13x08 - I'm Like an Angry Cow

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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13x08 - I'm Like an Angry Cow

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Amazing Race.

Six teams continued
their journey through Delhi, India.

A colorful block wasn't
much fun for Kelly.

- I can not do it.
- Water?

But the obstacle and
the traffic delayed...

to the estranged couple, Ken and Tina,
early on.

We will be very late.
oh my god

At the detour, brothers Nick and
Starr joined Toni and Dallas.

- Hey, hey, 46.
- Good. That's what we are looking for.

I'm glad they're coming. There was no
way to do it by ourselves.

While the frat boys,
Andrew and Dan had no idea.

- I don't know what to do, man.
- We have to keep trying.

Until Ken and Tina
helped them.

I think they are not looking for the right thing.
They are small dangling numbers.

- 13.
- Okay, you owe us.

In the end, Nick and Starr
had another win.

- They are the number one team!
- I never get tired of hearing it.

Kelly, this way.

And the best friends, Kelly and
Christy arrived last.

I am sorry to tell you that you have been
eliminated from the race.

Five teams remain.

Who will be eliminated

A translation of:
Derek and

Transcript by:

This is Delhi, India.

Founded more than

it is now one of the
most populous cities in the world.

And in the middle of this historic city, Humuyan
's tomb.

This was the seventh stop of
this race around the world.

The teams arrived here
for a mandatory break.

Having come
first four times,

Can anyone stop Nick and Starr?

I never get tired of hearing that.

Nick and Starr, who arrived
first at 10:14am...

Fly to Almat,

The teams must fly 1600 km to
the city of Almat, Kazakhstan.

Upon landing, they must travel by taxi
to the Alel chicken farm...

and search the terrain for
your next clue.

- They have $403 for this stage.
- It's $403. walking.

Every time we start a stage,
my vision of the future is darker.

I keep waiting for our
luck to run out...

I'm still waiting for a team
to pass us and beat us.

Al hotel.

Let's see if we can find a
computer and do some research.

Fly to Almat,

In agreement.
Let's go to the hotel.

The only thing about
Kazakhstan is Borat.

And we're not going to
mention that to anyone.

We have gone unnoticed,
people don't look at us like,

"That's an important team
we need to worry about."

- So it's been our advantage.
- There's Toni and Dallas.

- Nick and Starr are here.
- What's up?

We need to take the fastest flight
to Kazakhstan.

Did you ever get in
trouble at school?

Yeah, it's like my style.

- I love to play pranks.
- Yes, I loved too

- Are you shy?
- No way.

You didn't make any
eye contact with me when you started.

- I tried hard enough.
-She was on the run.

- Whatever.
- Wait. Dallas, Dallas, come here.

These are the available flights.

Good. This one leaves at 2:35,
connects through Frankfurt and arrives at...

Almat, Kazajistna
at 23:50 by Lufthansa.

- That's at 11:50 at night.
- Can we book for four?

So we should go to the
airport to buy it?

We're going to the airport as fast
as possible. Follow them.

It's hard, I want to help Nick and
Starr as much as I can,

especially Starr, but I also
want to win the million dollars.

and with the million I can buy
him a dinner.

Here we go,
here we go, honey!

Fly to Almat,

I am delighted
to go to Kazakhstan

To the airport as quickly
as possible, please.

We have saved many things.
I need to get rid of things.

Honey, I'm in a good mood.
I am very relaxed.

We will.

I think in the last
couple of stages...

We have communicated
much better.


Move this hand, honey.

We're not where we need to be,
but we're heading in that direction and...

if all that is combined,
there will be no team that can beat us.

International Airport.

Don't take us to the wrong airport . God.

We have reservations for
Almat, Kazakhstan.

Let me see in the system.

We'll get on the
Lufthansa flight to Frankfurt.

I hope the other teams
don't get on this one.

Very well. Cash.
Great, come on.

These teams that
we're up against right now,

They are serious competitors.

we are easily outmatched.

- International Airport.
- It sucks, but it's reality.

But the other teams must not be
neglected, we are still here.

This isn't over until we
get on that plane.

- Can you help us?
- We want to go to Almat, Kazakhstan.

As fast as possible.

They would land in Almat
at 1:20 in the morning.

There are only two tickets

- Wait, Tina.
- Come on let's go.

- My God.
- Our bag broke.

- Let's go!
- Wait.

Nick and Starr, and Toni and Dallas
are over there. Let's go.

There is another connection
via Frankfurt.

