many to be

the oldest sport in the world.

What's not in question

is that it's the world's

fastest field sport.

The aim of the game is simple:

get the ball past the goalie

in the back of the net

for three points

or between the uprights for on.

To complete this Roadblock,

teams need

to run down the pitch

then use a hurley

to smash a sliotar

through the uprights

to get their next clue.

Good job.

All right, let's do it.

All right. You got

the biggest smile. I want you.

- Okay. Come with me.

- Let's do this.

Here's your hurley, okay?

Hurley. Hurley, okay?

This is your ball.

- It's called

a sliotar, okay? Yeah.

- A sliotar.

So for this Roadblock,

I had to join a hurling team

and complete

one of their drills.

You're gonna throw the ball up,

lock hands

and roll your wrists, okay?

- I had to pass it.

- There you are. Nice.

They passed it to someone else,

who passed it back to me,

and then I had to catch it

and balance it on the stick,

toss it up to myself.


This is right up my alley.

I see one intersection

but I don't see the other one.

I see the whole park.

You're gonna have to pull over

to the side and ask somebody

for directions.

At this point,

this is our only shot,

is to make sure we have

these directions right, so

Anna Leigh, I know.

Let me just get out

of the middle of the road.

I've never experienced anything

like that dance before.

It's not very far away,

is the issue.

I feel like we can navigate

better than most teams,

but if it's close,

they might not have

an issue with getting there.

All right, let's do this.

Nice. Excellent.

Go around the cone.

Around the cone.


Okay. Around the cone.

That's too far.


Growing up,

he was always my best friend.

We played catch

after school every single day.

We've spent a ton of time

together over this race,

and I think this race gave us

a really strong opportunity

to connect on a deeper level

as adults.

Perfect. There we go.

There's a shot at the goal.

Can he do it? Aw.

So that's the stadium. Nice.

- Great job on directions.

- Thank you.

Catch-up time.

Let's get out the mustard,

and let's get out the catch-up.

- We got this. It's physical.

- Yep.


Let's see it.

Yes. Yes. Yes!

All right!

Thank you, thank you.

Much appreciated.

Route Info.

"Drive to Toners Pub.

"To earn your spot

in the final three,

a literary scholar you must be."

It was once a legal requirement

that pub owners in Ireland

displayed their name.

It was also a legal requirement

that some bars remain open

24 hours a day, just in case

the king got thirsty.

Pubs became so popular

that many famed

literary scholars had

their favorite watering holes,

like this place:

the James Toner Pub.

Teams must memorize

and recite two famous quotes

one quote each from famed

Irish novelist James Joyce.

Let's go.

Every single day has been

my favorite day so far.

This is so cool.

"Who's Got the Swing?"

All right, I'm doing it.

I'm-a go with you.

You seem

You seem like

you know what you're doing.

Good luck, Gregory.

Let's do it!

We're really driven

by just showing off

what we think is a really

great brother relationship

one that is rooted in

understanding and compassion.

A lot of the reason that we're

doing this, as well,

is just to kind of

prove to myself that, like,

I am as good

as this person

that I look up to.

And I feel like I've been

doing really well on challenge.

I've been working well

with, like, the man himself.

It's really nice to see, like,

our relationship blossom

out of this.

And now our last expectation

is to make it to the top three.

I have to go faster? Okay.

We got to go ask this person

while I'm looking this up.

- Okay.

- Get out. Let's ask

one of these people. Just one.

Sir, can you please help us?

We're lost,

and we need directions.

Croke Park. C-R-O-K-E.

Straight on,

straight on, straight on.

And here to North King Street.

- I don't see

any of those.

- Okay.

And then Russell Street.

Okay, thank you so much.

We had one little glitch.

All right, ready?


Kidding me? Kidding me?

Let's go!

My gosh.

Thank you.

- Gregory.

- Let's go!

"Drive to Toners Pub.

"To earn your spot

in final three,

a literary scholar you must be."

- Final three, baby!

- Final three!

- Yes!

- I found it, found it.

So we found the pub

that we need to go to.

Toners. Right here.

Go. Go.

So my dad and I each have

to pick one and memorize it.

"Each imagining himself to be.

Each imagining himself to be.

"Each imagining himself to be

"the first,

last and only alone

This sucks.

Get to Toners Pub,

and we see these quotes,

and I go, "memorization.

We can figure this out."

These quotes are fascinating,

to say the least.


Double and triple negatives

in mine. His has

a list of, like, seven

different types of people.

So I figure,

all right, this might

take us a minute.

We'll get through this.

- Boy.

- Everyone's already gone.

Go figure.

- The ramp,

marked ramp, over there.

