28x04 - Get It Trending

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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28x04 - Get It Trending

Post by bunniefuu »

Phil: previously on "the amazing race" -- 10 teams continued racing through cartagena, colombia.

Erin faced her biggest fears.

Oh, I'm so clost phobic.

Phil: at the detour, tyler and korey exploded to the front of the pack, while zach and rachel came up short.

I'm so sorry, babe.

Phil: a showdown for first place ended with brodie and kurt on top.

Meanwhile, darius and cameron couldn't complete their comeback and their race came to an end.

You have been eliminated from the race.

Nine teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next? Just a couple of dudes, being bros.

Just a couple of bros being jocks.

Phil: brodie and kurt, you are team number one! Whoa! Nice going.

I think we're definitely finding a rhythm and we want to continue that because we really want to stay ahead of the pack.

There have been some teams we haven't seen since leg one.

Phil: you're still here.

You've completed three legs.

My dad carried me through this leg of the race.

We're back of the pack but we have great expectations for today.

I hope we see brodie and kurt.

Other contestants said he had a crush or something.

I'm like ok.

There's a little show-man clmbings e brewing.

Blair and brodie with about to be the next couple of "the amazing race.

" Phil: brodie and kurt will be the first to jet from south america to europe's most international city, geneva, switzerland.

Located on the banks of lake geoffa, this 463-foot high je stream is almost impossible to moice and where feels will find their next clue.

We're going to switzerland! It's going to be snowy, I hope.

I feel extremely confident.

Three legs in and we've finished in the top two.

The reason I think we're doing so well is we've been bes friends for eight years.

You have to have good commune occasion and we've got that.

What do they speak in switzerland? Swiss? I don't know.

We're going to switzerland.

Hold on, you must take the following flight to geneva.

Let's go, let's go.

Wow, we're all on the same flight.

We know it is going to be cold in switzerland.

It's freezing in the winter in switzerland.

We are so ready to leave.

I'd like to have one good hair day.

From alabama, we never see snow.

Geneva, that's where there's good chocolate, right? Swiss chocolate, is there? We need the best seats at the front of the plane.

Hola, amigos.

We're all on the same flight to switzerland.

All the teams back together.

Oh, blodie! Let's not auto a -- all get too excited now.

If we could get brodie and blair to meet, he'd be so happy.

He's got such a little crush.

Tyler wants to be the flower girl at the wedding.

I wonder if scott will walk me down.

Oh, hello.

Oh, wow.

It's a reunion.

So good to see you.

Thank you.

Absolutely, good to see you.

I haven't seen you in a while.

You guys got one? Yes.

Whoo! Hey! Ah, good to see you all again.

Photo, you want me to take it? I don't know where blair went.

Oh, -- it's just blair and brodie talking.

He's trying to work his magic now.

Wait, one more.

Oh, my god.


I am smiling.

This is my smile.

I got to talk to blair finally.

I enjoy every racer's company, blair included.

What is going on? Everybody's got fans.

Hi, guys.

It's craziness in the airpor right now.

We have a bunch of fans.

Yay! Look at these girls freaking out.

It's massive chaos.

Massive, massive chaos.

We are headed to switzerland! We're in the group again.

We're all together for the first time since leg one so -- the game is book to survival of the fittest.

Adios, colombia.

What country is switzerland is? It is a country.

Phil: all teams are now flying to geneva, switzerland.

# That looks like the lake to me over there.

Just follow the water.

There it is, there's the fountain.

We have to go to the other side of the river.

There's zach and rachel.

You see the other group at the back of the stop light? -- We can catch them.

Green, green, green.

We're going to go this way, to the right.

Yeah, there it is.

Come on.

Water fountain.

Oh, it's beautiful.

Jet of water.

Here it is, babe.

How do you get up there? I think we walk over here.

This is beautiful.


It's slippery.

Here we go.

Make your way -- on foot.

To rue -- in geneva.

Good job.

Here we go! Keep running.

Danfer street.

Do you girls know where to go? No.

Let's follow them.

We might as well.

Keep running, dad, if we can keep an eye on them.

Up here at this intersection.

It's called chocolates rohr.

