20x05 - Uglier Than a Mud Rail Fence

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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20x05 - Uglier Than a Mud Rail Fence

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing


After you, madam.

Eight teams raced from

Paraguay to turin, italy.

As teams descended at the

Roadblock, the border agents

Touched down at the fast



To win their second leg in

A row.


Bickering took its toll on

Rachel and dave.

Do you want to be supportive

Or do you want to continue to be

The way you've been this whole


And brendan and rachel.

I'm done.

"The amazing race" is supposed

To be fun and good.

Mark and bopper fell


I'm sorry to tell you you are

The last team to arrive.

But received a touching gift

From new friends.

Today we won $10,000, so we

Want to split the money.

You guys don't have to do


I've got something else to


This is a nonelimination leg.

Eight teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

Lordy, lordy.

[Captioning made possible by cbs

Productions, cbs, inc.

Turin, italy, hosted the

Known as the motor city of


And in the heart of this city,

Piazza costello.

It is now the start of the fifth

Leg in a race around the world.

Art and j.j. Won the last leg of

The race.

And depart first at 8:57 a.m.

Rip it open, buddy.

Make your way to the oldest

State in germany, baa varya.

Teams now now travel by

Train to austria.

When they arrive, they must

Drive across the border into

Bavaria and make their way to

The restaurant and search for

The travelocity roaming gnome

Who has their next clue.

Let's go.

All right.

Off to germany.

Two dominating legs in a row.

Oh, yeah.

We're friends.

It's a huge difference between

Two dudes running the race that

Work together than a husband and


That's all off the table.

Art's and idiot most of the time

And I'm going to let him know.

There's our train.

Our goal today is not to

Finish in the top three but to

Win again.

We have such a huge lead.

Looks like we're going to be

Traveling all day today.

Make your way to the oldest

State in germany, bavaria.


Let's go.

Make your way to the oldest

State in germany.

Germany, sick.

We want to have these hats


I like the panda.

The little tongue sticking out.

It's kind of flirty.

I don't know who he's trying

To flirt with, but uh --

Jersey is with us as well.

All right, here we go.



I've been married three

Times, none of them successful.

I've been married once and

I'm divorced now.

Of the relationships I've had in

The past and all the

Relationships that ralph has had

In the past, it made us more apt

To vocalize what we need from

Each other.

I think it's going to help us.

But it's also a big problem for


Is this the train station for


I just saw a freaking train.

Make your way to the oldest

State in germany, bavaria.



Search for the travelocity

Roaming gnome.

Where's the roam?

The gnome.

Where is he?

He's in germany?

Last leg was horrible.

I was telling rachel let's just


But we're coming to grips with

What we need to do here to be

Successful and realizing that

Winning $1 million, but we also

Want to enjoy every step of the


I have to realize that he's

My little bear, not my enemy.

Park right there.

Search for the travelocity

Roaming gnome.

Yea, let's go.

I'm so excited.

Feeling re-energized, ready to

Jack up some other teams.

The fact that we're away from

Our family was kind of getting

Us down.

My husband is a professional

Basketball player, and I have

Two children.

And I just want to give 100%.

You don't have to be some great

Athlete to be a champion.

So we know when we have on our

Hot pink lips, we're ready to


Mama mia, we made it to the

Train station!

Make your way to the oldest

State in germany, bavaria.

Let's go, bro.

We're leaving in last place


We got in the speed bump,


Down, but not out.

That's right.

It's a long shot, but I think

We can do it.

We need the money worse than

Anything -- worse than any team

Out there.

We've got to do what we've got

To do.

I've never been on on a


Pretty positive we're going to

Run into some other teams and

Catch up with the pack.

Both teams are making

Their way to ehrwaled austria

Via innsbruck.

It's the other teams.

Thought I was going to get

Locked up abroad for a few

Minutes there.

What's everybody waiting on?

Waiting on you guys.

