21x10 - Not a Well-Rounded Athlete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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21x10 - Not a Well-Rounded Athlete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"The Amazing Race."

Five teams raced from
Moscow to Amsterdam.

A alliance hatched a u-turn plan.

The first one is
Abbie and Ryan,

the second one is the one
who u-turns Abbie and Ryan.

While in Frankfurt it was
déjà vu for Abbie and Ryan.

Our plane has
technical difficulties,

so we're on the tarmac again
and we're both just over right now.

It's so frustrating.

Natalie and Nadiya took
a fishy Fast Forward.

I took a bite
and it was so disgusting.

And they came in first.

Natalie and Nadiya, you are
the winners of this leg of the race.

Jaymes and James
went on with the plan.

I feel awful. We can't beat
y'all for the million.

Stunning Abbie and Ryan.

I just don't get it.
It speaks volumes about them.

Josh and Brent
narrowly escaped elimination

for the fifth leg in a row.

We're going hard until the end.

You promise?
We promise.

Do you promise me?
I promise you.

And Abbie and Ryan's shot
at two million dollars came to end.

You are the last team to arrive.

And I'm very sorry to tell you that
you have been eliminated from the race.

Four teams remain.
Who will be eliminated next?

Yay! We're done!

Sync by

Amsterdam is the capital
of the Netherlands.

And it has been nicknamed
"the Venice of the North"

for its extensive network of canals.

And on the outskirts of Amsterdam,

this 16th century farmhouse,

rumored to be the home
of Rembrant's mistress,

it is now the start of tenth leg
in a race around the world.

Natalie and Nadiya won
the last leg of the race...

...and will depart first at 2:55 A.M.

Make your way to the island
of Mallorca, Spain.

Teams must now fly south

to the seaside city of
Barcelona, Spain,

famous for its extensive Catalan
art nouveau architecture.

When they touch down, they'll make
their way to the port of Barcelona

and catch an overnight ferry
to the island of Mallorca.

Once there, they'll encounter
a traditional Mallorcan spectacle

of devils and demons
playing with fire.

One of these devils
have their next clue.

"Malorca". I don't know
if I'm pronouncing it right.

We deserve
to be on the top three,

we have a huge lead on everybody.

Our main goal was not to get kicked
out first and now we've come so far.

Can you take us
to the airport, please?

Yes, of course.
Thank you.

We have two more legs
before the final

and we just have to maintain our lead
and work our way into the top three.


Thank you, sir.
Okay. Thank you very much.

No problem.

Hi, ma'am. We need
to flight to Barcelona.

One way?
One way.

We're getting to this 6:00
flight direct to Barcelona,

which is amazing.

We are out of here.

This is too good to be true.

We have to maintain this lead
and take it full force.

We're going to Spain.
Let's go, man.


In the last leg, we u-turned
our friends Ryan and Abbie.

We have to do it.
I'm sorry.

I feel awful.

And if they did not went home,
it's going to be so awkward.

Who will be the fourth team?
Face the music, man.

It's time to face the music.

Let's get to the airport
and see if we can book.

Make your way to the island
of Mallorca, Spain.

All right, let's go.

We feel great as team,
I feel like we're stronger than ever.

We've continued to learn throughout
this whole race.

With me and Lexi
running this race together,

I can count on her

We can handle anything now.

To Spain we go!

That's to Barcelona, right?

Making sure we have the right one.

Do you love our chances of
making the final three?

I love them.
Let's just bring it home.

Yeah, we're here.
Let's go.

We found out there is
a 7:55 flight.

How are you?
Good. Thank you.

The first three teams are
making their way to Barcelona, Spain.

First team in Barcelona, baby.

Let's do it, bi-yatch.

Can you see where we're going?


We're going to terminal
ferry, yeah.

Ooh, Barcelona!

Thank you.

It's 9:00 in the morning.

We're going to check out
ferry situation.

Balearia, what time does it open this?


They're closed until 10:00.

Make your way to the island
of Mallorca, Spain.

We've been playing
catch-up for three legs.

Can you believe we're one
of the last four teams?

We've had good luck, bad luck.
We've had dumb luck.

We have to be doing something right,
I don't know what it is, but...

It feels we're doing it
all wrong.

But we're still here.

It's so hard to
find the fighting spirit

when you know
you're last or second to last.

It's so difficult not to see any
other people racing.

