20x11 - It's a Great Place to Become Millionaires

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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20x11 - It's a Great Place to Become Millionaires

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing

Race" -- 11 teams began a race

Around the world.

Along the way they soared over

Sulta and experienced agony in a


They were bewildered in baku.

And taken aback in tanzania.

That is a once in a lifetime


Six teams were eliminated.

Kentucky boyerses bopper and

Mark came on the race for one


We don't win the money, we

Won't help our family at all.

We are going to win the money.

And the best friends

Competed with their hearts on

Their sleeves.

You don't know what it means

To me being in this race.

It's and opportunity for me

Fighting for my child.

This is absolutely beautiful.

I'm glad to be doing it with

You, blood.

I am too.

Overcoming injury.

My leg's in pretty bad shape.

You've got no more to give.

To finish just shy of the

Final four.

Bopper and mark, I'm sorry

To tell you you've been

Eliminated from the team.

The final four teams got their

Attentions early.

Block them in.

Her disgusted smile is

Painted on just like her

Overdone makeup.

Honey get your nose done

Before you get your boobs done.

They targeted each other

With u-turns.

But that only succeeded in

Ending and friendship.

We're done, major dave.

Take your army ass and get out

Of my face.

The race will be that

Catalyst to reconcile our


Success on the race course

-- Rachel and dave, you are team

Number one.

Didn't always mean


Can you stop being a jackass?

But through their ups and

Downs, the married couple still

Won six legs and a spot in the

Final four.


Datey divorcees crashed

And clashed.

You're being stupid!

Overcame ideas and fas,

Battling their way into the

Final four.

You're team number three.

Art and j.j. Began the race with

Plenty of confidence and backed

It up with results.

But some late game stumbles had

The border patrol agents limping

Into the final four.

You are team number four.

Brandon and rachel felt the

Pressure of the race early.

And often.

I wanted to go on a trip

Around the world with my best


Amazing race is supposed to be

Fun and good.

I paid $500er for extensions.

But the couple always came

Through to earn their spot in

The final four.

You are team number two.

Tonight, one of these four teams

Will win $1 million and "the

Amazing race."

God dog it, man.

Coachin in india is

As the city of harmony.

And on the shoreline of this

Diverse city, these enormous

Chinese fishing nets.

This is the start of the 1th leg

In a race around the world.

Rachel and dave won the last leg

Of the race.


And will depart first at

Teams will now fly nearly 4,000

Miles to japan.

Once they arrive, they must

Receive their next clue.

My relationship with rachel

Is more important --

Than $1 million?

It is more important than $1


We need to go to japan.

It is my country.

I love your country.

It's very nice.

I don't necessarily view

Rachel as my wife.

I view her as my teammate and my

Equal --


As my peer --

As my soldier.

Nothing earlier?

This is the fastest.

We'll all be on the same


Have a good evening.

Each and every team that

Arrives to the airport will be

On the same flight.

Against the final four, any

Mistake we make that could be it

For us.

We just feel that we're the

Best team.

Our greatest fear is to be in

Front of phil and be told you're

The last team to arrive.

I have no doubt that we'll be

The team.

We have and injured warrior.

But she's holding up.

I have all the faith in the


We're going to hirowshima



Teams are making their way

To hiroshima, japan.

Let's go.

Bus ticket vending machine.

Anyone speak english?

Oh, ok.

They're right there.




Go, baby, go, go, go.

Bus tickets.

Green team, they'll come in

Here with a chicken with their

Head cut off.

Where do you get tickets?

They don't even know where

They're going.

I don't even think they read

The clues.

I just think they're run.

I'm staggered that they're still


I don't know how to read


Can you help us purchase bus


So two people.

Yes, brendon.

I don't know if it's working,


We can go.

Excuse me?

Do you speak english?

Can you please help us.

Thank you so much for all your


Dave and rachel -- private

Dave's here.

Let's get this bus going.

We don't have to wait for them.

They can catch the next bus.

Later suckers.

They're stuck back there.


Now we're missing the bus.

Maybe you should have

Listened to me and not say what

Are we doing?

From now on I'm not making my


Just stop.

You didn't listen do me in

The most important leg of the


Let me ask you this --

It's a race, brendon.

Do you want to win or do you

Want to lose?

First offer all, lower your


You can make all the


Can you drop the attitude?

You act like every other men

And you don't respect your


You think you can do it all on

Your own and you're so smart.

Here we are.

Oh, yeah.

Let's go, baby.

We've got to get information.

I'm going to ask this guy.

We need to get to miyama


What's the fastest way to get us


The icts are right there.

I'm not a fan of being and

Instinctual follower.

Can we buy tickets from you

Or from the machine?

I have no idea what any of

That means.

There's a lady at the


Let's do that.

Have you lived here all your


-- All your life?

Thank you for your help.


How the hell do you know?

There's a lady right here.

Can we do this one?

We met a nice man.

He told us how to buy the train


Is there a ticket counter

Down here.

Rache, there's a ticket


Thank you.

Which way do we go?

This way.

The next train?

Ok that's fine.

Number one?


Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Try to get down there.

It's in three minutes.

Is this it?

It says one.

Trek one.

Thank you.

This one's going to the same


This one leaves in 10


Take it out.

So did we just leave dave and


See you.

Platform one.

They got on that one.

Damn it.

Dave and rachel get on there


I don't know.

This is just proof that ever

Second counts.

Not just be con tent well

Everybody else is here.

There's no reason to pout

About it.

Yeah, you are.

Just leave me alone.

If there's something you can

Do about it, great.

If you can't do anything, don't

Be pessimistic.

From my vantage point there's

Always something that can be


We need to focus on what

We're doing right now.

Let's go.

Down here?

