18x01 - Head Down and Hold On

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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18x01 - Head Down and Hold On

Post by bunniefuu »

This is Palm Springs, California.

Built in a rugged valley, it is
the second windiest place on Earth.

It's a city on the forefront
of modern energy technology.

From this iconic landscape, 11
teams of "Amazing Race" favorites,

will embark on one more
race around the world.

One more chance to win
"The Amazing Race" and $1 million.

These are the 11 teams who have returned
to settle some unfinished business.

Jet and Cord, brothers who were
cut in front of by eventual winners

Dan and Jordan at the Shanghai airport.

I feel like kicking his teeth in.
Yeah, that wouldn't go over so good.

I don't think we have
to cheat to win the race.

I don't think nice
guys always finish last.

I'd like to think I'm a pretty nice guy.

You keep thinking that.

Margie and Luke, mother and son
on the brink of winning it all,

only to be tripped up by the last task.

Don't give up.
I don't know, I don't know.

Luke felt so bad that he let me
down. I was so far from let down.

Hopefully we'll win.

We'll make up for my
big mistake last time.

Amanda and Kris, recently engaged,
u turned by Marge and Luke in Siberia.

Are you freaking kidding me?

Amanda and Kris, I'm sorry to tell you,
you have been eliminated from the race.

I'm really sick of watching
"Amazing Race" with Kris complaining

about how we shouldn't
have been uturned.

I'm pretty competitive.

Flight Time and Big Easy, Harlem
Globetrotters stumped in in Prague.

The last time we were in the
race, Big Easy got us eliminated.

Are you kidding me? We're
going to take the penalty.

Flight Time, Big Easy, I'm sorry to tell
you have been eliminated from the race.

Being Globetrotters, we're
used to winning, so we're ready

to carry on the winning
tradition we're used to.

We're easy on the eyes, too.

If I had to look at me
for an hour, I would do it.

Mel and Mike, father and son
who broke away from the pack

and wandered off course in Thailand.

Everybody seemed like
they were in a herd.

And that herd is going a totally
different way than we are.

Mel and Mike, I'm sorry to tell you,
you have been eliminated from the race.

We sorry, too.

I'm 70 now. Be careful, 70
years is coming on strong.

I'm shaking in my boots.

Kent and Vyxsin, dating goth
couple who selfdestructed in Italy.

Stop this car right now.

You're not capable.

Kent and Vynxsin,

I'm sorry to tell you, you have
both been eliminated from the race.

Kent and I are looking
gorward to redemption.

The pink and black attack is back.

Gary and Mallory, father and
daughter who lost their way in Oman.

Gary and Mallory, I'm sorry to tell you

that you've been
eliminated from the race.

Running the race for the
second time, I'm almost more

excited about this than
I was about Miss America.

Lakisha and Jen, sisters
who took an untimely break,

steps from the pit stop in Beijing.

Lakisha and Jen, I'm sorry to tell you
have both been eliminated from the race.

We're here a second time to not make
the mistakes that we did the first time.

I will not drink four bottles of
water on the way to the pitt stop.

That's a good idea.

Zev and Justin, best friends conquered
by their own carelessness in cambodia.

We're here to win it.
I was here to win it last time.

Yeah, but somebody lost their passport.

From last too first,
then we lose our passport.


I'm sorry to tell you, you have
both been eliminated from the race.

There's no way I'm losing
this passport again.

Do you have the passport?
Not on me.


Ron and Christina, father
and daughter baffled

on their way to the
finish line in Alaska.

I lost our lead because I
stumbled at the roadblock.

Please, God, please help me.

We definitely had the goal previously
to be the first parentchild team

to win the race, and that
goal remains the same.

Jaime and Cara, former NFL
cheerleaders who traveled

off course to the final
challenge in Hawaii.

Can we please get a move on?

We're either going front or
we're going back, which is it?

People either loved us and our
style of racing, or they hated us.

Do I think when Phil says go that I'm
going to be able to rein myself in,

I don't think so. If I'm going to
do something, I'm going to do it.

Which of these favorite teams will make
the most of this ultimate second chance?

Who will win "The Amazing Race"?

Welcome back, everyone.

In just a few minutes, you are going
to be racing around the world again.

