35x04 - The Day Keeps Rockin' Here In Vietnam

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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35x04 - The Day Keeps Rockin' Here In Vietnam

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Amazing Race

11 teams raced

to Can Tho, Vietnam.

At the airport,

the leaderboard had a shakeup.

- Our flight was delayed by an hour.

- An hour.

We're currently in first

and second place, guys.

At a crowded floating market

in Can Tho,

sisters Morgan and Lena

strategically played

their Express Pass

At least

we have a chance to stay

in the front of the pack today.

but then got stuck

at the Detour.

Hold on. Stop, stop, stop,

stop, stop, stop.

Father and daughter

Steve and Anna Leigh

cooked up a storm

- Yeah.

- Good!

and led the pack.

You are team number one.

After back-to-back wins,

married entrepreneurs

Jocelyn and Victor

faced elimination.

- See, it's not that easy.

- Let me just Give me a break.

- We're the last team here.

- Yep.

- All right. Thank you.

- Yeah. Thank you. - It's over.

But it was brothers

Liam and Yeremi

who came in last

and got a surprise.

You are dead last.

However, you are still racing,

- Okay.

- Which means you have another clue.

You can rip it, read it,

keep on racing.

There's no reason why you can't

carry on and win this leg.

Steve and Anna Leigh

have a four-minute head start

as they continue

racing into the next leg.

"Travel by taxi

to Café Tu Diec."

Their first stop: Café Tu Diec.

Next to Brazil,

Vietnam is the second-largest

coffee producer in the world.

Getting caffeinated

is a way of life here.

This barista is serving a

local brew and their next clue.

Come on.

Is this a taxi?

Here's a cab right here. Yeah.

Good job. Good job. Café Tu

All right, we're leaving in

We're leaving in number one

right now.

Leaving in first, but we got to

- we got to hold it.

- We got to hold it.

We started in

the back of the pack.

Way in the back.

Way, way in the back,

like, last.

And then, we skedaddled our way

to the front of the pack.

I want to hear "number one"

from Phil again,

- and it to be real this time.

- Right. Not "keep racing."

Just trying

to knock somebody off our tail.

We're still all bundled up.

- Right there? You know where that is?

- Okay.

You know? Yeah?

Hop in.

We are minutes behind

Steve and Anna Leigh.

Think we're hot on their tail?

No rest today, boys.

No rest for

no rest for the weary.

- Is that how it goes?

- When I say "boys," I mean you

and all the other boys

back there and the girls, too.

- Yeah. No rest for today, everybody.

- I'm generalizing.

Well, we're in the middle

of the chaos now.

The day keeps rocking

here in Vietnam.

We're still rolling, baby,

and we're psyched about it.

Gonna be a long day.

Feeling amazing. Let's get it.


- Yeah? Yes? Yes? Okay.

- Yeah, okay, okay. Yes.

Fast. We got to get there fast.

So, this race is completely

and crazily unpredictable.

It's definitely

different from

We are not

in Southern California anymore,

- that's for sure.

- Nope.

It's not just the competition.

It's also just dealing

with everything else

that this race has to offer.

Sleep deprivation. You're hot,

you're tired, you're hungry.

- All right.

- All right, let's do it.

Been a tough little leg here,

hasn't it?

- This has been a long, long leg.

- Well

I-I maybe slept two hours.

But anything can happen.

Anybody can catch up.

Beard brothers

are right on our tail.

I see it. I see it.

- Café Tu Diec.

- Tu Yeah. Tu Diec.


Ask the person at the counter.

- The clue.

- May we have a clue?

- Clue?

- Thank you.


"Stand or Deliver."

The Mekong River valley is home

to the largest inland fishery

in the world.

And these tasty morsels

are just

some of what's on offer

here at this market.

This Detour requires teams

to properly display them

here at a stall

on Hai Ba Trung Street.

First, they need

to pick up the slimy creatures

from a distributor, carry them

through the crowded market,

and then sort them out

at one of these stalls.

When their stall matches

the vendor's,

they'll be paid off with a clue.

For 12 hours every day,

this street is closed off

to trucks and cars

and is transformed

into a bustling market.

So if you want

to deliver a mattress

during daylight hours,

your only way to do it

is to make your way

through all this congestion.

Teams need

to pick up four of them,

weighing 66 pounds each

from this truck,

and weave their way 300 yards

to the West Hotel.

As long as they don't sleep

on the job, they'll get a clue.

- We're going to the fish stand.

- Very far.

Located on Durong Hai Ba Trung.

Fish stand. Fish stand.

Cho Tân An Market.

"Look for marked containers."

I'm looking.

There's fish stands everywhere.

Here's some-something.

- It's in there.

- There's marked green containers

- up front.

- Here we go.

- Got to be these.

- Yeah.

"Choose any available stand."

- Okay. Okay, we're good here.

- This one, this one.

- "Proper way to set up your stand."

- Okay.

Don't touch it.

"Find seafood,

make your way to the marked

supply area inside the market."

They're gonna have to have

a pile of it somewhere in here.

- They're marked right here, right here.

- Where? Where?

Do we grab 'em by our hands?


I'll get these little fish.

You try to find some red fish.

Let me get Okay, I got it.

We are making a mess with

some fish is what we're doing.

Gathering up some stock

to go stock our market with.

This is so cool.

I'm collecting

octopus puses.

How do you say that word?

- Octopi.

- Scoop and go, girl.

Scoop and go.

We can come back.

- Let's see how much we need.

- All right, let's go.

We head in to the front.

I think fatigue will set

in for some of the teams.

On the next Detour, I think

the fatigue'll for sure set in.

- Right there?

- Yup.

- Do you have a clue? Yes.

- All right.

Thank you.

- There we are.

- All right.

- Detour.

- Detour.

We got

to deliver the mattresses.

"Mattress loaded truck."

We need this address.

Okay, well, we need to start

walking and find something.

Let's walk this way.

Something occurred to me while

we were running down from the

café looking for the mattresses.

A little over 50 years ago,

my uncle was here,

and he was fighting

for his life here.

It makes me so happy to realize

that enough things have changed

that we can come here

and we can do something fun.

We're not here to fight.

We're not here to do anything

but learn about this culture

and experience it.

I can't wait,

after this is over,

to sit down with my uncle

and talk to him.

Who knows? That might

be something good for him,

for me to be able

to tell him about how different

my experience was here.

What's that street?

I think I see

the mattresses, Smithe.

- You see it?

- I think I see the mattresses.

- So that's where we deliver 'em?

- Room 3110.

We're gonna have

to hop up there.

- I'll boost you up, Smithe.

