35x10 - Everyone Loves a Comeback Story

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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35x10 - Everyone Loves a Comeback Story

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on

The Amazing Race

as the race continued

in Slovenia

It goes against every fiber of

my being not to run right now.

the final six

teams got more strategic.

It's been great

working together,

but I don't think

there's room to spare anymore.

Rob and Corey

appeared sunk at the Detour

This is the worst.

but ended on a positive not.

We didn't use the Express

Pass, and we're still in it.

There's a team behind us,

so we're feeling good.

Time to rock.

Brothers Greg and John

continued their winning ways.

Team number one,

and that is you.

- Hey!

- Hey!

Meanwhile, Todd and Ashlie

couldn't get on the same page.

I just want you to know

what the cities look like.

Nope. You're-you're navigating.

Todd, we

are wasting time. Just

I know, but

this could be something.

It's nothing, I'm telling you.

But it was Robbin

and Chelsea's Amazing Race story

that came to an end.

And unfortunately, you have

been eliminated from the race.

Bad stuff happens to everybody,

and it's about

how you handle it.

Greg and John will be

the first to leave Slovenia

- Route Info.

- Route Info.

and fly a thousand

miles north to Sweden

and the capital city

of Stockholm,

an archipelago

made up of 14 islands,

earning it the nickname

"the Venice of the North."

- Sweden! Let's go.

- Sweden!

At this point,

everybody who's made it

to the final five

are a strong team,

so there's no weak teams

here anymore.

Everybody that's

left ten legs in is good.

They're all good racers,

and we just got

to stay ahead of 'em.

We're gonna leave

and get into Stockholm

all at the same time.

It's an even playing field.

We're down

to the final three legs.

It feels great knowing that

we have a one in five chance

of winning this thing.

All right, Sweden, here we come.

This race has been amazing,

seeing the different people,

the different countries.

But we want more.

So we're looking for

when we get to, um, Stockholm

We're just trying to figure out,

like, where this is, exactly.

- My gosh.

- Shh.

My gosh.


I'm having a hard time

breathing right now.

My gosh.

So we just googled what this,

Fallskaärmsklubb, and it

appears it's skydiving, so

I would probably be better off

not knowing that

for the entire flight.

So excited, bro. I'm so excited.

There's only five teams

left, and we're one of them.

There's a level of confidence

that comes with it.

I feel like

we've learned so much.

We've become

way better racers over time,

and it's just a dream.

We get to keep on traveling

and seeing more

of what the race has to offer.

All right, let's go.

Go. Go, go, go, Dad.

All right, we're good.

- All right, let's go.

- Come on, Dad.

Got to order a

taxi. Smithe, I see one.

- Fast, fast, fast.

- We're in. We're in.

- Sir?

- Yeah, we're in. Let's go.

Fast, fast, come on!

We're in a race.

We want to be first team there.

- Gryttjom. Gryttjom.

- We're going to Gryttjom.

Stockholm. Fallskaärmsklubb.

"Travel by taxi to Gryttjom and

find Stockholm Fallskaärmsklubb.

Once there, take a number for a

special introduction to Sweden."

Go, go, go!

We had a little

rough leg last leg,

but we hope to bounce back.

I feel like Rocky,

like we're up against

the ropes right now

and we need to just fight

our way through to the top.

- I'm ready to fight, though.

- That's it. Yeah.

They're up there. They're

We got to beat them.

Still have the Express Pass,

so we're feeling real good

about today.

It's a safety line you can use

at any point in the race

to skip a Roadblock or a Detour.

The Express Pass has to be used

by the end of leg ten,

so we have to use it

by the end of this leg.

Our goal is

to use the Express Pass

to guarantee our way

into the top four.

Our taxi is trying

to go ahead and let us

pay our fare in advance.

That way, when we get there,

we don't have

to worry about payment.

So hopefully, this saves us

a few minutes when we get there

and lets us run up to the

clue sign a little bit faster.


I definitely

picture ourselves in the finals.

I think we have just as good

of an opportunity

as anybody else here.

I've heard other teams say

that we're grinders,

and we definitely are.

I feel like that's us.

We're not gonna stop.

I think we

can hang with anybody.

We don't

have any room for error.

Not today.

- Okay.

- So we have to go fast.

Yeah. Yeah, well,

we have to go fast,

so you have to go fast.

Our goal right now,

utmost importance, is just

to make it to the final three.

There's a small voice

in my head, constantly in fear

that something can go wrong

and we won't even realize it

until it's too late.

Yeah. We've

seen the strongest teams

inAmazing Race go down

because of one challenge.

Yeah. Yup.

Yup. You can go faster. Yup.

- Yeah, you can go around them. You can go around them.

- Yup.

Did you know that

all the Swedish battleships

- put barcodes on the front?

- Really?

Yeah, they always want

to "scan da navy in."

It is difficult

being away from the family,

and, you know, we're thinking

about 'em all the time.

Yes, it's an adventure

that we're having together,

and we're enjoying it a lot,

but we're also doing this

for our family.

I have a daughter

that has special needs.

She has Down syndrome

and she also has cerebral pals.

When she was first born,

we weren't sure if she'd be abe

to walk. Now she runs around te

house with her little sister,

and seeing the things that

she does kind of motivated me

to think, you know, "What am I

letting hold me back?"

I want my kids to see

that you can accomplish

difficult things.

All we got to do

is grab that number.

Once we get that number,

everything will be okay.

- Okay, right here is good. Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Yeah, let's check over here.

- Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Yeah, it's right there, right?

- Nope.

- No?

See a clue box?

I see them running.

- Thank you, Chris.

- You're welcome.

Look. Numbers, Smithe.

Number one.

A team just ran in

right past the sign.

John and Greg just ran

right past this sign.

- Was that John and Greg?

- Yeah.

This airport opens at 5:00 a.IN.

So we got to hang out

till 05:00 a.IN.

Okay, this must be it. Dang it.

- The beard brothers are here.

- Let's go.

Here we go. Here we go.


- Don't see anything here.

- Don't see anything?

- Nope.

- All right.

- Want to go back over there?

