21x01 - Double Your Money

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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21x01 - Double Your Money

Post by bunniefuu »

are coming down from...

Southern California's
sunny coastline...

to the crown of the valley,

And in the center of the city,
Pasadena's city hall.

This architectural treasure...

is just one of
the many iconic structures...

seen throughout the city.

The Colorado street bridge
will serve...

as the starting line
for 11 teams...

who will discover that
the stakes are bigger than ever before,

as they race around the world
for $1 million...

and a chance to win
"The Amazing Race."

The 11 teams are...

Trey and Lexi,
dating from Austin, Texas.

I was a football player for
the University of Texas...

and Lexi was a cheerleader.

Hi, g*ng.

We're pretty traditional people.

We don't want to live
together until we're married.

One of our dreams would be
to win "The Amazing Race"...

and get married and start
our lives together.

I'm hoping
we can win this race...

so I can finally get a ring
on my finger.

Natalie and Nadiya,

born in New York
and raised in Sri Lanka.

Nadiya and I
were born in Queens.

We moved to Sri Lanka
when we were 3.

It's amazing the stuff we've
experienced together.

Everything from taking each
other's exams at midterms.

Don't! We'll get in trouble.

We've already graduated,
it's too late.

Having somebody
who is so close to you is...

She walked out with
my high school boyfriend for me,

and he didn't even know.

He deserved it; he was a bum.
He was a bum.

But it's amazing, and I'm so happy
and fortunate to be a twin.

I feel exactly the same way.

James and Abba,

rock star and lawyer,
from Los Angeles.

I'm a rock musician.

I started out in the 80's
with a band called White Lion,

People like Ozzy Osbourne and Slash.

I'm an entertainment attorney.

Based around the hard rock
and heavy metal side of thing.

We've traveled around
the world extensively.

We're comfortable
being uncomfortable.

We're going to rock the race.

Rock the race!

Josh and Brent,
goat farmers,

from Sharon Springs, New York.

We were two city guys who wound up
buying a farm out in the country.

We had really great jobs
in the city...

and within six months
we both lost our jobs,

and had to figure out
how to make farm products sells.

But now we're a grade-a
goat dairy.

The things we've accomplished...

I think have prepared us
to win this race.

The Beekman Boys
have made farming fabulous.

And now we're gonna make
racing fabulous.

Amy and Daniel,

dating off and on for 10 years,
from Crested Butte, Colorado.

When I was 19 years old,
I had contracted bacterium meningitis.

I lost my spleen, my kidney,

the hearing in my left ear
and both of my legs.

So it was a mission from
the minute I left the hospital...

to get a new pair of legs...

so that I could start
snowboarding again.

I'm the current top ranked
female adaptive snowboarder...

and this year I won three
back-to-back world cup golds.

She's such beautiful person,
and inspires me every day.

Caitlin and Brittany,
best friends from the midwest.

I played division I soccer at
Auburn University.

I played basketball.

I've always been in technicals
and she in yellow cards,

so we're pretty mean
when it comes to being on the court.

I didn't sign up for
a beauty pageant.

Rob and Sheila, engaged,

from Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

I started my lumberjack sport career
when I was six years old.

By the time I was 17,
I was a many time world champion.

I spent the last 15 years...

in one of the largest cosmetic
companies in the world...

as the director of sales.

I gave up that career...

when Rob asked me
to move here.

Rob is definitely
the boss of our relationship.

In fact, Rob has taken over
the planning of our wedding.

I just hope he picks me out
a really cute dress.

Gary and Will,
substitute teachers...

and best friends for 35 years.

Pick me, please!

Will and I have applied
for the race seven times.

We are the largest fans,
the biggest fans,

the super fans of
"The Amazing Race."

My height is 6'6".
Will is 5'1".

People laugh at us.
They call us Mutt and Jeff.

They call us Mr. Roarke and Tattoo.

It doesn't matter.
We're secure in our friendship.

if we don't win the race,
I'm going to get a divorce... from him.

Abbie and Ryan,

dating divorcees,
from San Diego, California.

Physically speaking,
we're both very strong.

I'm a dance instructor
and choreographer.

And I started doing jujitsu.

Not only do I train,
but I also compete.

