23x10 - Cobra in My Teeth

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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23x10 - Cobra in My Teeth

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ...the amazing


The team caught an early train.

But the stakes of the

Detour cost them the lead.

I always quiet down because I

Do what you want me to do every


She wanted help from an

Unlikely source.

After leo refused, may

Stepped in.

Nicole, short one total one.

This is upside down.

Ally and ashley were


I don't want it to be over.

Four teams remain.

Four teams remain.
Who will be eliminated next?

Who will be eliminated next?

This is indonesia, a

Country that stretches more than

And pacific oceans.

And on the most densely

Populated island of java.

Built in the 1920's it is home

To seven telescopes and it is

Now the start of the 10th fleg a

Race around the world.

Leo and jamal won the last leg

Of the race.

And will depart first at 7:25


Make your way to the camp.

Teams must now make their

Way to this store and eat

Grilled cobra, an exotic dish

That locals savor for its

Healing benefits.

Once they devour this delicacy,

They'll receive their next clue.

We're on our own.

We lost our alliance.

This is disheartening.

Sadening, you know?

Leo and I we're the biggest


It's proven by being u-turned

Twice and still being here,

First time in race history.

Start yourselves off right

With a hearty snack.


Stuff your face.

Marie is the toughest girl I


But there are some food issues

She doesn't want to eat.

You must finish your own

Serve ling.


Do you know where this is?

Oh, my god, I'm so scared.

I'm the pickiest eater ever.

I'm not sure what's going to


Some kind of meat would be my

Worse fear.

This could be the end of our


I love eating challenges.

Let's go.


I don't know about this.

We are the only team here

That has not won a leg yet.

We're losers.

Top four of the best teams.

We've beaten them all a number

Of time.

We need to hit it out of the


We nomarie is an incredibly

Picky eater.

So she might have a tough time

With this.

You have $27 for this leg of

The race.

The last leg was a mess.

I didn't get the concept.

I didn't get it.

Come on.

I'm speechless right now.

I'm embarrassed.

The nature of our

Relationship, the way it started

Was I was a medical student and

He was my super vising


So travis definite does talk to

Me as though I'm a student or a


Each of us has to finish our

Own serving.

I'm lucky, nicole does eat.

She's not a salad-eating woman.

Leo and I are extremely

Hungry the indonesian delicacy.

Are you kidding me?

You're joking.

Oh, my god.

We see live snakes in front

Of us and now we have to eat a


Kingko bras ever where.

Live kingko bras which keep

Attacking the screen.

Oh, my god.

It's kind of warm.

The skin too?

Dude, eat everything.




We started seeing signs for

C.i.c. And we find the entrance

To the camp.

We actually found something


They're not here.

Boys didn't get here.

The afghanimals were ahead of


How is it possible they weren't

There and we didn't see them on

The way back?

Unless they're not in the right




It's a good thing I didn't

Have a big breakfast.

Is it good?

Oh, my god.

Get the hell out of here.

Dude, is that real?

That's real.

Marie and tim left?


She ate it?

She just swallowed it.

We lied to them about tim and


It's not even lying.

It's joking.

It's manipulating their brain.

Oh, my god.

Shut your mouth.

We can eat wit our hands?

Oh, yeah.

This is apparently an

Indonesian delicacy but there's

Nothing delicate about it.

Wait, there are bones in here


You have to eat the bones?


I'm like what the heck.

There it is.

You guys hungry?


Being physicians we don't get

Freaked out by animal parts,

Human parts.

I wasn't worried about eating


I was worried we had to eat the

Entire snake.

But then she gave me part of it.

We're just aim lesley walking


Let's check everywhere.

We're not supposed to standing.

We're not supposed to be this


If this was where it says it

Is, then we would see the boys.

They were before us.

And they're not here!

And if they are here, they're

Parked in the right spot and

We're parked in the wrong spot.

Just finish.


I think I'm done.


Make your way to the main

Entrance of the crater.

I called it.

I said we were going to eat


I said no, they don't eat

That stuff here.

This is probably their

Natural viagra.

The skin just tastes of


I didn't really like it at all.

We're finished.

Are we good?

I think I could win a metal.

I definitely ate bones.

I know, I did too.

It's pretty nasty.

It tastes like chicken.

It's like eating chicken.

We're good.

Thank you very much.

That was actually better than

I thought it was going to be.

