20x08 - Let Them Drink Their Haterade

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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20x08 - Let Them Drink Their Haterade

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the

Amazing race" -- six teams

Raced from tanzania.

At the airport, a heated


Turned personal.

Hundred, get your nose done

Before you get your boobs done.

And art and j.j.

Confronted federal agents nary

And jamie.

Really, what jobs do you do?

You're not kindergarten


That's totally fine.

At a village in tanzania,

Teams train for hunting and


Rachel and dave sang a familiar


I'm sick of you just pouting

And this isn't right.

It's not right.

But found a way to come

Out on top once again.

Rachel and dave.

You are team number one.

Meanwhile, nary and jamie

Couldn't get it together and

Came in last.

We're hoping you're not

Going to eliminate us.

Is that what you'd like?

That's what we would love.

This is a non-elimination


Six teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

[Captioning made possible by

Cbs productions, cbs, inc.

Tanzania and this crater

Is part of a volcano that

Erupted more than 3 million

Years ago, forming the world's

Largest unbroken caldera.

Regarded as a garden of'den,

This flagship tourist

Attraction is the starts of the

Eighth leg in a race around the


Rachel and dave won the last

Leg of the race and will depart

First at 6:03 a.m.

Teams will now go on safari and

Descend 1,600 feet into the

Ngorgoran crater.

When they emerge fwrlt crater,

They'll travel to safari


Once they find hillary clinton,

They'll receive their next


You got to go really fast

Today, man.

I think with regard to the

Double u-turn, a lot of it is

Contingent on the first

Arriving team.

If we arrive first before art

And j.j., I think we may

Consider the green team.

Make a drive through

Africa's garden of eden.

I injured my leg in the last


Before I let it put me out,

I'll let them cut it out and

Keep on coming -- trucking.

Coming into this race we were

Huge underdogs.

But I don't think we're

Underdogs anymore.

Everybody is recognizing us as

A left the.

Search the roadside for

Hillary clinton.

U-turn ahead.

We strategized waiting for the

U-turn for five or six legs.

Dave and rachel gave us their


The green team?


Everybody was pretty much in

Agreement that strategy-wise

Everybody wants big brother


They're malcontents.

Get them out.

Double u-turn.

Let's go.

That's not what I want to


Not at all.

The more the haters hate, the

Stronger brendon and I get.

Let them drink their hater

Railed and brendon and I will

Be the ones that benefit from


We're just focusing on doing

Our task.

We're not going to flip out.

Caution, double u-turn.


We knew it.

This is the area that's

Referred to as africa's garden

Of eden.

Tranquil and the mystique is


This is absolutely


Look at that sun popping up

Over that hill.

I'm glad to be doing it with


I am too, man.

Absolutely beautiful


This is amazing, man.

Here I am driving the

Beautiful plains of africa.

Forget about the race and

Just stay here.

Oh, wow.



I thought I saw something.

Yeah, I did.

Look at that.

Hundred, that's not their

Mating call.

That crater was unbelievable.

Other than being in the race

Itself, one of the most

Exciting times of my life.


This is absolutely


Man, look at that!

Where do you see that every


Me and bopper sat back and

We were amazed at the animals.

We seen stuff that we ain't

Never going to see in kentucky.

Zebras, gazelles.

We seen animals they didn't

Know what they were.

My little girl would freak

Out to see all this

Holy cow, that's a beast.

That is an awe-inspiring once

In a lifetime-type thing.

At the same time I'm like man,

If we can get rolling and get

Close to that million bucks, we

Could always slide back here.

I got a lion right here.

J.j. The loin.

Get away from me.

This is my dream come true,

An african safari.

A real-life ostrich.

In is so much closer --

Cooler than a zoo.

Driving through the crater

Made us forget that we were


The greatest part is that

Vanessa and others we don't

Like were nowhere to be found.

It was a pause in the game

And sometimes that's what you

Happen really need.

Is that an elephant?

Oh, look at this.

Oh, wow.

Now are you happy?

I want to go to africa and

Go on a safari and see an


And what happens?

Today we woke up in africa,

We went on a safari and I saw

An elephant.

Look at the babies.


You happy?

Very happy.

The race is back on.

Right here.

Right here.

Stop here.

Man, this is awesome!

Here it is.

Hillary clinton?

You know hillary clinton?

You know hillary clinton?

Somewhere down there.

Hillary clinton?

I see it right here.