- Yeah.

They're over there looking.

They ran right in front of us

and ran right past the sign.

Y'all U-Turned us. You better

keep your mouths shut.

Yes. Perfect.

It's something.

What do you think it is?

I don't know.

Keep looking.

Did you guys find it?

Hey, John,

they're going the other way.

Todd, this way?

Guys, I really want

to help you right now,

but my better judgment kicks in.

Yeah, I get that.

And if it wasn't

for your dominance,

I would tell you something

right now.

- 'Cause guys are so awesome and nice.

- For sure.

- Geez Louise.

- Anything?

Todd, check over there.

Come on, Corey!

I see it.

I see it. I see it.

- sh**t.

- That sucks.

It's all good.

Ran right past it. A classic.

- Right there?

- It's right here.

- Let's go.

- Come on, babe. We got this.

Route Info.

"Get ready

to drop into Stockholm.

"Tandem skydive from 10,000 fet

over the Baltic Sea.

Enjoy the ride."

"Teams will jump in the order

they have taken a number."

- My heavens.

- All right.

Just go

I can't even imagine

what the jump is like.

I'm not pumped to skydive.

I am extremely nervous.

I've got major butterflies,

and I'm just hoping

I can keep composed.

Skydiving that's never

something that I would ever do.

I'm just mentally, like,

"my gosh, I can't do this."

I'm ready. Here it goes.

I'm first out of the plane.

We're jumping out of the plane.

My God.

This is so cool.


All right, you ready,

Strasser? We gonna do this?

The view was fantastic

from up there.


I thought

I was gonna be terrified.

I was just having fun.

My goodness.

That was amazing.

Go, Dad!

Third one out of the

plane. That poor guy behind me-

I was hanging on

with everything I had.


When we fell out, it was

so smooth. I felt like a bird.

Once we got up in the plane,

that's when the fear started

to kick in a little bit.

It's like, "Okay,

we're actually doing this."


Look at this!


All right, here we go.

I'm freaking out. I'm like,

"I really can't do this."

See you at the bottom.

No! My God. Yikes!

My gosh.

My gosh.

No. Aah.

My God.

Before I jumped,

I was just super apprehensive.

I didn't want to do it.

I felt like I wanted to claw

the side of the plane, and

This is insane!

But as soon as we fell,

I can see, like,

why people do this,

and I will probably do it agai.

It's beautiful.

My God.

See you at the bottom.

Once you kind of accept

this is happening,

the fear left,

and it was pure adrenaline.

I love The Amazing Race!

Yes. Yes!


I love this!

All right.

It was so much more

fun than I thought it would be.

I'm so glad I got

to go through that experience.

It was awesome.

I'll never do it again.

- What do we got? Route Info.

- Route Info.

Teams will find their next clue

on the island of TynningoŲ,

one of many small islands

in Sweden's

Stockholm archipelago.

All right, let's find a boat.

"Travel on foot to the boat

dok behind Villa Kašllhagen."



Let's go!

That was so cool!

- How was it?

- It was awesome.

Let's go.

So, we got to go by foot.

Yeah. Perfect.

That was incredible!

- Let's go.

- Yeah, let's go.

We're going to the boat

dock behind Villa Kašllhagen.

Villa Kašllhagen.

All right, let's go.

Villa Kašllhagen. This way.

- Gregory, this way.

- Let's go, let's go, let's go.

- Come on, Dad.

- I got you, girl.

We have to run.

Keep up, Smithe.

They're all behind us.

We're with you.

Let's go, go, go!

Thank you.

- Hello, Captain.

- Hey.

Come on, babe.

Want me to carry your backpack?

It's all right.

Slow and steady. We're good.

Feels pretty great

to be in first place right now,

- especially at this stage of the race.

- Yeah.

This must be how Greg

and John always feel.

It's definitely anybody's

game. Any of these teams

They're all strong,

they all run fast.

My stamina is not there

like it used to be,

and it's frustrating me, 'cause

my whole life I've been able

to keep up with the young ones,

and so, every minute counts.

We've all had amazing days,

- and we've all had really bad days.

- Bad ones.

- We just hope our share of bad days are over.

- Yeah.

We just saw Rob and

Corey running for their lives,

and we saw Todd and Ashlie

right behind them, so,

we got probably, like, a five to

ten minute lead on them, which,

the race is gonna

be close today,

so we might need

that five to ten minutes.

Come on. There it is.

"Who's ready to go fast?"

Let's do it.

Thank you.

I know we're last right now,

but I am high off

of adrenaline right now, man.

- That was amazing.

- Yeah, that was

- That was absolutely amazing.

- That was worth every

bit of

- frustration this entire race.

- Frustration that Yeah.

Just that alone that was

that was so awesome.

The landscape is beautiful.

Sure is.

I see the clue box.

- Do you see it up the path?

- I see the clue bo.

What are those people

doing on the rock, dancing?

I don't know, but we're about

to do it with them.

We were pulling up to the dock.

We saw a bunch of people

dancing around the maypole

and they had their hair in

braids and it was just a cute

It looked like

a summer-spring vibe.

- Let's go.

- Let's go.

Come on, Dad.

- I'm out.

- Go.

- Roadblock.

- Roadblock.

"Who wants to party?"

Like the rest of the country,

residents here

celebrate Midsummer,

something teams will experience

in this Roadblock.

Teams must complete

one large flower ring

using ribbons and wiring,

then attach them

to a maypole, the centerpiece

of any Midsummer festival.

Once they're properly attached,

they will work with locals

to lift the maypole into place.

When it's flying high

and they've had a dance,

they'll get a clue.

- You like to party?

- I love to party.

All right, do it.

I got it.

- We dancing, baby.

- We're dancing, baby. We dancing!

"Who wants to party?"

- Gregory's a party animal.

- Gregory wants to party.

- Gregory's gonna do it.

- I'm gonna do it.

Let's go, baby.

There was an ongoing

demonstration happening

of how to make these wreaths.

It was relatively simple.

You just had

to take the branches of leaves

and use some wiring to kind of

wind it on to the hoop

until it was all covered,

like kind of like a wreath.

