21x02 - Long Hair, Don't Care

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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21x02 - Long Hair, Don't Care

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"The Amazing Race."

at the starting line

with the first ever chance
to double their money.

If your team wins the first
and the last leg of the race,

you will win $2 million.

Once in Shanghai, China,
teams got paddled.

All you got to do is beat
that 10-year-old.

And serve.

I never pegged you for
eating fallopian tubes.

An act of kindness...

Where is it?
Go down this way.

On this side?

costly for Amy and Daniel.

This is for $2 million.
Come on! Hurry!

We told them where it was at.

Abby and Ryan won the leg.

You are team number one.

You have the opportunity
to win $2 million.

While Amy and Daniel
settled for second place.

We told you guys.

In a race for last place,
chippendales Jaymes and James...

Is it in the water?
I don't know.

...battled Rob and Sheila
in a foot race and barely survived.

You are team number 10.
Oh, my God.

Rob and Sheila, you have been
eliminated from the race.

Who will be eliminated next?


This is Shanghai, China,

the largest and fastest
growing city in the world.

This progressive metropolis is home
to more than 18 million people.

And with its spectacular city views,
the Bund Observatory.

This is the start of the second leg
in a race around the world.

Abbie and Ryan won
the first leg,

earning the chance for
the $2 million grand prize.

You are team number one.

They will depart
first at 5:35 A.M.

Fly to Surabaya,
I hope, Indonesia.

Teams must now fly
across the South China Sea

to the City of Heroes,
Surabaya, Indonesia.

When they land, they will
travel over the Suramadu Bridge

and make their way to
the Alun-alun Stadium,

where they will find
their next clue.

The winner of this leg
will receive the Express Pass.

Today is the Express Pass!

Which is a free pass to pass
a Roadblock or Detour

at any part of the race
until certain leg.

Pudong Airport? Yeah, yeah.

I am sweating behind the kneecaps.
That's an awkward place to sweat.

Team number one.

It's kind of scary
to be in this position.

Obviously there's now
a bigger target on our backs.

Here we go. Leg two.

Fly to Surabaya, Indonesia.

Let's go.

We are pretty bummed that
we didn't make first because we had it.

Go down this way.
On this side?


We just lost that chance
to get that second million.

To the airport?

I am a very strong person,
but I do have prosthetic legs,

going through everything that
already I've gone through,

learning to walk again
and start snowboarding,

that drive is a huge advantage
for this race.

The winner of this leg
will receive the Express Pass.


Oh, God, sorry.

We need to go to Indonesia.

Fly to Suba...
Subaya, Indonesia.

Hi, sir. We've got to go.
Quickly, quickly.

We have a crazy background.

My parents came from
the two fighting sides

of the civil w*r in Sri Lanka.

I think growing up in third world,
some of the stuff we are doing,

people are scared of the roach,
scared of the beggers.

That stuff is like our home, boys.

Fly to Surabaya, Indonesia.

Kelley and I met through
the monster truck business.

Her husband was my best friend.


There was an accident
where he was k*lled.

Rob was really good.
He stayed and he helped me and my son.

We fell in love.

Kelley was the first person that
made me understand what love was.

Indonesia, babe.

Come on.

Right here, buddy.

We need to go to
Surabaya, Indonesia.

We need to get there at
the soonest flight we can get there.

Cathay Pacific, right here.

We want to go to here.

Yes, you can.
Departure is 8:20.

Right now?
Only morning now.

Book it.

We just found some tickets
that would take us to Hong Kong

and we could switch over there
and get tickets to go to Indonesia.

It's the only one.
We're there.

This is Garuda Airlines to Indonesia.

Leaves at 10:05.
Okay. Perfect.

We're all going to be on this flight.
So I think that's going to be okay.

Yeah, everybody's on this flight
unless you mess up.

We need to disappear
from this counter.

A few of the other teams
we seen them all huddle together.

They were going on a flight I guess.

We tried to hide
and stay away from them.

We're running our own race.

