34x05 - The Amazing Race of Arabia

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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34x05 - The Amazing Race of Arabia

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on

The Amazing Race

ten teams

continued the Mega Leg

in Florence, Italy.

Double the Roadblocks,

double the Detours,

double the pain.

The Roadblock pushed Dom

to her breaking point

Why is this so hard?

and gave Sharik

second thoughts.

Got the clue, but at what cost?

A showdown for first place

between Marcus and Michael

and Emily and Molly

ended in a victory

for the long-lost twins.

You are team number one.

On the mat,

Sharik made a decision.

Do you want to keep racing?

- You good?

- I'll do it for you.


While Rich and Dom

bid a tearful goodbye.

You are the last team to arrive

and you have been

eliminated from the race.

But there's a lot

to be proud of as well.

I'm thankful to have

someone like Richard, who

who believes in me so much.

- Morning, everyone.

- Good morning!

So I did say to you guys

that this Amazing Race

would have a lot of firsts.

- Yes.

- Oh, my God.

You are going to a country that

we have never been to before

on the race.

You're going

to the Kingdom of Jordan.

All aboard.

Let's go, let's go.

All teams will now fly

across the Mediterranean Sea

to the Hashemite Kingdom

of Jordan,

an ancient country

with more than 100,000

archeological sites.

With less than three days

of rain a year,

more than 80% of Jordan

is covered in sand,

including the Wadi Rum Desert.


Teams are now boarding

this iconic steam train

that dates back

to the Ottoman Empire.

This is so cool.

We're in the Kingdom of Jordan.


Wow, this is gorgeous.

- Look at this.

- This is

absolutely beautiful.

Oh, we're rolling now.

Oh, what's-what's over there?

After beginning their journey

with a relaxing

train ride, teams

have no idea

what they will encounter next.


Oh, my God!


Oh, my gosh!

Is that real

or are we seeing things?

- Wait, that can't be real.

- Are you kidding?

Out of nowhere,

there's horses and camels

and people on horseback swinging

swords, and they're coming

right at us. It was

actually pretty beautiful.

Looked just like a scene

out of a movie.

-Talk about Lawrence of Arabia.

-Oh, Lawrence of Arabia.

This is crazy!

- Wow.

- That is amazing.

Oh, that's so cool.

That really

set the tone for this leg.

This is gonna be something

out of a movie.

We're in a movie.

It's your lucky day.

-Yay! Thank you.

-Thank you. Thank you.

-This is your clue.

Thank you.

-This is your clue.

-Thank you.

-Welcome to Jordan.

-Thank you. Thank you.

- Good luck.

- Thank you.

Thank you.

- Good luck.

- Thank you.

Good luck.

-Thank you.

-Have a nice time.

"Route Info."

"Welcome to the Wadi Rum Desert

in the Kingdom of Jordan.

-"You have just

experienced a"

-"scene being reminiscent

"of the 1963 Oscar-winning film

Lawrence of Arabia.

"Now head into

the desert to experience

this otherworldly landscape."

"Choose an available

Bedouin driver

who will drive you to the

desert to find your next clue."

Sweet. His car's close.

We got the boys

just ahead of us.

We're gonna keep 'em close.

We came up with

an acronym before the race.

It's called CAR.

The C stands for complacent.

Like, we don't-we don't

want to get complacent, ever.

Uh, A is for adversity,

to obviously

push through adversity.

And then, uh,

R is for resilience.

So when we do make mistakes,

try and forget that

and then

just keep moving forward.

There are no

non-elimination legs,

so there's no margin for error.

And because we''re military,

we review the leg, right?

From start to finish.

Uh, what happened?

We'll learn from those

mistakes and move forward.

I want to win every leg.

I'm so excited.

-I don't know

what we're doing today.

-I'm so pumped.

Whatever it is,

it's gonna be so fun.

We are driving

deep into the desert.

- We are really out here.

- Yeah.

I see it.

You good?

- Ouch.

- You okay?

No, I got something

going on with my thigh.

-Oh, no.

-This is not good.

As soon as we started

running in the sand today,

I had a sh**ting pain

run up the top of my thigh.

So, running is

a little bit difficult for me.





"Who Wants to Test Their Metal?

Let me know.

