21x05 - Chill Out, Freak

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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21x05 - Chill Out, Freak

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"The Amazing Race".

Eight teams raced from Indonesia
to Dhaka, Bangladesh.

As James toiled
at the Roadblock...

Take off that part.
I'll punch a hole on the bus.

Nadiya cranked up the volume.

You're doing great, twinie!
Let's go!

Long, strong and hard!
Can't stop. Don't stop!

At the Fast Forward,
James and Abba became rat collectors.

We heard you have a rat problem.
We're your guys. What have we got?

And scooped up first place.

You are team number one.

Trey and Lexi stalled.

The taxi is dead.

He just poured Sprite, I think,
in his motor.

Jaymes and James
got stuck at sewing.

Why in the world would
we pick a sewing task?

If you get a mattress that says
made in Bangladesh,

make sure that
is not what we did.

But in the end,
super fans Gary and Will came in last.

I'm very sorry to tell you
that you are the last team to arrive.

You have been eliminated
from the race.

Seven teams remain.
Who will be eliminated next?

ALA at your boy!

Sync by

This is Bangladesh,

where almost 90% of
its population are muslim.

Its capital city, Dhaka,
is known as the city of mosques,

some of which date back
more than 500 years.

On the outskirts of the city,
the Buriganga River,

an essential route for traders.

And on the banks of the river,
Shambazar Chan Mia Ghat.

This is the start of the fifth leg
in a race around the world.

Before I left for the race
my dad was getting some tests.

He's had cancer bouts
for a good number of years.

Hi. What's going on?

When you left we didn't know
what was going on,

if it was stage three or four.

And it is stage four.

What's the prognosis?
What did they say?

Well, there is no chance
of remission.

I'm so sorry.
It's okay, baby.

I'm so sorry.

You know what, it's a different
kind of motivation to run the race now.

Before it was fun and games,
and it still is fun and games

because if we're not having fun
we're not doing it the right way.

But yeah, there's going to be
a place in my heart

where I'm going to have
a bit more push, for dad.

James and Abba
will depart first, at 7:39 A.M.

Make your way to
the Jatrabari Boro Bazar.

Teams must travel by taxi

to the most popular wholesale
produce market in Dhaka,


Once they find this vendor
selling eggplants,

known locally as begun,
he will give them their next clue.

Let's keep going.

We're looking for
Sadarghat marked taxi stand.

Let's go.

is clogged up with people.

I can't believe
how many people are out there.

Everybody is vying for space
and everybody is trying to move.


Sadarghat? Yeah.

There's a cab stand over here.

Do you know where Jatrabari is?
Okay. Let's go then.

Let's go.

All right, so we're off
and sweating.

Let's keep this lead
and keep moving.

We hope we never see
another team again.

No, I want to see them again
In a big line as we run up the hill.


Jatrabari Boro Bazar.
Stay here, okay?

Which one? Begun?
What is begun?


Hi. Do you have a clue for us?


All right.

Make your way to Ferry Ghat Road
under Demra Bridge.

Once there,
search for your next clue.

All right.
Let's get out here. Let's go.

You have one dollar
for this leg of the race.

First make your way on foot
to Sadarghat. Okay.

Thank you.

We want to be considered
the strongest team that's ever raced.

I want this record
of the most legs won

that Rachel and Dave
set with eight.

We've won two so we should
put a move on for first place.

It's so crowded here.

Oh, my God,
let's get out of here.

Search for the vendor selling begun
to receive your next clue.

Okay. Let's go.

Right now we're the only
girl-girl team left.

Every other team either
has some powerhouse man on it

or two men.

We're not only hanging with them,
we're beating them, which feels amazing.

We're not going anywhere.

We're looking for
a marked taxi stand.

There it is, right in front of us.

It ain't heavy,
it's a Roadblock.

I will do a heavy Roadblock.
It's all yours, dude.

Weight wood the Bangladeshi way.

In Bangladesh,

vendors use scales to value the goods
they sell to market.