Hey, over here.

Hi, y'all.

Is that the fastest?
Will that get us as early as there?

You get in faster.

The Hong Kong flight
has a four-hour layover.

Oh, it's later than the others.
Yes, then give us that.

We all apparently are on the same flight
so we're going to book this one for now.

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

They're all together.

So either we made a real good move
or a bad move because it's all of them.

We're all on the same flight.

Hey, okay.
We like that.

Everybody is doing it.
Come on!

This is the cool kid flight right here.

We just caught up to everybody else.
We're all in the same flight.

We closed the gap.
Going to Indonesia, baby.

Let's go.

We think it's a good move.

Everybody's at the other end
of the counter

and we're worried about
what we're doing here.

I think we just dooped them.
Maybe we're in the front.

I don't think anybody else
is on this flight.

Thank you.

It looks like every team
is on this flight

except for monster truck
and his wife.

No one really knows what happens.
They were here at the airport.

We think they pulled a fast one.
Missing in action.

Once we get there, we're gonna hit
the ground and run, game on.

Rob and Kelley are
on the first flight to Surabaya

with a four-hour layover
in Hong Kong.

All other teams are flying
to Surabaya via Jakarta.

All right, we get down there first,
maybe we can get on.

Take it easy.

There's a flight leaving at 4:25,
we're leaving at 5:35.

So it may get out of here
an hour ahead of time.

We're in stand-by?

Apparently it's full. We're going
to take a risk on the stand-by list.

We're trying to get on the waiting list
for the earlier flight.

There is no earlier flight, right?
There is only stand-by.

We tried to get an earlier flight.
No, there is nothing.

So nothing? 6:45, nothing?

We tried to get an earlier flight.
Fully booked.

The long hair dudes
might have got it.

That is it?

Yeah. Thank you very much.
Yeah. Thanks.

We've got an hour jump
on everybody else.

We're going to hope that long hair
don't care did not get on that flight.

Is that them right there?

We can figure this out, man.

The long hair guys got it.

I know.
This is no real.

They're sneaky.

We call them long hair do care.

Long hair do care are sneaky.

Count the blessings one at a time.

Right now we're waiting for
our flight to go to Surabaya.

We haven't seen any teams at
the airport here with us.

We don't know if we're in the
lead or if we're in the back,

but we're going to run our race

and that's why you look around
you don't see any other backpacks.

Taxi stand is to the left.
We've got to get one, dude.

Alun-alun, Bangkalan.


We're the only ones that
got on this flight.

We got to be our lone wolf selfs which
we prefer sometimes and it worked well.

Hopefully we'll maintain
whatever lead we have.

Exit. Exit.

Babe, come on!

We're all going the same place.

Who wants U.S. dollars?

We're in a race. Come on.
We're in a race. Let's go.

Alun-alun in Bangkalan.
Same place everyone's going.

Fast, fast, fast, fast, fast!

We are just landed in Surabaya.

We are on our way to Bangkalan,
to the Alun-alun.

Let's go!
Yeehaa, taxi!

Oh, God, people move!
We need follow them.

Oh, my God,
the texans looks so cute.

From the jump, Nat and I
felt that we really like Lexi and Trey.

We call them the texans.
They're so far away from home.

Should be right here. Is that it?
Yes, that is.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Let's see if we can find the box,
clues or something?

Right here.
Take a number.

Pole races.

All right.

There is 10 teams,
there is 10 numbers.

That's us, let's go.

Can you pull over? Stop?

So this is the park, though?

Thank you. Thank you.

I think it's down here.
Come on, James, let's go.

Think outside the box, man.

Okay. Where's your box?

What we are thinking?
Look, look, look, take a number.

Take a number.
Take a number, yeah.

Ryan and Abbie
who we're in the race this whole time,

neck and neck
are number three. So...

Means those guys are beatable.

It is. Four.
Right here!

I got it, babe!
I got it! I got it!

Hey, hey, do or never.

Six, Nadiya, good run!