Thank you.
Okay. Thank you.

Josh had a foot injury
on the last leg of the race.


Are you okay?
No, I hurt my ankle.

Look how swollen that is.

Can you practice
your Lamaze breathing?

I'm not pregnant.
Breathe through the pain.

I'm breathing.
Huff! Huff!

What was that?

I'm breathing through
the pain for you.

Thank you.
It still hurts.

There's always that one team
that somehow stays until the end

and you wonder how and why
are they still here.

Rarely do they win,
but occasional they have.

There's our girl! Yeah!

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

Do you have very good tickets?
Oh, yeah.

Let's go and get them.
So we have them.

The first boat to Mallorca
is at 11:00 P.M.

Tonight? That's the first one.

All right. Well,
we will do that, please.

Barcelona, what a great city
to get stuck in.

Trey and Lexi!

We're so happy to see you!

You turn to us, right?
Yeah, yeah.


We were like this is so smart.

It's such a good feeling walking up
to that U-Turn and seeing y'all.

You knew exactly what to do, right?

Final three!

We have 12 hours to k*ll
before our boat.

We're going to try to hit the beach.
It's going to be a good day.

Come on! Whoo!

We are on the beach
in Barcelona, Spain, right now.

Taking a break from racing.

None of us are worried about it.
We're having a great time.

Like it's vacation.

One of the best day
in the race ever.

One, two, three! Top three!

Are you guys ready?

Oh, my God,
the fourth team was a mystery.

We had no idea
what had happened.

Who is this?
It's the team goat.

No way! No!

Well done, guys.

So we get back
to the ferry station,

and the fourth team
were the Beekman boys.

Yeah, Beekman boys.
What do you think about that?

Our U-Turn worked?

We made it
so they couldn't u-turn you, guys.

We're happy that the strategy
with the U-Turn worked,

that we ended sending
a strong team home,

and the Beekman are still in.

After being behind
after so many legs in the race,

it's great to be
with the other teams.

Finally, we're feeling so much
more optimistic.

We feel like we have a shot again.
We could actually win.

Here we come, Mallorca!


Oh, right here, Brent.
Brent, Brent, Brent.

Dalt Murada? Yeah.
Dalt Murada.

Dalt Murada? See.

Searching for Lucifer at 7:00 A.M.
I don't know how I feel about that.

Dalt Murada, sir.
Rápido, quickly, fast.

Dalt Murada. Come on.

Here. Hello?

This is Dalt Murada, yeah?

Is there anything else
called Dalt Murada?

Dalt Murada.

Okay. Where are we?
We are here.

At least, we got a map.


See? Up here.

There's a devil right there.
Come on.

Come on, twinnie.
We've got this.

Where's our clue?

Which one's the devil, man?

Ah! Where's the clue?

Oh, my God!
Where's the clue?

These devils were like scary.

They're doing a good job scaring me.

They didn't mind
getting all up your face.

I felt like I was in
a horror movie or something.

Can we have a clue, sir?
Do you have a clue?

Find the devil.

Hey, do you know where
the clue is?

They were running around,
swinging fire.

Blowing fire all over the place.


Hey, this guy's got a clue, look.
This one right here.

This guy.

Right here.

Thank you.

Thank you.
Nadi, come here!

Nadiya, come here!

Hey! Do you have a clue?

Drive yourself to Manacor

and find
the Centro de Alto Rendimiento.

Teams must now
drive themselves to

Centro de Alto Rendimiento,

where they'll find their next clue.

Guys, over there!

Nadiya, come on!
Come on, baby!

The keys're inside.

Nadiya, stick, you're driving.
Bloody hell!

Here, here.

We've got to find a map, guys.
Let's stay together.

Okay. We'll ask direction on the way.
Y'all go first. We'll follow you.


I'm going to go after these.

Adiós, Lucifer!

So let's see
who would have a clue.

Do you have a clue?

El diablo!
El diablo supremo!

Do you have a clue?

Ask each one. Do you have a clue?
El diablo? El diablo?

El diablo?
El diablo!

El diablo!

Drive yourself to Manacor.

Thank you.

Thank you, devils.

Bye. Bye.

We no longer see Natalie and Nadiya,
and they were with us at the beginning,

but I don't know if they took
the wrong turn or something.

Where in the world is Sri Lanka?

This is a different ballgame
when you self-navigate.

Sri Lanka is part of
the one, two, three crew.

