18x08 - I Cannot Deal With Your Psycho Behavior

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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18x08 - I Cannot Deal With Your Psycho Behavior

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The
Amazing Race,"

Seven teams raced from Calcutta
to Varanasi, India.

We're gonna be about an hour
behind everybody.

At the airport, Jet and
Cord were in an early hole.

There is nobody on this
flight but us.

We don't see any other teams.

But once in Varanasi Cord's
fast feet kept him and Jet in the game.

How's it going?
Thank you.

As Ron struggled at the

This is getting frustrating.
Where are these holy men?

Zev struggled with his

I don't like this place.

Gary and Mallory took a
moment to reflect.

They're cremating people.
Oh, my God.

I've never seen anything like

Flight Time and Big Easy
came out on top.

You're team number one.

While father and daughter
Ron and Christina fell short.

I'm very sorry to tell you that
you have been eliminated from the race.

Six teams remain.
Who will be eliminated next?

This is the Holy City of

The religious center of India since
it's birth more than 3,000 years ago.

And on the banks of the Ganges,
Ramnagar Fort.

This 18th century fort was the
seventh pit stop

in a race around the world.

Flight Time and Big Easy, who were
the first to arrive,

will depart at 2:07 a.m.

Fly to Vienna, Austria.

Teams will now leave
the Varanasi heat

and fly to a city more
than 40 degrees colder,

Vienna, Austria.

When they land, they'll choose a brandnew

Let's go.
We have to go through a travel agent?

I like Austria.
That's where the Terminator's from.

We are very excited to be
getting out of India.

So am I going to hear the
Schwarzenegger voice the whole time?

Yes, I'll be back, but not to
India, hopefully.

Fly to Vienna, Austria.

It says we need to go to one of
these travel agencies.

Want to take a ride?

This it?
Yeah, that's it.

We want to get to Austria,
Vienna, as soon as possible.

We just want to get there...

Here it is.

Well, hello.

Flying to Austria, to Vienna,
same as them,

but faster.

When you land make your way to a
parking lot and choose a marked

Let's go. Let's run.

I enjoy running the race
with my sister Kisha.

Hello, do you know this one?

We've been close since we were younger
because we were by a single mom

so we took care of each other.
We had each other's backs.

This is my blood, this is my sister,
so I can't get rid of her, per se.

Fly to Vienna, Austria.

Is that cold? Rats!

Can you go very fast?
Travel agent.

We're at the beginning of
leg eight.

That was our leg last time
that did us in.

Hail Mary full of grace, please
help us to find this place.

The finish line is fresh in
our mind,

we would like to be the ones running
instead of on the sidelines clapping.

Fly to Vienna, Austria.
Boo ya.


We kind of dodged a b*llet
on the last leg.

But I'm not sure
we can do it again.

The closer we get to the end...
There's room for fewer and fewer mistakes.

I think the cowboys are about
ready to get out of India.

We're done playing cowboys
and Indians.

So we would like to go to
Vienna, Austria, please.


Trail blazer tour.

We're the only dating couple left.

A romantic relationship is a
little bit different.

It can just get to a point
where you're just sort of like,

get away from me!

You will reach vienna at 6:00.

What about if it's connect
somewhere else?

Is it faster?

Do that, too.

All right. We would like
to book tickets, please.

Hey, guys.

Quickest arrival, same as them.

They want to get in very,
very late.

No. No. No.

We want to get in before them.


We would like to go to the
same location.

We learned that every other flight that
gets there earlier has two connections,

every flight we've been on so far in this
country has been delayed by 20, 35 minutes.

I don't know if it's worth the risk.

You can lose 30 minutes

We're not going to roll the dice.

We'll take it.

I need the light.
I cannot see.

I really want to go inside.
I cannot see.

I can only do it so fast.

Hi. So we need to go to Vienna.

Same as these guys.
Same as these guys.

Let's get it together here.

Don't pinch me.
Don't talk to me.

I'll step on your face, I
don't care.

I'll kick you in the head.

Let's just try to get this booked.

Let's not bicker in front of

Just book it.
I don't know, I don't care.

We have a flight arriving at 5:35 a.m.,
which is the earliest possibility.

