21x07 - Off to See the Wizard

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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21x07 - Off to See the Wizard

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"The Amazing Race".

Seven teams raced from
Bangladesh to Istanbul, Turkey.

Once on the ground,
a confident Rob stood by his decision.

The Monster Truck must be confused.

Maybe they know something.
I don't think so.

The reason the Chippendales
got off the metro is

because they're followers.
We're not followers.

We gonna go our own way.

At the Detour,
teams got scrubbed down.

I'm getting just all of
Bangladesh off of me.

At the Roadblock,
Lexi served with a smile.

Who wants a sherbet?
You want a sherbet. Come on, one lira.

Helping her and Trey
win their first leg of the race.

You are team number one!

James couldn't close the deal.

Would you like a drink, ladies?
Drink for a lira. No?

But in the end,

it was the Married monster truckers,
Rob and Kelley...

I'm very sorry to tell you that
you have been eliminated from the race.

...who came in last.

Six teams remain.
Who will be eliminated next?

Europe, Asia. Europe, Asia.

Sync by

This is Istanbul

and the world famous Bosphorus,

which divides Europe and Asia.

And docked on the shoreline,
this 446-foot yacht,


it's the start of the seventh leg
in a race around the world.

You are team number one!

Trey and Lexi
won the last leg of the race

and will depart first,
at 12:35 P.M.

Fly to Moscow, Russia.

Teams must now fly
to the capital

of the largest country
in the world,

Moscow, Russia.

Once they land,

they'll make their way to
Zurab Tsereteli Sculpture Park,

where they'll receive
their next clue.

Let's go to the airport.

Lexi and I have been dating
close to about three years.

With school and football,

we haven't got to spend
that much time together,

but the race, for Lexi and I,

has been a huge step
in our relationship to help us grow,

and now every leg I feel like
we're getting stronger and stronger.

Can you take us to the airport?

Our relationship is better
than ever on this race.

I think this is exactly what we needed
to take that next step.

Hopefully there will be a ring
on my finger pretty soon,

but that's his call.


We're ready to go.
Yes, we are.

You have $420 to for this leg
of the race. Let's go.

After the last leg
we feel like

the Sri Lankans have been
latching on to Trey and Lexi.

They want to have people
working for them that can u-turn us.

Because we're a threat and
we have a chance to win $2 million,

but it makes us more motivated,
which is only a good thing.


Game on.
Leg seven starts now.

Money, we need that.
Sweet money.

We're less than 100% now,
but even less than 100%

I think that we're stronger than

a lot of people
continue to think we are.

You got the money?
It's in a zimmer pocket.

We've had some big hurdles
that we've overcome here.

It kind of shows that
nothing is going to stop us.

Never surrender.
Stand tall and not going to fall.

To the airport.

All righty.

Information office.

I was wondering if you can help me
look up flights to Moscow, Russia.

This way, at the end of the hall,
there is Aeroflot.

Okay. Thank you.

We're trying to fly to Moscow, Russia.
On Alitalia?

I can't remember
if that was your airline.

It has a funny name to it.
I should have wrote it down.

You can ask Air France or KLM.

We need to go to Moscow.

To going to Moscow,
you should find another company.

What do you want to do?
Let's just eat.

Do you have beans and rice?

Fly to Moscow, Russia.

Once there,
make your way to Zurab.


Oh, thank you.
Okay, let's go.

Okay, let's go.

The last couple of legs me and Nadiya
have been couple of reckless.


We're so used to getting by
based on our personalities.


I love you.
Yes. I love you, Papa.

We don't put extra effort
to make sure

we're succeeding our full potential.

We need to change it. Asap.

Let's go, Papa, let's go!

Istanbul is awesome.

We need internet.

This one,
Turkish Airlines to Frankfurt,

connecting to Aeroflot.

In Moscow at...

How long is that layover?
An hour.

That could work, right?

We want to be into
the city earliest

and sometimes those earlier arriving
flights have shorter connection times,

but we think it's worth the risk.

You want to book this one?


Fly to Moscow, Russia.
Let's go.

Hello, there. We're trying to get into
Moscow as quick as possible.

Istanbul to Sheremetyevo...

Getting in at 2:00 A.M.?

So there's only one stop on that,
through Amsterdam?

Book it, please.

This will be a score.
Okay, thank you.

We got $420?
Oh, my God. Let's go.

We'll be leaving
in last place again.