I'm creating

this little floral ring,

doing a little arts and crafts,

so it's kind of fun.

Come on, Leelee.

Go, Gregory!

It's not too difficult

to tie up, but you just

kind of just wrap it around

and then bend the branches

to the shape of the ring.

We got boats pulling up.

Let's go!

We got another team coming.

- Let's go, let's go!

- Looks like Todd

and Ashlie and Corey and Rob

just showed up.

- Go, go, go.

- There it is.

- Let's get some, baby. Yeah.

- Hurry, hurry.

"Who wants to party?"

- I'll party.

- All right.

"Who wants to party?"

We're really good at Detours.

We're a great team.

Ultimately, we decided

that we're probably better off

using the Express Pass

on a Roadblock,

and let's get back

to the front of the pack.

We would like

to use our Express Pass.

Thank you.

- Thank you.

- They're doing it.

The boys just used

their Express Pass.

"Travel by boat to Nybrogatan

and then make your way on foot

to the Royal Dramatic Theater."

Sweden's Royal Dramatic Theatre

has been celebrating

the arts here

for more than two centuries.

Teams have to search

the auditorium

for a violinist

to receive their next clue.

- Okay.

- Let's do it.

That's so frustrating.

Looks like Corey and Rob

are using the Express Pass,

and they're just moving on

right away.

Perfect. And then looks like

we're going to Nybrogatan?

Yeah, okay.

Gosh dang it.

All right,

we got to move faster.

So that just means

we got to kick it into gear.

It's just gonna be a race

between the

the rest of the four teams now.

We saw every other team there,

so we knew

it wasn't gonna be something

that was quick, in and out.

Looked like

it was a lot of detail.

So we figured, let's use

the Express Pass on a Roadblock.

Our primary goal

is to keep racing.

That's Number one

is we want to see another leg.

And if we could

get a first place,

that would just

be icing on the cake.

You're doing great, Gregory!

Hard to say how long this is

gonna take. They're all working

- on their wreaths.

- You're good, Leelee.

So what it looks like,

on the demonstration,

you need to have a lot of leaves

on there.

As soon as I get started,

I wanted to at least

get the base. I knew that was

going to be the most

time-consuming piece.

My theory was, I had

to get the leaves cut perfectl,

like, rounded onto the ring,

and then you had to

apply flowers onto it.

My technique is just filling in

as much as possible

and then just add in flowers.

Right now, I'm working on

making sure all the flowers

are within the wreath.

I got all the leaves on,

and now I'm just

trying to get the flowers on.

It doesn't appear

there's a certain pattern.

And so I think

it just needs to be decorated.

Can you check mine?


Yay! I got

to attach it to the maypole.

Come on, Leelee.

Okay, we can do this.

Let's do it. Let's do it.

Dance, girl, dance!

Hop around, jump around.

What are they doing?

Thank you.

Thank you.

Let's go, let's go!

Looks like Anna Leigh just left,

which means I'm being

way too particular

about my flowers

because she did not take as long

as I'm taking.

At first, I was

very particular about,

like, where I placed

the different

leaves around the Hula-Hoop,

and then I see Anna Leigh

just, like, dart off,

and so the race was on.

I knew that this challenge

didn't have to take

as long as I was taking.

I mean, I'm feeling

pretty good about it,

but I'll feel really good about

it once I get that first check.

So cool.

This whole city

is just on the water.

Thank you so much.



through the main entrance."

We see the

theatre straight ahead of us.

Must be a different entrance.

I don't think

we're supposed to go this way.

We can't find the main entrance.

We don't really know

where we're supposed to go.

That looks like

the main entrance, doesn't it?


Come on, come on!

Okay. They

just came out right here.

- Well, come on, Dad.

- Main entrance.

"Find the violinist."




- Aha!

- Through here.

We got to go up.

- I don't know. Figure it out.

- Let's go across.

Got to

figure it out. Go ahead, Dad.

Keep on, keep on. Open door.


We're glad you

play loud. It's beautiful.

Thank you so much.

"Travel by subway

to Solna Centrum Station

to find your next clue."

There are more than a hundred

metro stations in Stockholm.

What makes them unique is

that they're part

of what's considered

to be the largest art gallery

in the world.

This is where teams

will choose a Detour.

- Let's go.

- Let's go.

- You saw Corey and Rob running, yeah?

- Yeah.

Do you have any idea

where the main entrance is?

This is the main entrance.

Did you find the clue already?

- Yeah. - Yeah.

- Where is it? That way?

- It's Yeah. - Up.

- What the heck.

Wait. How'd you get in there?

All the way around.

- This way?

- Yeah.

Thank you.

We figured

we had more of a lead.

We thought that that Express

Pass would buy us more time.

So in that moment,

my dad and I are thinking,

we probably should have

held onto the Express Pass

a little bit longer.

Thank you so much.

"Travel by subway

to Solna Centrum Station

to find your next clue."

- Come on, Dad.

- I'm coming.

Kungstrašdgarden. Look.

We have to get on the subway.

Let's go ask.

Sir, can you tell me

how we get

enter the subway

at Kungstrašdgarden?


Is This is it?

- Yeah. - Okay.

- This bus?

Let's go quick.

Can we go before Red?

Red's coming.

Get-Get in.

Please don't let them get on.

No, don't let 'em go.

Can you go?


Are you guys sure?

'Cause it says

"subway" on the clue,

doesn't it?

Is this not a subway?

I don't think so.

This is not a subway?

- That's the subway?

- That Thank you.

- Okay.

- I know.

We were about to get on

a bus, and it said,

"Travel by subway."

And, so, Corey and Rob

actually saved us.

Now, where the hell's a subway?

I think it's

got to be Kungstrašdgarden.

I see a sign that's this way.

We got to run through here.

Let's just go.

We got other teams closing.

Knowing that other teams are

have already come and gone,

so, let's just

focus on getting it right

the first time.

Can I go for a check?

All right. All right, Gregory.

She says that

my wreath is no good,

which is always

a heart-wrenching thing to hear

on your first try 'cause then

you have to start debugging.