Having that competitiveness,

even when someone's arm
is wrapped around my throat,

that's gonna be a metaphor for
how we're going to win this race.

I would not be satisfied
with anything but first place.

I want world domination.
I want to be bowed down to.

Oh, gosh.

Jaymes and James,

Chippendales performers,
from Las Vegas, Nevada.

Who wanna see a little bit more?

James and I are chippendales.

You probably think it means...

we're swing around stripper poles,
dollar bills in our pants.

We're not!
That's not what we do.

It's a production show.
I sing, James plays the guitar.

If need be,
in order to succeed a challenge,

we'll slap on a the cuffs and collars
and draw attention.

I'm here to party,
but I want to be formal.

It's what this look says.

Rob and Kelley,

married monster truckers,
from Boston, Georgia.

Kelley and I are one of
the top independent teams...

in monster trucking.

I have four world championships.

A monster truck, when you drive it,
the adrenaline is crazy.

The other teams are going
to think this guy's arrogant,

he's an ass,
or they're going to love me.

Not only are we going
to be the toughest team,

we're going to win this race.

Welcome to
"The Amazing Race."

You are about to begin
a life-changing adventure.

There are 12 legs on this race
that will take you to nine countries...

traveling more than 25,000 miles...

and if there's one thing
I can promise you,

there are lots of surprises
along the way.

The fact is I will be
eliminating most of you.

But if you make it
to the final leg...

and you cross
the finish line first,

for the first time in
"The Amazing Race" history,

you have the chance
to double your money.

Here's how it works.

If your team wins the first
and the last leg of the race,

you will win $2 million!

The action begins
as soon as I say "go".

Standing between you
and your first clue...

is a 10-story rappel off
this bridge.

Once you've read your clue...

you can get behind the wheel
of an all-new Ford escape...

and be on your way.

All right.
The world is waiting for you.

Good luck.

Travel safe.


Come on, come on.

Rock 'n' roll, man.


Let's catch them.
Faster, faster.

Come on. Come on.


I'm a little scared of heights.

That is a long way down there, sir.

What are you looking down for?


Come on, baby.
I'm trying.

She got it.

You ready?
Go. Go.

Let it slide. Let it slide.
I am.

I'm not even touching it.

You ready? Go.

We got this. Keep coming.

Faster. Faster.

Just keep going down.

Come on, Caitlin.
Faster. Faster.

There's no way
I should be falling faster.

Come on, come on, come on.
Don't look down.

Come on, come on, come on.

They're smoking these things.
We have to go faster.

I'm on the left.

Good job, good job.

All right.


Yeah, baby.
We got this. Come on!

I don't know if I can do this.


Go, baby.

Here we go. Let's go.
All right.

Come on, babe.

Babe, my hands are burning.
Come on.

Come on, Abbie, come with me,
to the promised land.

Let's go, baby.


All right.
This ain't so bad.

Hell, yeah.

You don't cross your hands, right?
Will, shut up.


We can.

Take it easy.
Work it down.

Work it down.
Good job. Good Job.

It's good.
Sorry for yelled at you, Will.

Here is the bag. Go.
Open it.

Open up?

Route info.
We are in the race. Oh, my God.

Make your way to Shanghai, China.

Shanghai, China.

Make your way to Shanghai, China.
Let's go.

Where are the cars?
Let's go this way.

Come on!
Go, go, go.

Keep it going, honey.

Come on, Naty.

Sri Lanka.

Come on, honey,
we have to beat them.

Ford Escape. Let's grab one.
Take the first.

Go front.

Come on, Trey.

We're on "The Amazing Race"!

You may only travel
on one of two flights.

China Airlines, flight 7,
scheduled to land at 10:50 A.M.,

and Eva Air, flight 15,
scheduled to land at 12:05 P.M.

Oh, right, baby.

You got this?

only the first seven teams...

to check into the China
Airlines counter...

will get tickets on the fastest flight.

So the first seven teams
are going on China Airlines.

This is crazy.

We are on "The Amazing Race".

I know.

That's what I'm talking
about, baby, get with it!

You go get it.

Let's go to China.

Come back with $2 million
or come back dead.

What are we doing?

We are racing
in "The Amazing Race"!

Sync by

So we're on the first flight.
First flight.