With the rest of the teams,

Everybody is on this flight
but the cowboys.

I'm sure they're going to be working a
lot harder after stranded the day before.

We are lone rangers again

We've got a flight to Vienna.
I think it's going to land about

of the other teams.

It's a little bit safer than the
other one.

When you're all alone, it's either
you're going to win big or lose big.

Either way, we go big.

All teams are now making
their way to Vienna, Austria.

Come on, dad, let's go!

This way, Zev.
Oh, God.

Do you see it?

Come on, we've got to hurry.

Let's go, baby.

We need some Ford Focuses.
There they are.

Get into gear climb into a 2012 Ford Focus
and Phil will tell you what you

need to know.

Listen you can hear him...
he's in there.

Hi, teams, you'll be getting your next
clue from the new my Ford touch system.

So to figure out where to go to next,
simply put the car into reverse

to automatically activate the
backup camera.

By the way, the winners of this
leg of the race

will also win the 2012 Ford Focus,

That's one Ford Focus for each of you.

Get to work.

So he said just put it in reverse?
Put it in reverse and drive in reverse.

Get into gear, climb
into your 2012 Ford Focus

Hi, teams, you'll be getting your next
clue from the new my Ford touch system.

He'll tell you what you
need to know.

Listen, listen.
Simply put the car into reverse

to automatically activate
the backup camera.


Here we go.
Read the clue.

Climb into your 2012 Ford Focus And
Phil will tell you what you need to know.

Slow down!

All right. You told me to go.

Go back slowly so I can
make sure it's right.

Reverse. We're going to...

We gotta keep going back.

Simply put the car into reverse to
automatically activate the backup camera.

So I'm putting it into reverse.

Write this down.

Teams must now make their way to this
castle where they'll find their next clue.

I love this Ford Focus.

I got it, I got it.
You got it.

All right let's go, let's go, let's go.

All right. The
navigation system.

My destination.

Is this it?

Ah... hell.

So where are we going?
Schloss Schallaburg.

They're leaving.
Oh, no.

Something is wrong.
We're just missing it.

Come on, Jet.

So it's not something on there.
I don't see it.

It doesn't do it.

No, we can't go anywhere.

Bad start.

Listen. If you don't get it on your first
attempt, drive forward to your starting

position, put the car in reverse,
and you automatically

activate the backup
camera again.

That's our starting position
right there.

Maybe there's something in the
backup camera, that's what it is.

It was written on the ground, and we were
looking for it at the navigation system.

Bad start.

We need a Ford.

Schloss Schallaburg.
That's what we need.

Let's roll out.
There's no way there's anybody behind us.

We can't make any mistakes.

We're probably going to have
to make a stop. Try to get a map.

Here's a gas station.

Do you guys know where
Schloss Schallaburg is?

Let's go in and get a map.

Ok, thank you so much.

Can you show us the same
place, please?

There's another team here.

Where are we now?

I'm going to take this.
We gotta pay for it.

Do you understand the directions?

You got it pretty well?
It's pretty good, yeah.

Good job, baby.

Thank you.
Let's go, let's go.

Hey, how you doing?
We need some help.

We're trying to find Schloss

No, the Schloss,
that means castle.

Oh, Ok, thank you so much.

Can someone help us with
directions, please?

Schallaburg Schloss.
Here is das castle.

Will you mark it?

We are going to a castle.
All right there's the road.

We are on our way to the castle.

I'm going to ask that guy. He's the one who
knows all the directions around here.

Do you know how to get to

Here is Schallaburg. You can see
it from the highway.

Oh goodness.

I don't like the cold weather.

This is not going to be good.

Keep your eyes out for a Schloss.

I see something up there.

Oh God. Do we have
to run up this hill?

I feel like Rocky.

We've got something burning
here, Zevie.

All the way up there, Zev.
Hi there.

Thank you.

Do we go here?
Yeah, I think that's where we go.

It looks like it's the name of
a library in Vienna.

Is that another car?

Zev, everybody's showin' up, dude.
I'm going.

We didn't have to do much.
Just had to grab a big book

from a chick from "Harry Potter".

We haven't found the cluebox yet.