Now, the last time you raced, some
of you came within inches of victory.

But there's not a
winner among any of you.

Well now, you've all been
given a second chance.

A chance to settle some
unfinished business.

Teams, are you ready to race
around the world one more time?


Now, there's something
else I need to tell you.

The first team to check into the
pitt stop at the end of the first leg

of the race will win the express pass.

A team that wins the express
pass can use it before or during

one challenge that they don't
want to complete on the race.

You simply hand over your express
pass, skip the task, and move on.

Trust me, you want the express pass.

As always, the first team to cross the
finish line at the end of 12 legs...

will win $1 million.

Now, since you're all
returning teams, you probably

think you know know how
everything is going to go.

Well, think again.

Because this race is going to be very,
very different, starting right now.

You see your bags over there?

There's no clue on top of them. Your
first clue is in my hand right here.

To get it, you're going to have to find

something in the desert
and bring it to me.

Your search field is on the
other side of the road over there.

The first eight teams to bring me what
I need will be on the first flight.

The other teams will
be on the second flight

that lands about 90 minutes later.

But there's something else...

The last team to complete this challenge
will receive an a*t*matic uturn.

That's right.

That team will have to
complete both sides of

the first detour that
you encounter on the race.

The stakes are high. But as you all
know, second chances don't come free.

When I give you the word,
you can run into the desert,

bring me what I want,
and if you're correct,

read the clue and climb into one of the

Then you can drive yourself to
Los Angeles International Airport.

Now, listen very carefully, because this
is what I'm looking for in the field.

Queensland and Northern
territorys aerial services.

Is everybody ready?

All right, the world is waiting for you.

Good luck. Travel safe...


Go, man, go.
Hurry, Jen.

Come here, dad. Come
here with me. Right here.

Queensland Northern Territory.

Queensland and Northern Territorys.
Don't know, we've just got to guess.

Is this it? Dad?

Here's Queensland Pacific.
If this does not work its Quantas, ok?

They're going with it.
They're going with it.

They're finding it, we're stuck.

Sorry, that is not correct.

I'm sorry, that is not correct.
It's Qantas, daddy.

They fly to Australia.

Dad! I think it's Qantas.
Qantas, all right.

I got it, Zev. Here we go, bud.

Cord. It starts with a Q.

Let's go, Mike.
We're in this thing, baby.

Qantas, right?
That is correct. Congratulations.

You're on the first flight.

This one.

That is correct. Congratulations,
you're on the first flight.

Congratulations, you're
on the first flight.

Keep up the hope.

That is not correct.
That is not correct.

No. C'mon mom.

We got it first!
First car, Seve.

Fly to Sydney, Australia.
Fly to Sydney, Australia.

Yeah baby!
Man, it is awesome.

It's a onceinalifetime

Again. Saddle up, partner.

Dad, do you hear me?
We're looking for Qantas.

You got it?

I got it.
I love you. Let's go.

I found it! Let's go.

I got it.

You got it?

Yeah, that's it, that's it. Let's go.

Queensland and Northern
Territorys. What's Northern?

Systematicly look through It.

Kent and Vyxsin, that is correct.

Congratulations, you're
on the first flight.

C'mon mom, let's go.

It's Qantas.
That is correct.

Congratulations, you're
on the first flight.

Thanks. Let's go.

Good job, guys. Congratulations.
You're on the first flight.

I know what it is.
What is it?

That is correct.

Margie and Luke, you're
on the first flight.

Congratulations, that's correct.
You're on the first flight.


We're going to freaking
Australia! The redheads are back.

Good job, Luke.

That is correct.

But you are now on the second flight.

Over here.

Queensland Pacific?
Let's try this one.

Let's try this one.
Are we just trying random ones?

Yeah, we are.

Oh my God!

It's all right, we're not last. We don't
have to do a detour. That's all right.

We're so screwed. We're so screwed!
We're stressing out.

Oh my God!

Saint Anthony, please help us.

Q, A, N, T...

A... Qantas! It's Qantas!

Where is that?
Qantas I think is the Queensland.

Find Qantas, Q, A, N, T, A S.

Here it is.

Here it is.

Oh, my God, that took
forever. Good job, babe.

That is correct.

You are on the second flight.
All right, thank you.