That's right.
That's how we do it.

Okay. Thank you.

Coming in on the first flight.
We're excited about that.

Yeah, we couldn't be more thrill, men.

We made it on time.

We are in the first plane, honey.

Forget them, run!

Run, Robbie, run.


Hurry up, Josh.

Brent, Brent?

Hey, Kelley. Go this way.

Hey, hey.

Josh, come on.

Josh was Mr. nice guy
and let the team cut in front of us.

We're not going to get on.
We're team number eight right now.

He messed up.

Are you going to be like this
the entire flight to China?


I gonna get sleeping pills

All teams are now making
their way to Shanghai, China.

Jaymes and James,
Caitlin and Brittany,

James and Abba,
Amy and Daniel,

Abbie and Ryan,
Natalie and Nadiya,

and Rob and Kelley
are on the first flight...

arriving one hour and 15 minutes
ahead of the second flight...

on which Josh and Brent,
Trey and Lexi,

Rob and Sheila,
and Gary and Will are traveling.

When they land,
they must proceed by taxi...

to Yuanshen Sports Center Stadium
to find their next clue.

Yuanshen Sports Center Stadium.
You know where we're going?

Okay, okay.

What country?

What country?


This is good, men.

Fast. We love you.

It's stifling.
It's more than hot.

It's like a rotisserie oven
commercial on late night TV.

I feel like that rotisserie chicken.
Yes. Cooked from inside out.

We've been on a flight for...

And I'm wearing the same underpants.

Everything is pretty
much neck and neck.

We have a few in front
of us and some behind us...

and we're all going to show up at
the stadium and just take off.

It's a building with a red sign.
Yuanshen Sports Center Stadium.

Okay, okay.
Yeah. Thank you.

You guys see red and yellow?
Let's go, over here.

Let's go this way.


Everybody is following us.


Who's ready to get paddled?

This Roadblock requires
teams to play table tennis...

against a Chinese junior champion...

who simply hates losing.

They must successfully score one point
against this formidable opponent...

or wait until their next turn
as she goes from table to table...

using household items
in place of her paddle.

Once they hit a winning shot,

they'll be rewarded
with their next clue.

It's totally up to you.
Yeah. I'll do it.

I trust you.

Who's ready to get paddled?
You. Go.


Is that you?

Up to you.
Okay, me.

You want to do it?

I'll paddle.
¿Yeah? Right.

Who's ready to get paddled?
I am.


We're searching for a clue somewhere
on the grounds around the stadium.

Over here, come over here.
Here we go.

We walked into this room
and there's ping-pong tables lined up.

There's kids playing ping-pong...

and we had to play against
the junior champion of China...

and score a point against her.

Over here, over here.

Grown up in Sri Lanka,
we play table tennis everywhere.

So I was like "I got this".

I go in there and see her,
I was like piece of cake.

Slam it, slam it!

No, just slam it.
I know.

When I messed up...

I had to wait for her to rotate between
all the teams them come back to me.

I just get one shot to beat her.

If I don't beat her, I have to
wait again for the cycle go around.

You got this. Taking down
little Chinese kids, this is horrible.

Well, they start off with a paddle.
I know. Come on, James.

Got creamed.

And they were too proficient
with that paddle.

Come on, Cate.

The ball is just like...
zoom, zoom.

Interesting way to start.

Bring it.


It was zinging by.

That was good.

All you have to do is beat
that little 10-year-old.

She's using a clip board.

The kid is crazy.

She's playing you with a clip board.

She's like I'm going to
play you with the paper side.

I'm not going to use the flat side.

Come on, James.

Just got to beat a 10-year-old.

James, you got this.
You got this.

So I got dusted with a clip board.

I have to sit here and eat
my piece of humble pie.

Whoop, this way.
This way.

Kelley, you see anything?

I don't see it in here.

Natalie, concentrate.

What is wrong with you?
He's hitting it hard.

Natalie, relax.

You relax. You...
You're just hitting it.

Come on, man.

Come on.
Come on, you got it.

You got it, babe.

She had some mad skills
with the ping-pong ball.

You got this.
Just let it hit your paddle.

Give me one good, honey.

Yes, yes!

Yes! Awesome.

Thank you so much.
Thank you.