Go to domas crater.

We didn't see tim and marie.

So either they inhaled it and

The afghanimals were nervous

About eating it or they're not


I don't know.

Don't you think nobody else

Is here running around looking

Around for anything.

We should go back to see if

We see anything different.

It's crucial for leo and I to

Win this 10th leg of the race.

Whatever lead we're going to

Have, we're not going o take it


We're going to put the full

Peddle to the metal.

This volcano had a major

Eruption 40 years oofplgt this

Requires teams to hard boil an


First they must pick up 60 eggs

And take a ride on the back of a

Taxi to this crater.

If the eggs are hard boiled

They'll receive their next clue.

I'll do it.

I'll do it.

Right here.

Right here.

Come on.

Come on.

Jay, jay, come on.


You want to do it?

I want to do it.

You want to do it?


Oh, sh**t.

I've got to get on here?

Are you serious?

Come on, baby, you can do


All right, let's go.

Oh, boy.

All right.

Go, go, go, go, go.

Good move.

I'm about to go cook some

Eggs in a crater it looks like

In hot water.

Let's go, let's go.


That's it?

Terrain is treacherous.

Trying not to fall.

All these steps and rocks.

We're supposed to go to this

Location and eat ea delicacy.

Fact that we haven't seen

Anybody is scary.

That's what I'm saying,

There's no way that we're in the

Right spot.

I smell fart bombs.

This is very gross.

This is it.

These are jumbos.

Let's see.

Boiling, boiling.

This one looks pretty hot

Right here.

What are do you think?

How long?

I think you got the hottest


This roadblock was about


You boil the eggs for as long as

You thought they would be hard


How fast did tim and marie

Leave when you guys were eating

The snakes?

Like before we got there?

Because it's weird they're not


Yeah, I don't know.

He's such a liar.

You usually boil them for 10


We might consider taking our

Time and do 15.

Jamal has gone in like five


You picked the right pond.

This water was like boiling

Up as if it was actually


And it was hot.

The water would splash on to my

Arm a little bit and seriously

Burn my arm.


Two of them cracked which

Means they're boiled.

Uh-oh, they're boiling faster

Than you think.

Look at that.

Stay right here.

Are oh, it's oh, it's right


Are we supposed to try food



Please be a vegetable.

Please be a vegetable.

Oh, my god.

Do I have to eat snake?

I just can't eat gross stuff.

I just can't eat things like


Marie doesn't eat anything.

She doesn't eat anything.

Marie eats lettuce.

I'm not eating a snake.

I'm not eating a snake.
I can't eat this!

I can't eat this!

Oh, my god.

I'm going to throw up.

I knew I didn't want to do it

But then I can't be the girl

That didn't eat the snake.



Maybe we can just rip it apart

And just swallow it.

I mean, I just ate like a snake.

Drop it.

How did you like that snake,


That was gross, dude.

I can't see marie eating that


I know.

They weren't there.

I thought you said they

Finished it and left?

I was just messing with you


Why do you always lie?

You're such a liar.


I just can't eat things like


And then I was eating it.

That competition, it

Overerode the fear of eating

Stuff and I was happy that she

Started eating it.


Oh, thank you.

That skin was a little rough.

Let's go.

I don't know, boys.

What do you think?

I think they're done.

Do you want to give this a


I'm going to try it.

I would rather not risk it.


I'm not going to risk it.

He's still going.

Let's go another couple of


It's not worth it.

Man, they cooked so hard,

That exploded.

We did at least eight


Yeah, I don't know.

Eggs don't boil that quick.

Yeah, they do if it's hot.

Let's go.

Almost there.

A little nervous the eggs aren't

Cooked all the way.

You can't tell.

I just hope they're boiled.

I stayed longer.

Hopefully I got the eggs right.

I just ate a snake.

That was nice.

I was proud of you.


I'm crying.

I have cobra in my teeth.

Can I some dental floss?

I've got a scale in my teeth.

Come on, baby.

How did we do?

Good job, travis.

Hard boiled eggs, baby.

Hard boiled eggs.

They have to crack every

Single one of those?

I guess.

Did you do good?

I stayed an extra two minutes

Just to make sure they're


Good job.

Good, good, good.

I think we all got it then.

We all got it.

We all did the same.

Can we eat them?

Wash down that snake.

What is going on?


