18x07 - You Don't Get Paid Unless You Win

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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18x07 - You Don't Get Paid Unless You Win

Post by bunniefuu »

This is Calcutta, India.

Bursting with more than 15
billion people, it is one of

the most populous urban
areas in the world.

And in the middle of the city,
its greeny has been called the

lungs of Calcutta.

This park was the sixth pit stop
in a race around the world.

Winning the previous leg,
snapple treated gar and he

mallory to some of the
best stuff in India.

That looks good.

Thank you.

First place.

Hais good.

Gar and he mallory will
depart at 1:18 p.m.

Teams must fly to the
city of Varanasi.

It is the religious
heart of India.

When they arrive they must make
their way to this Tonga stand

where they will find
their next clue.


Right up here.

Leaving in first place
for the first time ever.

We really want to be the first parentchild
team to win "The Amazing Race."

I know we have what it takes.


Fly to the city of varanasi.


The competition keeps getting tougher and
the game gets more intense as we go.

Our game plan is to
minimize mistakes.

Seems like we got the kinks
worked out the last three legs

and hopefully we keep it going.

Fly to the city of varanasi.

Sounds like more India.

Oh, God.

India is too much for me.

Too many crowds.

I am ready to leave.

But we are racing for a million
dollars so I will have to just

have to suck it up.



Here we go.

At the airport can you
buy airline tickets?

Maybe we should go to
the travel agency.

They probably have the Internet.

The last time we were in India
it was a moment of sadness.

Kent and vyxsin, you have both
been eliminated from the race.

We are so stocked to still be in
the race past the halfway point.

Hopefully this time we
will have better luck.

Airport or travel agency?

I think airport.

All right.

Airport, here we go.

Thank you.

There is the ticket
counter right there.

We want to get there
the absolute quickest.

Can we reserve that flight, please?
Two tickets.


Two tickets to varanasi.

Ok good.

Thank you.

We need to go to varanasi.

We will book it.

Two tickets.

We want the same thing as them.

Yes, no problem.

Thank you.

This is the travel agency.

I am getting out here.

The fastest way to
get to varanasi.

I will take that one.

We are trying to get
there as fast as we can.

We have to find some
place to buy a ticket.

What is the quickest
flight to varanasi?


I am guessing that is
the earliest flight.

The way I was raised if
somebody looks me in the eye

and tells me something I am
go to take their word for it.

Says we have ample time.

I am hungry.

I am a happy camper when I
have good food in my tummy.

Two, please.

It was marvelous to spend time with her
before she gets married next year.

I enjoyed the ability to go to places
with her and savor the moment.


Fly to the city of varanasi.

We are leaving in last place
but we are not eliminated.

All you can ask for.

Hope you have a good day
and be in the top three.

Now it is time for us to
finish towards the front.

Like we should be.

Here is the Internet cafe.


It is a holy city.

This will be so cool.

Always wanted to
go to a holy city.

Water of the ganga is believed
to have the power to wash away

the city of the mortals.

I hope we have the power to go in the
holy waters to wash away those sins.

What is the earliest
flight to go to varanasi?

Thank you.

We going to catch up with them.

Teams are now making their way to
varanasi, India by way of Delhi.

Cowboys aren't here?

I don't see the cowboy hats.

We haven't seen combrg teams yet.

We are on the flight to
varanasi and Kent and vyxsin,

Jen and Kisha, globetrotters and
Gary and mallory are all with us.

Cowboys are nowhere to be seen.

I am curious, I wonder if
they caught an earlier.

You think they all got on
the king fisher flight?

That would give them about
an hour jump on us.

I can't figure it out.

Maybe they were not paying attention.

Nobody else gets on this one it
means they are all ahead of us.

It is going to be a long day.

There ain't nobody on
this flight with us.

When we land in varanasi we will
be an hour behind everybody.

I remember leg 7 last time.