Make your way to
Cui Ping Jiu Jia.

Let's find our cab.
Let's go, babe. Let's run.

Do it like you play the bass.

It's a point.

You're my buddy, men.

Come on, let's rock 'n' roll,
go, go, go.

Come on, man, come on.




Good, they just got out now.
They were in front of us.

This is huge.

Come on. Quick, quick.

Thank you.
Let's go.

We finished that in second
but we're in first...

but I don't know for
how long with this guy driving.

Come on, Kelley, it's right here.

That's you.

Come on, James.

Oh, my gosh.

You got this one.

Yeah! Yeah!

Thank you so much.

Take it to me.
Come here, come here.

Yeah, dude! Yeah!
Go to Cui Ping... I don't know.

You got everything?
I have everything.

Let's go.

Natalie, come on, man.

So the kid downgrades to a pan.

I'm thinking that
it's so degrading...

because he's sitting there
like let's go.

What are you doing?

Come on, Caitlin, you got it.

Caitlin, you got it!

Yes, whoo!

Thank you. Good job.

You should have
let me do this one, Natalie.

All right. Let's go, let's go.

All the way down here.

Sheila, you got this, come on.

Show me some mercy.

Show me some mercy.





Thank you!

Everybody's leaving, Natalie.

Let's go.

Get it done.

Let's go, Sheila!

I'm getting frustrated.
I keep messing up...

and he pulled out
like this tambourine or something.

And I was like "Oh, my God".

Be easy, be easy!

Natalie, concentrate.


What are you doing?
Be motivational.

Natalie, you're just hitting like this.
Just slam it!

You're just hitting it.
Shut up!

Be easy, be easy!

Natalie, slam it!

Whoa! Yeah!

Thank you, thank you.
Come on, get the clue.

Thank you, thank you.
Let's go get a cab.

Sheila, slam it back, slam it back.
Let's go.

Come on, let's go!

Thank you.

Let's go.

This is it?

Oh. Here we go.

A double Roadblock.

This Roadblock requires teams...

to eat a traditional
Chinese dessert...

called hasma.

These chewy tubes are
the fallopian tubes of a frog.

Once they've devoured
this delicious delicacy,

the restaurant manager
will hand them their next clue.

Do you want to go tubing?
I don't want to, but I'm going.


You may not pick up the plate
or the papaya from the table.

Get it down. Get it down.


Come on, Abba, take it in.

Oh, God.

It's looking good.

Oh, God almighty.
It was like overcooked macaroni.

Eating them with the chopsticks
was pretty close to impossible...

because the consistency of it
didn't allow it.

How does it taste, Abba?
Papaya is my favorite fruit...


If you did the table tennis,
your partner must do this one.

I'll do it.
You got it.

This one wasn't pregnant, I hope.

You got this.
It's just like jelly.

Umm, amazingly good.

Have you not had
fallopian tubes, Abbie?

I have two,
but please don't eat mine.

Right there. Oh, my God.

Who wants to go tubing?
Brittany, you got it.

Go, go, go.
It's right there.

If you did the table tennis Roadblock,
your partner must do this one.

Oh, my God. You have to do it.

Go, go!

Come on,
we can get out of here, man.


Here she comes.
Grab it. Grab it.

Thank you.

Make your way to the Bund
and look for the woman using the abacus.

Abba... Kiss.

All right, let's get this cab.

We're so close.
Tastes like two million bucks.

Yeah? Waiter?

Clue, clue clue!

I know an abacus is. Let's go.
All right.

Damn that.

That sucks.

Yuanshen Sports Center Stadium.

You know how to get there?

Just get in.

The stadium?

Do you know where this is at?
If you don't, tell us.

Okay, okay, okay.

It says sports center so
probably something athletic.

Yeah, which we have no chance
of catching them with that.

Who wants to go tubing?
All right, man, you got this.

It's good? It's good?

Ooh, it's hot.

It was not good,
but that's $2 million,

you do whatever you got.

You got this, man.
Ain't no thing.

It's like warm jell-o.

Brittany, keep it going.

Dude, beast mode.
Go beast mode, son.

You're smashing it.

Yeah! That's my boy!

You're my boy.

You got it, man, you got it.