- One, two, three. Go.

Whoops. Hold on.

One, two, three, go.

My gosh, dude.

These are king size.

Want to try two at a time?

You think we can three

or just two?

Let's do two.

One, two, three.

- All right.

- How are you?

You turn around and then

start walking down the street.

Look for Duong Hai.

- You good?

- I'm good.

I can't see anything, though.

- Ice. Put 'em on ice.

- On ice?

- Yeah.

- Okay, here, I got the ice.

Okay. Put some on mine.

Fish heads are facing out.

They've got 14 red fish heads

facing out.

Honey, six more red,

and let's go to the next color.

These long, slender,

little eel-looking guys

two baskets of those.

We know where some are,

at least.

We got a couple taller buildings

coming up.

I just don't know if

it's way down the road or not.

I don't even know

if we're on the right street.

We might be going

the wrong way, Smithe.

So you want to just stop

and then find somebody?

Yeah, let's stop. All right.

We need directions.

- You speak some English?

- A little.

- We're looking for a hotel.

- Hotel? Where?

Duong Hai.

- Yeah.

- West Hotel.

- It's

- Don't point that way.

- Don't point that way.

- Outside.

We were going the wrong way.

Half kilometer.

All right.

And we're off.


- Thank you.

- Thank you.


"Stand or Deliver."

All right,

we're gonna do Deliver.

There it is. Tu Diec?

Yeah. Hey, how are you?

- Thank you so much. Thank you.

- Hey, thank you, sir.

Thank you, sir. Thank you.

- I say we do mattresses.

- Mattresses?

Yeah, we're gonna do Deliver.

- We've moved so many times in our life.

- Yeah.

In the last ten years,

I would say

we've moved houses

maybe six times,

so we've moved a lot of houses.

So I guess we went the wrong

way for I don't know how far.

I'm worried about getting them

both up the stairs

at the same time.

Yeah, up the stairs

is gonna be an issue.

You just made a good point

because I don't think

the staircase is gonna be wide


All right, put 'em down.

All right.

Put one back on the truck.

Put it on the tailgate

and lean it up.

All right, we got to go.

- Let's go.

- We can walk a little quicker now.

This guy means business.

Feels much better

leaving in fifth

than it does leaving in last.

I think we have that.

Having that

to pull from, though,

of being last, gives us

an extra edge. It's, like

We don't want to do that again.

We won't do that again.

So we just got out of our

Pit Stop at Vietnam, um

- Last leg.

- We used our Express Pass.

It was the right decision,

but we learned that

I mean, we felt

a little dead in the water.

We're feeling good.

All we have to do

is just beat out two more teams

so that we can be closer to,

the top of the pack.

That one was slippery.

13, 14.

Those are some wigglers.

I don't know what they are,

but they wiggle.

19, 20.

Anna Leigh,

are you almost loaded?

My God.

What are these things?

Lot of eels. Come on.

You just grab that sucker.

- They're wiggling!

- Okay, I'll get those next time.

- Let's go.

- Okay, okay.

In our bucket

They slipped out of my hand.

I think they were alive.

So we've been running

for about six minutes now.

We think

it's probably about time

- to ask someone else for

- Watch out. High.

Further directions now,

just to make sure

we didn't overrun it

or miss a turn anywhere.

Do you know where this is?



Turn right.


- Market?

- Yes, yes.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

Thank you.

Okay, watch out

for this motorcycle.

West Hotel, Strasser.

- You see the hotel?

- Yeah.

That sign says "West Hotel."

- Okay.

- The sign's at the very top.

And we probably could have

seen it from the mattress truck

if we'd have just looked up.

Right here.

I'm a UPS driver,

and even at work, I'll deliver

mattresses sometimes.

But they're heavy.

- We can do this.

- We can knock this out.

- You good back there?

- Yup.

- We cannot use the elevator.

- There's some stairs.

Take 'em.

- All right.

- You good?


- 3109's right here.

- We're almost there.

All right.

Down we go.

You go in first.

- Is this it?

- Yup.


All right. What do you

think for the rest of 'em?

- One at a time?

- I think so.

- We struggled making the corners with one.

- Yeah.

I don't know how

we're gonna get two up here.

This is crazy!

- They're right there. Mattress.

- Right there.

Hey, my friend.

You ready

to move some mattresses or what?


So, West Hotel, room 3101.

All right, so we need to

figure out where West Hotel is.

- Nice seeing you all here.

- What's up, what's up?

If you get the West Hotel,

we could all do it together.

- West Hotel?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, let's do it.

- Okay.

Hey, y'all. Hey, y'all.

Let us take the next one.

You can follow us.

You guys already know

where it's at?

We had Todd and Ashlie there,

Rob and Corey there.

I realized

- all they have to do is watch us, and they'll have it.

- Yeah.

So, I actually learned this

from Todd.

Todd did something

way back in L.A.

when we were on the rooftop

of the Biltmore.

He offered some information

in exchange

for moving to the front

of the line.

- I think I got it. I got it.

- What?

- If I get in front, I'll tell you. All right.

- Yeah.

I returned the favor

to him today.

I offered some information

in exchange for getting

the next mattress

off the truck.

Watch where we go. Follow us.

And then we took off, and

they were right on our heels,

and they did not have

to look for the hotel.

I got to get this up

over my head.

What do my eels look like?

- Here's your eels.

- Those are different eels.

- Those aren't the same.

- Ooh, they're alive! They're alive!

- Anna Leigh, they're not the same.

- Okay, that's fine.

Show me what the big ones are

and tell me

what the little ones are.

No big ones. No big ones.

They're all little.

All little?


Ooh, this is alive!

It's moving.

- Fast, fast, fast.

- Okay.

The teams are

really close together.

Greg and John are right be

- like, literally right behind us.

- Yeah. The race is on!

Remember when we were

getting massages?

- I know.

- My gosh.

Front of the pack,

chilling with massages.

- What a life.

- What a life.

Now we're hot, sweaty,

two legs in,

back of the pack,

fighting for our lives.

Are you gonna go fast?

'Cause we got to go fast.

All right. We got to go fast.

They are slimy, slimy, slimy.

They look tasty.

If they'd quit wiggling.

We eat a lot of seafood,

but not this kind.

- Go ask her, go ask her.

- Drop 'em off. Where is she?

Check? Check, please.

- It's beautiful.

- Looks like yours.

We counted.

- They're exactly the same.

- This ain't good or no good?

No good.

Okay. We got fish up here.

Are you kidding me?

They're exactly the same.

- My God.

- Get him, girl.

My God. Get him, girl.

- Get him!

- You got him.