We're the last team.
I know we are.

We're going to have that penalty.
Uturned again.

You got it, guys.

It does mean that you have
incurred an a*t*matic penalty.


Youre on the second flight. Good luck.
Thank you. Let's go.

This sucks, Kris. Uturn again, Kris.
It's our own fault.

We didn't think that
through very clearly.

That was a stupid mistake. Already.

We are on the first flight
going to Sydney, Australia.

The second flight will be about 90
minutes behind us and landing in Sidney.

At least we don't feel
the dread of being one of

those last three teams,
but anything can happen.

It's just Gary and Mallory,
Jen and Kisha, and us left.

Plus we've got the uturn because
we came in last place at the clue,

so we've got to do
everything possible to stay up

as far in the front of this as
far in the front of this pack.

That's not good.
Oh, my gosh.

A man had a heart attack.

Our 90Minute lead has now evaporated.

Seems like the first plan just
turned into the second plan.

Went from racing for first
to racing for last... Sucks!

The most important thing is that
the person is fine and he's ok.

All teams are now making
their way to Sydney, Australia.

Welcome to Sydney, Australia.

When teams arrive, they'll make
their way by train to Sidney harbor,

where they must then take the ferry to
Oceanworld Manly to find the next clue.

This way.

Excuse us, please.
Excuse me.

Go, go, go.

Come on, dad.
I'm with you.

Here's the train.

Look for circle K. So we just
take this all the way there.

Go, go.

This is so good!

Didn't you hear on the
plane, the stewardess guy,

he said flight 12 hasn't landed yet.

We just heard that the first plane
that had eight teams did not land yet.

So basically, we may be
in the front of the pack.

Which means we can win
the express pass and

even us out and not
have to do that uTurn.

Aren't y'all excited?
No, I think you're a liar.

You've been to Kentucky before.
You know we don't lie there.

There's the bridge.

Let's go this way. Come on, baby.

I see it!

Two tickets, please.

We're getting on this ferry that's
going to take us to Ocean World.

So happy we're in Australia!

This is gorgeous.
Look at that.

We're in first place, baby.

Man, this is too good to be true.

This way, this way, this way.
Trains! This way.

Excuse us, excuse us.

Let's go, Vynxsin, come on.

We've got to catch that train.
Yep, yep, yep.

Let's go, baby.
Ok, let's go.

Let's take the escalator, dad.


I see Ron and Christina.

No! No! No!

Oh no.
Ron and Christina missed it.

The second plane, I think,
became the first plane.

It looks like we're literally
at the back of the pack now.

This way!
Hey, dad!

I'm with you. I'm right here.
Right there.

Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Oh God!

Who's ready to get tanked?

In the very first roadblock of the race,

teams will have to deal with their
most primal fears as they face off

against some of the deadliest
creatures in the sea.

Surrounded by sharks up to 16 feet long,

and a sting ray as big
as a queensized bed,

one team member must search
for a compass hitting somewhere

on the floor of this million
and a halfgallon t*nk.

Then they mustecipher a sentence
written out in nautical flags

by matching each flag
to the corresponding

number or letter on their compass.

Once teams decode that they must go
to the manly 16foot sealing club,

find the commodore, and tell
him the secret catch phrase,

they'll receiver their next clue.

Who's ready?

In the t*nk, I'm going to do it.

In the first race, we had a
little difficulty in water.

I don't want to do this.
Look at me. You got it, ok?

We're not gonna get this.

Not to fulfill any stereotypes
because we are AfricanAmerican,

but we cannot swim.
I'll do it.


Let's go, you got this.

I think the fear of sharks
is the big challenge here.

Mallory is a decent swimmer,
and I think she'll do it.

Let's go, Mall.

Be meticulous, Mall. Be meticulous.

I would keep bumping up
against a wall or a pole,

and I just knew it would be a shark.

These sharks look hungry.
Holy cow. Look at these.

She was worried about the sting rays.
I don't think she's seen that one yet.

Move around, move
around. She looks scared.

I'm really afraid of deep water.

And sharks.

And so to go in deep water where
there's sharks, it doesn't appeal to me.

I'm glad I'm not in there.

Being in this tube is making me nauseous
when you look close. It's like, duck!