Every piece of white has to be gone.
It's good.

You got it, Brittany.

You're so close, babe.

You got clean the tablecloth.

Thank you.

Fallopian tubes ain't bad.


To the Bund.

Everything my mama taught me about
how to eat I let go out the window.

Go, go, go.

Search for the woman
using an abacus.

Let's go.

Come on, Brit.
Come on. Suck it up.

You got it.

Yeah, yeah.

I got it.
Let's go!

You're done, you're done.

Search for the woman
using an abacus.

Let's go, twinie, you got this.

That's the most disgusting
I've ever eaten in my life.

Let's go, twinie, you got this.

Think of cupcakes and
cream cheese ice cream.

Twinie, twinie, twinie!

Come on, babe.

We could not have a
better challenge right now.

In home,
Trey rocks in ping-pong.

It was so appropriate
for Trey to do.

Let's go, babe.

Be easy on him.
Come on, baby.

Just like at home.


Thank you so much!
Thank you.

To Cui Ping Jiu Jia.
Come on.

Come on.
I say we go up top.

Search for the woman using an abacus.



Come on, don't wallow, let's go.

Let's go. This way.

We're looking for a
lady using an abacus.

Why isn't she using a calculator?

They look tough, Rob.

Go, Rob.

He's using a pan?


Thank you.

You scored already?

Thank you.

Suck it up, suck it up.

Let's go, let's go!

Let's go, let's go!

Nadiya, let's do it!
Come on, come on!

I'm going to do it.

Good, good, let's go.

Thank you. Let's go.

Search for a woman using an aba--

An abac... Abacus.

We have to go to the Bund.

I don't know what I got to do.

Just have to eat it.

The first bite wasn't too bad but
then it start working in your head...

what you're actually
eating and you see how much of it.

I mean, there was a lot.

Just do it.
The girls did it.

I was like I just want to get this
done so I picked the thing up and...



Come on, you got it.

I win.

You got it.

We got it.

Clue, clue.

Thank you very much.

All right. Let's hit it.

Here it is.
It's the last clue in the box.

Hurry, please.

Who's ready to get padded ?

Okay, let's go.

Come on, Josh, you can do it.


Brent, right away,
I got the first one.

Thank you.

I won a sporting event.

I've never won a sporting event
and it was against a champion.

A junior champion.

We're in a race.
We have to get there fast.

Don't puke!

Don't puke!



That's what I'm talking about.

I got nothing but love
for your food, baby.

Nothing but love.

Where's my clue?

What does it say?
Read the rest of it.

You must use the chopsticks
to eat all your...

You may not use your hands.



Oh, I ain't eating two more.

I can't eat it.

Oh, boy.

I get to do it again.
We didn't read all the clue.

Okay. Next time we'll read everything
before we move on anything.

At least you have an
acquired taste now.

All right.
We're at the bund.

Anybody see a lady with an abacus?


Couting? No?

Oh, my gosh.
I'm eating frog.

How you like it?

Okay. To the Bund.
Let's go to the Bund.

So an abacus.

Oh, my God.
Look at this skyline.

It's amazing.

There's the girls.

Abbie and Ryan,
right there.

There, across the street.
We can cross.

Let's go.

Oh, my God.

Look, look, here it is.

Thank you!

Make your way to the next Pit Stop.

The Bund Signal Tower.

Teams must now make they way
on foot to the Pit Stop,

the Bund Observatory.

This 100-year old signal tower,
overlooking Shanghai skyline,

it's the first Pit Stop
in a race around the world.

The last team to check in here...

will be eliminated.

Do you know
the Bund Signal Tower?

Can you show a picture?

Oh, yes, thank you.
Go, go, go.

Hey, you guys,
did you find the abacus?

Where is it?

Go down this way.
On this side?

Like 150 yards.

This way. This way.
Go, go, go.

Thank you.
Let's go, babe.

Down here. Let's go.

Hi. Can we have our clue?
Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Make your way to the next Pit Stop.
The Bund Signal Tower.

Let's go.
This our turn to shine.

Anybody know where
The Bund Signal Tower is?

Oh, my gosh.

Down here.
It's down at the end of this.

Come on.
The Bund.

There they are.
We're going to catch them.

We're so close.
We're almost there.