Detour. "Stand or

Deliver?" "Stand or Deliver."

We're going to do Stand.

- Fish stand.

- We're gonna do the fish stand.


Halfway there, babe.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Ready for the stairs?

I'm ready. Bring 'em on.

It's a little wider.

- My end may be a little wider.

- Come on.

Got a low ceiling here.

I'm never helping

anyone move again.

My head's caught in it. Sorry.

My head's caught in it.

You got this. We believe in you.

Yeah, go, go, go. Nope.

Bend it around.

- Pivot. Pivot.

- Is this third floor?


Two to go, two to go. Let's go.

I'm all sweaty.

- Ooh.

- Excuse me.

Three more.

- You good?

- I m*rder*d my finger.

We're good. Let's rock.

Man, I am sweaty.

We still got a long way to go.

Corey, you okay?

- We're okay.

- You okay?

Yeah, we're good.

Came loose.


- Ooh.

- You all right?

Bro My finger looks broken.

Does it?

You'll be fine. I've broken

my fingers all the time.

Man, that was a hard race.

Yeah. Hopefully we can crush,

the next challenge.

As long as we beat the brother

there, at least we can.

I think we're two minutes

ahead of them.

- Or maybe, like, 50 seconds ahead of them.

- We-We're gonna

We got to do more

than beat the brothers.

We need to beat

at least two or three teams.

I mean, they're only

just minutes ahead of us,

so we can do it.

We just need to be smart,

be efficient and get this done.

- Hop in that bad boy.

- Get in there.

When Phil told us

that we were in dead last,

we were taken off guard.

But we're trying not

to get discouraged.

- We've got a lot of hope.

- Yes. Yeah.

There's really not that much

room between where we are

and the teams

that are in front of us.

- Literally, anything can happen.

- Exactly.

We're hopeful, and we're just

We're gonna keep

in good spirits. I mean

We're just gonna keep doing

what we're doing.

Dad, the black eels are

right there, not in the middle!

- -Dad, move it.

- Hurry, hurry, hurry.

- Where's this one?

- On top right here.

Switch these two.

Come on, come on, come on.

- Check?

- Check?

- I feel pretty good about it.

- Yeah.

- I think it looks nice.

- Looks good.

- Thank you.

- No What?!

There's no way.

This is this is not

- Now, hold on.

- No.

Squids are identical.

Well, keep going.

I'm not sitting around.

The stress level was going up.

We know teams are catching up.

These are all

facing good, right?

The beard brothers are here.

- Okay.

- Are you kidding me?

It's the big, tall,

white building coming up here.

- How close?

- 50 feet.

- This is insane.

- They're exactly like hers.

- She said no.

- That's it.

It's your whole stand.

Make sure the stand matches.

Dad, she's got eels

in this bucket!

She's got the long eels

in this bucket.

- Long eels?

- Yeah, yeah. Let's go.


- How many?

- It was a bunch.

- A bunch?

- Yup.

- Like that many bunch?

- More.

The whole thing was full.

All right, that's it. Let's go.

- Let's go.

- Here, hold 'em.

- Don't let 'em slip out.

- Yeah.

Come on, Dad.

Down here, Dad.

- No, no, dump 'em. Yeah.

- Yup.

- Okay.

- Check.

Check, please.

- Got to be it.

- I think I'm a little bit

- more confident this time.

- Yeah.

Look at those beautiful fish.


- Let's go.

- Yes.

- Yeah!

- Yes! Thank you.

"Make your way to Ong Pagoda

to make a wish."

Pagodas like this can be found

all over Vietnam.

Locals visit them to make wishes

and also to pray for peace,

sentiment and success.

When teams come here, some

of them may be making a wish

to win the $1 million prize.

- Come on.

- Okay.

Where is an empty stand?

- Is this one?

- You think this is it?

- Right here. Here, here. Okay.

- This is it, right here, right here.

- All right.

- Okay.

So this is the example?

All right, let's go.

Okay, this is it.

- Here's squid.

- Okay. I'm going in.


- I'll carry these back, okay?

- My God.


Ooh, that's a heavy one. Six.

- All right, perfect.

- Don't slip. Robbin.

These are still alive.

Clue? Clue?

- Thank you so much.

- Thank you.

- My God. This is coffee. This is so you.

- I know.

- Detour.

- Joe loves coffee.

Detour. It's the both of us.

- Okay.

- "Stand or Deliver"?

- Let's do Deliver.

- Deliver. We're doing Deliver.

- "Set up a fish"

- You think, "Set up a fish"?

Yeah, definitely. That's

a project. That's a project.

- Okay. All right.

- We're gonna do Stand.

- We're gonna do what? Set

- You want to deliver mattresses?

No, no, we're gonna do

"Set up a fish stand."

- Yeah. "Set up a fish stand."

- Yeah. Okay.

Beep-beep. Beep-beep.

We're the Road Runner.

Beep-beep, beep-beep, beep-beep.

My finger really hurts, babe.

Mind over matter.

You're the toughest person

I know.

- Sorry, babe.

- You're good.

- Water puddle.

- Saw it. Thank you.

- Halfway there, babe.

- Okay.

Three. Ouch!

And if Ooh, ooh, ooh.

You guys are special.

Special fishies.


- How you doing? Okay.

- Ready.

Excuse me.

Excuse me. Sorry.

- Are we almost there?

- Yup, almost there.

Just keep going.

My God.

You okay?

It's like just the whole weight

of the mattress is on me.

Nope, nope, nope.

Although I don't know

if it matters, but

There you go.

You're going a little fast.

- Okay, I'm turning.

- Pivot, pivot, pivot.

Two down, two to go.

Halfway there.

Two more. We got two more

mattresses to go. Halfway done.

Yeah, yeah. Do you see it?

- There's the market

- Cho Tân An.

- There's our stand.

- All right.

- This is ours.

- "Empty stand."

- Yeah.

- Okay, choose one. Okay.

- All right, you want to start with the octopus?

- Yeah.

- We got squid.

- I'm not touching these.

I'll touch everything else.

I'm getting the squid.

And that's the

- What's that? Pink fish?

- The pink. That's the pink.

Pink fish.

All right, this is gonna

be a physical challenge.

God. These are still alive.

Are you done, Chels?

- Um

- These are creeping me out.

Eels they look like snakes,

and I hate snakes.

I don't want anything to do

with snakes or eels.

- But I wasn't gonna stop.

- Yeah.

Wait for me.

I got to catch up to you.

- # Slimy #

- We got to go. We got to go.

These are so slimy ♪

I've got to sing

the pain away ♪

- Yup, yup. I hear you.