Here we go.

Last leg we overcame
a Speed Bump,

which gave us a lot of
personal encouragement.

We're getting better,
and we'll continue in this race.

Can you take us to the airport?

Bye, papa. Thank you.
Let's go.

Come on.
We have to find a flight.

Which flight are you guys on?

I don't know. We don't know yet.

Let's go straight to
the Turkish Airlines desk.

We want to get into Moscow, Russia,
as soon as possible.

First of all,
Istambul Munich, Turkish Airlines.

Then, next airline, Aeroflot.
Arrival time, 4:00.

Okay. Let's do this.

It would be so nice
to get away from all the freaks.

All right.

Hello, sir. We need to get
to Moscow as quickly as possible.

The earliest flight is KLM,
connecting through Amsterdam

arriving in Moscow at 2:00 A.M.

Let's buy it.

Here comes Abbie and Ryan.

I don't get it.

Abbie and Ryan,
they're very competitive,

but there's a difference between
being competitive and being rude.

So, we got a big hint that the game
has changed for them.

Are they waiting for those chicks?


Figure out how to go from point A
to point B without someone else's help.

Abbie and Ryan walked by.

They didn't say nothing to you?

She was like this.

Yeah, crazy eyes.
Yeah, crazy attitude.

International, yes?

We can try to find a travel agent.

We're on a race.

We have to get to Moscow
as quickly as possible.

Turkish Airlines to Frankfurt
then go to Moscow,

and you'll be there at 3:00 A.M.

How long is the layover in Frankfurt?
This time.

Okay, so one hour in Frankfurt.

And she thinks this is the quickest?

Yes, the other one,
the arrival time is 5:00 A.M.

We can take a flight that
connect in Frankfurt,

but we only have an hour
to make the connection to Moscow.

The other flight we connect
through Athens, Greece,

but we arrive in Moscow
two hours later.

Do you want to flip a coin?


Head's Frankfurt, tail's Athens?

Head, Frankfurt.

Frankfurt? Okay.




We got on the plane.
The flight attendant had made

an announcement that we were
going to be an hour late.

We knew we were in trouble.

The delay just ate up
our entire transfer time.

All teams are now making
their way to Moscow, Russia,

by Amsterdam, Munich or Frankfurt.

Connecting flights to the right.
We've only got three minutes.

Let's go, honey.
Come on, baby!

Moscow, D-5.

Oh, my God.

Come on, guys, we can make it.

Watch out!
Coming through.

It's gone.
We missed it.

It's gone.
We missed it.

Guys, look. There's no flights out
till tomorrow morning.

Welcome to Moscow, boys.

All right, we are headed to the museum.

Of a famous sculpture,
Zurab Tsereteli.

We have Abba and James with us.

That's the first time
that's ever happened.

Yeah. We just see hair
flowing in the wind.

We missed our flight.

We need to get to Moscow
as soon as possible.

The earliest flight, it's via Warsaw.

It gets you in at 3:10 P.M. tomorrow.

When we learned that there was
no way we were going to get in Moscow

anywhere near the other teams
we knew we were screwed.

This isn't any fun anymore.
No, it's not.

Oh, wow!
Look at this place.

How cool is this?
These clowns kind of freak me out.

Oh, right here, guys.
It's the entrance.


OPEN BETWEEN 9:30 A.M. 5:00 P.M.
I guess we're hanging out, kids.

Hi, sir.
To this address.

You will follow us.

It smells like smoke.

This is the coldest place
we've been so far.


It's like cold and wet.

This is so Russia.

Dreary and dark and gloomy.
Isn't that like Seattle?

No, it's Russia.

Yeah, this is the front.

Hey, hey!
My God.

We just have to wait here.
What are y'all doing out here?

Where are the Beekman Boys
and where are Abbie and Ryan?

Hey, buddies.
What's up?

We think the Beekman Boys and
Abbie and Ryan missed their flight.

Is that possible?
I hope so.

Finally on our way.

So in our mind,
Abbie and I have one team left

to race against and
we're really screwed.

Some teams that don't like us
and want us out are way ahead.

How do you catch up with those people?

We're like dead men walking right now.

Here comes Abbie and Ryan.
Shut up!

We're off to see the wizard.

Come on, get a clue!

There's big statues everywhere.

It's very menacing.

Here it is!


Here we go.
All right.

Make your way to Moskvoretsky Most.

