22x11 - Beacon of Hope

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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22x11 - Beacon of Hope

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing



If you win this leg, you will

Not only win the express pass

But you will win another express

Pass for another team.


Along the way they experienced

Adrenaline rushes.

This is amazing!

Faced their greatest


Please don't let it k*ll me.

Oh, my god, don't let it pinch

My thumb.

I can't.

I'm losing strength.

And dwelt a heartbreaking


The achilles tendon is broken

As well.

Alliances were formed.

Everyone is not in our

Alliances, we have to take out.

And battle lines were


They made their bed.

Now they're going to have to lie

In it.

Two express passes

Propelled suckess.

I have this guy for a


And led to a colossal


I think you're the first team

To have been eliminated with an

Express pass.

You have been eliminated are the


Country singers, caroline and

Jennifer began the race on the

Wrong note.

I guess we need a lesson on


We choose to take the o

Four-hour penalty.

But with true grit, true

Faith --

I thank god last night for

Letting us get this far.

And a flirtatious

Friendship, they fought through

The tears.

I'm so tired.

And sang a different tune.

As they found a way to

Make the final four.

You are team number three.

Roller derby moms, raced steady

And strong to set the example,

Forced to square off against

Their allies.

They found a way to overcome a

Speed bump.


And a u-turn.

Hockey brothers bates and

Anthony rode a roller coaster

Ride filled with highs and lows.

If we weren't in last before,

We are now.

Through it all the

Professionalat lees maintained a

Professional attitude, getting

Some help with friends.

Mostly the girls helped.

They're freaking amazing.

Bates and anthony, you are

Team number two.

For newlyweds max and katie

Their newly wed have been a tale

Of new places.

He's supposed to be the man.

Now he gets the speeding ticket.

But then they found their

Groove in europe.

And upped their game.

Winning back to back legs on

Their way to the final four.

You are team number one.

Coming up tonight, one of these

Four teams will win $1 million

Four teams will win $1 million
and "the amazing race."

And "the amazing race."

Captioned by the

National captioning institute

National captioning institute


Edinburgh has been the

Capital city of scotland.

Since the 15th century it is

Divided into two distinct areas,

New town and old town, a world

Heritage sight and now the start

Of the 11th leg in a race around

The world.

Max and katie won the last leg

Of the race.



And will depart first at

Travel to the capital of

Northern ireland.

Teams must travel to

Scotland where they'll catch a

Ferry to belfast, northern


Then they must pick up a ford

Fiesta in this warehouse and

Drive themselves to peatland's


What do you want to do?

I feel like we're the hot

Team heating up.

I'm feeling great.

I'm completely confident we'll

Be in the final three.

Travel by ferry to the

Capital of northern ireland,


No taxis.

What the hell?

We definitely think the

Roller girls have to go.

I think they're the strongest


We get rid of them now,

That's all the better if we can

Go into the finals without them.

We might be able to walk


Let's go.

This must be it.

Tickets and travel.

Oh, there it is.

Let's go.

Let's go on this one.

Oh, sweet.

Travel to the city of

Northern ireland, belfast.


I'm pretty excited we're in

The final four.

I really think we've gotten this

Far because we have so much fun.

We absolutely believe in each


We're the little engine that


We are the engine that could.


What's your name?


Thank you so much.

Somewhere warm maybe?

Travel to the capital of

Northern ireland, belfast.

Last week was rough.

We had to do a speed bump and

Two detours.

We're down to the wire here.

There are four teams left.

We're very close friends but our

Whole relationship is centered

Around competition.

So I think it definitely gives

Us a bit of an edge.


Can you take us there?

Let's go.

Let's see if we can get steno

Line ferry to take us to


How are we looking?

Looks like we're sleeping


Thank you.

Burr, it's cold here.

It is frigidly cold.

Sweet baby jesus.

It's nice to get here and see


What did you think when you

Saw two cars in the parking lot?

How come there's only two



I had a conversation with

Mona and I wanted to know the

Feeling that they were not in

The lead.

That will give us a

Three-hour lead.

Holy crap.

I just couldn't help myself.

I just said to her, hey, I

U-turned her.

It's a game.

I expected it.

I don't understand how

Helping the strongest team in

The race when you're down to

Four teams.

It doesn't make any sense.

Right now she was nice enough

To give us directions.

Will you look up this thing

And you look up this thing.

We're just trying to get as

Much information as we can on

Belfast right now.

This is the calm before the


Once it's go-time, it's

Everybody for themselves.

Once we get that next clue

And we're in ireland and racing,

It's game over.

This way.


Right here.



Other side.


Let's go.

Let's go.

So we are now leading the

Pack but there is a couple of

Teams behind us.

Go to the m2 in belfast.

Pass him.

Pass him.

You can go.

No, I can't.

You're a navigating machine,


I think bates an anthony got

Behind us.

I think we're fine in some

Lucky terms in this leg of the


I think we're going to stick

With max and katie.

I don't think it's this far


Maybe turn around.

Why did they turn around.

I don't know.

Maybe that was a sharp right.

Yeah, I don't think they're

Going the right way.

So we're going to just go.

I guess it's the other way?

I don't know.

I would go straight.

Follow them.

We've officially been separated

From the boys.

That sucks.

Max and katie and hockey players

Are going to the right.

And roller girls and us are

Going to the left.

So one of us is right.

And one of us is wrong.

I hope we're right.

Peatlands park, I see it.

Ah, peatlands park.

I don't know if they turned


I would maybe.

Turn around.

Can you tell me where

Peatsland park is?


Thank you.

Good call to turn around,


Here's our lead.

Let's not give it up the rest of

The day.

There it is right there.


Who wants to get bogged down.

Conceived over appear pint

Of beer, teams will now take

Part in what may be the

Quirkiest sport on earth.

This leg requires teams to race

In the murky marsh.

Teams must ride this train out

To the marsh.

And then wearing a wet suit,

They must canon ball into a pit

Of mud and complete a 100 yard

Under four minutes.

When they do the bog snorkeling

Official will hand them their

Next clue.

We're looking for a train

Down there.