Okay, Nadiya. Come on.

We don't know
where they went now.

I know.
I don't know what to tell you.

Seriously, dropping the ball.

Should have taken extra
driving lessons.

We discussed
before coming here that

Nadiya would be in charge of
learning stick shift proficiently.

I took one class
and it seemed easy enough,

but definitely I wasn't prepared.

You're driving to...
Nadiya, stop.

What's wrong with this?
What's wrong with you?

Okay, Nadiya. Come on.

I don't know why
it's not going, Natalie.

Nadiya, put it in first.
I'm in first.

Move your foot on the clutch
while you press the accelerator.

Why are you so choppy?
Just release.


Just drive. We'll be fine.

There. Manacor.

We haven't had a leg where
we had to drive and we can read a map.

It was a confidence boost
to know we had this advantage.

So far we feel very confident
about the self-drive.

You know, this part is easy.

Sports complex.
All right. We've got this.

Whoo! We are here!
We are here!

Oh, yeah! All right.

Here we go.

Who wants to get snatched?

Manacor is known as
the hometown of

the world tennis great
Rafael Nadal,

the king of clay.

Teams will now get a chance
to test their skills

on his clay courts.

In this Roadblock,

teams first choose a tennis pro
and a basket of balls.

Then facing off against
this high-powered machine,

they must successfully return

before their basket is empty.

If they can keep
their sh*ts in play,

the umpire will hand them
their next clue.

I'll do it.

Are you the guy for this one?
Let's do it.

All right.

Ready? Okay.

I just have to hit 20 balls, babe.

It's your time to shine, baby.
You look like a tennis player.

You play tennis?

Oh, sweet.
Oh, man.

You got this, James.
You got it.

Lexi and I have a lot of
confidence in our athletic ability.

I happen to play tennis.
So it's a great choice for us.


Come on, baby.
That's two right there.

Come on, babe!


You're doing great, babe!

Just wait for every other one.

You can definitely make a run for it,
which I would love to see.

He looks like a tennis player,

like he's dressed accordingly
to the challenge today.

We looked over at Trey

and apparently when you wear
the Andre Agassi head band,

you play like Andre Agassi.

I'm all squat. I look like
I know what I'm doing.

You got it. You got it.
Just keep them inbounds.

There you go.
Just keep getting them.

This machine was firing out
these balls.


I talk about low, fastball.


Curveballs, knuckleballs.

They're going all over the place.

I'm not even close.

That one's a home run.

Nice, babe.
Nice, babe!


Get it, babe!
Nice, babe.

There you go!

You have the clue. Clue?
We're in and out.

Thank you so much.

Drive to the town of Campanet
and find the Coves de Campanet.

Teams must now drive themselves
to the Coves de Campanet

and follow the music,
which will lead them to their next clue.

Thank you.


Your balls ran out.
You have to start over.

I have to start over.
It's all right. You've got this.

My foot is feeling much,
much better.

I think it was having it elevated
all night on the ferry,

it feels pretty decent now.

That's not an excuse,
is what you're saying?

No, not anymore.

Nadiya, concentrate! Do it!


What are the hell is wrong with you?

Okay. Which way?

Go straight.

Come on, buddy.
Keep it slow. Nice and easy.

You have 18 balls.
You got it.

You got it. Keep going.
You're so close.

You're looking good.

That's it. Yes, yes, yes!

There you go, babe!

That's how you do it.
Just like that.

That's my boy!

Drive to the town of Campanet
and find the Coves de Campanet.

Let's go.
All right, let's go.

Did you see the entrance
right there?

You have to drive around first.

Quick, the other teams are here.
Go, go, go, go.

Where do I go?
Up here.

Quick, quick.
That's awesome, dude.

When was the last time
you played tennis?

Fifth grade.

I am not a well-rounded athlete,
if you haven't noticed.

Right here. Right here.

Who wants to get smashed?

You want to do it?

Choose a tennis racket.


Neither of us have played
tennis in the last 25 years.

And Josh in the car said that
his ankle was feeling much better.

So we'll see--

Hi, how are you?

Come on, Josh,
you can do it.

Oh, my God.

Oh, no. There's no way.

Come on, Josh,
just take your time.

Keep your eye on the ball.

Hang on, I hit my ankle.

I forgot my ankle was so bad.

The first time I planted
my foot on that court,

trying to go side to side,
it rolled again

and then it reminded me
of how bad it was.

