18x11 & 12 - This is Where it Ends

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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18x11 & 12 - This is Where it Ends

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"The Amazing Race."

settle some unfinished

It's a once in a lifetime opportunity.

A second chance brought more


I can't physically do it.

More exhilaration.

This race is so much
better than last time.

And more tears.

Teams battlele the elements.

We're going to be here forever.

And each other.

I'm telling the truth.

Are we serious?

That's how it's going to
happen up in here?

Teams lost their way,
plus their cool.

He's going in the
same direction.

He's going back to the bus!

And seven of them
just plain lost.

I'm sorry to tell you,
you have been

eliminated from the race.

Zev and Justin's first time on the
race ended abruptly.

We went from last to first
and then we lose our passport.

With the second chance,

the best friends made
the most of it.

Winning four legs,
Zev and Justin,

you are team number one!


And having fun
along the way.

Keisha and Jen's first time on

the race ended with a no time

bathroom break.

I'm about to pee on himself.

This time around, the

sisters kept their
eye on the prize,

overcoming their past demons.

I'm really afraid
of deep water.

To launch themselves
into the final four.

Gary and Mallory's race
ended in Oman.

The father and daughter started their
second chance with a bang.

But after stumbling
in the middle,

the pair dugout of their hole,

to get back in the game.

Flight Time and Big Easy's first
time on the race,

ended with a penalty.

We're going to take the penalty.

This time around, the
globetrotters overcame a uturn.

Do it for the hood!

Then strategically used
their uturn power

to keep themselves
in the ball game.

First to first, baby.
Worst to first, baby.

Tonight one of these
four teams will win

the $1 million prize and
"The Amazing Race."

This is the town
of Zematt, Switzerland,

it is nestled below the Matterhorn

and it is the 10th pit stop

in the race around the world.

Flight Time and Big Easy
came in first

and won a vacation
from Travelocity.

Look at the view.

That's nice right there.

Hey gnome, he's not taking you.
It's going to be me.

Flight Time and Big Easy
will depart at 7:12 a.m.

Make your way to
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Teams must now fly from
the snow of Switzerland

to the sunny beaches of
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

They will take a
fiveminute ride

up the hill to find a set

of world famous steps.

Here they will search for a tile resembling
a route marker to receive their next clue.

I said I want to go
to the beach, Nate.

You think we're going
to go to Zurich.

This is the leg that we were
eliminated last time.

The race was in my hands and...

I fumbled the ball.

Until we get over that level A,
we haven't got anything yet.

Today we try to go hard,
and win.

We're trying to go to Zurich

as quickly as we can.

Thank you.

Make your way to
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

We're in only team
that hasn't won a leg,

but we're worrying more about
what we have to do as a team

to make until the final three.

This was the leg where we were
eliminated from the race.

You almost done, Jen.
You got it.

I'm about to pee on himself.

Keisha and Jen, I sorry to tell you

that you have both been
eliminated from the race.

I will pee my pants to
make the final three.

Here we go.

Dad, I am pumped up!

We feel like we're
in a good spot.

The remaining competition
is tough, but think we

can make it in the
final three, so...


I'm so excited to go to Brazil.

You're gonna be in trouble.
You're gonna have pretty girls there.

Check the neck.

Look at the hands
and the feet too.

Rio. That's pretty awesome,


All right.

All right.

Hi, guys.

We proved to ourselves that

the past was a big fluke.

We go from last to first and

then we lose our passports.

We feel like we deserve
to be here.

We want to make sure that we
make the right choices

and give ourselves the best
chance of coming in...

not last.

Pretty cool.

Come on, let's run.

Oh, come on, girls, really?

When they run, I feel
like I gotta run too.

Are are we really
going to do this?

Excuse me, ma'am,
I'm with the indians that running.

We need a travel agancy.

We are trying to get
Rio de Janeiro very quickly.

We are looking for the first
flight to Rio de Janeiro.

Want to check out the internet?


We are trying to get to Rio de
Janeiro, like, quickly as possible.

There's a flight to Rio that gets
in at 7:30 tomorrow morning.

In the morning? A.M.?

Thank you so much, y'all.
Thank you.

I say we go to that
ticket counter.

You guys don't go to Rio,
do you?



Tall black guys.

Ok, what time did they get in?

Are there more seats on their flight?
We'll do what they did.

Ok. We'll take that.

Y'all find anything?

We're trying to see now.

Come on, big dog.

They talking about 5:40.


We want to check in
for our flight.

The other teams, the earliest flight
they have is 5:40 p.m.

We get like, a six, seven hour lead,
getting on an earlier flight,

that would be awesome.

We don't want to lie to anybody, but

it's the final four and we were

here last time and we definitely

want to get to the
final three this time.

Arriving in Rio at 5:40 tomorrow.

We need to check
for an earlier flight.

There's the ticket counter.
You want to give it a try.

We're trying to find a flight to
Rio de Janeiro.

You've already talked to someone?

What did you give them?

I'm glad Big Easy came into there,

because big easy gave away that
there was another option.

So did you get anything?

Did you get all of them on this flight?

The two tall black guys
and then the two white guys.

We'll all be on the same flight.

Thank you.

All teams are now flying
to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Excuse us, please. Excuse us.
Excuse us, please.

Wild animals coming through.
Excuse us.

Keep up with them.

Excuse us.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

The taxis are here.

Exit? Let's go, let's go.

Are you fast?

Do you know where this is?

Santa Teresa.

All right, first off the gate.

Justin and Zev are right
behind us.

Final four. It's a big day.
Big day.

Winning would be nice today but we're
really concerned with not being last.

That's the main thing.

You know where to go?

Let's go.

Everybody else is leaving.

They're all ahead of us.

We've got to go, go, go.
Very, very, very fast.

We're in the back of the pack.

Rapido, por favor.

Can you go faster, please?

Fast, fast, fast.
Go, go, go.

Go, go, go, they passing us.

Good job.

We've got to pick it up.

We're number four now.
He's driving like grandpa.