I appreciate y'all waiting on


We met the other five teams

Right there.

We was ready to rock.

And then when we seen them

All, you talk about adrenaline


We spent the night at a train

Station here inner valued.

We've got to go to the gas stop.

The room doesn't open until

We haven't seen the team in

Pretty much a whole day.

We don't know how far everybody

Is behind.

But we are in first.

That's our goal.

Win when we can.

Let's go.

Look at those cars, baby.

It's freezing in here.

Here we go.

It will be fun to meet up

With art and j.j. Again.

It says that this place

Doesn't open until when?



Good to see you, man.


Good to see you.

Oh, there it is.

Straight ahead, brother.

All right.

Right here.

There it is.

Pick it up.

Detour, fairytale.

German writers played an

Instrumental role in the

Creation of fairytales, and this

Country is also known for

Winning gold at the world beer


Now, teams must choose fairytale

Or champion mail.

Fairytale requires teams to

Follow a trail of ginger bread.

They must walk to the fairytale

Inspired village and find the

Witch's cottage of hans el and

Gret tall.

They must use those pieces to

Complete the roof of a ginger

Bred house.

When they do, our witch will

Hand them their next clue.

Champion male requires teams to

Choose one of these champion

Beard enthusiasts and style his

Beard to match a winning look.

Honoring a baa varne tradition

Of men sporting facial hair,

They must use these hair care

Products until no hair is out of


When this world champion feels

They have a perfect match, he'll

Hand over their next clue.

Style the beard.

We're styling the beard.

Let's style the beard.

Let's style some beard.

You want to style it?


All right, let's do it.

Let's go.

Let's do this.

Let's go, let's go.

Right here, right here.

Just follow them.

Let's go!

Just stay calm and focused,


We still got a speed bump coming


Wow, look at that.

How gorgeous.

I'm freezing.

Our strategy today is pretty

Much to stay with the pack

Because we know we can compete

When we're with the pack.

I can just about navigate

Myself to the mall and that's

About it.

Bring our little gnome with.

Style some beard.

Let's go get started.

Hey, look at this.

Nice beard.


I'm rachel.

How are you?

Who has the nicest beard?

I like white.



Nice, nice.

I like it.

We can do that.

Come on down.

Let's use some of this.

Rachel has experience with

Blow-dryers, curling irons, hair


I know how to style this

Guy's hair.

This part goes up there.

You work that.

Mousse and spray the heck out of



You want a mohawk as well?

It has to dry.


Nice and slow.

Left, left.

Parking sign.

I think that's the place

Right here.



How are you?

We've got to pick somebody.

Who do you want?

Long hair would be better.


Danny picked the guy with the

Longest beard, which actually

Was pretty hard because it had

The hardest design.

Oh, my god.

That's going to be real hard.

I felt a little weird

Grabbing another man's beard.

But that's all right.

It's for $1 million.

We put gel in our hair.

Nobody else does.

A little bit of gel and a lot

Of blow drying.

Kind of like what I do at home.

We've got two down here that

We're going to curl.

Holy cow.

Pick a dude.





We've got to pull it out and

Curl the front.

Have a seat.

We got there and we saw those


That's weird, man.

Comb another man's beard and

Making curls in it.

That's funky.

Roll it up and I'll hair

Spray it tight.

I don't see any teams in

Front of us.

Keep your eyes peeled.

I'm just driving.

You totally navigate.

In is confusing.

It's like right here


What's the name of the street


Oh, my god.

I think it's back that way.

Oh, my god, kerri.

You're navigating.

But I'm turned around.

Good lord!

You're navigating.

I know.

But I'm turned around.

Just make a u.

We're looking for the

Travelocity roaming gnome.

If we go straight to the place,

I'm going to feel very empowered

Right now.

We chose this gentleman

Because he looks like a jovel


He looks like santa claus.

I've got one of these.

So this has to come straight

Out, right?

This is what we need, art.

I need the hair drier.