There's a train right there.



Good lead here.

We're going to snorkle for a

Pot of gold.


What are do you think we lost?

Two or three minutes?

Peatlands park.

Oh, we're here last.

Of course.


Let's go.

Hurry, carol!

Yeah, buddy.

Who wants to bogged down?

I do.

I'm going snorkeling in

Freezing cold water and it's

Going to be not cool.

Let's go.

You got it, babe.

You got it.

I've got to put on this full

Snorkeling suit, you know, wet

Suit, gloves.

The hard etc. Part for me was

Trying to help squeeze his junk

Into that wet suit.

Looking good.

Looking good, spider man.

You look amazing right now.

Jen, you want to do this one?


I had to do the roadblock

Because beth had already done

Six and I had only done five.

So to even it out I had to do

This roadblock.

Any idea?

They're not going to make us

Get in the water right?

Can you see where you're


I'm a pretty good swimmer but

The hardest part because of the

Breathing because the mask was

Filled with dirt.

There was mud going out of my


That's a lot of mud.

Make sure you use the feet.

This is not part of the

Honeymoon trip.

Faster, come on.

Thank you.

Drive back to belfast and

Find the thing with a ring.

I don't know what that means

But we've got to go find it.

Two things that I hate are

Being cold and in dirty water.

You're going to be fine.


Come on caite!

Ata, girl.

Come on, babe.

You got it.

You got it.

Be careful.

Don't fall.

Be careful don't fall.

Now, go ahead.

Oh, you got it, babe.

You got it.

She doesn't love swimming.

She likes tanning on the beach.

Not so much swimming.

Not so much swimming in bog


All right.

Here we are.

You have to run!

I am going as fast as I can!

The smell is awful.

Come onful.

She's doing the back flop.

Just do it.

One minute went by.

You got it!

You got it!

Use your feet!

My mask fogged up.

I had zero visibility.

I had no clue how far I was.

You got it, babe.

Keep coming.

I was a little concerned that

She would pan wick the snorkle

And the muddy water and the

Closter phobia.

You have a minute and a half.

I could hear max yelling and

He was telling me how much time

I had.

I can't see.

I was like I made it because

There was no way I was doing

That again.

Your did a great job.


Find the thing with a ring.


That's all right.

Come on.

I'll rip you out of there.

I don't know that I have ever

Been that scared.

I felt a lot of pressure.

Come oranges mona.

You got this.

-- Come on, mona, you got this.

Good job, mona!

You got it!

You got it!

There has never been a moment

On this race where I didn't

Think she would hold out.

But I didn't think she would

Pull it out.

Good job, mona.

You're doing great.

Right here.

Here it is.

Right here.


I'll do it.

Seriously, I don't know that

I have ever been that crazy.

Come on.

Let's get you dressed.

Unzip me!

Unzip me!

Unzip me!



Good job on the roadblock.

A thing with a ring.

We're definitely going to

Need some local expertise on

That one.

Come on, jen, you got this.

Come on, jen, you can do this.

Go fast, go fast, go fast.


Come on, jen.

Jen cannot really swim.

So I wish I was doing this one

So much just because I'm a

Really good swimmer and jen

Hates swimming.

Mona and beth are done.

It's ok.

Good job, jen!

Come on, you've got this!

Come on, jen!

What do I do now?

Go fast!

I don't know what to do.

Come on, jen, go back!

Jen is struggling right now.

Jen, you could it.

Find it in yourself to go as

Fast as you can, come on.

She's not back.

She's going to have to do it


Jen, you're already over four


I don't think I can do this.

You're not going to quit.

Let's go again until you're


You wasted a minute, I think.

I can't do it again.

You're not going to quit, jen.

We're not quitting.

I was wondering if you could

Help me with some direction.

Drive back to belfast and find

The thing with the ring.

It's on the albert bridge.


Got it.

I'm going keep him in my


I watched mona and beth in

The rear-view mirror and it was

Like monkey see, monkey do.

I'm sure we're really --

They're really happy they're

Right behind us.

I knew we were in last place

But I did not want to go back in


You could do this.

Good job.

Come oranges jen, you got this.

One, run, run, run.

You got this, jen.

I'm so proud of you.

You're going to do it if you

Stay just like this.

Jen, keep going.

I can't.

You have to keep going.

You're almost there, jen.

I can't breathe.

I can't breathe.

I can't breathe.
I really can't.

I really can't.

Jen, keep going!

Keep going!

I can't.

I can't.

You're almost there, jen.

I really can't.

I just can't breathe.

You're not going to quit,


We're not quitting.

Are you kidding me?

Trying to get somewhere in

Belfast is not easy.

There it is.

On the left.

You see it?

Oh, I do.

I see it.

It's up there on the left.

There's the pool box right



Tray it or spray it.

Tray it requires teams to

Descend into the dry dock where

One of the most famous ocean

Liners in history was belt, the

R.m.s. Titanic.

Using the menu and seating

Chart, they must serve five

Dishes served on the titanic

With one preparing the dishes in

The kitchen and the other one in

The dining room.

They must serve the courses in

The right order while also

Making sure that each passenger

Receives the correct dish.

When all five courses have been

Properly served, the captain

Will hand over the next clue.

Spray it requires teams to visit

This popular urban sports and

Arts center and finish one side

Of a piece of graffiti art using

A picture for reference.

When the crew feel their art

Work has been properly painted

They'll hand over their next


This say tray it.


We're going to do tray it.

There's the thing with the


Tray it or spray it.

The titanic thing is right

Around here.

We're going to do the tray


Titanic docks.

Says queens road or


I need to somehow get to that

Other bridge.

So we are heading to tray it

To become fine dining servers.

I'm really sorry.

I know you're upset.

I can't let you quit.

I knew jen could do it.

And I know she's very mentally

Strong and she had coached me

Through my bagpipe fiasco and I

Just knew you were frustrated

But I just didn't want you to


You can do this.

Don't quit now.

Please don't quit now.

Titanic dock and pump house.

All right.

Let's go.


This way.

So we make it to the dock

Where the titanic was built.