Santa Teresa?

This is it right here.

Our cab driver has been following
Jen and Kisha's cab driver.

Yeah, bueno, bueno.

Here. Right here.

Try to get him to go quick.

Is that it?

Yep, very good. Thank you!

There's Jen and Kisha.

Come on.

What time does it leave?

Oh, ok?

It leaves in five minutes.

The globetrotters were
in a slow cab.

Yeah. We left them way back.

Rapido! Rapido!

Rapido, important.

Just sit down so we can
get movin' y'all.

Go, go, go, go!

Seriously, it's green.

Let's go. Let's go.


We're supposed to leave
in, like, one minute.

Please, please.

Seriously... throw some
money at him.

This is too much
anxiety for me.

I just can't handle it.

There, right here.
Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

Straight ahead, Nate.


How many minutes?
Come on, man.

Tell him to stop, we'll pay you.
We got to get on that one.

Go, go, go!

They're going to k*ll us.
We're gonna lose money.


We get on stop that one.
How many minutes

No, no, we gotta get on that one.

Man, why can't we catch that?

Ain't going back.

Only one way and it's up.

This is portina?


It's all good. If it's meant
to be, it's meant to be.

If not, hey, we
had a good time.

We ain't finished yet,
though, baby.

Here we are, here we are.

Zev, stay with me.

Search for a route marker tile.

I see it.

He's got it, it's blue.
Here we go.

Come on Zev.
I'm coming.

What did it look like, dad?

It was blue.

Make your way to Largo de Sao
Francisco da Prainha

and search for your next clue.

Yes, good job. Let's go.

Taxi? Taxi?

Rapido, por favor.

Right here. Mal! Mal! Mal!

Go very fast.

Hurry please.
Oh, you have airconditioning.

That's one of those times
when being last on the plane

hurt them.

Last off the plane, last to get
the taxi and they just barely

missed the tram and now they're
probably half hour behind.

Fine with us.

Ok. Ok.

Awesome, let's go.

Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.

That's amazing.

I can't believe this.

This is so cool.


Who's not afraid of
shaking in their boots.

The Samba is the rhythm
that is the heart beat of Rio.

So it seems only fitting that while
racing in Rio teams learn this

exotic and complex dance.

Team members will dress in
wild carnival costumes

and learn to dance the Samba.

Then they must lead their personal Samba
group in a parade through the streets.

If the judge finds their Samba
in rhythm with the music,

she will give them
their next clue.

I had to do the roadblock because
Justin had already done 5.

And I had done 4 and we needed
to be 55 going into the last leg.

Yeah, baby.

Do it, baby. Show them
what you got, dog.

I'm not a good dancer at all.

I hate dancing because I have
white boy rhythm.

A million dollars Zevy, you
look like a million dollars.

There it is. Right here.
Right here in front.

Who's not afraid to shake their,
of shaking in their boots.

It's made for you.

There you go.

I need to move my feet back
and forth 10 times then walk

forward four times and then take
three weird steps and a jump.

I've seen him dance
but not sober.

Luckily we have a lead.

Let's go Mal,
show 'em what we got.

This is you. This is you.

She's kind of a tomboy but she
knows how to dance.

I love that stage.
It's where I belong.

Right here?

It's around here. It says search.

Kisha, let's go down there.

I don't think he droped us off in
the right place.

I'm looking at the building.

The landmarks.

You see all these
landmarks right here.

It was almost China and our
season all over again.

No, no, no.

Nobody freaking knows
anything here.

One block that way.

One block that way. Thank you.

Can you take us?
Can you take us?

Route marker.

I got it, Nate.

Got it? Good job.




You know?
Very fast, please.


Even though I'm a dancer,
it's the "and" steps, you know.

One and two and three

It's very... it's very fast.

He's not a great dancer.

He's not putting the steps
together in a way that flows

the way Mallory might have.

So finally they let me off the stage
and we get to participate in the party.

Do the best you can.
Have fun with it. All right.

Do the best you can.
Here we go. Here we go, Mal

Good job. Good job.

Way to knock that out.

Make your way to...

Teams must make their
way to copa cabana.

They must search this salon
where they'll receive their next clue.

Mal, way to go. Good job.
Let's roll.

Good job, Mal.

Zev, get it right here.

Get it right here.
Make sure you have it.

It's going to take a while,
man, it's just...

Dancing's not his thing.

It's a tough thing for him.
It always has been.

Come on, baby girl!

Zev, you've got to feel the
beat a little bit, buddy.

You have to be smooth.

Zev, you have to loosen up a little.
Zev, loosen up.

Yeah, dog!


I don't know what she has on,

but she has some rhythm so....

She just has to pay attention.

A little dance,
a little shimmy, Zev.

Good. Good. Good.

Is it here?

Right here, Mal, 53.

Seventh floor.



Consider this the
ultimate rip and read.

In this place where hair

seems to be an enemy, all team
members, male and female,

must endure a Brazilian
waxing sex.

When they are finished with the

teams will receive
the next clue.

There you go.

This is my first time.

I think this is going
to be painful.

It's funny to be waxed
beside your dad.

It's not something that you ever think
you gonna experience in your life.

But definitely painful for people
who don't get them though.

In the pageants, you better

believe I'm getting this.


It's worth a million dollars.

Beauty knows no pain.

Oh, my God, I've never seen a

hairier person than
Zev and Justin.

Oh, no, here comes the leg.

Just show them the rhythm.

That's all you got.

Come on, buddy, last time
do the best you can.

Have fun with it.

Zev, you've got to
loosen up, dude.

Zev, you've got to pay
attention to everything.

You've got to treat it like a
dance not a roadblock.

Whoo! Yeah.

Is it Briana.
We've got to go find it.

He can't dance.

He's doing the best that he can.

I don't know if it's going to be

good enough.

I feel bad for him right now.

Here Nate. Nate. Nate.

Over there to the right.
See the people?

That's Zev right there.

Hey, Zev, look!

I got it.

I got it.

Zev, you've got to
loosen up a little.

