23x04 - Beards in the Wind

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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23x04 - Beards in the Wind

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ...the amazing


Nine teams raced from chile to


And there's a man scramble left

Nfl teammates chester and

Ephraim stranded.

We found out that our flight

To madrid delayed four hours and

That sucks.

Nicole and travis and

Jason and amy form an alunes.

A bull's-eye in the roadblock

Gave jason and amy a leg up, but

It was travis and nicole who

Passed them to make first.

You are team number one.


Tim and marie's gamble of

Not using their express pass

Paid off while chester and

Ephraim never made it out of the

Lisbon airport.

Damn flights got us.

Eight teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?


This is castello, a town

Built high above the town of


These ancient ruins are referred

To as the miniature great wall

Of china and the start of the

Fourth fleg a race around the


Nicole and travis won first


Travel to noreway.

Teams must travel more

Than 2,000 miles by plane and

Fery into norway in the arctic


Once they arrive there, they'll

Find their next clue at the

Ferry circle.

All right.

We're on our way to a travel

Agency so that we can try to get

An earlier flight into norway.


Is the arctic circle never not


I'm from brooklyn.

Everything's about hustling and

People not take advantage of


And I have to say that benefits


Nicole's even tougher after

All these years.

Here we go.

Are we really going to the

Arctic circumstance snl

We've been working with

Nicole and travis for the last

Two legs.

Their marriage is such an

Inspiration and to us they're

Mini mentors.

Feels like we found our little

Family in this race.

Hopefully we'll get on on an

Earlier flight that nobody else

Will be able to get on.


Right here.


How are you?

We are trying to get to oslo as

Early as possible.

It's the first flight tomorrow.

Nothing earlier?


That's the only flight?


There's nothing that leaves

At 6:00 in the morning.

Last flight leaves at 10:00.

I mean tomorrow morning?

Tomorrow morning, it's the

First flight possible.

There's only one flight at

The top of the world and we're

All going to be on it.

We found out that there was

Only one flight to norway.

So everyone is on this flight.

For the very first time we're

All flying together.

All teams are flying to

Bodo, norway.

This way.

Come on.

Come on.

Go, go, go.

We're going to go get on the


We're in norway right now.

How pretty is it?

We are getting on the ferry

And heading to a place that I

Can't pronounce.


My face is frozen.

My mands are cold.

Because we were near the

Arctic circle, the sun never

Really went down.

And we've never been somewhere

That the sun never the sun

Never sets.

The sun never sunsets.

The sun never sets.

We've got some fishing line

Off the dock.

We've got some safety pins on

The back.

Maybe we can find some flounder.

Brandon and I met since

Junior high.

As far as the beards goes

They're great.

They're low maintenance.

And I mean, who doesn't want a


We don't plan on giving that

Second express pass away until

It's absolutely possible.

The ice girls are not getting


They might as well be in yek

Animals in backpacks.

The other team that came to my

Mind is travis and nicole.

But that would be a challenge to

Still have them around.

We're going 500 miles an



Iceberg ahead!

Come on.

Come on, come on.

It's here!

Come on, buddy!

Let's go.

Go, go, go.

Come on.


Hang your heads...

This detour gives teams

The opportunity to work with

Their number one money-maker.


Hang your heads requires teams

To string together six bundles

Comprised of 10 fish heads each.

They must then transport them to

These enormous drying racks and

Lay them out in the arctic sun.

When they have been promptly

Hung time-out dry, the fish

Foreman will hand them their

Next clue.

Hammer of the cods, requires

Teams to collect 15 pairs of cod

From these 30-foot high drying

Racks and then pound them to

Make one kilo of fish jerky

Without the bones.

Once they weigh in with the

Correct amount, they'll receive

Their next clue.

You're making fish head soup

Or making jerky.

Which which one do you want?

Let's do heads.

It's going the get stinky.

We're good at doing things

Physical, outdoors.

At one point we were boy scouts.

We're no longer boy scouts.

Now we're man scouts.

This way.

We're doing hang.

The first one?

Yeah, let's do the first one.