Teams must now make they way
to Moskvoretsky Most

and search of Ivan
the Terrible's guards,

who will hand them their next clue.

Ivan the Terrible's guards
will hand your next clue. Let's go.


Moskvoretsky Most?

Okay. Let's go.

We're looking for this place.
You're going this way.

By walking, it's 25 minutes.

Can you write it for us in russian?
Thank you so much.

We've been aligned
with Natalie and Nadiya

and we are friends
with the Chippendales.

It was just natural to try to
find it together.

Moskvoretsky Most.

Look at that.

Ivan the Terrible's guards.

Are those guys in red up there?


Thank you, sir.

Synchronized or Alphabetized.

Alphabetized requires teams
to visit the Russian State Library,

housing 24 million books

indexed in a sea of card catalogs,

which are printed in Cyrillic.

After choosing a librarian,

teams will be given a list of books
with their information in russian.

Selecting four books from the list,

they must comb through
hundreds of card catalogs

to find each bock's location and
search the aisles to retrieve the books.

Once they've collected all four books,
Olga, the head librarian,

will hand them their next clue.

Synchronized requires teams
to go synchronized swimming

with the next generation
of Russia's gold medal winning team.

Teams must learn and performance
a choreographed routine

in time with the music.

Once the coach feels
they are in sync,

she'll hand over their next clue.

I don't know about swimming
with my leg this is way.

Let's do Alphabetized.

Do you know where this is,
the Russian State Library?

Yeah, across Red Square.
It's walking distance.

The guards!

Thank you.

Thank you.


Are you going to be able
to memorize a routine?

Let's do the library one.
Swimming. Let's go.

It seems like russian alphabet
would be really confusing.

We'll do Synchronized.
Good luck.

Do you know where
the Russian State Library is?

Pretty close, over the bridge.
Babe, we'll just have to walk.

Are you a taxi? Yes.

Trud Sportivnaya.

Sir? Oh, he's going off.


Nobody wants to give us a ride
in Russia.

It's because we're brown.

In Bangladesh and Indonesia
we were the first ones. VIP service.

None of them stop.

All right, let's use some brains now.
Come on.

It's like the Library of Congress.
We could be in there forever.

Hi. What books
would you like us to find?

It's the author,
the name and the date.

We have to find four, right?

Oh, my God.

All right, let's see
if we can find this thing.

Holy God.

You have no idea
where these things are

in the alphabetized order
of their alphabet.

They're letters that
we've never seen before.


Oh, boy.

You know,
I think I'd rather drown.

Thank you.

Trud Sportivnaya.


What do we have
to put on our heads?

Floral swimming caps.

Looked like mama
from Mama's Family.

Hello, beautiful ladies.
How are you doing?

Is it okay? Take it off.

All right. Let's go.
We have to find the instructor.

Yes. You.

Oh, here it is. We gotta know
where we're goin', okay?

Me, him?
You number two, he number eight.

So this is the pool? Okay.

A little showgirl action.

One-two, three-four,
five-six, seven-eight.

We're like
"Oh, we got this".

We can do eight counts
at Chippendales.

Then she goes you jump in water
and you jump in water.

I'm in.

Cool, we got this.
This is going to be a breeze.

One, two, three, four, five...

Then all of a sudden she's like
here and here and down and up.

Wait. Can we get out of the water
and start over?

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

Shall we try in the water?
One, two.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

And then we had to do rolls
under water.


It's hard, dude.

It was really,
really tough.

You get a couple of big oafs
like us in the water

and you don't know
what's going to happen.

Can we just try it and come back
and rehearse it?

Trud Sports Complex.

We're already
like an hour deficit.

We have to consider use
the Express Pass.

It may be worth use it today.

We have two more legs
to use the Express Pass.

Either we use it in this leg
to get a huge time advantage

or we use it in the next leg.

But if we don't play smart,

we could use it
and still end up behind.

Team Russia,
James and Jaymes,

going for the gold medal.


There's a whole pattern
you're supposed to be in,

we weren't anywhere close.


We go back time number two.


Time number three.


Time number four.

No, no.


We were definitely having
trouble getting the steps.

Five, six, seven, eight, one.
I'll get that last turn.

I'm going to scream it.

Oh, boy.
Well, here's the k's.


We tried to figure out
the alphabetizing within the catalog

and it didn't make any sense
what so ever.

We made it.

She is one of the librarians.