I saw little sharks and I know
when I first got in, one came up

and gave me a good nudge on the leg.

But I was trying to zone that out.

I just kind of got in
"Amazing Race" mode and

just started scanning
everything for that compass.

We're very happy right now.

We're sharing a ferry with a
bunch of other really strong teams.

We're on our way to Manly.

This right here, having this moment.
Yeah, it's beautiful.

Wouldn't trade it for
anything right now.

Except for maybe an express pass.

Doing good, doing good. That's
two compasses right here.

She's got it.

There's some big old sharks there.

Oh, my gosh. Don't look up.

You've got to exit the t*nk.

Come on, keep moving.
You've got to move.

Amanda is running for something.
I think she may see something.

Yeah! She found it. Look
at her. Good job, Amanda.

Hurry, hurry.
Come on, daddy.

We're looking for Ocean World.

We want to the quickest way.

All right, guys? Good luck.
Thank you.

We're looking for Ocean World.
That's Manly.

You need to catch a ferry.
Down over here somewhere.


Is this the one for Manly?

Oh, thank you.
Hurry, hurry. Quick.

There's Mike and Mel.
Hey, Mel!

This one?
Or the one down there?

You did good, dad. You're here.
You are a good man. Thank you.

We just missed it.

Anybody else here, or just us?
I think it's just us.

Anybody else here or just us?
I think it's just us.

Looks like we're behind everybody.
A little catching up to do today.

This race can turn anywhere at any time.

Put the peddle to the metal, man.
You got it.

You've got to complete it.
I don't know what to do.

Let's see.

I'm thinking maybe it's
going to be a word scramble.

You can start with the
first one. With the triangle.

I can figure this out. I have so much
faith. It's right here. That's an F.

Oh, it's going to say find your way.

Come on, come on.

Here comes the other teams.
Don't let them scramble you.

I'm not going to, dad.
It's going to get interesting.

There's flags.
This one over here.

Here you go.
There's a clue box. Let's go!

Who's ready to get tappinged?

Who's ready to get tanked?

You got it, let's go.
I got it.

It's you.
I'm going to do it.

I think the shark t*nk, it's me.

In the water? You.

I wonder what they have to do
over here with this compass thing.

They're doing a word puzzle.
Amanda is good at word puzzles.


Great, doesn't make sense.

Keep it moving.

The t*nk helps her breathe,
doesn't help her move.

That is awesome. I am so proud of her.

Come on, baby.

That was my first time scuba diving.
It's not for the feint of heart.

You get underneath the water,
and if you don't relax and

focus on the breathing, you
can panic pretty quickly.

I don't particularly
care for water or sharks.

It was a visual delight
watching Vyxsin in a t*nk.

She looked like a pink
little mermaid in there.

Let's go.

Roadblock. Who's ready to get tanked?
You are.

I am.

Who's ready to get tanked? Ok.

You got it, Mel?
I think so.

Good luck, guys. Mandy,
let's go, sweetie.

We need to tell him...

In between the Devil
and the deep blue sea.

Let's ask someone, dad.

Go past the wharf there.

Let's go, Mal.

Make your way to the
flags. All right, so...

That one is a triangle. So that's F.

She's fairly good with puzzles,
so she'll figure it out.

Yeah! Get the hell out of there.

Come on, Flight. Keep going. He
got it! Yeah, baby. That's my dog.


Cara's got really good eyesight.

Come on. Got to find the compass.


Cowboys are just now showing up.

Who's ready to get tanked? I'll do it.

She needs to stay on her front
side, not try to do the backstroke.

That's not going to work
when you're scuba diving.

Got to find a compass.

Oh man. You can't put me in
there with those monsters.

I don't know if my heart can take this.

Watch out, Jet.

I'm from Oklahoma. I don't do
water. I don't even take baths.

There it is, 16 Foot skiff. Good job.

Straight ahead.

I am between the Devil
and the deep blue sea.

Good luck to you.

Join the crew. Help
sail a 16Foot skiff.

Teams must now tackle the intricacies
of sailing a 16Foot skiff.

Upon the firing of the g*n...

teams must sail their skiff
along a water course and locate

one of these buoys where
they'll find their next clue.

Make your way to the boat ramp outside
and change into your sailing gear.