Lexi and Trey, we agreed
that if we can help each other,

it means all four of us get into
the front, we're going to do that.

Let's do this.

Get it, Josh. Get it!
Number seven.

I got it!

We're racing at 8:00 A.M. tomorrow.

They don't have
air-conditioning in this place

and it is hot as crap in here.

We'll take nine.
Some type of whip. We're number nine.

So there's one team behind us.
Is y'all's stick number 10?

Number nine.
I don't know who is it?

Monster truck.
Rob and Kelley.

Oh, man.
Oh, my gosh.

So monster truck's not here.
Oh, really?

Here, baby.
Here, here, here.

We don't know if we
did good or did bad.

I'm not concerned at all.

There are some physically fit
young people in this race,

but they will burn out.
And when they do,

that's when ma and pa
roll right on by.

Personally I think that we're in
the lead right now.

Come on, honey.
Let's go find a taxi.

You know Alun-alun?
Yes, I know.

Okay, buddy.

We haven't seen anybody.


This is it, huh?
This is it.

Maybe they're already here.
Yeah, probably.

Oh, oh, take a number.

We're the last ones.

Sri Lanka's girls?
Sri Lanka's girls.

What the hell happened?

A four-hour layover.

We're the last team to get here.

We like to be the last team.
It matters who's the first one to match.

We're just gliding under the radar.

Hi. Welcome to bull race.

Don't step on the bull, dude.

The winner this leg of the race
won the Express Pass

It's huge.
We slipped up on the first leg.

We're not going to let it happen.
We're going after that Express Pass.

So we got this whip.
We see some bulls.

We're not really sure what's
going to happen next.

Teams will now take part
in Karapan Sapi,

the traditional meduran
sport of bull racing.

In the order they
arrived in the stadium,

teams must hop on a motorcycle

with a professional driver
and take part in this exhibition

racing to the finish
line against the champion bulls

to get their next clue.

We're here ready to
roll with the bulls.

This looks like a lot of fun.
We're exciting.

We're racing with the bulls.
If we lose, we'll still get the clue.

This is for the fun of it.

I have no idea how
fast these bulls can go.

I have no idea these bike can go.

We have been dieting,

so hopefully it won't take much
horsepower to beat that bull.

Or cow power.

This is crazy.

I am Spartacus.

Oh, baby, we've got a race.
Go, go, go!

When they say go and those bulls
outran the mopeds, it was incredible.

I mean, they just took off
It was incredible.

Oh, my God.

Make your way to Genteng Kali Bridge
and search for your next clue.

Let's go.
All right, let's go.

A bunch of calfs right here, baby.

This is crazy and awesome.
We're racing bulls on a motorcycle.


Look at them go!


Thank you so much.
Thank you.

This is so cool.

I was holding on for dear life,

just like, my God, don't let me fall
in front of 10,000 Indonesians.

Thank you.

Whoo! Yeah, baby!

Awesome, buddy!

Is that it?
Yellow and red.

Yeah, that's it.

Who likes to party?

This Roadblock requires teams to operate
a pedal-powered amusement ride

called an odong-odong
and gives four children a ride.

Each team must pedal a portable machine
while makes eight pieces of balloon art.

Once the children get a ride
and get all their balloons,

one of the children will hand them
their next clue.

I love to party.
James, it is.

Choose four children.

All right. These are the rides.
Go get them, man. k*ll.

Who wants to go on the ride?
Come on, let's go.

I looked around I saw a bunch
of kids in a line and I saw balloons.

Let's go. I'll make you balloons.
We're gonna ride.

I assess the situation immediately
as only a rock star can do.

Keep the kids entertain.

You must make one balloon animal

and one balloon hat
for each of the four kids.

Okay, here we go! Whoo!

Oh, a balloon!

There's got to be an easier way.
Come on, James.

Come on, bro.

Oh, look!
Yes, yes, yes, yes.

There are yellow balloons.

Okay, yes.

Who likes to party?
I do.

All right.