What's up, boiled?

Doing good, how are you?



Water supply or air supply.

This detour requires

Teams to participate in one of

Two chores that are a vital

Part of living in tanzania.

Water supply or air supply.

Many homes in karatu lack

Plumbing and locals can wait

For hours to get their water

For the day.

Teams must pick up a cartful of

Empty containers at a specific

Address and make their way to

The well.

Then they must wait for their

Turn and fill up all their


Once the homeowner has their

Precious water, they'll hand

Over the next clue.

Air supply requires teams to

Repair the most popular form of

Transportation in africa, the


Bike repair shops are very

Common here and teams will have

To work with a local mechanic

And fix a tire puncture.

They will have to remove the

Inner tube and find the leak,

Patch it up.

Reassemble the tire and pump it

Up for a test run.

When the local kids give them a

Thumbs up, they'll be handed

Their next clue.

Let's try that

Man, we've been fixing bikes

Our whole life.

What do you want to do?

The boisks.


What are you guys going to do?

The bikes.

Us too.

Looking for hillary clinton.

She's kind of old now.

I don't know what she looks

Like here.

Wearing a pantsuit.

Hillary clinton shop, right



Water supply, air supply?

I can patch the tires but I

Don't know how many holes they


And the spokes and stuff.

Let's do the water.

Ok, we'll do the water.

Which one?

Right here.

Let's stay in the front.

No u-turning each other.

You use your finger, go all

The way around the tire.

The tube is what we have to


Normally you remove the tire

From the frame of the bike.

But their practice and

Procedure is leave the rim of

The tire attached to the frame

Of the bike.

Oh, I see.

We pass the tube.



He's going to check the


It bubbles up.

And you pull it up.

Rights there.

Yeah, that's a bad one.

Some glue, a little patch.

Guys always think they know

What they're doing.

Get the pump ready.

We're going to pull this out.

I had to make a bike when I

Was growing up.

We didn't have no new bikes.

The tools?

Put it in the water.

Well, you to have see exactly

Where it is.

You're going to see bubbles


We have to find the hole.

You'll see bubbles.

Keep spinning that baby.

I feel it right here.


You're a good teacher.

There they are.

Straight to your left, art.

Here, let's go.

This is simple.

Holy cow.

All these people are in line?

Go up there and look.

I'll hold these.

I went and looked how much

They were filling the buckets.

It takes 30 to 35 seconds and I

Counted at least 60 buckets so

I'm looking at 30 to 40 minutes

Before we get to the front of

The line.

It gave me an appreciation of

What these water do just for


Man, that's insane.

That's their chore for the


We're not moving.

Let's keep moving up.

Hillary clinton that way?

Ok, what is hillary clinton, a


A petrol station.

She's inside the petrol



In the road.

Ok, let's go.

Thank you, guys.

Barack obama.


Hillary clinton.

Hillary clinton.


Water supply or air supply?

Fill up nine containers with

Water from the well?

That's going to be really hard.

Air supply.

Across the street.

Right here to the left, sir.

Ok, we need to find hillary


Maybe as a business?

Or a person or -- you

Haven't heard of anything?

We're looking for hillary


Does that mean anything to


It is there a business or a



The name is not making sense to


This is crazy.

You know it's going to be

Something so absurd and obvious


I don't think so.

There you go.

Good deal, bub.

Dry it real good.

Let your glue tack up good.

You see them hands?

They're mechanic hands.

Patched it.

Put the tires back on.

It just went look -- like


Like a nascar pit stop,


Put the air in.

This one didn't take.

The patch didn't take.

Whoo, baby.

Sir, check, please?

That's probably from your


Dave, you don't know that

Making more work for that

You don't know that.

Will you stop being a jackass?

I'm not.

Yeah, you are, when somebody

Blames you.

They're using a garden hose

And we have probably at least

Before we fill ours.


Them working hands, baby.


Take a ride on that.

Don't wreck.

You be careful, little man.

Oh, gee, that was difficult.

Why didn't you try that the

First time?

Because I was too preouched

With doing that


Yeah,, and don't run over no


No more holes.

Thank you, sir!


Make your way on foot to

Jack pub.

How do you get there?

No, tell me.

How do I get there?


Nall there except for that

One piece.

Pump this one up more?

Is that what you were

Yelling at me for?

All right, thank you, sir.

Why don't I just sit back?

My leg is down on you,


I can't jog with you too hard.