- # Don't think about it, not today #

- I hear you. I hear you. Sing it.

- # No #

- Sing it, boy.

- # I'm touching fish #

Sing it, boy.

I love to eat. ♪

It bit me.

Not really. Just touched

me, but it was scary enough.

Count the rows, count the rows,

count the rows.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two three, four, five.

Those things are gross. Those

are gonna be the worst ones.

I'm not excited for those.

All right, you ready?

- Yeah.

- I think this should be enough.

- I'm gonna make my way over, and then

- Okay.

And then I'm gonna

get my my gloves.

We're looking for a truck.

Those could be mattresses.

Yeah. That's it.

That's it. That's it.


What are these?

"West Hotel."

I think it's right there,

the West Hotel.

Yeah, I think it's right

down here and to the right.

- The mattresses are big.

- Yeah.

So I think

both of us carry four.

Are we gonna be able

to do four upstairs?

Okay, you want to do two?

Do you feel better with two?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- Lift it up.

- Yup.

Out. Up.

One more push.

One, two, three.

Okay, grab the bottom one.

Lift up and pull.

Yeah, two is the max.

There we go. Let's go.

Still good?

We got four.

Thank you.

Let's go downstairs.

- Can you see?

- Yeah.

I can't see.

Are you guys doing this?

- Yeah.

- How far down?

About You're halfway.

It's on the left.


It is freaking hot.

- Excuse me! Excuse me!

- Yeah, yeah.

Given the opportunity

to do any type

of strength and endurance,

we will choose strength and

endurance ten out of ten times.

What we failed to realize

in the comfort

of our air-conditioned

Manhattan apartment is

that strength and endurance,

like, in an air-conditioned gym

and strength and endurance

running around

the chaotic streets

of Vietnam not the same.

Not the same.

This is crazy town, Ian.

Watch the motorcycles!

We lost it. We lost it.


One, two, three.

- Let's just carry it like this, not on our head.

- Okay.


Should we do that one?

This one seems tedious.

- You want to switch?

- I don't know.

Nah, Philly Jawns just got here.

- Let's just beat Philly Jawn.

- Okay.

Three down, one to go.

- Ready?

- Yeah.

- I'm going in.

- Okay.

- Geez. You have it or no?

- I

- Yeah.

- 'Cause it's all on my head.

- You okay? Want to switch?

- Yes.

All right, Ian.

Hold it like a hot dog.

- What floor are we on?

- Two.

These stairs

are like a death trap.

You guys got this. You got this.

Come on, Ian.

Are there other stairs?

Come on, Ian.

I'm coming.

- You good, Ian?

- No.

Can we run by you

super, super quick?


- We need the room number.

- I need it right now.

- All right, ready?

- I'm trying.

I don't know what else to do.

I'm trying to help you,

but I can't hold the mattress

for this long.

My God.

Babe, I need your help.

- I need your help, Joe.

- Okay, coming.

Where's the other bed?


One, two, three. Okay.

That was the hardest thing

I've ever done.

Yeah. It was really hard.

Want to throw up.

- Two at a time again, right?

- No.

- One?

- Yes.

- Detour.

- Detour. "Stand or Deliver."

You want to set up a fish stand?

- Yeah.

- Yeah?


We'll set up a fish stand.

In the grocery store

that we run,

we sell fish,

like, whole fish, every day.

This is what we do

day in, day out.

I can set up a fish stand.

Let's do Deliver.

Okay, we're gonna do Deliver.

- Let's do it. All right.

- Let's go.

We're in first place

right now, literally.

Yeah, in our hearts, we are.

We're obviously in first place,

and we will take no other answer

as an answer.

- Up here on the left.

- Up here on the left.

Come on, Dad.

I'm good.

I just don't want to pass it.

Ong Pagoda.

Come on, come on.

Come on, Anna Leigh.

What's our rule?

Go to the counter, ask

for one wish card. Don't run.

# #


Right there, right there.

Can we have one wish card?

Our wish was that

we were number one today.


That's the caretaker over there.

"He will hang your wish

and hand you a clue."

Way up high.

Got it.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Ready?

- Yeah.

"Travel by taxi

to Huùng King Temple

to find your next clue."

- All right, let's go.

- Don't run.

Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk.

I smell fish. I smell fish.

- I smell fish.

- Hey, hey.

- I see it. Over here.

- Yes!

- Cho Tân An!

- Right here, right here.

- This is our station.

- Where's the sample?

- Over there.

- All right, remember the fish.

- Okay?

- What are we getting fish?

Carp, white, tilapia.

- Octopus. Okay.

- And octopus.

They feel like fish!

- Lena, you got to pick 'em up.

- I'm sorry!

I'm sorry.

They feel like snakes.

- Lena!

- I'm sorry!

Don't throw them in my face.

They look like snakes.

- Slimy.

- Scoop 'em up.

They're simply objects.

You told me

I could have done a mattress?

My God, Chelsea,

I can't do the eels.

- Can you do the eels?

- Just scoop 'em up, babe.

Snakes are my biggest fear,


I really don't know

if I can do this.

My God.

So gross.

I'm grabbing this.

Um, it looks like river barb.

I think

Jocelyn's grabbing octopus.

- Ready?

- You want to switch buckets or you good?

- No, no.

- Come on. Let's go.

When we got there,

other teams were still there.

And I could hear Andrea telling

Malaina, "Hey, just suck it up."

Let's go, Malaina. Suck it up.

And so, that's when we knew

they're struggling so we can

have a chance to overtake them.

- We're doing good.

- Okay.

We're crushing it, babe.

Those things are

grossing me out.

- All right. Calm down.

- I can't do this, Andrea.

Calm down, calm down.

I don't need you to freak out.

I know my fish.

I sell fish every day.

That's why I know my fish.

I can even cut and clean this

if they wanted me to.

And then, Morgan,

take a look at the giant fish

'cause we have to find it.

They're creamy.

They're creamy brown.

Let's go get

the rest of the fish.

After eels is those big ones.

You want those?

- We got a nice little system we got going down.

- Yeah.

Johnny and I are

working well together,

- so, that's all that matters.

- That's all that matters.

- We're here. I know we are.

- Okay.

# #

We go to the counter,

ask him for one wish card.

Okay. What do you want to wish?

Everyone's gonna wish

that they get first.

Maybe we should wish that

our family is good at home.

So our families

snuck some stuff into our bags

before we left.

We didn't realize it was

in there until we got here.

And they said to open it up

on the day

that we felt best

is what it says, and so,

today, after making our wishes

about our family,

we just feel like

today is the best day for that.

"Dear Dad, I love you so much.