Come on. Keep moving.

The other team's here.
Come on, bro.

I have to pick four kids.

One, two, three, four.

Over this way.

Even though I've got prosthetics,
I snowboard, I jog,

I road cycle, I mountain bike.

We're great competitors
and we're ones to beat.

You've got it, babe.

There are red and yellow balloons,

Who likes to party?
You do.

I like to party.
You love to party.

Red, yellow. Red, yellow balloons.
Thank you. Thank you.

Who likes to party?
Let's go with you, man.

Take that.

Right here.
Stop, stop, stop, stop.

Who likes to party?

You do. You want to party?
I'll party.

Choose four children.

We probably won't
roll into the Roadblock

in quite the most graceful fashion.

Hey! Hello! Hello!

We probably look scary,
so when we came up to the kids,

the kids are like no,
I don't want to go with them.

The moms are pushing them out
and the kids are holding back.

Hello. Hello. Hello.

This is amazing.

There we go.
There is it. There is it.

sh**t. It's okay.

Come on, baby.

Holy cow. Oh, stop!
That bull went crazy.

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

That was so much fun.
Racing the bulls was exhilarating.

Whoo! Hell yeah!

Thank you.

All right. Let's go.
Holy crap.

Okay. Hurry, hurry.

Very fast. I need you to help us.
Go very fast.

Good job, baby.
You're doing great.

I've always been
a multitasker.

I think being a woman is
a huge part of that.

There you go!

Three smalls.

The pedaling
I had no challenge with.

I was just focused on
making these poodles.

Go it!

Ouch! There's go my knee again.

As my leg kept going up,
I kept battering into that bar.

I'm destroying my knee here.
That's a problem.

This is the best task so far.
This is so much fun.

There you go, sweetheart.
So pretty!

I'm actually a big kid person.
So I love kids.

I have so much fun with kids.

There you go, man! That's it.

Hurry! Hurry!

Okay. Stop here.
Stop here.

Who likes to party?

If they were refering
to real party, I would have said me.

But because it's an amazing race

and we know the challenge wouldn't be
down 30 bottles of Tequila,

I went with it.

Yeah! Who wants a dog?

This one. This one.

Here you go.
Take it, sweetheart. Thank you.

I managed to start
making a few hats.

I think the first one was about that.
He just jammed it in their heads.

Who likes to party?
You do. You like to ham it up.

Okay. I like to party.

Who wants the hat?

Who likes to party?
I'll do it.

Yeah. One more animal, right?

Yeah! I love this.

Yeah, yeah, that's it.
That's the one.

Nice, babe.
My kids are probably nauseous.

Okay. Who likes to party?

You want to?
I do.

Who likes to party?
I like to party.

Good job, Lex!
Make these kids happy, happy.

Happy, happy. Yeah!

Oh, thank you so much.

Dude, they finished.
Come on. Hurry up.

Route info.

Teams must now travel to
Wijaya Motor Shop

and search for their next clue.

Good job, guys!
Thank. Keep it up!

Good luck!

Nat, Texas finished.
Come on, twinnie. Let's go.

Two more. Two more.

Thank you.

Wijaya Motor
and search for your next clue.


Here you go, baby.
Okay. We're done.

Make your way to Wijaya Motor.

Okay. Let's go.

Delayed by the balloons, man.
We've got to catch up.

And search for your next clue.

There are some things
that the gays are better at.

Balloon animals are one of it.

It's perfect!

Wijaya Motor.

You can get this.

I can't do it.
Do it!

Okay. David and Goliath
have nothing on their kids yet.

Attack that stupid balloon
and let's go. You can do it.

Come on! Don't give up.
Let's go.

Yeah! There you go!
Let's go! Let's go!

Will, just look at the balloon,
not at everybody's else.

Wijaya Motor.

He doesn't know.
He's looking for it.

We don't know where is it
and he doesn't know.

Just keep our eyes open.

Fast, fast, fast!
Go, go, go.

Come on. Come on. Come on.