My partner has a backpack

Full of hair products.

This guy knows what to do with

Hair and products.

You have a great beard.

How do we get it to stay?

I think we've got to make it


Do a little twist and then

Dry it.

If we dry it up like that, it

Might come down.

We know about our hair, so we

Definitely picked the right


Taking this guy out to the club


The star, the star.

That's it, that's it.

Oh, lordy.

Here's our speed bump.

Participate in a traditional

Art of yodel.

After arriving flast the

Previous leg, bopper and mark

Must now complete a speed bump.

This speed bump requires them to


Listening to an expert

Yodeling, they must master the

Skills of yodeling a specific


When the expert feels they have

Hit all the right notes --

They'll hand over their

Next clue.

Ha ha!

There it is.

It smells like heaven in


So detour.

Fairytale or champion male?

I think the beard styling

Would be fun.

I'm about to do that to you.


We didn't have no choice but

To have a ball.

It's like we just transferred

Into kids playing in a candy


You ready?

I'm ready.

Very good.

Ok, let's do it.


It's american way of


It's the country version.

See that underneath?

Just wet it down, wet it down.

There you go.

I'm not ashamed of who I am.

And that's one of my abilities.

I can craft a man's facial hair

Really nice.

We're going to go drink beers

After, all right?

You're in bavaria.

You must drink beer.

Sir, we're done.

Felix, it looks good.

It's not that good over


Hey, shut up.


Yeah, felix!

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Let's go out here.

Grab the gnome.

Find the inspiration for

Sleeping beauty's castle.

Teams must figure out

They're looking for the castle,

The palace of ludwig ii.

My hair spray kicked ass.

Excuse me, ma'am.

We're trying to go here,

Where sleeping beautle's castle


It's the next village.

Thank you, ma'am.

Thank you very much.

The first place again at right

In our fingertips.


It was so much fun.

This way, guys.

This way.


Here, this is it.

Fairytale or champion male.

I think champion male.

Are you able to style a


No, I don't even know what a

Beard is.

Let's do the ginger bread


Do you think that sounds


I don't care.

What do you think?

Let's do ginger bread.


Thank you all, thank you.

We went through the speed

Bump like --

Think there needs to be more

Separation between the two?


I'll go get him.

That's good.


You look sexy.

Find the inspiration for

Sleeping beauty's castle.

That's good.



No, no, no.

I think it might be too


I'm not sure.

I've never seen this much

Snow in my life.



We'll pick you.

Bring it over here.

We have three points on the

Bottom and three curls on each


So we have to partition it off

And then roll it.

So you want me to do that on

The other side?


We have to make sure they're


All right?

I'm sorry.

I know.

You've never done this before.

Whatever happened to going to



Isn't that the german city --



We're in germany.

Outside is frightful.

And there's no delightful fire

In sight for us.

We need to find a basket at

The start of the trail and then

The trail.


Ginger bread -- it's a trunk.

Where is a trunk?

I don't see any trails.

Come on!

Right there it is.

Ha ha ha!

Whoo, baby!

Let's get it done, baby.

Let's get it done.


We got to find the ginger


Right here.

Here, get that.

Here's another piece.

I think we got enough.

Let's go.

Let's get jig gi with it.

The mustache?

The mustache connects.

We have it too low down.

No, no.

Me and danny's choice on the

Mcdonald well the longest hey,

Definitely the hardest.

I figured it would be really


But it wasn't the right


I think we're falling behind

Ralph and vanessa right now.

We need more structure up


You're doing great.

Hurry up and get that done.

Oh yeah, I got this bad boy.

Over here.

Let's go this way!

Over there?


Right here.

It's ginger bread, it's

Ginger bread!

Be quiet, babe.

There's one.

Hansel and gretel.



Another team.

Here comes all the teams,



Can we do your beard?



A picture for my beard.


Excuse me, sir.



Thank you!

You're a tough guy over here.