That flight will arrive earlier.
It's for Lufthansa.

- Por Lufthansa es msrpido?
- p.

If not, we will return.
We try here and come back.

We should have gone with Lufthansa
from the beginning.

Toni is here, Tina there.
Let's queue.

I talk to the seller.

I need the same from them.
Exactly the same.

Let me check
in the system.

- Ken and Tina are here.
- Good for them if they make it.

- Let's go.
- They want to beat us.

These are the tickets
to your final destination.

Okay let's go.

- Is everything okay?
- Yes.

- Thank you very much.
- Damn. They have tickets.

- It is urgent that we go upstairs.
- Critical, critical, critical.

We would like to board the flight
to Almat, Kazakhstan.

You are great.

The flight is full.

The Lufthansa
flight is full.

Three teams are on it.
Ken and Tina,

Dallas and Toni,
and Nick and Starr.

Right now
we try other options.

Come on man.
This place is crazy.

- It's amazing how busy he is.
- Did they make it?

It was a disaster.
So we can go...

Via Moscow, they would land in
Almat at 1:20am.

We need two tickets
to Almat, Kazakhstan.

The next flight arrives in
Almat at 1:20am.

It's fine.
Is an emergency.

- Make it happen.
- Cool. Thanks.

Thank you thank you thank you.

The flight is full.

We only have to recover an hour
and a half from the other teams.

They have a great advantage over us.
Let's go.

The flight we have is quite
delayed with respect to the others.

We could get ahead
of the other teams.

All teams head
through three stopover cities...

to Almat, Kazakhstan.

Let's go.
We headed there.

Towards the Alel Chicken Farm.

All right, speed up.

Okay, let's go.

- How soon do we arrive?
- 10 minutes.

I feel better.

Well, we're not there yet.

Do not count the chickens
before they hatch.

Is this the farm?

Here it is. Let's go.

- Yes. Come on!
-He says to search inside the field.

In agreement.
This must be it, Starr.

- Yes. Here is a door.
- A door? where?

Yes, but it seems that it is closed.

- `` What does he say?
- 7:30 am.

Guess we'll have
to camp...

- ...until they open.
- We'll keep each other company for a while.

Is well. Taxi!

Alel chicken farm.

I guess we'll have to
pluck some chickens...

or we will have to eat them,
or something like that.

- I don't know.
- I hope not.

Here it is. Agro says.

We caught up with the other teams.

Yes, we made it.

I don't think Dan and
Andrew are going to make it.

Okay let's go.
To a chicken farm.

Sometimes you have to make noises.

I wonder what this
chicken farm is doing in Kazakhstan.

Why do we stop?

Do you know where it is?
Do you know where to go?

What happened to Dan and Andrew?

We are in last place and we have
a taxi driver who knows nothing.

I think they won't make it.

Maybe we are in the vicinity.
He just doesn't know where it is.

- Is it?
- I think so.

At last.

It is very good news to see
five taxis waiting there...

- ...and people standing there.
- It's fine.

We saw that the teams
were still there and it was like "wow."

- Guys, guys, look who's coming.
- They're the talkers.

It doesn't open until 7:30am.

- Let's go!
- C'mon C'mon.

Come on, Andrew.

Kenny, this way. Kenny!

It's a lock.

A lockout is a task that
only one person can perform.

In this lock that person will have
a close encounter with the birds.

They will enter the chicken coop and
search among 30,000...

hens, one of only
seven golden eggs.

When they find the golden egg,
they will receive their next clue.

- Who feels a little hungry?
- I will.

- That's you.
- Go ahead, chicken.

And Fast Forward!

- Advance Rpido.
- Advance Rpido.

This is the second of only two
hidden fast-forwards in the entire run.

The first team to
find it and complete it...

you can skip all the tasks
and go directly to the shutdown.

In this Fast Forward, the teams...

they will travel by taxi
to this restaurant...

where they will participate in a
traditional Kazakh feast.

What they will discover is that
the main ingredient...

It's the fat from
a sheep's butt.

When both team members
finish eating their portions...

they will gain Rapid Advance.

- Let's go. Let's go do it.
- Let's Fast Forward.

- Do you want to do it?
- Let's go Fast Forward.

They are going to go.
We'll do the blocking.

Follow the marked path
to the chicken coop.

- And look for the golden egg.
- Here we go. Go Go.

- Honey, stay with me.
- Here I am, here I am.

- You got it, Starr. You got it.
- Alasha?

We think that Fast
Forward probably...

it would mean a win
and that would be great.