Come on, let's help each otherfind it.
What's this thing up here?

Look at all this.

Here it is. This looks special.

Look, there's a special map.

Go on up.
Let's go visit him!

He looks nice.


All right run. Let's go.

Come on, girl.

We're getting down the hill.

Back where we came.

Schallaburg, all the way, baby.

Librarian Prunkshal.

I believe this is where we go next.

Come on, let's go then, we
gotta go all the way back there.

Let's go get it.

I'm really excited to see a

It's got to be up this hill.

Here they come... here come the
globetrotters running back.

Hey, guys.
Are y'all last?

I don't know, we're not last, though.

Back there we saw Gary and

Thank you.
Good job, dad.

You ok?
Yeah. Good.

There it is, right there.
We think we see the castle up there.


The national library in Vienna.

There's no way there's somebody
behind us.

Jet and I been in a habit of
starting last.

You can't survive and win the
million dollars.

Ok, what's this? Slow down.
This isn't anything.

I said take your first turn
and you didn't do it.

I know, you didn't point it out until
it was too late for me to turn.

I need you to stop acting like a chick and
go into problem saving mode and not, like,

and not emotional mean,
blaming mode. Ok?

Where's the library?

This's going to be fun.
Make a right here?

Looks good to me.

Here, Zev.
See it?


This it? Right there.
Is that it?

National Bibliothek

Let's go. Let's go.

Who's this guy?

He looks helpful.
Here you go.


Thank you very much.

Detour. Long, hard walk,
quick and easy meal.

The people of vienna have
made countless contributions

to almost every aspect
of European culture.

Now teams will experience two
things Vienna is famous for.

In long hard walk, teams make
their way to this museum,

the former home and office of
Sigmund Freud.

Then, working together, they
must transport an analyst's couch

one mile to the school where Freud once
studied and later lectured.

The University of Vienna.

Once they deliver their couch,
they'll receive their next clue.

In quick and easy meal, teams head to
the "Wiener Riesenrad",

a giant Ferris wheel made
famous in the Orson Wells film,

"The Third Man."

There they'll pick up two local meals
and enter one of the dining cars.

Then accompanied by traditional
Viennese music,

they must eat all the food during one

to receive their
next clue.

We need some food.
All right, we'll go eat.

You better be hungry.
I see Jen and Kisha.

Hey, boys!
What's up, what's up?

Thank you.

Finish the meals during one rotation.
All right, let's do that, let's eat.

How do we know how big the meal is?
I don't care. We've got 12 minutes to eat.

Let's take the tram.

There's the parking.
Yeah, I see other teams there.

National Bibliothek, so I think
it some type of museum.

Right. Right. Right.
Kent and Vyxsin, they're here.

Globetrotters just got here come on.
You guys want to do this together?

I think this is it right
here, Mal.

Here you go, straight there.
Here it is.

Wow! This is a beautiful library.

Thank you. Thank you.

Quick and easy.
We can eat that.

I'll eat mine and half of

That's what we'll do, we've
just got to hurry.

Vyxsin, look.
Look at these words, please.


Let's go down.

We're headed to go eat some Austrian
food on a Ferris wheel, I think.

I bet it's going to be humongous.
I told you.

Go this way, It's this way.
Right, let me see it.

Right here.
This it?

This guy right here. Thank you.

Long, hard walk or quick and
easy meal.

Right now, we decided to do
the detour of moving the couch

and we're just trying to find
the couch, right now.

Where you wanna go?
I gotta pee.

We've gotta... We've gotta go.

Wow, look at all these books.
This is amazing. Look at this place.

Thank you.
Thank you, sir.

Long, hard walk, or quick and
easy meal.

Let's move the couch.

Freud museum.


Look for the restaurant directly
beneath the Ferris wheel.

I see Jen and Kisha.

You ready to eat?

Don't throw up.

Think it is in here.

This is like crazy.

You got some ketchup?

Thank you.


We have to finish it by the
ride, 12 minutes.


Hold on.
Go. Go.

Got to stuff this in.
Umm hum.


Here we go, Zev.
Two, please.

Oh, boy Zev.
Oh God.