We're going to do the first


Then use a wooden mallet to

Pound a kilo of jerky.

What's a kilo?

Them up until you get some


It seems pretty simple to us.

Hopefully this detour might

Be easier.

Where do we have to go?

Fish factory?

Walking distance.

You have to follow that way

There and cross the bridge.

It's about a couple of


Let's get a taxi.

Do we have to ask someone

Where it is?

He says it's over a bridge.

Very that a taxi?

We need to find the fish


Fish factory over the bridge?


The big bridge.

Is it walking or driving?

It's not that far.

Could you print this map for


You go over the bridge and

Then you go right.


We need a taxi.

We don't need a taxi.

When go to the arctic

Circle at 10:00.

It's a little odd to have it be

Still shining brightly.

Can we walk?

It's a little over a mile.

We're walking it.

Look at that.

You expect vikings to come

Rushing down that mountain at

Any point.

That's the spot.

Here it is.

Here it is.

This way.

Here, here, here.

I think we're still ahead for


Still no other teams are



Right here.

Right here.

Oh, my god, this is


How many do we have to


Six things with eight on it.

So do the string thing on the


I'll start getting them.

Grab a fish.

There was someone there

Demonstrating how to string the

Cod head where they would be dry

To make fish head soup.

I can deal with the smell.

Maybe a better way to season

Your soup than with an actual


Four, six, eight.

I feel like we're wasting so

Much time.

But look at this.

There are no cars.

Here comes one.

We're going here.

Have you seen a bridge?

Not yet.

Unfortunately, without

Finding a taxi so we're

Basically walking to the


Go, go.

He got a taxi.

We've got to follow them.

We just passed the afghan



Let's just be clear because

You want to see this mama rawr.


Do the tie thing.

I just want to make sure that we

Get it.

The beards are behind us.

They eat gross stuff and do

Gross stuff all the time.

So hurry up.

This goes sflue ok.

I'm going to start bringing it

Over head.

We've got 10.

Go pick our friends up.

That's it.

Thank you.

This way.

Let's go, leo!

You can do it!

I see a car.

Thank you.

You've got one more.


That was nicky and kim.

That's the problem.

You run and walk and then you're


Right here.



Is that a cab?

We've got to run.

Oh, my god, it's so far.

It's the power couple.


Grab the bags.


The cods is up.

No one else is doing this.

So hopefully it's easier so we

Can get it knocked out.

I'm going to line these up

For you.

How many heads?


Eight heads.

Hey, he's got 10.

He's got 10.

Oh, you're right.

You're right.

He's got 10 on each one.

We just figured we need 10

Heads not eight.

I don't care what their

Motivation is for wanting to

Help me as long as they help me.

Right now I'm collecting the

Fish and put them here so jake

Can just grab them.

They're making a tough knot.

Good job, baby.

So it's six strings of 10

Right through the mouth, right

Through there.

These are the next batch.

Let's try that again.


There we go.

That's what I'm talking


That's three.

It's going pretty good.

We don't fish.

The closest thing I go get the

Water is a shower.

The closest thing I go get the

Water is a shower.

I just kicked a fish head.

Oh, my god, this one's too


It's like a child.

Stomping the baby heads is


He's lived a long life.


Hammer of the cods.

Stay positive.

We can do this.

Oh, man that smell.

We finally get there and we

See all these racks with dry


This is going to suck.

There is only 15.

Pretty scary challenge.

Tim and I we work at an oim

Field service company so we're

Just used to woncht people break

Their backs in oklahoma.

I mean, we work hard, really


Get them.


You got it from the top three



I wish we had a wheel barrel

Or something.

Five, six, done.

Let's go.

Push the wheel barrel, we

Have to hang them up outside.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, come on,


This is just some lovely fish.

They're going outside to hang

The fish.

That's where they go.

The fish drying rack.

You're so good at wheel


One more.

Just one more.

Jason's being fac.

He's been my little fisherman.

Come oranges baby.

Everything he does is really


I'm going to do the wheel


Go, go, go.

To hang the fish.

In the midnight sun.

It's pretty much midnight right


It's the last one.

