21x11 - Take Down That Million

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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21x11 - Take Down That Million

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"The Amazing Race".

around the world.


Along the way,
they were epic battles...

They're behind us.
Go, go, go!

...grueling challenges...

They're so heavy.
Watch out!

...and devastating defeats.

You have your passport?

Teams experienced blood...

Oh, my God.
I sliced my finger.

Do you need the medic?


How am I going to keep going?

...and tears.

Seven teams were eliminated.

Rob and Sheila, Amy and Daniel,
Caitlin and Brittany,

Gary and Will, Rob and Kelley,
James and Abba,

Abbie and Ryan,
you have been eliminated from the race.

Two of the final four teams
made an alliance.

From the jump,
we liked Lexi and Trey.

And got a third team
to join them.

We've already been aligned
with Natalie and Nadiya

and we're friends with
the Chippendales. It's just natural.

After executing a plan

to eliminate tough competitors
Abbie and Ryan...

The plan is the first team
to get to the U-Turn

u-turns Abbie and Ryan.

...the alliance celebrated.

Top three!

Until the plan backfired
on the twins.

We're so last place.

Chippendales Jaymes and James
got off to a rocky start.

I just-I don't know.

But with a positive attitude...

Tell your friends,
tell your grandmas, tell your cousins.

...and their family
as motivation...

My dad is dealing with cancer

and I don't think
you can effectively fight that

when you're working

The million dollars is
the best opportunity

I can see right in front of me.

...though they struggled
with their conscious...

Do you want to do it?
I feel awful. I feel terrible.

...the determined pair made a
game-changing move

that helped launch them
into the final four.

I'm pleased to tell you that
you're team number two.

Goat farmers Josh and Brent
appeared destined for elimination...

Are you okay?
No. I hurt my ankle.

...dealing with heat exhaustion,
missed flights...

It's gone.

...and penalties.

This is your clue,
but you got a penalty.

But the couple of 14 years

drew on the strength
of their relationship.

That was teamwork.

I guess the two of us are
better than each one separate.

And found a way
to make it to the final four.

Dating couple Trey and Lexi
began the race as travelling novices.

We're looking for
a lady with an abacus.

But with each leg
their confidence grew...

Who wants some sherbet?

...coming in first three times.

You are team number one!
One! One!

And falling deeper in love
along the way...

On a scale of one to 10,
where's the love at?

We are at 1,000!

...the couple blazed a trail
to the final four.

At some point you have to go off
on your own and win it all.

From the beginning,
twins Natalie and Nadiya raced loud...

Come on, twinnie!

...and proud...

Sri Lanka number one!

...gaining friends and foes.

Let's go, twinnie!
Hey! Shh!

After spearheading the plan
to oust their rivals...

Get with the program.

...the twins
unknowingly awakened

the sleeping giant
in the Beekmans.

Oh, hell no!
The Beekmans Boys.

My competitive drive appeared
when the twins pulled up.

And they now face
a Speed Bump

as they fight for a spot
in the final three.

Coming up in tonight's
two-hour finale,

in a fight to the finish,

only one team will emerge

Have fun at the Speed Bump.

Sync by

This is the island of
Mallorca, Spain,

and overlooking
its capital city, Palma,

this circular 14th century castle.

It is now the start of the 11th leg
in a race around the world.

Trey and Lexi won
the last leg of the race

and will depart first
at 9:32 A.M.

Make your way to
the Gardens of France.

Teams must now
fly to Barcelona, Spain,

and then catch a train
to the Loire Valley in France.

When they arrive,

they'll find their next clue
on an all-new Ford Escape.

Let's go.
All right. To France, we go.

We have an alliance with
Jaymes and James and Natalie and Nadiya,

but we're racing for
a million dollars.

We're going to do whatever it takes
to get to that final three.

France! Yay!

You have $20 for this leg of the race.
We're rich!

Come on, let's go.
All right!

We kind of struggled up
through the ranks.

We were hungry all along.
That's why we always made it through.

We had a reason
to win this money.

With my dad
and his health situation,

I really need to save the day.

And my mom
has spent her whole life

taking care of special needs kids

and it's time for someone
to take care of her.

France, here we come.
This is awesome. I can't wait.

Make your way to the Gardens
of France in Loire Valley.

Fantastic. I speak France.

I think for us to make it
to the final three

would blow our minds
as much as everybody else's,

because we've hung up
by the skin of our teeth,

and now is our time
to push forward.

Taxi! Taxi!
Al aeropuerto.

Make your way to
the Gardens of France. Let's go.

It's amazing to be
in the final four

with my two favorite teams.

Taxi! Taxi!

I know we can rely
on Trey and Lexi

and Jaymes and James to help us.

Because they know
we have a Speed Bump.

They can pull for us
and we can make this dream team happen.

So we have to fly from here
to Barcelona

and then take a train
to St. Pierre des Corps, France.

Oh, We're going to France.
I told you, you fool.

Hello. We just need to check in.


The Beekman Boys,
they've hung around for no reason.

And they're taking a spot out.

There are plenty of teams that
would have loved to be in this position.

We want it more than them
so we have to make it happen.

Hopefully there will be
tough challenges.

All teams are now making
their way to Barcelona, Spain.

I was so happy
we were going to France.

Our odds are better than ever
to make the final three.

Thank you.

They're here taking up a spot
and we want it way more than them.

Nadiya and I
have no room to mess up.

We have to keep fight to dead,
so we had a secret powwow.

Just remenber,
six are better than two.

Yeah. We got a dream team.

Why did we get quiet all
of a sudden?


Are they behind us?

Beekmans, what y'all doing?
Get on down here.

Come and join our group.

We had a real mental
decision point

when we overheard that there
actually was an official alliance

that we weren't a part of.

At first it was incredibly demoralizing
to think these people that are so nice

and really friendly are actively
working to get you out of the race.

Group hug.

We're very close.
Family portrait time.

It's almost like high school
all over again.

I think it's hard for some people
to keep perspective on that.

And remember they're running for
themselves and against other teams.

We can either be demoralized
by that or...

Let it motivate us.

So, kids...

Come on, Josh.
Go, go, go! let's go!

Run, come on.
Right here.

Here's all these cars right here.

Babe, get a car!
That one.

Come on, babe.
Route Info.

Teams must now pick up
eight empty crates from this café

then using the hands-free lift gate,

kick open the lift gate
to load their Ford Escape.

Once their cargo is loaded,
they must kick the lift gate closed.

Finally they must drive themselves
to the Château de Villandry,

home to the world's largest
ornamental garden,

where they must find this stone dog
and their next clue.

All right.
Look, crates.

Is that them right there?

Careful, babe.
Right there, there's the crates.

Using the hands-free lift gate...
Okay. Let's go.

Come on.
They have their crates already.

We have to get eight crates
and put them in the car,

and then kick the gate open.
What do you mean, kick it open?

Use a gentle kicking motion
under the center of the rear bumper.

Oh. This car has this feature on it,
so all you have to do is kick.

You give it a little kick right
toward the bumper and...

Lo and behold.
It opens right up.

So that we can take all the crates
that we hold in our hands

and put them right in.
Kick again, close.

Nice and easy.

It's pretty custom.

That's awesome.

Crazy cool.

That's cool.
Awesome. Whoo!

Under. This is awesome.

I want one. Get me one.
If we win the million dollars.

Let's find out where we going.
They're asking directions.

Where we going first?
The Château de Villandry.

Château de Villandry?
Guys, guys, he knows.

How do we get there from here?
From this bridge.

Can you navigate us to this place?

Where's the Beekmans?

There's no need for us to
fret about how to get here.

We must just stay with the pack
because they're working together.

We're just going to follow
the leader until we get there.

Okay. Come on.
We'll follow you guys.

Let's go this way. Come on.

Are people following us?
Yes, they're all behind us.

It's an amazing feeling
being in the final four

and leading the pack.

If we finish first today,
I'm hoping that we win a car.

My mom's kind of needed a car
for a while. She walks to work.

It's so ridiculous.

It frustrates me that she doesn't have
that convenience at her age.

If I win a car, it would definitely be
a huge help to her.