Oh boy, there's a lot of
schnitzel, dude.

We won't do this for very long.

Mile hike with a couch with all
this food in our belly.


There's no try, there's only
do right now.

Wait a minute, really?

Slow and steady, we have

Just start stuffing, dude.
Don't cut it into little pieces, come on.

So right away we started
stuffing this stuff down our faces,

and we're like sweating.

We've got a lot of food to
eat, it sounds like, in 12 minutes.

We can do it.

He's going to have to eat some of
my food. He eats like this fast anyways.

I don't want to take the chance of
eating that food and throwing up.

We gotta finish this.

We have six minutes.

What happens if you don't

We're at the top right now.

Can you get that?

I hate wiener schnitzel.

This was a terrible idea.

I was like, second one, second one.

We're making our way to the
Sigmund Freud museum

to take on the detour
of moving the couch

from the museum about
a mile to the university.


Do we have to eat all this
over again?

No, there ain't no way in hell.

Where are we going?
Where are we going?

We've got to find out where
the Freud museum is.

It's right there, let's go
to the base of it.

Oh, goodness. Are you done?
Was it hard?

It was good food.
Y'all will be all right.

It's going kind of curve you to
the right up here a little bit.


Let's hope we make it to our location
faster than a couple other teams.

We can't do it man.

We can't eat that whole thing.
Let's get ready to go.

I want to talk to the man over there.

That was a disaster.

We should pretend like we did it.
If we see another team, right?


Restaurant? Right there isn't it.

How was it?
You finish?

It was fantastic.
Go get it.

Delicious. We didn't lie.
It was pretty good tasting.

Go get them, Gary and
Mal Mal.


Oh, my gosh. Wow.

Thank you.

Gotta wait until the door closes.

All right eat. It's closed.

We have to cut it up?

It was game time.

I was going to finish that

I am not taking in all these
calories for nothing.

I am finishing this.

We've only got 12 minutes, dad.

Up here, see it? Freud.
Right here.

Hi. Come to get the couch.

I don't know nothing about the

I guess he just enjoyed
couches and everything.

Doing his philosophical thing,
playing on couch and having his

weird Freudian
slips, things like that.

We have to deliver the couch to
the University of Vienna.

Here it is.
Come on, Vyxsin.

Oh, here they are.

Let's go up and get it.

We saw the globetrotters
leaving with the couch.

Now we got to put it down
and put it on the dolly.

Let's go.

You got it?
Yeah, we can do this.

All right, let's go.

Come on.

The museum is the next floor.

Gotta keep it going.
Good job, Vyx.

We saw Jen and Kisha just

Now I'm going to go as fast as I
can while I've got the strength.

You got it?

Don't go too fast, I'm
going backwards.

How much time, dad?

Four minutes.

Too much foot.

I'm getting nervous. We're getting
towards the bottom.

Ok, we've just got a
lot of meat left.

Keep going.

It should be right there on your
right after we curve.

This should be our
parking lot over here.

I'm guessing that's it over

Austria national library.

Look at this place.

That is awesome.


Thank you very much.

This says long hard walk or
quick and easy meal.

So you just want to go ahead
and go do the couch?

I know we can keep
trying with that couch.

We're going to do the couch.

We can do this, dad.

We can do it.

my portion and part of hers.

But there was no way.

I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.

I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.

I should have listened to you, Mal.

We've got to hurry. Let's go.

I can throw up and try it
again, dad.

No, no. Find out where the
Freud museum is,

We're headed to the Freud museum
to carry a couch.

When we were going to the couches,
Jet and I knew we were dead last,

so we had to pick up
the pace.

Whenever you've got to do
both sides of a detour, that's bad.

You really let people catch up.

All right, pick it up a little bit.

You're going to wear
yourself out, dog.

Too much a wastin man.

We should stop and put
it on the dolly, all right?

All right.

Wait, wait, I can't get it.

I can't.

Kent, do it the way you did last time.

I can't pick it up like that.
Quit being stupid, do it the

way you did last time.

Good job, babe, good job.

Little Pink Kitten,
you're doing great.

It's ok, it did not say anything
about keeping it clean.

There's a bunch missing, huh?