I think I don't have enough

of the of the yellow ones.

Yeah, I was just able to count

out how many flowers I had

and how many flowers

I was supposed to have,

and there was a discrepancy

between the two, so,

turns out, like,

the whole challenge was just,

"Make the wreath look pretty

and have

the correct amount of flowers."

I think I'm pretty close.

I just want to get a few of

these yellow ones in throughout.

I got some making up

to do again.

- You coming, Dad?

- Yeah, I'm coming, girl.

It's got

to be right around here.

There it is.

"Solna Centrum Station."

Use our ticket to go to Solna.

Okay, so we have

to take blue towards Akalla.

All right, let's go.

- The other teams are coming.

- I know.


Get this sucker on the road.

Aah! Close it on 'em.


Can I go for a check again?

Here we go.

- Yeah. Yes.

- Yeah. Okay, thank you.

- Hey. Did it!

- Thar she blows!

Look at it go! Look at it go!


Hey, dance, dance.

There you go. Dance.

Yeah. Hey.

Hey, guys.

- Let's make our own maypole.

- Yeah.

We're not getting

left out of this.

Thank you!

- My flower boy.

- That was fun. That was fun.

- Great job.

- Well done, Greg.

- Thanks.

- Well done. All right, we'll see you later.

All right, let's go. Go, go, go.

- Hate being in the back.

- Can I get a check?

- No?

- Smithe got a no.

I got a no on my first

attempt, and now I'm thinking

there must be a certain count

on the flowers.

One, two, three, four.

So I need one more purple on.

Just completing the

um, the base layer

of the leaves.


Yes. All right.

Smithe got it. Smithe got it.


- Beautiful.

- Come here.

Man, I'm so jealous.


- Yay. Good job.

- Thank you. Thank you.

Way to go, Smithe.

I do feel the anxiety building.

Um, everyone's gone,

and it's just me.

Um, this whole

bringing up the rear is not fun,

but it's also, I think, a matter

of just getting it done

at this point.

The only team

behind us is Ashlie and Todd.

And as much as I love them,

I hope they stay there

a long time.

Okay, check?

All right, here you go.

Getting checked.

- Yes?

- Yeah, she got it.

All right, cool.

All right.

Go, girl. Yeah.

I love it. I'm loving this.

Thank you.

I would have kept going.

Thank you so much.

All right.

Hey, you're right on track.

You didn't lose any time.

- You didn't lose any time.

- No, but we're last!

Here you go, babe.

You want to grab this?

I don't like

playing the catch-up game.

I hate it, actually.

I'm frustrated.

You see it?

- That's it?

- That's it. That's it.

Look at this.

Come on, let's go.

This looks like

the main entrance.

"Find the violinist."

You hear that?

Okay. They're up there.

- There.

- Do we need to go up?

We're coming for you.

- Hello.

- Great playing.

- Hey. Hey.

- Hi.

- Thank you.

- Thank you so much.

"Travel by subway

to Solna Centrum Station."

- All right.

- That's a first.

- Bye.

- Bye. Thank you.

Johnny and I we're city boys.

Can't do hay,

but we can do the subway.


it is. I think I see it.

Let's go to the theater.

Thank you! Have a great day.

All right, we got it.

- It's right there. Yeah.

- Yeah.

"Find the violin player."

All right.

No, we cannot.

- Okay.

- I hear him.

What about this open door

right here?

There he i Upstairs.

How do we get upstairs?

You think it's outside?

Back this way.


Beautiful. Can we get a clue?

Yeah, of course.

You're a great viol

- Thank you. - Violinist.

- Violinist. Thank you.

- My brain doesn't work.

- Good luck, guys. - Thank you.

- Solna Centrum Station.

- Let's get out of here.

This way?

We just need teams

to not get here.

- All right, ready?

- Yup.

Look at this.

All right, let's go.

Solna Centrum.

We got to be on line 11.

- Okay. Yeah, so line 11.

- We have to take line 11.

Okay, let's hurry.

We might make it.

We just need

teams to not get here.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

So, we're at least on this

tran without any other teams.

We don't know when

the next train's coming,

but we know we're

ahead of some of the teams.

It just left.

Seven minutes till the next one.

Aw, dang it.

So, I'm assuming there's

gonna be a clue box

when we go up into the front.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.

Up we go.

Solna Centrum. Yep. Up.

Anna Leigh, Steve,

over here, over here.

There it is.

There's our clue.

- Come on, Dad.

- I'm here.


"Sort or Serve?"

Sweden is going through

a recycling revolution.

A staggering 99%

of all locally-produced

products are recycled.

As a matter of fact,

they ran out of trash to recyce

and started importing it

from other countries.

Recycling takes place

at enormous centers like this.

This Detour requires teams

to sort and separate

one family's trash under the

watchful eye of a manager.

- When he feels they've got it all sorted out..

- Good job.

He'll hand over a clue.

Nobel Prizes were

named after Alfred Nobel.

Regarded as an eccentric geniu,

he established various awards,

including physics, chemistry

and the Nobel Peace Prize,

to recognize individuals

having the greatest impact

on humankind.

Every year,

Nobel laureates gather here

at Stockholm's City Hall

for a special banquet.

This Detour requires

teams to work together

as a server and runner

to deliver three courses

based on menus

from past Nobel dinners

to four settings at a table.

Relying only on memory,

one team member

must memorize

each course of the menu,

relay it

to their partner in the kitche,

who must then locate the corret

dish before handing it over.

When all four

three-course dinners

have been presented correctly,

the head waiter

will hand over a clue.

We're thinking Sort.

What are you guys thinking?

That's what I'm thinking. Sort.

All right,

let's do this together.

Let's get this done

and be the first two teams.

- All right, we're in, let's go.

- All right. Okay.

- We got to get back to a cab.

- Come on, Dad.


Do you know

Bromma aŚtervinningscentral?

Taxi. We have to go there.

Corey, our guys know,

so if y'all want to follow us.

You guys know? Yeah.

- They know where it is. Can you follow them?

- Okay.