Thank you.

How's it going?
Run for your lives.

Oh, my gosh, dude.

Everything is in russian.

This looks familiar.

But then we found what
we thought maybe looked like authors.

There is C-A.

C-A-M. That might be it.

Try another one and if we can't find
another one, we'll just go.

Are we nine hours behind them?

Feels like it.
Might as well be 24 at this point.

We're in Warsaw.

It's our last flight
to get into Moscow.

There is such a gap.

There's no point even racing
with these guys. It just sucks.

We have not seen this, right?

I don't know if we can do this.

The english alphabet
came of no use to us.

Three bars.

We were looking at
shapes basically

and matching up
with other shapes.



Write it down.

Maybe we can do this.

Dude, should we bail
and get out of here?

I think you're right.
Let's go swim.

All right.
We have to find a cab here now, too.

Is this it?

God bless Russia.

We jump in?

What are we doing?

We jump from there to here.

Why don't you speak in english?

She's trying to explain
to us what to do,

but she could not speak english.

What else?
I don't understand.

Not a lick of english.

At that point, we realized
that we were screwed.


Which one are you looking at?
I looking at this one.

Seems this.

Yes. This is it.
This is it?

Oh, no way. We have found
our fourth and final thing.

It's this "G" thing.

We are ready.

Oh, my gosh, like a maze.

Oh, my gosh.

I hope we wrote down the
right information.

If we picked the wrong
information, we're screwed.

We're almost there?
Your books is here.


Oh, gee.
Okay. Yeah, yeah.

G-69. Oh, my gosh.

So it's going to say 69
and then the second number.

Is that it?
Yeah, that's it.

We got that one.
Let's look for the next one.

Two of them are G-74.

We were not counting the song
and flipping early.

You have to pop up together.

And it's so close

Then, we have our legs on top
of each other in the water.

It was so intense.


There are big mistakes.
The finish...

...that was bad.

Dude, let's Express Pass.
You wanna use the Express Pass?

We can't understand anything.

What do you think?
It's very hard without english.

I know.

We're setting ourselves up for failure.


Dude, let's Express Pass.
You wanna use the Express Pass?

I don't know.
It's very hard without english.

I know.

Once more, okay?

We get in the water and
realize we're screwed

because the girl doesn't speak english.

The judge was amazingly brutal.
It was like a nightmare.

It's getting worse and worse.

We're going to Express Pass.

Express Pass, men.

No way. Don't waste it.

We know that we are the front

four teams right now so we're safe.

What if Abbie and them
are already here?

They're not here.

At this point, we feel like losers
for trying to quit.

Fine, fine.

Just do it.

That's it.

Last one.
We did it, dude.

We did not give up on ourselves.
That was awesome.

Yes, yes, yes.

Yes, one.
Yes, check.


Check. One more.

Whoo! Yay!

Thank you so much.

Travel by taxi to the Luzhkov Most.

Teams must make their way
to the Luzhkov Most

and search for the Trees of Love

to find their next clue.

Trees of love.
I like the sound of that.

All right, let's do its.

One, two, three, four...

We won the gold medal!
This is for Russia.

Search for the Trees of Love.

Good job, guys.
Thank you.

Don't get intimidated by it.
Let's do it.

Babe, over here.
Good gosh.

Who's ready to unlock the future?

Choosing one of these trees

made up of locks
symbolizing internal love,

teams must find the race ribbon
and figure out

which keys open all 10 of its locks.

Once unlocked, they'll find
their next clue at the ribbon,

which will reveal
their next destination.

All right, I'll do it.

You got this, babe.

You have to do
the locks on this, babe.

So I had this circle of keys

and I had to keep trying all
the locks on the race band.

I had 10 locks, probably 100 keys

and they had individual
keys on those locks.

Once I popped one,

I figured there had to be
some kind of a domino effect.

It looks like everyone is going
to a wedding, which it's kind of funny.

One wedding, two wedding,
three wedding.

Don't be getting any ideas, girl.

Here's the swimming pool.

Trud Sports Complex?
It's another place.

Go to Metro Sportivnaya.

Thank you.
Well, this was not a good day.

We have an issue and the issue is
what to do when it's just the two of us

and we're so
far behind everyone else?

I'd rather just get there
and race together.

That's how we feel.


Josh and Brent and
Abbie and I decided

we're going to run this leg
together as one unit.