Pretty much it was just a giant

Hole in the ground where you can

Envision this massive ship being



Yes, it is.

Seating chart.


You got a seating chart and on

The seating chart it listed the

Passengers and then there were a

Couple of different choices

Underneath them but there were

Only two different courses


But what I don't understand

We have to deliver five courses.

Five courses.

This is everybody's first

Course or maybe first and second



I just have to remember my


We're going to start with the

Doctor and go doctor, lady



So we go one, two, three.

It said this is five courses.

This is only two.

Wait, wait, wait.

We're missing something.

We need to serve everybody

Oysters first.

There was a giant menu and it

Specifically listed the cours.

Your seating chart only showed


At the point the lightbulb

Went off.

Put six here because there are

Six people.


There are stairs here.

That's got to be.

Oh, there.

We've got to go tall way down


This is the best way, right?

And I serve it to the people.

Got it.

Then I realized I have to run

Tall way down these steps and

Run all the way back down the

Dock to a tent where the

Passengers were at a table.

Thank you.

The first course, everyone

Got the same appetizer.

They all got oysters.

So that was easy.


Bon appetite.

The first one was right.

Listen to me, ok.

Dear god be with jen right now

Who is pushing herself to get to

The end.

Stay positive.

Don't give up.

We did promise each other

That we would always finish.

We were never going to quit.

I had to finish it for her and

For me.

I love you so much, jen.

God's going to be on your side,


You could do this.

Good job.

You're doing great.

Good job.


Keem -- keep kicking.

I think in the beginning I

Was trying to breathe so hard

They exhausted myself.

I just needed to slow it down a

Little bit and just breathe.

Come back and you're done.

I did think if she doesn't get

Hit the time, I mean, it's not

Happening after this one.

You're almost there, jen.

You're almost there.

Final stretch.

I've never been more proud of

You in my whole life.

I'm so proud of you.

Stay tough.

Jen, you're going to do it.

You're going to do it.

Come on.

You did it!

Yeah, jen!

Drive back to belfast and

Find the thing with the ring.

You didn't quit, jen.

This is the seating chart.

I'm going to serve.

Where are the tables.

They're all the way down there.

The second course the

Passengers were picky.

They had a choice of consume

Or barrely.

The choices that were written on

The chart are the answers.

We have to make sure we made the

Right substitution.

Is this consume.

The other challenge is you

Had to look at the table and

Identify what consume was.

Nothing was marked.

And nobody was telling me what

The different dishes were.


Yeah, I'm coming.

Ok, honey.

Let's switch.

I wanted to switch because I

Knew he could go faster and I

Would be more beneficial working

Out the courses what had to go


Yeah, it was much better off

That I just do the bowl work and

She do the thinking.


Bonn appear team.

Thank you.


-- Bonn appetite.

Thank you.


I didn't go off the standard

Sheet that everybody was

Supposed to look at.

I think we're doing this


First course.


I was wrong then.

First course was the oysters

Which is an appetizer.

After I figured out the first

One I knew what I was doing

After that.

You're kidding me.

So I guess it's going back


We have to choose the seating


When we got there we saw that

There was a seating chart and a


And on that seating chart there

Were two dishes.

There was a soup and a dessert.

So start with cream of



Find the thing with a ring.

Do you know what that is?

What's that?

A giant?

A giant ring, oh, ok.

You go like that and you come

Down on to what they call the

Shores bridge.

You never met a man like me.

I know you're great.

Too bad we can't be together.

Thank you.


Awesome oysters right now.

Excuse me.

Thank you.

Hopefully, anthony hooked me

Up with the right course,

Otherwise, I'm going for another


Bon appetite.

This will be like my third

Course delivered.

Bon appetite.

Hello major krause.

I have your first course for


You have three cream of


Three consumes.

This is not what they


Oh, crap.

I mean darn it.

Take this.

That was right?


Everyone's the same.

When I saw asparagus, one I

Know 100% sure of what I'm


How rude of me.

Bon appetite.

Second course is two options

On there.

So you had to go to your other

Sheet and see what patron got

Which dish.

Got to put it with the right


Now it's the soup.

You think of a tray that's

Got six trays on it you think

It's not heavy but when you're

Running that many yards, it adds


You're lovely guests.

All right.

On a roll.

Well, I think I'm getting

Cream of barrely.

But I'm not really sure about


I'm on my first course right


I need you to go and get me the

Barrely --

This is the new dessert.

This is not what these people


We got to the fifth course

With the dessert -- let me put

Them down.

Your had to serve peaches and

Waldorf pudding.

This is our last course.

We've gotten the first four

Courses right.

I might have had that one

Right but didn't matter.

Who did that?


Come on.

He's got the freaking easy part.

Search for the thing with the


I don't think we're in the

Right place.

We're lost.

This is a day for us.

Have you ever heard of that,

The thing with the ring.

It's the beacon of hope.


We need a bit of help right


Come on, beth.

They haven't even figured out

That there were five courses and

They have no clue.

They are so far behind.

This is not what they



Come on.

Where is he?

Caite, something was not


Ooh, pardon me.

Pardon me.

My skills are not very good.

Bon appetite.


Spiced peaches.


All right.


I used to be a waitress.

You'd think I would be better

Than this.

This is not what these people


This isn't right.

Maybe like this.

Am I still wrong?

This is not what these people


Let me tell you what I think

-- It said char truce jelly.

It's char truce dark red?

If it wasn't red, it's got to

Be green.

Let's try green.

I'm just going to switch to


Yeah, that's it, babe.

I know it is.

First course, asparagus.

We're home stretch now.

I know I can figure that one out

Real easy.

I hope I get tipped well.

Bon appetite.



Right there.

Good job, caroline.

Oh, my gosh.

Tray it or spray it.

It sounds hard to me, tray


So let's make our way there.

We're on our fifth court.

I hopefully I got the order


I think what's going on is

That people are intermixing our

Dishes and it has to be served

In the proper order.

This is not what these people


What are we doing wrong?

He still says it's not what

They ordered.

Tired of making that same


This is not what they order.

What is wrong with it?

Oh, my god.