Number six.

That's it.

We're pretty good at slamming

The head on to a rock.

We are called fishermen.

Is this number four?


You got this.

Go time.

This is the last one?

Yeah, last one.

If kings fans don't think we

Are strong after this, then I

Don't know what else we have to

Prove that kings girls are bad


I am a drying rack right now.

I wish we had something to put

These things in so we can put

Them in the factory.

Oh, boy.

That's going to be hard.

The longer it sits the

Heavier it gets.

My neck's hurting a little bit.


You're ok?

Last one, bro.

Let's go, kev!

Do it for spidey and baboo.

I would never do anything

Like that in my life.

It's great to be put out of my

Comfort zone and not have all

The luxuries at home.

You're doing great, buddy.

I can do this.

We have to climb this hill.

Tim was made for this.

Tim was made for pushing this

Wheel barrel.

It's heavy.

We're supposed to be hanging

The fish out in this midnight


This is deadly.

I can tell you right now,

Massachusetts' is...

Massachusetts is going to be so

Proud of my fisherman.

We'll switch at that pole.

We're just on our last one

Right now.

Take it off.

Let's go.

How many is there?

That was 10.

All of it, 10.

You guys have six?


Nobody's left but us.

They're gone.

You're doing amazing, babe.

I just can't run with this


Why can't anything be around the


It's about 1:00 a.m. In the

Morning, and it looks like it's

Still 2:00 or 3:00 in the


We make the stupid mistake of

Not checking the equipment prior

To pulling it off.

We're getting fishy.

The glammed up girls turned

Into slinging fish heads.

I don't know what that's

Going to bring me.


Let's go.

We have a flat tire.

Could you just come and help


We have appreciation for

People who are fishermen.

This is tough.

The body's exhausted, hot as


This is beyond grueling.

Hold on, my back is hurt.

It's my worse nightmare.

It's like 1:00 a.m. And it's

Not dark.

And we like to pick the worst


We've got a wheel barrel

That's flat.

Leo's pushing and I'm sort of

Guiding it.

And it was just a total mess.

They're behind us.



Only you puke, faint or die,

Keep going.

Look here.

Bugs everywhere.

This is disgusting.

Only one team per pole.

This is exactly it.

Hang them up.

Let's go.

You have five and five?


I'm getting a little hungry.

I think we k*lled it.

You did good, dude.

My arms are scratching up.


How many do you have?

We need 10 more.

The more you can get at one

Time, the better because it's

Kind of heavy on me.

But we're doing great.

I think we can do this.

This cod is brutal.

All I can do is smell fish on my



You guys have five and five

On each side, right?

Make sure he does.

That's marked five and five.


We're done.

We're done.

We're done.

Oh, my god.

Check, please.

Clarify, please.

I hope we're both right so

Bad right now.



Is it right?


Can we verify ours?

Are you sure you got the

Knots right?

How sure?

Do you know what happened?

He said it's not right.

There are five on each side.

We looked at the end of the

Pole and we saw that there's a

Flag marked pole.

Good job.

We got it?

What did you do differently

Than us?

No info.

Take a high speed ride to

Henings vaer, norway and find

Your next clue.

What the hell did you guys do

Differently than us?

I don't understand.

This is ridiculous.

Want to use the express pass

And get the hell out of here?

We're still ok.


Yes, sir!


Guys, what did we do wrong?

I don't have time to sit and

Look at yours!

Marie's a little bit

Manipulative to begin with.

Every single team told us at

Some point that she offered it

To them for some sort of help.

I don't need your damn

Express pass.

We're done.

We're done.

We're done.




Why is this happening to me?

I have an express pass.

You want to help me.

I'll tell you when you can stick

Your express pass.


Good luck, guys.

Be careful.

I can't, dude.

It's too heavy.

I'm afraid we're going to drop


What do you guys got there?

Where tim and marie are,

There are all the poles going

Down the pole.

Look for a marked one.

At the end of it look for race



Thank you.

Push it, leo.

It was nice to see them


Submit up.


Shut up.


God temper tantrum.

You guys' outfits are hot.