It's always better in the race to stay
with another team for comfort.

You can do it.
Come on, baby.

Trees of love.

Hey, guys, what's up?
This is hard.

Is it hard? All right.

Okay, I'll do it.
Give it to me.

You got it? Yay!

Our first lock.
All right, good.

Let's try this one.

There's like this
ribbon basically interwoven

into the tree with
all these locks on it.

And you go through and start
unlocking the locks

and eventually release the
ribbon to receive your clue.

Hey, Lexi, got my second one.
The future is looking good.


Good, girls.
Thank you so much.

Search for the Trees of Love
to find your next clue.

Thank you, guys.

Oh, come on, be it.

There we go.
Hey, I like that sound.

That's a pretty sound.

Got another one.

You did?

We'll be done here in no time.

I think this one goes
to this one right here.


He's k*lling it.
Yeah, baby.


Y'all speak english?
Show us how to do this.

I'm already afraid.

Yeah, there you go.

I just need to get a clue
out of here.

Oh, this is it.
Is it in there somehow?

I pull that out?

This is what's in here.

Teams must now
figure out that

the picture on the back of the ruble
is their next destination,

the Bolshoi.

This opulent 19th-century theater

is now the Pit Stop for this leg
of the race.

The last team to check in here
may be eliminated.

Taxi, taxi. Come on.

They figured it out.

Dude, you got this.
Just think it through.

Let's go there. Yeah, yeah.

Oh, that's the bridge.
You have to walk over there. Come on.

Nadiya, come on. Hi.
Hey, hey.

It's unlocking things. You do it.

Okay, so let me start.
Just be gentle.

Natalie, shut up.

Which club are you going to?
That's Moscow.

Club's gear at 3:00 o'clock
in the afternoon.

There it is.
Oh, there you go.

No shortcuts, Natalie.

Good job.

One down.
Going to flow, Natalie, now.

Hey, a lot of guys are with us.

Rough day in the ol' pool
today, man.

That's it. We're here!


Welcome to Moscow, Russia.
Thank you, thank you.

Trey and Lexi,

I am pleased to tell you that you are,
in fact, team number...


And I have
some good news for you.

As the winners
of this leg of the race,

you have won a trip for two,
from Travelocity,

and you are going
to beautiful Maui.

You're going to spend five nights at
the Wailea Beach Marriott Resort & Spa.

You'll enjoy a traditional luau,
a scuba dive in the pacific

and then relax with a sunset dinner
in a private cabana.

It will be kind of romantic.
I think that's pretty romantic.

How in love are you,
on a scale of one to 10?

A thousand!
We're on a thousand.

That heart tree was so cool.

Now we've finished first
a couple of times,

we realize how strong
of a team we really are.

Now we have our eye on the prize
and wanting to win the million.

Is that it?

Hey, look at that.
Good job, Jaymes.

Hurry up, Natalie.

This is our next destination.
All right.

Do you know this building?
It's the Bolshoi Theater.

Thank you so much.
Bolshoi Theater.

This set of three is
not opening any keys.

What the hell, Natalie?

Just shut up and do it,
will you, please?

Oh, my God, you idiot.

Natalie, I swear to God,
you wasted an hour complaining.

The worst partner ever, you.
You're the worst partner ever too.

You're the worst partner.

Do you know? Yeah?
We want to go together.

We're half a day behind
everybody else,

so we're just going to try
and do what we can.

Do you have any fight left?
I have fight left.

There's one tiny one left in there?
A tiny one.

Hey, Moscow!

James and Jaymes,
you're team number two.

No way!
Yeah! That's right, man!

One for us.

Moskvoretsky Most...

On Vasilievsky Spusk.

Back to the cab.

We did it probably about 10,

We were starting
to wear out,

so I said that
we have to get through this.

On three.
One, two, three. Whoo!

Let's hit it. Come on!

Thank you.


Thank you. All right.


Do the library together?
Let's do library.

Oh, wait, we can't.
The library closes at 4:00.

I guess we're swimming.

Josh and Brent
and Abbie and I decided

we were going
to run this leg together.

Sir, please?
Thank you.

When you're
in a circumstance like that,

both having
to overcome something,

you develop like a friendship.

We're like 10 hours behind them.
We caught a bad break.

Come on, now. We got that one.

Good luck.
Thank you. We need it.

Girls, we're going to
the Tree of Love.

Who's going to join us?