Is it closed? We're on the wrong street.

Oh, there it is, we can see it.

Oh, geez, we have a whole pack behind us.

There it is, guys, I see it.

Is it the top one? You'll be admitted in the order -- we got here first! Ok, so they open at 10:00.

That makes me so happy.

You're doing so good.

Hey, hey, you're missing it! Hey.

Is it here? It's a -- where? Oh, my got.

There's another.

Oh, the girls.

Can you find it? Yeah, it's right around the corner.

It's right here.

Thank you, jesus.



Seven? That's fine.

Tomorrow at 10:00.

Looks like we're spending the guy.

My god.

Daddy, come on.

Daddy, we're number nine.

We're last.

At least we're here.

Let's go find a place to sleep.

Well, this is cute.

Oh, my goodness gracious.

Pile right here.

So we're in some basement, cave, knights of the round table sort of thing.

Tyler, you're not snowing with us? Who knows what will happen in the night? So here we are, witnessing through love.

In its earliest stages.


Blair plus brodie equals blodie.

Get it trending.

There was a little cuddling going on.

I think it was the momen when two sleeping bags became one.

There's not, not interest.

I think he's a great guy.

It was nice to finally sit down and have a conversation.

It was good.

A good conversation.

#Blodie! It's true love.

It's love.

[Speaking in native language.]

Do you have something for us? Is this for us as well? Detour, workbench or bench work? Phil: burnie and ashley will be the first team to assemble one of these precision-built swiss army knives or work out how many can sit on this 240-year-old bench that the people of geneva claim is the longest wooden bench in the world this might be the most famous product producinged in switzerland.

Teams must make the best-selling model, assembling 27 pieces by hand in an exact order.

This famous bench has been offering a comfortable seat to locals since 1767, and the question teams have to answer is -- how many people can sit on this bench at once? If they can figure out the answer within the specified range, they'll receive their next clue.

Let's do the bench.

We figured counting would be a lot easier.

We brought a clicker.

Oh, wow, how pretty is that? Oh, chocolate? I think the bench work would be faster.

Bench work? Clue, a chocolate box.

There are only three stations.

We're hoping we get there first.

We chose workbench because it's just building something.

We're going to do bench work.

Wow, can we eat our clue? The classic swiss army knife? We both grew up in the country.

I had a kit when I was younger so I know I knew how to do I already.

We're good with that kind of stuff.

Is this the street? I don't know.

Let's ask.


We're going to do workbench.

Let's just get there and knock this out and hopefully make up a little bit of time on the other people.

See you, guys.



Can you sit and stand quickly, dad? No.

It seemed like putting something together that was relative li technical would be something we could do but also something that could separate us from the pack.

Let's go here.


Whoa! Oh, wow.

It's a big bench.

Take one copy of the local paper -- ok.


Let me get my counter out.

You make this sound really hard core.

Let's go down here.

Total number of newspaper widths.

Can we ask these people to get up? So we're going to be sliding down the dench.

-- Bench.

Is there any way we could ask you to move? It's the world's biggest bench and we'll have to go down the whole thing with newspaper.

Also a very popular bench because there were people down it all the way.

One of us has to be on the bench at all times, though.

Make sure you touch the -- papers.

There were two dudes who were playing a chess game who don' like us very much at all.

They thought they were lunatics.


This might be it.

We're in switzerland.


There's a long bench right here.

I don't know if that's right.

Right here.



We were in switzerland and we're building a swiss army knife.

How cool is that? You will build the whole knife here at this table.

It should be in here.

In is crazy.

It's a lot more detailed than we thought.

There are a lot of details here.

The thing about the swiss army knives is they're like perfection.

Everything works perfectly, the machinery.

It all fits together.

You know which one that goes in? No.

Let's leave it for now.

Three of the 10 are the same.

Follow these struckings.

We were really focused.

The little details we'll pay attention to.

So three of them are the same size and only one is small.

Cole? -- And do you know how to ge to -- up this way? Is this the street? We're not even on the right street let's ask them.

Sheri, what are you guys doing? Bench work.

We were trying to find the other but we might have to switch to wench -- bench work.

What do you want to do? Do you want to switch? Victoria house.