Hi! We're ready for our gear.

Hey, guys.

Do I stand right here? And what's this?

A trapeze.
Let's go.

I think we've got it.
Holy smokes!

Please don't flip. We're going so fast.

Zev and Justin just showed up.
Come on, come on.

Other teams are finishing.
You want to work together?

I think we should.
I pretty much have it.

Come on, Kisha. Come on.

Come on, you two.
We're going this together.

Kisha, come on.

This way.

You go here.

Maybe work with Margie.

Just like old times, I think we're
back to working with Margie and Luke.

We loved working with them and
we naturally do care about them.


Yeah. Thank you.
Thank you.

I am between the Devil
and the deep blue sea.

Thank you so much.

You may not swim to
the clue. Hallelujah.

I see the clues now.

Hop out on the wire.

That is so awesome.

Ready to go.

Grab it, Kris.

Yeah! You got it first try, baby. This
race is so much better than last time.

You ready?

Get it, get it.

Good job, good job.

Found it. Great.

He's got one! He got one.

He's ready. That means ok.

There it is. Grab it. Yeah,
she's got it. Yes, yes, yes.

Look, he's got a flag.

Make your way to the pitt stop.

Teams must now make their
way and find Shelly Beach,

known as one of the hottest
surfing spots in Sidney,

this pristine beach is the pit
stop for this leg of the race.

The first team to check in
here will win the express pass,

giving them an advantage over
everyone else in the race.

Make your way to the
pit stop Shelly Beach.

Warning, last team to
check in may be eliminated.

Vyxsin has the cup and she's got it,
but she can't figure out how to get out.

I could not relax my body enough to
take in deep breaths and let them go,

so every time I tried to use the gear...

I was like it was terrifying.

I felt like how you'd feel
for maybe being buried alive.

She's got o'get out of that thank.

She's got to get out of that t*nk.

I was at my wits end. It
was this downward spiral.

And then I realized, I just got
to get my mind somewhere else

on something more important
than my current emotional fear.

Kent very suddenly lost
his dad this past spring,

so parents and family are very
much in the forefront of our mind.

I was like, ok, if it's for dad, I
can do it. And then I calmed down.

And then I was able to do it.

I'm coming.
Good job, baby girl.

Come on.

Shelly Beach, right. Through here.
Oh my God!

Are we sure it's not over there?
Come on.

There it is, there it is. I see it.

That's it.
We need to get that express pass.

We have to.

You can do it, come on!
Please, dad, please, dad.

I'm sorry, babe. We're
in a race. Come on.

Welcome to Sydney, Australia.
Thank you!

Gary and Mallory, you are
the first team to arrive.

Oh, my God!

Which means you have
won the express pass.

And, of course, you can use that
before or during any challenge

that you don't want to complete
on the race, anywhere on the race.

That's going to give
you a major advantage.

But you guys are still racing.
Oh no.

This is your next clue.

Rip it right here, read it, and
you'll be on your way. No rest.

You're still going.
Whoa, are you serious?

Yes, I'm very serious.
You're headed to the back and beyond.

Holy smokes.

Mallory, this is no time to dillydally.

I'm excited! This is our
chance. We're really glad.

Stop talking and go.

Amanda and Kris, you are
the second team to arrive.

However, you are still
racing. Here's your next clue.

Whoo, all right. Don't
forget, you have that uturn.

So you'll be performing both sides
of the next detour that you encounter.

Good luck, guys.

Kisha and Jen, you are
the third team to arrive.

However, you're still
racing. Here's your next clue.

All right, let's go.

Hello. I am between the
Devil and the deep blue sea.

Here's your clue.
Thank you very much.

Good luck.
Help sail a 16 foot skiff.


I am the Devil and the deep blue sea.
It's not right.

Oh my God!
It's not right.

I am the Devil and the deep blue sea.
No, it's just not quite right.


Come on.
Actually, I didn't finish the flags.

I got like the first couple
lines and we just decided we

would follow the other teams because
we didn't want to follow behind.


What was it?

I'm between the Devil
and the deep blue sea.

We just saved them.

They're the Globetrotters, they're
our boys. . They're good guys.

We helped them out. And now they owe us.

We'll listen and see if
we hear what they say.

Whisper it to them.