Dude, we can do it.

The Beekman Boys trying
sneak up from behind.

It's what they like to do.

The Sri Lanka's going
to start panicking. Let's play to it.

It's kind of flattering because
all this time we presumed

they didn't think we were a threats
and boom, all of a sudden we are.

We just let them to stew in their nerves
and hopefully they'll fail.

Natalie and I were only worried
to get rid of Abbie and Ryan.

We never thought the gays
would be a threat to us.

Our whole plan was to leave the
Beekman Boys in the dust

and now they're on our coattails.
We are on the chopping block.

We have been compromised by them.
It's like what the hell?

We're sure it's there?

Get out and go ask them.
They're right behind.

Do they want to say something?
Are we sure it's there?

I wish they weren't on our tails.

They even don't have a map
if we lose them.

Just stop right here.

We're going in the right way.

Guys, we have to lose these
boys behind us.

Follow us.
Jaymes, we have to lose these guys!

They're really trying
to lose the Beekmans.

They just said,
"We have to lose these guys".

Go, go, go.

Forget it, now I don't care.
At this point I'm willing to be...


Isn't that it?
Yes, it is.

This is sweet.
What a castle.

Park, park.
Go, go, straight.

If these fools weren't behind us,
I'd feel so much better.

Every second counts.

This place is gorgeous.

We're looking for a stone dog.

See a stone dog?
Stone dog, anyone?

Woof? Woof?
Dog, dog.

Hey, babe. Let's do it.
Yes. Ask this guy.

Can you come here, sir?
We don't know any french.

What is dog?
How is dog in french?

Woof? Woof?

Woof? Woof?
La chienne? La chienne?

Oh! Sneaky.

Oh, wow. Josh just started
spitting french at somebody.

It was a little scary to know
that he knew that.

Just another card up
the sleeve, man.

You just don't know
with those guys.

La chien.
Yeah, yeah.

You guys starting
to sweat a little bit?

Today we're gonna beat you.

Wait a minute. These boys
are pulling all kinds of tricks.

I thought Josh was hurt.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but
apparently he has a bionic ankle now.

There is it!

This race is on.

Here, James.
Let's go.

Find da Vinci's...
...final resting place

Teams must now find the site of
Leonardo da Vinci's final resting place,

Château de Amboise,

where they'll find their next clue.

Da Vinci's grave.

Speed Bump!

Hey, if they can dish it,
they have to take it.

No, that's not nice.

Fair game.

Speed Bump.

After arriving last
on the previous leg,

Natalie and Nadiya must now
complete a Speed Bump.

First they have to find
the Prince Jérôme bedroom.

Once here, they must help
this lady finish dressing

in an 18th century costume.

They must work from the top and bottom
of this corset to lace it together.

Once it's been properly fitted,

they'll receive their next clue.

Say bye-bye to the twins.

Can't believe we're gonna lose'em
and they're gonna get to follow them.

Guys, lose them!
You guys got to do that.

You don't have to lose us, guys.
Play nice.

Don't listen these b*tches.
No, this is the final leg.

This is getting crazy.

Did you see him run?
It's all fake.

Guys, you have to lose them!
Don't let them ride on your coattails!

They're just using you, guys!
This guy is faking his ankle!

Josh, are you faking your
ankle injury?


Have fun at the Speed Bump.

Oh, my God.
You guys are leaving us.

This is the entrance?
Come on.

We had to do this extra step
that nobody else needed to do.

Dress up this lady in her
corset or whatever.

Go up the stairs.
Go, go.

Bedrooms. Bedrooms.

Bonjour, mademoiselle.

"Help the lady of the house
get dressed".

Très sexy, no?

Turn her around.
No, you do the lacing.

Let's go. I'll put it in order.
You just lace it.

Okay. Like this?


They should have all
waited for us.

The Beekman Boys
wouldn't have gone anywhere.

Da Vinci's grave.

What does it say?

Find da Vinci's final
resting place.

Do they know?
Everyone said around here.

Around here?
By "le tour". What's "le tour"?

You know french.
That's a city.

Let's ask together.

Do you guys know
where is da Vinci buried?

It was very interesting
how quickly the alliance broke down.

As soon as the twins were
no longer in the picture,

Chippendales and Texas
were whatever we want to do.

Do you know?
Amboise? We passed it.

So if Josh wants
to get us there, we follow Josh.

If you want to bring in
your french skills and help us out,

bonjour, come in,
we'll take them.

Amboise is back that way.
Wait for them.

Who's leading, sweetie?

My only concern is
they're not really good at directions.

We're headed towards Amboise
with all haste.

Make sure you don't lose them.
Because if he speaks french...

That's a huge advantage.

You never count
the Beekmans out.

Yeah. Give it some slack

Loose it at the bottom,
because it's super tight.

Pull it. Pull this.

What are we doing to her?
Tie it super tight.

Now, that's good.

Thank you!

Let's go. We have
to go back to the stupid dog.

I know.

We just made a big circle.
Yes. Obviously.

We're going to pull over.
Josh, why?

We have to stay ahead
of the twins.

Crap, are we going the wrong way?
Oh, gosh. What are they doing?

Are y'all good on directions?

Can they not use the map
that we have?

What are they doing?

Bloody stone dog.
Stupid bloody dog.

Find da Vinci's final resting place
for your next clue.

Let's hope the gays have a
flat tire or something. But not us.

This way, right?
"Le tour" is here.

He said keep going straight.

Is Amboise this way?

We need to go.
We're wasting time.

It's just Amboise.
Let's follow the roads.

Stay on the course, then
All right, y'all follow us.

Yeah. We'll follow you.

This is going to Amboise.

Look here,
the sign is coming up, Amboise.

This way?

Sometimes you have to go
on these bloody small roads,

what can we do?

How pretty is this?
Oh, cool, whatever that is.

So that's it, babe. Right?
That big thing?

That's what we think.
Right there, babe.

Just keep going.

"Entrée du château".
There's the entrance.

Let's park somewhere up here.

We have to go find
Leonardo DiCaprio.

Not Leonardo DiCaprio.
What's this guy name?

Leonardo da Vinci.

This is probably it.
Up here?


Lock it. Hey, guys.

We have to find the church.
Where's the church?

It's the church
that was part of the château.

You think that's it?

We're the first up here.

This place is gorgeous.

Da Vinci's tomb
is just incredible.

beautiful castles here.

Right there.

Good job, guys.
Where is it?

Y'all, it's beautiful. Dang.

Plow or Chow?

This detour requires teams

to choose between
two age-old french traditions.

Their choice, Chow or Plow.

The royal french tradition
of hunting with dogs

dates back hundreds of years
and is still practiced today.

Chow requires teams
to make the daily meal

for a pack of hungry
hunting hounds.

They must sort, weigh
and cut various types of meat

to create a well-balanced meal
for these canines

and serve it up
in the feeding area.

Once it's ready for consumption,

they will be handed
their next clue.

Plow requires teams to use
a traditional horse and plow

and till four furrows in this field.

When the farmer decides that the field
has been appropriately cultivated,

he'll hand over the next clue.

What do you want to do?

Oh, gosh.

Do you want to plow?

We know I can work with a horse
and he can carry a plow.

And we think that Trey and Lexi
will do the same thing.

Sure, we have to do it.

Let's ask for direction.
Follow the marked path.

Which one are you going to do?

Only two can do it at a time.

Farming seems like
an obvious choice,

but we didn't want to get into
a situation where the Chippendales

or anybody else were there
and used up both to the slots.

You think our coobook skills
will stretch the dogs?

Château de Cheverny?
Will you give us directions?

Let's do this one.
Do you want to do the Chow?

Plow or Chow?
We're going with Chow.

Okay, we'll do Chow with you.

We can help each other
through it.

Where are y'all parked?
Up this way.

Thank you so much.
We have to get out here.

Let's get to the road.

We're right here. Grey car.
See you in a minute.

It's our nature to be like,
"Yes, of course we'll help you",

because it's the type
of people we are,

but that competitive side,
I can feel it brewing.

You're not supposed to do this.
This is a race.