Those are hard boiled, dude.

Oh, my god.


That thing was blowing...

What is he doing?

Oh, this isn't good.

You guys left too early.

Only those ones are good.


Six are good?

That is all.


Well, I'll see you guys back

There then.

Before marie comes.

That means they're all going


That absolutely means we're

Going back.

All of them.

All right.

I'm going down there.

Crap, nicole.

It's ok.

Babe, you can do it.

Just add on a couple more


How does it look?

Looking good to me, man?

That extra two minutes is going

To make the difference.

One of them is runny.

You see one, right?

I thought it did.

Does it look different than



The yolk is actually hard.

And theirs wasn't?



Got to go back, leo.

Oh, please, take the extra 10


I'm going to go for about 20


Hey, jay, I'm sorry, man.

I figure they needed to be

Done close to 15.

I think it's 20.

Sorry, I blew that for you.

We probably should have been

More patient.

It was kind of stupid that we

Rushed that.

It's really frustrating the

Fact that I took longer.

And now I'm in the same boat

With travis and jay.

I'm back, guys!

Hoo there's jamal.

They said only three.

When you see marie, you can

Tell her it takes eight minutes.

Eight to 10.

Travis and jay were telling

Me, if you see marie just tell

Her it took eight to 10 minutes

So she can stay down there.

So I was like really?

We see through it.


I think 20.

Yeah, I agree.

Mental mistake.

I should have just stayed


There it is.

There it is.

Who's feeling hard boiled?

I don't know how to hard boil


I think we should probably


My legs are tired.

I'm going k*ll you.

Good luck.


Hey, I need some eggs.

What's up, guys?

Thank god.

You guys have been here for a


Almost 18.

We ain't messing around this


I ain't running up that damn

Hill again, I can tell you that.

Yeah, buddy.

You should be about a minute

Ahead of me.

It was worse to have travis

And jay there.

They had their time clocks and

After 20 minutes they were going

To run up at the same time.

Let's beat travis and jay.

You want to sync your time?


Let's go.

Thank god for that.

All right.

Let's go, trave.

I've got six more minutes to


Waiting for my eggs to boil.

Marie, she eats healthy.

Then she goes, I don't know how

To hard boil an egg.

She doesn't know how to hard

Boil an egg?

It's not bad.

It's quick.


It's quick.

I don't know how to boil


I didn't tell her eight


I'm going tell her it's quick.

I'm going to rely on jamal.

I'll let him be the culprit.

Are you going to be able to

Do it?

It's tiresome.

Jay was on his way back.

And travis was on his way back.

Jay said it wasn't bad.

They're an ahour ahead of us, so

I'm not really sure.


Those are definitely hard


I can guarantee you that.

Come on, baby.

Yeah, oh, yeah.

We're good.

Good job, guys.

This is going to be a problem

Because marie lacks a little

Thing called patience and to

Boil eggs there's really nothing

That's required except patience

And I now that I'm seeing

That they have to check them

Right here, there's no doubt in

My mind she comes back with soft

Boiled eggs, 100%.

These eggs smell.

Let's go, marie.

Straight down there.

Just saw jamal which is weird

Because I thought he was

Definitely way ahead of the

Other teams.

So I don't know if he had an

Issue with boiling the eggs.

It's kind of nice to see that

Everybody else is here but

They're definitely still way

Ahead of us.

We're good now.

We should have did that.

I told them the first time.

That was my fault.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Yes, yes.

Good luck.

See you in a little while.

Come on.



Paint your partner or turn over

A new leaf.

This detour gives teams a

Chance to take part in a

Celebration or go to work in the


Paint your partner requires

Teams to make each other up as

Traditional brides without the

Use of a mirror.

Once the beautician feels they

Are ready to be given away,

He'll hand over their next clue.

Indonesia has the perfect

Climate for tea which is has

Been grown here for centuries.

Turn over a new leaf requires

Teams to dress as local tea

Workers and search for a pair of

Clipping shears.

Once they deliver them, they'll

Receive their next clue.

You want to just paint your



Paint your partner.

We should wait for travis and


Good job, babe.

Good job.


Paint your partner or turn over

A new leaf.

We're going to do paint your


Love you!

You are awesome!

Go, go, go!

We decided to paint your

Partner because it looks like

Amy and jay are going to do the

Same detour and amy definitely

Looks like she's good at makeup.