If Jordan's landscapes

look familiar to you,

then chances are that you've

seen them up on the big screen

in movies like Indiana Jones

and the Last Crusade,

Transformersand futuristic

blockbusters like Star Wars.

Teams must search

the crash site of this movie set

for a piece of spaceship debris

buried in the sand

using a metal detector.

Once they retrieve the piece,

they'll have their clue.

Marcus will do it.

- I will.

- Okay.

Okay, this is

gonna be interesting.

Hello, sir.

-Let me show you.



- You hear the sound?

- Yeah.

That mean you dig, you search.


The Roadblock--

Who Wants to Test Your Metal?--

it appeared to me that

that could have been

one of the Roadblocks

that-that took a long time.

That if people don't have

some type of marking system

that they can get confused.

I'm marking where I walked,

so I don't double,

uh, scan places.

Oh, man.

I have not used

a metal detector before.

I must have pulled

a muscle in my thigh.

I can't

I just, like, can't run.


-It's, like, right here.

I've never injured

anything up here before.

Oh, here we go.

Please, please, please.

Go, go, go.

Petra, yep.


-Yes! Oh, okay.

After driving an hour and a half

across the hot desert landscape,

teams will be rewarded

with the crown jewel of Jordan,

the city of Petra.

Carved into

these pink sandstone cliffs

more than 2,000 years ago,

it's no wonder that this

spectacular archeological site

was named one of the new

Seven Wonders of the World.

- All right,

let's get after it.

- Marcus found something.

Didn't see what he did.

I should have been watching him.

Right now we got a lead, so

just let's do our best to

- to-to maintain it.

- Yeah.

-"Welcome to Wadi Rum Desert"

-"in the Kingdom of Jordan."

-Let's go.


Let's go!

Who wants to be our guy?


Starting out hot.

We're excited!

We are departing

in the second group

with Luis and Michelle

and high school couple, um

- Abby and Will.

- Abby and Will.

We're, uh, ahead of four teams,

so it's three groups

to the front, so

Feels good to be back

in the middle.

Just got to stay consistent.

I was telling Michelle,

we're not a middle-

of-the-pack team.

That's not who we are.

And I told her last night, like,

"I'm done being

in the middle of pack."

Like, let's push it.

Let's push forward this today,

our first leg.

Started off in tenth place,

and, uh,

ever since then, we've improved.

Last night, we were

dreaming about

-how we were gonna run up to

the mat, what we were gonna do.


We were envisioning it.

We've been

getting along so well.

This race, so far, has been

such a great experience.

Me and Michelle,

we want to become parents soon,

and, you know,

we wanted to do this for us,


one more crazy adventure.

I love you.

Love you, too.

We're ready, though.

We're ready to do this.

Let's go, baby.

Oh, God. This is no joke.

I feel like I'm running so hard

and we're going, like, nowhere.




"Who Wants to Test Their Metal?"


-I'll do it.


-I'll do it.

You got this.

Gonna switch arms.

There you go.

Yeah, Molly.


I believe this says "Petra."

Yes. Go.

That was gonna be, uh

I feel like

I couldn't find it or something.


Find a piece of metal.

Every second counts, girl.

Uh, I'm-a work this way.

Got to go slow.

I noticed it was a circle,

pretty much.

And I told myself, "All right,

I'm gonna do an outer circle,

and then come back in.

Go nice and slow."

So that's what I did.

And a few times

I heard a beep.

And I just started digging.

My husband

is shoveling right now.

This is hot,

watching Roadblocks.

I'm trying to see how deep

the other teams dug.

And I don't think

it's that deep.

I'm stressed.

Awesome sauce.

Let's go, Q!

- Has he done it?

- Hi, sir.

Go to Petra.

Found what he needed to find.

Let's go, Mattie.

-Nailed it.

-I got it.


Look at the girls.

They caught up.

-And the boys

are right ahead of us, so

-I know. So close.

I didn't even think that

we had an opportunity

to come in first.

Oh, my gosh.

- I mean,

the boys are right there.

- Wow.

It's ringing, though.

Oh, God, it feels like Luis

is beeping every five seconds.

Which, I guess, isn't good,

as long as he hasn't found one.