- Okay.

- Look at that.

- Okey doke.

You basically just

keep going straight.

I want Henrietta.

- Tell me

when you see a street.

- I saw Henrietta.

- No, that's not it.

- I'm gonna have a heart attack.

This stress

is too much for me to handle.

I'm so competitive.

I don't like to lose.

And this is a team thing.

You know,

I couldn't have done this race

on my own.

That's not even

facing the same way.

But that lack

of control

on the other half, too

it's hard for me to swallow,

and it's a lesson

I feel like I have to learn.

I need to go to counseling.

I'm getting on anxiety pills

when I get home.

I obviously need something.

James Joyce. Could be tough.

We're just gonna try to iterate

as quickly as possible

and maybe jump Rob and Corey.

I don't know what

the situation's gonna be.

We just got to keep Steve,

Anna Leigh, Joel, Garrett

- out of sight. Yeah.

- Out of sight.

We're close,

we're close, we're close.

"Each imagining himself

to be first, last"

Feeling good.

I've almost got it down.

I probably just need

one or two more practices.

My dad just nailed

his rehearsal to me, so I think

one or two more for each of us,

and we're gonna give it a go.

Another Roadblock?

- Are you kidding me?

- Boy.

- "Who's Got the Swing?"

- Swing.

- I got the swing.

- Smithe,

- Here, take that.

- you're gonna

score a hurling goal.

- Hello. Teach me how to hurl.

- Here you go.

Smithe, it's not puking.

I can do

that kind of hurl, easy.

Our friendship has

only gotten stronger

going through 11 legs together.

We've definitely spent

this kind of time together

in the past

on deployments, but there was

a lot of serious matters

that came up.

The seriousness in this

is still fun.

For me, winning the million

dollars would be huge.

I could finally take my wife

on a real 20th anniversary tri,

instead of

just taking Strasser.

But another thing

that we've been wanting to do

for my daughter, for years,

is get her a service dog.

With her special needs,

we feel like

that could really benefit her.

So I hit it to you and then

run around the cone? Okay.

You got it!

I think this

is in his wheelhouse because

he's played baseball and

he's swinging a stick at a bal.

There he goes. He's got this.

Big swing and big miss

that time.

You're gonna get it, Smithe!

So we got to enter

from that side?

We have to enter

from the intersection

of Clonliffe

and St. Joseph's Avenue.


I think this is right. Clonl

Look for the right

Croke Park.

Look for any entry into the

gates. This has got to be it.

I say there's always still

a chance when you don't give up.

He just barely missed it,

by an inch.

There's the field.

It's not long enough.



Park right there.

Right here. Just park.

- There's A5

straight in front of us.

- Take your keys. Yeah.

You're gonna get it, Smithe!

There he goes, there he goes.

He did it. That's it.

Good job. -Thank you.

Thank you so much.

That was fun.

- Do it. Toners Pub.

- Toners Pub. Let's go.

Dude, you knocked that

out of the park.

Yeah, I am busting my ass.

This way.

- Come on, Dad.

- I'm coming.

Dude, there's

Steve and Anna Leigh.

You're joking me.

We left after Steve and

Anna Leigh from the Riverdance,

and we're not in last place,


But we've

bounced back from that.

We've worked our way back up


which feels pretty nice.

We're still alive.

We still have a chance.

It's another Roadblock, Dad.

- "Who's Got the Swing?"

- "Who's Got the Swing?"

- You got to do it.

- All right.


All right,

I got to score a goal.

Take the young'un,

right in the middle.

- Have fun, Dad.

- Thank you.

- You're right-handed?

- I'm right-handed.

Let's go.

Can we just have

a bit of quiet, please?


Thank you, thank you.

"Race to the Pit Stop."

Worshippers have been

gathering here

at St. Patrick's Cathedral

the oldest in Ireland

for over 800 years.

These sacred grounds

are steeped in history.

The author Jonathan Swift,

who wroteGulliver's Travels,

was once the dean here,

and later

buried under the church.

Today, it is the Pit Stop

for this penultimate leg

of the race,

where the final four

will become the final three

after the last elimination

of this Amazing Race.


There it is. Toners tavern.

And there's Pembroke Street.

You see Pembroke Street

in front of Toners Tavern?

There they are.

- The car stays here.

- Yeah.

Here we go.

-One or the other.

Any preference?


- I'll just do this one.

- All right.

"giants, old men, young men."

Mine just didn't it didn't

make sense as a sentence.

His was like

Dr. Seuss on steroids.

- This is a weird one.

- Yeah.

Come on, Dad!


My God.

Thank you, sir. Appreciate

y'all for that. Thank you.