Now, I know why travis was


Ew, it smells so bad.

There you go, sir.

This is their second time


They all had second times there.

'S no way.

They all had second times.

There's no way.


Let's go.

Paint your partner or turn

Over a new leaf.

We're going to turn over a

New leaf.

I bet they all do the makeup.

We're doing this detour and get

It done quick and make up some


I have to hold these here

Until I think I'm done?

I don't know how long you're

Supposed to boil eggs for.

I don't have a watch.

I hope she surprises me.

First time coming back it's

Going to be a question of how

Runny they are versus whether

They're hard boiled or not.

I don't know what I'm doing.

I don't know when it's done

Because I don't know how to hard

Boil eggs.

If she's holding them over,

If she's holding them over,
it will blow my mind.

It will blow my mind.

It will blow my mind.
I don't even know if thi

I don't even know if thi

I don't know how to boil an


I don't know what I'm doing.

I am 29 years old and I have

Not boiled an egg before.

I feel like it should be in

The water.

My mom boiled eggs when I was


I think boiling an egg is like

Four minute or three minutes.

I hope she has the

Wherewithal that she doesn't

Have time to mess up.

They have to be hard boiled.

This sucks.

It smells and it's hot and I

Hate eggs and I just ate a


So far today blows.

This requires a lot of dress

And preparation.

No, this is just you get

The makeup...

I've never put makeup on

Anybody in my life.

I'm just saying.

They said it's up here.

Come on, let's go.

Is this our pride?

Are you serious?

This is completely


I'm so out of my element right


I'm sitting looking at this

Stuff like I don't know what the

Heck to do.

We have to shave our beards


I've got a clean shave.

I've got get this off.

I realize I can't get made

With my mustache and my goatee.

Look at you.

Sexy, sexy.

So take this.

You're making me look like a

Woman right now.

I'm not a beauty pa pageant

Like you.

They're putting makeup on

Each other.

This is cute.

I would put on his


He would put on my foundation at

The same time.

So we were really mirroring each


Jason, you look beautiful.

My husband looks like the

Sexiest drag queen ever.

I feel like they're almost


So I don't want to have to come


I'm actually really excited

That she's down there for that


It's a guessing game to try

To keep my exciting low.

The good news is, is

Everything she does cook is

Always well done like hockey

Puck style.

Maybe she'll accidentally

Overcook these eggs.

I don't know.

All right.

I'm done.

I hope that they're all hard





There it is.

We've got to wear women


We had to have traditional,

Indonesian tea cutting outfit

With the scarf and the hat.

We have to find the sheers


Oh, great.



Watch out.

This is amazing.


Wow, oh, my god, beautiful.

Look at this.

We could do this.

Here's the entrance right here.

We have to start in the


We're not going to remember

Which ones we got in.

You look so pretty while

You're complaining.

Leo and I picked the first

Marked hill.

It was a flat.

The paths were different sizes.

Seems to be a lot harder than it


This is like finding a needle

In a hay stack.

We don't know what the needle

Looks like.

You got it?

I think I found something.


I found it!

That's it?

That's it?

Oh, god.

Be right.

Be right.

Good job.

Oh, my god.

You waited a long time.

Well, I didn't want to be


I don't know.

I don't know.

What do they look like inside

Like a light yellow or dark


What do you mean?

I don't know, like a yellow.

It just look like a yolk.

How was everybody still here?

They had to go back because

They didn't hard boil them.

I'm freaking right now.

Looks so good.

Looks good to me.

I'll even eat one if you'd




Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I totally dissed you.

I mean, I overcook things.

We should do the makeup


I feel by doing the one that

Everybody's going to choose...

Who says they're going to

Choose that?

Jay can't do makeup.

You're so metro.

You'll do fine.


It looks like we're going to

Have to put on all three sets.

I've never put on eyelashes in

My life.

I have no idea what we're


From a guy's pers speckive

Perspective, we're going to put

Makeup ond and makeup and

We're good.

This is so tedious and


Travis' stickers aren't

Sticking very well because he's

A little sweaty.

His face was so oily that when

We were putting the gold things

On they wouldn't stick.

Safety pins.

I'm dreading going oh, no.

Maybe we chose the wrong detour.

At the halfway point.

Let's go, leo.

Come on.

This might be the only stick we


Excuse me, ma'am?