Are you ready? Yes.

We got this we were surprised more people hadn't picked tha one.

Thank you so much, by the way.

This is so fun.


This way or this way? This looks more direct.

Are you sure? Let's see what this street is called.

Good job, we've caught up with the first team.

Por favre.

Thank you.

-- Por favor.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Just remember the numbers.

Madam? [Speaking foreign language.]

Are you going to read the mayor? -- Paper? Make sure your papers are square too.


Excuse me.

Stop, move on.

-- Over.

Sit on the black.



Hey, do you guys have anything? We don't know.

This is messed up.

Snot dripping out of your nose.

I think once we go down this way we'll find it.

Let's just see where this leads us, I guess.

Ooh, it looks like this goes in different directions.

I don't even see the street on the map.

Shall we stop and ask? We don't even know if we're in the right place.

What do we want to do? I don't know where else we can go.

Where is it? I have not seen this.

Man, this sucks.

Let's go this way alongside the park.

Look for a newspaper stand.

It should be right over here.

Oh, oh, that's it, right over there.

And there are the girls.



We want to go fast but get I right too.

Thank god for this counter.

Ok, this is it.


Let's go tell the guy.

Write your answer on the newspaper.

On the newspaper, ok.

No? No? It was very precise how you had to hold your paper.

It was such a long bench, if you had any variants it could ge exaggerated by the end of the run.

We have to go.

Do it all over again.

Thank you so much, merci.

Guys, we didn't get the righ number.



Somebody's got it wrong already.

I don't think what we -- I don't know what we did wrong.

There's a range and we didn't even get within the range.

Everyone else is coming.

We're getting too close.

People don't hold newspapers that close.

We have to start at the very beginning.

This one or this one? I think this one.

I guess the total does matter.

It shouldn't be this hard.

See, we're getting these weird problems.

Something is off.

We shouldn't have to force anything.

It's kind of like legos but way harder.

Why do we always pick the hard detours? What do you want to do? I want to figure out why it's not working.

That needs to press.

There's a million little pieces.

Just trying to line them up jus right.

Good? Now this piece, eight.

It was pretty much just a big puzzle.

Everything had a piece and nothing would work unless every piece was in place.

If you tried to make it work you'd have to start all over.

We're like smart and steady, we're going to finish this figure.

Line it up perfectly.

I think we're doing the right roles for each other.

He's staying calm doing this I'm trying to help him.

I'm really glad my dad was here for this challenge because his surgeon hands just went to work and I was his nurse assistant.

We got it.


She did a great job just being my partner and vice versa, I hope.


This is so cool.

27, 28.

Can I squeeze in here? Come on, we have to keep I together.

Pay attention.

I can't pay attention because you're bickering with me over some stupid -- I'm asking you to not hit my hand every time.

Where are you at? 146.

I think we're both wrong.

Where you guys at? 19.

19? 177.

Oh, my hand's cramping.



Got it? Was that 94, cole? It's distracting.

Pop those off.

That's really good.


Oh, yeah.

Now washers.

It's not the small ones, they're different shapes.

That's too wobbly.

Too wobbly? Yeah, there's no blailt.

No blade? The small blade is not there.

Oh, that's why everything is weird.

Just needs to fit.

Guys, did your washers make a big difference? Yes, they do.

Now we have to cut off the things and then hammer it.

Oh, yes, cut it.


You think it's 203? Come on, let's go.



We have to do this fast.

We have to be right.



Not even close, obviously.

Let me see the clue.

No? Oui.

We got it.

Make your way to the broken chair and search for your nex clue.

What did you guys get? 201.

I don't think so.

Did you guys get it? What did you say? 203.

Lower, 190.

We told them the answer because honestly every team we're friend with and we haven' been in that do or die situation so I think we're giving little clues just to keep us all in the front.


Voila? Overbings ui.

Ashley, let's work to figure out where this is.

It's all about staying in front.

Sorry, one more time.


They told us the answer bu unfortunately we had to go back and do the whole thing again.

I can't, their chess board.

Careful, careful.

And hammer those down.

Oh, my god.

Yeah, you're fine.



Try that.

That's the balad we forgot.