It's amazing.

I'm so proud of you, babe.

Hurry up! Come on, come on.
We have a team behind us.

Oh, my God. Oh, my gosh.

Sorry, guys.
No, no, no.

This is for two million.
Come on! Hurry.

Oh, my gosh. Come on.


We told them where it was.

The abacus.
I told them.

I know.

Come on!

Welcome to Shanghai, China.

Abbie and Ryan,
I have great news for you.

You are team number one!
Ahhh! Yeah! Yeah!

As you know, for the first time
in "The Amazing Race" history...

Oh, my God.

...you have the opportunity
to double your money...

and win $2 million...

if you can win
the final leg of the race.



Amy and Daniel, come on in.

She's amazing.
This girl is amazing.

Oh, my God.

We told you, guys,
where was the abacus.

Oh, my God.
It's all right.

Amy and Daniel,
you are team number two.

You were almost team
number one, it sound like.

Yeah, we were so close.

If we hadn't given up the clue,
we could have walked up here...

and had the chance for the two million,
but it's the kind of people we are.

I see Amy as more of
a threat than any other woman...

or man running this race
right now.

Yeah, when we can pass them,
I have to take advantage of that.

It's a game. It's a race.

Worth $2 million at this point.

Woman using an abacus.

The white one? Yes.

Okay. Let's go. Come on!

Where is the Bund, girls?
Is it down there?

Come on, Brittany.

Come on, James, let's go.

Find the lady with the abacus.

This is the Pit Stop?
You got it, you can keep up.

Come on. Come on!

Come on!

Oh, it's the Pit Stop.
We're wrong. Go, go, go!

No! It's the Pit Stop.
That's not it.

We have to find the abacus first.

Caitlin and Brittany,
you are team number three.


Come on, girl,
let's get out of here.

Come on.


Organs of fricking female frogs.
You'll be fine. They taste great.


Take it.
All right.

Make your way to the Bund.
Let's go.

Come on, girl.

Do you have an abacus?

Another strike, Abba.

Let's go this way.

There are a bunch
of people up there.

Right here! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!

Thank you.

Make your way on foot
to the next Pit Stop. Come on.

I don't want people
to see that we're here.

Oh, my God, they caught up to us.

Hey, the abacus,
did you find her?

Did you?

We're looking.


Natalie and Nadiya,
you're team number four,

and that's pretty good news.

No, we wanted one.

Come on, Sheila, you're almost there.
Don't slow down.

You're almost there. Come on.

sh**t! I'll do it.

Yes, yes!

Thank you!

Search for a woman
using an abacus.

Let's go.
You're a big man!

Yeah, yeah,
take it down all the way!

Oh, my God, look at him go!

Come on, Will!

I did it!

I'd never had
this much attention.

We actually feel like rock stars.

I know what is it.
It's a park in the river. Come on.

Great job, Will.

We need to go to the Bund.
We have to find a woman counting.

That's the Bank of China.
Bank of China? It's a Bund?

Bank of China.

Thank you so much.
Thank you.

Okay. Here we go.

Was that a stroke of luck or what?
Oh, my God.

Well, let's hope.

I never pegged you
for eating fallopian tubes.

Living on the farm
we try to eat everything...

that we raise, tail to snout.

When we make it home,
if you want one, we'll get one for you.

I'm going fallopians.
Now I know how good they are.

Brent, you're good.

Thank you.

Okay. Let's get our cab.
It's waiting for us.

Right along here.

Right here.
Do you have a clue?

Oh, yeah, baby.

The Bund Signal Tower.
Let's do it.

Geez, dude, I can't--
Where's the abacus?

Pick down the road.
Let's backtrack here and go down.

Here, here, here.

The Bund is such a big place.

I think we blew it.

Yeah, all right, let's
head back, I don't know.

Maybe across the street.


Rob and kelley, you
are team number five.


Okay, look on the right.

Bank of China.

Come on, Sheila, we have to nail this.

Woman with abacus?
No. Sorry.


Look at this person with an abacus.

Hi. Thank you.

Bund Signal Tower?
It's down this way.

We stay on this, we'll find it?


Search for a woman using an abacus.

You look for the lady?
Yeah, where is she?

See the red dress?
Thank you.