Okay, bloody hell. Five minutes.

Oh, my God, that took forever.
Hurry up.

We have to go to
this building, okay?

Hang it up on the tree

and all of Russia will know
there was a fool from Sri Lanka

that came here.

This is me and Natalie.
We get upset with each other.

We fight like a married couple
and we make up like kids.

So it's a perfect relationship.

Come on.



We pick you to work with us.

I'm a dance instructor,

I wasn'too nervous about
synchronized swimming.

You're number eight, okay?

I know it involves

the eight counts.

Five, six, seven, eight.

I think it's very evident
that I have no background in swimming.

And we knew coming
into the race that's one

of the challenges
that we would dread.

Any sort of dance
choreography challenge.

And then you have
a 20-foot pool to it.

When you jump
into a cold pool,

the synchronized swim team
from Russia is 25 yards away,

you tend to perk up.

It just clicked for me.

You're tired, no?

Natalie and Nadiya?

You're team number three!
Not good.

Why is that?
We were horrible today.

Today we were just terrible.

Despite the position
we feel like we did really crappy,

but we still have the Express Pass

and we can use it to push it
to first place the next leg.


Okay, wait, okay?
Wait. Thank you.

Look at this, dude.

Want to do it?
Yeah, please.

Come on, Abba, baby.

Hey, you know that
the cab driver has our stuff?

You may want to release him because
we're going to be here for a while.

Is that him in the middle
of the street or no?

Yeah, the blue car in the middle.
That's probably him.

Probably him or you think it's him?

I don't know,
we have to get up close.

We left the cab driver right
over there.

We got off from this thing
and we ran to the bridge.

We were caught up in the challenge.

I don't know where he is, man.
May have taken off with our stuff.

That's not him, is it?

We just lost all of our stuff.

Either our cab driver just
took off with our bags and we're done,

which we might as well take these
and throw them in the water,

or maybe we just got chased

and he's looping around
and come back for us.

Should we even bother with this?

You know what James,
we're here to finish.

See what else we can do.
All right. We're not going to quit.

God, please bring back our stuff.

Don't leave your bags in cabs, kids.

All right, I got one.
Where there's life, there's hope.

I don't think that
I can tread water

and get all these
movements down,

particularly if the judging
is going to be very harsh.

I just don't have the swimming
skills to do that.

Let's do it. Let's get this done.

Nice going.

Might be the building, right?
So there we're going.

All right. Come on.
Let's hope this guy is here.

That is the guy's car?

We got to just cut this loss, man.
Things happen.

There's nothing
we can do about it.

You got your passport?
No, I do not.

So that's the problem.
We got money to get around for this leg.

I guess we could check in,
see if we can move on.

We could jump off the bridge.

That's not going to get us to
the finish. Come on.

What's the finish going to get you?
All right. Let's go.

Something happens for me
and probably for you

that regardless of the lack of sleep,
the lack of food,

the emotional distress
that we were under,

all of that goes away when
the adrenaline kicks in.

I felt brand-new.

For me I think
it was a burst of energy.

I just kind of snapped to it.
I kind of enjoyed it.

Come on, come on, come on.


Search for the Trees of Love
to find your next clue.

Watch the boys. They watched us.

We had dedicated this day
to working with each other.

That meant if one group was finished,
they would wait for the other group.

Come on, swin.

He wasn't even swimming.
He's like a buoy.

We want to go that that Building.

Drive there?

Where's he going? Down the back alley
way to slit our throats and k*ll us?

That would be a fitting end
to today.

No, no, not without seeing Phil first.

Come on, Brent.


Once I get in and I start
swallowing water

then I start to panic
and I can't remember the steps.

We're goat farmer,
not synchronized swimmers.


You, you, you...


James and Abba,

you're the fourth team to arrive.

However, as you know,
in order to stay in the race,

you need to have your passports.

I need to know whether you have
your passports to check into the mat.


You need to produce the passports.

I don't know.
I don't know what to do.

I know what it looks like.
I know what his cab looks like.

But in a city of 10 million people,

what are the odds of finding
the one that we're looking for?


Stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.

Next week on "The Amazing Race".

As the rockers search
for their passports...

I had my passport stolen.
I'm in an emergency situation.

James feels the pressure.

My ankle is k*lling me.
It's excruciating.

And Ryan is put to the test.

Wrong! Noncorrect.

I'm not missing something here.
It doesn't make sense.
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