Thank you so much.

Find the inspiration for

Sleeping beauty's castle.

I can't say I've ever done

This before.

That looks pretty good.


Doing good, babe.

Just stop.

Let him look at it.

Just let him tell us yes or no.


Thank you.

Thank you.

I don't want to ruin your beard.

Find the inspiration for

Sleeping beauty's castle.

There's our ginger bread


All right, let's get busy.

Ha ha ha!

Got to make it look like this

Right here.

We got all kinds of ginger

Bread to work with.

Now let's get busy.

Let's stick to that.

We got to break them up.

Got to take the pieces of ginger

Bread and fit it just as close

As they could on the roof.

Which is like making a cake.

Come on.

Ha ha ha!

Hot damn.

That witch sounds scary.

How do we always pick the

Hardest ones?

Just need to keep a positive


I am, sweetie.

I'm not trying to be negative.

It's a lot harder than you

Think because the ginger breads

Are in square shapes and


You have to fit them into like a

Little pusle, so you have to

Start cutting pieces to fit.

Put them as tight as you can.

Like close like a pusle.

I'm cutting them using this

Fork to make a perfect little


Ha ha ha!

Search for ludwig's bedroom

To find your next clue.

That's not it.

That's it?

Look at it.

It's really big and beautiful

And really ornate.

Mark's parking right there.

Want to take horse and


Oh, yeah.

Got to be faster, art.

We've decided to take a short

Carriage because it's wet and


We still think we're first up

Here to the castle.

To the right.

Perfect, perfect.

Whatever that sign was.

It's a castle looking thing.

This is not it at all.

You heard the same directions

I did, dave.

Please don't get mad at me.

I wasn't paying attention,

Though, sweetie.

You should have been paying


This is ridiculous.

We're freaking k*lling


That's it up there, though.

It's pretty.

It could be that one, too.

But I think it's this one.

That one looks more


Now we're looking for the

Castle and we're going to look

For ludwig's bedroom.

I see the castle up there.

It's up there.

See it?

Which one are we going to?

Sleeping beauty's castle.

That one.

There are two.

It's not a castle.

This is.

If you want to walk, looks

Like that way.

There's a path.

You see those people walking?

You're right.

You want to foot it?

We can't hike that.

Are you guys high?

There's a horse and carriage

Going up that way.

We're going to catch that.

They're getting ahead of us.

You want to hoof it.

We're going to wrong way, I'm

Going to kick your ass.

Ralph and vanessa are behind


Could you walk a little

Faster, please?

Just like make an evert.

I am making an effort to not

k*ll you right now.

Why are you getting mad at



Just because you have to be in

The cold, you're pissed off.

Just shut up.

Five seconds, shut up.

Don't tell me to shut up.

Son of a bitch.

This is a lot of work.

You do this all the time?



Very handsome.

Find the inspiration for

Sleeping beauty's castle and

Search for ludwig's bedroom.

This here looks good.

I told her how pretty she was

And she was uglier than a mud

Rail fence.

Look, she's tormenting us.

Like you guys suck.

Ha ha.

Our hands are so numb.

Trying to mush them all together

Because the witch's ginger bread

House is all nice and neat and


I really want to be the first

Ones out of here.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Look at that view, art.

This is awesome.

Right here.

You see anything?

Dude, this is awesome.

He's going to have his own

Bedroom, art.

He's the king.

He's going to be at the top,


Here's his room right here, art.

You got it?

It's like sleeping beauty.

Clue box is right here, art.

Just look at this place.

Drive yourself to the town of


That's just up the state.

Teams must drive

Themselves to this ice hockey

And curling rink where they'll

Find their next clue.

Man, that was beautiful, huh?

This is all we got.

We got to try to patch it in

With some little bitty ginger

Bread and hope that it goes.

We have to put these stupid

Pieces together.

I think we should finish.

Beautiful witch?

Come and check our palace.

We love you.