We wanted to take a risk.

- Come on, come on, come on!
- Come on, come on, come on!

- No!
- Go fast, very fast.

Honey, I don't think
this is a good idea.

Come on, Andrew.

We don't take
many risks.

Especially if you're
competing against...

teams like Nick and Starr
and Terence and Sarah.

They are very strong teams.

It was very easy to decide
not to go Fast Forward.

Okay let's go.

Here we go.

- Go Go.
- Very well.

- Come on, old man.
- We just have to find the golden egg.

It smells terrible in here.
My God! This is disgusting!

Look at all those chickens.

There were a lot of chickens.
Rows and rows of chickens...

sitting there doing their thing.

Is well, is well.

- Vamos, ma!
- Vamos, Ti!

- Come on, Andrew!
- Please, chickens! Go away!

Okay friend.
Let's find this.

Excuse me.

It's a big risk to go
Fast Forward.

- Two went and one will return.
- Yes.

Go fast. Very fast.

Starr and I are going
Fast Forward.

Terence and Sarah are
right behind us.

This is what racing is all about,
taking risks and going for it.

Come on Andrew!
You can, Andrew!

It doesn't matter
if you step on their paws.

- Come on, Tina! Let's go.
- Move over.

You can do it, honey.
Find it.

- Come on, guys!
- Well done.

Come on, chickens.
Come on, babes.

Under a chicken.

- Did you find it, mom?
- I have my egg.

Yes! Well done, mom!

Vamos, Andrew!

- Come this way. There it is.
- Thank you.

Find the crane at the
chicken farm and go to Kok Tobe.

Now the teams must
search the grounds...

from the chicken farm,
the truck with the crane.

They must travel on the crane...

to the Kok Tobe arch on the
slopes of the Tienshan Mountains.

Afterwards, they must
follow the marked path...

that will lead them to
a Mongol warrior.

When they find the warrior,
they will wait for their next clue to arrive.

- Let's go.
- Ok.

Oh they come.

Going for Fast Advance will mean
success or failure in the race.

Whatever we must do,
we must do it faster than them.

Do you have it?
Good job!

If you already have it, let's go.
Yeah, baby. Well done.

Let's go. Stand aside.
Come on, chickens. Go away.

The truck with the crane.
Go Go.

Fast, very fast. Very well.

There are only two Mongol warriors,
so it's first come, first serve.

We are definitely
the first.

Here, I found it.
The golden egg.

Do you have it, honey?
Come on, honey. Come on!

- He's running after you.
- He's coming for you, Drew. Watch out, Drew!

It is breathing on you.
Don't look back. Just run.

- They're gonna stray like sheep.
- Come on, you! Let's hurry up!

Well done.
Come this way and let's go outside.

- Well, done old.
- Come on, Tina!

Come on, come on!

Find the crane
at the chicken farm.

- It's okay. Over here?
- Let's go. Yes.

Are you here? S? wish
Come on, Nick.

- There they are. They just got off.
- Ok. We have to go.

- Honey, are you with me?
- Yes.

- Come on, Star.
- Come on, come on!

There is a table there.
Shall we sit?

- Hello hello.
- Come on, baby.

- Let's go. - Hello.

- Does he say something?
- Everyone must order...

a traditional Kazakh dish
and eat it to gain advancement.

Come on, order quickly.
fast. Of the.

I saw out of the corner of my eye that
at the bottom of the menu...

It appeared that it was
what we were going to eat.

And I thought: "I won't look at it until later."
Just give me two of those.

You have to eat it all.

- My God!
- Don't look at it, don't look at it.

Is it for me or for her?
Or for both?

It's for one.
I also need a plate.

No, damn meat!

I am vegetarian. I haven't eaten
meat for 15 or 16 years.

I can't eat it, honey.

No, damn meat!

This is disgusting.
I am vegetarian.

We sat down and everything in that
restaurant made me feel sick.

But the only way to win
the million dollars was to do it.

You just have to chew it.
It gets better.

- Two teams went for the advance?
- Yes.

Let's hope
Nick and Starr win it...

so that Terence and
Sarah have to go back.

That would be great.

- Ask this guy.
- okKok Tobe?

- Do you know?
- Stay straight.

Of course. The signs say we
are on the right path.

Por aqu. Kok Tobe?

- Go Go. walking.
- We can pass the boys.

- They're ahead of us.
- Kok Tobe.

- Come on, let's go.
-I hope the driver knows where he is going.

That sucks. We weren't even
the last ones when we left.