Zev, loosen up.

The vibe, Zevy.

Be like JayZ, come on.

Be smooth.

There you go.

There you go.


I think we're ready, dad.

Thank you!

Oh, memories.


On the rocks or on the beach.

With their bodies freshly waxed,

teams immediately face a

detour and must decide where

they'll feel for comfortable

on the rocks or on the beach.

In on the rocks, teams make

their way to this local bar

where they must learn to make

the most popular drink in Brazil.

They must make a sticky concoction
of lime juice

sugar and a liquor made
from sugar cane.

And if they made 100 acceptable

the waiter will give
them their next clue.

In on the beach, teams make their
way to Copa Cabana Beach

and pick up an umbrella decked
out with bikini tops

and a portable changing room.

Then teams must convince each customer
to model their new bikini

and sell enough bikini tops
to earn 100 haops.

About $60.00.

When they do a bikini seller will
give them their next clue.

We're going to do, uhh, on
the rocks.

We're going to Beach.

Just do the best you can, man.

Oh, Lord!

Oh, Lord!

Come on buddy, last time.
Do the best you can, have fun with it.

I know Big Easy really enjoys dancing
so this is right up his alley.

I don't know if Zevy is ever
going to get this one.

Work it, baby.

Work it, baby.

Shake it, baby! Shake it!

Get it, big boy!

That was awesome.

Zev, I'm so proud of you, buddy.

I was doing the last indie
roll with a little kick.

I wasn't doing it right.

I'm sorry.

You have nothing to be
sorry about.

You did the best you could.
I know you did the best you could.


Make your way to copa cabana.

Oh, that's it.



Look at me.

One, two, three, four, ... five limes, two sugars.

Five pushes.

One, two, three, four, five.

And a shot of rum.

Oh, we can do this dad.
Let's knock this out.

Three, four, five.

Now we smash it.


That was probably because I
did it in the wrong order.

Ice then the liquor.

Now a shot.


Concentrate, Mel.

Dad, you just gotta smash 'em.

It was a fairly simple task

but I kept getting the
sequence out of shape.

I wasn't smashing.

What are you doing, Mel.

Two scoops.

We have to do this fast.
One, two.

Both of you must get
Brazilian body wax.


Don't hurt me too bad.

I've never had my armpits
waxed before.

My armpits hurt a little bit.

That was a lot of hair to get.

I shaved my armpits yesterday.

We hope that he knows
where he's going.

Consider this the ultimate
rip and read.

I've never had this part of
my body shaved ever.


Do your thing, baby.

I don't let anybody do this,
you know?

There are some pretty girls
doing it. You know.

Flight time said it was an
honor to rub on his chest.

Yeah, this is your lucky day girl.

There we go....

Thank you.

All right. Finally.

I'm getting it down now.

No mistakes from here on out.

That's making me feel better.

How lucky am I?

How lucky is she?

Thank you.
Good job. Let's go.

There's Kisha.

There's Zev and Justin.


Stop whining.

Thank you.

Let's go.

How's it going.

You want to make the drinks?
Yeah, make drinks.

It's going be hard to sell.

Brazilian body wax.

Oh, boy.

Zev, these challenges were
not made for us today, buddy.

We're still in it.

Do it, already!

Damn you!

Right here. Right here. Stop.

There's Jen and Kisha.

Now, smash them.

It's like making a mojito, actually.

Out of college I bar
tended a little bit.

I think I might go
back to bar tending.

We're going to go so fast now.
We know that they're behind us.

Oh, you're having it,
all right.

Oh, so that's a no.

Bar tending is not my thing.

Ok, watch, I'm doing these right.

Here comes the other team.

Guys, y'all knocked
that dancing out.

I knew you would.

Yeah, all right,
we on a roll now.

We're good now.

I cut my finger on the
rim of the Martini shaker.

I didn't know bartending was
such a dangerous profession.

We got 34, dad.

Let's get it out.


She waxed my whole chest and
then my armpits.

Can you tell me when
you're going to pull it?

I swear to God I'm going to
punch her in the face.

Oh, my God, this is so painful.

Ahl! God!

What's the penalty for
knocking her out cold?

Thank you.

I am not supposed to
look like this.

On the rocks or on the beach?

Let's go sell bikinis.
Hopefully it's quicker.

One two,.

That's exactly 50 dad.

And they're going fast, ok?

They're going fast, though.

We've got to go faster.

We have 28.

I've got a little system going.

I have to concentrate, though.

Be better if I was
drinking them though.

Zev, you're going to have
carry this so I can yell.


Help. Help.

Can you buy a swimsuit
from us, please.

Please, please.
Buy your lady a nice outfit.

Can you buy a swimsuit
from me, please?

Please, they're so nice.

She has to try it on.

Put it on.

Please, please.

They had to buy them for us,
and then model them for us.

In here.


No one's going to change
in front of boys.

I'm begging you.

All right. Let's move on.

Thanks a lot.

This is awesome.

We need somebody's who's drunk.

Does anybody want to
buy a bathing suit?

Will you guys buy any
bikinis from us?



Anybody want to help us out,

Anybody want to help us out,

Please, buy a bikini.

We're in a race right now and
we need to sell these bikinis.

Please, we're begging you.


Good luck.


That's 93, 94.

Don't mess up, dad.

Just keep them clean.
Don't mess up.

I really want to have one.

Every one counts right about now.

Come on. Let's knock 'em out quick.

How you feel, Flight?

Good, baby. I'm working.

We get 50 more, dog.

All right, Mal, this is it.

We need two more glasses, dad.

Last ones.

Let's go, kick it to high gear now.

Hey, can I have one when we finish?
We don't have any problem drinking

all of 'em after we're done?

Here we go.

Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

Make your way to
the next pit stop.

Teams must now make their
way across the city

to Rio's eyecatching
museum of contemporary art

and below this spectacular building

is the pit stop for this
leg of the race.

The last team to check in here
will be eliminated.

Taxi! Taxi! Taxi!

Thank you.