Oh, right there.
Yeah, yeah.

Come on, baby.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Wijaya Motor.

Hey, all right.

Do you know where the clue is?

Come on!
Thank you, thank you.

Yeehaa, Texas.
Thank you.


This detour requires teams
to go to work Indonesian style.

In Ice By the Pound, teams deliver
ten 65-pound blocks of ice.

First they must get ice
from this giant icemaker,

slide it through the factory,
and deliver it to a truck.

Once they arrive Pasar Pabean Market,

they must use a special
cart call "becak",

to deliver their
cargo to this store.

When finished, they'll
receive their next clue.

In fish by the barrel,

teams must also go to
the Pasar Pabean Market

and sort through thousands
of assorted fresh fish

using an old school method
of working with their hands.

Once they fishes were properly stocked,

teams must set up a stall

and when the vendor feel that
they are ready for business,

he'll hand over their next clue.

What do you want to do? Ice?

Yeah, yeah.

Our gut was saying do ice.
We've got the g*ns obviously to do it.

Carry two barrels of fish.

Which one?
Fish. Let's go, let's go.

Here we go.

A hook. Yeah.

You use that hook and put them here,
and I'll go put them in the truck.

Oh, yeah.
We've got this, babe.

This is unbelievable.

Put them through here.

Oh, my God, these are so heavy.

Just push it baby.
You don't need to pick it up. Push!

Push, push it. Yes.

Let's go!
Teamwork makes the dreamwork.

Show off your muscles in this.
Push it, babe.

Where's the number four?
I don't know.

It says make your way to number four.
Wrong way?

Right here.

Okay. Let's go.
It's two. Let's go.

We're taking two barrels of fish.
Yes. There are fish in there.

Hold on, Nadi, hold on.

The barrels are really heavy
but manageable for us.

This it is, this it is!
Go, go!

Me and Nadiya
grew up as tomboys.

So we're not going
to turn into divas.

This one.
Okay. One more.

Yeah, yeah. Let's go.

Diva is the opposite
of me and Nadiya are.

We're just bad-ass. The most
bad-ass Sir lanka's you'll ever meet.

Yes, in the corner, yes.
Good job.

Good job, twinnie! Let's go!

David and Goliath are still here.
The Barbies are still here.

Tie the knot.
Yo can do it this, Will.

Here, have some water.

I've never seen him like that.

I've never seen him where
he was physically shaky

and sweating profusely.

Calm down, take a deep breath.


Way to go, Cait! Yeah!

Thank you.

Make your way to Wijaya Motors
and search for your next clue.

Take a breath.
Take a deep breath and exhale.

Here. Right here.
It's for you.

Wijaya Motors

Get in, Cait, come on.

It's a race, fast, fast, okay?
Very fast. Very fast.

All right. There you go.
There you go.

It's all right. It's all right.

I felt like the whole world
was on my shoulders

and it was getting heavier
and heavier.

I was getting so nervous
my glasses were fogged up.

Sweat was coming out
my arms, my fingers,

I couldn't grip the balloons.

I was falling apart.
I was actually having a meltdown.

Wipe your hands off. Take your time.
Take some deep breaths.

Take some deep breaths.

Enjoy yourself.

Hi, kids. I'm coming.

I was exhausted.

It felt harder to do balloons
than run a marathon.

It's all right. It's all right.

Stop! Stop!

Count to 10 breathing in and out.
Close your eyes. Stop.

Gary's very emotional
and he usually gets mad at me

when I can't do it something
and he was really calm.

And that gave me encouragement
because I think Gary believes in me.

If Gary believes I can do it,
I think I can do it.

All right, there you go.
There you go.


That's looking like a dog.
It's looking like a dachshund right now.

That's a dog. Yeah.

Yeah. All right.

You've got the hang of it now.

You doing good, Will.
You've got it now.

Wijaya Motors

You know? Can you find it?
No, no.

Wijaya Motors

Oh, my God.

You know?