Jet and cord you will need to retrieve
the bottle before I can check you in.


So get moving.

We get to the beach and spot
our boat with the bottle.

No other option than
swim to that boat.

That was a long leg
of the race for us.

Try to not repeat that.

Saddle up, partner.



Do you know Tonga?

Get in.

Close the door.


We want to be number one romsha.

Come on.

Let's go.

We have to catch these people.

It is very important.

Come on, Kent.

Tell me to watch out
next time, bro.

Come on.

I hit my head on the thing
really hard, vyxsin.

I am surprised I am not bleeding.


You have to drive fast.

Thank you.


Thank you.

Let's go.


We behind all of the teams.

For those that don't know when you
push the gas, the horn blows in India.

The only time people drive like this is
when they have helicopters over them.

Where are you going?



Oh, man.


How do you pick somebody up
at the airport with no gas?

Oh, man.

Redirected us.

We can't go across the bridge.

Is it very long now?


Whoa, elephant.

Elephant, cool.

These streets are totally wild.

There are cars, motorcycles, tractors,
cows, lions, tigers and bears, oh my.

The people behind you, don't
let them get past you.

We are racing.

Go by them.

Represent yourself.

Represent your country.

You the man.

Nobody drive like you.


Good job, baby.

We are racing them.


You the man.

Blow the horn.

That's what I am talking about.


Take them.

My man.

Let's go get them, baby.

We got another beast.


That's Tonga stand right there.

There it is.

Open it.


Who is ready to search
for the meaning of life?

The streets of varanasi are
filled with colorful holy

men who have given their lives
over to prayer and meditation.

For teams these men hold
the key to success.

But teams are about to find out
just how hard it is to find the

right answers in a sea
of possibilities.

Using only these pictures for
reference, team members must

search for six who will
each hand them a clue.

They properly arrange the clues, the
meaning of life will be revealed.

Then they must find him and
tell him the meaning of life to

receive the next clue.

Duplicate me to do it?


All right.

Times Square has nothing on
the Tonga stand intersection.

It was insanity.

Tonga stand.


Roadblock, who is ready to
search for the meaning of life?

I got it.

Read it over and over again.

Come on, Jen.

It is right here.

All of them are right here.

Who is ready to search
for the meaning of life?

I will do it.

The Tonga stand.

One minute, ok.

Right here, mal.

Search for the meaning of life.

I am going to do it.

Go, dad.

There is a clue box right there.


They are all here.

It is a roadblock, daddy.

Who is ready to search
for the meaning of life?

I am.

I will do it.

Go get em.


Taxi, come on.

We are in a hurry, man.

We are late.

We are way late.


There is one of them.


Can I have paper?

I can't have your paper yet?

I need these other men first.

How you doing?

Thank you.

I got one.

Got them.

I think we have to go
the other way though.



Thank you.

There you go.

Follow me.

I am going the other way.


Where are these holy men?

That street was a
pretty insane street.

It was really crowded.

There is one right here.

They look like
anorexic Santa claus.

There is one of them.


I would like a paper from you.

Please honor me, sir.

This is my first piece of paper.

Hi there.

Thank you.

Have you been down this way?

I haven't checked this way yet.

If we find all of the men I
will take you to the finish.

I swear.

I won't screw you.

I just like to see
another team right now.

The way we got it figured they
can be anywhere from 30 minutes

to an hour ahead of us.

We will have to go quick on the
detours or roadblocks today.

My strategy right now
is to follow Gary.

He seems to know what he is doing.

I am going to loop around.

We have already been there.

I am right behind you, Gary.

When in doubt, follow Gary.

This is crazy.

The traffic is crazy.

All of the colors coming together.

They all look alike.

There is one.


How are you?

Thank you.

Fimiss one I will have to
come all the way back.

I will have to keep
my head on a swivel.

Thank you very much.


I am going to have to see if I
can find them on this road.

Hello, how are you?

Thank you.