Go, Dad. Go, Dad.

Okay, we can do this.

I loved that.

"Drive to Toners Pub.

"To earn your spot

in the final three,

a literary scholar you must be."

- Come on, Dad.

- Thank you.

Good job, Dad.

Hey. Hey.


whereas he is not only


Aw, sh**t.

Aah! Don't boo us.

High five.

to Dublin, Ireland.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

And after 11 legs

of The Amazing Race,

Rob and Corey,

you are team number one.


- We did it.

- We got it.

And I do have

some great news for you.

As the winners

of this leg of the race,

you have won OneKeyCash

from Expedia

for a trip for two

to Fiji.

- Fiji!

- No!

That's been his dream

- for forever.

- To go to Fiji?

Travel experts at Expedia

have organized

unique experiences for you,


a walking village tour,

a day of snorkeling,

and sailing to Tavua Island

and relaxing dinner cruise

in the South Pacific.

That's awesome.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you. Thank you.

Rob, I see

you have tears in your eyes.

I don't think we could

be more proud of each other.

Today was the best leg

we've raced.

Final leg. You have to

give it everything you've got.

We just need

to carry this forward.

We got one last leg to go,

Phil, and we're

gonna race a fullAmazing Race.


James Joyce, Ulysses.

James Joyce, Ulysses.

Hey! Hey!

Thank you!

"Find Phil on the mat. Last team

to check in will be eliminated."

Let's do it.

Let's go, baby.

Toners Pub.

I see it. I see it.

- Right there. Yeah.

- Here we go.

These. These are them, Smithe.


Pick one.

- Doesn't matter.

- Okay, you do that,

I'll do this, then.

They're about the same.

"Each imagining himself to be

the first last and only alone,

whereas he is neither first

last nor last nor"

- Don't talk too loud.

- Okay.

There they are.

Beautiful. Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Greg and John, after 11 legs

of The Amazing Race, I am

very pleased to tell you

that you will be one of the

three teams that will be racing

to the finish line

for the $1 million prize.


You are team number two.

- Let's go. Let's go.

- Thank you.

That has got to feel good.

- Feels amazing.

- Feels really good.

And we've won four times.

And at this point, we just

need to pop out one more.

- One more.

- Just one more.

- Thank you.

- Let's do this thing.

- Thank you. Thank you, Phil.

- Let's go!

"Originating in and repeated

- to infinity." Let's go.

- "Robbers, ghosts,

giants, old men."

Can we just have

a bit of hush, please?

neither first nor last

- Okay, let's go back.

- All right. All right.

It's okay. We'll get it.

It's okay, we'll get it.

Was it? I-I'm not sure.

After listening to yours,

my brain was fried.

Toners Pub is what

we're looking for.

Look, we can

either go down St. George's

- and cut over,

or we can go straight.

- Okay, that's fine. Yeah.

Let's do St. George's.

Keep us on big streets.

St. George's, here we come.

She's on us on the map,

so I'm feeling pretty good about

we're going the right direction.

You're gonna keep going straight

until you quite literally,

there's a fork in the road.

It's right or left, and

you're gonna have to go right.

"Each imagining himself

to be the first last

and only alone, whereas"

It's beautiful.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Yeah! Yeah!

Thank you.

"Find Phil on the mat.

The last team

- to check in will be"

- Should we just ask

or should we

We need to find

St. Patrick's Cathedral.

I don't know

what street it is

Look for marked parking.


I see an arrow.

Right here.

- It's got to be it.

- That's got to be.

"from the sandwich boards

located outside."

Right here. Start studying one.

"Day after day, we walk through.

We walk through ourselves."




All right. So, we're going

to St. Patrick's Cathedral.

So we're gonna

have a big park on our left.

We're gonna go

past Stephen's Green Centre.

- We're gonna just

stay on this street, Strasser.

- Okay.

Until we get to where

you did the Riverdance.


- Okay, I'm ready.

- I think I'm ready.

"Each imagining himself

to be the first last

and only alone"

James Joyce, Ulysses.

James Joyce, Ulysses.

Thank you, sir.

- Thank you.

- Nice to have a crowd.

- Thank you. Let's go.

- Thank y'all.

Thank you very much.

"Make your way

on foot to the park

next to St. Patrick's Cathedral

and find Phil."

- "the park next to

St. Patrick's Cathedral."

- Park next to.

sh**t. We should

have gone straight there.

- I kind of know where we're at.

- Get going, Anna Leigh.

When there's three other teams

and they're all ahead of you,

it's really hard to be positiv.

It's sad. It's frustrating.

But you never know

what's gonna happen at the end,

- so you got to keep going.