I'm going to k*ll him.

Single handedly losing this

For us.

I mean, I don't know what to do.

It's wrong.

What color is char truce.

He's just having a meltdown

And there's no calming him down

Unless I get it right.

There was like a jelly next

To the peaches and it had to be

Char truce.


If this isn't it, then I

Don't know.

Let's hope this is right.

This is why I'm serving.

Skill right there.

This better freaking be


They're different.

Oh, great.

Bon appetite.

All right.


Did you get the clue?


Good job.

Five courses so far is the

Last one.

Hopefully it's right.

Char truce, I hope that's like

Red because there are some other

Jelly, it's green.

I hope that's right.

He's going to k*ll me if he

Comes back another full tray.

This is not what they


I'm going to k*ll him.

Are you kidding me?

First partner ever.

There is something wrong with


You kidding me?

Oh, my god.

I don't know what's wrong

With it yet.

With it yet.
It's k*lling me right now.

It's k*lling me right now.

What's wrong?

He's on the fifth course.

It's wrong.

I don't know what's wrong with


Char truce.

I thought that was right.

You've got to be kidding me.

One thing he has to do.

He'd be off the team in hockey

Right now.

Be off the team.

Good job.

Good job.

They haven't served oysters


We're brilliant.

Teams will now race to

Belfast's most illustrious hall,

The, lurvings ster famous for

Hosting led zeppelin and even

The dalai lama.

And this will serve for the $1

Million in the final leg.

And the last team to check in

Here will be eliminated.

Let's go back to our car.

Think what's going on is that

We're taking it down in the

Wrong order.

We've got to do all the consume

And barrely first and then take

All the other things.

So it's still not right.

I don't think we have the

First course right.

He keeps telling me it's not

What they ordered.

I'm just so frustrated.

Should we go in here?

Can you help us with


We're trying to get to, lurvings

Zer hall.

Goes into main street.

I see 213 skate park.


I found it on the map.

It's so hard because there

Are no straight signs anywhere.

Chartreuse jelly.

I thought that was red.

Chartreuse is green.

This is our last course.

This better be right.

I may just lose it.

Is this chartreuse?

I don't know.

Because there are two different

Colors of these things.

I don't know why.

I don't think that's chartreuse.

Bates is not happy with me at

All right now.

Praying this one's right.

Did you serve all five, the

First course.

Just went down the list of

The courses.

What do you mean down the

List of the courses?

You mean on the seating


No, there's a list of the

Seating chart.

I have to talk to mona.

Are you looking at the list

Of courses?

He says there is a list of


This is the right order going

Around one, two --

That tease general.

And it's got to be in the

Right order.

Be sure.

We've got it.

Thank you so much for your


Let's be smart and stay under

Control because that's how we

Won the last two legs.

Please be right.

Bon appetite.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Big tip, right?

Big tip.

Anthony and bates just


So leaves us in third or last.

We don't know where the girls


Make your way to the pit


Ulzer hall.

Let's go, man.

No mistakes now.


We've got to go this way.

Let's do it, babe.

This is victoria.

Max and katie.

Dude, there they are.

We can catch them if we hurry


Is there a spot here?

The boys are here.

Not 100% sure where we're


Ulzer hall.

We have to cross over.


Welcome to belfast, northern


Thank you.

Well done, ladies.

Look, here's another team.


Max and katie, bates and

Anthony, I'm pleased to tell you

That you are team number one and

Number two and that means you

Are two of the teams that will

Be racing to the finish line for

$1 Million.

Good job, fellows.

Max and katie as the

Winner of this leg of the race

You've won a trip for two from

Travelocity and you are going to

The dominican republic.

You're going to spend seven

Nights at the -- punta cana and

You're going to have butler

Service and access to your own

Private pool and beach.

The last three legs katie and

I took it.

And now we've got to win this


Bates and anthony have a lot

Of athletic ability but we're

Not going to be intimidated by a

Couple of athletes.

They're old.

A recurring dream is we run

In front of them.

I have the same dream.

I'm so tired.

I know, carol.

I'm sorry.

I know how you feel.

You're going to be ok.

We're almost there, ok?

I don't know where we're


And I can't drive --

We just missed it.

It's ok.

We're still on our first


So hopefully we have it on the

Same order.

Let's just try this.

I'm sort of desperate.

It's not what these people


This is not ha these people


I'm so tired.

I hope this isn't our destiny

To go down like the titanic.

To go down like the titanic.
I don't know what we're doing.

I don't know what we're doing.

Mona, it's all wrong.

Stop, stop, stop.

Anthony said something about

A list.

Go back and look at the card.

I'll go look back at that and

See if there's anything else.


Bethy, I figured it out!

I got it!

My god, we're idiots.

We didn't read the signs.

Everybody gets oysters for their

First course.

We just ran past that and didn't

Even read what it says.

It's just ridiculous.

Beth, it's wrong!

I hear you!

I'm coming!

Choose an artist who will

Lead you to a painted area.

So this is the area that you

Have to paint.

This is the photograph of what I

Did yesterday.

And basically you have to do


You have kind of an outline.

Caroline, we're in this


Let's do the outline in black


I'm going to bring this in


Bring this in here.

This section is red.

This isn't red.

This what they get first.

This is what they get second so

It's ready.

So go as fast as you can.

We can definitely be in last.

But we're going to complete the


That's all we can do.

I'm not going to cry about what

Place we're in.

I've gone up the stairs 10


She wasn't reading the menu!


Bon appetite.

I have no idea where the

Girls are.

Either they're doing graffiti or

They're lost.

I have no idea.

Never spray painted ever


I've never been into street

Art but I guess we're into it


Looks so good.

We're on course number two.

And this is the soups.

Bon appear team.

-- Bon appetite.

I think that we can do it.

This whole thing is blue?


Under the check is this so

There's a little blue sliver.

It's just not going to be


I can hardly carry this.

It weighs so much.

We are probably in trouble.

All question do is finish the

Challenge and get our next clue.

Bon appetite.

We feel like we're getting


I don't know if I can do much

Better than that.

What do you think, jen?

Blend it in a little more r.