Are you sure? Yeah.


And then you're going to pound it after that.

Yes, that's the best part.

This is the last thing tha goes on.

I think I got it.

That's close.

It clicks.


Yes! Do we get to keep our knife? Tough.

Broken chair.

We need a local.

Bonn your.

Do you know the broken care? -- Chair? It's over there.

Should we walk or take a bus? I think you should run.

Take a bus and you have to wait.

Thank you very much.


All right, let's write it down.

In the corner of the paper, right? 93.



No? I don't get it! Me neither.

Maybe we should start at the other end.

I think he said 190.

He was mouthing it to us.

Were you look something don't be too close to me.

We were too high before.

Oh, my god, they're right.


It's the last time.

What did you guys get for your number? 194.


What did you get? 190.

I'm hoping this one is faster.

79 81.


Hurry, hurry, hurry.


Is this right? Yes! Let's see.

Everyone else is right on our tails so if they're right, we're screwed.

Thank god.

Ok, let's go.

Come on.


That I got it.

This is not fun.

I wish we could have done the knife one.

Check the knife.

Not loose inside.

Good? Congratulations.

Thank you! Good luck.

Let's run to the train station.

This is it, 15.

Here we go.

Stay to the front of the bus.

Here's the station.

10, Five, seven -- I think it's the other way.

Ok, thank you.

We are going to the broken chair.

We're on a train to the last stop and that's where we should find the monument or some sort of stay -- statue for a broken chair.

Can we just ask somebody? We made a swiss army knife.


Thank you so much! All right, daddy, we're headed to the broken chair.

We'll get a train on this side.

This is it, this side.

Six minutes.

Oh, my gosh.

Wait, there are the girls.

Joslyn? Oh, my gosh.

Hey, guys.

This one.

This one.

Here we go.

Yeah, this is us.

We have to make up some ground.

It's a little faster than a walk.


Do you want to say 12 or 13? 212.

I'm getting my colt and putting it on because I have faith that this one is right.

I know it has to be.

What? No? How is that not right? How is that not right? Oh, my god, we are screwed right now.

I've never been more annoyed from my life.

We'll just walk to the pit stop on our own.

I hope you like us right now.

We've been counting.

Yes, ok.

Oh, my god.

Hold the tears, jess, hold the tears.

I see the flags.

Oh, there's a chair? The united nations? Yes.

Roadblock, who's having a banner day.

Phil: the u.


Was established in 1945 to help maintain international peace and security.

Today it has 1 3 members who all have their flags here.

Teams must find 10 flaggings representing 10 countries who were the founding members.

Let's hope they get it right the first time, otherwise they'll be covering a lot of terrain.

I'm pretty good with flags.

Slow and steady.

Here's the map.

There are 10 flags highlighted on the large flag map.

These are what I have to find.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

Choose the book of flags.

Find the yellow countries.

Remove those flags from your book and hand them to the official.

Oh, my god.

Broken chair? I'm doing it.

I'll do it.

I'm having a better day.

Oh, united nations! Slow and steady, work together, boys do you know flags? Pretty well.

Pick them out.

Nether land.

Norway, costa rica.

Turkey I believe I know.

Either yopea.

Wow, these are tough ones.

You'll do fine, babe.

I'm glad korey is doing this.

I'm glad burnie is doing this.

Ask and I'm glammed cole is doing this he knows some from soccer.

A lot of them I knew because I play a lot of fifa video games.

I was able to match up five or six of them.

There must be an eeasier way to know them.

There's like a key.

What is korey up to? I knew there was a piece de resistance -- piece missing so I was trying to figure out if there was a key somewhere on the property that would tell you which flags were which.

Is there a key? I think he's looking at the flags.

There's a map.

They figured something out.

No, it's not a key.

It's not a keep.

This is hard.


Who is having a banner day? I'm having a banner day.

Oh, I have an idea.

Good luck, baby, you got this.

Maybe there are flags on the map corresponding with the flags on the poles.

The flagpoles on the map were the same order as the actual flagpoles on the property and once you figured that out, you could just count them on the map -- and then run down the rows and count the same flags to match the flags that were in our books.

This is a map of the grounds.