I have a-a a louder

than normal reading here,

so I'm gonna try,

I'm gonna try to

I found something.

I found something.

I found something.

Let's go. Good, let's go.

Let's go, baby.

- What?!

- Crap. Aw, man.


Go to Petra.

Petra. Got it.

There they are. Let's go.

Did I miss something?

Just a slow game.

It's more of a patience

challenge than anything else.

And she can

get a little impatient.

15-minute head start

on that third group,

so I feel it ticking away.

Go, go, go, go, go.

"Route Info."

"Welcome to the Wadi Rum Desert

in the Kingdom of Jordan."

-Let's go.

-Okay. I'll hold it.

-Awesome. Let's go.

-Let's go.

All right.

Let's go.

-We're ready. First out.

-Let's go.

Yeah. Yes, sir.

That's what I'm talking about.


-Step on it!


Get in front!

Man, we're excited.


-Wow. Wow.

How cool.

We're taking it

one leg at a time.

When we get ahead of ourselves,

-you know, we make mistakes,

we get anxious.


And I think we learned

our lesson from the Mega Leg,

-you know, to kind of

take a breath, and


-Calm down.

-you know, and just enjoy.

Take a moment and enjoy where we

are in this amazing opportunity.

We're always optimistic,

every leg, and I think

being optimistic has really,

really worked out for us.

Anything can happen.

It's anybody's game.

All right, I think we're here.

This is no joke.

Let's do this.

Oh, man.




"Who Wants to Test Their Metal?"



-"Who Wants

to Test Their Metal?"



"Make your way up the sand dune

to the geodesic dome."

- Come on.

- Oh, God.

Almost over the hill. Breathe.

Last leg was so exhausting,

and if I was by myself on this,

I absolutely would've been like,

"I am going home,"

but I know my dad was excited,

and I really wanted

to be able to show up for him.

We-we got to finish

what we started.

You got this, Sharik. Breathe.


Who Wants to Test Their Metal?"

You do. Let's go.

Other teams

are coming over the hill,

which is definitely stressful,

but there's

not really much you can do

uh, to speed it up.

Oh, thank God.

Oh, found it. This is crazy!

-Go to Petra.

-Thank you very much.

- You got it, Derek.

- Thank you.

I'm just glad I got it

before all those other teams.

- You got it, Derek.

- All right.

There's only four crews left,

and if I'm the last one,

then there's

literally one clue left

in the same amount

of surface to cover.

So I wanted to be

the first one out of there,

which is why I was going out

at an all-out sprint.

You got it, Derek.

All right. I love that beep.

- Nice job, Derek.

- You got it. You got it.

Bring her back.

-Go to Petra.

-Okay. Go to Petra.

- Nice job!

- Let's get out of here. Go!

Come on.

- How are you?

We're going to Petra.


I think with most things

in life, but especially

the race, is there's

always a trick,

and the faster you can figure

out what that trick is, uh,

the more of an advantage you'll

get against the other teams.

Any opportunity

that we have to, like, outthink

-or out-strategize

another team

-Mm-hmm. Yeah.

we're gonna

make the most of it.

We aren't gonna

be the fastest team,

but hopefully we'll be able to

-uh, be the

-Make up time in,

like, other ways.

I have to search the crash site

for an alien object.

Literally, there's no telling

where this thing could be.

I found an orange can.

Let's see.

They left a can of soda

called Marina.



Here we go.

Another beer can.

The aliens like their beverages.


-Another can? Oh, my God.

It's a lot harder than it looks.

Man, it's only stone.

We got this.

I'm trying to dig where

there's not a lot of footprints.

I was trying

to observe footsteps--

that the more

footsteps there was,

I would try

and stay away from them.

David! I'm getting frustrated.

He keeps going to the outside

and not coming on the inside.

-Come on, babe.

-Come on.

Dad, come on.


looking in the middle.

There's got to be

an outlier somewhere.

And so I started

looking on the outside.

It has to be,

obviously, in the middle.

-That's what

-I'm so annoyed,

'cause, like, why is my dad

literally in the corner?

You know, the hardest part

is not being able to help him.

Come on, David.

I was just, like,

"Why is he going

on the outside of the rim?

That does not make sense."

David hasn't even been up here.