Bye y'all.

It says join the crew.

Mom... Back, back.
We need to go back, Cara.

Hey, you guys, want to help us out?
We already helped somebody out.

This sucks, we got to go.

I'm not helping everybody.

Margie and Luke and the girls seemed
surprised that we didn't help them.

We don't know them really
from a hole in the wall,

so it was pretty easy
to say no at that point.

I go sailing every
thursday morning at 6:00.

So, you know...

I was concerned about keeping
my balance on the skiff board.

I'm coming, I'm coming.
Don't worry about it.

He's a big guy and I'm
not a small guy either.

Fortunately for us,
we're basketball players,

so we're used to having good balance.

There you go. Hey!

I see it.

Grab it.

There you go.


Ok, let's go try to find it.

Come on, let's go, let's go.

We've got to go, Vyxsin. Come on.

They're coming back. What's the deal?

What do you have?

I am the Devil and the deep
blue sea. We tried in, on, of.

The word between was the
word that they all missed.

Do you guys want to just come with us?

If you can show us where it
is, we'll all say it together.

That's got to be it. We're good.

Ok, let's go, Cord.

Come on!

I got the first seven or eight
words, and then I just was like...

Ok, I sort of solved it, let's run away.

This way!

I am between the Devil
and the deep blue sea.

Did you guys hear that?
Thank you!

Between the Devil and the deep blue sea.

I am between the Devil
and the deep blue sea.

Here is you clue.
Thank you!

I am between the Devil
and the deep blue sea.

Here's your clue.

You got our next clue?

This is the skiff club, correct?

Have you got the other part of it?

My part of it?

We're missing something. Come on.

What was it, Margie?

I am between the Devil
and the deep blue sea.

Thank you!

We helped Vyxsin and Kent.

It just makes sense to maybe
have a team that we feel like

we might be able to beat at the
finish line, to help them along.

We got this.

Flip us back. Flip us back.

I'm stuck.
Not good.

I was actually really
proud. We did not panic.

The fact that I'm dangling
like shark bait in the ocean.

I don't mean to rush you
boys, but we're in a race.

All right. You good, Car?
I'm good.

We need to make up time.

You're, like, awesome, dad.

Oh, this is so fun.

Baby, the clue, right there.
Jump out, Cara.

Got it! Got it! Got it!
Yes, we got it. Go.

Whoa, off my foot,
off my foot. Thank you.

Nice. Good job.

Got it!

Well done.

This way.
Lead the way, Zev. You set the pace.

Right at the beach. Let's go.

I am between the Devil
and the deep blue sea.

Lay it on me.

Join the crew.
Let's go!

We're exhausted, but we're
almost to the pit stop.

Look out for Phil. Come
on, you're doing great.

I have no idea what we're missing.

Zev and Justin, you are
the fourth team to arrive.

However, you are still
racing. That's your next clue.

Oh, Phil.

Flight Time and Big
Easy, you're still racing.

Oh, Lord.

Come on, Jet.
I hope he gets it this time.

Jaime and Cara, you are
the sixth team to arrive.

Margie and Luke, you're still racing.

Ron and Christina, you are
the eighth team to arrive.

Mel and Mike, you're still
racing. Here's your next clue.

You got it?
We got it.

You ready to haul butt?

You got all of it?

Let's go, Cord.
All right.

You guys know where Shelly Beach is?

Near the wharf.

All right, let's go.

Oh, my Goodness.
Watch yourself.

I think we need to go back.

Come on.

Kent and Vyxsin, you are
the 10th team to arrive.

Oh, my gosh.

But there is some bad news.
What did we do wrong?

You're still racing.
That's fine, that's great.

I've got another clue for
you. So you guys are way back.

You're going to have to move.

Oh, Cord.

If he goes one more time, I'm
going to cut all the flags down,

take them with me so I
don't have to run back again.

Jet, what you got?

I don't know. I don't
understand it. I don't get it.

We're going to be screwed.

I have no idea what I'm doing.

Next week on "The Amazing Race"

Keep racing.

As the race continues for 10 other
teams, will the cowboys crack the code?

I have no idea what I'm doing.

And as ron revisits old habits.

Please stop nagging. Thank you.

The race takes a toll on Mel.
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