- Yeah, you just

Something could happen. So let's

just see if we can get there

and maybe somebody else

will make

a bigger mistake than we made.

- If we make this,

we're in the final.

- Yeah.

Nothing else matters right now.

This is St. Patrick Street.

I think this might be it.

- There's a park.

- Let's cross now.

Let's clear now before the bus.

- Cathedral. Marsh's

- Marsh's Library.

Keep going. We're here.

There's St. Patrick's.

- Beautiful.

- Come on.

- Beautiful.

- ? Come on.

- Thank you!

- I mean, take it in.

- That was a welcome.

- Beautiful music.

- St. Patrick's Cathedral.

- Look at that.

Does it get

any better than this?

- I hope so. I hope so, Phil.

- It does. It does,

because you're gonna

say we're team number three.

Is that what you want to hear?

That's what I want to hear.

- That's what you're gonna hear.

- Yes!

- Yeah!

- Joel and Garrett,

you are team number three.

I am pleased

to tell you that you are

-one of the three teams

that will be racing

-We made it, Strasser.

- to the finish line

for the $1 million prize.

- My goodness.

We're in the final.

Man, I couldn't do this

without him, for sure.

You, if you look at us,

compared to the other

12 teams in this race,

we're probably a team that

most people thought would die

out in the first couple legs.

But I want to be somebody

that it doesn't matter

what I look like.

I can get out there and I can

make things happen anyway.

- And I'm doing it right now.

- Yeah.

All you got to do

is beat out two other teams.

We've beat 'em both before.

We'll beat 'em again.

Heavy breathing, Steve.

Yes, sir. Lots of legwork today.

- It was a big one.

- It was a big one.

Steve and Anna Leigh,

I am sorry to tell you

that you've been

eliminated from the race.

- I fi We knew it, girl.

- We knew it. We knew it.

- We did good.

- Yeah.

You beat out a lot of teams.

Really competitive teams.

Not everybody gets

to run 11 legs of the race.

- How are you feeling,

Anna Leigh?

- Just

It's the worst feeling

in the world.

To feel dead last.

Like, I hate this feeling.

But I'm-I'm proud of us

for how far we've come.

I don't

I don't regret it at all.

We don't have a lot of time

to spend together these days

that she's got older,

and it's a blast.

He took risks that he would

have never taken before,

and just this experience

has been amazing.

I mean, getting to do it

with Dad, I just

I don't want to be done.

I don't either, girl. That was

a lot more pulling than pushing.

Maybe this will be a chance

for us to try new things

together going forward.

This is the adventure

of a lifetime.

We will never

get this opportunity again,

but you can't

keep racing forever

and all things that are good

must come to an end.

I've done things here

that I would have never done,

have never done.

It's etched in stone,

and it's gonna be something

that we take with us

the rest of our lives.

There's nobody I'd rather

run it with, but right here.

We gave 'em hell, didn't we?

We did.

Now only three teams

remain in thisAmazing Race.

Let's go!

We are so excited

heading into the finale.

We proved that we can do it.

We can win a leg. We can

beat all these other teams her.

This is

putting the deaf community

in a spotlight

that it's ready for.

- Yeah!

- Yes!

Let's go, Gregory!

We are an unstoppable force.

- Yes.

- Yeah.

After eleven legs

-You got this. You got this.

Come on, man.

-Yeah. Okay.

We learned, like,

what works, what doesn't work.

- We were ahead for so long.

- I know.

And then he just,

like, dropped back.

- Johnny!

- Sorry. No!

For the other teams

to have one win each

is cute.

But it's not enough to get

you to first on the last leg.

We've done it four times.

What's a fifth?

We've been the team to beat.

We are the team to beat.

It's ours to win.

Fast, fast, fast.

I might poop my pants with joy.

The only reason

we're sitting here

in the top three

going to the finale

is because every time

misfortune came our way,

we chose to laugh about it

instead of whining about it,

and keep going.

We're fairly certain

we're in last place right now,

- but we're having fun.

- one!

- No!

- Are you kidding me?

We've proven that

we're meant to be here.

And we've got some tough teams

in the competition still,

but we have what it takes

to win. We've beat 'em before.

We can still beat 'em.

We can do this thing.


We're here

to win The Amazing Race.

We are 100% gonna win

The Amazing Race.

Next time, on the season finale

ofThe Amazing Race,

it all comes down to this.

Get ready to rock.

Three teams

We have the sunset view

and the mountains in the back.

giving everything

- Something's missing.

- Dude.

- to win it all.

Let's just go for it,

let's go for it.

You are the official winners

ofThe Amazing Race!
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