Just keep it between us.

He and korey teamed up on the road block because the flags were really, really difficult.

We split up and said you take the poles on the right, I'll take the poles on the left and we'll compare notes at the end.

Where's he going? I think they've figured it out.

It's right, my key is right.

You can do this baby.

I'll do it.

They're coming.

Ok, there it is.

Good luck, baby.

Six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

Norway, ethiopia, south africa.

Burnie, kurt, and cole had tried to just guess some of the flags.

Is this liberia? I'd already ripped those owl -- out-my book just hoping they were right.

This is ethiopia.

Come over here.

Let me see yours.

I think all the teams have partnered up so I started doing it by myself.

I'm literally just guessing.

That's a lot of guessing.

You have this.

Take your time.

That's china.

We were working on this enormous board that had a lis of all the countries.

We thought there's got to be a map then I realized the board that we were working on was the map.

Come here, come here.

The map.

The map is the row of flags.


Got it.

This order matches the map and then I can just run and match it.

Can I turn mine? Sure.

Four, five -- by bahamas.

You got in.

The boys said they were guessing on flee at the beginning.

They didn't check their work on the ones they said they knew.


It's not correct? What is he doing? Costa rica.

You know which one it is? No, because I don't know which ones were wrong.

Matt and I realized we were going to have to do the whole puzzle from scrap.

I think I have it, guys.

Judge? Voila.

Thank you.

Burnie is trying to get it.

I feel it.

I feel it in my blood.


Thank you! What have you got? Norway? Why don't I see it? Nose a -- are all right.

Good luck, blair.

Choose the book of flags.

I got it.

Travel by train to france.

Phil: burnie and ashley will be the first team to leave switzerland and are the frenching aens and the -- alps and the birthplace of winter sports and home to the very first winter olympics.

They'll find me here in the center of town, where the las team may be eliminated.

You got it, joslyn.

Let's go do the same ones.

You want to work together? Congratulations.

Thank you.


Costa rica.

Yes! We're out, we're out.


Thank you.

Yay, cole, whoo ! Two, three, four, five, six.

It's this one.


There was a leadership leverage if you want to work with someone else but I think we will get to a point where teams really will have to work on their own.

Where are the models? The models just got here, guys.

Are you guys figuring this out? We're the last team.

We're just like guessing.

Where do you get the book? Right in front of you.

Can you just brief me? We're just trying to guess these flags.

We don't know anything.

From costa rica, we have 12, 13, 14.

Can't find it yet.

If I had gotten to the roadblock and everyone was doing their own thing I would have said cool.

12, 13, 14 -- But when I saw everyone was in a group I felt exclude like why are you girls not wanting to help? At that point if we were the last teams and it was going to be a race then we needed someone behind us.

I really don't know what I have to do.

We're on a train right now for france.

We're leaving switzerland and we're going to be connecting blue martin neefpblgt as long as we're in front we're still winning.

Let's just not be last.

Let's just not be last.

We checked that one and the other one.

I asked for help and no one wants to help that person that's in last.

Come on, matt, use your head.

Let me try.

Have you got this? Have you guys found this one? 12, 13, 14, 15 -- Congratulations.

Thank you.

You got it, baby? Yeah.

Good job, baby.

Come on.

I -- I hope korey's is right.

Warning, last team to academic may be eliminated.


Thank you very much.

I'm so sorry.

You k*lled it.

We need to get to that main train station.

Just take your time.

You got it, girl.

No, everyone is in a team.

It's not that I think no one will work with me, it's that I no one will work with me.

It just sucks.

I feel like I helped everyone.

I guess no one wants to share information with the person who comes in last.

Got it! They just talk to each other and not memory.

You guys got it.

I love you.

Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.

You got it, girl.

No one wants to help me.



Let's go, come on.

Let's go.

Joss lib! Joslyn? Guys, I think we need to go to the station.

Ok, come on.

10 -- To see all those women from and to not help jessica, I was pretty upset.

My fingers are so cold I can barely flip through these pages.

Ok, this says how many red stripes? One, two -- here it comes.

Hopefully there's chardonnay and martinas where we're going.