We'll just walk.

It's probably up here.


There you go.

That's good.



That's good?

Good, thank you!

Thank you.

Make your way on foot to the

Pub in karatu.

Caution, dubbable u-turn ahead.

Thank you.


Rachel and dave just left.

If they get a u-turn, they're

Going to u-turn us.

You know what, that's fine.

Let's focus.

One thing at a time.

Take a driver through

Africa's garden of eden.

Let's go.

We've obviously in last place

Because we're quite some time

Behind the rest of the teams.

We're just here to have a

Greats time and try to win a

Million dollars and see the


The only thing we can do is

Fight for it and we're totally

Willing to do that so speed

Bump, here we come.

Right here, right here.

Hold on.


Let's get the clue.

No, we have to do a double


This is a double u-turn

Where two teams have the

Opportunity to slow down two

Other teams, forcing them to

Perform both sides of the


We're not going to u-turn


Make your way to the gallery

Of art and search for your next


We have to take a taxi.

We didn't u-turn nobody.


What do you want to do?

Art and j.j. Talked in the

Past that who ever arrived

First would u-turn the green


I don't want to u-turn


They're so far behind.

Public your way to the

Gallery and arts and search for

Your next clue.

Jim's gallery of art.

We're in a race.

We need to go fast, sish.

The crater is unbelievable.

I don't know that I've ever

Seen something so green.

It's beautiful.

There are some zebras and


Look at the little baby zebra.

How cute!

So close to the car.

What are we going to do?

We'll just keep walking this

Way for a while.

I understand it's a needle

In a hey -- hay stack.

I hope this is it.

Me too.

Son of a bitch.

Oh, from they are.

Hillary zphrint


He wants you to do that.

They missed us.

They missed us?

Yeah, we walked right past


There was something that needed

To direct us over here.

Ralph and vanessa keep

Walking around like they're

Looking for something.

Good for us.

We have to find the first


We're still racing.

I know but don't get

Frustrated with me.

We have to move.

We have to get ourselves

Back in the game.

It's a crap sh**t either


Make a decision for us.

Ok, well -- I mean --

There's no right answer.

Ok, come on.

You know where hillary

Clinton is?


Come on.

There's got to be a sign,


Everyone else seemed to find



No, this is us.

I'm pissed off at us right now,


So sick and tired of asking


Right here?

That's awesome.

Thank you.

Te dour -- detour.

Let's do air supply.

Ok, we'll do air supply.

We know where that is.

I'll get these three filled


Can you imagine having to do

This every day?

Hello, sir.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Make sure smogging -- nothing

Is spilling too much, ok?

I know.

It was nice.

A couple of hours we were

Looking at all the baboons and

Zebras and it was nice and


And all of a sudden it's race



Yeah, those things.

Jim gallery and arts.

Make your way to the town of --

And find margaret's farm.

Do you know where this is?

Is this the gallery and


Town of motowabu.

You see that taxi that was

In front of us?

We need to pass him.

Good job, boiled.

We just want to stay in the

Game but we'd love to have one

First place just to know what

It feels like.

They're right behind us.

We need to beat them.

We need to get in front of


We know where we're going.

There were so many people

Out and about.

Little kids running with us

Everywhere and they wanted to


They were just great and

Everybody was genuinely wanting

To help us.

Right there.

It's coming, it's coming.

Bring the cart over, art.


Thank you.

Thank you, ma'am.

Thank you very much.

Thank you, ma'am.

Enjoy your water.

Make your way on foot to --

Jack stelzer nub karatu.

How far?

One kilometer on the road.

Thank you.

As much as you want to sit

And enjoy and absorb the

Situation, we're like we have

To get to this place, we have

To get to this place.

Here it is, art.

On the right.

Art, nobody's been here.


No way.

Rachel and dave.

They would have done it.

We're going to u-turn brenleden

And rachel, a.k.a. Big brother.

Oh, yeah,!

That's like hey, this is who

We are.

That's who's being u-turned and

This is who's doing it.

We're clean cut, dude!

Make your way to jim's gallery

And arts.

We are done with big brother.

That's why we u-turned them and

We made a deal with rachel and


If they got their first they

Would u-turn them.

So -- and if we did we would.

So we followed our word.

They're not teachers.

It was fun to call them out

On it.

Can you pass them?

We got to get in front of them.

In front?

Yeah, we're in a race.