You look sexy, ladies.

Orange is so my color.

I better have biceps.

I strung them exactly.

Here's a flag right here.

I don't know what's wrong.

Figure out what's wrong in the

Next 30 seconds or just use an

Express pass and if we have to

Use it, we use it.

You guys are done already.

I want to look at theirs.

What do you still got wrong.

Oh, my god, the end of our

Pole is not marked.

Take them off, we have to

Move poles.

Trust me, put them in the

Wheel barrel.

She can yell all she wants.

Trust me, they're marked


Sometimes it's tough to bite

My tongue.

I'm not afraid of her.

That's why this actually

Works as a teement


Right here.

One, two, three, four, five.


Thank you.

Take a high speed ride in an

R.i.b. Boat.

We don't want a foot race.

Oh, thank god.

Got to run that thing back

Down the hill.

You're kidding me.

We see jamal and leo.

Ice animals together forever.


Let's go, man.

I'm about to drop this.

Right here.


Go into the hammer station.


You whack them or...

We had a kilogram or


We had to weigh one kilogram

Before we could get our clue.

We're just glad not to be not

Walking anymore.

This is really heavy.

Let's go, bunny!

This is not something I've

Ever done before.

I think I have 10 on me now.

So I need five more.

Oh, my god, are there bugs on

Me from the fish.

I feel there are bugs on me on

The dried fish.

It's so gross.

Can you carry them too?

Looks like one of these poles

Over here.

Ally, right behind here.

My back's k*lling me.

That's it?

Pretty sure that's 15.

I feel like it's going to



Nice and easy.

Nice and soft.

Nice and easy, man.

That's the heaviest one.

Good job.





We're done.

Good girl.

I can't go fast because I

Can't stay with you.

You're doing great.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you, thank you, thank

You, thank you.

It's right there.

Over there?

That over there?


Let's do it.


About to get awe.


Keep going.

Come on.

Come on.

Let's go.

Are you dead?

Feeling like it.

My feet too big.

Come on.

Right now, they're in front

Of us.

The beards are in front of us.

You good?

Let's go.

We're ready.

That's it, right there.

Back to biking country.

Let's get some beards in the


Here it is, right here.



Make these beards fly, buddy.

Norway rules!

One of the most beautiful

Countries I've ever seen.

I never in a million years

Thought I would be in the arctic

Circle out here in the middle of


It's really quite something.

All right.

Let's go.

There's the clue box.


Roadblock, who's the biggest


This roadblock requires

Teams to take a leap off the

Bridge and swing on the end of

An 80-foot rope.

When they're ready they must

Unclip and splash down in the

Arctic frigid ocean where they

Can swim to their next clue.

Got to be you, buddy.

Oh, my godness, roadblock.

I'll do it.


Get out of here.


I don't know about jason but

He's a really fast swimmer.

He's a pretty fast runner too.

Taking the meat off and pound

The meat up.

Pounding the meat.

Kim, you can't take anymore,

Can you?

I'm just worried about my


I can try to take one off

Your arm.

I don't know if I can lift

It, honey.


Let's just keep going.

Wait, now, I lost it.

Oh, no.

Honey I think I lost the


Don't tell me that.

We have to keep walking.

I don't know where it is.

It's in my mouth!

It's in my mouth!

Oh, my god.

Who's the biggest swimmer?

You totally.

That's you.


All right.

You'll do this one?

I'll do it.

Whoo, clue box.

Who's the biggest swinger?

I am.

I'll do it.

Who's the biggest swinger?


Going to need a wet suit.

Sucks real bad.

That there's my boy!

That's right!

You got this!

I'm excited.

We used to jump off bridges

When we were kids all the time.

We used to hang off bridges

Until they shook us off.

So I was ready for it.




That's my boy!

Swing away, man!

There it is!




He can swim like a whale!

Like a shark!

Come on!

Lock and load.

Teams must make their way

Back to shore.

Choose a ford ranger and use it

To conquer their next challenge,

Hooking up their truck to a sled

Loaded with a giant granite


They must pull it far enough to

Reveal their next clue and a

Sachell of vikings coins which

They'll need later in the race.