Our ginger bread house.

We're going to attract some

Children with that for you

Tonight for dinner.

It's good.


I'm sorry.

I just busted my lip.

Find the inspiration for

Sleeping beauty's castle.

The girls just ran away.

That's all right.

They done a good job.

The mississippi girls just


So we came together and they

Left ahead of us, so that's not


There they are, art.

Damn it.

You're ok.

You're almost there.

We're still team number one.

Good job.

Any day now.

Come on.

Baby, I'm getting there.

We're three right now.

Come on, have some fun.

Carry your bag.

Are you serious?

Take it.

You're being stupid.

I'm being stupid?

This is your jackass idea.

Walk faster.


I've been asking you the

Whole way up here.

Carry this, please.

Anything else you need me to

Carry, princess?

Maybe a little bit of class

And dignity.

More like a juiced up hot head.


I'm sick and tired of you

Telling me to shut up.

Then just stop talking, I

Won't tell you to shut up.

The best part of my day was

Watching her run up the hill all

Pissed off.

The little devil inside of me

Was laughing because I knew her

Legs were on fire.

The main entrance.

Right there.

I've never been in a castle

That old there ever, so it was

Pretty cool.

Sleeping beauty, didn't she

Hang her hair down?

There it is.

Drive yourself to the town of



Go ahead, say something else.

I just want you to shut up,

That's it.

Look for the clue.

I found it.


Good, good, good.

Awesome, babe.

Bring it over here.

Now I'm baby?

Drive yourself to the town of


Can I talk to you now?

I don't know.

Depends on what you're going to



I'm done.

I could care less.

You couldn't care less.

We're just putting the trim


Ha ha ha.

That will work.

Ha ha ha!

Find the inspiration for

Sleeping beauty's castle.

My hands are numb.

My whole body is numb.

I feel like we're in last

Place right now.

We are in last place.

We're freezing.

Our hands are sticky.

Rachel, you need to help.

I'm trying.

There's no crying.

I'm sorry I'm crying.

Can we please get judged?

Ha ha ha ha.


Thank you, witch!


Search for ludwig's bedroom to

Find your next clue.

Looks very mystical in this


There's a few castles.

Which one is it?

This way.

You sure?

Sleeping beauty, the castle.

Ok, thank you.

Let's get out there.

Find ludwig's bedroom.

We're waiting for the 1:58

Tour, the english.

We have to wait.

This sucks, babe.

Which way?


Look how pretty it is.

Oh, wow.

I hope this is the right one.

We could have been rachel and

Dave, that's for sure.

Let's go, let's go.

We bought tickets for a tour,

And in this tour, they wouldn't

Just like open up the castle

Door and have us walk through,

We had to go with the tour.

This tour is awesome, but we

Wanna find the bedroom right


There it is, there's the clue


All right, cool.

Ok, roadblock.

Who's ready to put it on ice?

That's me.

This roadblock requires

Teams to use their travelocity

Roaming gnome in a 16th cinchry

Wenter sport.

Sliding their gnome across the

Ice, teams must land it on a

Bulls eye.

If they can reach their target,

A professional player will hand

Them their next clue.

Here we go.

Come on, baby.

Got to land in the bulls eye.

That's it, just too hard.

That's it right there, art.

That's it.

That's it.

It's got to be the inner

Right bulls eye.

Dang it.

We worked our way up to the

Second floor, ludwig's bedroom,

Glanced in.

I see nothing.

No clue box.

Nothing red and yellow.

We were like, where's the


If you are looking for the

Real bedroom of ludwig, it's up

Here at neuschwanstein.

It's not this one?

The other castle?


It's the other castle.

And we're like holy crap.

Get us out of here.

Going to find sleeping


Oh, it's up there.

Where's the castle?

This is it?

Come on, run.

Up there it is on the hill.

Look at it.

Hang in there.

There's a bunch of them here.

I hope this is it.

It's right up here.