No problem.

Yes, baby, yeah!

They just passed us.

We're in first place.

We just passed david and


Good job, sir.

Good job.

Well, you're hapier than a


Ok, let's do the pump.

Good job.

Good, babe.

All right.



Let's go.

Jack stelszer pub.

Thank you!

Come on, angel.

Cheese and crackers.

Keep focused, sweetie.

I am focused

Sir, did you know hillary


Down the road.

Nary, come on.

Is it filling up?

Hold on, I found it.

Let the air out.

Better get used to thinking

To be next challenge because

You know we're going to be

Doing it.

I know that brendon and rachel

Are going to u-turn us.

You know we're behind and

You know that we're probably

Going to get u-turned.

Let's make a mistake and

Take longer.

The jeff gallery and arts.

Arts over here.

Oh, wow.

Look at that find margaret's



All I know is that we're at

Least third and that would be

Because dave and rachel didn't

Honor their word, which I don't

Think dave would do.

The pub.

Double u-turn.

Brandon and rachel but art and



Guess to gets u-turned?

These two.

They've already passed us.

Thank goodness it was a double


Mark and bopper and dave and

Rachel didn't u-turn anyone so

Is we had an opportunity to

U-turn our favorites people in

The world, have necessarya and


It was a struggle to decide

Who to u-turn.

This way to the right.

Thank you.


We're going to choose air


Is it hard?


He wants this thing to pop.

Who wants to ride it?

Thank you.

Jack stelzer pub.

Double u-turn.

That's where it is.


Here they are.

The teachers are here.

Yeah, we're behind.

Go, go.

Oh, look.

The pub.

All right.

Don't be on there.

Don't be on there.

Oh, come on.

Are you serious?

The green team sucks.

We still have a chance.

We need to hustle.

Now it's game time.

This is unbelievable.

We're so getting eliminated.

I'm horribly frustrated because

We're getting our asses handed

To us right now.

Oh, come on.

Are you serious?

We have to go to the other

Side of the detour.

We're so getting eliminated.

I'm just pissed off.

I hate losing.

I do as well.

We've been many this position

And we came back.

We need to fix two tires.

We have to find out the

Marked house.

These are yellow and red.


Nine jugs.

We have to wait in line for all

These people?

The line at this point is

Almost out to the road.

We're really worried.

We need all the time we can


Can we drink this water?



If we get to the final three

We'll win a million dollars.

But we'd still like to enjoy

One first place before we get



More than 50% of

Tanzania's economy is centered

Around agriculture and honey

Plays a major role in this

Country's flood supply.

This roadblock requires teams

To put on a protective bee suit

And harvest honey from a hive

Surrounded by thousands of

Swarming bees.

Once they've collected 500

Grams of honey, the chief

Beekeeper will hand them their

Next clue.

You have to be me.

Yeah, you have to do it,


I destroyed my knee.

You sir, come on.

I'm getting ready to get eat



You want to take it?

If you will want.

Let's do this.

Come on, let us ask have a

First, man.

I destroyed my knee


Yeah, he's down and out in

Beverly hills.

Are you serious?

Five or six months ago I had

Knee surgery.

It's been great but it's been


These are rough times.

These are african bees.

They will sting.

Take your time and do it


Let's go here.

Wildest things you ever seen

In your life, man.

I'm telling you what.

I got in there and I took this

Thing and sprayed it.

I grabbed that honeycomb, all

The bees flew off.

The whole back of it was

Covered with those african


I'm getting stung.

That's not bad.

Don't mind pain whatsoever.

Check it out.


I just have to believe dave

Would follow his word and

U-turn them.

I would be real disappointed in

Rachel and dave if they didn't

Do what they said they were

Supposed to do.

We'll find out when we get

To the end.

If big brother is behind us

They are not going to be happy.

They have to go do that water.

Oh, boy.

How much are these going to

Weigh when they're full?

Close to 15 pounds, maybe.

We're doing good.

This is fricking hard.


Pick it up

I'm picking it up!

Don't yell at me.

Baby, don't spill the water.

I'm not trying to spill the


I'm bleeding from my leg, from

My arms.

I'm trying my hardest.

I feel good about our


We just have to hustle a little

More here.

Find out where the line


The line for water is really


There were what a good 80 or

Just in that area.

With buckets.

And we have this precious

Commodity in our house and we

Don't think twice about it.

It's incredible what people

Do in order to sustain life.