This what is this for?

For cutting?

Do I get a clue?

No, you don't have no paper.

Let's find a scissor maybe we

Ought to construct it.

I don't know.

We as you were render.

Maybe that's what it means.

Maybe they don't have

Clipping shears.

I don't know what we're looking


Come on, run.

Oh, god.


Nicole and travis were there.

Jay and amy were there.

And it felt good to catch up.

I have got to shave?

This is going to stuck.

I haven't put a straight

Razor to my face in seven years.

I don't think we ever thought

We were going to be doing each

Other's makeup.

You should have shaved your


I don't wear makeup.

So this was like something that

Like a girlie girl would have

Been really good at.


Where are you?

Where are you?

Where is it?

We've gone up and down every row

Maybe two or three times.

Not an easy detour.

What are we going to do if we

Don't find it?

Just keep searching.

I don't think we're going to

Find it.

We might as well switch.

All I'm seeing is the same

Thing over and over again.

I don't know how much more

Thorough I could be.

Let's go do the other one.

We switched.

Let's just go do the other one.

Stupidest detour I've ever

Stupidest detour I've ever


It's really disappointing.

We're in last place right


We thought the other teams

Were already done.

They've been here for over two

Hours as well.

They couldn't find it.

The afghanimals came in


And I'm like what are these guys

Doing here?

You guys couldn't find a


Needle in a hay stack, huh?

Remember that little thing

Called karma.

There's no way I could be

Able to do this.

I don't know where to start.

This is not easy.

All the other team's makeup

Look like crap.

I have no idea about makeup.

It's not bad.

I already tried to pick up


You want to go back?

What's this for?

This is to shave.

No way!

Let's go do it.

It's going to take forever.

We made a good decision.

They're leaving.

We would have been first

Right now, dude.

Still, we still could do it.

People get married like this?

This is the worst thing I've

Ever done in my life.

Just don't do things because

You think it's pleasurable to

Powder my face.

Travis and nicole were really


I mean, he looked bad.

I just need you to be

Patient, ok?

I know you're not feeling that

Way right now.

Keep going.

We're totally caught up with

Travis and nicole.

Jay, you look great, brother.


Wow, I can't see.

Teams must now descend 500

Steps to the bottom of the

Cimahi waterfall.

The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

Baby, you did a great job.

I feel completely ridiculous

Right now.

We're back!

We're going to find it.

We can do this.

They're right there.

Their makeup looked horrible.

Just look for something with two


That's it.

I feel like we're getting

Hotter and hotter.

I'm searching with my hand.

One side, two sides.

I told leo plenty of times,

Dude, you're making the same

Mistake as last time.

When you were walking last time

You were looking on the floor.

Look in the bushes.

Leave me alone.

It's not going to be on the

Top because it could fall down.

It's hanging on a branch.

He's doing it wrong.

I mean, he's just walking with

His head down looking side to

Side instead of actually digging


Some of these are starting to

Come off a little bit.

I know.

I'm trying.

They're having a really hard


And they look terrible.

Travis looks like dennis rod


We caught up quick.

We were basically at the same

Point that travis and nicole

Were there.

There's no way that that's


If it is I'm going to k*ll


It's not good enough.

Where's your be ray.

There it is.

Put it on.

We're ready.


It's not good enough.

Now, what?

What's on my nose.

What's on my nose?

Clean it.

Can we have him back, please?


It's not good enough.

It's not good enough.

It's not good enough.

I'm missing a bunch of jewels

On you.

Like a ton.

Is that all that I'm missing?

I have no clue.


Babe, this is it.

Oh, my god, look at this.

This is so cool.

I really hope this is our number


I see phil.

Hi, phil!

Welcome to indonesia.

Thank you very much.

I don't know what to say.

Well, I'm glad you dressed up

Because I do have some great


You have finally won your first


You are team number one!

As the winners of this leg of

The race you have won a trip for

Two for travelocity and you are

Going to cancun, mexico.

You're going to spend six nights

In a whirlpool sweet in cancun.

You're going to enjoy access to

The deep lounge, swim with

Dolphins and catch sunset over

Dinner at the beach.

Congratulations on your first,

First place in the race.

Coming in first proves we are

The strongest team here.

All right, we're done.

Is this good enough?

Sorry, it's still not good


You know what, stop, stop.

It's the eyebrows, I'm

Telling you.