Mona and I have been away from

Our family for a month.

This money would mean the world

To us.

We have three kids.

I don't want to get this far and

Not make it into the top three.

This is absurd.

The absurdity of this.

I think it looks good, carol.


I think we did pretty good.

Let's not get too excited.

That's beautiful.


Are you kidding me.

It looks like the same person

Did that.

I just want you to sharpen


My kids are getting mac and

Cheese for the rest of their


Bon appetite.

I bet you think I'm such an


Make your way to the pit


Ulzer hall.

Much sharper.

It's like identical.

They look the same.



Oh, my god.

Make your way to the next pit


Ulzer hall.

Thank you.


I think we can catch up.

You guys know where ulzer

Hall is.

Go to the end of this street

And turn right.


Good luck.

Going to ulzer hall.

I found that in the map.

See, look it.


So we go up here.

Maybe something happened that

We don't know what happened with

Jen and caroline.

I don't know ha to think.

We're going the exact same


Ulzer hall.

You see it?

Ulzer hall.

So it's like right here.


Welcome to belfast, northern


Congratulations, you are

The third team to arrive.

You are racing to the finish


You're joking.

For $1 million.

Are you serious?

I'm not joking.



Really, really, really.

Who would have ever thought

We'd be here?

Welcome to belfast, northern


Caroline and jennifer, you

Are the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you you have

Been eliminated from the race.

We've enjoyed every bit of

This experience.

And we made it to the 11th leg.

And we saw so much of the world.

You know, people are so good.

All around the world.

Thank you so much.

You are so nice.

We didn't know we could get

Any closer.

Our friendship is stronger

Now than it ever has been.

It's such a beautifuler gift

That we were given.

And we're going to write a

Lot of songs about things we

Went through.



We blasted our way into the

Final three with three first

Place finishes in a row.

We're going to win the race.

I played in the stanley cup


Losing the finals is a


I don't want to feel that

Feeling again.

We're strong women.

This is no holds barred.

We are going 100%.

Not winning is not an option.

We are going to win "the

Amazing race."

It's right there.

It's within our grasp and we are

Going to take it.

Stay tuned to see who will

Win $1 million in the second

Win $1 million in the second
hour of "the amazing race."

Hour of "the amazing race."

This is belfast, the cap

The of northern ireland.

Established in the 18th century.

It's impressive architecture

Includes ulzer hall which is the

Start of the 12th leg.

Max and katie won the last leg

Of the race and will depart

First at 5:04 a.m.

Make you way to the finl


Travel by ferry.

Teams must now make their

Way by ferry across the irish

Sea to liverpool and then make

Their way to london, england,

Find the just on tap and receive

Their next clue.

This is what we've been

Dreaming about since day one.

As a couple, the honeymoon

Has been stressful.

But if we can make it through

This race, the rest of the

Marriage will be easy.

I can feel the million right


It's never been closer than


We're going to win.


Travel by ferry across the

Irish sea to liverpool.

Feels pretty freaking awesome

To make the final three.

I lost the stanley cup.

I'm not going to lose the race.

I'm not going to lose twice.

And when we're at our best

Nobody can beat us.

I like our chances of finding

A bar.

That seems to be something we're

Good at.


All right.

I feel that we had a lot to

Prove definitely to our kids, to

Our husbands, even to the roller

Derby community because we're

Representing for moms out there.

We're representing moms, for


We didn't want to let people



I think the derby moms have a

Really great chance of winning

This race.

Stand in line, ferry.

Hi, we need to get to


When's the next boat?

Appreciate it.

I wanted it to be caroline

And jen.

And I'm thinking it's the roller

Girls in the last spot.

They'll be so happy to see


Hi, guys.


Well, congrats.


Good to see you guys too.

We're so excited we're in the

Final three.

All right.

Welcome aboard.

Don't get blown off the boat

It was an eight-hour ferry


Look at the size of these



Everybody's being very

Friendly but when we get off

This ferry, we know it's going o

Be another mad foot race.

It's the calm before the


Last time we went three in a

Row we had a rough leg.

So hopefully that happens for

Them and we'll just push past

Both of them.

All right.

That's right.

There it is.


Two pint.

Two pints, please.

I'm so excited.

Thank you.


Cheers, you guys.

Here's to a great race.

Go to your final destination.

Our nation's capital washington,


Teams will now fly to

Their final destination, the

Capital of the united states,

Washington, d.c.

Once they touchdown, they must

Figure out that their next clue

Is on the steps of the lincoln

Memorial where martin luther

King memorial gave his famous "I

Have a dream" speech.

You want to go finish our



Can you take us through heath

Row airport?

We're going home.

We're going to the airport,


Can we get a pint, please?


Thank you.

Go to your final destination,

Our nation's capital.

Lived in d.c. For a while.

I like the sounds of that.

Thank you.


We're here.

Let's go.

There it is.

There is not a marked


Sleeping here.

It's closed.


There they are.

Hi, guys.

We're all back together.

Happy about that.

Sorry, girls.


We fought tooth and nail

Every leg to stay in this.

This is it.

I mean, this is the chance to

Win a million dollars.

We are ready to go back home

And we're ready to win.

We're not going to be

Intimidated by a couple of

Professional athletes.

We're a strong team, very


All teams are now on their

Way to washington, d.c.

Let's go.

Right there.

Right there.

You know where martin luther

King gave the "I have a dream



We're in a race.

Trying to win.

It was delivered at the

Lincoln memorial.

I have a dream that this

Nation will rise up and live out

Its true meaning of its creed.

We hold these truths to be

Self-evident that every one is

Created equal.

Those are iconic words.



Oh, that's it right there.

Him sitting there.

Is there a faster run there.

-- Is there a faster run there,

You think?

Thank you.

The lincoln memorial.

Can you just drop us off and

Meet us over there?


This is where he gave the


Thank you, sir.

It has to be on the steps.

Mona and beth and the guys are

Over there.

Max and katie are already


Come on.

We're going to the top.

Gave the speech on the steps.

Max, wait.

Right here.

I have a dream.

So he stood right here.