This Roadblock requires teams
to use an ancient bangladeshy scale

to weigh out
a specific amount of wood

using rocks as a counter balance.

First, using sticks and ropes,

teams must construct
a rudimentary scale,

then balance four heavy stones
on one side

with an equal weight of wood
on the other.

Once they have appropriately
balanced the scale,

they'll receive their next clue.

All right, find out where
we're going and do it.

I ran into some problems
with my knees after the last leg.

Oh, my knee. I don't feel good.

We have to keep him off
his knees as much as possible,

so I said immediately
let me just do it.

There's the scale, dude.

I'll make this scale.

He got three big pieces of bamboo
and he's got to set up in a pyramid.

We've got a pretty good lead
on everybody.

We're hoping
we can do this quickly.

we used to make tents
and lash things together.

However, I kind of forgot
the whole process.

I can assure you
throughout the 1980s,

I was no boy scout.

Yeah! Good job, dude.

He has done a good job.
He's got the pyramid up.

Looks like it's well balanced
and now he's attaching the scale.

just like I pictured it.

He's pretty good with
the mechanical things and confident.

I think I got it. Please.

No? Okay.

I guess he has something off.
So he didn't get approved on it yet.

He's looking a little frustrated.

He's trying to look at the knots.

Oh, thin lashing ropes
at the top

and then triple thick rope over it.

I don't see any lashing ropes.
I'm definitely confused.

I don't know where lashing rope are.
I have to figure this out.

I'm stuck right now.
God! Where is it?

We can't let anybody catch up
at this point.

Right here.
Taxi stand. Marked.

Marked taxi stand right here.

There are the girls.

Jatrabari Boro Bazar.

Let's go, let's go.
We gotta beat the goras.

In Hindi, gora means white people,
but it's not derogatory.

It's just the color white.

Oh, my God,
I love this traffic so much.

It's crazy.
It's like a wall of person in here.

Sir, goras is number two.
We are number one.

Sri lankans number one.

We know where the hell is.

Next time someone says:
"Go to hell",

I'll say: "Oh, you mean somewhere
in Dhaka?".

I cannot find these lashing ropes.
Let me take one more look.

Oh, what is that?
You are a troublemaker.

You could have told me they
were there.

You're my friend.

All right, back to work.
This is much easier.

Begun, begun!

Is this the Boro Bazar? Here?
That's the Boro Bazar.

Okay, cool.
w*r zone.

Oh, my God. It reeks.

Begun? Begun?

Do you want to work together?
We're going to the same place.

This is crazy!

Begun? Begun?

What was it?

Do you have a clue?
Thank you!

Open it.

Make your way to Ferry Ghat Road
under Demra Bridge.

Once there, search for your next clue.
Let's out of here!

Make your way to
the Jatrabari Boro Bazar.

All right, let's go.

Brent and I have been
together for 14 years,

but I like to say that we've been
together for 10 years and apart for 4.

I still work in the city
five days a week

then I come up to the farm
and work on the weekends.

While Brent is at the farm fulltime.

It's become comfortable for us
to have our own space

and that's not a good thing.

Please, slow down.
Josh, we're just starting the leg.

I know. I don't just want
to run at the very beginning.

You are high maintenance today.

Do it! You have one dollar
for this leg of the race.

Kelley is playing
a huge part in this race.

She's so quiet and reserved,
but her competitiveness is amazing.

Is that way?

I'm a profesional
barrel racer at the rodeo

and I work really hard
to be the winner.

I'd rather come in under the radar,
take the money and go home.

We have to take a taxi,
so we must go near of the road.

Here we go. You have $1
for this leg of the race. All right.

Bye, guys. Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you.

It's nut already.

Beep, beep.
Beep, beep.

This is crazy, dude.

Oh, my gosh.

Come on, let's get this thing going.

All right, attach the scale.

Come on, dude, you can do it.
You're doing good.

Thank you.

Come on, dude, rock.

Thank you! You rock.

I hope this ain't too much.
Let's see what they do.