"I hope you have

an amazing time with Smithe.

"I'll miss you so much,

but at least you'll have fun.

I believe in you."

That is not what I expected.

That's awesome.

- My goodness. Look.

- Whoa.

- They're everywhere.

- This is incredible.

"I hope you and Strasser

are doing well and having fun.

"I can't wait

for you to get back.

"I love you,

and I'm very grateful

to have you as my father."

This is just what

we needed to push us forward.

This is the the motivation.

This is what it's all about.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

My God.

- We close?

- We are close.

This is our last one.

Four. Good?

Yes. Thank you, thank you,

thank you, thank you.


- Push.

- I'm pushing!

- Keep pushing.

- I am!

I'm gonna slam

against the wall.

- This is really good.

- Push.

- Come on.

- Todd, I swear if you slam me

into the wall again,

we're gonna have a problem.

One mattress this time.

- Ready?

- Yup.


Thank you.

You want a hug?

I'm just kidding.


Can we go to

Go to that side.

I'll go to this side.

We got to grab two.

- Are they heavy?

- AW.

Ooh, Liam, I

There's no way we do four.

- Yeah, maybe two at a time.

- We can do it in two.

- I'm trying to make up as much

- We were in last.

- Phil said "dead last."

- Yeah.

So we were like,

"In order to make up this time,

we got to die."

- Can't see.

- It's okay. I can see.

- Thank you.

- Here.

- Yup.

- Look for the next clue.

- Look for the next clue.

- Next clue.

My God!

Good job.

This is so cool.


"Who wants to play matchmaker?"

- You want it, Dad?

- No, it's you.

- Are you sure?

- Yeah, that's you.

Mercy. Okay, it's me.

This temple was built

as a tribute to the kings

who were believed

to have founded Vietnam.

The pathways leading up

to this impressive structure

are lined with thousands

of identical red tiles.

Only 11 are one of a kind.

Each team must find

the one and only tile

that matches the photo

in their clue.

It's all in the fine details.

Once they get a thumbs up

from the docent


they can reunite with their

partner and run to the mat.

The last team to check in here,

after exhausting back-to-back

legs, will be eliminated.

Good luck.

This is kind of wild.

It's a pretty big ground

to cover.

There's lots of pieces that

she's looking for that I see.

And she's just gonna

have to put it together,

take her time and remember

where she's been

and where she hasn't been.

I have to match this tile.

Is that it right there?

That's it. This is it.

This is literally it.

Right in front of my face.

Come with me?

I'm so sorry.

- No?

- Yeah. No.



This has three.

Picture exactly like this.

There's only two hairs here.

It only divots

and goes one, two.

That hair is missing.

Got to be one tile on

here that's missing a hair.

Three hairs. Three hairs.

Come on, Anna Leigh.

You got it.

No. Nope.

This is nuts.

My God!

All their tentacles need

to be going this way.

Careful. They have pokers.

Go double check

our work on over there.


you're not afraid of eels?

I am! Can we do a check?

- Yes! - Yes!

- Yes!

- Can we get a check?

- Check? Check, check?

- Perfect.

- Thank you, thank you, thank you.


"Make your way

to Ong Pagoda and make a wish."


Thank you, thank you,

thank you, thank you.

- Thank you. Okay.

- You're wonderful.

- Hold on, bro. I'm doing good.

- Okay.

I just got

to do this real quick.

Keep pushing through.

- How far is it?

- I don't know.

Hopefully, up here on the left.

Make sure

your head's in the middle

- so you can grab both sides.

- It's right in the middle.

- Watch the potholes, babe.

- I got 'em.

I'm not really

doing orientation.

No, No, no, no. John, the

orientation's the biggest thing.

- All right, so

- That's, like, the only thing they have.

- All those are facing the same way?

- Yeah.

Yeah, make the fish face us.

All right, we still got

hella teams behind us, man.

I see everyone. Everyone's here.

Everyone's here.

- Everyone's here doing something.

- Yeah.

Right here.

There's some tilapia up front.

No, that's not tilapia.

That's barb.

- What about this one? This one?

- No, no, no.

This is the this is the carp.

Tilapia's right here.

Six tilapia right here.

Are you sure?

- Yes. I know my fish.

- Okay.

Come on, come on. Shake it off.

Shake it off, Malaina.

I can't believe I eat these.


- Push, Joe.

- Pushing!

Make the turn. Keep it up.

- Pushing.

- Keep it up.

Coming through, coming through.


All right, let's go.

All right,

we're about to go upstairs.

All right, Liam.

All right, this is the door.

This is the doorway.

- Now, just gonna push.

- Yup.

- Okay.

- Take a breath.

Keep pushing.

- Okay.

- Come on.

Let's get up there.

Okay. You got it.

We were just at the absolute

edge of our physical exertion.

It was

It was

It felt like pushing the line.

- Yes.

- Like, we were just

emptied out.

I think

we leave our backpacks here.

But we can hold the load

of what this is together

if we do it together.

- Let's go, Liam.

- Okay. Come on.

- Are you going

- We do the mattress again. Come on.

- Okay.

- Let's go.

Let's go.

Okay. We'll be back. Two more.

Let's go.

It's not Yeremi and Liam

racing separately.

It's us as a team.

# #

One wish card?

Can I have one wish card?

I just put down "I want to see

one country

for every year I'm alive."

Our wish was

for world peace 'cause

what this race has shown us

is that everyone,

at their essence,

are good people, right?

Everyone's just trying

to get along and live,

and that's kind of what we want

in the whole world.

Thank you so much. Thank you.

It's okay?

- Thank you so much.

- Thank you.

Here we go.


"Who wants to play matchmaker?"

That would be me.

"Search the temple grounds

for one tile

that matches the photograph

included in your clue."

- Okay, there's tiles all over.

- All right.

Quick but meticulous.

- The beard brothers are here.

- Don't worry about them.

As we got started

on that challenge,

I saw the mat, I saw Phil.

He was ready to say,

"You're team number one."

All you had to do was

get your tile and be there.

It was, in theory, easy.

In practice,

it required a lot of endurance.

Boy, there's

a bunch of those tiles.

- Come on, Anna Leigh.

- Come on, Anna Leigh.

I got this.

Just go, girl.

Man, that looks just like it.

How could It couldn't

be the first one I look at.

There's one little detail that's

different, but I don't see it.

This tile looks

exactly right to me.


Most of these characters

have three prongs.

Mine has two. So I'm looking

for a two-pronged head.

Three. Three. Three. Three.

Three. Three.

Three. Three. Three.

- Three.

- Where the heck is it?