This is the spot where martin

Luther king jr. Gave his speech

"I have a dream."

To me it was so cool to stand

Where martin luther king gave a


Definitely an emotional and

Humbling moment.

They're talking to that guy.

I know.

Is that him?

They found it.


I knew it was here.

Make you way to 1100

Pennsylvania avenue.

You will meet the president of

The united states barack obama.

We're going to meet the


Thank you.

Thank you.

This is the spot where martin

Luther king jr. Gave his speech.

Thank you, sir.

I can't believe this.

This is awesome.

Have your picture taken with

The president of the united

States, barack obama.

Should we get our cab?


We need to go to 1100

Pennsylvania avenue.

Can you take us to 1100



Oh, good.

We're in last so if you could

Get us there real quick, that's


So you tell me the president

Will give us our next clue?

Apparently m

This is really cool.

I won't lie, I'm a pretty big

Republican but there was a

Majority of people that voted

Him in.

And I respect that.

So I'll probably just leave all

My politics alone here.

Is this for real that we're

Taking a picture with the


Oh, my gosh, this is the

Coolest thing ever.

There's 1100.

This way.

Secret service agent.

Yep, there they are.

Hi, guys.


You're here to meet and take

Pictures with the president.

We ask you to conserve decorum.

Yes, sir.

I've never met the president


This is pretty neat.

Is this ok with you?

We're going to 1100


This is 1600.

We have to walk the rest of

The way?

Yes, you can go through but I

Can't drive you.

I understand.

Thank you.

Going to 1100 pennsylvania,

Not 16.

We'll get out here.


The secret service up there.


Good, good.

I'm going to take you inside to

Meet the president.

We're the first ones here.

How cool is this?

This is so cool.

Oh, it's not real.

It's not the real thing.

Oh, man.

I thought it was real.

Oh, my gosh.

I was so excited.

It was a bit of a relief that

I wasn't being marched in to

Meet president obama.

I respect the office but I'm an

Unapologetic republican.

Wow, this is fancy.

And smile.

All right.

Thank you very much.

You met barack obama.

And this is for you.

Thank you so much.


Find the marked car near the

Paddle boat dock at the tidal


Once there they must knock

Three times on the rear

Passenger window to receive a

Briefcase and their next clue.

Let's go.

Put it away so people don't see

Us carrying it.

We need to go to the tidal


Is that the white house?

Beth, that's it.

How do we get there?


This is 1600 pennsylvania.


Take a right.

Pennsylvania, take a left.

Oh, my gosh.

We could be in a lot of

We could be in a lot of


This is bad.

We went to the wrong place.

Why don't we take a taxi?

Get us there in 10 seconds.


We just need to go to 1100

Pennsylvania as fast as


I can't believe this.

Stand right here, please,



Keep looking at my fingers

Right here.

We thought we were actually

Going to see the president, real


I took my hat off because I

Figured if I was going to meet

The president I shouldn't be

Wearing this thing.

You have a suit on.

Thank you.

Find a marked car near the


Tidal basin.

This is 1100.

Stop right there.

Are you here to escort us.

Take you to the president.

Yes, we are.



There could be a marked car in


Very fast.

It's got to be in this parking

Lot. We had to find a marked car

And then we had to knock on the

Window three times to get a


There it is.

Three times.

Nice key.



Teams will now face an

Amazing race switch back that

Requires them to play the roll

Of a spy master.

Searching around the iconic

Tidal basin, the center pieces

To washington's famous

Memorials, teams must figure out

Which one of these 50 agents is

Carrying their next clue.

Using a secret password, they

Must solis -- solicit a


When they do, they will exchange

Their briefcases to open it.

When they come up with the

Right combination, they can open

Up the case to find their next


What do you think?

You do it.

You want to try it?

I kind of thought it was

Going to be some memory

Roadblock and if it was it may

Be better for katie to do it.

But if it's physical and it's

Running it will be better for me

To do it.

Where can I get a good half

Smoke with chili?

The hockey guys.


Which window is it?

Thank you.

Let's go.

Who's ready for some covert


I'll do it.

I did not dress warm enough

For this weather.

Where can I get a good half

Smoke with chili?

I can't help you.

Where could I get a good half

Smoke for chili.

I did not dress warm enough

For this weather.

Sorry, can't help you.

I did not warm enough for

This weather?

This is so stressful.

Where can I get a good half

Smoke with chili?

I'm sorry.

I cannot help you.

I did not dress warm enough

Inner this weather?

Where can I get a good half

Smoke with chili?

This is insane.

That's hilarious.

Logically we assumed barack

Obama was there and made time in

His squedge to take a -- in his

Schedule to take a picture with

Mona and i.

Oh, fantastic.

Thank you so much.

Find the marked car near the

Tidal dock at the basin.


We need to go to tidal basin.

Where can I get a good half

Smoke with chili?

I did not dress warm enough

For this weather.

Where are can I get a good smoke

With chili?

I don't know.

I'm sorry.

I did not dress warm enough

For this weather.

Perhaps you could borrow my


Yes, I would.

Thank you, sir very much.

The new zealand, indonesia

And vet unanimous.


Thank you.

Where can I get a good half

Smoke with chili.

It was brutal to see bates get

The handoff especially since I

Showed up first.

Where can I gate good half

Smoke with chili.

So new zealand was late first

And finished first.

Indonesia finished seventh.

We need to keep track of

Everything --

Well, yeah, pretty much


And that was one of the

Several details in the entire

Race that we kept track of.

Where are could I gate good half

Smoke with chili.

And vietnam, I finished


I don't get it.

Why isn't it opening?

I don't see him.

We're going to be in last

Place because he's an idiot.

I got new zealand.

Oh, damn, that's where I

Don't have it right.


Who the hell?

Indonesia, seven.

There we go.

You have to love that.

Oh, my god!

You get it or not?



Make your way to the home of

The nats.

What's the nats?

The nationals, babe.

Katie was waiting.

And so I was pretty fired up.

Marked car?

Marked car?

Oh, my god, oh, my god, there

Are the hockey players.