Like, he's

just on the outskirts,

and I'm like

What just, like, irritated me

is that he was still going

back to, like, the same spots

and going over

and over and over.

Why do you keep

going over there, David?

And it clearly was not there.

He found two parts, ran it

over twice, and then was asking,

like, "Are you sure

this is not the piece?"

It's a motor.

How is it not a . part?

I'm-I'm, like

Yeah, I'm definitely

trying not to get annoyed


So clearly,

so clearly in the middle.

I just would've done this

so much better.

Oh, this is crazy.

Welcome to Petra.

Thank you so much.

You're the best.

We got to, we got to

Grab that stuff, right?

Come on. Come on.

-Your leg okay?

-My leg's k*lling me,

but it's okay.

-Thank you.

-Let's go, let's go.

All right, let's go.

Look for the clue box.

Look for the clue box.

- Come on, baby.

- You got this, baby. Come on.

- It's right here, Marcus.

- We're right here.

As we were running

through Petra,

it was insane.

Like, it was beautiful.

There were

so many shapes everywhere,

so many rock formations.

Wow, like,

this place is magical.

-We're in Petra!



- Oh, my God.

- This is amazing.


- I see the clue.

- Yep.

Get it first, Mike.

I can't believe it.

Oh, my God.

-No. Over here.

-Here, here.




Camel Caravan or Palace Puzzle?"

Known as ships of the desert,

camels are

the most useful animals

found in this part of the world.

Capable of walking

in the blazing sun

for over a week without water,

these resilient creatures

have been transporting goods

across desolate landscapes like

this for thousands of years.

These hungry camels

have just made a delivery

to this ancient market

and are now resting

for their next long haul.

Teams need to carry

four bags of hay

and provide water from this

cistern to get their next clue.

Time has not been kind

to this archaeological treasure.

Every effort has been

made to preserve what remains.

This Detour requires teams

to piece together some of

Petra's past by completing

this giant-sized slide puzzle

depicting a rendering

of what the Royal Tombs

were believed to look like

when they were

first carved into these cliffs

nearly 2,000 years ago.

-Let's do the puzzle.

-Okay, we're doing the puzzle.

What do you think?

I think we do fuel up.

We just give 'em food and water.

Then we're done.

Let's hurry.

We're going animals.

-Located near the Palace Tomb.


Anybody know

where the Palace Tomb is?

The tomb? This way?

Shukran. Shukran.

There's camels over there, so

it might be over here somewhere.

Oh, excuse me. Sorry.

-We're gonna go with puzzle.

-We're ready for this.

Let's do puzzle.

-Puzzle. Puzzle.


Camel Caravan, to me,

sounded like more walking

- in the hot sun.

- Yes.

So I did not want to do that.

All right, we got this.


We're good.

It's actually pretty, uh,

cathartic right here.

Dad, come on.

There are literally

only three left,

so it's just much harder for

the last group to find anything.

So that's kind of where

we're at right now.

Dad, let's go. Let's go.

David, go!

I've never

done anything like this--

not even remotely like this.

Metal detector, you just swing

it, and you just keep walking.

You just take note

of where you've been

and just keep walking.

Oh, my God.

I can't look at this.

David, go!

Come on, David.

Yes! There you go, babe.

Let's go. Let's go.

-It says Petra.

-Go to Petra.

Petra. Petra, Petra.

Let's go.

- Bye, y'all.

- Go!

I knew there had

to be one in the middle.

Well, I'm proud of you.

Petra. We're going to Petra.



Let's go.

There's still

a couple teams behind us,

so anytime there's teams

behind you, it's a good thing,

you know?

- We got to go.

- We got to go. Let's do it.

Let's go.

Definitely something.

All right, babe.

-Petra. Go to Petra.

-Come on. Good job, babe.

Dude, let's go.

Let's go. Let's go.

Chill out. Chill.

You need to chill, for real.

Great. Let's get in here.

-Let's go.

-Linton and Sharik

were, uh, left behind, um,

as the last people searching for

the, uh, the clue

from the UFO crash site.

We're just happy to have

gotten out of there

ahead of another team.

You know, having no

non-elimination rounds

just heightens the intensity.

- The pressure is on.

- Definitely.

No one wants to go home.