Oh, come on.
This is dumb, that we're waiting.

All right, ready?
Okay, let's go.

They asked for us
to wait for them,

but we want that number one
and we need to be more aggressive.

This is the parking.
Do you see any of the cars here?

Come on, let's go.

Is the chapel is in this way?

Thank you. Yay!

Just turn somewhere.
This way?

Hopefully this goes down
towards the main road.

If we lose the Beekmans,
that would be k*ller.

Let's see if we see them.

Where were they?
They were right in here.

Just go.

We know their allegiance may be
to the twins at this point.

So we have to be extra cautious.

You can't trust anybody
at this stage of the race.

Detour, Plow or Chow?
I would say make dog meals.

We've made dog meals before.

We've made dog food with
our grandfather before growing up.

Dog food.
Chow. Chow. Chow.

We were going to go with dog chow,

but I think we're going
to switch to the plowing.

I think this gives us an opportunity
to forge ahead of the other teams,

with our country roots.


Oh, my gosh,
we're the first ones here.

Yeah, let's go over here.

This is why we stay by ourselves, babe.
We're rocking it.

Look what we have.


How cool is this?

Are you ready, babe?
We're going to get muddy.


I love this guy just playing
music. It's awesome.

We have some local food,
a little picnic.

We might just have a great time.

Choose a plowing lane
with a farmer.

Hello. We need to choose
a plow and a horse.

Yeah, muscles.

I have to push this wheel
into the ground.

You take the front.
Walk the horses.

The brown horse?
Yes, it's really pretty.

Is this a clydesdale?
This is massive.


Being born and raised in texas,
I have horses on my ranch.

We're feeling good.


The goal is to keep in it
a straight line, okay?


Come on.

We just had to make four rows
of plowing that were straight.

Dig it into the ground, babe.

Oh! Oh!

Babe, stop.
We're going all over the place.

We're not staying in
a straight line at all.

All right.
Bah, bah!


Ho, ho. Whoa.

You all right?
He just farted.


Wow, dude.
That's beautiful.

Entrée D'honneur.
It's in front the Château de Cheverny.

We're in the right vicinity.

What does "honneur" mean?

It's the Beekmans?

Where's the parking spot?
What does this the world mean?

Honor. The Gate of Honor.
The Gate of Honor.

So maybe we have to go around more.
Yeah. Let's try it.

You're doing a good job.

This is definitely
a Texas kind of challenge.

I've never plowed a field with a horse,
but this is fun.

Are we doing a straight line, babe?
Pretty straight. It's tough.

And ho. Ho.

Turn around.
Come on.

Yeah, good horse.
Good job.

Ho, ho.
This way, baby.

Come on. Are you digging it into
the ground, babe?


Cheverny, this way.

Look at these horses.
Oh, my God, somebody's there.

Trey and Lexi.
Oh, my God. Should we just do this?

No, it looks too hard.
Yeah, the girls are here.

Natalie and Nadiya, they made up
serious ground after their Speed Bump.

Only Trey and Lexi are here.

Oh, my God.
What if the others are left?

Let's go. We can do it.

Here are the plows.
So, is this the Gate of Honor?

Plow or Chow. Look around.
Park here. There's the girls.

The girls are already here.
Oh, my gosh.

The pressure is definitely on.

Only the top three teams
will race the final leg,

so we have to hurry up.

Oh, my God.
I just saw James and Jaymes!


Oh, well,
we do what we can.

Oh, my God, We got right here
before everybody. Let's go!

Whoo! Let's go. Inside.

Look at the dogs.

We're going to lose
this to the girls.

Oh, don't worry about it.


The dogs were so excited.

It was actually pretty cool
and really great to see.

They're coming, hurry up.
Right here. Come on!

Me and Nadi headed
first to the chow

and right after we saw
the Beekman Boys on our tail,

we had to get out of there
sooner than them.

I hear the dogs.

We're searching for certain meats.

We had to debone and cut off
and remove all foreign objects

from two huge barrels of raw
meat to feed the hunting dogs.

Any piece of the meat is fine
as long as there's no bones.

How big are we cutting the pieces?
Nice sizes.

Competing against goat farmers
who use their knives for a living.

Stabbing people in the back.
Oh, please.

Josh, I didn't know
you could run so fast.

Were you faking the entire time?
No, he wasn't.

You became evil yesterday.

The evil gays.
The evil twins

We've always been evil.
We've never been nice.

We can't be mean.
Yes, you can.

I saw you trying to box out
Natalie today up the hill.

Josh yelled at me for doing that.

We were nice until you said,
"We have to lose these guys".

Of course we had to lose you.
Come on! We had a Speed Bump.

Well, now we're
in an even play field.

Evil gays are going down.

Easy does it.

How you doing, babe?

The Chippendales are here.
Turn around.

That's pretty good.

All right, just keep it
in a straight line, okay?

Babe, I got you.

Choose a plow and horse.

Hey, buddies.
Who is the calmest? White guy?

Yeah. Hey, bubba.

That's a big horse, man.

We bring the plow over?
All right.

Watch your foot.
Look how they're doing it.

It goes all the way down, James.

Stay right in that lane, James.
Ho. Ho.

It's hard to steer, man.

Man, my forearms are
k*lling me.


The dogs are barking.
They're hungry.

We wanted to avoid being
with these fools

and now we're back
with them.

We have one bucket filled.

I don't know
how many the gays have.

Like one and a half.
We have to hurry up.

Okay. I'll pick up the sausages,
as much as possible.

Do you have any big roast
over there?

Yeah. Here.
Those are great.

Just one cut.

We found a strategy
pretty quickly.

We first went through
and got out anything

that didn't necessarily
have to be deboned.

Fat, fat.
A big piece of fat with no bone.

We got those
out of the way first.

We shaved time off
by not having to cut the meat so small.

By the way, you guys have
the worst poker face in the world.

About the alliances.

Why should we hide it?
We have a alliance from the start.

I have a question for you.

We're like totally the weakest team
so far in the race.

We're weaker
than Abbie and Ryan.

Why did you not want to us
in the final three?

We're weaker
than Abbie and Ryan, too.

Who do you have
the better shot against?

I think we confused the twins
by joking with them.

Alliances doesn't matter when
you're knee deep in hamburger patties.

Don't you think
we're easier to beat?

Enough talking. Shut up!

These guys can work
and talk at the same time. We cannot.

That was part of our strategy.

Evil gays.

Good job, horse.

Hop! Hop! Come on.

Ho. Ho. Now we turn.
Man, this is really hard work.

It's hard to keep this plow
going straight.

Now we have to turn around.

My forearms are burning.
I know, I'm sorry.

Slow down. Slow down.

As soon as they're full,
can we take them?

We have to run over
to the kennel with the buckets.

How are you doing it over there?

She's doing it one at a time.
That makes no bloody sense.

Hurry up, they're bloody done.
This bastards.

Here? Straight?
In this line, just like that.

Dump your bucket right there.
Okay. Yeah.

Don't dump it, let's scoop it.

Go slow.
We don't want to mess up here.

After we deboned the meat,
we had to dump them in a long line.

Looked pretty appetizing.

We have to get

And then weigh out

that would surround the meat
on the ground.

Oh, my God.

Natalie, if we lose again to them,
I'm gonna k*ll myself.

This is so awesome.

Us country people
doing the country detour.

Ho, ho.

Good? Yay!
Thank you.

You're awesome, horse.
Good job, babe.

Hey, baby.
Come on, babe!

Make your way to Bourré
and find La Cave des Roches.

Oh, that's hard on the hands.

Glad we changed.
Good decision.

You're doing good, Chippi.
Keep it up, okay?

Keep it up. Good job.
We almost there.

Good job, Chippi.
Dude, my forearms are toast.

One, two, three, four.
Yeah? Thank you so much, sir.

Chippi, I love you.
Come here. Mwah!

Make your way to Bourré
and find La Cave des Roches.

We have to figure out
where the heck that is.

Let's get out of here fast.
Only Trey and Lexi are in front.

Way to muscle through
that thing, man.

Way to muscle through it.

They're finishing up.

I just feel like the other one
had to be easier than this.