I would literally take
spoonfuls and swallow them.

Calmly, calmly.
Chew a little and swallow it.

You are vomiting.
You already feel nauseous.

I think we were
eating sheep's butt.

It was gross.

Just be strong, honey.
Nobody is stronger than us.

Keep chewing.
You're doing great, Starr.

My God, take half.
How's Nick doing?

He still has a long way to go.

- You have not eaten anything.
- I know.

Kok Tobe. Aqu debe ser.

We will.

- Come on, mom.
- I'm going.

- Let me carry your backpack.
- It's fine.

Yes! Mongol warriors!

Please, please help us.


Act like Fools
or Play like Crazy.

In this detour, teams
must choose between two tasks...

linked to the long history
of folk art in Kazakhstan.

The options...

Play Like Crazy
or Act Like Fools.

In Tocar como Locos,
the teams will travel by taxi...

to the Museum of
Folk Instruments...

where they should learn
to play a simple Kazakh melody...

using traditional instruments ...

the Dombra and the Shan Koby's.

When the instructor
thinks they have learned...

the song well enough
, I'll send them to the...

park to play for tips
and they should get...

the equivalent of $1.50 to
get your next clue.

In Acting Like Fools, teams
must take a taxi to this theater...

puppet show, find the
costume department and dress up as a cow.

Then, dressed as a cow, they must
walk through the streets of Almat until...

the corner of Zhibek Zholy and Kunaev,
find this kiosk and drink a glass...

milk. When you finish drinking the
milk, you will find the name of...

of your next destination
at the bottom of the glass.

Zelyony Bazaar. The teams must
go with the costume and once there,

you must find this
meat stall and turn yourself in

to get the next clue.

- I say do the cow thing.
- Also about the cow. Why not?

- Let's make a fool of ourselves.
- We're good at it.

Okay, let's go.

Is it there?
It is, yes, come on.

OK, come on. Let's go up and
find the warriors.

- There's Toni and Dallas.
- Hello, warriors.

- It's a long way up.
- Is it, a long way?

- A long way.
- Come on, come on, let's go.

We should ask
someone, he will.

Excuse me, do you know Kok Tobe?
I don't understand.

All addresses
appear to be the same.

Calmly. Calmly.
You're almost done.

Do not think it.
Chew, chew, chew.

If you're really going to throw up,
take the bowl and be gentle.

I was trying
to support Terence.

I was trying to give him techniques
on how to swallow meat.

But there was no
progress, honey.

- I can't, honey. I do not can.
- Are you sure?

She almost finished.

- You're so close.
- Yes. You too, come on.

- Can you finish that?
- Yes.

If you need to throw up,
everything is fine.

- What do you think?
- I don't know, I can go on but not you.

Look at hers.

She finished and I haven't done anything.
Let's get out of here.

I can not do it.

Congratulations, guys.

I knew they would give up.
There was no way he was going to finish it.

Good work.

We had finished going down
the mountain and we saw...

to Ken and Tina starting to go up,
so we're good.

- Incredible. Thanks.
- Thank you very much.

Act like Fools
or Play like Crazy.

- First.
- Act like Fools.

We thought the
suit thing would be quicker.

- Let's go.
- It's fine.

We are going to put on a cow costume from
the children's puppet theater.

I guess I already know
which half I am.

Honey, we have to go.

We have to go back
to lockdown.

- Quick.
- Let's go back, let's go back.

We had to leave when
we saw it was food.

I mean, you did a great job.
You were late because of me.

My stomach did not accept anything.

I messed it up with my idea
of ​​going Fast Forward.

Does anyone know where Kok Tobe is?
This is an emergency.

Does anyone know English? No?
Where is this from? Help us.

It is definitely one of the most difficult cities
to communicate.

- Because no one speaks English.
- It was a horrible experience.

- Any way at all.
- Yes. Nothing goes the way we want.

You got it.
You are very close. Very close.

Come on, where's
the Spangler?

That is all.
One more bite.

Take a taxi to
Panfilov Park.

Having won Fast Forward,
Nick and Starr can...

now skip all the tasks and go
directly to the next stop.

oh my god

- That's how it's done.
- Thank you as well.

I knew it, when I saw the food,
I knew Terence wouldn't do it.

- I think they are very bad now.
- Could they?

This is not easy to find.
Let's keep asking.

Kok Tobe, Sabe would you like it?

In agreement. Let's keep going.

This sucks.
What's so funny?

This is not a situation
to laugh at.