Varanasi was very,
very crowded and loud.

I don't like this place.

I have sensitive ears, so the
sound was a lot to take in.

Mal gave me ear plugs, so I had
to take a deep breath and that

helped the situation.

Hello, how are you.

Once you are over the
hill, you pick up speed.

Thank you.

How many do you have?

Pink scarf.

This guy.

Follow me.

Come on.

Ain't going to steer you wrong.

I know where he is at.

Come on.

Kisha, let's go.

Got it.

Good job.

Teams must now make their way to the
local swami, a wrestling strength and

conditioning club.

There they must find this strong
man to receive their next clue.

Excuse me.

Let's go.

Once you are over the
hill, you pick up speed.

Once you are over the
hill you pick up speed.

Let's go.


This way?

There is the clue box.

We see the cowboy hats
bobbing over the crowd.

I think all three of us girls
were concerned because the

cowboys are so efficient.

Jet and cord, you are the first
team to ever go from last

place, complete the speed
bump and come in first place.

I think everyone feels
intimidated by them.

Who is ready to search
for the meaning of life?

I will do it.

Do my best.

How fast you run is how fast you
will get through the roadblock.

But you don't want
to miss anything.

You are whipping your head back
and forth and your hands are in

front of you in
case you hit a car.

The profession jet and I came up
doing is competing in rodeos.

You don't get paid unless you win.

You have to leave all of your cards
on the table while you are here.

There he is.

How is it going?

Thank you.

One of the seven I thought
might be down here.

Now I don't see it.

I might have to go
further up or down.

I am not sure.

There is one.

I see him.


I got them all.

Hey, Kent.

I can't believe this guy.

I went ahead and bolted
towards the park.

I didn't feel bad about bolting
because at that point our

codependencey was over.

Once you are over the
hill, you pick up speed.

Vyxsin, come on.

Make your way... everyone
is going that way.

Once you are over the
hill, you pick up speed.

Thank you.

Let's go.

You almost got the
cow in the butt.

He don't know.

Come on.


We still right behind them, right?



Tulsi ghat.

We are not walking, come on.

It is this way.

I see it.

In this detour teams have to
navigate and decide which

type of work they would
like to perform.

Feed the fire or feed the buffalo.

In feed the fire teams travel and
follow the path to the home.

They must make 50 pattys out of
buffalo maneuver and slap them

on a wall to dry in the sun.

Finally they will have to light a fire
to boil milk for the local children.

When the fire is lit teams
will receive the next clue.

In feed the buffalo teams pick
up a large load of hay and

cross it again and carry their
hay through the narrow streets

to the address attached
to their bundles.

Teams will then receive
the next clue.

Feed the buffalo.


I am glad we did not have
to get in those thongs.

Let's feed the buffalo.

You get on a boat, right?


Come on, buddy.

I don't want to fall
down these stairs.

Let's go.

We are going to feed the buffalo.


Let's do it.

Come on.

Tulsi ghat.

I am going to get out of his way.

Feed the fire.

Let's feed the children.

We got to pick a boat.

We want you.

This is pretty cool.

Yeah, this is awesome.

Do you see the hay?

Probably those green things.

That has to be our
allotment right there.

I am ready.

I don't see hay.

It is in the tent.

Is it there?

Come on zev.

Come on.

Zev, up here.

Come on buddy, let's get it.


Straight ahead.

That's it?


We have to get two?

We have to get two.

Come on, buddy.

Here we go.

Once you are over the
hill, you pick up speed.

Thank you.

That a boy.

Make your way... good job, guys.


I knew the cowboys would catch up.

I just hope it wasn't
catching up to us.

I hope my dad is keeping
calm right now.

It is getting frustrating.

Truly a needle in a haystack.

Backtracking all of my steps
and I can't even find it.

Where are these holy men?

This is the end of
the line for me.

I will go back.