We're on a train to mart neefpblgt we're here with the dancers, the hosts, the I think so can, and brodie's girlfriend.




That's correct.

Thank you.

Let's just go back to the strain station.

So we have like an hour layover, don't way? Yeah, here we go.


They said track one.

Number one.

I'll double check.

I'll stay here.

The the train for chaminique.

Does this train go to chaminique? You have to wait one hour.

One hour.

So everyone is doing two kecks? Oh, my god.

This leg is so much more stressful.

I'm trying to be hopeful.

I'm kind of disappointed, though, with the other teams.

10 Minutes to departure.

We're on the train with zach and rachel, joslyn and erin, tyler and korey and matt and dana.

We think we're the last four teams except for the models.

We know they're behind us and we're not sure if they're going to make this train or not.

This is going to take a miracle.

I see them.

You see them? I think I saw their backs.

There they are, I saw them.

Guys, hide.

Hide! No, highlight.

Joslyn just saw them.

Another train pulled up.

It could be them.

Could we have everyone down, please? There's our train but it's about to leave.

It leaves in a minute.

I know if it's up to a footrace between all of us, I know my dad and I can't keep up.

Where do we go? I saw them, guys.

Go, go, go! One minute.

Are you kidding me? They're running.

The first train is still here.

We have to go.

They have to go under and come back over.

You're going to see them walk right there.

I love the models but it wouldn't be the worst thing if they didn't make this train.

They're going to make it, guys.

They're going to make it.

Our train is right here.

Oh! We missed the train.

They've missinged it.

They aren't here.

This could be the cushion we need fod not get eliminated on this leg.

It's weird, we are the older ones here.

All right, let's go inside.

Waits, oh, my gosh.

That's a train coming in.

Burnie, just tell me two teams, please.

I will.

For the love of god, I can't even look myself.

There's everybody.

Oh, my gosh.

Burgy girls.

What? Oh, they're there.

Oh, my gosh, we've caught up with the other team.

That's it.

Gets on that train.

Get on that train.


All the teams are right there.

Oh, my gosh.

Everyone is here except the models.

The models are not here? There's zach.


Don't run.

Are you ok, sweetie? Yeah, I'm good.

Oh, blair, are you ok? I'm good.

She's sort of excited to see you guys.

We thought we were racing for make fourth at best.

We're racing for first again.

Racing in the cold.

I didn't think we would be last.

We're just going to finish.

Whatever happens -- ahhh! Whoever runs the fastest without falling in the snow is going to get their there first.

If the models are going to be out, they would want us to win this leg for them.

Should we put on our -- not yet.

Whoo! Daddy? Come on.

I'm coming.

Got to keep going.

Look for it.

Tyler, this is it.

# Here we go.

Whoa! Phil: we have more teams coming in behind you? Yeah.

Nice and easy.

Easy, easy, easy.

It's slippery.


Nice job, guys.

Phil: look at this.

Touch the malt, guys.

Both team members touch the mat.

Good job, good job.

You got it! Phil: wow, this is crazy.

Whoo! Welcome to chamonix, france! [Cheers.]

Phil: first on the malt today, brodie and kurt.

Team number one.

You have won $3,000 each! Awesome.

Phil: can anyone remember a time when we had this many teams on the malt at once.

Has it ever happened? Phil: it did once.

It was the all-star season.

That makes sense because we're all all-stars here.

We knew there were no weak teams.

We have to stay on our game too stay in this race.

This race has been so awesome, doing it with brittany.

I feel like we needed more time.

Phil: brittany and jessica, I'm sorry to tell you that you are the last team to arrive and you have been eliminated from the race.

We knew it.

Yeah, we knew.

We were ready.

It was fun, though.

I couldn't imagine picking another partner.

She's my other half.

The same person as me.

Phil: that's all right, you can let your tears go.

I'm so thankful for her.

She's so intuitive and intel gents and beautiful.

It just sucks to go home early.

Phil: next week on "the amazing race" -- teams take on the als.

It's so high.


That's not good.

Oh, my god, cole, I'm so scared.

Phil: and a majestic parafligh leads to a surprising finish.

Oh! Uh-oh.

Who is that? Oh, my gosh! How'd that happen?
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