Thank you. Can we go very fast?

In a race.


Gary and Mallory still there
or they left?

They left.

Let's go.

Yeah, that's a good one.

There you go.

Mal and Gary just finished.
Hopefully, we can finish next.

Yo, make sure you got enough ice.

Does anybody want
to buy a bathing suit?

Bathing suit?

Is anybody really rich?

Do you want to buy a bikini?

Yes or no?

I say we just go do
the other task.

Should we just make the drink?

Ok. That looks good.

Yes. Thank you.

How do I get there?
Walk this way?

This way, Mal. This way.

This way, come on.

Gary and Mallory!


Welcome to Rio de Janeiro.

Welcome to Brazil!

Gary and Mallory,

you are team number one!


You are one of the three teams
that will be racing

to the finish line for a second
chance to win $1 million.

Oh, my God!

And I do believe that if you
win this race, Gary,

you will be the oldest person to win
"The Amazing Race" with your daughter.

Oh, my God!

I do have some
good news for you.

As the winners of this the leg of the race
you have won a trip from Travelocity

along the magical Mediterranean.

For 11 nights you'll sail
with MSC cruises

in a luxurious balcony stateroom
and disembark for shore excursions

in exciting destinations like
Rome and Casablanca.

And you can enjoy that after the race,
congratulations you guys.

We're just trying to get it done
and finally make it to the finals.

Two more. You do one. I do one.

Let's knock it out.

The ice.

Every time they're going
to dump it on that.

Here comes Zev and Justin.

Yeah at the same time.

Last two.

There you go.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Make your way to the pit stop.

The next pit stop.

Fast, please.

I wanted one of those
drinks so bad.

We're going to make these and
see where we go next.

Do I have to samba when I do it?

Zev and Justin just showed up.

It's always good to see a team

behind you, hopefully we'll be
headed to the final three,

which will be totally awesome.

That's a nice one right there,

The tables can definitely turn in this
race. There's no doubt about that.

Let's go Kisha and Jen.


Two athletes right there.

I think you need a drink
straight away.

We've got some beautiful
coconuts for you.

Thank you.

Would you guys be happy as
team number two?

Yes, we will!

That means you are one of
the three teams that will be

racing to the finish line
for $1 million.

We're putting our head down
and making them.

Belly roll.

Belly roll.

How are they still doing this?

♪ Who got the fire? ♪

♪ Who got the fire? ♪

They're really annoying
me right now.



Make your way to the pit stop.

Thank you.

Very fast.

We started the race and
we're going to finish.

We don't want to give up,
you know.

We're just doing it, man.

Here's the last one, Zev.

And I'll make one
for us to share.

The last team to check in

will be eliminated.

To a good run.

Flight Time and Big Easy,

you are team number three.


And you are one of the

three teams that will be racing

to the finish line for a second
chance to win $1 million.

Sign the check,
we're coming to get it!

Pretty bad feeling knowing
that your race is

about to come to an end.

It's just tough.
This is a tough way to go.

As far as our experience goes,

we got cut short last time

and we wanted
another shot at it.

We really, I think
proved ourselves.


I just slammed my
tail on the door.

I learned a lot about this kid through
the two races that we've done.

I think he's proved a lot to
himself and to a lot of people.


Cheers, buddy.

Nice pajamas.

I wouldn't trade this experience
for anything no matter

how much money we won
or didn't win.

You are team number one!


It's nice.

This is where it ends.


This would be romantic if we
were a couple.

Welcome to Rio de Janeiro.

Zev and Justin...

Yes, Phil.

I'm sorry to tell you you
are the last team to arrive

and that you've both been
eliminated from the race.



I've seen you
look happier.

I've been happier.

He was the race and
I was the amazing.

And I think, I think we fit that
combo pretty well.

I'd say that's pretty accurate.

In the end what we saw
in the world,

there's a much bigger

picture than to try to win
a million dollars.

That's a good point, man.

Thanks, man.

The only time that it matters

winning the leg is this last leg

and that's what we
plan on doing.

We're definitely going
to go hard.

We're going to leave it all out there.

Four quarters are are over.

It's time for over time.

And it's sudden death, baby.
We're going for it all.

We've had mental, we've
got physical

and we've had luck on our side.

We're going to come out
strong and be ready.

I think we've got what it
takes to win the race.

Stay tuned who will win the $1 million
in the second hour of "The Amazing Race."

This is Rio de Janeiro, the

pulse pounding heart
and soul of Brazil.

The people of this vibrant city

possess countless passion from

samba to soccer.

But right now the whole city is

racing to revitalize itself

in time for 2014 world cup.

And part of that race to the

future, the museum of
contemporary art,

built to contrast the
natural setting below.

This ultramodern museum

was the 11th pit stop in
a race around

the world.

Gary and mallory who were the

first to arrive will depart at

Fly to your final city,

Miami, Florida.

Teams must now fly more

than 4,000 Miles to
their final destination,

Miami, Florida.

When they land they must

make their way to the
Rickenbacker Marina

where they'll find
their next clue.

Miami's really hot right now,
isn't it?


Get us a cab real quick.

No parentchild team
has won the race.

It's something we're been
so proud to represent

for two seasons.

I'm excited of the possibility

just to may be the first one.

Taxi? Hello.

The best seats on the Miami

flight is what we're bracing for.

Fly to your final destination city,
Miami, Florida.

You have $354 for this
leg of the race.

We were raised by a single mom.

We seen her struggle all the time.

She made a lot of sacrifices to

put us in a good position.

So we just want to
make smart decisions.

We've been successful this far

and having a million dollars would put
us in a better position.

Help ourselves and help the
people close to us.

There it is.

The ticket counter. Here,
let's get to the counter.

Thank you.

Fly to your final destination city,
Miami, Florida.

M.I.A., baby.

Hey, hey, hey.

We're going to the final three.

We've got three tough teams but

we like our chances.

That's cool.

Flight Time jumping in my arms
talking about we did it baby, that's it.

Hey, we feel good.