Come on, babe.

Holy advil.

Thank you.


Come on.


You're going to hold that


Thank you.

All right.

Let's go.

I need two, please.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's go.

I know, I know, noiter.

Let's go upstairs and out of

Sight and out of mind, man.

Is this the last stpwhun --

Is this the last stpwhun -- one?

Come on.

Let's go.

I think they'll make it.

At least we stay warm when we


Here it goes.

It's the last ferry of the


They didn't make it.


We've got a little leg up.

]]Er cheese and crackers.

-- Cheese and crackers.

Thaffers huge catching that --

That was huge catching that.

Did other people get off?

Rachel and dave won six legs

Of the race so it's kind of a

Nice feeling not to see them

Here and to have them behind


Maybe just maybe someone else

Could win a leg of the race like

Brendon and i.

What time does the ferry run

To the island.

That was $1 million for one

Minute wasted.

They're in a location that we

Need to be to search for a clue.

No use of pouting about it


I'm not pouting, rache.

I'm telling you the reality of

It and from the gravity.

You go from consistently first

And now the ramifications we've


The error is magnified 10 fold.

There's nothing we can do about

It now but wait it out.

Two hours of dwelling is


A little per teshed to say

The least -- perturbed so say

The least.

$1 Million for one minute


How do you know?

What do you want to know?

Might as well, right?

Let's see what this place is.

Hi, do you have any room


Yeah, sure.


We need to stay for a few


There's not another ferry

Going until 6:30 in the morning,


Three teams came on.

Let's go look at the grounds,


Can we walk?


There's the thing.

There's somebody's deer.

There's a shrine over there,


We'll be able to get this clue.

Watch your foot.

Watch your foot.

Look at that, baby.

Look at how beautiful.

We're searching the ground.

Your clue arrives with the

Rising sun.

Not until tomorrow?



That's awesome.

Give me a high five.

Are you kidding me?

Son o a bitch.

That means dave and rachel

Will get here.

And on to the ferry.

Good morning.

Two tickets, please.

Rachel and I had the

Opportunity to talk last night

And resolve a few issues.

Today's a new day and we've

Battled back into the top three

If not first place.

There's a red and yellow


There's another team up here.


We're missing our ferry.

It's ok.

They're not here.

Your clue arrives with the

Rising sun.

Feeling better.

This is so gorgeous.

Holy smokes, look at that

This is somebody who has


Do you have anything for us?

Do you have clues in that


Ooh, yeah.

Thank you.

Make your way to the

Hiroshima memorial park.

Let's go.


Art, this way.

This is a blast sight.

On august 6, 1945 and

Atomic b*mb was dropped on

Hiroshima during world w*r ii.

Remnants of the destructive

Blast still stand including

Hiroshima peace memorial which

Has remained untouched since the



Being in hiroshima at peace

Park definitely will have a

Lasting impact.

It does make you take that

Step back and try to be more

Responsible to prevent things

Like this from ever happening


I'm a physicist.

We try to use radiation to help

People getting rid of their


So to see radiation can cause

Massive destruction, it's a hard

Thing to comprehend.

A lengthy w*r was thwarted

But many lives were lost at

Pearl harbor.

It makes it more real and to

See a building like that, it

Makes it more tangible.

It was powerful, man.

The triumph of human spirit

In a lot of dark situations is

Definitely something to be

Admired and the japanese people

Cultivate that in their every

Day lives and this is something

Very moving.

Thank you.

Thank you, sir.

Travel by --

Travel to the city of osaka.

All teams are now

Traveling by high-speed b*llet

Train to the city of osaka.

When they arrive they must find

Their way to the tv 8 studio

Where they'll find their next


How the freak do you get out

Of here?

Does it have stairs, you


Come on.


Over here.

Exit to your left.

Transfer to the subway.

Do you think it's faster?


Especially with the traffic

Right now.

This should go through and


Should send us right out.

Does he knows where he's


Go to itv.

This is and important leg.

There are only four teams.

That's what we came up here.

They stayed on top.

They said the quickest way is

To get in a cab and go.

Can cannot be wrong.

Yeah, for public


Is it this building here?

Thank you.

Let's go, baby.


Here we go again.

Live and die by the cab.


We're looking for tv 8 studio.

Thank you.

I would have to believe this

Is it right here.

We're not even in the right


Oh, crap.

Where is it?

Can you show us where?


Who wants to bring home the


Arthur's going to do it.

I have no idea what I'm

Getting myself into here.

Welcome to japan.

Bring that chicken home game!

Are you ready to play?


Let's go.

Let's go, art!

Let's go, art!

Oh, gosh.

Welcome to "bring that

Chicken home again"!

Come here.

Come here.

This game is very easy.

I don't get it.

But he looks ridiculous so it

Makes me kind of warm and fuzzy


You must have three chicken

And come in here and jump.

This roadblock requires

Teams to hot foot it in a

Hilarious japanese game show.

Bring that chicken home.

Sprinting on the giant

Running track, they must jump up

And get three chickens running

From the ceiling.

If their legs can carry them all

The way, the game show host will

Hand them their next clue.

Are you ready?



And start it.

Wait for the red light.

Aw, nap.

Now you go!

That's ok.

That's ok.

It's so absolutely


Ready, go!

Come on, art!

Get the back!

Yellow light.

It's so stupid.

Come on!

No, no, no.

You must get back.

You must jump.

Ready and go!

Come on!

The guy's a buffoon.

Come on, art.

I'm going.


It's all right.

Take your time.

This is going too fast.

We have to go down, I think?

Do you guys want to work

Together on this?


Come on, guys.

We need a cab.

No, no, we need a cab.

I'm not saying hi.

Is that right?

Over here.


Yes, yes, yes.