- Hello.
- Let's go my love. You can do it.

Please, please,
the golden egg.

- My God.
- Go get him, honey.

You must move them, honey.

Come on, chickens.
Go on, chickens.

Pick it up, honey.
Back off, chickens!

- They don't even move.
- Can you move, please?

Honey, check the perimeter,
go around the perimeter.

All right, let's try
this cop.

- Por favor.
- abSabe dnde est Kok Tobe?

Old man please!

- Keep it up, honey. You're doing well.
- Can you move?

No, it doesn't move.
Golden egg, please.

Come on, it's egg time!

Do you seriously talk to chickens?

Chickens, chickens, chickens,

Please help.
Do you know Kok Tobe?

Do you know where it is?
over here?

What happens to people here?
They are like zombies.

Let's keep going.

They are horrible people!

Come on, come on, come on!

Please move, chickens.
I'm going through

you do great
Keep it up!

My God! Got it, honey!

Come on, good job!
It's great.

Look for the giant cranes.

There is no way to do it.

All this searching goes wrong
because no one wants to help us.

We have no idea what
we're doing.

We are last.
We will lose. It's over.

There is no way to do it.

All this searching goes wrong
because no one wants to help us.

- You must keep asking.
- Kok Tobe. Does anyone know him?

Can you tell him?
Yes. In agreement.

Yes, we have a champion.

We are on the right path.

Good job,
my little seeker hen.

- Kok Tobe.
- Do you know him?

- No? It's fine.
- We'll ask on the road.

You can stop here.
Panfilov Park?

Is well.

Welcome to Kazakhstan.

- Thank you.
- Thank you, sir.

they are the number one team.

You're starting to sound
like a broken record, Phil.

As winners of this stage,
each of you won...

a 180 horsepower jet ski .

And you can enjoy it
after the race.

Nick and I have a great relationship,
and I think that has helped us.

Yes, I think having a
positive attitude and never giving up...

in the race it has worked for us.

In agreement. it is.
The children's theatre.

- The locker room witch. - Hello.

where is it?
We need to be a cow.

- Damn.
- Here, these are first.

Someone will have to
put on a bladder.

- This will be great.
- These boots are gigantic.

We knew what to dress up as a cow.
One had to be the head...

another the butt. I immediately
knew what Dallas was thinking.

I said to myself, "Yeah! I'll make
my mom be the butt."

We will. Moo!

- All right, ready?
- Yes. We can do it, honey.

- Here. It's fine. Come on Ken.
- Mooo!

Will you give us a cow costume?

I am a navigator and I generally
see things better, details,

where to go and stuff,
so to be the butt...

It wasn't exactly
what I wanted to be.

- Good. I'm ready, are you?
- I'm ready.

If you don't calm down, we'll
never finish this.

- Just follow me.
- It wags its tail.

I know a nice butt. Muuu!

Walking through Kazakhstan,
and everyone looking at you...

Mu, mu. muu.

And everyone laughed, they had fun,

either they laughed at us,
or they laughed at us.

Before crossing,
ask if we are going well.

Zhibek Zholy?

- Is fine.
- Look good.

All right, we'll turn left.
Cross to the left.

I'm with you. Just keep going.
I will follow you.

No, don't push. Do not push.

Kok Tobe.

Come on Andrew.
Are you okay?

Yes, I am.
Just walk with me.

- I'll take your bag.
- No.

I only ask you to walk with me.

But you are very slow.
I just want to go faster.

We're a team.
Walk with me.

So you tell yourself you
can't do it,

instead of: "If I try hard,
maybe I can do it.

Without excuses.
I am your partner, walk with me.

You have no excuse to go faster.
I am not running. Road.

- It's not about you, it's about the team.
- The race is not won by walking.

Any way at all.

There is someone here.
Let's ask him.

That is my vehicle.
You drive, I follow and pay.

It's fine. Let's go.

We will follow him.

Por aqu.
Zhibek Zholy y Kunaev.

- Do you see a marked milk kiosk?
- No.

Let's keep going.

We are in
Zhibek Zholy and Kunaev.

We have to look for
a marked kiosk.

There is milk there.
Come on, it says "milk."

I think here it is.
Give me a glass?

I am drinking the milk.
Be quiet.

It is somewhat warm and strong.

- I hope this is the kiosk.
- It better be.

Are you near a corner?

- Do you see any milk kiosk?
- No.

It has to be coming back.
We are far.

We will return because
we are going in the wrong direction.

Do you have a clue?