Oh, Brent this is not going to go good.

Ah! Ah!

Sounds like Monica Seles
is out there in the court.

Ah! Ah!

We've talked the entire race about how
he needs to control his anxiety levels.

So hopefully he'll be able
to get them under control.

Of course, he hasn't gotten them
under control after 42 years,

so I don't know
if he'll accomplish it on the race.

Come on, I can do this.

Oh, my ankle!

Josh, just take your time.
Don't get frantic.


I hope we're still going
the right way.

Yeah, so do I.

Say coves...

Ma'am, do you know where
the Coves de Campanet is?

Is that exit?

To the right.

A la derecha. Okay.
Thank you.


Trey is headed towards the
coves and we'll be there in no time.

Don't get frantic.
Stay calm.

You're hitting them
all out of bounds.

We need to get this done before
the twins get here.

Oh, that was a great one.

Jeez. Oh.

I don't know if I can do this, Brent.

I don't think he's ever going
to get this.


Who wants to get smashed?

Decide. Decide.
We're both the same in tennis.

Fine. I'll do it.
Nadiya's going to do it.

Hi, sir. Thank you.

The twins are here now.

You must return 20 balls
inbounds, Nadiya.

They're probably gonna
power past.

Is it easy?

Josh is having a hard time
because of his ankle.

Am I left-handed or


Nice and easy.
Tap it in, Nadi. Just 20 balls.


Oh, my God!

Come on, twinie.
You've get to do it, twinie!

Yes. Just get the hang of it.

I will stay in the middle and
hit the ones in the middle, right?

You have to run a little, man!
It's no one spot game.

It's not the bloody badminton.

Our parents tried to force us
to take tennis class from age five.

Everybody would tell us that

we were like Serena and
Venus Williams of Sri Lanka.

But as soon as we were
with our tennis coach,

we ran to the pool and jumped in it,
in our tennis clothes,

so that they don't let us
to enter to the clay court.

So that's how we got out
of tennis practice every single week.

Tap it in. Just tap it.
I'm in the middle.

You have to move you, jackass.

It's easy...

You should have done
this one, Natalie.

You could do it, Josh.
You could do it.

I'm trying, Brent.
I'm trying.

I can't make big movements on my ankle;
every time I landed on it, it hurts.

Come on.
We're not quitters.

I just can't push off my ankle.

You can do it, Josh,
you can do it.

This is really tiring.
Hot sun.

Sprained ankle, 43 years.
It's not easy.

But I can either keep hitting
those balls or I can drop.

And I prefer
to keep hitting balls.

I'm trying to do this task,
with an ankle that's not 100%,

was really tough,
but I just had to do it.

There's not option on the race.

And I knew that,
if the pain got worse,

I would pass out
or my foot would break off.

That's the only way out.

Okay, Josh.
Just take your time.

Play to save
and aim the racket,

so you hit the balls inbounds.

You're doing good.
You're doing good.

See, you're doing much better.

Much better. Keep control.


Nadiya, you have to focus on
getting it across the net.

You have to move your ass.

You have to move--

Getting them in.
A few of them are getting in. Yes!

Come on, Josh, you can do it.
Keep control.

Good job, twinnie.
Hit them. Hit them.

Nice, nice, nice.

She's holding the racket really weird,
like a cricket bat.

Good job, twinnie.

You could do it.
Stay calm.

Come on.

Oh, he finished.

Thank you.

I felt like
I just won the olympics.

Come on, twinie. Whoo!

Keep going, Nadiya.
Good job.

Okay. Ready?
Just like Rafael. Okay.

Drive to the town of Campanet.

Come on, girls! Come on!

Okay, twinie, focus.


Yeah! Guys, go, go,
we'll catch up with you!

Thank you, ma'am.
Thank you.

I love you, twinnie.
You're the best!

Let's go. Let's go with them.
Let's follow the boys.

I should ask those fools, right?
Yeah, ask them.

You guys know where you're going?
No, we have to ask for direction.

He had a map! How do they have
a bloody map of this place?

I know. They're super prepared.
They're gay.

There is Coves de Campanet.
Right here.

All right. Coves de Campanet.
We're here.

Good job.

Yes, there they are.
Good job, guys.

Jaymes and James showed up and
we're like let's just do this together.

Let's bang this out.
Let's find the music.

Let's go. Let's go.