Three. Three. Three. Three.

- Last one, babe.

- We're doing great.

Probably the hardest thing

- we've ever done.

- Yeah.

Down with the count of

three, one, two, three. Nice!

Let's go!

- Thank you much.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Let's go.

- Dang it.

- You got this. You got this.

Johnny, you got this.

You got this. Come on, man.

- Yeah. Okay, he's

- Come on, man. Come on, man.

- You got it.

- This guy's a a squirmy one.

Million dollars. Would you

do this for a million dollars?

Yeah, so true.

- Okay, if you get that.

- Yeah, yeah.

And I will do a check. Check?

- I

- One, two, three, four.

- Come on, come on.

- Shake it off. Shake it off.

Let me tell you which one to

get. It's this guy right here.

Okay. How many?

- Four, four, four. 12.

- Okay.

We're good.

Thank you.

- Hey, thank you.

- Nice. You're the b*mb.

- You are thebomb. Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Do we have them lined up in the right way?

- Yeah.

- Slow down.

- Okay.

I'm gonna walk.

We're getting there.


- How close?

- Almost there.

My God. Amazing.

- So cool.

- It's very pretty.

We wished to win

The Amazing Race. I mean,

- when in Rome, so Yeah.

- When in Rome.

- Or Vietnam.

- Yeah.

Thank you.

- Hey. We wish to win a million dollars.

- Wish it. Yeah.

Johnny and I were

just such in a rush.

We know we wanted

to win the million dollars,

so Johnny just quickly

wrote "One mil,"

and just gave it right back.


- Thank you.

- Thank you so much.

Hi. Gonna make a wish.

On the wish card, Of course

we wrote "first place."

First place on the race.

Thank you.

Our wish was

to have a great trip

and to also appreciate

our time as sisters.

Um, you know,

winning the race would be great,

but we came here for us.

What we came on to this race

to do was spend time together,

to not fight,

to see each other be successful.

- And that's what's happened so far.

- Yeah.

- Let's go.

- We can't run anymore.

- Go, go, go, go, go, go.

- Roadblock.

"Who wants to play matchmaker?"

You got to do it. I can't.

I'll do it.

Looks like I found the

matching tile right off the bat,

but I'm not too sure.

I got to make sure

everything matches.


"Who wants to play matchmaker?"

It's gonna be me.

You got to be very,

very careful.

There's little teeny details.

We got to hurry 'cause I know

there's several other teams

here already.

Man, this is tough.

Got a lot of tiles here,

let me tell you.

Man, I'm going nuts.

I'm looking at the first one

and the second image.

They all have these three lines

in the top carved,

but mine only has two,

so I feel like it should be easy

once I find it,

but I haven't even seen one

that looks like that.

And once I even find one

that looks like that,

I know I'm gonna have

to make sure that the rest

of the picture matches.

So I'm starting to get

a little you know, antsy.

This is kind of wild.

Whoa. Yeah.

Three. Three, three. Three.

Nope. Nope. Nope.

Just gonna be whoever

finds it first at this point.

Mercy me.

Three. Three. Three.

Nope. This is nuts.

- Three.

- Nope.


- We could drop one, and fold one and take it up.

- Okay.

Growing up, you know,

we were not able

to be vulnerable

with each other

and it caused a lot

of friction a lot of times.

For instance,

Yeremi left to boot camp,

and the day before he left,

him and I got in an argument.

And while Yeremi was going

through the worst time

of his life,

he was writing me letters,

trying to get support from me.

I wrote him one letter back,

and it was telling him

to stop writing me.

What's in the past

is in the past.

And for everything

that we've done to this point,

I know he's there.

And every time I look back,

he's running right behind me,

and it's

And I will always be there.

The mattress is at least 50,

60 pounds each.

Let's go. Let's go.

Come on.

- Here. Here.

- Thank you, ma'am.

Okay, so then

we're gonna do the front.

I think

it's just enough to cover 'em.

- Okay. Four, four, four?

- Okay. Check.

- Check, check?

- Check, please?

- Check, please?

- Check, please?

- Yeah!

- Yeah.

We actually were not

the last team to leave, so,

we still have a chance.

We just got to keep at it today.

We have to find

Ong Pagoda, right?

- Yeah. It's not

- Number 32 on the street.

I'm looking for my fish.

I want to make sure

I'm getting the right ones.

- We got to hurry up.

- Yeah.

- We got to hurry up and finish this.

- And finish this. Yeah.

- Ooh, you got to help me with this.

- Flip it away.

No, flip it over

and just dump it in there.

- No. I don't want to touch it!

- Come on. In here.

- I know. Come on, touch it. You got to go!

- No!

- You got gloves on, so come on.

- So? They alive.

I know. So just close your eyes

and dump 'em in there.

All right,

so hold it and let's go.

Hold it, let's go. Come on.

# #

Can we get a check?

Come on.

Please, please, please?

- Okay! - Yes! Thank you!

- Okay. Thank you.

My God. Come on.

- All right. Thank you so much.

- Thank you so much.

What's our wish?

I wish we keep k*lling it

as hard as we are,

- we keep persevering. Come on.

- Race to the end?

We race to the end. Come on.

- That's what I wish.

- "Race to the end."

We've always known

that our potential

together can be so great.

But we've never

been able to see it,

because of these

petty little problems

that have always happened.

And we've never been able

to fully be each other,

around each other and to see

what the distance is

that we can go to.

We're finally here, and we've

worked so hard to get here.

I know we can do anything,

and I believed in us today.

This is our wish

to reach the end.

"Go up to the counter

and ask for one wish card."

I don't see a counter here,

so we have to go inside.

Thank you.


Our wish was probably the

same wish everybody else had.

- We want to win The Amazing Race.

- Yeah.

Thank you.

- Come on, Chels.

- This is it, baby.

Let's go.



"Who wants to play matchmaker?"

My goodness.

Okay, it's memorization.

Okay, I'll do it.

- I'll do it.

- You do it.

- All right. I'll be matchmaker.

- Johnny's got it.

This is good. This is

a puzzle, memory one. Let's go.

- Go, babe, go, babe, go.

- You got this, Joe.

Okay, it's one of these.

It's got to be. It's got to be.

This sucks.

This really sucks.

You got this, Johnny.

Three. Come on. Give me a two.

They've all had three prongs.

I need

to find the two-pronged one.

Any luck?

- No, not yet.

- Let me see your picture.

It's yours.

- Dude.

- What'd you find different?

His ears.

Two, not three.

Our is facing opposite.


I can't find 'em anywhere.

This is nuts.

I think I saw Todd's,

but I ain't telling him.