Second chance to finish first in

the 12th leg.

We got over the hump yesterday.

Just going do run free.

Yeah, what he said.


We need two tickets, please.

Two tickets to Miami.

We have tickets on the first

flight that we can take out of

Rio de Janeiro.


See you.

We've got to get tickets.

Go. Go. Go.

Straight ahead.

We want to buy flights to Miami.

Thank you.

It's this way.

To the right.

You'll take flight 998, leaving at 1:10

Arriving in Miami at 6:30, ok?

Checking our bags at the


We really don't care about our

bags anymore.

We don't need anything
out of them.

Leave them at the airport.

Final three, I mean,

definitely feels good going in.

I definite think we're
the best team.

Now the only thing left
is to actually win.

We're in the final three, so

we're feeling real good
right about now.

The only time that it matters

winning the first leg is this last leg and

that's what we plan on doing.

You want to compete with

strong competition at the end

because it keeps you
on your toes.

We have to have faith and

just finish it out.

All teams are now making

their way to their final

destination, Miami, Florida.

All right, let's go.

A lot of money here.

Right here, right here,
right here.

Let's go!

Taxi! Taxi!

There's a cab right there.

Going to the marina.

Let's go, quick, quick.


Is he Englishspeaking.


Marina, very fast, ok.

Get us there quickly.


We're in a race,

please, ma'am. Please.

We're the first team
out of the airport.

Fast. Fast. Fast.

Yeah, yeah, the globetrotters

are right in front of us.

We're heading to Marine
Stadium Marina.

Hopefully our cab driver

knows where he's going.

Hurry we're in a race. Very fast.

Please, sir!


They can't hear you, Mal.

We're in a hurry, ok? For $1 million.
We're racing, yeah.

What is in store for us?

We have to go very, very fast.

We're in a race for
a lot of money.

Can you go very, very fast.

The other teams have left us.

Racing for a lot of money

trying to beat the other teams.

And they're in front of us.

Please, please go fast.

They're right behind us.

Yeah, I like you putting that gas.

Let's go buddy,
they're passing us.

Yeah, Louis.

Let's go catch them.

They're leaving us.

What's your name?


Nice to meet you.

You going to help us
win the race?


Do you know how to get there

or should you call
someone to make sure.

We can do this.

I have a feeling
we're going to win it.

Yeah, this is it.

We're going to get wet, probably.

Is this the marina.

Stop here and wait.

All right.

Let's go, Flight.


Miami is a
city by the sea.

And for many living here,

boating is a way of life.

But looking after expensive

boats is a risky and difficult job

and teams are about
to get a lesson

in the perils of dry dock.

Climbing on to a
heavy load forklift,

team members have to master
a complex series of hand levers

that control the lifting apparatus.

Then they must transfer a boat to the
storage rack and avoid a catastrophe.

Once team have safely secured
their boat in drydock,

the forklift operator will
give them their next clue.

Let's go, Kisha!

What's your name?


Let's go Flight!

I don't really know how she

is with heavy machinery.

That thing looks ginormous.

Poor thing.

His family own as fish farm.

So he knows his way around
tractors and stuff like that.

I've never driven a

forklift before.

If you want to bring it up,

you tilt the back.

Just up and down.

Actually I did work one time

at WalMart and I worked a

little forklift.

It was nothing as big as that.

We'll do it fast.

Keep going. Keep going.

Go straight.

So now she has to drive the

forklift to get the
correct boat.

She looks like a pea inside.

Look at that

you want to make you you get it
right in the center on the first pop.


Like a car.

Go ahead, press the accelerator.

Keep going.

Are you going to tell
me when to stop?

Yeah, I'm going to tell
you when to stop.

You're going to grab the middle boat.

The middle boat?
The middle one.

Can you keep driving and call
someone at the same time.

We really have to get there fast.

Do you know where it is?

Please, please, please.

Oh, my God.

You know, you know
where we're going?

Oh, my gosh.

Let go of the gas.

Try to have the boat in
between the forks.

Keep going. Keep going.

Go ahead and start turning
towards the middle boat.

Go ahead.

I think she's pulling the boats

from the dock and I'm

guessing that these are other

people's boats.

So we definitely don't
want her to ruin them.

Now start bringing your fork down.

Keep going.

To operate the forklift there

were so many different

instructions, you know?

There were forward,
neutral, reverse.

It was pretty intense
for a minute.

Straight back. Straight back.

Straight back. To the left.

Give it gas.

Let's go bring it up.

You're doing good.

Keep going. Straight.



Please, please, please.

Oh, my gosh.

Can you please call someone, please?

It's so important.

Everybody else is driving...

Don't say everybody else.

We just have to get there.

He's texting.

He's trying to Google it.

I'll tell you when to stop.

Turn the wheel to the left.
All the way.

Start turning gradually now.

We're going to put it on the

first rack in the corner.


Drive that thing like a '72 deuce!

Drop it, Kisha.

Back it on up like a
UHaul truck, Flight.

Slow down. Slow down.
Let go of the gas.

That's good.

Gradually, there you go,

slow, slow.

Now take your emergency
brake off, like a car.

Good job.

A little more to the right.

You're good.


Thank you.

Good luck!

Oh, look at that stride!
Look at that stride!

Teams must now head
to Key Largo and

find the Jules Undersea Lodge

where they'll get their next clue.

Key Largo.

My man, thank you, Ok.

We're number one, now.
Number one all day.

Stop, stop, stop.


Shut it down.

Let's go!

I got it.


Thank you.

Make your way to Key Largo.

We're going to Key Largo.

Remember those two that left

before us, we need
to catch them.

And we're going to catch them.

Please, please sir please
do something.

Oh, my gosh.

Please just, we have
got to find it.

Excuse me, sir.

Excuse me sir.

Where's Marine Stadium Marina?

He doesn't know.

We'll ask somebody that knows.

There's nobody here.

Please, please, please, oh,

my gosh.



We need toe pull over and ask

if you don't know.


We're trying to find the

Marine Stadium Marina.