Gregory, this way.

All right, let's go.

- Yeah, right there.

- Okay.

"Sort or Serve?"

- We're gonna do Serve.

- We're gonna do Serve. Okay.

- All right. Need a taxi.

- Get to work.

Do you know where this is?

- "Stadshuskašllaren."

- Yeah, yeah.

Okay. Thank you.

Let's go.

There it is, there

it is, there it is.

- "Sort or Serve?"

- "Sort or Serve?"

I think Sort.

- I think Sort. I agree

- Yeah. Let's do Sort.

- "Travel by taxi." So we got to get up out of this station.

- Okay.

This is where

we have a chance to catch up.


Puddle, puddle, puddle.

We're in a big

hurry. We're in a race.

Have a good one. God bless you.

We found the theater.

It's right there. Yeah.

"Playing a violin."

Nice and warm.

Up there. We got to go up.

- Up?

- This way.

- my gosh.

- Amazing.

Amazing. Beautiful.


- That's beautiful music.

- Thank you.

Do you have a clue for us?

- Here you go. - Thank you so much.

- Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.

"Travel by subway

to Solna Centrum Station."

- Cool. Let's go, let's go, let's go.

- All right.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Solna Station.

Do you see where they

went? They're right behind us.

All right, let's work together

and figure out

where this stuff goes.

We get to this massive

recycling center,

and you just have

a pile in a parking lot

that you have to go through

and figure out what goes where.

"Use your cart to transport

items to the receptacles."

All right, we got

clothes, TVs, luggages.

Do we want to just split up

and each of us test something?

- Sure. We're gonna do tires.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Okay. We'll do tires first.

- And a rug.

- And a rug.

Are they gonna point us?

You got to

figure it out. Go fast, go fast.

There were 15 different statios

that accepted

different types of items.

Tires go right here.

- I got 'em.

- Got 'em? Bye.

We can't

read any of these signs,

so we don't really know

where any of this stuff goes.

Everything was in Swedish,

so we had to kind of

figure it out as we went.

TV here? Good?

Here? Or do you want in?

Put it in?

Thank you so much. All right.


Yeah, this one's it.


La la.

- I'm the server. He's the runner.

- Yep.

I'm going this way.

- Good luck.

- Thanks.


As a server, I walk in

and I see this

dining room and all of these

elegantly-dressed guests,

who are all Nobel Prize winners.

This table looks nice.

I will choose you.

I choose the table

that's closest to the kitchen

Just to make it convenient.

Wowza. Wowza.



So, we have a nice menu here.

There was a list of appetizers,

entrées and desserts

for each of the guests,

who have Nobel Prize wins

in different years.

1911, 1921, 1938 and 1954.

So I had to correlate

the menu choices to the people

at the table, based on

the years that were on the men.

Am I allowed to ask you some

questions? You have it here.


Congratulations on your wins.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.


White starts 1911. Ends at 54.

Clockwise. Thank you.

Now I've got to figure out

what to get from Greg.

It's in French.

It's in French.

I speak French.

I took French

all throughout my schooling

and then I studied abroad

in France, as well,

and lived with a French family

who didn't

speak too much English.

So I'm-I'm fairly proficient

in French.

So this is good.

This is very good.

So I need a turbotin cardinal.

Turbotan "Walewisk."

Froid norvégienne.

Froid norvégienne.

Epinards de la crème.


Yeah, I'm right here.

Hey, it's in French, baby!

All right. The ends of

the words are gonna be best.

- Epinards de la crème.

- Epinards de la crème.

Okay, okay, okay.

Epinards de la crème.

And then what's the other one?

Turbotin cardinal.

Is that what that is? Beautiful.



- Yeah.

- Okay.

There's only four people?

- Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

- Let's go, let's go!

Gregory, same thing.

"Turbonar Walewisk." Like

- "Turbonar Walewisk"?

- Word begins with T. Word begins with W.

- Okay.

- Ends with it. Yeah.

Turbotin à la Walewska.

And then lastly, it's something

that ends with, like, Norwegian.

Filet, and it ends with,

like, norvégienne.

- Yep, yep.

- Yep.

All right,

cake, cake, cake, cake.

- I'm trying. I'm trying

- Man. If we pass this,

- if we pass this

- I know, I know.

- I know, Gregory. I'm here.

- Go, baby, go. Go, baby, go.

- Sorry.

- Careful there.

I got to remember this order,

my guy.

All right, this

was the first one you gave me.

- This was the first one you gave me.

- Which one?

- This one. 'Cause you Yeah.

- This was the first one.

This was the last one.

- That was the last one.

- Which one were these two?

Do you want to check,

just for this one?

- Yeah. That one

- I remember the order I said them in.

Okay. That one is the cardinal.

Cardinalwas the f

was not the first one.

It's the second one.

- We went cardinal, and then we went the W.

- Yeah.

- And then we went Okay.

- Yeah, the W, then the One, two, three, four.

- Good job, Johnny.

- Thank you.

This is multilayered

in delivery.

So we had Epinardswas 54.

So high, and then

thecardinal was 11.

Fifty-four, 11, 21, 38,

54, 11, 21, 38.

Good evening.

I have your food prepared

for your first dish.

I'm excited about this because,

one, there's only four people.

Johnny can remember

four dishes at a time. Cake.

Two, it's in French.

I speak French.

Johnny speaks a little bit

of French. Done. Three,

we kind of came up

with a system before of, like,

"Okay, we're just gonna use

the key parts of the words,

not to memorize

the entire thing."

We'll see if the appetizers

pass, then I'll get cocky.

Please enjoy.

Can I have

the head waiter check?

Every time

I had completed the table,

I would ask the head waiter

to check my work.

- Yes.

- Yes.

Thank you. Please enjoy.

- I mean, this is it, though?

- Okay, this is good.


Look, Smithe. Look, there it is.

- There's Steve and Anna Leigh.

- Okay.

Those are big items.

That's fine.

Let's get tires first.

The Um, I'll get

the two things of newspapers.

I think we shouldn't

take any more than this,

'cause we don't know

what to expect in there.