Thank you.

The last team to check
in may be eliminated.

James and Abba,
you are team number six.

Jaymes, this makes no sense.

This makes no sense.

Anybody, lady with a abacus?

I don't know what she's like,
where she is. Is she a statue?

Is she literal?
Is she in the ground, in the water?

I don't know.

Oh, my God, I see nothing.

Maybe she go back down.
I see nothing. Let's go down.

Winning this million dollars could
totally change our families' lives.

My dad is the only person I know
of that's fighting cancer...

and working 50 hours a week.

I want be able
to come back and say:

hey, dad, we won.
You don't have to work.

Stay home, get better.
You're good.

We cannot lose this, men.

Josh and Brent,
team number seven.


We're looking for the
lady with an abacus.

A woman with abacus?
Yes, yes.

The woman is over there.
Thank you, sir!

Where's the abacus?

Team lumberjack here who was in front
of us and they're still looking for it.

We're looking for a
woman using an abacus.

Sheila, come on.

You see her?

Rob, wait for me.

Let them go.

We think they went straight down
and missed it.

Come on. Hi.

Thank you very much.

There's a tower with a light on it.
That's got to be a signal tower.


We're so lost. We are exasperate.
Watch out. Go Back.

That's a chippendales.

You find the lady?

We didn't find anything up there.
They didn't see her either.

It's got to be up there.

Come on, Gary.
We can beat those guys.

I know.

Gary and I will do anything
to win. We will cheat, deceive.

Be superfan,
Will and I have learned...

we have to wield out
the strong teams.

I don't care if they're the
nicest guys in the world.

They are between us
and the million dollar.

We're looking for the
lady with the abacus.

Up. Up there, up there.
All rigth.

Trey, sweetie, let's go!

Hey, Trey, did you find the
woman with the abacus?

This way.

Are you coming?

They found her. Sheila!

Right there.

Lady, nice to me you.

Thank you so much.
Open it. Come on.

The Bund Signal Tower.
Warning, the last team may be eliminated.

Come on, babe.

Come on, girl.
Thank you.

Thank you.

The last team to check
in may be eliminated.

Okay. So The Bund Signal Tower.

Found it.

How far?
Not far. Go.

Oh, my God, we went by it 20 times.


Gary and Will,
you're still in the race.

You are team number eight!

Oh, my God.

And look, here's another team.

Come in.
Come on, babe.

Trey and Lexi, you're team number nine.

Oh, my God.
No, you're in it.

You're in it. You're in it.
You're in it.

The Bund Signal Tower?

Signal Tower?
This one?

Come on, Sheila.
It's this way.

Ah, there she is.

Thank you. Last clue.
Let's go.

The Bund Signal Tower.

The last team to check in
may be eliminated. Let's go.

If there's ever a time to run,
this is it.

We got it.

Sheila? Run.

We can do this.

We can beat them on foot.
Let's go.

I'm pretty sure the chippendales
are not going to make it.

Good, let's get rid of
the Chippendales.

Use your legs!
Let's go.


Ah. Just say 10,
please, lord.

Welcome to Shanghai, China.

Thank you.

James and Jaymes,
you are team number 10.

Oh, my God, thank you.

Rob and Sheila,
I'm very sorry to tell you...

that you are
the last team to arrive...

and that you have been
eliminated from the race.


That's tough.
Oh, my gosh.

That's tough to take, I know.
That is tough to take.

In the race every second
counts and today 15 of them...

were the difference between us
staying and going home.

That's a hard way to lose...

but my biggest fear coming
on the race with Rob...

is that we may
have conflict during the race.

Good bye.
Thank you.

And I'm really thrilled.
He's been fabulous.

He's the best partner I could have
ever chose to be on the race with.

You didn't choose me.

I chose you.

Stay tune for an exclusive look
at the upcoming season.

This season on
"The Amazing Race."

Nine countries and more
than 25,000 miles...

where teams will taste
the thrill of victory...


...and the agony of defeat.

You're not ready to give this up.

You just cost me a million dollars.

Which team has what it takes?

It's close, Kelley.
Turn right.

To win?

It's all for $2 million
and it's all worth it.

"The Amazing Race."

Tell your friends, tell your grandmas,
tell your cousins.
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