One light and the light is

Marina Stadium.

Hop in. Hop in.

Thank you very much.

Very fast, please.


We've been having
fun the whole time.

We want to continue to have fun

but at the same time it's the

fourth quarter.

It's time to step your game up.

We haven't seen Gary or Mallory.

And Flight Time and Big Easy

left the roadblock maybe a

minute before we did.

We need to get rocking.

Marine Stadium right there.

Go, dad! Go dad! Go!

Who's confident about
handling a boat.

Right there, dad.

I'm trying to stay calm and positive,
because it's not over yet. But...

That's a really bad way to start
the twelfth leg but

things happen and it will be ok.

Maybe we can make up
some time here.


We want to win more than
anything in the world.

We've wanted it for

I still have a chance to do it.
We have to.

Bad things happen and people
get through them.



Now bring it down.


Bring it up.

Bring it up gently.

Bring it up. Bring it up. Ok.

You're going to do it.

Believe me.

Don't turn.

I'll let you know when you turn.

Jules Undersea Lodge.

We're going to go get that
money, all right?

Hey, when we get there
we're gonna pay you

and then you go and get some
gas and come back and wait.

For us, ok?

Right here to the left.

My man. My man.

The girls are right behind us.

Let's go. We've got to go then.

I see a cab up there.

Up there. Up there.


Search the undersea world
for your next clue.

After the ends of World w*r II,
Florida became famous

for its lavish underwater
mermaid shows.

But now teams must merge the
past with the future as they

explore an undersea world in a
hightech personal submarine.

Taking charge of a submersible

known as a Bob dive teams
members must

travel through a school
of mermaids

as they search among dozens
of floating treasure chests.

When they find the one with the
clue inside they can return to the surface

leaving their sultry sirens behind.

I was super surprised to see a
second roadblock cause I thought

done with all roadblocks for the
rest of my life!

One second and
you'll wait for us.

Search the undersea world
for your next clue.

Jay, you got it.

Just like I did the scuba thing.
You got this.

When it said submarine,
I'm, like, ok.

I have to swim and all that

panic and just started
up from last season.

It was just ok, I have to do it.

I don't want to do this.

Look at me.
You've got it, ok?

I'm not necessarily
afraid of water.

I just panic you know, at

appropriate times when people

should panic. Like if you're
drowning, you should panic.

I was under water breathing.

It was cool.

I took some lessons knowing

that anything could happen and

somebody's going to go swimming.

They had a little band
under the water.

So I'm looking at the band.

It was a very cool experience.

Saw mermaids.

There was a band in the water.

It kind of threw me off.

Actually, we were probably
having too much fun.

I was talking to the mermaids.

So it kind of distracted me.

I didn't know about all this.

Yeah, you couldn't see it.

Good job, dad!

Keep going. Keep going.



Good. We're going to
set the boat down.

Good job!

Doing really well.

Thank you.

You're welcome.
Good luck.

Good job, dad!

We need to head towards Key Largo.

Can you head that very fast.

We're going to pay you
really good.

Jules Undersea Lodge?

It was just the submarine,
you had to, like, maneuver

through the water and
under water there were

these little treasure boxes that

you had to swim to
to get your next clue.

It was fun. It was fun.

It was like a little motorcyclelele
under the water, you know?

This is going to make me sick.

She was still really,
really nervous.

So our last season was a

challenge for her in the water
but she made it through.

So she's definitely going to
make it through this time around.

I hope she makes it
through after we do.

Jules Undersea Lodge.

We have to make up about 25 minutes
on those other teams.

We got one shot at this.

We have to stay positive.

It's definitely easier to watch.

You root for your partners but
at the same time you sit

back and say, I'm glad it's not me.

Now it's his turn to get this

part of the deal.

I went to the chest and I got it.

And I was like, look at this.

Oh, that's him.

Oh, come on, get out of here.

Let's go get that money.

Big Easy and Flight Time,
just got the clue and left.

Hopefully she comes up
with something soon.

Off the coast of Big Pine Key
there's a camp that's by the sea.

To find the mile marker

near where you should be.

Please subtract four from 33.

I went past the band.

There was a floating
mermaid in the way.

And she had to move
and everything.

Little mermaid, hello.

Where's the T at?
Where's the taxi at?

Is that him?

No taxi.


You got it, Jen?

Good job.

Come on.

Let's go, baby, good job.

Where's our taxi?
Oh, my God, you've kidding me.

This is bad.

Where's our taxi? This is bad.
Oh, my God, you're kidding me.

Let's go, baby, good job.

Come on, man!

It's bad, Nate!

Off the coast of Big Pine Key,

there's a camp that's by the sea,
to find the mile marker where you should be

Please subtract four from 33.

Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

There it is right there.

We're wasting time.

We're going to the camp by

the sea called Big Pine Key.

You want to ask the
people here.

Let's go straight across.

Camp c 29.

Big Pine Key marker 29.

You know the direction of Big Pine Key?

Is it your group over there?

Mile marker 29, right?

If you know where Big Pine
Key is, you think it's left?

Go left.

Go left.

I swam.

Good job.

You did an awesome job.

I'm so proud of you.

So it straight this way.

Keep on playing ball guys.

Thank you.

We gotta go catch 'em, baby.
Gotta catch Kisha and Jen.

Gotta go catch that taxi,
all right?

All right, baby.

Jules Undersea Lodge.
All the way to end, please.

Wait for us over there.
Jules Undersea Lodge. Please.

You're going on a treasure hunt.

Using your personal submarine search
the undersea world for your next clue.

Two wet ones.

Two wet suits laying up there.

It's not a good sign.

I've got to do this fast.

Maybe we can catch them.

You never know what can happen.

Oh, this is so cold.

It was a strange, strange
underwater world.

There was a band playing.

I was looking at the instruments,
how in the world.

Those mermaids, they look
like real mermaids.

What is going on here?

Kisha, come on!


We've got to hurry.

Walk across the ocean
to horseshoe island.