Lift it up.

Excuse us.
My back.

Stop. You've got a long way to go, dude.
Just settle in.

Right here. Right here.

We'll cross the street right here.

Ok. Let's go this way.

These folks probably thinking,
look at these idiots.

It's going to fall!
It's going to fall!

Let go.
I'm getting in the front.

Quit whining.

I could tell it was going to

Pick it up.

It's the salt. I don't think
this is going to work.

You want to just carry it?

Come on, keep walking.

I think we have to carry
this up the hill.

Ok, let's do that.

There are the cowboys.

They're going to pass us.
No, they're not.

Ah, that was Justin and Zev right there.

Hey, that's all we needed.
We're back in the game.

That was the first time Jet
and I had seen any team.

Big red sign on the lefthand


That was like the first light at the
end of the tunnel that we had seen.

It's gonna be crazy.

We've got some catching up
to do right now.

Let's get in. Let's get inside, Nate.
All right. Hey.

Outside the courtyard.
Number 10?

I got you, I got you.
You all right?


Courtyard right here.

Staircase number 10.

This way, to the right.
We're here!

Drive yourselves to the city
of Salzburg.

Teams must now drive
to the heart of old town Slazburg

and find the Sternbräu restaurant
where they'll find their next clue.

Let's roll, we've got to make up some time.

That was not fun.
That was terrible.

People look at us like we're

What did Freud did? He uhh...

He used to have dreams about sleeping with
his mama and all that kind of crap

I'm walking backwards, not
too fast.

Stop! Stop!

I've got to put it down.

You know what you sound like?
You sound ridiculous.

Can you make sure it's
not dragging, please?

It's about to fall off.

You're not giving me a lot
of help here, buddy.

I'm trying.

Excuse us.

Coming through, yes.

I kept thinking, it might be
faster if I could lay on the couch,

tell cord about my feelings,
and he could push me.

I don't need to know about
his feelings that bad.

Sigmund Freud museum, dad.

I see it, the museum is right here.

It's heavy. We have to get
down these stairs.

Dad, you're dragging me down
the steps and I can't see.

Kent and Vyxsin's couch delivery
service coming at you.

Oh no! Oh no!

What? What? Why are you
freaking out? What?

Look at these doors.

Hold on, down. Down.

It's right there.

Stop whining. I'm hurting, too. It's
affecting me that you're being so negative.

I'm not being negative, I'm

This is the main entrance.

Through the Courtyard,
staircase number 10.

I can't. Stop. I can't.

If you need to stop, just
say that you need to stop

I am, but every time I say to
stop, to stop, you don't.

Don't drag me down.

I'm not, but we're both in pain.

Right there it is. This is it.

We have a wonderful
couch for you.


Drive yourself to the city of

All right. Let's go.
Auf wiedersehen Guten tag.

Alright let's go, is it here, right here?

We just saw Kent and Vyxsin

I'm coming.

Thank you.

Drive yourself to the city of

Come on.
I am very proud of you.

You did such a good job. My point
was you just start going,

this is heavy, this is heavy, it's
forever, I want to get there.

We're never gonna get there, it like,
makes it harder psychologically.

Almost there.

Let's just get to the top of
the street.


Did you seeJustin and Zev, Cord?

Ahead of us or behind us?

Ahead of us.

Daddy, it's slipping.
That's cause you're turning it.

Get under it.
Ok, I'm under it.

The Dolly.
I know, dad!


We're almost there.

Excuse me, do you know where
the MariettaBlauSall is?

You must go to the stairs... Yes
It's upstairs?

The college.
Is this the main building?

Yeah, probably.

Last flight.

Do you see it?
No, I don't see it.

I think it's on the
end down there.

I guess in that door over there.

How about a new couch?

Thank you.

It says drive yourself to
the city of Salzburg.

We were the fourth couch up there,
weren't we?

Yeah, we were the fourth couch.

I think there's two cars
sitting there.

Excuse me, where's the MariettaBlauSall?

Are you serious right now?

You wanna look down that?
Let's go look.

Yeah, it's here.

Wow. We got some bad
directions. We went up

three flights of stairs we
didn't need to go up.