Where is this?

Ask him.

We need to get here.





We're running around with

Chicken with our head cut off.

Our taxicab driver took us to

The wrong building.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

We went to the new building

But we have to go to the old


Let's go, art!

Come on, art.

You got it, art!




Very good.

Find the utmata sky building.

Teams must make their way

To the umeda sky building and

Look for a pair of windows

Double p.c.'S.

A double tap of the finger will

Reveal which side of the detour

They want to choose.


That's good shenanigans


Good job, man.

That's what we needed.

I'm going have to put that

One off the bucket list.

Arthur, you looked so

Ridiculous but I loved it.


Who wants to bring the

Chicken home.

We knew that I had to do the


I was hoping it's not too



I'm not going to die doing

This, am i?

Looks like brendon's doing


This is my roadblock because

We have to keep the same number

Of roadblocks even.

She's done five and I've done


Bring home that chicken.

He's and astronaut, dude.



This is going to be ridiculous.


Wait for the red light.

Oh, my god.

This is crazy.

It really, really hurt and

It's counter intuitive to run

Off and injured ankle.

Son of a bitch!

Get your chicken!

Come on!

It's too fast.

Go ex-been don!


-- Go brendon go!

Wait for the red light.

Rachel, grab it.

Get it, rachel, come on, baby!



No, no, no, you must jump.

No diving.

I told you, no diving.

Come on, rache, you got this.

You run and get chickens.

Get the one behind you.

Jump, honey!


Damn it.

Go, brendon!





Get there, get there, get

There, jump.

Yes, yes.

Good job.

Let's go, honey.


What are you going to do?


You don't need to apologize

To me.

It's ok.


I can't come in, do you


Just come here.

Come here.

But I have to do it.

Come here.


No, you don't.

You can't.

Sit down.

I don't know what to tell you.

You're not listening to me.

I don't know what to do.

We take the penalty.

We take the penalty.

We go and we finish the race and

We take the penalty.

Go try it again then if you


I don't know what to do.

I'm telling you what to do.

I can't.

I don't know what to do.

If you think you can do it, then

Do it.

This is ridiculous.




We'll take a penalty!


It's not worth it.

Just stop.

She's trying to finish it but

I don't think she's going to.

Running on that treadmill it's

Bet ds beating her down.

I don't know how much she can do

This without continuing to hurt

Herself more.

So --

I don't want to quit because

I really felt like I was letting

Raffle down but I was in such

Excruciating pain.

Worst moment of my life.

Oh, god.

It hurts.

Can I take off this shirt?

One more time, ready?

I can do this.

I can do this.

You can do this.

Over there from here.

You have three.

Come on!

That's a pretty big building.

Floating garden on sorve


-- Floating garden observatory.


What a view.

That's the clue.


Let's do it.


You ready?


Photo, cutout.

Become a street photographer.

This detour requires teams

To choose between two things

That japanese people are

Passionate about, sushi and


They're options then go shout

Out or photo cutout.

Bingo shout out requires teams

To pick up shoe shi on a con ve

Orbelt and put it on a bingo


Teams must correctly identify

Pieces of sushi with a letter

Attached to it and match it to a

Name on the board.

Once they have the correct five

Pieces in a vertical, horizontal

Or diagonal row, they can yell

Out -- if they're correct.

They must receive their next


In detour they must convince

Locals to pose for a photo.

Once they've taken 10 different

Photos, they must deliver them

To the photographer to receive

Their next clue.

Let's do the sushi.

Old men -- all men love bingo

And all men love sushi.

Do you have a clue?

This is the floating


Look how far you can see.

Do you have a clue?

Damn it.

We're just k*lling ourselves.

There's no garden up here.

How many times are you going

To try this?

Until it breaks?

I guess so.

Mind over matter, right?

Everything you got, babe.

Like you've never run before,


You're almost there.

Almost there.

Here we go.


Here we go, go!







One more time.

Very close.

You can do it.

Come on!

One more time.

One more.

You must jump on it.


Come on!

Come on!

Come can on!


I can't tell you how proud I

Am of her just because of the

Fact that she stuck it out.

I'm hurting so bad right now.

The only thing I need is another


She's going to help me look


She's worried about putting

Her eyelash on.

I look like absolute hell.


Down to the second level.


Bingo shutout or photo cutout.

Let's read them both.

Become a street photographer.

Convince locals and groups of

Three to pose behind -- life

Size cutouts of sumor wrestlers.

I'm picking this one.


Let's do it.

Double click.

Bingo shutout.

Play sushi bingo.

Collect asort pieces of sushi

And place them on the

Corresponding boxes on your


When you think you have it, yell


So let's go here to sushi.


Rachel --

We're going to one park here.

Can you look it on your


You don't know.

Rachel, if you unzip your bag


I know I unzipped your bag,


I'm so sick of you!


Dave, your driving me unsane.

I'm tired of competing.

Silence is golden.

Then why don't you shut the

-- Up!


Watch where you're going.

Where is it?

They caught up.



Do you know how to get here?


They are on our tails.

They are on our tails.

Yell out sushi and the chef

Will inspect your tray.

Let's eat something.

I'm so excited about this

We're going to do sushi.

There's the sushi place right




Sushi now!

We've got to pick a table.

Pick one.





That's snail.

That's tako.

I have no idea what's going


It's all in japanese.

Honey, it's here.

Hello, sir.

We'd lightning to have a camera.

We have to take the picture

Of 30 people.

So 10 groups of 30 people.

You're great with people.

These people look perfect.

No, she probably won't.

Honey, you've got to just use

Flowery personal.

We need you to take a


This will be harder than we


We were really polite.

Girls, can you take a picture

Right here?

Please, please, please.