Dude, let's throw the suitcases

on top, too.

All right.

I don't see Greg and John,

which is surprising.

They're probably already done.

There's empty piles there.

Hey, guys.

- There's more around the corner, this way.

- Excuse me.

- Go that way and just see?

- Sure.

Can I just throw it?

Move this. Thank you.

Should we put in the chair?

- Chair? - Chair?

- Yes, okay.

- Yes. Thank you.

- Well done.


Have y'all

found where wood goes?

- It's down at the end.

- Down at the end?

- Great. Thank you.

- Yeah.


It's coming down, girl.

Coming down hard.

You move Might want to move.

- Okay. Ready?

- Yeah.

Coming at you.

I'm gonna

have to come through there.

We have not been to the other

side, have we? Have they?

There's clothes.

There's clothes, Dad.

- Got it, Dad?

- Put it in through the hole.

Where were the papers?

- Papers is around that corner.

- sh**t.

- Around the other side?

- Yeah.

Look in the dumpsters,

Anna Leigh. Go. I got the cart.

Hey, it's paper, right here.


"Solna Centrum Station."

We could make up time,

if we run really, really fast.

I love your positivity,

'cause I'm not there right now.

I know.


You know what? I'm just

We're blessed to be here,

and we can't lose sight of that.

That's what

people who are losing say.

Okay, well, sometimes

winning isn't everything.

The name of the game is,

other teams can make mistakes.

We're hoping for that.

I hate losing, and I feel like,

right now, we're just, like


I hate that feeling.

But what's a good

comeback story, you know,

like, without, you know,

trailing, you know?

Everyone loves a comeback story.

- Best

- Underdogs, baby.

Solna Centrum.

There it is.

"Sort or Serve?"

Let's do Sort.

Sorting recyclables.


Can you take us? Bromma?

Do you know where that is?


Still need to make up some time.

I've been down in basketball

games countless times,

and I've actually been a part

of some amazing comebacks.

And I've found, like,

the one thing that gets you

back in the game

is your attitude.

Um, if you play loose, if you

play having fun, sh*ts go in.

If there's one thing you can

control, it's your attitude.

All right, let's do an order

now, just so it's easier.





Gregory. Yo.

We got chaud.

- Chaudwhat?

- Chaud.C-H-A-U-D.

- As in the first letter?

- As in the first word.

Now we're doing first words.

Okay, I'll just make sure

that there's only one chaud.

- It's chaudsomething, isn't it?

- Yeah. Chaud-froid de

Yeah, and then Selle. S-E-L-L-E.

Something like that.


- Okay. Yeah.

- And then poularde.

- Poularde?

- Yeah.

All right. Grab it.

And then filet. But it's, like,

- a filet with, like, pommeat the end.

- Okay.

I think it's, like, potatoes.


- All right, so this was first.

- Second.

- Looks good. My gosh.

- Third. I know, right?

You said, what is it? Filet

Filet. And it's a

long name, ends with, like, P.

Filet de boeuf rôti.

Filet de boeuf rôti.

-That's a lot of words for,


- Merci beaucoup.

- Mer

De rien.

Good evening.

I'd like to present you

with your second dishes.




- Very good job.

- Please enjoy.

Thank you.

Thank you, Head Waiter.

- What do you got there? That's-that's tires.

- All right.


catching up to us. Hurry.

Go. Throw it.

Throw it before he looks.

Throw it before he looks.

I bet you

this is our bike drop-off.

Throw it in there, Anna Leigh.

- Dad.

- Gosh.

I was telling you, don't let

them turn around and see it.


It says porcelain. Heave it.

Can I just throw it?

Nicely done, Smithe.

It was such a blast

picking up that toilet

and just slamming it

into that recycling bin

as hard as we could.

- That's heavy.

- Slam it, Smithe.

Slam it! Yeah!

I grew up watching wrestling.

Hulk Hogan, André the Giant

Those guys were my heroes.

And I kind of pretended like

I was one of 'em, when we were

slamming stuff into those bins,

watching it explode.

Get rid of it!

- Let's go.

- Let's go!

Just go, go, go!

- It's right here, Anna Leigh.

- I know, but go.

Walking to it is not gonna help.

We're done.

- Okay, we're good.

- Yes?

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Route Info.

"Travel by taxi

to Pampas Marina"

"and search

for your next clue

in front of theAlba II boat."

- Let's go.

- Okay, let's go.

- Saddle up, let's go.

- Okay.

Come on, Dad. Come on, Dad.

Steve and Anna Leigh are done.

Are those

the taxis on the left?

- There they are.

- There they are.

Hey, let's follow

each other, guys.

We're going to Pampas Marina.

Pampas Marina?

- Okay. Okay.

- Perfect.

Let's go.

Just not last,

and that's all we care about.

So I'm not feeling good

until I see Phil.

Charlotte. Poires.




Glace. Poires.


Give me the goods.

Okay, and then poires?

And then, um, poires cardinal.


- And then

- And then glace.

- Glace au four.

- Yeah.

There's only one more.

Okay, tell me, tell me, tell me.

It's another poires, and then

It's that first word,

and then a new word.

I'll just look at the name.

- Keep the order!

- Yeah.

Poires Roberta.

Poires Roberta. Poires Roberta.

- I see it.

- Yeah. Okay.

All right, this was one.

- No, this was one.

- Which one?

This top one, I think was one.

Let's-let's just try it.

So swap this. Yeah.


- Yeah.

- Just a little.


I don't want them to see me

- And we're good.

- Careful, careful.

Good evening. We'd like

to close out your meal.

- Some specialty desserts.

- Thank you.

It does.

Have you enjoyed your evening?


- Of course. Thank you for asking.

- Thank you.

I hope you come back. Thank you.

I haven't been a server before,

but I love the hospitality

portion of it.

- Yes.

- Yes!

Thank you so much.

Merci beaucoup.

Thank you.

Gregory, Let's go. Let's go.

"Search for your next clue

in front of the Alba Ilboat."

- All right. Let's go.

- All right. Taxi's right there?

- Yep.

- Sorry.

You fast? You drive fast?