Four people dropped off couches.

That's not good, Zev.

I know.

Drive yourselves to the city
of Salzburg.

Please, hurry.

I got the pillow.

To the left.
Which way?

It's over there, dad.

There's five.

That ain't good.

Thank you, sir.
Drive yourselves to the city of Salzburg.

That ain't good.

When your car leaves the detour first,
everything looks a little better.

Teammates start looking a little better.
Whoa. I wouldn't go that far.

Stay on the A1 all the way
into the city.

Don't turn here.

It says Salzburg, the other
one didn't.

I need you to turn on
this other street.

Damn it, get back over there.

We picked the wrong detour and
screwed ourselves so far.

We like our chances when it
comes to driving.

That's the cowboys.
I see the hat.

Let's see if we can pass them
without being noticed.

All right, well, that's comforting.

Means we're not last.

I cannot deal with your, like, freaking
psycho behavior. I can't handle it.

I'm not doing anything psycho.
I'm driving a car very calmly.

And you're just ignoring me completely
and driving around in circles.

If we get eliminated today, I swear to God
I'm never going to speak to you again.

Like I can't handle this.

I wish you'd just get back
on the highway and listen to me.

This is not what we want to be

We take one wrong turn, we could spend 45
minutes trying to find our way again, right?

We don't have time for that.

See the box?
Oh, I see it!

Let's go, baby.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.

There you go.
Who's feeling lucky as can be?

That's usually you.

Chimney sweeping is a
timehonored profession in Austria,

and in many European cultures, the chimney
sweeper is considered a symbol of good luck.

Still, it's a dirty job. And right now,
somebody's got to do it.

One team member will dress in a
chimney sweep uniform

and climb to roof where they
must use a specialized weighted tool

to clean out their chimney.

Once finished, they'll head down
to the cleanout door, open it,

and retrieve their next

This is gonna be fun.

My man, come on.
Let's go, baby.

Ok. I don't know if I'm going to be quite
like you. I'm going to get as close as I can.

I'll be sexy in these. They'll be whistling
at me from the roof.

Excuse me, ladies.

Damn, I look good.

I'm a little nervous. I'm going to
have to do something on my own.

Freaking out already. It's
not a good sight.

You're going to make a right.

Be careful. Don't like race through this
because I don't want to miss our turn.

All right, what's the turn?

Kent, I'm trying to tell you, but
you just have to stop talking.

So you have to do it three


I've never done anything
like this in my life.

When I grew up, we didn't have
a chimney.

Santa claus came through a window.

I'm going to clean it out for
Santa Claus.

That says Salzburg straight

We hope that when we get to Salzburg,
there's going to be a roadblock

or something that's tough to
do so that we can catch up.

Good workout.

This it?

Thank you.

I would like to find this place.

There it is.

Oh, God.
Go get them, tiger.

Choose a chimney sweep.
I choose you.

Did you see anybody else, Easy?
No, we haven't seen any other teams.

Excuse us. Excuse us.

I need Flight Time.
Let's go, baby.

Drive yourself to the next
pit stop, the Villa Trapp.

Teams must now find the
Villa Trapp. Built in 1863,

it was the real home of the Von Trapp
family, immortalized in the film

"The Sound of Music".

Now this legendary estate is
the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here
may be eliminated.

Let's go.

Cause they're going to be right behind.
They might have a map.

I was getting a little nervous cause
I'm not good at making ropes,

but I figured that out
pretty quickly.

That's what she said.

Three times.



There it is right here.

Come on, let's go!

Sternbräu, it's right there.

Who's feeling as lucky...
as lucky as can be?

I'll do it.

All right, let's go.

Oh, everybody's here.

Yes, and the last one.

I'm going, I'm going.


Three times.

We're getting dirty here.

Oh! Oh, my God, ok.

That's that.

Seriously heavy.

I feel like I'm lifting weights. Your
arms are probably really strong.

Let's go!
Atta boy.

See ya.

Drive yourself to the next
pit stop, the Villa Trapp.

Do you know where that is?
I don't know, but let's see

if somebody else does.

Does anybody know where
Villa Trapp is?

On the other side of the river.
Ok, thank you.