Yeah, good job.

Good job.

One more.

Oh, man can you get in there

Really quick?

It's a game.

Rachel, you're losing people.

Come on, buddy.

Are you kidding me?

One, two, three.


Thank you.

There's one.

You need to work your


Thank you.

Right here.


I think that's sushi.

We've got to spell sushi.

If I can spell this line across

Then we'll always get it.

Tamago yaki.

We're going across, dude.

We're trying to spell it.

This guy's on the megaphone

Calling out fish and letters.

What's a hotate.

We have to figure out what

Kind of fish we have and then

We've got to get the letters to

Go with the fish.

We just need one here.

One here.

One here.

Green team just showed up.

We've got to put them in a

Specific area.


Just stop.

This is not happening.

No, no, no.

Do you know what you're


What are a good day.

What a --

Come on, in, sir.

Will you take a picture with us?

It's really fun.

Thank you.

Come on.

You want to do it.

Get in there.

Do you want to come in and take

A picture?

Please, please, please, please.


We've got it, baby.

We're rolling now.

Get in there.

Good job!


Reel them in.

We'll track you down.


So we need that with a u.

We kind of picked the stuff in a


Figured out what it was and now

We're waiting to see if --


That's the wrong letter.

So you have to match the name

Of the sushi roll that has a

Letter on top to the

Corresponding letter in sushi.

We need a u salmon and a


That's good.

I hope you know where you're,


We're in japan.

Don't get all nostalgic.

That's what you do when you


I never quit.

We just have to kick

Somebody's ass.

Get in there.

Let's go mr. T.


I feel like a carnie.

Ladies, will you take a


There we go.

Please, please, please.

Come on.


You're the lucky person.

Lucky, put your heads in


There you go.


Some of these are good.

These look nice, huh?


Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Make your way to the next pit


Teams must make their way

To the osaka castle.

The last team to check in here

Will be eliminated.

Let's run.


Osaka castle, very fast, sir.

Come on, please be the first.


Get the u.

Get the u.




What is this one?

All right.

Here we go.

All right.

Thank you.

Come on, art.

Let's go.

Make your way to the pit


Osaka castle.

Rachel, you need to work with


I am brendon.

I'm writing down what you've


We need a uinago.

Osaka castle?


The last team to check in will

Be eliminated.

This is the ballgame to get us

To the final three.

Who does sushi.


We need a uinago.

Dude, seriously?

Oh, my god.

Who's good at this.

Ralph and vanessa caught up.

That's eel.

We need u oni.

Just chill.

I cannot do this when you act

Like that.

That's the castle, sir?


Thank you.

Thank you.

Here we go.

There it is.

Come on.




Welcome to osaka, japan.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Ray chem and dave, you are

Team number one.


You are one of the three

Teams who will be racing to the

Finish line for $1 million.

That's all we needed to hear.

You tied the record for

The most numbers of wins with

Seven wins.


Oh, yes!

And I have some more good

News for you.

As the winners of this leg of

The race, you have won a trip

For two and you will be going to

Stunning new zealand.

You'll spend five nights and the

Towns plaza queens town,

Experience the thrill of canyon

Bungee jumping as well as breath

Taking views of the southern

Alps on your private airplane


You know that's my homeland and

I promise you it will be a good


We are going to win the next


I just know it, right?

Oh, lord, have mercy.

This is a big --

Let's do it, arthur.

That sushi tasted so good.

What's that?


We need an uni.




Don't worry about them and let's


Thank you.

Make your way to the next pit

Stop osaka castle.

Keep going, angel.

We absolutely cannot give up.


O ca sacka castle.

-- Osaka castle.

We have to go.

We have to make it there.

I don't see anybody back

Here, art.

This place is huge.


Tako s.





The last team to check in

Will be eliminated.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Osaka castle.

I hope we made it on time on


You know, I hate to wish

Misfortune on anybody but I'm

Really hoping that another team

Got lost or got abducted by


You think it's around there?

No, just look over this wall

Over here.

Do you see anything.

Come on, we're so close to

Being in this.

There's the castle up there.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Hey, green team's here.

God dog it, man.

Over there.

You see them running.

I see them.

Come on.

Give me all you got, art.

We're hoping our luck is

Kicking in right now.

It's not up there, j.j.

Where the hell is the pit


God, art.

This is it, man.

Do you see anything?



Where the hell is the pit


All right.

We have to run.

It can't be that difficult,


This is so frustrating.

Hey, what's that, art?

It's down here, art.


Give me all you've got, art.

Oh, my god.

Good hiding place, phil.

Art and j.j.,

Congratulations, you are team

Number two.

And you're one of the three

Teams that will be racing to the

Finish line for $1 million.


I have to.

You going to win?

Oh, yeah.

We're going to win.

I really believe it in my


I know for a fact.


It's already a fact.


Please help us find the pit


You think it's behind here?


Stay right here.

Let me go look.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Oh, man, wrong street.

Come on.

Let's go.

Come on, brendon.

Brendon and rachel, you

Look worried.

We want it so bad.

You are team number three!

And you are one of the three

Teams that will be racing to the

Finish line for the $1 million.

Can you believe it?


We fought very hard to get


And we may not have won any legs

Up to this point but again, said

It's not about winning any leg

Except for the last.

We are the underdogs going

Into this leg but I know we can

Do it.

I know we can do it too.

Cheese and crackers.

Welcome to osaka, japan.

Thank you very much.

Vanessa and ralph.

I'm sorry to tell you that you

Are the last team to arrive.

We did good.

And that you've been

Eliminated from the race.

It's ok.

I'm sorry.

Vanessa, you should be

Extremely proud of yourself

Today because you really dug


You never gave up.

She's been a trooper.