Rise, rise.

It's looking so close
I can taste it, man.

It's right there,
come on, dude.

He looks like he's in perfect balance.

Come on, dude.

Thank you.

Detour: Straw Dogs or Bamboo Jungles.

This Detour requires
teams to take on

the back-breaking work
of a Bangladesh laborer.

Their choices:
Straw Dogs or Bamboo Jungle.

Straw dogs requires teams to help
manufacture an eco friendly jute bag.

First, they must whip
unprocessed jute

on a plate of giant nails
to untangle the fibers.

Once they've tackled

they must transfer it to the machines
that will manufacture it into bags.

When they get to the end
of production line,

they'll get their next clue.

Bamboo Jungle requires
teams to collect bamboo

used for scaffolding and deliver it
to a nearby construction site.

First, they must grab

and load them onto
a freight rickshaw.

Then, negotiating their way through
the narrow streets,

they must deliver
their open cargo

to this construction site
across town.

When the foreman
has what he needs,

they'll receive a piece of bamboo
which is their next clue.

Bamboo, dude.
I think the bamboo.

Let's go.

Good job.
Thank you.

We're looking for a cab.
Yeah? This is the right way?



Okay, we have to go back.

It ain't heavy.
It's a Roadblock.

As soon as we saw
it's not that heavy,

I was like:
"Oh, this is an Abbie task".

You want to do it?
Okay, Abbie is going to do it.

Weigh wood the bangladeshy way.
That's the scales, right there.

That's a finished one.

I don't build things.

I don't even know
how to make a teepee,

so I have no idea what
the hell I'm doing right now.

Dang! They're already here.

I'll do it.
Nadiya is going to do the Roadblock.

Come on, twinie!

Sorry, sorry.
Come on, twinie!

Are you going to yell
the whole time?

I have to get my earplugs.

We were paired up with
the twinsies. They don't stop talking.

She thinks you're me.

I was like "Chill out, freak".
Yes, relax.

Do it for the brownies, twinie.

Ryan thinks he's being cute.

He's kind of rude,
obnoxious. He's a "tool".

Nadiya, have you done this before?
I have not.


Yeah, I've made a bloody
third-world scale in my garden.

Do you think that we're insane?

I'll tie my sister together.

Look for the marked taxi stand.

Josh, we can't just stand here.
We have to come up with a strategy.

Hopefully Monster Truck is
having trouble too.

Marked taxi stand.
Come on, Kelley, it's right here.

Taxi, James, Taxi!

The Chippendales are here.

Jatrabari Boro Bazar.
You know? Yes?

Follow that taxi.
Let's go.

Let's go.
Jatrabari Boro Bazar.

Let's go, babe.
We have a lot of ground to make up.

Oh, we can't get through there.

I don't know where
we gonna a find a cab.

Excuse me, do you speak english?

We have to make a decision.
We can't stand here like idiots.

Oh, my gosh. Brent, I don't know,
but I feel insecure.

This is impossible.

This looks like an
intersection up here, right?

Okay, do we try that to see?
There's nowhere else it could be.

Josh, come on, pick it up.

We've lost a lot of time.

All right, we have to collect

load them into a rickshaw
and then deliver it.

So, you know, hopefully we can knock
this one out real quick too.

All right, let's go.

We're going to pick a bike, right?

That one looks good.
We have one to look at over there.

All right, check it out.
We have 40 pieces on here?

I have 10 long ones.
I got 10 that are 10 feet long.

All right, where are they?

You can only collect the bamboo
from the marked rack.

All right, the marked ones,
we have to look for them.

What's marked? Oh, boy.

Oh, boy.

Holy hell on earth.

See anything over there?

All right, let's go that way.

We've been bamboozled again.
There's a cow here too, just for fun.

Oh, there they are.

How many can you handle?
Let's do four.

All right. Let's go slow.
I can see where I going.

To the left.
All right. Make right.

That's pretty heavy, dude.

Go, girl power!
Go girl.