God. We've got the guy that
doesn't know his own town.


You got it?

We got it, babe.
So glad you have muscles.

Trey had to put it
in his big macho arms.

How many is that? Nine?
Yes, one more.

And I had the hook
so I felt like Captain Hook.

Okay. I got it.
Good job, babe. Be careful.

Here we go.
Good job, babe. Attagirl.

Good job, babe.

Yeah, buddy.

Push in, babe. It's ten.

All right, let's go.
To the spice market.

We've got the rock in the end
of this and then run to Phil.

Try to get that Express Pass.

Read the instructions.
Finish the example.

Can you describe the fish on the top?
Yeah, yeah, don't worry.

There are
several different fish.

They had to be on specific order,
specific head direction.

Face up, face down.

It was a lot of fish.

You can just start sorting the fish.

We had to use a hook and smash
a huge piece of ice and was hard.

So while I was smashing,
Nadiya open a huge barrel of fish,

and she starts unloading.

The only thing is, all my sweaty makeup
is going to be in this fish.

Is here? Wijaya?

It's Wijaya Tire.
Motor. Motors.

Wijaya Motors.

Oh, no.

It's no here. It's Wijaya Tire.

He brought us to Wijaya Tires
instead Motors.

It's very important. We need you to stop
if you don't know where you going.


Right here. Wijaya.
We've got to make up some time.

Do you have a clue?
We've got our buddies right here.

Ice by the Pound
or Fish by the Barrel?

It's ten blocks of ice.

Ten blocks of ice. Let's do this.
Let's do ice.

We're doing ice.
Do we do it together? All right.

Good job, James.
We've got this.

Ryan, we need ten?

We are flying.
Flying, baby.

Yes. Come on.
Let's hear it. Let's go. Come on.

Yeah. Everyone.
Give it to us.

Thanks, guys.
Thank you very much.

Make your way to wigi motor.
Thank you, everyone. Thank you.

This was one of the hardest things
I've ever done in my whole life.

It freaks me out making creative stuff.
I can't do it.

I hope we're still in this game.
I hope we're still in this race.

Oh, my gosh.

Way behind we're thinking.
Wijaya Brothers.

That's all I see is Wijaya Brothers.

Wijaya Brothers,
but not Wijaya Motor.

I mean, we're out of Wijaya.
This is heartbreaking.

I wish people just say don't know.

You need to give me another taxi
that knows. You don't know.

You're just driving.
You don't know.

I think Ice By the Pound.

It's going to be slippery, but...
Okay. Ice By the Pound.

Let's go. Let's go.

Brent, Josh.
Over here.

Come on, baby. Come on.

Yeah, baby.

Don't jump. He said yes.
We're in the truck.


Good job.
You did awesome.

Let's go!

So many fish. So many fish.

I want to take the fish
and rub it on my face, I'm so hot.

These are all facing this way.
Eyes on this side.

Opposite, opposite, opposite.
Okay. This is done.

My hair is soaked.

Is it here?
This is it, right here.

Come on.
We have to deliver the ice.

Come on, we've got this.
Let's go.

We have enough ice, man.

No, we have to finish
crushing this whole block.

You got it. Make up some time.
Push it, babe.

We have to find the market.

I think we're almost done
with this one!

Hopefully we'll get that Express Pass.

Come on, baby!

We smell fish
so we're going the right way.

Is it here? Right here.
It's right here, sweetie.

Natalie and Nadiya.

Hurry, hurry, hurry!

You got it?

Hurry, hurry, hurry!
Put it on top nicely.

Come, baby, we're so close.

Okay. Ready!
One more, babe.


Thank you!
Nadiya, come on.

What are you doing?

Search on foot
for the next Pit Stop.

Teams must now search
the alleyways of this bustling market

for the next Pit Stop.

The first team to check in
will win the Express Pass

and the last team
to check in here

may be eliminated.

Come on, Naty. Go, go, go!
Texas is right behind us!


Do we have a clue?
Thank you so much.