It's not me, it's you.

That's what I'm trying to say.

Make sure we don't have any


Travis looks like a wreck.

As you're trying to fix the

Makeup you have black all over

The face.

Is there black all over me?

I think that's what tripped

Up nicole and travis.

Wipe your hands here on the

Shorts r. That's definitely...

Wipe your hands on your shorts.

That's definitely it.

Last team may be eliminated.

I mean, this is ridiculous.

Come on.

Come on.

This has taken us almost

Three hours.

Oh, the fall of leo and


We conquered and we ultimately


Let's positive, leo.

I heard a snake.

Come on, man.

Don't be afraid to get there

And get dirty.

Nothing's going to k*ll you


Oh, my god!

Ooh, that was a huge-ass


I don't think we're going to

Find it.

I found it, I found it.



Sorry, it's still not good


Ok, nicole.

We've messed this up.

I don't know.

I don't know what's wrong.

Nicole, your hands.

I'm totally going to have to

Clear off your whole face.

Everything's smudged.

Travis, please.

Is this good enough.

Is this good enough?


Thank you.

Thank you.

Make your way to your next

Pit stop.

Yep, go, go, go.

I think we chose the wrong


This is our last row.

We've checked everything.

I'm doing one of the rose that

You didn't search.

I guaranteed it you missed it

One of your rows because you're


I searched one of yours.


Getting your hands dirty

Actually does work.

Thank you.

Making your way to the next

Pit stop.

That's where we first


You were looking towards the


I wasn't checking the tops.

What did I tell you?

There they are.

We worked too hard, did too

Much to go home now.


Fast, fast, fast!

Fast, fast, fast, leeze!


Fast, fast, fast!



Whose taxi is that?

We need to go faster than them!

We need to get in front of them!

We don't want that other taxi

Near us.

Come on.

You need to pass that cab.

Can you go faster, please?

Catch them.

We have to be in front of

That cab, this is a race.

You're going to make us lose.

We lost them.

Tim and marie's taxi is three

Or four car lengths behind.

We need to go around this


We can only hope that the

Afghanimals are in the field.

But that would be ridiculous.

That was the first three or

Four rows that we went to.

We could have saved another two

Hours right there.

We could have been in first.

Leo and I could be the last


We could be eliminated, based on

Stupid, stupid mistakes.

We're stuck in traffic.

Seriously did you see that,

Four people on that?

Entire family.

It's them.


Stay with them.

Stay with im.



That's them.

Oh, what a move.


Come on.

Dang, man.

Tim and marie's taxi just

Passed us.

Now he gets it.

Yeah, extra $100,000.

Now, we're in trouble.

Buses are pulling in front of us

Between the them and us.

It's right there.

Quick, quick, quick, quick,


Pay them, pay them, pay them.

Keep it.

Keep it.

Let's go.

Oh, my god, oh, my god.

Holy water fall.

Oh, my god.

Come on.

Watch these steps.

Come on, nicole.

Come on, marie.

Oh, my god.

Hurry, hurry.

Marie, come on!

Come on.

Tim and marie, you are

Team number two.

Nicole and travis that would

Make you team number three.

I thought jason looked bad but

You are you look like an

Angry showgirl.

We might as well enjoy the


Let's go, man.

What's up with your energy?

Finish strong.

Welcome to indonesia.

Thank you, thank you, thank


Leo and jamal, for the

First time in the race you are

The last team to areeve.

What happened?

We wasted almost five hours

On the detour.

It's unfortunate, we could have

Done a lot better.

We could have been first in this

Leg of the race.

We should have been first.

You feel like you used up

All of your lives?

We used them all.

This is a nonelimination


The afghanimals are still in

This race.

My legs are shaking too.

My legs are shaking too.

You are the last team to


You know what that means.

There is a speed bump coming up

In this leg of the race.

We're going to finish strong,

We're going to finish strong,
first place, guaranteed.

First place, guaranteed.

Stay tuned for scenes from

Stay tuned for scenes from
our next episode.

Our next episode.

Next week on the two-hour

Finale of ...the amazing race......

After more than 35,000 miles and

Nine countries, it all comes

Down to this...


You smell the money?

Because I smell it.

As the final four teams

Battle for the $1 million prize.

Pay attention to what you're



Use all you've got.

Use all you've got.
- Who will win amazing race
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