So I would never want to do this

With anyone else.

This was a wonderful experience

For us.

We had our bavaria.

You're being stupid.

I'm being stupid?

It was your jack-ass idea.

From here on out, it's smooth

Sailing, unless there are rubber


We've got one more leg and

That's it.

We hope to beat art and j.j.

Because they've been -- to us.

We have the fire in our eyes

And the passion and the drive to

Win "the amazing race."

We want it so bad.

Bring it on.

Let's go.

We will successfully complete

Mission amazing race.

Nothing comes between me and

My million dollars.

Stay tuned to see who will

Win $1 million the second hour

Of the amazing race.

Osaka is known asjha pan's


And is a hub for this country's

Food industry.

And in the center of this

Vibrant city, the gardens

Located toven grounds of osaka


It is now the start of the 12th

Leg in a race around the world.

Rachel and dave who won the last

Leg of the race -- you are team

Number one!


Will depart first at 4:15


Let dees, this baby.

Destination island of oahu.

Teams will take their

Final flight in honolulu,


They will need to find the


It is here that they'll find

Their next clue.

Let's go.

We're going to hawaii.

At this point we've proven

Ourselves to be one of the best


No other team has won seven


If and I rachel and I win that

Will be our eighth leg and we

Will set ourselves apart and be

The winningest team on "the

Amazing race."

It's a great place to become


Last one.

Let's do it.

Let's go.

Art and I have what it takes

To win "the amazing race."

We visualized, we talked about

It, we see it.

Going to warmer weather,


This is the last leg and it's

Going to be walls to walls and



We're the underdogs going in.

But we could possibly be the


Final three, what, what.

We'll turn it on 10 notches

And we'll turn on the turbos.

We need to book a flight


We only have one flight a


So we'll all be on the same


We've good 12-hour flight.

So we're going to sit here and

Get some sleep.

And right when that plane lands

We're jumping up.

We feel like it's going to be a

Fast leg.

Second place would feel like

A waste.

All teams are now flying

To their final destination,

Honolulu, hawaii.

Let's go, art.

Hole holy smokes.


Taxis right there.

Go, babe.

My man right there.

Oh, my god.

Hi, sir.

We have to go very fast.

Do you know this?

There's one right there, art.

We've got to load them up.

He's following rachel and


Follow that black dave.

Do you know makhu and maki?

Do you have the address?


If he loses them -- this is

What we did not want.

That's the only cab that's

Out there.

Just stay with it.

Are they're facing the waters,


Do you know what we're talking

About or do we have to google


Mauku is facing the ocean


There are twin towers that are

Facing the ocean and there's one

That's behind that's facing the


I think we've got it.

I think you've solved the


Can we search on your google


Waterfront towers.

Thank you very much.

As of right now the other

Teams are out in front of us but

We don't know if they know where

We're going.

We're behind rachel and dave.


You army?

I was army as well.

I appreciated your service,


I just got back from iraq.

You were a natural selection

For me.

And if we could lose the guy

Behind us.

We're driving just blind

Right now.


That guy's trying to follow


Yeah, he is.

He probably has no clue.

Sir, you've got to -- sir

You've got to stay with him.

There he goes.

We lost him.

He's gone.

Were we should have never gotten

Into this cab.

So stupid.

This has got to be it.

Thank you.


There it is.


Let's do this.

Teams must now make their

Way to the top of this 45-foot

Story tower the hard way.

They'll use all their strength

To pull themselves up to the


Once at the top, they must scour

The horizon to spot their next

Destination but to get there

They must repel face forward

Back to the ground.

Come on.

You're going need a lot of

Upper body strength.

Hoist yourself to the the of

Mauku tower.

Holy balls, that's a long


This is a really tall building

Behind me.

Hey, guys.

We beat art and j.j.

I'm happy with whoever.


Big brother just arrived.

They're gearing up right now.

Still yet to see art and j.j.

Which is really great because

They have more arm strength.

Where is the nearest hotel.

I called.

Nobody knows.

Let's find a hotel.

Get know a hotel as fast as

You can.

All we asked him to do is get

With the other cab.

He coumentn't even do that.

-- He couldn't even do that.


It's going to be breezy up


Slow and steady, babe.

We're just looking for a clue

Up top.

You got it, sweetie.


Slow and steady.

Deliberate movements.


This is crazy.

God all nighty.

It -- god almighty.

We're looking for something

That's twins -- what is there

That there's two of -- the

Statute of a guy on a boogy

Board that's the one by the


Do you know where it's at.

He knows there's two statues

And the other one's a seal.

This has been the hardest


Knowing the big brothers,

They'll just stumble on it out

Of pure dumb luck.

Oh, my gosh.

I see the other tower and I

Feel like I'm only halfway.

This is crazy.

Come on, honey.

I'm at the top, honey.

I need you here.


Oh, my god.

This is so high.

Holy crap.

It's getting really windy up


Do your best, ok.


Right now.

I'm freaking out.

They weren't kidding about upper

Body strength.

This is like extreme amazing


This is beautiful.

But I am seriously shaking.

Trying to enjoy it.

But it's scary.

I'm shaking.

It's just really high.

Holy crap.

This is insane.

Almost to the top, baby.

No sign of art and j.j. Yet.


This is crazy.

Do you see the clue?

Glancing all throughout the

Honolulu city center district,

The clue stood out.

It was fairly obvious.

It was a large red and yellow

Banner at a park.

I got it.

I got it.

How the hell do you get


Good job, babe.

I'm coming.

I'm scared.

I don't want to look but I think

I have to.

This road.

That park.

Take that road.

All right.


I'm good.

Rachel, come on.

We're not going down this.

Are we going down this


Oh, my god.

I thought the adventure was


Are those the statue.