We cannot let up.

We can't slack up,

'cause we really cannot afford

any major mistakes right now.

We just can't.

-Thank you.

-Thank you.

Keep moving.

This is amazing.

Ooh, sorry.

All right. "Detour.

Camel Caravan or Palace Puzzle?"

-Palace Puzzle, baby.

-All right.

Let's go. All right.

Are we going the right way?

It said past the shop

and up the stairs.

Main trail.

Do you-- Can you help us

find the Palace Tomb?

-Go up that way?

-We have to go up.

-Do we

-So we just came

-It's around

-Oh, you got to be kidding me.

-Which way is it around?

-All right. Thank you so much.

My leg is not in good shape,

though, I tell you.

Oh, I see it.

-Oh, it's right there. Yeah.

-Left, left. Let's go.

All right, let's do it.

Palace Puzzle.

Is there a sample somewhere?

-Do we have an example

of what it looks like?

-I think it's that.

I think, yeah. I think

the mermaid goes up here, too.

This one,

this is the top piece.

Genius, Claire.

Seeing a slide puzzle

was like

So this is gonna be top.

So that actually

has to go first.

I'm an artificial

intelligence engineer, and I'm

basically solving puzzles

-every single day.

-It's smarter than it sounds.

You have a ton of data,

basically, in my job,

and you have to

figure out what's

the pattern to it.

That's not exactly what a slide

puzzle is, but it's similar.

We need to get these two pieces

next to each other.

I know the strategy.

Approach one side and go over

to finish the picture.

-So, okay,

let's solve this one now.


-Oh, my God, Claire.

You're k*lling this.


This for sure goes up here.

-Are you sure?

-That doesn't

go with that, though.


-Look, we got this part.


- Okay. This one goes here.

- This one goes there.


-Oh, Em, I'm so sorry.

-No, it's all right.

We'll get there.

Right here, Michael.

"There is a finished example

of the proper way

to set up your station."

That's the station right there,


-This is what we have to make.


We have one station.

We're gonna set it up

with food and water.

Let's get the water first.

"Make your way to the market

and pick up three water jugs."

-Hello. Maybe this one?


-Okay. Right here.


And then

Where's the water at?

"Then follow the signs

to the cistern."

-Oh, cistern.

Right there, in front of us.


It's really hot.

And I just thought

the Camel Caravan

was gonna be the easier

and faster of the challenges.

Then as we approached

the challenge,

it turned out

to be a physical challenge

where we're carrying

jugs of water

up and down, like,

a piece of the mountain.

We got to fill it up.

Oh, no.

This is taking forever.

We may have chose

the wrong one, Marcus.

We would throw

three jugs of water,

and it was like

it didn't even matter.

Damn, like, we're gonna

be here forever now.

-If we chose wrong



-This is gonna take forever.

Dad, come on.

No giving up. No giving up.

It's out here somewhere.

Last team here.

It's a little frustrating.

It's, like, context clues.

Every one of the past few people

found it in this general area.

It's out here somewhere.

This is hard.

Let's go, Dad.

It's out here somewhere.

-Can't do anything about it.

-There's only one piece left.

Sure, it's hard to find.

I was the only one left there,

looking for one piece of metal.

It was like looking

for a needle in a haystack.

Sharik, this thing could

be anywhere. It's only one.

Then I realized, okay, well,

everyone found it in the middle.


Seems like he hit something.

So I'm really hoping

that it's it.

It's That's got to be it.


Oh, thank God.

Go to Petra.

- Go to Petra. Thank you.

- Yeah! Yeah!

Good job, Dad.

That was insane.

-Come on, Sharik. Come on.


Hi. We're going to Petra.

- It's not over till

it's over. Remember that.

- Never. Never.

Well, we chose the wrong one.

Want to switch

or stay where we are?

Ah, we're here now.

After the first trip

to the cistern

of filling these jugs of water,

we knew that we-we chose

the wrong Detour.

I was just like,

"Man, we're here now.

Let's just get this done."

Hopefully nobody else can

-pass us doing

the puzzle Detour.



-This one goes up here? Okay.

-This one goes right here.

I'm done with doing

the hardest Detours.

And today, I told myself,

"No, we could do slide puzzles."