Whatever, just shut up.

Natalie, how much more
do you have in there?

Like two hands.
Okay, give it.

It was good to see
Natalie and Nadiya.

We would love to keep our
dream team intact for the final three.

Hopefully, they'll complete
the Detour quickly.

One more, and I'm done.
Get all of it.

Nadiya, what are they doing?

They're just weighing it
one kilo at a time.

That's fine.

A little bit more.

I'm done with my last one.

Okay, good. Let's move.
Let's hustle.

Yeah. 20.

Hurry up.
Okay. This is the last.


You just have to pour it.
I'll scoot down.

Natalie, they're done, man!
Hurry up!

Oh, my God.
This is what we wanted to avoid.

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

The gays bloody beat us.

Hurry up.

They're done now, Natalie,
and we still have to measure it.

Let's just finish and go.
Stop talking.

Just help me finish.

I'm done. Let's go.

Okay, come on.

I try to see if they are still there.
They're not there.

Are you sure?

Okay. Let's go back into town.

Just one big one.
Nice and straight.

Roches caves.
Here we come.


Hey, baby.

Who's a fun guy?

Many of the Loire Valley's castles
were built with limestone

excavated from
underground caverns.

Mining this precious stone
inadvertently created

the perfect environment
for growing mushrooms.

This Roadblock requires
teams to search

this subterranean farm
for "champignon", mushrooms.

First, they'll examine
these three distinct types then,

relying on memory,
they must search

the dark maze of tunnels
to find them.

Once they have 10 of each variety,

the champignonniste will handed
their next clue.

That's you.

Unload the crates in the back
of your vehicle and bring them in.

Go get them, babe.
Oh, yeah.

I had to find three different
types of mushrooms.

Those look like flowers,
those look like little mushrooms

and those are
big brown mushrooms.

That was how I remembered it.
The different colors and shapes.

Go, babe, go!

Freezing in here.

First ones here.
Feeling good about that.

This is wild.

That cave was enormous
and it was dark and a little bit scary.

I'm so confused.

There was a ton of different
mushrooms down there.

They each had a different way
of being grown.

These look darker.

Some of them looked the same,
but were different colors.

Where are these suckers?

It's very easy to confuse
the mushrooms with the other kinds.

Aha. Found them.
I need to do the brown ones first.

You had to pick 10 of each kind.

Oh, it's dark.
It's really dark.

That light just went out.

It's so cool how this is done. Ten.

Now I have to get thosee like
the little baby things.

Caves right here.
Perfect. This is it.

We have to search for our next clue.
There it is a clue.

I'm a funny guy.

Load the crates and
bring them to the boutique.

Where do you think they are?
They're behind, somewhere.

We saw Sri Lankan's and the Beekmans
feeding the dogs.

So, we are not going to Cheverny.

Yes? Brent?
I don't know.

I don't think this is right.

Servant, servant!

Whoo! Thank you.

Find La Cave des Roches.

Oh, my God,
we're so behind, Natalie.

Hurry up.

We need to be on D-30.
We going this way.

To the right?

Lexi, you in here, baby?
It's Jaymes.


Gosh, these lights are scary.
Are we running in circles?

I'm so confused.
What are these?

Now, I'm thinking that
these are the ones that I need.

All right,
I think we needed this.

Here there are mushrooms.

How do you get out of this

Here we go.

These are my little ones
right here.

Come on.

What's down here?

I found others.
Are those different than these?

Those are definitely it.

If I go up and these are wrong,
it's going to be disappointing.

What you got going on?
You're the ones that look like bread.

That's too easy,
that can't be right.

Oh, dang.
Everything just went dark like that.

Ah, it's so dark.
Oh, my gosh, there's a wasp.

I'm not losing my way.
I came from right here.

Is this where I just came from?
This place is like a freaking maze.

Please, lord, get me out of
this freaking cave.

Whoa, whoa!

Don't get excited.
It's really confusing down there.

He's back already
and Lexi is not here.

All right! Yes!
The end is near.


It's not good.

Oh, sh**t. Shiitake.
Pied bleu. Pleurote grise.

Pleurote. Pied. Shiitake.

I had I think one wrong.
Good job, baby.

This is a lot harder.
Come on, baby!

I don't know if I did it right.

That place is massive.

Holy smokes, I think I did it right.
No freaking way.

Oh, my gosh, I did?



Holy moley, that was the most
rewarding thing I've ever done.

Come on, open it.
Oh, my God, babe.

Drive yourselves to the Pit Stop,
the Castle of the Ladies.

Teams must now drive to
Château de Chenonceau,

known as the Castle of the Ladies,

the Pit Stop for
this leg of the race,

and the last team to check in here
will be eliminated.

Good job, babe.

Do you want to ask them?

Château de Ladies?

Two kilometers.
Château Vallagon.

Okay, okay.
Château Vallagon.

We have 10 each,
but I'm not sure of this one.

I hope this is the right kind
of dad gum mushroom.

How did it, buddy?
I'm not sure.

I know that I have two right for sure.
It's okay, man.

All right, here you go, sir.

How you doing?

We got it?

Thank you, sir.
Merci beaucoup.

Whoo! That's my boy!
Let's see where we going.

Drive yourselves to the next Pit Stop,
the Castle of the Ladies.

Oh, man. Here we go.
Castle of the Ladies.

Here we go.

Show that to your mama
when we win this thing.

Is it right there?
That's got to be it.

Is this is Castle of the Ladies?

Can you look it up for us?
That is castle Chenonceau.

Where's that?

Fifteen minutes driving
straight ahead.

Thank you.
Wrong castle. Damn.

Castle of the Ladies?
Château Chenonceau.

Do you know where that is?

Thank you so much, sir.
Oh, now we're racing. Look out.

La Cave des Roches.
Park it.

Nadi, run!
It's right here, come on!

Keep running.
There could be a clue inside here.

sh**t. It's a Roadblock.

It's me.
I'll go get the crates.

This is the cave.
Maybe it's outside.

Maybe it wasn't even inside.

Just follow them.
Josh, the twins are here.

Okay, go, go.

Okay, I'm doing it.

You know where to go, Natalie.
Beat his ass!

Probably up here on the left.
Chenonceau that way.

Château de Chenonceau.
Right here.

Left, left, this is it.
Go, go.

Parking straight.
Chippendales are here.

This is it.

There they are.
Come on.

Picture your mom and my dad here.

I see Phil.

Wow. You're amazing.


Welcome to Chenonceaux, France.
Merci beaucoup.

Jaymes and James,

after 11 legs of the race

I am pleased to tell you that
you are team number one!

Oh, my God!

And you are one of the three teams
that will be race for $1 million.


And more good news.
As the winners of this leg of the race,

you have each won

the all-new redesigned
Ford Escape!

I love you, mom!

This car has
the smart technologies,

that includes the hands-free lift gate
that you used today,

and the SYNC with
MyFord Touch system

that you used
at the start of the race.

Oh, my God!
Top of the line.

Mama needed
some wheels bad.

I can't wait to see
the look on her face.

She's probably going to just
drop right there in excitement.

I'm so proud of you.
I'm proud of you.

Pretty lady! Oh!

Trey and Lexi,

I'm pleased to tell you that
you are team number two.

You are one of the three teams
who will be racing

to the finish line for $1 million.

You have made it
into the final three.

Hopefully we won't do
anything too crazy,

lose any friends
over this last leg,

but there's a million dollars
at stake

and we all want it bad.

Looking for mushrooms.

I don't know if they have
them covered up with something.

I usually tried to be very zen,
but when I saw the twins there

and I knew
this was neck and neck,

I was so frantic figuring out
what I had to do.

I didn't know if the mushrooms
were going to be buried in dirt

or what I was looking for.

You start running
through the cave

and there are
all these pathways and coves.

They do all look-a-like.

I don't know if this is one.

It just sucked.

We got to do the dog food
at the same time and they beat us.

It was adding insult to injury.

Brown and short.

I need the shiny brown one.
Are these the brown and short ones?

Yes, these are
the ones I needed.


I can't find the exit.

Good job, twinnie!

Let's see if I should look
for them better.