I'm telling you, man.

Which one is the one where

Sleeping beauty is?

Not this one.

This ain't the right one?

We got to hurry.

The castle's over here.

I got the gnome.

Up this way.

Find the inspiration to

Sleeping beauty's castle.

Right there.

Oh, my god.

A different castle.

Oh, my god.

Come on, you little roaming


Come on, man.

Dang it!

It's all right.

It's coming back.


The second one might be it,


Just slows down just a little


Slow down.

Slow down!



Good job, man.

Thank you, ma'am.

Make your way to the next pit


Teams must now take their

Travelocity roaming gnome to

Landhannes farm.

A 200-year-old working dairy

Farm and the pit stop for this

Leg of the race.

The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

All right, thank you.

Who's ready to put it on ice?

I'll do it.

Come on, you got this.

Right in the middle.

That's a beauty right there.

Come on, slow down.

He's coming, he's coming.


Got to get inner right.

Come on, we didn't come this

Far to lose.

I'm coming.

Bopper, you're going to hurt


This is grueling, man.

Now we're going to look for

Ludwig's bedroom.

There's his bedroom.

There it is.

Drive yourself to the town of


Come on, brendan.

This is so beautiful.

There's the clue box.

Drive yourself to the town of


There's no pressure right


Let's do this.

Let's go.


It's not that easy.

That's it.

That's it.

That's the one.

It's coming.

Come on.

Come on.



Good job.

Make your way to the pit



Who's ready to put it on ice?

I'll do it.

The boys just finished.

Come on.

We got this, bro.

I'm mad at you, but I love


How's that?

I have a challenge to do

Right now.

Shut up.

Give me a kiss.

It's like shuffleboard with


All right, I got it now.

It's perfect speed.

Stop, stop.

Ok, almost, though.


Welcome to bavaria.

Thank you.

It's a beautiful part of


Thank you very much.

Art and j.j. --

Yes, sir.

Once again, you are team

Number one!

Good job, man!

I am pleased to tell you

You have won a trip for two from

Travelocity and you are going to

Go to thailand.

You'll spend fight nights where

You'll enjoy a rock climbing

Expedition and snorkeling

Through white sands and stunning


Third first place finish in a


I would like to ask you to both

Withdraw from the race to give

Other teams a chance.

I'll tell you what.

You give me $1 million, we're


We're out.

Hey, we win because we


We have a one in seven shot at

$1 Million.

It's ours.

We just have to go get it.

Hook, hook, hook, gnome.


He's a hair away.

Can I hit it?

That is good.

I got it now.


Oh, yea!

Good job.

Make your way to the next pit




Let's go.

Thank you.

Joey fitness and dave,

You're team number two.

We'll take two.


Kerri --

We could drive this.

You could.

Just shut up, go on.

Drive yourself to the town of


I'm wore out, man.

We can't quit.

When we got to the top of the

Castle, I thought I was going to

Have a heart attack.

Come on.

Let's go.

I got to the top of that

Castle, I dropped to my knees

And asked the good lord to help


I promised him I wouldn't give


He just gave me another wind.

And he gave me another wind.

Quit trying to be a


Take your time.

Drive yourself to the town of


We felt that we was out of

The race, but we was going to

Give the best effort that we

Could give to finish the race.

We done good, man.


Who's ready to put it on ice?

It's going to be curling.

Nary's going to do it.

You're good at targets, nary.

Let's do this fast.

Good job.

That was was a good one.

Curl it, curl it!


Who's ready to put it on ice?

I'm going to do it.

Oh, there's a sign.

Who's ready to put it on ice?

You want to do it?

All right.

Come on, come on.

Good try.

A little less.

You got this, nary.

You're great at targets.

You can do this.

Come on, baby.

Turn, turn, turn.

Come on, gnomey.

Find your home.

Nice one.

Are you kidding me?

Stop, stop, stop.

Vanessa and ralph, you are

Team number three.