-We love puzzles.

-Let's take it easy.

-Let's go do a simple puzzle.


And let's get out of here.

This goes right here.

Oh, we got it.

They got it?

- We got it.

- Good job.

-We got it, too. Good job.

-We got it, we got it,

we got it.

-Hey, hey.

-Uh, check, check.

-I'm racing you guys for first.

-Oh, my God. I got chills.



Dance. Dance.

"Race to the Great Temple

and search for Phil

among the ruins."

Some experts believe that Petra

covers about 100 square miles--

equivalent to the size

of 100 Manhattan Islands.

This is the largest

freestanding building in Petra--

the Great Temple--

among the most impressive

Pit Stops

in Amazing Racehistory.

The last team

to check in here

will be eliminated.

Let's go. Let's go.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

See-see where it goes.

-Thank you. Thank you. Okay.

-Thank you. Thank you.

Good job, guys.

Come on, Mattie.

Let's go.

What did the guide say,


It just said

go through the main entrance.

- Thank you so much.

- Let's go.

Let's go, David. Come on.

You feeling good about puzzle?

-Yeah. We trained for this.


Abby loves puzzles.

Uh, she's really good at 'em.

The challenge is just figuring

out kind of where they go,

so that you

can follow the algorithm.

Let's just start moving

some things around.

Come on, guys.

Let's go.


Did they do that,

like, so fast?

Come on, Mattie. Clue box.

Right here. Right here.


Camel Caravan or Palace Puzzle?"

We choose Palace Puzzle.

"Solve an archaeological

slide puzzle

depicting the Palace Tomb

to receive your next clue."

-We're gonna do that one.

Let's go.


So it says, "To find the hay,

make your way to the cave

located just to the right

of the cistern."

Uh, over here.

It says the food's over here.



-Four bags, looks like.




-Oh, this is awful.

So, we'll bring it

back to our station.

I see people. Come on.

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

Let's do this.

We chose the puzzle piece

because thought it'd be easier

to pick our brains instead of

running around getting

more exhausted, physically.

Ready to rock and roll.

Thank you.


This race has really, really

-helped our marriage.

It really has.

-Yeah, yeah.

You're doing amazing, babe.

I never knew

you had this in you.

It's helping us to see

each other's strengths.


-Um, to see how we respond

to our own weaknesses

and the other person's weakness.

-Yeah, yeah.

-It's amazing.

Look at you, running through

the cliffs of Jordan.

This is beautiful.

Oh, man.

Please, please, please.

Thank you.



the camel.

Come on, Marcus.

This way, Marcus.

You led a caravan Oh, yeah.

Eat up.

Thank you.

Come on. We got it. We good.

- Yay. Thank you so much.

- Yeah, there we go.

Great job, Abby. Great work.

Do I Yeah?

-All right. Thank you so much.

-Thank you.

Let's go. Let's go.

-Good job, Claire.

You k*lled it this leg. Come on.

-Yeah, good job.

- That was all you

on the slide puzzle.

- Thank you.

It's our turn, baby.

It's our turn.

That's right!

- We're in a footrace

right now for first.

- I know.

You got it, baby.

-You got it, baby.

-Just go as hard as you can.

I am.

Let's go. Let's go.

You got this, Claire.

Oh, my God.


Yes! Yes!

- Ow!

- Oh!

Oh, help Claire out.

I'm good. I'm okay.

- Wow, that was a footrace.

- You okay?

-Got a bit

of blood there, Claire.

-I know.

I'm okay.

Luis and Michelle,

I am pleased to tell you

-that you are team number one.


-And I have

some great news for you.

-We did it!

-I told you!

As the winners

of this leg of the race,

you have won


which you can enjoy

after the race.

Oh, my God.

Phil, this is so emotional

for me, because last night,

Luis was telling me,

"Imagine first place.

Imagine Phil's face.

Like, what are we gonna win?"

We're imagining everything.

And then to be here

and run through that hot desert.

I thought I was gonna give up,

and he didn't let me give up.

So this feels good.

Not like you guys didn't

give 'em a run for their money.

I mean, literally,

a run for the money.

We tried to run for the money.

We fell.

We tried to fall for the money.

"Camel Caravan

or Palace Puzzle?"