Good job, Abbie!
Way to dominate this.

Actually, Nadi is dominating Abbie.

I mean dominating her area.


Come on, twinie, you got it!
Let's go!

"Come on, twinie", say.

Come on, twinie!
Let's go, twinie! Let's go!

The kids melted my heart.

I'm happy to be in Bangladesh.

We were comfortable coming here.
It's close to home.

The people look just like down
the street in Sri Lanka.

There is no method to
this rope madness right now.

People are probably laughing at
my rope tying skills.

Abbie's adjusting
and rejust her tepee sticks.

I probably should
have done this one.

Come on, twinie!
Let's go, twinie!

She's done.

Yes! Yay, twinie!

Thank you, sir.
Good job, twinie!

Come on, twinie!


He said no? It sucks.

My knot. I need to make a shorter loop
so it hangs higher.

Begun? What is a begun?
Yes, thank you.

Yes! Thank you very much!
Peace be upon you.

All right. Here we go.

Make your way to Ferry Ghat Road
under Demra Bridge.

Peace be upon you.

This is it right here?
Do you have a clue?

Thank you. Whooo!

Make your way to Ferry Ghat Road.

We have to go back
to our taxi driver.

Here are taxis.
There's a stand here that's marked.

May be right up here.
Is it our guy?

There's another team
right behind us.

Yes. We caught up
with the Beekman Boys.

Watch out.
Coming through, baby.

We're moving along
pretty quickly here.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I getting
a little heat frustration.

The humidity and the heat
saps the energy out of you.

I got to a point where
I felt like it was taking me down.

I have to slow down a little.

Is this is size we need next?

Are they really that long?
Yeah, they're really that long.

These are the heavier.
Let's be tough here.

Come on, keep going.
Stop! Stop!

Watch out.

Go ahead. I'm through.

This is it.

Get them tied up
and deliver them.

I'm not seeing anybody yet.
I love this.

Roadblock. I'll do it.

You have to move it, twinie!
The Monster Truck is here.

Just look what it is, lovie.

Come on, twinie!
Come on, let's go!



Yay, twinie!

Good job.

Thank you.

Detour: Straw Dogs or Bamboo Jungles.

We're choosing bamboo.

We got there before
the twinsies got there

and they left before us.

That's a little deflating.

Let's see who is gonna do it.

Better have you do that, man.

Come on. Let's go.

Good job, Abbie.
That's good.

Pass? Thank you.

Good job, Abbie.
Now go into kick-butt mode.

You have to make sure
it's not too short.

That scale is going to be
sitting on the ground.

I should have done this.

This will be tricky.

How do you get
this bad boy started?

Atta girl, Kelley.
You're doing good.

I wish I was doing
the Roadblock instead of Kelley.

It's very, very hard.

Good job, darling.

No, no.
Your scale is much too low.

Move higher? No way.
Are you kidding me?

Oh, my gosh,
she's taking it all apart.

Begun, begun.

Wait for us. Baby, come on.

Do you have a clue?

Over here, sweetie.

Make your way to
Ferry Ghat Road.

Once there,
search for your next clue.

Let's go.

James, where you at, bud?

Let's get out of here.
Shabnam oil mill?

This way? Yeah?

Look out!

Watch out for bumps,
we're gonna lose it.

Stop, stop, stop.

Watch out, watch out.

Here comes another one.
Nice and easy.

Looks good to me.

Thank you.

Detour: Straw Dogs or Bamboo Jungles.

Straw dogs. Let's do that.
I'm sorry.

Okay. You or me?
I guess I'll do it.

Okay, we have to build a scale.

I'll do it.
All right, let's do it.

You can do it, Brent.

I was really confident
because we have to build things

from scratch all time on the farm.

Let's go, Trey. You got it!

When I was making the scale,
I got so overheated,

but in our everyday life

if we're sick before
a Monster truck show,

we still have to go out
and perform.

Kelley, put the scarf over
your head.

How are you today?

Y'all having fun watching
the stupid white boy do this?