Thank you!
Thank you, thank you!

Castle of the Ladies.

We have to ask indications.
Yeah. Yeah.

If he comes out soon, it'll be a race
between us and the twins

to get to the Pit Stop.

Whoo! Let's go.

I hope they're going
the wrong way.

We have to ask indications.
Yeah. Yeah.

Whoo! Let's go.

If he comes out soon, it'll be a race
between us and the twins

to get to the Pit Stop.

If not, it'll be a legally drive
to the Pit Stop.

Oh, here it is.

Are we the last team?

Yes. Perfect.
Thank you.

Warning, the last team
to check in will be eliminated.

How long ago did they leave?

We're heading to the main road
to find the Castle of the Ladies.

We left the Beekman Boys.
It felt amazing--

Let's ask somebody
before we turn.

I don't want to go
in the wrong direction.

Ask these ladies?

Hello. I'm looking for
Castle of the Ladies.


Okay. Merci.
Merci beaucoup.

The twins left before us.

Unless they all of a sudden
start having navigation issues,

it's impossible to beat them.

They've had navigation issues
in the past.

But not today.
They're on a hot streak.

Excuse me, ma'am.
You know the Castle of the Ladies?


How do you spell it?
I know it, it's on the map.

D-62, we have to go.

Okay, shut up, read the signs
and tell me which way to go.

I'm figuring it out.
You don't know which you're going.

Deviation. The road is closed.
Are you sure?

Yeah, we always make
the wrong decisions.

Now we're heading in
this direction hoping it's right.

We're not 100% sure.

Are you following the detour signs?

Don't you think
that would be best?

I'm just trying to go
in the direction, that's all.

We're heading
in the direction of the river.

You want to ask this guy?
Open the door.

Yes, he stopped here.

Château de Femmes?

Château de Chenonceau?

In Chaumont?
No, no.


Opposite direction.

Oh, my God, Natalie.
The gays might beat us now.

How do we get past this?
You have to turn around, he said.

We should have followed the detour
arrows when we saw them.

The detour is this one, right?
This way, yeah.

Château, yes.
Château de Chenonceau.

Josh and Brent,

you are team number three!

And you are one of the three teams

that will be racing to the
finish line for $1 million.

We're certainly gaining
momentum and confidence

at the points where we need it most.

More and more I believe
we're going to win this race.

It's up here, not here.

Off with their heads, Phil, right?


Welcome to Chenonceaux, France.
Thank you. Merci beaucoup.

Natalie and Nadiya,

I'm sorry to tell you that
you're the last team to arrive.

And you've both been
eliminated from the race.

Oh, man.

It sucks.

We went the opposite direction.

Even though we made it so far,

it was $1 million on the line
and we completely blew it.

I'm telling you, the Beekmans
have tricks up their sleeve.

If we can take anything from this race,

it's to say that we need to
harness the potential we have

into a more positive reaction
instead of only crazy.

But at the same time, we have
a lot of fun with what we're doing.

Yeah, we had a lot of fun in the race.

Come on, twinnie.
Come on, twinnie, let's go!

Jai ho, jai ho!

Now we're going back to our lives
and we have each other

and that's more important than
$1 million at the end of the day.

Whatever. But we suck.
That's fine.

Au revoir.
Au revoir.

Are we going to win the race, James?

This next leg has to be
our first and only win.

We don't want to lose this game.

The Beekman Boys are going to make
"The Amazing Race" the fabulous race.

We have 100% what it takes.
It's all or nothing.

We're going to fight our
butts off to win this thing.

There are no friends
in that last leg.

Never count off the underdogs.

James squared,
Amazing Race season 21 champions.

Stay tuned to see
who will win $1 millon

on the second hour
of The Amazing Race.

This is the Loire Valley.

Known as the Gardens of France,

it is scattered with
spectacular châteaus like this,

Château de Chenonceau.

Once the home to a succession
of powerful french women,

it is now the start
of the 12th and final leg

in a race around the world.

For winning the previous leg,

Jaymes and James each won

an all-new redesigned
Ford Escape.


You just push the button. Watch.

Look at that.
This is k*ller, man.

Just kick it.

Look at that.

Easy as pie.
That's great, man.

That's awesome.

And they will depart first
at 1:33 A.M.

Last one.
Let's see where we're going.

Fly to your final destination,
New York, New York.

Here's a postcard.
Wish you were here!

Hang on to that,
we might be going this summer.

Maybe it's Coney Island,
we must figure that out.

Teams must fly now 3,600 miles
across the Atlantic Ocean

to their final destination,
New York City.

They must figure out that
their postcard

is sending them to
the Coney Island boardwalk,

where they'll need to discover
their clue hidden in this sign.

We're going to make some memories.
New York city, baby.

It has been a long road
to get to this point.

The whole reason
we're doing this race

is the $1 million to
take care our family.

It's right there the $1 million.
It's right here.

Just go out and grab it.

This is our first clue in here.
Wish you were here.

We're going to get there real soon.
No kidding.

We will be in the New York city, man.


Fly to your final destination,
New York, New York.

Oh, my God!
All right, let's do it.

What is this?
Wish you were here.

This is where we have to go.
I don't know.

The amount we've learned from
this race is a huge laundry list.

We didn't even know what customs was
before we left for the race.

I feel like we've learned a lot about
communication with each other

and we've learned to love
each other even more than

we have before this race.

Take us there.
Ready to get that million.


I'm just realizing now whether
it's Sri Lanka or the Beekmans...

They're both from New York.
I mean, dad gum.

So we have to make sure
we're on top of our game

because we have some locals
we're playing against today.

Let's fun.

Fly to your final destination,
New York, New York!

Oh, my God!

Wish you were here.

I've been working
in the city for the last five years

while he's at the farm full time.

This million dollars would help us
pay off our farm mortgage

so we could be together again.

Also, it would mean we've accomplished
one of the biggest challenges

we've ever set out on in our lives.
We've taken on some big challenges.

We have home advantage, man.

We'll see.

Don't count your $1 million
before you have it.

I don't know.
What do you think?

Who is it?

Are they going back or what?

Shut up!


Oh, my God.

Good job, guys.
I didn't even imagine it.

Josh and Brent are from New York.

I'm not too worried about them
having the home field advantage.

It seems like we've been
battling against

the Chippendales the last few legs

and I think this last leg is
going to be the same way.


We said fare well to our bags.
Those bags were stinky.

Somebody is going to end up with nice,
stinky Chippendale clothes.


Today we have to focus in our race
and we won't share information.

We're ready to win
"The Amazing Race".

Champions, James squared,
right here.

It's all or nothing.
You have to lay it out on the line.

There's no friends
in that last leg.

You're not sharing that million.

We're going to do whatever
we have to do to win.

We didn't win any leg
of the race.

This leg has to be
our first and only win

because there is
no second or third place.

All teams are now flying
to their final destination,

New York city.

Oh, Boy.
Ha, ha! Yeah, buddy.

Yeah, buddy.
Last leg, come on!

This is exciting.

Right in front of you, man.

Come on, James.
We're out in front.

Taxis! Right there.
Come on, Josh!

We need to go to Coney Island.
Big tip if we go quickly.

Right to where all the rides are.

This way.
Right here, babe.

We need to go to Coney Island.
Fast, fast, fast!

Do you know Coney Island?

Hi, there.

We're in a race so we have to try
to beat the teams in front of us.

Oh, man, it's good to be home.

All right, we're off.
We're off. Final leg.

First time in New York.
I'm excited to be here.

We are in New York, New York.
This is amazing.

We're so excited, everybody.
We're ready to win.

We have fire in our bellies.

We're in third place,
but we're all very close.

Flying in we saw our
apartment building, actually.

Is there a million dollars
sitting in front?

Is this good?
Yeah. Can you wait for us, sir?

Thank you, sir.
All right, let's find this view.

It's out here.

It's right there.

Can you wait here for us, sir?
Thank you.

All right. Let's see.
Ferris wheel.

Roller coaster.
It's right around here.

Look. That's the view,
we're right in front of.

Anything red and yellow.

What are you looking for, babe?
Anything red and yellow.