There is a lot of tiles here,

let me tell you.

Come on, Lena.

It's just clearly not that,

or that or that or that.


"Who wants to play matchmaker?"

- Do you want me to try?

- I'll do it.

There's so many.

It's hard because

you don't know where

you've already

covered sometimes.

Might be crazy, but I don't

think I've been over here yet.

- This is it! Okay.

- Move it, Lena.

I got to get a guy.

Come on, Lena! You got this!

Um, I'm so sorry.

- No.

- No.

Okay. What is it?

Keep moving, Lena!

I'm trying to match up this tile

to one of these tiles.

My daughter and I

have been practicing

'cause I know there are

challenges like this on the race.

Every morning, we play a

find-it game on my phone in bed

when she's snuggling with me,

and it's become

part of our routine.

So she's actually

been training me.

Come on, Chels.

Hey, if you see one with

two ears up here on the left,

please let me know.

What's yours?

Um it's a little bit

There's a lot that look

just like it, you know?

No help. All right, noted.

Won't be helping her again.

I tried to help Chelsea and ask

if she would help me, too,

and she totally shut me off.

So, seeing how they act

under pressure it's,

- you know, telling.

- Everybody starts showing their colors.

Yeah. You start

seeing people's character.

And Chelsea and Robbin

they're cutthroat.

I don't trust 'em.

Okay. Got it.

Come on, come on, come on,

come on. This is it, baby.

Okay, here she goes.

Um Congratulations!

- Let's go, baby.

- This is it, baby.

- Yes.

- Yes! All right.

This sucks.

This really sucks.

I'm so friggin' proud of you,


Welcome to the Huùng

King Temple, Vietnam.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- It's beautiful.

- Thank you for having us.

Robbin and Chelsea, how big

- are your smiles right now?

- Gosh.

- Pretty big.

- The biggest smiles

- that I've ever seen.

- Yes.

I am pleased to tell you that

after this crazy, tough leg,

you are team number one.

- I'm so proud of our win today.

- So proud.

-It feels sort of symbolic,


-too, of, like,

-Your life. Yeah.

The journey I've been through

in the past few years.

- Absolutely.

- Like, just depths of hell to succeeding.

As the winners

of this leg of the race,

you have won

OneKeyCash from Expedia

for a trip for two

to Madrid, Spain.

Travel experts at Expedia

have organized

unique travel experiences

for you, including

a flamenco show, a

Real Madrid Stadium tour,

Spanish cooking classes,

and tapas and wine-tasting

around the city.

You've been

at the back of the pack

and now you're right

at the front of the pack.

- Yes, we are.

- And what a time to do it,

after this double leg.

- Absolutely.

- I mean, really tough. - Yeah.

The antennas are different.

It shapes in a certain way,

and the antennas are different.

I've got to start moving faster.

- Let me see yours.

- Boy, this is fun.

If you see one with two ears,

please let me know.

I'll keep a lookout

on yours, too.

This really sucks.

She looks like

she's kind of going

through some kind

of pattern right now.

I just want her to find her tile

and get us out of here.

This is nerve-racking.

- My God!

- There's a thousand tiles that look like that.

Um Geez, I can't walk.

Man. This looks brutal.

This is really anyone's game

at this point.

Check? Check?

This is it. Where am I?

You got it, girl. You got it.

Let's go, Todd!

- Come on, babe.

- Yes, yes, yes.


Yes! All right. Let's go!

Here. That's it. That's it.

Okay. Clue. It's the exact same.

All right, clue? Wait.

Come on, babe.

- Congratulations! Yes.

- Yes. Okay. Thank you, thank you.

Go, go! To Phil, to Phil!

Come on!

Ashlie, let's go.

Let's go. Ashlie.

- Go, to Phil!

- Let's do it!

- Go, Dad.

- All right, let's go!

Go, go, go.

There you go. Steve and

Anna Leigh, pleased to tell you

that you're team number two.


- Thank you. Good job, yeah.

- You ran a great leg.

- Tough leg.

- Todd and Ashlie,

you know where you are.

You're on that podium.

Baby. We're making

our way up definitely, boy.

Does that feel good?

You got this, Joe.

There's so many ♪

- Let's go, Joe! Be methodical!

- # There's so many. #


- I need a temple guide!

- Let's go!

- Yes, yes. Congratulations.

- Yes? Thank you, thank you, thank you.

- Where do we go?

- Yeah.

Hey, welcome, New Yorkers.

Yeah, good job, bud.

- Hey, good job, guys.

- Good job, guys.

Joe and Ian, that would

make your team number four.

- Congratulations.

- Let's go!

Nice job, guys.

I've got one that is only

supposed to have two.

Ooh. Please, please, please,

please be this.

Can I get a check?

This one.

- Yes. Congratulations.

- Yes? Yes!

- Yeah! Yeah.

- Okay.

Rob and Corey,

you are team number

Can you guess?

- One, two.

- Please get it right.


- No. Five.

- It's been a long day. - I mean

I heard the celebrations

on the mat with Phil.

They were just feet from me.

And I knew I was getting us

down the ladder

the longer it took me,

but I refused

to listen to that negativity.

I finally found one

with two prongs,

but it had the wrong amount

of prongs on the other side.

"Make one wish."

What do you want to say?

I wish to, um,

win this leg of the race.

We'll open it outside.

Thank you.

- This is it, it's right here.

- Let's go.

- Let's go.

- Come on, baby.


"Who wants to play matchmaker?"

- I do. Let's go.

- Let's go, baby.

You got this, Liam.

Run around, baby.

You're good, Strasser.

This one's close.

This is

Is it upside down?

Is it upside down?

I don't know which

way it is, which is weird.

Okay, it's for all the marbles,

big dawg.

You got it, Lena!

Three. Three.

We're meant to be here, Lena.

I have two and three

and then two and three antennas.

So my first two antennas

have two.

Come on, Lena!

She's going over the same ones

over and over and over again.

She's not going down

all the outside.

I've been here before.

I am so nervous for her.

Come on, Lena.

It's near you. It's near you.


- Okay. That is you.

- "Who wants to play matchmaker?"

You got to match 'em.

Okay, I got to do it then.

Victor, we can do this!

There it is. Okay, temple guide?

Please come with me.

This one?

- No.

- No?

No. Why is that no?


"Who wants to play matchmaker?"

Who wants to play matchmaker?

We see the bearded team,

we see Lena and Morgan,

we see Greg and John,

we see Yeremi and Liam.

We see a whole bunch of teams.

I'm like,

"we are definitely in this."

- Easy, tough, I'll do it.

- Okay.

This part right here.