-Camel can take a walk

-Let's do the Camel Caravan.

We're gonna do

the Camel Caravan.

I know this-this looks right.

This guy for sure

has to be on this side,

because his legs

have to line up with this.

Push that up. Push this over.

And then start moving these.

Get that over there. Yeah.

Wait. Isn't that right?

No, no, this goes with this guy.

How do you

This goes on top of this.

Gosh, okay.

How would you do this?


I see camels over here.

This is for camels?

-That's a display


One, two, three, four.

And then we have that.

That's gonna be a lot of water.

Let's do the puzzle, babe.

-All right, let's do the puzzle.

-Let's go do the puzzle.

Oh, those must be the puzzles,


Okay. Oh,

they're still doing it.

-Uh, they're over there.

-All right. Wait for me.

All right.

Come on.

-Hey, guys.

-Hey, hey.


We made it.

When we get to the Detour,

and to see two teams

-already, like,

still at the Detour


when we were

so far behind everybody,

-we were so excited.


- Puzzles are your friend, babe.

- All right.

Let's focus on this puzzle

and get the hell out of here.

Yeah, he's right there.

Good job, guys.

- Good job, guys.

- This was

a lot of running.

Good work.

So, Michael and Marcus,

I'm pleased to tell you

that you are team number three.


Thank you.

- A hot one.

- Good job, guys.

- Yes.

Puzzling day?

We should've chose the puzzle.

Yeah, we should have.

-Y'all's thing looked brutal.


Abby and Will, that would mean

that you are team number four.


You're right up there.


-Top of the pack.

-Oh, my gosh.

-Oh, look, there's another team.

Good job, guys. Great work.

-Hey, good job, y'all.

-Good job, y'all.

-Oh, man, look at this place.

-I know.

-Isn't it wonderful?

-It's unbelievable.

-It's amazing.

Emily and Molly, I am

pleased to tell you that, uh,

-you are team number five.


All right.

I think I did pretty good

running on my injured leg

through this leg.

Hopefully there's not too much

running in the next leg.

We got to stay in this.

Let's do Palace Puzzle.

"Both Detours are

located near the Palace Tomb."

- I'm saying camels.

- I think that's easier.

-You think so?


- Let's do Camel Caravan.

- Okay.

Oh, my gosh.

Thank you.

Oh, yeah. Come on, girl.

Come on.

I really feel like

so this lines up as the edge.

So this is there.

This is,

this is definitely either

-This is the lower portion.

So this is right here, for sure.


We're just literally guessing.

We're trying to figure out

a reference point,

but there is no reference point.

This doesn't make sense.

- This is all right.

- Yeah.

This right here

goes right there.

-All right, cool.

-So l-let's see.

Move this

Yes, that's right. That's right.

I'm sorry. Keep going.

-All right, all right.

-I see it now. I see it now.

Check, please.

Line and sinker.

- Wait.

- Upside down.

Hold on. Hold on.

Oh, my God.

Are we right behind them?


You were smart to pick that one.

Come on, baby.

We got to haul tail.

Three jugs, one white,

one green and one brown.

-Right here.



-All right.

"Follow the sign to

the cistern filled with water."

-Cistern filled with water.

-This way, Dad. This way.

- All right. Cistern.

- Oh, here we go.

You found it?

Here we go.


This heat is crazy.

Oh, my God.

- Oh, yeah. Come on, girl.

- Come on.

Drop your backpacks

in the middle of the mat.

-Talk about a workout.


The Jordanians don't play.

They do not.

Quinton and Mattie,

I am pleased to tell you

that you are team number six.


-Okay, I'll take it.

-All right. I'll take it.

Right? You should

be very proud of that.


-The closest one, right?

-Fill this up?



-Baby, where is it gonna go?

This needs to end with this.

-Are you sure?

Because these also match.

-I am sure.

-No. That matches.



-That's it.

That's it. That's it.

-That's it?




-He said no?

-He said no.

It was like a s*ab in the heart

when the person came up

and gave us a-a thumbs down.

It wa..

That was a tough one to swallow,

-but, no, we got

to finish what we started.


And, you know,

I grew up in a very competitive

dance atmosphere.

And you don't quit.

But this is right.

But how's this gonna go?