The difficulty of the roadblock
was to find their sadu in the

element of the costume.

I thought maybe some of theme
holy men were not properly

garbed because they wanted
to take a refreshing bath.

But I overthought it.

He just gave me a teach of
paper that gave me the paper

that says the word "the."

Do you have the address?


Get your hay.

I am going.

Don't run.

Here we go.

This is sakka ghat?


Big steps.

Be careful.


Come on.


I think fuel definitely has
something to do with manure.


I got gloves.

Playing in poop.

Are you ready?


This smells like perfume.


I can't be doing this.


Oh, geez.

Tulsi ghat.

Look for a clu box.

There we go.

Feed the fire or feed the buffalo.

Feed the fire.

We need to find a boat.

The boats are down there.

We would like to go to sakka ghat.

Duplicate to do the fuel?

I don't care.

All right.

We are go to feed the fire.

Come on.

Let's keep it up.

There is the fire.

Do you see the fire burning?

They are cremating people.

Oh, my God.

We thought we knew
India from Calcutta.

This is so much different.

I have never seen any place where
death is celebrated like that.

Maybe because it is
such a holy place.

It is not like Africa or
the other parts of India.

Varanasi is like another planet.

Never seen anything like this.

But I am glad we saw it.

Once you're over the
hill you pick up speed.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.



Tulsi ghat.



Come on, buddy.

I am going.

Don't run.

Running with hay.

In the middle of India.

Hey, buddy.

Oh, geez.

He is trying to eat it.

Yeah, he took some.

Put it up high.

Put it up on your head.

Excuse me pal.

Excuse me.

Running with hay in
the middle of India.

We need more hay.

All right.

That's fine.

Man, the crap you do
for a million dollars.

This is for you.


You are dismantling all of
the things I am making.

You know that was one.


It is too big.

You want me to bring you a pile of crap
and you can make all of them over here?

It is not working.

How about you do this if you know
how to make them big or small.

I got this.

You do your part.


Then you go ahead.

They have to stick.

We need more hay.

All right.

This way.

Let's go.

Come on.

Can I give it to you?

Thank you.

Teams must now make their way
to the city of ramnagar and

find this fort which is the pit
stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in
here may be eliminated.

Pit stop, ramnagar fort.

Come on.


Ramnagar fort.

Last to first, baby.

Last to first.

It would be a great turnaround.

Do you know this, ramnagar fort?



This is the tulsi ghat.

Keep wearing yourself out guy.

We have to do the hay.

Feed the buffalo.

That is a whole herd of
cattle that need some hay.

We come to India
to haul hay today.

You start that row.

Once I make it to the bottom
of this one that will be 44.

You need six right there.

All right.

We done.

How many you got?

That is 50.



Are you serious lady?

We trying to feed your kids.

Come on.

All right.

Come on.


Thank you.

We have to go.

Can we break them up
with the gloves on?

It don't matter.

Thank you.

Ramnagar fort.

All right.

Let's go.

Ramnagar fort.

Hurry, please.

Vyxsin, I can't keep up with you.

You made me keep the bag and I
can't do it after the roadblock.

Stop complaining and
give me the bag.

There it is.

Start making fuel.

Cow did you think.

We need our gloves.

Let me try one and smack it.


Down here, mal.


There is Kent and vyxsin.

We want to beat them.

Cow manure.

Seems like that is my
"The Amazing Race" theme.

What is the deal with cow manure?

This is the exact outfit I wore standing
in the pile of cow manure in Russia.


Oh, my God.

This outfit will go into
the trash after this.

The next time I wear this cow
manure will be involved.

It looks like it is a
race to the pit stop.


Come on.

We are trying to go from
last to first, baby.

Let's go.

This is it right here.

Come on, let's go.

Right here.

Zev, come on.

Flight time and big easy,
you should be very proud of

yourselves, you are
team number one.


Right back at you, baby.

Worst to first.