Y'all can cheer if you want.


Yeah, this guy has my back.

They haven't it.

Read your clue. Make sure
you don't get too far out or anything.

Shut up, Josh, please.
All right.

Shut up, please.

It's the true love that
comes out in this race.

When you've been together

Director? Yes, is it good?
Good work?

That's the south.
My dad is a carpenter.

We were waiting this,
overtake someone.

You're doing perfect, babe.
Atta girl, baby.

Relax, take your time.

Sir? It's ok?

Nothing is touching the ground.

It's good? Yes.
Thank you. Thank you, sir.

Rip it, baby.

We are going
to do Bamboo Jungle.

We've been waiting
to lift heavy things.

Dude, you nailed that.

Hurry up, hurry up.
Yeah. I'm looking for it.

Maybe this way.
Maybe here? Which way?

Maybe this far away?

Naty, it's right here, hurry up!

Get the skinniest ones.
Okay, I got it.

All right.


Doing beautiful, Abba.
Doing beautiful.

This might be it.

Oh, there they are!

Yeah! Yeah!
Let's take it home.

We have to show the judge.

I hope we got this thing right.


Thank you. All right.
Let's see where we are going.

Teams must now figure out

that the image stenciled
on their clue is

Lok Shilpa Jadughar.

This folk art and craft museum
in Sonargaon

is the Pit Stop for
this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here
may be eliminated.

You know where it is?

Drive us there, okay?
That was brutal.

Okay, 10.
The extra long ones, please.

These are so tall.

Okay, let's go.

They're so heavy.
Watch out! Look behind.



Okay, this is going to be hard.
You have to turn.

Go, go, go.
Nadi, you have to come to the side.

I can't. I'm stuck
between two bamboos.

Oh, my God, seriously?

Watch out, Nadiya!

It's much harder than I thought
it would be to carry bamboo.

Jute mill?
I think that's it.

Manufacture jute bags.

We help you?

Come on, girls, they're going
to take us to the area.

Wow. It's so big.

The factory was incredible.

Mill after mill of jute and the heat
that these people are working in.

This whole last couple of legs
has been eye opening for us.

We have it so good at home.

Okay, here. When you arrive
to the loading area,

a factory worker will lead you
to the hackling area.

Okay, now watch him.
Watch him!

Three, four, five.

Five times and then
knotting it in half.

Got it.


Ready to twist?


A half.

Yeah, so one...

This factory was 110 degrees.

It takes pure jute
force to do this work.

Wow. Jute force.

That's a good one.

Oh, dang, that looks good.

Trey is almost done.
Trey is almost done!


Yay, babe!

Good job. Let's go.

Yeah, babe.
You're doing great.

You have to wow him,
wow him.


Not right?

Brent is still having
a challenge with the weights.

Not quite sure what's
not going right for him,

but I know that he's
probably really hurting.

I'm so exhausted I can
hardly form a word.

Atta girl. Perfect.
Atta girl. Get her done.

Is that good? Yes?

She got him to say it's okay.
Now she's putting her logs on.

You have to get the right piece,
the special piece. Let's go!

That's right?
Yeah, babe, yes!

Thank you so much.

I'm so proud of you!

You k*lled it.

We're going to do Bamboo Jungle.
We like to use our muscles.

Let's go.
Thank you.

Thank you!

Finally got it to weigh out evenly.

Awesome, Kelley.
Awesome. That's it.



Come on, Kelley, over here.
Let's go.

Bamboo Jungle.
Sorry, lovie.

What do you mean sorry?
You did a great job.

I think I will pass out.

He is working as hard as he can

and I know he's going to be
so frustrated afterwards,

but I think we really messed up,
I mean, we might be the last this time.


Welcome to Sunargaon,

Thank you.
Thank you.

James and Abba,
it's another good day for you guys.

You are team number one again.

Give me a hug, brother.

As the winners
of this leg of the race,

you have won a trip
for two from Travelocity

and you are going to Malaysia's
tropical rain forest.