I believe that's the one.

Please, let it be it.

No, this is not


We've got to figure something

Out, art.

God dog it.

You've got to be kidding me.

Lord have mercy.


We've got to figure something

Out, art.

Hey, I was hoping to ask you

A question.

It's a riddle and I'm trying

To find find the twins facing

The water.

There is twin towers.

Where are they?

In pearl city.

The twin towers in pearl


We've got to make some time.

Lord have mercy.

Rachel, don't look down.

Don't look up.

This is no time to be scared

That's for damn sure.

It's always a little

Concerning when you're stepping

Off the ledge of 44-plus story


Oh, my god, this is so high.

You're ok, baby.

You're ok.

This is awesome.

I'm scared brendon.

Don't be scared.


I'm ok.

I'm ok.

Oh, my god.

You're almost there.

Honey, you look like my super


I am.

I have no idea how to get


But we definitely found what

We're looking for.

Right now it seems like we have

A 50% chance.

I like those odds.

Got it.

Get there, honey.

Go, go, go.

That was awesome.

Thank you.



That was brutal.

Let's not give up.

You're the man, telly.

Thanks for waiting.

No, no.

Rachel, let me work it.

Right on the other side of the

Shipping yard there's water and

On the other side of the water

There's a park.

We need to go to the park.

Who's the navigator?

Let me work it, ok?

Don't freak out.

You do this.

I don't know what I'm doing.

I'm going to be with you ever

Step of the way.


I feel like I'm about to

Pretty much die.

I'm not going to die going

Down face forward is pretty


And then my footing slipping and

I went parallel to the wall.

I slid on the side of that

Building for 100 to 200 feet.

Don't look down.

Don't look down.

I really don't enjoy heights

And daredevilish things like


I really, really hate it.

How are you doing, j.j.?

I'm terrified.

Are you?


Ooh, I do not like this.

It's like you're tempting

Fate, man.

It's all right, man.

Keep going up.


Oh, my god.

Good job, baby.

When we finally hit the

Ground I was too scared to even


That was so scary!

Thank you, guys.

That was cool.

We need to go to the island.

Sand island.

Art and j.j. Were just coming

Up as we were going down.

I don't know why you guys do

This for fun.

That was sweet.

Right down there.

This is a park right there.

All right.

So we know where it's at.

We have to go down.



It's just right over to the


Let's go, honey.

Come on.

There's the clue box.

Here we go.


This roadblock requires

Teams to take part in a

Tradition that was first

Introduced by japanese


And it's simply known as shave


Juicing a samurai sword teams

Must fill a bucket to this line.

When they do, famous hawaiian

Actor taylor wiley will hand

Them their next clue.

You want me to do it?


I wish I had the upper body

Of that dude over there.

Art and j.j. Still have to

Repel down, babe.

Looks tall from here, even.

Going to get me -- my

"Mission impossible: ghost

Protocol" on, dude.

I want this over with.

I jups want to live, art.

I just want to live.

You're all right, man.

You're all right.

I see the clue box.

All right.

Green team's here, baby.

I think you should do it.


Good job, brendon.

You guys up for a fight for $1

Million bucks.

I like our odds better 50/50.

Shoulders are burning,

Pressing on.

How's it looking?



You got it, babe.

It's not easy, I will say

That much.

Nobody said winning a $-- a

Million bucks is easy.

They look like little bugs.

I just want to squish them.

They're catching up.

Let's not give up.

Come on.

How's it look?


All right.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

Great job.

Make your way on foot to one of

The helicopters waiting on the


Make your way on foot.

Is there a baseball field in

This park?

It's on tend, I think.

Do want him to drive us --

No, no, we have to go on


Good job, baby.

Let's go.

All right.

Let's roll.


I'm definitely normally not a

Passenger, but this is

Definitely my element.

Good job, brendon.

Sorry, I'm not that tough.

You're going pretty tough.

Big brother's out there.

Right here.

Right here.

Art and j.j. Just got here.

You got it.

You do it.

Hey, guys, did you have fun?

That's ok.

We don't need to talk.

We just need to beat them.

The helicopter ride was


We had the mountains on one


We had the ocean on the other


And we saw a big giant rainbow

And we figured that was our good

Luck charm.

The views are much, much

Beautiful than iraq.

I've seen the coastline.

This is pretty gorgeous.

There you go.

It looks like dave and rachel

Were already here and they're


Thank you.

All right.

Yeah, whoo!

Make your way on foot to one

Of the helicopters waiting on

The outfield.

Let's go.

I think it's the stadium.

Is there a big stadium here?

Big stadium.

Yeah, let's go there.

Aloha stadium.

You're almost there, kid.



Thank you very much.

All right.

Thank you, buddy.

Make your way on foot to one

Of the helicopters waiting in

The outfield.

Where's the helicopters at.

Do we need to pay our taxi?

Where's the outfield?

All the way to the end.

We think we made up some time

But we're still running third.

How far to the stadium?

Three blocks.

Three blocks, ok.

Hello, sir.

You want a ride?

I feel like magnum p.i.

All I need now is a ferrari.


Oh, yeah.

I don't think big brother's

Found it yet.

Main entrance.

Is it closed?

Ski stop right here real


Is there helicopters right


Did we miss something.

Read the clue one more time.

Make your way on foot to one

Of the helicopters -- on foot?

On foot?

Oh, my god, rachel.




Oh, my god.

Brendon, stop freaking out.

I'm sorry.

Trust me, brendon, I want to

sh**t myself right now too.

We messed up.

Damn it.

Oh, my god.

We worked so hard and we mess up

On the stupidest, stupidest


Brendon, we get it.

We missed up, ok.

-- We messed up, ok.


I don't want crazy rachel.