As the winners of this leg
of the race you have won a

trip for two to travelocity and
going to the big island of Hawaii.

There you are going to take in
views of the Pacific ocean from

your room at the four seasons.

Ride a helicopter over the
volcanos and is that correctle

incredible coral reefs.

Past couple of legs
we kind of struggled.

To come in first it makes you
forget about the pain you felt.

We are going to try to ride
it on out to a championship.

Welcome to varanasi, India.

Thank you.

Zev and Justin.

You are team number two.

A few years ago I don't think
I would have been able to

come to India and deal
with this at all.

This was a lot.

A lot to take in today.

I am proud of myself
for taking it in.


That is haystacked
over there, cord.

I see.

That's all of the hay, right.


Hauling some hay.

Feed the fire or feed the buffalo?

Feed the buffalo.

Let's go.

I was worried about not putting
on deeode rant this morning.



Got it?

Show her.

She doesn't like those.

If they are too big
she pulls them off.

Got you.

One more.

Ma'am, we are ready.

Too small.

Too bilge, ok.

Now we got it for you.

Thank you.

Now let's choose a stove.

One more.

Very good, vyxsin.

Now put it on top.

Thank you.

Pit stop.

This is back the way we came.

Thank you.



All right.

Let's go.


There is one.

L let's go.

Ramnagar fort.

Go straight out there.

Take a boat out there.

Ramnagar fort.

Thank you.

We have to go fast, man.

Let's get going.

Come on.

Let's go.

Are we going?

This guy is really slow.

Hey, come on.

Let's go.

Our water taxi is a psycho.

Pull us back.

We want back.

I don't like.

This is wrong, wrong.


We need to get back
in there right now.

Don't go in the water,
are you insane?

Vyxsin, are you crazy?

Get out of that water!

Our water taxi is a psycho.

Don't go in the water?

Are you insane?

Calm it down.

Are you crazy?

Get out of that water.

You need to calm it down.

This is not working.

Come on.

This is wrong.

That boat is not the way
we are supposed to go.

You have to get a grip, sis.

Let's go up and catch a taxi.

Welcome to varanasi.

Thank you.

Kisha and Jen, you are
team number three.

All right.

We will take it.

Thank you.

Pit stop ramnagar fort.

We need to get out of here.

I see it.

Ramnagar fort.

That is the pit stop.

Gary and mallory, you
are team number four.




There is nobody there
vyxsin, come on.

Welcome to varanasi, India.

Thank you.

Jet and cord, you are
team number five.

Every time we had a chance to
bust it and back in the race

by pure grit and trying,
that is what we did.

We are going to take
this water taxi.


We took this public water taxi
because it is the fastest

way to get to the pit stop.

We are hoping the other teams did not
have the idea to take the water taxi.

Can you take us here?

Get this guy out.

Get out.

Never give up.

It is really scary.

We don't know where Ron
and Christina are.

We have our fingers crossed.

This is it.

Thank you.

Let's go.



Daddy, come on, dad.

You are doing great.

Get my bag.

Kent, it is right there.



There it is right there.

Kent and vyxsin you are
still in the race.

You are team number six.

Oh, my God.


Too close for comfort.

There it is.

Welcome to varanasi, India.

Thank you very much.

Ron and Christina.


You are the last team to arrive.

I am very sorry to tell you that you
have been eliminated from the race.

It's ok.

We had a grand ride.

It was a gift to come back a
second chance, especially with

Christina before she
gets married next year.

We have no regrets and enjoy
a lot of good memories.

My dad are much
closer than before.

Winning is not everything.

I will never forget these
memories my dad and I have made

here on the "The Amazing Race."

That is what is important.

Stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.

Next week on "The Amazing Race."

Gary and mallory fill up.

We can do this dad.

We can do it.

Too much food.

While Kent ask vyxsin break down.

I need you to turn.

If we get eliminated today I swear to God
I am never going to speak to you again.
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