We've seen the teachers so

We're pretty sure we're in last

Right now.

I think I'm doing good.


No, I'm not.

Break it up there, guys.

Break it up.

It was cool.

It was a unique experience.

You trim the honeycomb, fill

The bucket and hope for 500



That's enough.

Is that enough?

I'm good?

Thank you.

Thank you, thank you.

Good job.

Make your way on foot to the

Next pit stop.

Teams will make their way

To lake manyara, described by

Ernest hemingway as the

Loveliest lake in africa.

This lake bed is the pit stop

For the last leg of the race.

The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

On foot we're in trouble.

No we ain't, we'll do it.

That's good now?

Thank you, sir.

Let's go.

We have to hurry.

That's a route marker.

It looks like there are a

Couple of cabs up here.

Did dave not do what he was

Supposed to do?

Art and j.j. Just got here.

Roadblock, to bee or not to


I'm going to do it.

This is dave coming in.

Make your way on foot to the

Next pit stop.

The lake.

When we pulled into the

Roadblock and they were there,

I was like are you kidding me?

Hey, guys, why didn't you do

The u-turn?

The teachers are so far

Behind us.

But we made the decision

That's what we were going to


There's no way.

Did you you turn?

Yeah, because we thought you

Were behind us.

No, the teachers are going

To be so far behind that nobody

Is going to pass.

Art, no more.

Just you and I race and that's


Chaps my ass.

We made an agreement and they

Didn't do it.

I'm not sharing a damn thing

With them anymore.

In fact, I don't feel like

Talking to them ever again.

Arts and I just have to do our

Thing and win the race, period.

That's it.

That's the best I can do,


This is our first place.

Come on, rach.

You're walking.

I'm sorry, man.

From up here we can see it.

I'm sorry, man.

This is it.

You can see the lake.

Now, come on.


Welcome to lake manaya,


Beautiful, man, thank you.

Mark and bopper, you are

Team number one!


That's what I'm talking



R5eu67le and dave, you

Are team number two.

I'm excited.

I'm happy for these guys.

Are you being a poor


We should have contributed


You have to give her


You guys have had four

First-place finishes on this

Race so far.

Bopper and mark, you have won a

Trim for two from travelocity

To hawaii.

You'll spend five nights at the

St. Region ills princeville, be

Treated to a gourmet dinner,

Receive soothing massages and

Go on a thrilling helicopter

Ride over the lush rain forest.


I'm just a country boy from


Never thought in a thousand

Years that I'd have an

Opportunity to do the race and

Stand in the middle of africa

With my best friend.

We let them know that team

Kentucky is definitely in the

House, baby.

And we're coming on strong.

Wow, that's awesome.

And this is all the honeycomb

Right here.

I was taking out the honeycomb.

You have to be really slow and


I love it.

I felt like winnie the piano.

I'm going to say -- winnie the


I'm going to say that's 500

Grams easy.


Thanks, buddy.

That was awesome.

Thank you, sir.

Let's go, art.

Make your way on foot to the

Next pit stop.

Can you believe dange and


Don't worry about it.


They screwed us.

If they ask for anything I'm

Going to act like they're not

Even there.


I hear music.

Art and j.j.?

You're team number three-point.

Yeah, figures.

That's all right.

Just get us to another lake.

You guys decided to use

The u-turn?

We had an agreement with

Dave and rachel and they

Decided they don't give a crap

About our agreement.

What a slap in the face.

If I had to do it again I would

Tacking -- tag them for the


Is that right?

Yeah, makes me sick toe my


Beep, beam.

Watch out.

No, no!

Rachel, don't hurt yourself.

I'm fine, brendon.



We know where it is.

Let's go.

Go to jack stelzer.

Rachel is hurting.

She's bleeding a little bit.

Is that a little bit?


Last bucket.

You're doing good.

You're doing good.

Easy, easy, easy.

Doing great, baby.


You got it, babe.

We're almost there.


Thank you very much.

Make your way on foot to

Jack stellser pub.

Thank you!

Good luck.

Go, go, go!

Riled, riled!

Oh, thank you.


Make your way on foot to

Jack stelzer cub in karatu.

We did it!

We have to remember out to

-- How to get out of here.

Make your way to the gallery

And search for your next clue.

Come on.

Hi, girls.


We got double u-turned.


Yeah, we got double u-turned

By have necessarya and ram.

So you girls have a shot.