The last team may be eliminated.

This way?
Outside, outside.

They ran out through there.
Yes, I know.

Nadiya! Wait! Are you sure
we're going in the right direction?

This way?
This way.


Oh, my gosh,
you guys stink.

Give us the good news, Phil!

Thank you for sharing
your smell with me.

Come on, Phil!

Hi. Welcome to Surabaya,

Thank you!

I love your nails!

You're k*lling me, Phil.

Natalie and Nadiya.

You stink like fish...
Yes. We know.

but you are team number one!

Whoo! Whoo!

And you have won
the Express Pass.


That means that
you can use the Express Pass

before or during any challenge
that you don't want to complete,

all you have to do is
hand it over and move on

and you know
that's going to give you

a big advantage over
all the other teams.


It's like such a coveted item
the Express Pass.

We've been thinking about this
since day one.

And we feel so good that
we set our goal

and we reached it today.


Oh, my God!

This is how we do it.

Trey and Lexi you are team number two,


Natalie and Nadiya
came in first.

If somebody was going to get it,
we're super glad it was them.

Yeah. We like them a lot.

Yesterday we said one-and-two.
Either way, we don't care.

Thank you so much.

Wijaya Motor? Yeah.

Ice By the Pound
or Fish By the Barrel?

We'll do the Ice By the Pound.

Right there. Right here.
Here. Here. Come on!

Thank you.

Ice By the Pound
or Fish By the Barrel?

Ice By the Pound.

We've to get a becak.
It's got to be here.

Okay. Here we go.
Here we go.

Here, right here.
This is a becak.

Let's go. Let's go.

These are them, I bet.
They're on these rickshaws.

You push out to me.
I'll load them.

We've got to beat them, James.
Well, look who's here.

Hi, guys. Come on.
Let's do this.

All right.

Well, hopefully I didn't put us
out of the game, out of the race.

Pretty much think we're screwed.
I don't know.

Hustle. Hustle.
We've got to beat them.

We're going straight.

Chippendales are right there.
Stop! Stop!

Watch out. Watch out.
I've got it. I've got it.

Left, left, left, James.

Make sure they line up.

you've got two broken ones.


Okay. Here we go, James. Pit Stop.

Turn left.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Up this way?
Look left and right.

Could we bring it? Yes.
Yes, yes, yes.

That's what the clue says.
Let's pick it up.

I got it. I got it.
Let's pick it up.

James, James, right here.


Yeah! Look at your nails.

Come on, brother,
give me a high-five.

Jaymes and James,
you're team number three!


Abbie and Ryan.

How about four?
Oh, we'll take four, baby.

Josh and Brent, fifth!

Yeah! Yeah!
Come on! We're the fifth!

It's a little bit frustrating.

We're going to really have to move
and shake once we get there.

We must find it.

Where are you going now?
This is not the place.

We need to find somebody else.
Get out.

Wijaya Motor?

This kid don't have a clue.

Wijaya Motor?
We don't know.

You're k*lling me.

Can we call information?
There's no information in Indonesia.

We're in a race.
This guy don't know nothing.

I have no idea
what we're looking for.

Oh, my gosh.

This is unbelievable.

We don't have a clue.
We don't have a plan.

We don't have anything at all.

We have to look for our next...
But there's nothing here.

I mean, literally,
what are we going to do?

What? You know?

Yeah. I say, turn around
You didn't turn around.

You cost us a lot of money, bro.

Okay. Are we almost there?


How far?
Long way.

Can we walk?
You cannot. By taxi.

There's a cab.

Oh, no, we're so behind.
Oh, man.

Hard going, man. Hard going.

But we're getting there.

I know, this is freaking hilarious.


We are done.
This is the last piece.

Search on foot for the next Pit Stop.

All right. Let's find out.

Right here. Right here.

Right here.
Stop, stop, stop.

You guys just get here?
We just got here.

When we got there...
Gary and Will.

...they had just drove up.
Same time.

The monster truckers were even with us.

We are back in the race.