You'll spend five nights at
the Westin Langkawi Resort and Spa

on a private beach front,

and enjoy a mangrove kayaking tour,
and traditional malay massage.

This has been an emotionally
taxing time for you guys, right?


My dad was a laborer...
and he's retired now

and all I could keep thinking
today on the course was...

he never gave up, you know,

and here we are.
I hope he's proud.

Of course he is.

You have a really tough call
while you were on the race.

Was there a part of you that
said you had to leave and go home?

The best part of it was
that my family told me to keep going

and that's what we're going to do.
We're going to keep going.

We got this.


We're good then.
Number 20.

No. No. No.



I don't understand what
I'm supposed to be doing.

We do those over?

Okay, let's do it.
Do it again.

Do it again. Do it again.

The bamboo market is where?
Right here?

Good job, girls.
Come on, guys.

It's down here?
it's right there.

Keep going straight.
Thank you.

Okay. Load me up.

Let's go for it. Let's be brave.
Yes, come on.

That's what we've been
waiting for, James. Let's catch up.

Let's run.

All right, this is our bread
and butter right here.

Watch out. Watch out.

Nadiya, watch it!

You have to watch what
the hell you're doing.

Shut up.


Come on, yeah!

What's up?

Chippy man just got here.
Chipmunk just got here.

Find the marked bamboo, babe.

So we are the only team left,
it's a little bit frustrating.

I want to run out there
and help him.



I built a structure that
we would have used on the farm.

It was perfectly sturdy.

It was frustrating not being able
to figure out exactly what he wanted.

I'm exhausted.

Hold it.
Just go like this.

Oh, Natalie! My blister
popped and it's disgusting.

Dude, I'm dying.
Another turn is coming.

Dude, this is too heavy, man.

All right, put them down
right there.

You have to drink water.
Yes, otherwise, you shut down.

We're dying. You're good?

We can't let Trey and Lexi
pass us. Let's go.

Come on, babe,
don't hurt yourself.

That's not what
we need right now.

I will come back for these two.

Watch these steps.

Come on, lovie.

Oh, here they are.
Over here. Kelley?

Can you get them all?
I can get them all.

All right.

It's just another day here.
I trying to see if I can get a job.

The monster truck tires
are 750 pounds a piece.

We use our bare hands
to put them on the truck.

I put as much as I could put on
my shoulder and we were rolling.

We are all good.
Come on, honey.

Good job, guys. Keep it up.
Oh, I'm so sorry, Rob!

Look how I lace.
It has to be like a straight line.

A ponytail?
Like that. Very good.

Like this, right?


Are we done?

That's it.

This is good?

Pick up a bundle of jute.

This way, babe.

And you're going to carry it
to mill number two.

We got it. You're awesome.

Now what?
He's going to take us.

Come on, baby.

Here, here.

That's our clue.
Thank you. Thank you.

Let's go.

Now we go here.

Please, please, fast.

No, no, no.

No, it's not level.

Right now
I'm feeling so exhausted.

I literally cannot even
think straight.

I feel like I'm really
at my breaking point.

The worst thing is to see
your partner in medical distress.

It was kind of frightening.

At that point it's not about the race,
it's not about anything,

but making sure he's safe.

Before becoming a goat farmer,
I was a physician.

I feel much better.

Even though I've treated many,
many patients with dehydration,

I never had experienced
what it felt like.

That sense of the confusion
and not being able to talk.

Put the stick on the inside.

Yes, yes. Yes!

Thank you.
Okay. Four stones.

Just like building
that well at the farm.



Abbie and Ryan,

I'm pleased to tell you that
you are team number two.

You don't look that happy.

Ryan, just be happy we're here.

I wanted to take the overall record
from Dave and Rachel

and win nine legs.

I know it puts a lot
of pressure on her. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I am.

Okay, you're right.

No, just keep tying it.
Twist it around here first.

Hurry up. Do it, Natalie.

Natalie, dance with him.

Okay, we're done.
All right. Let's go.