Right now we're scoping for
a red and yellow flag.

Anything to indicate
where our next clue is.

I don't see nothing
from out here.

It's here.
Yeah. Stop.

It's right here. This is it.

It says "Wish you were here".
And we're here.

Trey and Lexi
are right behind us.

It's got to be like right here.
It's this view.

Is it in the park?

You want to run the park really fast?
Let's go in.

They're going to go in.
Do you want to go in?

Do you see anything?

Are any of these rides marked
at the entrance?

That's what I'm looking for.

Look up. That's what
we're not doing is looking up.

We could be jumping off
from something.

Do you think it have anything to do
with those carruseles?

I wouldn't think so.

This is the picture.
Okay. I see it.

What do you see?
No. I think it was the clue.

Come back here and look.
Pull out the picture.

Looks like nothing is back here.

It's got to be
an entrance to a ride.

That's what I'm thinking too.

Keep an eye on Trey and Lexi.
I see the boys.

They're not finding anything.
We don't know what we're looking for.

Hey, babe, maybe on the beach.
Yeah; it's not out here.

Okay, you want to go back?
I think we ran past it.

Let's go to the beach.

Look, Josh.
Yeah, I know. That's it.

I don't see anything here.

But do you see anything big?

On the wheel or on the cyclone?

Do you think any
of these signs, Josh?

We're looking everywhere
for this thing. High, low.

What are we missing?

We don't see nothing.

Hey, babe. I think it's this thing,
"Race to Brooklyn Navy Yard".

I think that's it.
It says "The Amazing Houdini".

Yeah, let's write it down.
No, it's better no.

Can you remember that?
Write that down.

The Beekmans are behind us.
Yeah. Let's walk this way.

Look, Josh.

The Brooklyn Navy Yard.
They're writing this down.

All right.
Let's go, Let's go, Let's go.

I told you to look at the signs.
Yeah, it's all my fault.

Do you think they wrote it down
because we were there?

Damn it!

Brooklyn Navy Yard,
Clinton Avenue gate. Let's go.

Anything you see from here?


They just bolted that way
like they knew something.

We are definitely missing something.
Yeah. For sure.

It's got to be right here
in front of our faces.

Dude, it's k*lling me.

We need to go to
the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

Fast, fast.
Sir, you did amazing last time.

The Beekman Boys saw us
writing down that clue.

We can beat them.

The Chippendales are
our only competition here.

I see nothing, James.



What are we missing?

Ah. This is crazy.
We've lost everybody.

This makes no sense.
I see nothing, James.

Is it one of these signs?

"The Amazing...
race to Brooklyn Navy Yard"!

The Navy Yard, come on.
Oh, my God.

It was right in front of our face!

They all of a sudden took off.
That was like 15 minutes ago.

All right, we can catch up on
these taxi things.

All right.

Brooklyn Navy Yard.

I don't know
what the Amazing Houdini is?

You don't know who Houdini is?

He is a magician.

Oh, gosh.
Maybe he can do a magic trick.

We know that Houdini was
an escape artist.

That means they're probably
going to handcuff us,

dunk us in a big t*nk of water.

I think it's your turn.

Clinton Avenue gate.

There it is, sir.
Thank you so much.


Who's up for an amazing escape?

Harry Houdini is regarded as
the world's greatest escape artist

and performed many
of his mind-blowing feats

here in the city where
he made his name, New York.

This Roadblock requires teams
to perform a Houdini classic.

Wearing a straitjacket,

they'll be suspended

upside down over a dry dock.

If they don't panic
and can figure out how to escape,

they'll then be surprised by
a gut-wrenching bungee free fall.

Once they're back on feet,
they'll receive their next clue.

What do you think?
I'm thinking you.

I don't like heights at all.
Don't like being restrained tightly.

Thanks, babe.
I'm sorry, babe.

Babe, you can do it.

You got this babe.
This is serious height.

Trey, I think of all things
in the world,

the only thing
he's scared of the heights.

I'm definitely gonna be conquering
some demons with this one.


I guess I do it.

You want to do it?
It is for a $1 million.

I'm not scared.
Heights don't bother me.

The only thing I'm worried about

is actually figuring out how
to get out of a straitjacket.

I love you!

Oh, my goodness,
this is a serious straitjacket here.

Every worry is going through
my mind and I'm scared of heights.

I'm scared of straitjackets.
I was scared.

I'm going to be all right up
there, right?

I'm feeling pretty helpless right now.

Perform one of Houdini's
greatest escapes.

Escape from a straitjacket while
hanging upside down 15 stories!

That's so cool.
Oh, my God.

Chippendales just got here, babe.
You're doing great.

Yeah, baby!

We are doing this.

Oh, my gosh,
a million dollars, babe!

We good up there?

Once they started hoisting me up
I had to stop looking down

because I was getting sick to my stomach
looking how far from the ground I was.

I love you!
I love you too.

You get to see New York
in a way that no one else has, babe.

Upside down.

I have seen Houdini get out
of a straitjacket before

so I knew I had to get my arms
over my head.

Go, babe.

Yeah, babe!
Heck yeah!

I was just pretty scared
at that moment.

I was trying to stay
as calm as I could.

I may be in trouble.

It was hard to feel around.

I was getting worried if I was going
to undo a harness or something.

I was scare and would not knowing
what I was doing at the same time.

Am I going to know how to get
out of this thing?

You can do it, sweetie!
Get out of that, bad boy!

Take that sucker off!

Oh, my gosh, whoo!

Oh, crap!


Yeah, babe!

I'm still very scared.

Oh, my gosh, that was the
coolest thing I've ever seen.

Holy crap,
I did not expect that.

I was just shocked
that I was able to do it.

It helped me
to get over a fear of mine.

Hopefully I will never do again.

I was scared.

Hey, Trey. Good job, buddy.
Thank you.

You are awesome, sweetie!

You can do it.
Hang in there, Brent.

Let's go, hercules!

Oh, my God.

Make your way to the first
pizzeria in New York.

Oh, my gosh.
I hope I don't have to eat pizza.

Hang in there, Brent.

Remember, get your hands free.

I trust you with my life now.
I got loved ones.

You know where the first
pizzeria is in New York?

Do you have a cell phone?

Is it Lombardi's?

Okay, that's it. Oh, babe.

Fast, fast, please.

I'm having trouble figuring out how
to get out of the straitjacket.

When I was hanging
upside down I'm tugging

against the arms of the
straitjacket for the first time

and you get that sense
of this is not easy to get out of.

Oh, yeah, boy.

This is it right here.
This is the great Houdini escape.

Yeah! Whoo!


I came right up to the edge
of starting to panic

and I just told myself
no do not go there

because I knew once I did
there'd be no turning back.

Yeah! Whoo!

All right, dude, you got it.

I got this, dude,
no sweat. I got this.

We get up there and I'm like
we don't have time to waste.

I have got to get out of this
as fast as I possibly can.

Beatiful, that's it.

Great job.
Thank you.


Just like that, Houdini,
there you go.

I got this. I got this.

Oh, yeah! Yeah, baby.

Dang, he's done already.

Make your way to
the first pizzeria in New York.

Awesome job, man, awesome.
That was freaking amazing.

We have to find
the oldest pizzeria in New York.

We're going to fight to the death.
We're not giving up.

Is it Lombardi's?
That's what they all say.

Make your way to
the first pizzeria in New York.

Once there,
ask for the owner john.

Okay. We have a chance
of closing the gap.

Where are all the taxis?
Will someone call a taxi for us?

You know where the first pizzeria
in New York is?

Anyone have Internet
on their phone?

America first pizzeria is


Is it there?

Holy cow! Let's go in here.

Nice to see you people.

I'm Lexi. Nice too meet you.
Trey, nice too meet you.

Such an honor.

You're in the first pizzeria
in the whole United States.

It looks awesome.

What if it's finish this all pizza?
It would be sweet, right?

Deliver 10 pizzas
to three locations on foot.

Teams must now
memorize three orders

and deliver 10 pizzas
to loyal Lombardi's customers

scattered around little Italy.