- All right.

- All right. You're our guy.

Pampas Marina.

- Can you put it into the GPS? Yeah.

- Dude.

- Are you kidding me?

- I struggled at first, though.

No, you k*lled it.

- Let's get everything else on here. Lay it flat.

- Okay.

Lay it flat, right here.

Juggle that, all the way down.

Thank you.

- The bike.

- Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.

Anytime he sees a bike,

he's got to ride it.

You left your kickstand down.


- Ready?

- One, two, three, slam!

- Yeah!

- Let's get out of here. We're done.

All right, we're

done. Where do we go?

- Yes! - Yeah!

- Good job.

- Thank you.

- Thank you. Can I have a hug?


- Aw. How sweet.

- People who give me clues get hugs.

Route Info.

"Travel by taxi to Pampas Marina

"and search for your next clue

in the front

of the Alba Ilboat."

- Pampas Marina.

- All right. Let's go.

I feel like we did that faster

than Steve and Anna Leigh.

I don't know, though.

- Yeah, we did that pretty quick.

- Not too far behind them.

Thank you, sir.

Have a great day, okay?


- You think it's over here?

- Yeah.

Careful, don't slip.

So, let's do tires first.

- Recycle.

- We're recycling, baby.

Reuse, reduce.

This is kind of my jam. Sorting.

- Can I throw it?

- Yeah.

- Get in there!

- Yeah!

- Yeah!

- Body slam.

Get in there.

- It almost went out.

- Yeah, if it threw out,

then we'd

have to go back and get it.

This is porcelain.

Want to do it together?

Sure. Take my frustration out.

- Teamwork makes the dream work.

- One, two, three.

Chuck it up really high.

One, two, three

- That felt really good.

- All right.

To know that

we were in last, like,

it was just a hard pill

for me to swallow all day.

I was in a bad mood.

What was fun

about this Detour, though,

is we got to, like,

get out some aggression.

That was cathartic.

I feel great.

And we're

looking for Alba Ilboat.

- Stop, stop, stop.

- Stop, stop, stop right here.

Hurry. Run, run, run.

Come on, come on.

I got it. Go, go, go, go.

Here they are, here they are.

Come on, Dad!

- Dad!

- I'm coming.

"Race to the Pit Stop. Travel

by subway to Stroömparterren."

Almost 50 years

ago, construction workers

were building a parking lot here

until they unearthed

the ancient walls

of a 16th century town.

This museum was built

as a way to preserve them.

Today, the Pit Stop

is right out front.

The last team to check in here

will be eliminated.

"Race to the Pit Stop. Travel

by subway to Stroömparterren,

"in front of Medeltidsmuseet

and find Phil on the mat.

"Last team to check in will

be eliminated." This way, Dad.

Excuse me.

Do you know where we find

the Vaästra skogen subway?

Where is it?

- This way?

- Yeah, yeah.

Okay, perfect. Thank you.

He said, "Nice hike."

Nice hike?

- We got teams.

- Looks like another team's pulling up.

Let's go, Dad. Come on.

Take the subway

at Vaästra skogen.

The symbol is a white

circle with a blue T.

"Race to the Pit Stop. Travel

by subway. Phil on the mat."

All right,

let's follow the teams.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

To the finish line,

to the finish line.

Go. Go, Dad.


Damn it, they can catch up.

Look for a white circle

with a blue T.

Look up, look high, look low.

- You sure it's this way?

- No.

- All right, it's right there.

- The clue box is right there.

All right.

Don't trip and fall in.

That would be funny.

- All right.

- Okay, what do we got?

"Find Phil on the mat."

"Last team to check in

will be eliminated."

- All right, let's go.

- We got to get back

- to the subway.

- Back to the subway.

- All right, let's get out of here.

- All right, we're out.

- No? Can't do it?

- Yeah, I can.

Look at that. She's a beast.

Yikes, yikes, yikes!


Get out of my life, chair.


- I want a laundry chute like this.

- Yeah.

Beep, beep, beep.

Ha, ha, ha!

There we go.


- Check, check.

- Yes?

All right.

Thank you. Thank you.

- All right. Let's do it.

- Taxi!

- Pampas Marina.

- Pampas Marina.

Yes. Thank you.

Come on.

Let's go.

Can you help us find the subway?

- Vaästra skogen?

- You go there.

Up the stairs?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

And after, you go on your right.

And you follow the train.

You arrive at Vaästra

- Vaästra skogen? Okay.

- Vaästra skogen. Yeah. Yeah.

- Thank you.

- Thank you so much. Thank you. - Good luck.

All right, let's do it.

Hey, we

need to ask somebody, guys.

Do you know where we would

find Vaästra skogen subway stop?

Vaästra skogen. Go

- This?

- Five minutes?

- Ten. - Ten-minute run?

- Dad.

- Dad, run.

- Okay.

Go, Dad. Go, Dad.

Come on. You're gonna

have to go faster than that.

You got this, Dad.

All right, it's a marathon.

That way. Come on, y'all.

Go. Go, go, go.

Dad, please.

This is k*lling us.

I'm trying.

I hope it's this way.

Let's go down there.

That appears to be the top

she's talking about.

This feels wrong.

- "Tomteboda"?

- That's not the name of it.

We're going to Vaästra skogen.

It's not under this building,

is it?

Whatever this is, it's closed.

I don't know

if we'll see anyone there.

I don't think this is it.


I feel like

we're running aimlessly.

This is looking like a dead end.

- Just sucks.

- I know.

It's got

to be back the other way.

Let's ask this guy.

This guy up here.

- Ask that guy?

- Yeah.

Hi, excuse me.

Do you know

where Vaästra skogen is?

- Which way?

- Where that way?

That way, and then around?

What the heck?

- Okay.

- Back under the bridge?

I don't even know

how to get across that.

I think we go

back that way we came.

We got some shoddy directions

and ended up

at some other

train station that was closed,

and we just had people pointing

us in different directions.

- Can you look on Google Maps real quick?

- Yes.

Thank you.

We've been going in circles.

Every direction

they point us into

would then

break into three other roads.