-You got this, Sharik.

You got it.

Slow and steady is fine.

The only way that

I can think of it starting

would be with this,

'cause this all makes sense.

This is all good.

And this is the layer

that would probably go up here.

We essentially have

to put the lower level

that we have on the upper level.

Well, then can we just shift

-So then we shift.

-Yeah, just shift it this way.


Don't play with us.

It's enough to just get here.

You got it, baby.

You got it.

Oh, very nice.

You're still

going to continue racing,

- because you are

team number seven.

- Yeah!


Let's go!

Lumumba, do you feel

like you've

got it in you as a team

to be able to win this?

Is it possible?

I can't even believe

you're asking me that.

Are you insulted by my question?

-Uh, yes, we are.

-I'm not insulted.

I just-I just feel

like the best is yet to come.

You're about

to see something amazing.

Almost there, Sharik.

- Good? Thank you.

- Good.

All right, now we need the hay.

- That's the cave.

- Come on. I got you.

I got you.

-I love you.

-I love you, too.

- I'm so proud of you.

- You're doing it. Hot.

- Sorry, just like,

overheating and

- You're good.

Come on.


Come. A puppy.

Three bags? Or is it four?

-Three. Trust me.

-Let's take four, just in case.


Okay, it's four. You were right.

-This is it. This is it. Check.

-That's it. Check.

Oh, yes!

Oh, thank you.

-Okay, go, go, go, go.


Oh, my God. Let's go.

All right, camel, camel.

Get some water.

-Drinky, drinky.


Drinky, drinky. Feed the camel.

-Yeah, we got

to feed the camel, camel.

-Oh, my God.

Here you go, camel, camel.

Come on. Drink some of my water.

I-I worked hard.

-Yay. Thank you.

-Thank you.

All right.

-All right.

-All right. Come on.

We can't give up now. Come on.

We just hope we're not last.

-What is it called?

-Excuse me.

The ruins?

-No. Come here, baby. Come on.


- You sure

we're going the right way?

- Yes, yes, yes.


Hi. Do you know

where we can find the ruins?


Excuse me.

Do you guys know where

we can find the Great Temple?

-No. The Great Temple.

-It's the Great Temple.

Let's go.

I need you. Come on.

-Keep going. Keep going.

Keep going.

-I'm coming, baby.

Come on, like you mean it, baby,

come on.

- Wow.

- Oh, my God.

Are you happy

that you came on the race?

Oh, my gosh, it's

It was a dream come true.

Five legs of the race.

That's a

-that's a big achievement.


- It-it is.

- But there are more legs.

Right? And it would be

nice if you could do more.

-It'd be wonderful.

-Phil, please tell us

we're doing more.

- Would you like to do more?

- Yes,

we'd love to do more.

Well, you've earned

the right to do more,

because you are team

number eight. Congratulations.

Good job, Sha-Sha.

-Good job. Good job.

-There you go.



-No? Come on.

-Hi, Phil.

-No, no, please, it's hot.

-Hi, there.

Drop your bags onto this.

Linton and Sharik,

I am sorry to tell you

that you are

the last team to arrive.

You have been

eliminated from the race.

I know it's been a-a rough leg.

This is absolutely the most

physically demanding

thing I've ever had to do.

And I was a competitive

cheerleader for, like, six years

and played sports

throughout all of high school.

This has definitely

been much more brutal

than all of those

combined, so

I wasn't as prepared

as I thought.

I think she-she's amazing.

-And I-I She-she

I-I love her even more.

-Thanks, Dad.

-Thank you. Thank you.

-Very proud of her.

We finished what we started.

We really appreciated

you being here.

I know you've got

many more adventures together.

- You bet. Yes.

- Yeah, definitely.

This experience

has brought us closer,

even though I didn't even know

we could get any closer.

This is my princess,

and just to experience this

with her

and learn a little bit

more about her

is something that

I'll take with me for life.

Next time

onThe Amazing Race

This is definitely not IKEA.

Ah, that's how you use pliers.

This city is crazy.

Nothing is marked

in English letters.

It's all in Arabic.

- 'Ayn.

- 'Ayn.



I've never danced

with a sword before.

Unfortunately, we have received

a positive COVID test from you.
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