Let's go in.
Let's just go and see.

Hello. Hola.

This is awesome, y'all.

This is like nature.
Looks something at a theme park.

I love caves.

Those caves are really neat.

It's cool to see something natural,

that has been around for
thousands and thousands of years.

I don't hear anything.

Lead the way, Jaymes.
You have a flashlight.

We're thinking in a band
and maybe it's like a music box.

Everyone looking
everywhere for music.

Shhh. Shhh.

You hear that?
Y'all find something?

Which way? This way.
We're going this way, babe.

What do we got, kids?
This way! Come on!

Hey, buddies!

Good job, guys.

Hey, guys.
Sounds beautiful.

You go first.

Thank you.

All right.

Spin In or Bull It.

This Detour requires teams
to choose between two aspects of life

on the island of Mallorca.

Their choice, Spin It or Bull It.

In Spin It,

teams will repair one of
these 400-year-old wind mills.

They must properly attach
two giant blades to the mill tower.

When the repairman feels
the blades are ready to spin,

Don Quijote and Sancho Panza
will hand them their next clue.

Bull It requires teams to enter

this 1,000-year-old
bullfighting arena

and become a bull.

Charging their way
around this corrida,

they'll have two minutes to successfully
butt the capes of eight matadors

and must correctly
hit the bullseye

the final matador into the air.

If they can beat the clock,

this picador will hand them
their next clue.

What do you think? The matador?
I think the matador too.

What are you guys thinking?
The matador.

It sounds easier to find.
We have to drive to Muro.

Let's do it. Let's go.

Off we go.

Thank you, gentlemen.
Thank you.

Which one?
You're gonna go here. Slow down.

Okay. Roundabout.
Slow down in the roundabout.

Where am I going, Josh?
Just go around. We'll make it.

Get in the left lane?
Nope. Stay in the right lane.

Watch out. Watch your right side.
Josh, don't tell me.

I know if I'm hitting the curve;
I can hear it too.

Doesn't help if you point it out.

Are you glad that's over?

Ohh! We suck.

like hours ahead of us.

If you had kept up
with everybody from the start,

we would
have been straight, Nadiya.

I know.

This way.

We were going
to take the freeway.

The freeway!
Sorry, holding up traffic.

Doesn't the sign say this way.

Yeah. It's front of us.
Go. Go.

I think they are gonna have trouble
since they went the other way.

I think so too.

Look. What is that
yellow and red?

Oh. That's the windmills.
You want to try it?

All right. Let's try it.

It's like a big giant ceiling fan.

Can't be that hard.
All right. Here we go.

This guy's
got the next clue, look.

Don Quijote and Sancho Panza.

Let's get started.
All right.

What's next? The tools.

At Chippendales we might have seen
a construction outfit a time or two.

Yeah. I might have swung
a styrofoam hammer.


There you go.
You look sexy like that.

All right.
This is going to be fun, dude.

All right, brother.
I have to figure it out.

I love taking something apart
and put it back together.

I've always done it.
Radios, TVs, like everything.

So it's like this.

It's just two of them.
We can do this.

How heavy is that?
Not heavy.

So lower the part down.

Let me get a bolt on it.
All right.


We've got this so easy.
Are you kidding me?

This might have been
the fun one after all.

Come on!

This is awesome.


All right. Choose a bull.

We have to go one, two,
three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

We have to go through the cape.
I want to go inside.

All right.

You ready?
How can you see?

I'm looking forward.
Okay. I got you, babe. Sorry.

Go left.

Go. Right through there.


To the right, babe. To the right.
Straight, straight, straight.

Yeah. There you go, babe.
Good job. Go straight.

Hey, you're pretty good
at this, babe.

Get this guy.

Which way?
Right, right, right.

Right. Straight.

I couldn't see anything.
I could see left and right,

but I could not see
anything in front of me.

I was blindly running
through all the matadors.


Right, straight.
What is it?

Trey is like, left, I mean, right.

I mean, left and right
and turn and what?

To the right, a little bit.
Here we go.

Where's the bull's-eye?
Right to the left.

Run into this guy.
Run into him.

Oh, my God.

Babe, that's not what
we were supposed to do.

Babe, you ran right this guy.

I just sliced the crap out
of my finger.

Sorry, babe.
It hurts.

It's all right.
Look at my finger!

Look at my finger!

So sorry, babe.