Very familiar scene, bates

And anthony are wrapping it up

Just as we show up to get


Thank you.

Should we do it.

You've done the last two.

I'll do it.

The cherry blossoms are

Beautiful here in april.

Honey, we were just talk about


That tidal basin is huge.

I would have to estimate it's a

Career four-mile track.

What am I doing wrong?

The cherry blossoms are

Beautiful here in april.

Hey, you, the cherry blossoms

Are beautiful here in april.

What am I doing wrong?

If he hasn't found it by now,

I don't know what he's doing.

I don't see anymore over


I don't know.

I don't know.
What the hell?

What the hell?

What the hell?

What is going on?

We got here first and then

Bates and anthony got here.

And then bates got it quickly.

And we're still here.

The cherry blossoms are

Beautiful here in april.

The cherry blossoms are

Beautiful here in april.

None of them agree with me.

You guys are brutal.

Where can I get a half smoke

With chili?


It was one of those tasks,

That it was asking the right guy

When you passed him, you passed


I don't see anymore.

I've got to go back.


Get it.

Get it.

Get it.

Play ball a high flying ball

Of catch.

It's time for teams to --

Play ball.

This is national's park.

Home to washington's major

League baseball.

While one team member is

Suspended high above the

Stadium, the other will be

Dressed as a giant baseball.

The high wired teammate will zip

Across the stadium while

Throwing a ball to their


If they drop or miss the ball

All together, they must reset

And try again.

When teams successfully make the

Catch, they'll have their next


Let's go.


You want me to go up there?

Yeah, you go up there.


All right.

Looks like I'm dressing up as

Some mascot of some sort.

Going to catch some fly balls or


We should be good.

Playing with each other,


We did play baseball but we

Never wrote mascot -- wore

Mascot clothes.

I could barely move.

It was so hot in there.

I couldn't see.


Let's go.

Come on, buddy.

We got this.

It was cool going up the zip


You know, you're going pretty


I wasn't nervous.

I was thinking about giving him

A good toss so he could catch




It was like trying to catch

With one eye.

You have no depth perception.

It might have looked easy but it

Was not easy.

We're going to do it again.

Where can I get a good half

Smoke with chili.

Cherry blossoms are beautiful

Here in april.

You're not going to give me

Anything, are you?

I don't know.

The cherry blossoms are

Beautiful here in april.

I'll have to bring my mother

Next spring.

I could kiss you on the lips

Right now.

The key to opening the

Briefcase is in the order you


In new zealand, indonesia and


Where are could I gate good half

Spoke with chili?

I heard there's a great


The key to opening up the

Briefcase is in the order you

Finished in new zealand,

Indonesia and vet unanimous.

Mona, I got it!

You got it!

All right.

I think he's got it.

New zealand, indonesia, vet


Good work, jen.

New zealand, indonesia --

You have to do it.

Thankfully we had taken

Really good notes.

Indonesia was three.

The washington nationals?

I got it.

I got it.

Make your way to the home of

The nats.

That's the baseball team.

Come on.

We've got to go up here.







Come on, come on, right here!

Did mona and beth get one?

No, they're right there.

I need go to the baseball


Well, we just have to hope

That we can catch up and we

Can't make any mistakes an we

Have to be perfect from here on



Oh, my gosh.

Home of the nats.

Holy cow.


Come on, buddy.


That was awesome.

That was the clue.

All right.

Thank you, sir?



Tough to see in that big


What do you got?

Here's our clue.

Hains point.

Do you know where hains point



We're from the back to the


But we still -- we've got a long

Way to go.

We're not getting cocky.

Play ball in a high flying

Ball of catch.

You throw, I catch.

This is good for us.

So where do you think we go


Home plate gate?

Team store?

I didn't see any marked



Oh, here we go.

I didn't want to whip the ball

Down at him because I knew it

Was going to be hard.

So I decided to lob it so he

Would have more time to get

Under it and catch it.


Get ready.

Drop it.

Here we go.

Sb --

Oh, my god, he dropped it.

What should do I differently?

Just drop it a little sooner.

You can't imagine how hard it

Was to catch the ball in that

Ridiculous outfit.



Not only did it inflate so

That you couldn't get your arms

Down to your side, you also

Couldn't see because you had a


Get it.

Get it.

Catch the ball with two


Or anything?


We're so stupid.

We ran right by it.

Part of the course.

We run right by it.

I used to play softball so

You soar.

And I catch.

I'm thinking there's going to

Be some sort of mental trickery

Coming up.

Hains point.

What the hell is that?

Stay here.

You've made your way around

The globe.

Where did you go.

After traveling through 10

Countries and racing more than

Final challenge before heading

To the finish line.

One team member must search

Through this enormous collection

Of globes.

They'll need to find the 10

Countries they visited during

The race and toss the globes to

Their partner.

They must then put the globes in

The correct order to complete

The challenge and get their next


You want me to get in there?

You remember them all?

If you see any in there,

Throw them to me and I'll put

Them in the right order.

Oh, crap.



Chuck e. Cheese in order here.

It was like I was 10 years

Old again.

And it was hard to move.

I've never been in a pit with

That many balls before.

They were some big balls.


Here we go.


Oh, my god.

You suck at baseball.

I think there was a little

Added pressure once I saw mona

And beth.

I was like ok.

Now we've got to get it.

Just catch it this time.

I will.


Here we go.


Good job!


Max just got it.

I don't see it yet.

Being in that pool of globe and

Balls, it was a little

Overwhelming because I couldn't

Find anyway.

The hardest part is just having


It looks pretty tough.

It looks pretty tough.



The hardest part was just

Having patience because there

Were so many of the countries

That were the same or a lot of

The countrys that we haven't

Even been to.

The first one.


I think we knew what most of

The countries looked like.

We've been sitting on planes

Looking at maps.

But if we had to find the

Countries before this race,

There's no way.


Read it.

Hains point.

All right.


Oh, has so cool.

We're in nationals field in the

Most ridiculous outfit in the


How does my butt look in this



Oh, beth, here I come do you

See me?

All right, mona.

I'm going to throw it on one,

Two -- ready, here I go.