I'm just exhausted.

I know.

Physically and mentally


Make your way to gem gallery

Arts and search for your next



We have to go very fast.

A little more, a little


We have the best luck with


What was that?

What was that?

Do we have a flat tire?



That's what that sound was.

Speaking of our amazing luck

With cabs.

You have to be kidding.

Make your way to gem gallery

And ampts and search for your

Next clue.

Hopefully we'll be able to

Catch ralph and vanessa.

We may be in last, may not

Be in last.

We're pretty close to last but

Now we have a flat fire tire.

It was a good run, kid.

I'm scared of that tire,


Oh, well, it was a good run,

Kid, if it's the end.

We're going to keep our

Fingers crossed so hopefully we

Can catch up at some point.

He has changed this tire

Very quickly.


Just pray.

He should be on a pit crew.

Just pray.

The gem gallery and arts.

Yeah, right there.

Here it is.

Make your way to the town of --

So hopefully we're getting

Close to the pit stop and that

Would be great.

Oh, look.

Right here.

There's vanessa and ralph.

How did we catch up to them?

Hi, ladies.

They're behind us.

Let's get our bags.

Can you wait?

We see ralph and vanessa in

Front of us.

We're like holy crap.

I was a little happy to see

Them but at the same time

Disappointed because we still

Had to complete our speed bump.

After arriving last on

The previous leg, nary and

Jamie must complete a speed


Working with local art they

Must set up a display stand

Using this painting as a guide.

When the art vendor feels they

Have a perfect match they can

Continue matching.


Find margaret's farm.

So these are probably all

Our large things right here.

Where are the stands?

Right there, nary.

Let's go, please.

They have their speed bump

Yet to do.

They're going to get that


Let's go.

As fast as you can.

We're going to have to

Arrange them in order.

So we have a picture with

All these items and we have to

Set them up and display them

Exactly like the picture.

Unfortunately we have to do


Sets us back but we have to do

What we have to do.

Let's go get the clue and

See what it says.

To bee or not to bee?

I'll do it.

You're doing good, rach!

I'm just being careful

Because you have to respect the


I want to keep them nice and


I did the beehive and I think I

Did a pretty good job.

Every time I cut the honey, I

Kept smoking the bees.

I was kind of using it like


Yeah, thank you!

Good job, honey.

I'm proud of you.

I'm like winnie the pooh.

Make your next pit stop.

Let's go.



Brendon and rachel -- are

You team number four.


Thank goodness!

Double u-turn that!

Stop, stop

You are very fast.

Thank you so much.


You want to do it?

You're better under


All right, I'll do it.

I have never harvested honey

Before so it will be a first.

I think we're looking pretty


It's just really hard because

It's windy.

That guy is facing forward.

Grab me that rock, please.

Right here.


Is it good, sir?





Find margaret's farm.

That speed bump just slowed

Us down.

You know, sometimes you

Don't want to see another team

Because you think oh, then

There's a possibility that

You're ahead but then again,

Seeing rob and vanessa just

Showed us how close we are.

We're definitely in this race.

We made up some great time and

That speed bump I feel like we

Did it probably as fast as one

Could do it.

It's enough?

Thank you so much.

Good luck with your bees.

Are you done?


Yeah, dave!

Make your way on foot to the

Next pit stop.

This way.

Vanessa and ralph, you

Are team number five.

Thank god.

Even after two sides of

The detour.

How we're still here is just


I can't believe we're still


We got u-turned and got

Every complication that anyone

Could ever amendment and we're

Still here.

Good job!

That a girl.

You did that so fast.

Good job.



Welcome to manyara.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Nary and jamie, I'm sorry

To tell that you once again you

Are the last team to arrive and

This time you've both been

Eliminated from the race.

It's ok.

It's ok.

You guys did so well


You guys did an extraordinary


This has been the

Opportunity of a lifetime and

To share it with nary has just

Been something so special.

It's been one hell of a ride

And it was more challenging

Than I ever could have


I wouldn't have done it with

Anybody but jamie.

I mean, really.

Stay tuned for scenes if

Our next episode.

Next week on "the amazing

Race," art and j.j. Face off

With rachel and dave.

Art and j.j. Want nothing to

Do with us.

We're done major dave.

Take your eam ass and get out

Of my face.

And if a vibrant city in

Indianaa, mark has a bollywood


I got three kids I got to


I'm going home, man.
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