Let's not get lost.

What is that?

Let's go ask these guys.
It's a state park.

Do you know the Villa Trapp?

Yes. Just go under the tunnel then
on the right there is the Trapp mansion.

Thank you, sir.

So just go straight.
Go straight.

So I just pour this stuff
into here?

That's it.

Oh, yeah, Ok.

Let's go.

All right.

Drive yourself to the pit stop.

Warning the last team to check in
may be eliminated.

Let's go, let's do it.

It's the Von Trapp family,
it's the Sound of Music.

They say we need to get across the river.

There's the clue box.

Who's feeling lucky as
lucky can be?

I'll do it.
Good job.

I think I might have found a
new calling already.

Chimney sweeping at its best.
It's not my first day to use a rope.


Three times.

Under the tunnel?

They say we gotta go underneath
a tunnel, then we gonna make a right.

Right here.

This ain't it.
Let's turn back around.

We passed it.
We passed it already.

I don't like this.
We're stumbling all the way there.


Welcome to Salzburg, Austria.

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

Zev and Justin...
Yes, Phil.

You are team number one.


What just happened?

Zev and Justin, I have some big, big
news for you. As the winners of this leg

of the race, Ford is giving each of you
your own 2012 Ford Focus, including the

first ever voice and touch activated sync
with my Ford touch technology, allowing

you access to your information,
music, and entertainment system.

Wow. Cool.
- You guys get one each.

Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.

That's amazing.


We're absolutely thrilled to
have won those cars.

This is so cool!

Thank you.

Flight Time and Big Easy,
you are team number two.

All right.

Big easy, you don't look happy.

You had a look on your face
like you lost the whole race.

No, no, no, no, no, I just
wanted first place today.

Want to ask?


Do you know where villa
Trapp is?

Ok, thank you.

We're doing great.
We're almost there.

We're actually freakishly


Follow you?

There's a clue box.

Who's feeling lucky as lucky
can be.


Drive yourself to the next
pit stop.


That's Gary and Mallory.

Are we last?

I don't know.
I don't know.

This is the chimney
sweep right here.

Have y'all seen Kent and
Vyxsin, Zev and Justin?

We ain't seen nobody.

Villa Trapp?

Turn right.
Thank you.

It does not take long at all.

We can't get lost.


Oh, it's heavy as hell.


You should make a right.

Are you sure?

This is not it, Jen.

I'm going back where I came from.

Oh, Lord, please let us be ok.

Like we're so close.

It's right there.

Kent and Vyxsin, you are
team number three.

It is odd that after a day of such
hot, cold, hot, cold, hot, cold,

all day long with each other, this is
the best we've ever done on the race.

Maybe we just need to fight more.
Maybe, maybe.

All right, back down.

This one.

There's my clue! Hey, hey, Mal.
You done?

We done?
Yeah, read it.

Drive yourself to the next
pit stop, the Villa Trapp.

Isn't that the family from "The
Sound of Music"?

Yeah. It is.
Oh, man.

There's Jen and Kisha.
We've just got to beat them to the mat.

We can get them.

The cowboys are behind us.
Where is it?

Right there.

Let's go.
Come on, bro.

Kisha and Jen, Jet and Cord,
you are teams number four and five.


You've been racing so hard,
your cowboy hat is dirty.

Win me another one and get me a new
cowboy hat.

You going to get a new one?
Yes, Sir.

You don't mind being at right
at the back, I mean these guys

just whooped your ass today
by at least three seconds.

It's time to step it up or we're
going to have to go home.

Welcome to Salzburg.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Gary and Mallory?

You are the last
team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you that it's
put you at the back of the pack

but not out of the race, because
it's a nonelimination leg.

Oh, dad!

But because you're last,

there's an extra challenge that you have
to do in the next leg of the race.

It's called a speed bump.

So you're going to have to work
extra hard to stay in this race.

All right.

We can't even tell you how happy we
were to go in the race the first time,

come on the race
a second time,

and then to
have a third chance at this.

This is the biggest blessing ever
in the world. Third time's a charm!

When you get something that big, you've
got to do something with it so...

Now we've got to win.

I got faith.
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