If you can find the tallest

tree, you'll find your next clue.

Teams must walk across the
shallow section of the ocean

to get to Horse Shoe Island.

They have to find the tallest tree
where they'll get their next clue.

I try to avoid water,
remember this?

Ooh, yeah, it's cold.

Good, good. Good.

Here we go, baby!

Walk across the ocean to
Horse Shoe Island.


Wow, here we go.

Man, this water's cold.

Where's the clue.

Where's the clue.

Come on, baby.

Go. Go. Go.


They're right behind us.

Let's go.

Got to move.


Come on.

This one or that one all the way

back there.

There it is.

Come on.

Foim teams must now
return to the mainland

and take a thrilling high
speed boat

ride to Marathon Marina.

Once there they'll travel on

foot to Galway Bay
mobile home park

to get their next clue.

Come on.

Come on.

Good job. Good job.

Hurry, Jen. Hurry, hurry.

Let's go.

I see it.

Good job.

I checked every single

treasure box.

But you can get frantic
under water.

Jesus please help me.

I'm looking at the people.

The mermaids are flipping
their tail in my face.

Tell me where it is.

You know I'm last.

Hurry, hurry. Hurry.

Eventually I found it

kinda in the back
close to the band.

Hopefully she's got the clue.

Fast, very fast, please.

We have to catch up.

Good job. You all right?

Off the coast of
Big Pine Key....

You know where it is?


You don't know where Big Pine Key is.

He lived here and he doesn't
know where Big Pine Key is.

Start going towards
mile marker 29.


I don't know what else
I could have done.

No, it's not your fault.

Come on! Come on.

Hurry, Jen, hurry, hurry.

Come on, let's go.

We choose you.


Go. Let's go.

Hurry, hurry. Hurry.

We have to go quick. Fast.

Very, very fast.

Represent, baby.

Oh, let's go, baby.


It's a little wet.

Oh, my God.

Let's go, baby!

We have to search here
for our next clue, right?

Straight ahead. Straight ahead.
Straight ahead.

Walk across the ocean
to Horseshoe Island.

Got be across the water.

Come on, dad. Let's go.

I think they're actually making me

a little bit more wet
than I like to be.

This is kicking my ass.


Gotta go get 'em, dog.

Five or seven minutes.

If you can find the tallest tree.

You'll find the next clue.

We've got to hurry, dad.

Over here, Mal.

Mal, over here.

Come on, dad. Let's go.

Return to the sea camp.
Choose a speed boat...

Hurry, hurry hurry, hurry,

Hurry, Jen. Come on.

You ready? Let's go.

Right here.


Oh, wow.

In the laid back world of

the Florida keys, lots of people

like to relax at the carefree

and often kitchy confines of a

sleepy trailer park like
this one.

Teams must now enter a landscape

that is both colorful and cramped.

Choosing a small trailer,

teams must wheel it
onto a trailer lock

and hook it up to the
local utilities.

Then using the pictures of this
brochure for reference,

teams must set up the ultimate
Florida trailerhood.

When their living space is
an exact match of their picture,

teams will receive the next clue.

Let's choose D.

Here, you get one side
and I get the other side.

Is that the marked path right there?


Come on. We gotta go fast.

Let's go baby.

Let's get it.

Come on. Come on.

Other here. Right back here.

Using an enclosed brochure for
reference set up a trailer site.

Which is it, C?


Come on.


Right here.

I see it.

All right.

You gotta push on the other side.

C 8.

Right here.

That's my dog.

Good, huh?


Pull it. Pull it.


Last leg.

Final three.

Right where we want to be.

We're still in it.
That's all right.

All right let's go. Hurry up.

We gotta make it like
the brochure.

Come on we gotta go fast.

There wasn't that much wind.

We had to go from
the bottom on up.

Flight Time was working on the gates.

We didn't have none of these
where I'm from.

White pickett fences.

All of a sudden hurricane
Andrew hit

and we were in trouble.

Son of a...

I don't know why this lady got all this
stuff out here in 20 mile an hour wind.

She can go to hell
with her bad self.

This is ridiculous.

It's very hard with all this wind.

What are we supposed to do?

Oh, you're kidding me.

Oh, my God,
this is so frustrating.

This is ridiculous.

The wind is tough.

Oh, oh.

You're stealing my pool.

Let's get it done.

We can't if it keeps blowing.

Jen, stop being frustrated
and let's go.


They're getting it done.

We're going to get it done.
Let's go.


You ready?

Mobile home park.


Got it.

Yeah! Yeah!

Good job.

Set up a trailer site that
matches the pictures.

Oh, cool, look.



Where does it say that?

On the side.

Ok. Good job.

Hey, Ms. Rose, how are you doing?

I ain't doing too good, love.

Honey, you give us about 10 more minutes,

and it'll look as good
as your hair is, right now.

Just give us some time.

You got it.

All right.
Rose, we're ready.

Hold up one moment.

I'm sorry, but despite the wind,
it does not look like the brochure.

Get off all these rocks
off of here.

Here you go, Ms. Rose.
Ms. Rose.

Right here. There it is,
right there.

There's Flight Time and Big Easy.

Dad, let's get moving.

That's Jen and Kisha.

Damn, this is so frustrating.

We've got to hurry, Jen.

Good job, dad.

That's Gary and Mallory.

It's on now. It's on now.

Let's go, baby. Let's go.

All right.

It's sudden death, baby.

Gary and Mallory are here.


We gotta hurry, Jen.

We can do this fast.

Sudden death, baby.

Let's go on overdrive.

How the hell are we supposed
to keep these from falling down?

All you have to do
is get it up and...

There you go Ms. Rose.

Come on, wind.

Come on, wind.

Stop playing!


Here's the flag Mal,
where does it go.

Off the front or the back.

Right here on the short side. See?

Right there.


All right. Ms. Rose.

I'm sorry.

Despite the wind, this does
not match the brochure.

Hold on, Jen, there's something

Look. Look.

We're missing the red thing.

Check in there.