Come on, guys.
Rights behind you, baby.

Construction site?
Come on, they're showing us.

Let's go.

Watch out, watch out.

This bicycle sucks.
Watch out, watch out.

Nadi, go, go, go!

Nadiya, watch it!
The bike is broken.

Oh, my God. Seriously?

Push, push, Nadiya.

Sri Lanka just left.
It's okay. We're right behind.

We are very budget minded.

We don't want to run out of money
so we don't eat.

We're getting weaker
by the minute.

Dude, slow going.
Come on, baby!

I'm going as fast as my body
can take me.

We can do more than this, sweetie.
All right.

I'm so blown away by Lexi.

She is one of the toughest
people I know.

Go, go, go.
Good job.

Good job, babe!

These need to be tied together.


This is just like tying down
a monster truck when it's running.

We're all good.
It's rest time right now.

That's perfect.

Good job, Brent.
Thank you so much. Thank you.

Detour: Straw Dogs or Bamboo Jungles.

He's tired and exhausted.

The second one is simpler
and I can do the bulk of that work.

We choose Bamboo Jungle.

Thank you.

Okay. Right here!


Come on, Naty. Let's go!

Come on, Nadi. Okay!

Oh, my God.


Where is our clue?
Thank you.

Come on. This is it.
Rickshaw driver.

Get on the rickshaw. Ready?

Monster truck just left.
We have to go faster.

We have these on the wrong side.
Start tossing.


Baby, are these ours right here?
The long ones?

Did y'all take some of
our long ones?

We have 10 long ones.
Are those?

The super long ones are yours.
The green ones are ours.

Sorry about that, y'all.
Let's not mix them up.

Come on, babe.

Two, three.
Here we go. One more.

We don't want
to get it wrong

because we don't want to have
to come back here

if this is not secured properly.

Get close, Kelley. Turn right!

You have to turn!
I was turning.

Damn it!
There were kids.

Turn! Puts all your weight up front.
Come on, honey.

I was going that way.

Okay. I'm going to help.

We're going to do bamboo?

We may be in last place,
but we're not quitters.

Stop. Stop.


Thank you! Thank you.

Thank you, sir. Okay.

Thank you! Thank you.

All right. Let's go.
Get on a bike.

The Beekman just got here.
We're good. We have this.

Let's go.
Hang on. I'm coming.

That's got to be good luck, right?
Got to be.

Give me strength, goat.
He's leading the way, look.


All righty. Let's do this.

Wait, these aren't ours, are they?
No, these are theirs, babe.

They forgot their three that
they unloaded.

We have a truck coming.
We have to get to the left.

Watch out. Don't get hit, man.


It's so close to us.
There's another one.

Oh, man.

Oh, there's more trucks.

Look at this.

Sorry. It's part of being in

That's right.

I am not good at riding
a bike, sweetie.

I don't know why I'm doing this.


Oh, my God.


Sorry, sorry.
I'm so sorry.

Oh, my God.

Natalie and Nadiya,
you're team number three.

We wanted you to give us number one.
Oh, really?

And this is Moon-Moon.
We're from Sri Lanka.

So we are sisters.

Sisters from another mother.
A bengali mother.

we're proud of ourselves.

Turn to the right. To the right.
Right here.

This is it?
Over here.

In the sand?
No way.

Over there, dude.
Oh, geez.

We have to go through the sand.

You got it, James.
Just keep going.

Yes, sir. Yes.

Please, sir, please.

No good. Back.

What's wrong?

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven.

Where's the other three, James?
You didn't put them on?

I counted, dude.

Back, back.

Man. Oh, this is not good, James.
This is not good.

They left those three.

I told you that.

I'm sorry, man.

I'm sorry.
I put them all on the ground.

Oh, my God, dude.

At that moment I was like:
"How am I going to keep going?".

"How am I going to keep going?"

I'm sorry, man.

I'm sorry, man.

I was like "Oh, my God,

I can't believe I forgot
three pieces of bamboo".