Boy. This is-this is crazy.

This is crazy. I mean, these

tiles are nearly identical,

and they are just

so barely different.

Could take forever to do this.

Hustle, baby, Hustle. Let's go.

Let's go.

Can you come down here?

You got this, Liam!

Let's get out of here, man.

Come on, Liam.

Let's go.

- Yes. Congratulations.

- Let's do it.

- That's what I'm talking about, baby. Let's go.

- Yes, sir!

- All right, good to go.

- All right.

- Come on!

- My God.

Gonna make me

blow my knee out, Phil.

There he is.

All right, so, where we at?

I'm exhausted, but I'm feeling

hopeful that

Andrea gonna get this.

We're not ready to go home yet.

This is not

this is not the end of our race.

Are we good?

- Congratulations!

- Thank you.

Go, Andrea, come on,

baby! Good job, Andrea.

They just got it, Morgan.

Let's go, baby! Let's go, Phil!

- We still in it, baby!

- Aw, sh**t.

- Yes. Good job.

- Yes! Good!

Four teams are here now,

including us.

It's nerve-racking,

seeing all these teams,

especially seeing them finish.

Each one is just like

a little knife to the heart.

Can I get a guide?

- sh**t.

- All right, follow me.

How's it look?

Okay. Let me check.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you.

- Great job, John!

- Yeah!

It was literally

the last place I got to.

Let's go!

Liam and Yeremi,

you are team number six.


Andrea and Malaina,

you're team number seven.

Lucky seven!

Greg and John, team number

eight. Congratulations.

I'm just so happy that I'm able

to race with my best friend,

and we you know, we

It was different points

where we were giving up,

but we just kept on pushing.

- We were dead.

- We were last.

- We were last coming in.

- We were dead last.

Not just last, Phil.

- Dead last.

- Dead last. - Dead last.

We've been in the bottom

this entire race so far. It felt

amazing that I was able

to show up for Yeremi,

doing the Roadblock by myself.

In the past, before the race,

I hadn't always

shown up for him.

I'll never be able

to take that back,

but I can make up for it by

showing up for him from now on.

- Go, go, go.

- Just hurry. Let's go.

Leave me be. Leave me be.

You got it, Lena.

Three. Three. Three.

My gosh.

There's something missing here.

This can't be.

You're doing great.

We're in the last three teams,

and Lena

I think she's

getting discouraged.

Not sure if I checked over here.

I'll go check it again.

Come on, babe! Come on, Victor!

I'm not thinking straight.

That's not it.

Let's go, Strasser!

All right.

My gosh.


Here we go.

Let me check.

- Congratulations!

- Yes!

Yes! Let's go, Strasser!

- Yes!

- Let's go.

Joel and Garrett,

you guys cut it fine.

You're team number nine.

You're at the back of the pack.

We're used to it.

You made it here.

You survived.

You get to race another leg.

Finished late, but we

didn't finish last, Phil.

Joel and Garrett just finished.

We're in the last two.

Lena, you got to hustle!

- My God.

- It's our last chance.

I really, really, really,

for the life of me,

need to get out of here.

I felt like

I was letting the team down.

I have good eyes

for this sort of stuff,

but I knew that if I couldn't

find this tile quicker than

Victor, that it was over.

- My God.

- We've been here for so long.

Come on, Lena.

I'm not walking around

in circles.

Maybe I skipped over it.

I don't know.

Come on, Lena!

Morgan, I'm trying!

I'm not thinking straight.

Why am I not finding this?

What the heck are you doing

wrong? You're just an idiot.

I probably already passed this.

It's our last chance.

- Keep pushing!

- Pressure's on.

Don't let them outwork us!

Morgan, I've looked

at everything.

Don't let them outwork us!

Keep hustling.

Don't give up, Lena.

We're not meant

to go home today, Lena.

Pressure's on.

Come on. Pressure's on.

Got this.

Just retracing my steps.

Maybe I skipped over it.

I don't know.

We're not out!

Morgan, I'm trying!

Come on, Lena.

When you watch your partner,

it's like you're watching them

drown, and you can't help.

Three. Here's two.

Let's go.

Come on, Lena! Keep hustling!

- Come on, Lena! You got it!

- Where is it? Where is it?

You got it!

- We're not going home today!

- This one, right here. This one here.

- You got it!

- Two, three, three, two.

- Congratulations!

- Thank you,

thank you, thank you,

thank you, thank you!

You got it, Lena!

They just got it

Lena and Morgan.

We're not losing today!

- Morgan and Lena.

- Yes.

I am pleased to tell you

that you are team number ten.

You will be racing

in the next leg of the race.


But you will be starting

at the back of the pack,

and you know

it's gonna be tough.

Boy, I put in

a lot of laps today.

Lena busted her ass today.

She doesn't give up.

Lena never gives up.

Today was hard.

I was about this close

to passing out

or throwing up

or a whole combination.

And, um, Lena bodied every

challenge that she had today,

and she did not let that

last challenge take us down.

- You will not see us here again at the end.

- Yeah.

We will not be at the end again.

I got to find it. Can't give up.

Can't show my girls

that I give up.

This stinks.

I'm sorry, Jocelyn.

This might be it.

This might be it.

There's just extra

plain splotches on it

that I didn't see at first,

stupid me.

Now I go get a check.

Right here in the middle.

Can I get a check, please?

That one's it, right there.

- Congratulations!

- Thank you. Thank you.

Okay, I found it, babe.

- I'm so sorry.

- It's okay.

- I let us down.

- I had fun.

Let's show our girls

that we don't quit. Come on.

We're not quitting.

I had fun. This is great.

Come on, babe.

It's okay. We did it.

Jocelyn and Victor,

unfortunately, you are now

the last team to arrive.

- You have gone from first to last.

- Yes.

- My God. This is a nice

- Yeah. Thank you, Amazing Race.

- It was just so nice to be with Jocelyn.

- And

Just the two of us.

It's okay, babe.

We got this.

There are no regrets,

and every moment of it

is super, super special.

We just wish that it would have

lasted a little bit longer.

Yeah, yeah.

- You've got each other.

- Yeah!

Our relationship, overall

it has really gotten better.

It's really helped

brought us closer together.

Next time onThe Amazing Race

In Jaipur, India,

Corey is thrown off balance.

Just can't get it

to stay on my head.

Robbin and Chelsea

are tight-lipped.

Don't say anything. Pretend like

you don't understand.

This way, this way, guys?

Ooh, they didn't help.

And an ending

- you won't want to miss.

- Get around them, get around them!

Fast, fast, fast!

- Go, go, go!

- Fast! Move!

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