I'm not even being crazy.

This way.

Grab that clue.

All right.

Become north shore life


Teams now go get

Experience the adrenaline rush

Of rescuing a distressed


As one team member drives a

Wave runner through the

Turbulent surf, the other will

Be towed on a sled.

Once they scoop up their victim

They must work their way back

Through the treacherous waters.

When they're back on shore,

They'll be rewarded to their

Next clue.

You need to rescue.

Are you sure?

Dave, that takes strength.

Honey, are you sure you need

To operate a wave run er?



Let's go with this guy right


Jump on?



Thanks, man.


Start cutting over to the left

Towards the swimmer.

There he is.

I see a distressed swimmer

Straight ahead.

There you go.

You see him out there?

Yeah, I see him.

Get there.


Straight on, baby.



Get there.

I see him.

Keep going out to left.

Slow down.

Slow down.



Distressed swimmer.


Speed up.

Speed up.

I got him.

I got him.

Got him?





Turn it around.

You probably prefer her on top.

I'm sorry, bro.

Loving it.

This is awesome.

Whatever it is, let's just

Jog on in and see what we've

Got, all right?

Thank you.

Come on.

Sweetie, what are you doing?

I'm coming, brendon.

You don't want to jog?

No, I don't.

Let's give up, then.

Why do you always say that?

Because you're walking.

This is the final leg for a

Million dollars.

Brendon, my knees hurt, my

Legs hurt.

What do you want me to do?

Oh, my god.

I hate you right now!

You're blaming this all on me.

I'm not I blaming anything on


It doesn't matter!

We're already on third place!

Why don't you run to the

Helicopter with me?

Damn it.

I hate you.

Take it!

Come on.

All I ever do is mess up.

Just stop it.

Drop it.

Let's move on.

Let's finish this race out and

Let's try to go for second or


I feel like "bay watch."

Did I do good?

You guys completed the task.


Make your way to the coral

Kingdom gate and follow the

Marked path to your next clue.


Coral kingdom gate.

We need to go really fast.

This way, art.

There it is.

Come on, art.

Take part in a water rescue


I used to do the search and

Rescue stuff for the border


So I think it's going to be

Pretty easy.

You good?

I'm good, go.

We need to go very fast.

The cab driver is making a


We've been driving about a mile

Plus in the wrong direction.

Do you know where you're going.

Please go very fast so no

Other people catch up to us.

Right here in the red.

Right here.

Right here.

I got it.

I got it.


Hold on.

Hold on.

Hold on.

You guys have finished your


Thanks, man.

This was awe.

So make your way to the coral

Kingdom gate.

Let's go.


All right, baby.

I believe in us.

Nice and easy, baby.

Nice and easy.

Rache, easy.


You're going to tip me if you

Keep doing that.

On our way to coral kingdom


We have no idea where that is.

Make your way to the coral

Kingdom gate to the valley.

This is hakapu valley, right?

Where's the coral kingdom


Where's the coral kingdom


Unbelievably frustrating to

Have the fate of completely in

The hands of after stranger.

Is this it?

Let's go.

Let's go this way.

You think this is it?


There's the marked path.


Look at that thing.

Run up here, art.

Are you kidding me?

Holy smokes, brother.

This has got to be it.

Right there.

Right there.

Nice, baby.

Come on, baby.

You must ride your paddle board

Across the fish pond.

Rachel and I have never done


Baby we've got this.

Let's finish strong.

Finish strong and our day's


Come on.

Let's finish strong.


It's about over, come on.


You did the ice.

Your partner has to do this one.

This roadblock requires

Teams to be tested like and I

Chell warriors.

Hawaii is not only the

Birthplace of surfing waves but

Also surfing down mountains on

Sleds which can reap speeds of

Once they've taken the ride and

Across the line, they must pick

Up a disk-shaped lava rock that

Warriors used to break the

Ankles of their enemies.

Today it has been adapted into a

Game where teams must roll this

Lava rock 50 feet into this


When they finish, they will

Receive the next clue.

This is the leg that never


I've got to make this super


It's not going to take me more

Than once.

They had these sleeds and

They were intricate.

They had to put this oil on it.

Is my friend going to die?

No, he's not.

There go my pants.

There you go.

Hold on, baby.

I just think I'm a little

More athletic than art and I

Could have done that.

You've just got to jump on there

And do it, man.

You've just got to do it.

Come on, art!

You've got to make it.

Good job, baby.

I'm proud of you.

Look at you.

Feels like a million dollars.

Keep it steady, buddy.

I could be wrong but I think

We're make some time up on david

And rachel but I think it's a

Far gone conclusion.


So I'm hoping maybe there's a


Oh, yeah!

Oh, my god!

Rachel and dave, you are the

First team to arrive.

However, you have not completed

The roadblock and you must

Complete the roadblock before I

Can check you in at the finish


Ray chem and dave, you are

The first team to arrive.

However, you must complete the

Roadblock before I can check you

In at the finish line.


You have not completed the

Race course yet.

All right.

All right.

Let's go back.

What the hell?

There must be another roadblock.

That's a game changer.

Pe peddle for your life!

This is not our day.

That's not how we wanted to


That's for sure.

We must follow the path, the

Marked path.

That's what we didn't do, follow

The marked path.

Hey, we're looking for coral

Kingdom gate.

About half a mile that way.

Half a mile that way?

Thank you.

This really sucks.

Finish this for real, baby.

Please don't talk to me for

The next quarter mile

Pretty awesome.

Thank you.

Make your way to the coral

Kingdom gate.

Let's go.

Let's go.

There it is.

Come on.


Honey, there are fresh tracks.

We can still do this.

Up here.

I'm dying.

Slow death.


Your partner must do this.