And we're like, "Which one

are you talking about?"

It was

it was frustrating,

to say the least.

Thank you.

Back where we started.

Golly, we got time to make up.

My gosh.

Go, Dad. Go, Dad.

Every second counts.

That says "Vaästra skogen."

Right there.

Okay, so there must be

a subway terminal here, also.

Wait. W Hey, hey, hey.


- Yes.

- Yeah. We got it. We got it.

We're coming, Phil.

- All right, let's do this.

- All right, let's go.

That's it. That's it. That's it.


We have

to go to Kungstraädgaården.

We're hoping that somebody

got lost, at some point,

and we can move up to third

or even second.

"Race to the Pit Stop."

"Find Phil at the mat.

The last team to check in

will be eliminated."

So we need to find the subway.

- I say we go this way.

- Yeah.

Do you know where

the subway is at Vaästra

- Vaästra skogen? Yes.

- Yeah.

You have to go over there.

Cool. Thank you so much.

All right, let's go.

All right, this is us. Let's go.

Okay, we got to go. We

just got to go to there.

All right,

we got to orient ourselves.

I'm thinking

the river's this way.

- This looks promising.

- Okay. Yeah.

- I see it, I see it.

- Okay. Around this way?

Come on,

Dad. They're leaving us.

She's hard to keep

up with, but she pulls me along

and encourages me

and pushes me through it.

The competitiveness comes out,

and you want to keep going.

You don't want to stop.

Look, they're all leaving.

- I understand.

- Come on, Dad.

We're here.

Come on! They're gonna leave us.

They're way already down there.

- Come on!

- I'm coming.

Here we go.

Dad, hurry,

please. They're going.

They're literally getting on.

I'm staying with you.

All right, let's go.

I think it's here. Here.

Vaästra skogen.

Go, go, go, go, go.

Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry.

Come on. Here.

Go, go, go, go!

All right, let's go.

This way, Dad.

It's a footrace, Gregory.

- Yep.

- We got to outrun them.

- Go. Go, Dad.

- Yep.

You see anything?

I think it's out there

to the left.

I think. I don't know.

Look down here. There's the mat.

There's the mat. I see

the mat through the trees.

Well, then let's run.

Phil, so good to see you.

Joel and Garrett,

how are we doing?

- We're doing good.

- We're doing wonderful.

Hi, and welcome

to Stockholm, Sweden.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Joel and Garrett

you're team number one.

- No! No!

- Are you kidding me? No way.

- No way!

- Are you serious?

- I am deadly, deadly serious.

- How did we do that?!

We did it! I cannot

believe we did it.

It feels

so good. I can't even describe

what it feels like

to actually finish

in first place.

To prove to ourselves

that we can actually beat

Greg and John feels pretty good.

That-That's been

the biggest thing in our minds,

I think, is trying

to keep up with the machines.

As the winners

of this leg of the race,

you have won OneKeyCash from

Expedia, and you are going

to the Galápagos Islands.

To Galáp

Expedia experts have organized

unique experiences for you,

including a hike

up the Sierra Negra volcano.

You're gonna go snorkeling

at Tortuga Island,

explore Los Humedales wetlands

and scuba dive in Gordon Rocks.

- My God.

- My God.

Okay, I know

where. All right, let's go.

- Let's go!

- Go, go, go.

To the finish

line. To the finish line.

- We got to outrun them.

- Go, go, go, go.

Come on, Dad.

Dad, it's a footrace. Come on!

- Man.

- There's another team there, I think.


Here's Greg and John.

- How did we beat the giant K*llers?

- How did we do that?


Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Good job, guys.

And another team coming in.

Come on in, guys.


- Come on, Dad.

- Anna Leigh

Dad, they already made it.

Come on.


Wait. Wait.


- Let's go.

- Go, go, go, go, go, go.

They made it. Come on!

- Dad, this is a footrace.

- What?


Looks like we

got to go the other side.

There's stairs down there.

I know. Got to cross the bridge.

- Dad, if Todd and Ashlie get here Please!

- Okay.

Dad, move it.

- Hurry, hurry, hurry.

- Wait on me.

- We did not train for this.

- Let me get to the bridge.

They're here!

We close?

- We are close.

- Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry.

This is it.


Hey, girl, I can't even run.

Come on, there it is. Let's go!

- Do you see it?

- Come on.

Yes, I see it!

They're all there!

Except for us.

Go. Go to Phil. Go to Phil.

Come on in.

Well, we are

looking at the final four

- on The Amazing Race. Congratulations.

- Yes!

And look how tight

the competition is.

You're literally running here

on top of each other.

I don't think

we've ever had a final four

this close,

going into the penultimate leg.


One team standing

here we will be crowning

our Amazing Racewinners

for this season.

Who's it gonna be?

- Might as well tell you

- Well, I'll

- I'll put my dad's hat in the ring.

- Steve does.

I'll-I'll limp

right across that line.

I don't want to stop now.

Todd and Ashlie, run it in.

Well, I am

very sorry to tell you

you are the last team to arrive.

You know there are

no non-elimination legs

and unfortunately, you have

been eliminated from the race.

I We gave it our all.

Um, but I love this guy.

I mean, clearly we've been

through hell and back together,

and I wouldn't

have it any other way.

I-I adore this man, so

Five, six years ago,

we weren't in a spot

where we could ever

do something like this.

And God

restored our relationship.

And it's just,

I'm-I'm just truly

I am the winner of this race,

because I'm so blessed

My family, my wife, my kids.

I don't need a million dollars.

I just need my family, so

-We truly put our blood,

-ASHLIE: Yeah.

- Sweat and tears in this race.

- Yeah.

- We left it all out there. I mean, you can't ask for more.

- Yeah.

It was every single emotion

that you could possibly feel.

The highest highs,

the lowest lows.

I would do it

in a heartbeat, again.

Next time on

The Amazing Race

In Dublin, Ireland,

teams take the plunge

Here we go.

step up

Point, point.

Don't boo us.

and swing big

That looked tough.

for a spot in the final three.

Dad, please

get in and follow them.

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