Flag's there, jay!



Yeah, jason!

Come on, babe!

What's going on?

Can he not reach that?

What is going on?

Why not?

The ball's too high.

Oh, he's having a hard time

Grabbing the ball that he needs

To let go.

Oh, my god.

Come on, baby!

The ball's way too high.

The happen is all the knots

Tightened up really tight and

The ball was really hard for me

To reach.

Come on, jay!

You can do this!


Yeah, jason!

Great job!

You got it?

Jay seems to be having a

Really, really hard time.

Looks like he needs some upper

Body strength.

I'm not confident that he has

Enough to pull this off.


All right, swim it over.

Let's go.

Come on.

Come on.

When you hit that water, it

Takes so much energy out of you.

Are you cold?

I mean, it's the arctic, I

Mean, it's cold.

Good job.

Let's go!

Let's go!

Holy crap.


Let it slow down and catch it

Towards it.

Come on.

Come on.

You're almost there.

Good job.

That was awesome.

This is not normal.

Your arms look so strong.

She's like the cod queen

Right now.

That's what I've always wanted

To be the cod queen.

Right now, I feel good.

We know we're not in first.

But we don't think we're in


We still haven't seen the

Baseball bunnies yet.

Oh, my god.

I know, it's horrible.


So upset.



Can we put our fish down?


Thank god.

Ah, my hair is caught.


I can't help you right now.

I have a lot now.


That was not normal.


Please tell me we have the

Right number or I'm going to


Into the hammering station.

It kind of sucks.

This other one would have

Been a lot better to do.

We didn't come all the way

Over here to give up.

It's not impossible.

We can do this.

Are I was so angry at those cod

That I kind of started to take

Out my aggression on them.



That's it right there.

You guys are awesome.

You guys are so good.

Good luck, ladies.

Y'all are tough.

It was the hardest thing

We've ever done.

Oh, yeah, we're golden.


Way to beat that meat.

You're the beat meater.

We're number one!

There are the ford rangers right


Oh, hao!

I've worn one of these a time

Or two.

Brandon's done construction.

I've done construction.

Pitching up the block to the

Truck, it's just second nature.

All right.

One around the hitch through the

Crisscross it.

That's it.

Just like home.

I got this.

Copy that.

Get in there.

There we go.

I'm good.

All right.

Where's that stupid pin?

Pull it tight.

It's like a weird feeling

Knowing that your friend is

About to jump off of a bridge.




Big swing, let go.

There, there, let go!



Dang, you're fast!

Let's go.

You got it?

Who's the biggest swinger?

I am.

This is really hard.

Does it look like I got



Great, thank you.

Thank you.

Find your way on foot to the

Explorer shop.

Go on, jamal!



You got this!

Good job, man.

Good job.

You got this.

Good job!



Come on, bro.

Let's go, buddy.

This is insane.




Holy hell.

Let's go, buddy.

You're k*lling it.

Just another thing to add to

Our resume.

I can't get this through.


There you are.

I think it's good.

Atta be boy.

Come on.

Get in the car.

Come on, man.

You've got this.

Slow down.

It's good.

Pretty powerful rig that gold


There's a bag of gold coins

In here somewhere.

Got it.

Got it.

So what now?

Drive to the pit stop.

Viking road house.

Teams must now drive

Themselves to the viking

Longhouse, a chechen house that

Dates back to 500 a.d. And is

The last pit stop of the last

Leg of the race.

The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

All right.

Let's try the pit stop.

Ford rangers.

Jason and amy.

Get dressed.

Get dressed.

Oh, dude.

They're here.

I do have experience with


So hopefully this shouldn't be a


Let's rock it, baby.

Let's go.

Find your next clue with your

Work clothes.

They have our work clothes in



Guy me back.

Tell me when.

Jay, can you please come look

At this there are three chains

Here and I don't know what

They're all for.

Can you handle this?


There's a c class there.

There's a new bolt there.

I work for a company called

K-snow management.