It's nothing.

You're sledding.

All of a sudden dave and

Rachel pop up.

Are you freaking kidding me.

Holy crap.


We're in the lead.

It's dave and rachel.

God almighty.

I saw them already!

Are you freaking kidding me?

You're vying for first with

Art and j. Jmpt.

This is the way it should be.

Holy crap, we're in the game.

We're in it!

I got it.

I got it.


Hey, let's run for the race.

Come on man.

You do it, art.


You're almost there.

You're almost there.


Hey, baby.

We know how to slide, let's do


You've got ridiculous skills.

That's hard.

That hurt.

I think my back's probably

All bleeding.

Coral kingdom gate.

Yeah, that's it.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Let's go.


Follow this road.


Wonder if you can help us.

Do you know coral kingdom


Coral kingdom is about half

Mile up the road.

About a half mile up the


Come on, art.



I know you can do it.

I'm not mad at you.

I know you can do it, art.

You have this baby.

You have rick d*ck louse


You have this baby.






Er my baby.


Get over there and throw some


Oh, arthur, dear lord, just

Do it.

That's it.

Sorry, dude.

I can't get it, man.

Yeah, you can.

We just threw it away.

Gutwrenching, man.

Mad bowling skills, rache.

Rachel, we are in this to win


Let's go.

Think about your techniques.

It's your technique.

It's your technique.

Oh, yeah, like he's had

Technique practice with this


Nice technique.

All right.

Last time, art.

This is money right here!

Keep it tight!

This is art's 16th time

This roll whatever the

Hell that is.

Baby, you -- this is art's

This roll or whatever the hell

It is.

Baby, you got this.

Babe, shut the -- up.

I swear to god, I will throw one

Of these.

If she gets this, they race

Right to the finish and we lose

$1 Million.

She got it down there.

We're done.

We got this and we know where

We're going.

Thank you, thank you, thank


We already know where we're


Make your way to the secret


The a.t.v.'S are up there.

This one right there.

We are one stupid sled ride

Away from a million dollars.

That's hard to stomach.

I believe this is eight and a

Half victories since we already

Saw phil once.

Our taxi driver sucks.

Yeah, big time.

We're over it.

We'll do our best.

Rachel, clue's right there.


Who wants to do this?

I do.

There comes rachel and big


So we had this in the bag.

Let's go.

Number two.

All right.


You got this.

All right.

Let's do this.

You're doing great.

I'm proud of you no matter


I'm proud of you no matter


You can do it, rache.

I know you can.


It's all right.


You're doing good.

All right.


You're not falling on the stupid


There you go, art.

Hang on there.

This is it.

Come on, rache.

You can do it.

Hang on.

Hang on.

This is it.

Keep going.



You can definitely make one

Of these stones in.

Put some back into it.

So close.

So frustrating.

Come on arthur, you can do


Oh, I'm so done with this.

I'm like man, when is this

Going to stop?

I can't get to the bottom of

The stinking hill.

That's it, art, don't quit.

One more time.


That's it, art.

All the way through, buddy.

They're right behind us.

I know brendon.

Come on.

Just focus.

Come on, art.

Put it in there.

Come on.

Get in there.

Come on.

I need to win the million

Dollars so I can get all week at

The spa.

Come on, babe.

Let's see this through all the


Come on!

Bring it in!

Rachel and dave, five

Continents, nine countries, 22

Cities and more that 36,000

Miles, rachel and dave, you are

The winners of the $1 million!

And the official winners of "the

Amazing race"!


You guys are now the official

Record holders of the most

Number of wins on "the amazing

Race,"eight legs on"the

Amazing race," these guys won.

So tell me about it, was it

Worth it?

This race is amazing.

I can't even tell you what it's

Done for our relationship

Because when dave was gone for a

Year, it was so hard.

And I real yip didn't know we'd

Make it because it was so hard

When he was over there.

We had no communication.

It was the worst year ever.

So it was awesome to spend a

Month together.

I have a newfound

Appreciation who my partner is.

I feel like this race has

Really, really brought us

Together and I countn't be more


Come on, art!

You've got to make it!

Get in, get it!

Thank you very much.

Go, go, go.

I can't do it.


Perfect ending to this day.

Baby, I know you're

Frustrating but you're doing


This is it.


Come on!

Let's go!

Come on, get back into this,


You ready?


Congratulations, you guys,

You deserve it.

Awesome job.

Awesome job.

Art and j.j.,

Congratulations, you are team

Number two.

Thanks, phil.

It was a spectacular journey

And because we didn't win

Doesn't diminish it, right, art?


It's not easy to be standing


Right now it's a little


And we won and lost together.

Not bad for a couple of old

Guys, huh?

To experience what we've

Experienced, it is worth more

Than a million dollars.

It's priceless.

Come on in.

Brendon and rachel, you're

Team number three.



Did you get what you

Wanted out of this race?

It was a cool experience for

Brendon and I to do together as

A couple.

What about the other teams

Have you guys managed to make


As soon as the race is done,

I think no one gives a crap


Even if we didn't win, I think

We've had and amazing


So thank you, guys.

"The amazing race" has tested

Our relationship in ways that I

Didn't think were possible.

Even when we go at it with each

Other, we know at the core of

Both of us is and immense love

For the other.

It was just and amazing

Experience and and adventure

That I'll never forget and it

Will be cherished for the rest

Of my life.

It was amazing.

You took two boys right out of

The middle of the country and

Took them absolutely around the

World and we appreciate this


Everything that I went

Through, I done it for my little


If I had it to do again, I would

Do it all over again.

It has been a complete

Victory and setting a new record

Is just the epitome of success.

And to have done that all

Together is priceless.

It's such a wonderful thing.
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