Hurry up. Let's move faster.

We're still working.

Come on. Come on. Get up.

Let's go, baby. Let's go.

Oh, Jen here. Come on.

Ms. Rose?

Come on. Come on, Ms. Rose.

Come on, Ms. Rose.


Thank you, Ms. Rose.


Open it quick.

Travel by taxi to the parking lot
before old sevenmile bridge.

Go to the finish line.

Go. Go. Go.

Oh, please.

You have to go to the parking lot
before old sevenmile bridge.

Hey, you have to go fast.

Yeah, we're in a race.

Ok. Ok.

It ain't in place, man.

It not.

Look at what they got.

What they got?

Hey, they're still struggling.

Dad, let's get moving.

Oh, man.

Hold on to it.

I got it. I got it.

I'm trying to figure out
what they're looking at.

The table.

Is that right?

It ain't set right.

Oh, man.

Yo, let's get it.


All right, now.
Hold the fence up.

It was the table.

Ms. Rose. There you go, Ms. Rose.

Oh, man.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Flight Time and Big Easy finished it.

At last the finsih line.
Travel by taxi

to the parking lot before
the old sevenmile bridge.

Hustle Mal. Hustle. Hustle.

We're going to the parking lot
before the old sevenmile bridge.

Seven mile bridge.

Yep, stop right here.

Kisha, we're going by foot?

No, hell no, we're
going by tricycle.

That's seven miles girl.

I ain't in that type of shape.

Hurry, we have to go.

You ready?

I ain't rode a tricycle since I was...

Come on.

Come on.

Come on, girl.

I'm struggling.

Come on, Kisha!

It's like riding a bike!

Let's go.

Get in the middle! Come on!

Thank you.

We're going to ride the bike.

Come on, baby. Come on!

Let's go, baby!

I'm going to show y'all
what it's about, baby.

Come on, dog. You got it.
You got it.

Come on, Kish.

Come on.

Lord, please stop with the wind.

Please stop with the wind.

Here we go, baby.

Let's catch up to 'em.
Let's catch up to 'em.

You got that, Easy.

Come on, Kisha.

Hold on, Jen.

Stop with the wind. Come on, God.
Stop with the wind.

Please, stop with the wind.


Got to work, boy!
Got to represent, baby!

Good job.

Is that right?

You stand right there
and hold it.

Our ducks are floating.

Our door is closed.

Come on in.

Oh, thanks Rose! We love you!


Thank you, Ms. Rose.
Thank you, Ms. Rose.

We will come and play
with you any time.

We will be here.

Travel by taxi to the parking lot
before old sevenmile bridge.

To the finish line.
Go, go, go!

We're going to old
seven mile bridge.

As fast as you can, ma'am. Please.

The wind is making it very difficult...
to pedal the bike.

So I'm running with it.

Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

Come on, baby.

Seven Miles and the wind blowing.

Come on, Kisha.

Come on! Last one.

Kisha, come on, we've got it.



It's over with.

Take it all in, baby.


Let's take it all in.

We tried hard and we
left everything out there.

We had a great time.

Kisha, we did it.

Oh, my gosh!



Oh, my gosh!

Oh, my gosh!

Five continents, 23 cities,

Kisha and Jen, you are the

official winners of
"The Amazing Race"!

And you have won the $1 million!

Nice job.

And for the second time
in Amazing Race history,

an allfemale team has won
"The Amazing Race."

I'm so proud of her. I want to thank
her for doing this with me.

I drug her in the first time.

Three second place and we came
in first when it counted.

Didn't win a leg this whole time.

We said last leg, first place is
what counts and we did it.

I told her on the bridge that
we're doing it for mom.

And what are you going
to do for mom?


She did everything for us.

It's our turn to pay her back.

She wants to start her own
business. That's one thing.

Put her in a position of success.

She did a lot of work for us so
now it's time to give back to her.

There aren't words to describe our
mom. She's absolutely amazing so...

It's just going to be a great thing to give
her something that she has given to us.

Oh, don't make me cry.

Come until here, guys.

Flight Time and Big Easy

We done won?

Unfortunately, you got
beaten by a better team today.

You are the second team to arrive, here
at the end of this Amazing Race.


What was going through your
mind just now

because you must have seen them
ahead on the end of the bridge

and you guys must have been
putting everything into it.

Sevenmile bridge,
was really seven miles.

We didn't have a chance
after mile 2.

What do you have to say
to the winning team?

We just want to say congratulations.

They never finish first
until it mattered.

We got beat bay couple of girls
but that's ok.

It was fun. From start
to finish, it was hard.

You know, we laughed we cried.

Let's go, baby!

Bring it in.

We sang.
We sang. We danced.

Who got the fire?

You got the fire.

Running with hey in the

middlele of India.

I had on a speedo.

Work it baby. Work it baby.

Shake it baby. Shake it.

We did it all under one roof,
baby and I'm happy we did it.

Gary and Mallory you are
the third team to arrive in an

Amazing Race around
the world, congratulations.

Thanks, Phil.

You wanted to bad to do
this with your dad and he did

you really proud, didn't he?

He always does.

He did it before this race and
just to get to prove it.

He's the most special
thing in the world.

You know, I guess the best thing that any
parent could ask for is when they get older

their children grow up, instead of them
moving off. They want to continue to hang

out with them.

To her have her want me to do the
race with her, it meant the world.

We did it twice back to back and if we
got the opportunity we would try it again.

We came back and we did
our unfinished business.

We wanted to make it around the
world so badly and we got that.

We know money is not everything

but the experience
is priceless for sure.

I missed you.

I think we definitely took care of some
unfinished business this season.

We made the most of our
second chance for sure.

We're really proud of Jen and Kisha and
the Globetrotters and Gary and Mal.

All in all it was a tough season but a
really rewarding one and I think

everybody should be
proud of themselves.

I'm glad to have run this race

with Jen for a second time.

Winning this race showed that

she's not my little sister.

She's a competitor and to run

this race for her was like a

great experience.


I love you, boo.
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