It's got to be something
with my nail; it's blue.

I know, babe.
My finger just throbbing.

Just run up here real quick.
Josh, up here.

Really shallow steps here.

Oh! Yikes.

Are you okay?

Shhh, shhh, shhh, shhh.

This way, right?

There they are.

Detour, Spin It or Bull It.
We're going to do Spin It.


This is man's work right here.

You know, in our down
time from Chippendales,

we like to come out and do
a little windmill repair.

We're a full service agency.
We're multi-dimensional.

All right, men.
I ended up here. I'm coming down.


All right, sir.
Check it. Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Is it good?

All right. Let's go.

All right, don Quijote,
we're coming for you, baby.

We're finished. All right.

Thank you, sir.
Oh! Here we go.

Hey, horsey.
What do we have?

Route Info.
Drive yourself to the next Pit Stop.

Teams must now
make their way

to this 14th century fortress,
Castell de Bellver,

which means "the castle
with the lovely view".

Once built as a royal residence,

it later served as a prison
for more than 200 years

and it is now the Pit Stop
for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here
may be eliminated.

Okay, let's go.
Let's get this off and go.

This way?

I hear it.

It's all the way.
No, it's this way.

Oh, my God!

Thank you.

Spin It or Bull It.

Let's do windmills.

Now don't get bloody lost, please.
I know right.

We're ready.

I'm not doing that.
You get in the front.

All right. You ready?
Yeah, I'm ready. Let's do it.

You got it?
I don't know what you're doing.

I'm ready when you are, babe.
All right. We're ready.


Left, left, left.

Left, left, left, right, right.

Two, babe. Keep going straight.
A little to the right.

Good, babe.

To the right, to the right.

To the right. To the right.

Good, babe.

To the right.
Right. Right.

Right. Right.
Straight, babe.

To the right, to the right,
to the right! Straight!

Go to the right!


Hey, babe, a little to the right.


Go straight ahead.
Just barely tap it.

Right here?

Good job, babe.


Thank you so much.

Drive yourself to the next Pit Stop.
Good job, babe.


Castell de Bellver. Palma.

All right. Let's go.
Thank you.

Straight ahead.
Straight ahead.

Oh, there's a big windmill.
Go straight and we'll see.

Oh, hell no.

Park. Park.
Go to this arrows.

The Beekman Boys.
Park. Go in the arrows, you fool.

I didn't want to run over them.

Park! You want to hurry up.
We have a chance not to lose.

Whatever competitive drive
that I have

really did kick in when
the twins pulled up and

I knew in my heart I would be
better than they were.

Park here!
Okay, relax.

And they were obvious little
having some troubles.

Watch out, guys.
I'm not so good at this.

Hurry up. Park, you idiot.
Come on, fool.

Hello, guys.
Pick one to fix the windmill.

Hurry up. Let's go.

It's great to be out
in the field.

We have wind turbine on the farm,
but it's not as nice as this.

It looks like we need to get
these two blades on.



We have to do this "rápidamento".
No, it is "rápidamente".

But... we... very... stupid.

We took spanish.
Obviously, it did us zero good.

Come on, let's do this.

You want me to go first?
No, I'll go first.

You need...
Two screws.

This is like repairing
a tractor, basically.

As long as you know where
the bolts and the nuts go,

it's just matter
of line everything up.

This was a challenge with my foot.
I'm really good with tools.

And there were other blades on,
so you could see how it was done.

We just had to copy how
they were installed.

This is our chance to make up time.
And we're doing it. So...

We can't see the twins.

So we don't know how
they're faring on this task.

I mean, they are strong.
I'm sure they're doing pretty well.

Watch out.

Yeah, after it hit me you
said "watch out", fool.

We need to put two blades,
and it's going pretty difficult.

You did the wrong bloody hole.

How I suppose to reach it?

Yo have to put it through.
It's all the way through.

Oh, my God!
Nadiya, stop joking around.

Naty, get off me!

I don't see any signs anymore.

I'm thinking we keep going.

We're hoping to see a Palma sign.

I think we must have gone by it.
I mean, we...

That's said Palma, right there.
Look behind you.

I don't know.
Yeah, just turn around.

Right there.

Let's take that.
Good call, sir. Good call.

It's that castle. It gotta be.
I've been staring at that all morning.

Man, look how big it is.

I think it must be that.

It's a big old castle.