What was the toughest

Moment of the day?

We got into a little bit of a


I got real frustrated with


I can be mad at him and still

Love him.


We're really good at just

Letting things go.

But if this all starts again,

I'll just k*ll him.

Come on, nary, you got this,


Come on.

We got this.

Nudge it.

Just bump it.

That's got it.

Come on.

Are you kidding me?


Thank you so much.

It's like a bargain.

You had to be good at it.

Make your way to the next pit


You got this, brendan.

Come on, babe.

Got it.



The last one to check in may

Be eliminated.

Good job, guys.

This is extremely nerve


Rachel and dave just left and

Brendan and rachel just left, so

We need to get out of here.

Who's ready to put it on ice?

You are.

The girls are here, nary.

Come on, gnome.

Come on.


Who's ready to put it on ice?

You got to do it, man.

All right, man.

I decided to do the roadblock

Because he about had a heart


I wasn't physically able to

Do it.

Let's go, you can do it.

Come on, come on, come on.

Stop, stop, stop.

Come on, mark.

Come on, baby.

Come on, baby.

Let's just get her done.

This is really tough.

We're the first here and now

Everybody's pretty much caught


I'm going to throw up.



Rachel and dave, you are

Team number four.

All right.

Good job, babe.

sh**t it hard.

Come on, baby.

Stop, stop, stop.


Let's go!


Thank you, thank you.

Make your way to the next pit


We got to get it more!

Oh, my god, are you ok?

Holy manure!

Brandon and rachel, you

Are team number five.


Come on, baby.

We need this.

I'm going to have a heart


Come on, kerri.


This ain't easy.

These two gnomes stand

Between us continuing on the

Race and going home.

Come on, gnome.


Oh, my god.

This is crazy.

Come on, you can do it.

These two now stand between

Us continuing on the race or us

Going home.

It's all or nothing, kerri.

You got to get it.

I got it this time.

Stop, stop.



Make your way to the next pit


Keep it up, nary.

You grot it, girl.


It's ok.

This is all my fault.

Nary, stop.

It's just us and the gnomes.

I know this is frustrating

For you.

Just hang in there.

We've been good if our

Directions all day today.

We can beat them there.

Come on, girl.

You got this.

That's a good one.




Come here.

Good job.

I know you're ready to

Freaking blow up the world.

Make your way to the next pit


By the hair around your

Chinny chin chin, sister.

All these people did it so


Go up to this man and ask


Do you know this?

It's the next village.

You go on the right side.

Oh, my god.

We're going straight.

Yeah, this way.

Was it this right?

Kerri, like when somebody is

Giving us directions,

Could you actually listen to


I'm giving you as much as I

Can give you.

You got to give, too.

Oh, my god.

Bopper and mark --

Yes, sir.

You are team number six.



You have come back from a

Speed bump.

You have come back from last


Come back in.


We can't give up.

We're not going to give up.

Wi left everything on this


Everything that god gave us

Into it.

That's it right down there?

Just keep driving.

We're going the right way.

I pray to god.

Down there?

We're getting close.

Please, god.

Kerri, let's say a quick prayer.

Come on.

Nary and jamie, you are

Team number seven.


Kerri and stacy, you are

The last team to arrive.

And I'm sorry to tell you that

You've both been eliminated from

The race.

It was nail-biting and we

Messed up today.


Our family right now.

We wanted to make them happy.

These are my babies.

I've been missing them a lot.

They can learn a lot from their

Mom and their auntie kerri about

How hard we worked.

Who knew that two southern pink

Lipstick wearing girls like us

Would make it this far?

We're still awesome.

Stay tuned for scenes from

Our next episode.

Next week on "the amazing

Race," teams go through fire,


I don't know what's wrong.

Oh, my god.

And a day at the spa.

Get in his junk, art, get in

His junk.

This is a horror movie.

Got too much hair on them.

They needed to shave.
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