We both got here at
the same time. Let's go.

Detour. Ice by the pound...
Or fish by the barrel?

What are you going to do?
We're going to do ice.

We're doing ice too.

There's a bump.
There's a bump.

There's a bump. Hold on.
Deep Breath. We can do this.

Oh, wait.

I'm just going to lift this.
No, no, no.

No, Cait, hold on.

Pull it over. Pull it over.

Ready, set, go.

That was hard.

James and Abba,
you are team number six.

All right.
Well, we're back to six again.

Sorry, you all right?

We need one more?
One more.

Kelley! That's it.
Just go with it.

Come on, Gary. Heavy?
It's not light.

That's it.
We are ready.

Good job, Gary.

Okay. Let's go.
David and Goliath behind us.

Can't get in.

Pretty much think we're screwed.
I feel bad.

If it weren't for the balloons--
I feel really bad.

I'm an idiot.

I think we're in last place.

I'm not ready for this to be over yet.

Yes. Here.

Do you have our clue?

Oh, my gosh, thank you.
Thank you.

Oh, my gosh.
I want to cry right now.

Detour, Ice by the Pound.
Okay. Let's do that.

For sure.
Careful. Careful. Careful.

Search on foot for the next Pit Stop.

Ah, come on.

We need to just bus through this.
Good job, babe.

We need to just get this done.

This okay?


At this point, I believe
we are completely last.

Come on, Brit.

Caitlin and Brittany,
you are team number seven.


Is that good?
We have to take the ice with us.

I think see the monster trucks.
Holy crap, the monster trucks.

David and Goliath.
Oh, no.

Ice manager!

Ice manager!
It's over there.

We drop it off.

Our hopes that somebody else is
having as hard of a time as we have.

We are going to lose ice.
What ice, Will?

Keep it down. Keep it down.
What ice are you going to lose?

Where are you losing it?
This one on the top.

Where's it going?
To go down, Gary.


Damn it, it was all
right before, though.

It can't go anywhere this way.
There's a wall.


Thank you. Warning the last team
to check in may be eliminated.

I got it.

Okay. So I'll hook it right.
You grab it.

Right here, Will.
Come on. Okay.

It's Phil, it's Phil, go.

Right here!

Hi, Phil.

Rob and Kelley,
you are team number eight.


All right.
Doing a little ice loading.

It's right here, Will.
Right here.

Oh, my God.
Good job.

And I think we're good.
I think that's all we can do.


You've got it, babe.
This is it.

Route info.
Search on foot for the next Pit Stop.

Well, take the smell in, Will.
We'll never be here again.

Drop ice.

It sucks because so long
I wanna do it this.

This is the
opportunity of a lifetime.

I'm not running.

The last team check in
might be eliminated.

Let's go this way.
Let's go in the middle aisle.

This is it.
We've just got to look.

It's in here.

Gary and Will,
you are still in the race.

You are team number nine.

Yes! We're going all the way now!
We're going all the way!

This is the happiest day of my life!
So happy!

Welcome to Surabaya, Indonesia.

Thank you very much.
I like your nails.

Thank you.

Amy and Daniel,

I'm sorry to tell you that
you are the last team to arrive.

You have been eliminated from the race.

It's okay. It's okay.

We did everything we could and
Amy is just an incredible

human and I'm just so proud of her.

It's heartbreaking because
it's just been so awesome.

We're feeling pretty
disappointed right now.

This has just been an awesome experience

and we just want to keep going.

I'm so proud of her.
And I love you so much.

I love you too, baby.

Amy's an incredible woman.
We were right up front.

We really did have the
potential to win the thing.

It just the stars
just didn't align today with us.

Stay tuned for scenes from
our next episode.

Next week on "The Amazing Race."

This will make a great drag
performance for you.

Josh and Brent feel the heat.

The top of my head is getting hot.

And the Double U-Turn
cranks up the pressure.

How much is it this ride?

Is there someone behind us?
They are behind us now. Go.
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