Oh, babe, I want first so bad.
I know, baby, me too.

Pit Stop. Pit Stop.

Go straight,
go straight, go straight

Oh, my goodness.

That's a real man.

Welcome to Mallorca, Spain.

That's awesome.

Trey and Lexi,
you are team number one!

And I have some great news for you.

As the winners of
this leg of the race,

you have won a trip for two
from Travelocity.

You are going to be going
to the Riviera Maya.


You're going
to spend five nights

at the all inclusive
El Dorado Casitas Royale.

While there,

you're gonna explore the land
with a guided tour to Chichen Itza,

soak up the sun
in your private infinity pool...


...and end with
a relaxing massage.

Oh! That's incredible.

We've never traveled the world,
we've never done anything like this.

For us to finish first
in a bunch of these legs

is just a great feeling.

I think every leg that we complete
we get a little more confident.


This guy ain't got no head.

Jaymes and James,

I'm pleased to tell you that
you are team number two.

After 10 legs on this race,

is there anybody on this race
who's more motivated than you guys?

I think it will be hard to find
someone more motivated

when you have the health
of your loved ones on the line.

With that million of dollars,
we can change our world,

we can change
our family's world.

Our problem has been
that we second guess each other a lot,

and then we end up
arguing about it, so...

We didn't do
much second guessing on this.

So hopefully this won't be the one time
we should have second guessed.

Okay, stop.
Now hammer this way a bit.

Doesn't move up.
Old-ass windmill.

Can you put the ones at the bottom?
Okay. Get it lined up.

And we'll tighten them after
you've done that.

Oh, my God,
I've got it perfectly. Wait.

Lower it down slowly.

It's a little bit harder here.

Righty tighty, lefty lucy.

Are you loosening or tightening it?
This one I'm getting through.

Okay. This is the one
we're supposed be using.

They're on there exactly
as the other ones.

All right.


Be careful.

Oh! It's don Quijote.
Thank you.

Drive yourselves to the Pit Stop.
Let's go.

That was teamwork.

I guess the two of us are better
than each one separate.

That's why we've been
together 14 years.

These are done!

Oh, my God, they left.

Hurry up.
Oh, my God, we're so last place.

This is why we're supposed
to look at everything ahead of time.

Not just bloody pin the tail
on the damn donkey all the time.

We suck!
We suck.

Josh and Brent,
you are team number three.

Good job.

I have seen you limp,
collapse, faint, fall down

and you're still here.

We're still racing.

You're like the little
train that could.

We can actually win.

I think we can win this race.
Our odds are better than ever.

It's just hard to k*ll us, I think.

I can't believe
the gimpy guys did this.

We could beat the gays here
and we didn't.

Mucho wasteo timeo.

The Beekman were just like
a non-factor for us.

You know me,
we've got this in the bag

and now we messed up so bad.

And it's worse because there was
no master plan against us.

Nobody was plotting against us.

We just did this all by ourselves
to ourselves.

Okay. We're done.
Vámonos, vámonos.

If we get eliminated,
we only have ourselves to blame.

Natalie and Nadiya.

I'm afraid I have bad news.
We know. Very bad.

What happened today?
I couldn't drive stick shift.

We couldn't get directions straight.
We couldn't get the nuts and bolts in.

It's pretty depressing.

Let me put you in a good mood
because this is a nonelimination leg

and you still in the race.

And you do know that,
sometime in the next leg of the race,

you will be facing a Speed Bump.


You will need
to complete the Speed Bump

and then try to catch-up
to the other teams.

Thank you so much.

Do you think you can still do this?

We will not take
this opportunity for granted.

Even though we're smiling,
we are really depressed.

From here, we only can go up.

We just have
to put our game face on.

Make sure that
we're making smart decisions

and hopefully there's no bloody driving
because we'll be screwed.

Now, I got it.
Yeah, Okay, Nadiya. Whatever.

Stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.

Next week on the two-hour finale
of "The Amazing Race".

It's the dream team alliance...

Six is better than two.

...versus the ultimate underdogs.

We hung up
by the skin of our teeth,

and now it's the time for us
to push forward.

With a million dollars
on the line...

Right here, come on.

...the gloves come off.

Don't let them ride
on your coattails.

Have fun with the Speed Bump!

Now we're race,
so look out.

Who'll be cross
the finish line first...


...and win...

Hurry up, hurry up.

...The Amazing Race?
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