Ain't no fat lady to sing.
We have to keep going.

If you're gonna be dumb,
you better be tough.

Because if you get knocked down,
you gotta get back up.

Have you got your breath?

We have to get this, man,
we have to.

Never surrender.
Never surrender, man.

Never surrender. That's right.
We got this.

We have to go back.

Oh, my God, dude.

We should've counted before we left.
I'm sorry, man.

We had it and I blew it.
This is not good, James.

This is not good.

Hang on. It's falling.
Stop, stop, stop immediately.

Stop, stop.
Okay, just stop.

We're not giving up,
but this is pretty dire right here.

Are you okay?

Are you still feel fabulous?
I still feel fabulous.

Powering through.
Powering through.

Are you okay, Brent?

There's a chance we might
be able to catch up.

Let's go!

We got this, babe, let's go.
Keep going, keep going.

Right here?


Thank you, thank you.

That's our next clue.

Let's get to our taxi.
Come on.

Right here!

Come on, babe. Phil is here.


Rob and Kelley,
you are team number four.


Coming through.

We are not quitters.

You know, when we lost our jobs
and we had to save our farm

we buckled down
and saved our farm.

We just don't quit,
no matter what anybody says.

That's ours, right there,
those three.

Oh, my God, dude.
Oh, my God.

James, catch your breath.
No, I'm not stopping.

I'm not stopping till this is done.
You won't make it back, man.

If I have to crawl back,
we'll make it.

Let's go back.

Left, left, left.

Trey and Lexi?

You're team number five.


We think we have all
the bamboo loaded up now.


Thank you.

We're doing great now.

So all we have to do
is get there, James.

A million dollars, James.
We have to get there.

Let's go.
We have to go.

Please, sir, please.

Yeah, yeah.

Thank you so much.
Thank you.

This is our clue.
Thank you so much. Thank you.

We wanted to do
some heavy lifting.

The problem is we forgot to
use our brains while we did it.

You're hooking it.
You could be a rickshaw driver.

Here it is.


That's all right, leave your bag.
Go, go, go.

Come on!

Jaymes and James, I know how badly
you wanted to be in this race.

You're still racing because you
are team number six!

Oh, my God.
Yes! Whoo!

We are feeling like we've been
put through the wringer today.

We thought we were done.

But we're having a good time.
We're still here. Do not count us out.

It's almost there.

Today was probably one of
the toughest days of our lives.

We knew we were in last
and it's never a great thing,

but Brent and I,
we just don't quit.

Thank you.

Beekman boys! Beekman boys!

Beekman boys! Beekman boys!

Josh and Brent...

The news is not good.

I'm sorry to tell you that
you're the last team to arrive.

However, I'm pleased to tell you guys
that this is a non-elimination leg.

Oh, God.

Maybe you're not so pleased.

No, I am going to run
the race tomorrow

as hard as I ran it today,
if not harder.

I think he gave it his all
and that's what our partnership

has always been about.

We've always been there
for one another, and today,

when I could not take another step,
he pulled those last

all the way to the top of the hill.

I gotta tell you,
the greatest motivator for me is

if he can't do something
and he needs help,

I would fall down and die next to you
if I had to, just to finish.

That is why we've together for 14 years,
even though we bicker.

That's why we've made it.

Sometime during the next
leg of the race,

you will encounter a Speed Bump
which will you need to complete

before you can carry on
with the race.

We're in it, Phil.
We can do everything.

We said we'd give it our all,

and I thought we gave it all today,

but turns out there's a little bit left

and we are going to make
a fabulous comeback in the next leg.

Thank you.

And then, we're going
to keep going on from there.

Fabulous finish.

Stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.

Next week on "The Amazing Race".

The competition moves
to Istanbul, Turkey,

where teams go for a hard sell...

Watch how cool this is.

Buy one from somebody else.
This is a good salesman. Cheers.

And a clean slate.

Whoa. Whoa.
Is this legal?

You have to give me your
number, dude.

Oh, it's cold!
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