Oh, it was right there.

Use both hands!

New zealand.

How many have we got so far?


Botswana was after vietnam,


-- Right?

Here it goes!

That was way short.

I'm sorry.

Here it goes.



Here it comes!

I can't see it.

It's all right.

Let's focus, ok?

Thank you for those helpful

Words of encouragement.

I haven't been focused until


It was so absurd and those

Mascots kept coming around.

They would pat me on the ball.

We have to find indonesia.

That one's going to be tough.

He's in there fumbling around I

Was looking on the street to see

If there are in cabs pulling



Yeah, I don't see it yet.

We're not giving up.

Bates and anthony are ahead of

Us but we hope there is a

Challenge that they are

Struggling at and so we can

Catch up.


There's one over here.

In this second to last one at

The bottom.

I don't know if it's it or not.

Indonesia, malley.

Right at the very bottom?

This is indonesia right here.

That's what I thought.


It sucks.

All right, mona.

All right.




Good job, beth!

Come on, beth.

There is still a lot of race

To go and anything can happen.


It's like the little island.

Oh, my gosh.

We're having trouble finding


Bally gave us trouble when we

Were there.

So I'm not surprised.

When it comes down to the

Million dollars, walking away as

The first lose ser not an


This is what we're here for,

It's to win the whole thing.



I don't know about this.

But I'll try it.

Come on, buddy.

Come on.


Nice job.

This is it.

The firn line.

Make your way to the home of the

First president.

Teams must race to george

Washington's mount vernon, the

Home of the first president of

The united states.

Over the past 25 days, these

Eight teams were eliminated and

Now the final three are racing

To the finish line.

In the end, only one will win

The $1 million and "the amazing


All right.

George washington.

All right, buddy.

Let's get there freaking now.

Yeah, yeah, that's it.

Hang on.

Don't leave.

You want me to go in the t*nk?

Yep, go in the t*nk.

Here we go.

Max, see anything?


Max, go in the middle.

I hope this is right.

Oh, man.

I honestly can't even talk right

Now because I'm so nervous that

We're not going to the right


The rest of my hair may fall

Off, may turn gray within the

Next five minutes.

We'll be right back.

This is it.

Is that katie?

Mona and beth are here.

Go faster.

You want to switch?

No, I've got good energy.

Mona, this is it, baby.

Oh, my god.


Hard to move in here.

Max, how's it going?

Is that switzerland?

Oh, jeez, we got one.

I hope this is right.

Even if we don't win, it was

Pretty amazing especially doing

It with bates.

I wouldn't want to do it with

Anybody else.

We're in a ball pit.

This is what it comes down to.

Hey, katie, is that anything?

That's south america.

We didn't go there.

You want to switch?

Yeah, you get in here.

I'm going to come out.



This is a freaking nightmare.

I started the t*nk.

I'm really not sure why.

I knew she would be better at


Katie, how's it going?

Mix them up a little.

Max, I got it!

Hang on to it with your life.

This is terrible.

Did it open?



Make your way to the home of

The first president.


Let's go.

You want to switch in

The home of the first


Beth, come out.

We're going to switch.

I'm going to go in and look

I'm going to go in and look
for new zealand and switzerland.

For new zealand and switzerland.

This might haunt us if we're

In the wrong spot.

Is that it?

Welcome to mount vernon.

Thank you.

Right that way.

Which way?

This way.

This way.

Give it to me.

Bates and anthony, five

Continents, 10 countries, more

Than 30,000 miles, I am pleased

To tell you that you have won

The $1 million.


And you are the official

Winners of "the amazing race"!



It's not real right now.

You made it all the way

Around the world with your false


I did.

They didn't fall into your


You didn't joke.

I could buy some new ones


I can't remember the last

Time I felt like this.

And it hasn't come from hockey

In a long time.

So it's pretty amazing.

That's awesome.

And what about doing it


We were saying earlier that

There was anybody else we could

Have done it with.

When it comes to the race

It's not so much the

Destination, it's the journey.

Even if we hadn't won the

Million dollar, just being able

To do all the things we did in

The last few weeks and just

Experience the world, that's

Priceless right there.

I mean, the entire experience is

Like the title says.

It's amazing.

-- It's amazing.

Good job, guys.

Max and katie, you should

Be very proud of yourselves, you

Are team number two.


Thank you.

Now obviously you would

Have loved to win the million

Dollars but you didn't.

And you are standing here until

Whole race.

Are you closer now?

Do you feel like you have more

Of the bond?

We've made it through the


We forged the iron I feel

With this.

We have a brand-new, fresh

Relationship and this has thrown

Us right into the fire.

The race really reinforced that

We are really a solid couple.

When we put our minds it to, we

Can do some great things


I think in life we're going to

Continue to do some great things


Here you go, guys.

Turn around.

Mona and beth, an amazing race.

You are officially team number


It's all right.

I'll take it.

Thank you.

You guys should be so incredibly


An I know your kids will be

Watching you stand here

Competing against all these


And what's one thing that

They're going to say?

That their moms are


And you're not just moms,

You're competitors.

We're going take away so much

From this race.

We've met so many fabulous

People, everyone here and

Everyone that we met along the

Way across the world that helped

Us out.

Mona and i, I think everybody

Knows we had kids very, very

Young and life kind of got put

On pause for a little while.

And the chance to do something

Like this to travel all turnover

World, this race is a prize.

It's totally life changing.

We wouldn't trade this

Experience for a million


We're so disappointed to go

Out the way we did but we had

Such a fabulous experience.

My achilles tendon was gone.

Fortunately we were able to make

It home.

And I had the stitches out

Yesterday in this lovely booth

For another month.

I'll be off crutches for a week.

And actually try to rehab it.

It's fun.

And bittersweet.

But at the same time it's hard

To see what could have been but

That's life and we're happy for

Bates and anthony.

I know we're going to be

Friends for life.

I mean, we went through

Something together that no one

Else will ever understand.

And even like the roller

Girls and meghan and mona, these

Relationships you create around

Relationships you create around
the world, it's really special.

The world, it's really special.

The world, it's really special.
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