Once the pies have been
correctly delivered,

John the owner
will hand them their next clue.

Okay. These are the three locations
and what they ordered.

This one's tomato
and panchetta.

You had to not
only memorize the addresses,

but you had to know what pizzas
they wanted and how many.

I want you to remember this.
I can remember the other two.

Bicycle Habitat.

Apartment one.

And you had to do it all
by memorization.

I have the first pizzas, correct?
You have the first ones.

Look, there's Tex and Lex.

Turn left. It's right there.

Perfect. Thanks.
Excuse us.

Are you okay, babe?
I'm right behind you, babe.

Right here.

Once all 10 pizzas have been
delivered correctly,

return to Lombardi's
to receive your next clue.

Trey and Lexi
are doing this one.

Let's look what addresses
are the closest ones.

I know this.

We're trying to remain calm.

Josh is identifying all the pizzas
and I'm memorizing the addresses.

We've lived in New York
for about 20 years now

and we've had
a lot of pizzas delivered to us,

but we've never
delivered one ourselves.

The ones on the top
are from the Broome St.

Which one first?
Okay. Follow me.

Where is this taxi?
That's our taxi?

That's our taxi.
Yeah. Right here.

Lombardi's Pizza,

This is not where I want
to be right now, not in third place.

We need to go this way.

You sure? All right.

The italian museum right there.
Oh, perfect.


Here you go.

Here we go.

We got some hungry customers?

Thank you very much.
Thank you so much.

The next one is Mulberry.

Which way?

Lafayette street?
That way.

Yeah, I see it.

I hope these are the right pizzas.

I hope these are the right pizzas.

Oh, here it is.

Who ordered some pizzas?
Pizza delivery.

Here are your pizzas.

Okay. One more.

I want to get
a Lombardi pizza after this.

What number in Mulberry?

Pizza from the oldest pizzeria.

The top three.

The ones on the top
are from the Broome St.

Thank you.

Are you hungry?


He's takin' his time.

I can't tell you
how important this is, sir.

It's so important.
There we go, quickly, all right.

Did you order some pizza?
Yes, I did.

Y'all must be really hungry.

Thank you. Let's go.
Oh, my goodness.

This is it. Ritual Vintage.
Look. They're beautiful.

Thank you.

God, I hope these are right.

If they're wrong,
there'll be hell to pay.

We are gonna run.
You meet us there, okay?

Excuse us, sorry. Excuse us.

Good job.
Shut up.

Thank you. This is it?
Thank you.

What the heck is this?
Let's go.

How are you doing? James.

Thank you, John.

Deliver 10 pizzas
to three locations on foot.

Yeah. This is it.
This is our clue.

Teams must figure out

that this is the emblem from
the United Nations,

an organization
represented by 193 countries.

Established after World w*r II,

the UN is focused
on solving humanitarian issues

and maintaining world peace.

Once they arrive
at the UN headquarters,

teams will receive
their next clue.

Does this look like a target?
It's like a crest.

Do you know what this is?
Is it somewhere in New York?

Yeah, that's the UN.

United Nations headquarters,
you know?

Meatball and red pepper here.

Take it easy with the boxes.

Right here, Brent.

You made a mistake
on Mulberry St. and on Broome St.

You gotta take'em and re-do them.

You made a mistake on the pizzas.

You know where they are, right?

I know the addresses.
That was my job.

Panchetta and tomato.
So that's the first one, Brent.

I had addresses to memorize

and all Josh had to do
was to get the right pizzas

and he didn't do that correctly

so now we have to deliver
two of the orders.

I got it. I can do my job.

We're going to Broome street, right?

I cannot believe
that you did that

and still are making
me carry the pizzas.

Unis 226 Elizabeth street.

Then Mount Sapola, 27 Prince street.

Good luck, fellows.
Thank you. Appreciate it.

I feel like we're catching up.
We knew the Beekmans made a mistake.

And we wasn't going
to make any mistakes.

Ritual Vintage.

Here we go.
We gave you the wrong ones.

We will give other pizzas
because we made a mistake.

Now we're going to 166 Mulberry.
Right down this street.


Looking, looking.
Mount Sapola, 27.

Mount Sapola,
right here in front of our face.

All right, we got your pizzas.
All right, okay.

Okay. 42 Rivington street.

We made a mistake.

And you get three free pizzas.
Ah, thank you, thank you.

Have a party.

No more mistakes.
Just be positive.

Don't make errors and expect me
not to point them out.

That's just ridiculous.
Stop it.

It's called Unis. U-N-I-S.

We have it right here.

All right. Right here.
Here you go. Enjoy!

Enjoy. Thank you.

Makes sense that we're going
to the United Nations.

Maybe we'll have to do something
with our path that we took.

I'll bet that's what it is.

Let's hope so because we
have that down, right?


You did it.


Get out of here.
Thank you.

Do we get a free piece of pie?
When you come back.


That's the U.N.
Okay. Let's go.

Let's find our cab driver.

Okay. We're going to the UN.

We knew going to the final leg,
we couldn't make any mistakes.

So I made a mistake.
I'm apologizing.

And I'd like to not hear about it again.

I'm not going to bring it up.

Hello. We have pizza.
Right over here.

Pizza, enjoy!

Hey, John.

Congratulations. Good job.
Thank you so much.

You know what that stands this sign?
The United Nations.

The United Nations?
The United Nations. That's it.

Oh, thank you so much.

We're still trying to catch up.

Yes, this is it.
Please stop.

Thank you, sir.

Here. Hello.

It's a challenge,
it's a challenge!

Oh, my God.

If you do the other one you
cannot do this one.

Let me do it.
Who has a way with words?

This Roadblock and final challenge

requires teams to identify
the way they heard "hello"...

Ni hao.

and "goodbye"...

Selamat tinggal.

in the nine UN member countries
they visited during the race.

Now they must join the
correct "hello" and "goodbye"

with the flags of the
countries they're from.

Once they have a perfect match,

they can raise the UN flag,

which will lower their final clue.

This is a little overwhelming.


So there's United Nations.
We came from France, so...

"Bonjour", we can start there.

This is going to be a hard task.

We took great notes of the places
we went and all that kind of stuff,

but we did not write down
what the greeters said to us.

So this is going to be tough.
I'm glad Lexi is doing it.

She's a smart girl.
I think she can figure it out.


We went to Spain second to last.

I wanted to make sure
I got the spanish quickly

then figure out
if I could see anything else.

Hello. GoodBye.


Come on, babe.

There is going to be so time
consuming, babe.

Don't get frustrated, babe.

Fast, fast.
This guy is good.

This is a winner take all game.
So it's either first place or nothing.

There's the UN building.

I've lived in New York for years and
I've always driven by the UN building

and thought it was one of
the most beautiful buildings,

so being able to walk
through those gates

for the first time after
living here 20 years,

I was really impressed.

Who has a way with words?
That's me.

Okay. Josh.

This is the flagpole station.

Brent and Josh arrived, babe.

All right, Josh, you got it.
Lexi only has one flag completely done.

This is our chance to catch up.

It's definitely added pressure
with the other team being here.

This is so overwhelming.

I'm glad it's not me because
I would be in trouble.

Come on, Josh. You're going
to have to run a little bit faster.

You know you were
in a race for $1 million.

I know, process of elimination.

The ones I know first followed
by the ones I don't know.

Come on, Josh.
You're doing great.

You're doing great.
Just take your time.

Who knows if this one is right.
I don't know any french.

You're doing good, baby, stay calm.
I'm trying, sweetie.

All right, baby,
you got two right. Good job.

Bonjour. [Hello]
Au revoir. [Goodbye]

I think probably
Josh is better at this.

He's generally better at
languages than I am

and he's a much more
visual person than I am.

A bunch of flags right here.
Okay. This is us.

There is the clue box.


It's got to be you.
All right.

Do you feel good?
I do.

Raise flags with the words
for "hello" and "goodbye".

Every time we checked in
they always said hello and goodbye.

And Phil would said that means
"hello" and that "goodbye".

I just thought
they were being cordial.

I think I hear the Chippendales coming.
Three-way race.

No one is going to know these.

All right. Let's go with "hola".