We're constantly hooking up


No one's in charge of this


This is one of them where

Neither one of us know what is

We're doing.


I don't know what's going on.

It looks like this thing has to

Loop in here.



You only need to move your sled

Far enough to retrieve the


Yeah, it was a good truck.




Are you sure you have the

Thing on the truck right?

I wasn't asking about it


Stop saying yes!

Vikings longhouse.

I think you're ok.

Can you do this?

Or do you want me to still do


Just drive forward.

Just go slow.


All right.


I got it.

I got it.

I got it.

This is our next clue.

Slowly move forward.

The coins are probably the clue.

I don't know where we're

Driving right now.

I think the other team...

There was nothing underneath


All right.

Here we go.



Go ahead, babe.

Ok, travis, there's the satchel.

Viking longhouse.

Pretty powerful.

Now I see why people like their

Pickup trucks.

We're going to have to

Reverse in.

Come on.

This way, this way, this way.

Stop, stop, stop, stop.

That's how we have to do it.


This part's going to go right


I got it.

I got it.

I got it.

We got in and it was stick


I'm going to go back into

This ditch.

We're going to go into the




See how close I am to the hole


You have about 10 feet.

I'm going to start freaking


I'm going to roll back into

This ditch.

Yeah, I don't know what I'm


You want to try?

We're so good at stick shift.

Clutch is tall way in?


Just push the gas.

Keep going.

Keep going.

Stop, stop, stop, ally.

Oh, praise god.

We didn't end up in the


We might have been in this one.

You know how to reverse?


Oklahoma's here.

So what do I do right now?

I don't know what to do.

I would ask oklahoma?

And can you just show us how to

Put it in reverse.

You guys, can you help us put

It in r.

Oklahoma was nice enough to

Help us out and take us out to

Reverse because we didn't

Realize what we had to do.

Hang to the left.

And y'all should be good.

Get out, dan.

Get out, dan.

Thank you, guys.

Thank you.

We have to go over here and

Pull one of these boulders.

You are a stick driving rock


I feel like I'm at home.

Stop, stop, stop, stop.

Here it is.

Viking longhouse.

Oh, yeah.

We've got this, dude.

We have helmets on.

You ready for this?

Ready to give her hell?

We are literally putting our

Heads together on this one.


All right.

Of course, they would get it.

There we go, baby.


I am so proud of us.

I found it.

Heck, yeah.

We don't need boys for this.

Go, buddy!

That looks terrifying.


You look like a bank robber!


You did it!

That was awesome.

I don't want to stop.

All right, man.

Keep an eye out for longhouse.

We tried so hard today.

We're currently at first.

All we can hope is be in the

Right direction.

It would be great to find

Somebody at 3:00.

Hopefully we've gained some

Ground on them.

That is most definitely it.

Oh, dude.

We're going to be first.


Welcome to norway.

Brandon and adam, you are

Team number one!


And I have some great news

For you as the winners of this

Leg of the race.

You have won $5,000 each!


To me the $5,000 is going to

Help me finish my house that

I've been working on for the

Last year.

And for me $5,000 I could

Live off of that for a year out

Where I live.

The other news is you are

Still racing.

Rip it, read it and keep on


We are so excited when phil

Told us to keep racing.

That's what we want.

We want to just keep racing.

Been a long day.

We know we're going in the

Right direction?

I don't know.

That's them trying to find it


Did you find the clue?

As we pull up we see that

Marie and tim they have no idea

Where they're going because I

Can see the desperation in her

Face and I could see the

Desperation in tim's face and

Something just clicked.

I will tell you.

I want the express pass.

We earned those the first

Time and lost them because of a

Stupid mistake we made.

Now we can make up for it.

I want the express pass.

Do you want the pit stop or not?

I mean, my immediate response

Is no.

You could see her hesitating.

You need us.

We don't need you.


We're leaving.



Stay tuned for scenes from

Our next episode.

Next week on ...the amazing


It might be a bloodbath out


Will marie hand over the

Express pass?

Do you want it or not?


We're leaving.

And with a double u-turn

In play which team will be


We might be in last place

Right now.

We're going home.
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