"Hola" is definitely Spain.
Spain is right here.

Right off the bat,
I knew Spain, France.

I started with Spain
because that's easy. Hola.


I kind of started with the ones
I knew for sure.

You're doing good, buddy.
Hey, look, you got one.

There are probably a thousand ways
of putting these up correctly.

It was very overwhelming.
It was emotion overload.

Oh, my gosh.

When I was looking at those words,
they were all running together.

It's just hard
because I can't control this.

I know you can't.

You just have to keep guessing, babe,
that's all you can do.

I don't know if this was "hello"
or "goodbye", to tell you the truth.

You're doing great.
Just take your time.

I don't know how I'm doing.

The countries I knew
would be the easiest,

I picked those off quickly.

And then the others
where I had no clue at all,

I panicked because
I didn't remember any of them.

Right now
I'm just taking educated glesses.

I think this sounds bengali.

All right. Best guess
for Bangladesh right here.

Attagirl, yeah.

Do what you have to do, baby.
You're going to get it. Come on.

Oh, it's so hard.

I'm just trying something
to see what happens.

There you go.

When I saw those flags,
I thought we had it in the bag.

I thought we prepared well
and then "hello, goodbye".

That's when my heart went boom.

You all right, baby?

She's all right?
Oh, no.

You okay, Lexi?
This is just so crushing.

It sucks because
we've done so good on the race

and now I'm freaking out.

Babe, baby.
I just want this so bad.

I know you do.

You all right, baby?
Oh, no.

You okay, Lexi?
Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just--

Take some time, babe.
It's just so overwhelming.

Having to watch Lexi
do this challenge was so hard.

When she started crying,
I wanted to start crying

because that's the person
I love more than anybody.

You got it, sweetie.

I think I might have
the hello/goodbye out of order.

Josh is probably much better
at doing things like this.

I would get frustrated
more easily than he would.

So hopefully it's gonna pay off.

Josh, how many
do you have right now?


Ni hao. [Hello]
Zai jian. [Goodbye]

Just know that
every second counts now.

Do you think
I don't know that?

We don't know exactly
what everything is,

but I don't think that
everybody else does here either

so we're going
to see what happens.

There you go.
Good job, buddy.

Josh, pay attention.
Turkey, Turkey.

Not so good.

Crap. Just do process of
elimination, baby.

I know.
That's easy for you to say.


That sounds like a sandwich.
Making my hungry.

Can I get a full order
of Merhaba, please?

That is making me hungry
right now.

I have to figure out whether
"hallo" means "hello" in Holland.

If it doesn't, it's better
to go through the rest of them.

I transformed this challenge

from a language problem
to a math problem

and I literally
just went flag by flag

and tried every combination
of that flag on the pole

to eliminate the wrong answers.

Hallo. [Hello]
Tot ziens. [Goodbye]

All right, Josh, don't take
too much time celebrating.

or something like that.

Not even close.

Not even close.

The misfits of the race
strike again.

Try and say that 10 times fast.

I don't know,
it sounds a little russian.

I'm gonna stick with it.
My best guess.

Hey, you got some.
Good job, buddy.

Zdravstvujtye. [Hello]
Do svidaniya. [Goodbye]

I'm not bad with languages,
so I knew I could pick off Russia.

I was right.

You just have three more
to figure out.

I went through my mind.

I remember the person clear as day,
what they're wearing

and then they boyed and said...

Selemat tinggal. [Goodbye]

So now I have to go off
the process of elimination.

The worst part about this is

you won't know
if you got half of it right.

Every time
we got on the mat with Phil,

I paid attention to everything
except what they said,

and you just got a big bzzzt.

It's so frustrating
that I can't control this.

I'm struggling with that a lot.


Try one, get it right
and then move on.

It's all right.
Just keep trying that method.

Come on, baby.
Almost there.

Yeah, one more, baby.

Come on, Josh,
you're doing great.

Good job.

Merhaba. [Hello]
Hoscakal. [Goodbye]

I got one left.

Oh, God, Bangladesh.

You're so close, dude.

There's no faster way to do this,
so don't sweat.

You're doing great.

James, you got this, come on.


Aabar dekha hobe.

You have one more to go.
We could actually get this soon.

One more.


Bangladesh was not good to us.
Are they still over there, Brent?

They're still there.
Don't worry about them.

If I didn't want to worry,
I wouldn't ask it.

I would tell you if
they were running off.

The thing that gave me the
motivation was knowing that

I was so close to winning
the million dollars,

so close to winning anything
for the first time in this race.

I knew for first time ever
that we could win this thing.


You got it?

Congratulations. You can raise
the United Nations flag.

Good job, Josh.
I love the world.

Good job, guys.
Thank you. Keep going on.

This is the finish line.

Make your way to Gotham Hall.
Go, go.

Good jobs, guys.
It's all right, buddy.

Hey. It's okay.

It's so disappointing.
It's okay, baby.

It just sucks.

Where is it? Where is it?
Anybody have a smartphone?

Anybody have an Iphone?

Josh, there is
a cab right here. Run.

We're looking for Gotham Hall.
You know Gotham Hall?

Uh, Gotham Hall?
Can you call?

There's a million dollars on the line.
Come on, we're in a race.

Come on, buddy,
you got this.

Come on, James,
one more try, you're good.

Please, please.

You can raise the UN flag now.

Yes! Yes!
Good job, James, good job.

Good job, James. Good job.

See what this says.
This is the finish.

Make your way
to Gotham Hall, go, go. Come on.

Broadway and 36th street.

So fast you can't believe it.
Go, go.

We need to go to 36th,

between sixth and seventh,
as quickly as possible.

Good job of fighting.
That was painful.

Not good enough.
The Beekmans got ahead of us.

That's all right. We've learned
in this race that anything can happen.

For all we know, those guys
are leaving right now.

They'll get there faster.
They did every leg of the race.

Gary is our guy.
He's gonna get us there.

We made it, to us, right?
Still never know what can happen.

We're definitely hoping
that something has happened,

that the Beekmans
cannot make it to the finish line.

Get ready to run.

Three continents, nine countries,

Josh and Brent,
I am pleased to tell you that

you have won the $1 million prize

and you are the official winners
of "The Amazing Race"!

We never, ever thought we would
hear you say those words to us, ever.

We were underdogs and what
I hope this proves to people,

whether they're minority
or they're out of work,

or they're losing
their house or whatever,

just keep going and just keep
working as hard as they can,

people will help and at some
points you will win.

This race has really
brought us together again.

I've had to work in the city
and he's on the farm.

So winning this race will actually
bring us physically together again

for the next 50 years.

What do you say, guys?

Thank you so much.

Come on.

Good job, guys.
Good job.

Jaymes and James,
congratulations, guys.

You're the second team to arrive.

It was amazing.
It was still fantastic.

It was an incredible
experience in life.

I'm just grateful to be able to
share this with everybody.

And you got your mom a car.
And I got my mom a car.

I'm so happy about that.

I hope you enjoy your new wheels, ma.

We didn't win the $1 million,
but we had an incredible experience.

It was a amazing journey
to compete with you guys.

It has been a real honor
and a privilege.

You know, it really has.
Thank you.

Maybe the world will have a
different view of Chippendales now.

I don't know
if that's better or worse.

For better or for worse, I guess.

Texas is in the house.


Good job. Good job.

You should be very proud.

You are officially
the third team to arrive.

It's just been an amazing journey.

It's been something that
it's just absolutely priceless

and to spend it with Trey and
have a solid month with him

was just amazing and it's very special.
Very special experience.

You know, our relationship
has just become stronger.

This race, you know,
has definitely puts us to the test

on whether we're ready
for that next step.

I think we are definitely
ready for that next step.

It's just a matter of when Trey
is ready for that next step.

It's a matter of time, yeah.

The Beekman Boys changed
my life dramatically,

opened my eyes to see that look,

it's not for me to judge
anybody on their lifestyle

or who they are or what they do.

We hope that winning this actually
proves to all the underdogs out there

that it doesn't matter how bad
things are going at the moment,

you just can't quit.
Nice guys do finish first sometimes.
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