I think you don't understand me.
Kenny, is this the kiosk?

- I don't know, is it marked?
- It says "milk" there.

They don't have a clue.

It is not the correct kiosk.
Here comes another team, isn't it?

- Do you know where they're going?
- I don't know.

Put your head
on and let's go over there.

- Yes! There is another team.
- I'm going.

- Do you see the Kiosk?
- Yes.

- I don't know what we do.
- Just keep going.

- What was to be done upon arrival?
- Drink this milk.

- Now we must ask.
- Do you have something for me? A clue?

- What did it say?
-Drink the milk and I will reveal--

We saw Ken and Tina,

they were going in the wrong direction.

They drank the milk
and didn't take their clue.

This can't be right.

You must be kidding.

Sorry, I'm sorry. Do you know
where Zhibek Zholy and Kunaev are?

over there?
Yes, it was the kiosk.

Honey, that was it.
Perhaps it is at the bottom of the glass.

- Maybe you can pick up the pace.
- That's what I'm doing. Just follow.

He said that drinking it revealed his--
Here it is.

Tina, you should have known.
It was obvious.

What do we do with the costume?

We should go change
and return it.

Back to the locker room.

Act like Fools
or Play like Crazy.

- Act like Fools, walking.
- Come on, Andrew!

- You have to dress up as a cow.
- Yeah, it's easy.

I should go to the front
because I move faster.

- No.
- The biggest ones usually go back.

Simply by
weight distribution.

There is probably Physics
behind it.

We must be optimistic.

They could have gotten lost
on this or that turnoff.

All right, we're close.

- Are we there?
- Now I appreciate pets better.

- We're supposed to return it.
- Are you sure?

- Quite.
- Honey, if you don't say that--

We will.

I'll get this damn furball out of my head .

It's hot in here.

We have to go Zelyony Bazaar

Right across the street.
I see. Moo, moo, moo!

- This is about moving your butt.
- Zelyony Bazaar.

- Do you see meat around?
- I think it's around here.

I see meat.
The meat section.

Let's keep going.
We must go through each post.

Is well.

- I see her. I see her.
- Ok.

La veil! Mu, mu!

Yes! What do you have for me?

Yes! I love you!

Walk to
your next stop.

The teams must now go on foot
through the prosperous...

city ​​of Almat
and find this place...

This public square in the oldest part
of the city...

is the stop for this
stage of the race.

The last team to arrive here...

could be deleted.

They must bring the head
of their cow to the finish line.

Does the clue say anything
about where to take a taxi?

No, we can not.
We must go on foot.

- I have cow hair in my mouth.
- I know.

over here
They are Tony and Dallas.

- Where's your costume?
- We return it.

They had to wear it.

- Are you kidding?
- Yes, you took it off here.

And you have to take
a part to the stop.

- Read the clue.
- Meat Section, Zelyony Bazaar.

- That's all it says.
- Let's go. We are already here.

Let's see what they say.

- Dallas, we shouldn't have told them.
- I know.

We are idiots.

- Do you have the clue?
- No.

- Why? The cow?
- Okay let's go.

We need the cow.
Let's go.


We don't know anything
about the other teams.

Maybe we're doing okay because
Terence and Sarah...

and Nick and Starr went
fast forward.

But we don't know
how long it will take.

- Do you see anything?
- Yeah, here it is, honey.

- Honey, this way. - Hello.

Act like Fools
or Play like Crazy.

- The one in the cow costume?
- Hey, we act like fools,

we are fools
Fear not, my love.

Is well.

We were in such a hurry
to take off the costume.

Hopefully we're ahead of some
teams and we'll finish this.

All right, here we go.

At least now we know
where we're going.

- Is it here?
- Puppet Theater.

- I'll help you put it on.
- How's it going?

The head goes here.

In agreement. Look at this.

The head goes in this helmet.

Dan, what about our shoes?

Then we come for them.

Toni and Dallas
are team number two.

Yes! Good job, mom!

Okay, I think it's here.
He crosses to the left.

- Do you have a clue?
- Thank you.

Go on foot to the next stop.
We must lead.

- We should take a taxi.
-No, he says it's on foot.

- Let's find out where we're going.
- Ok.

We have a block.
Ok, let's stop asking.

- It's here, honey.
- I'll put my shoes in my bag.

- S.
- Zhibek Zholy y Kunaev?

Can someone take us,
is it fast?

- You should ask someone.
- I'm going to yell at them.

- Good.
- I think we'll have fun.

In agreement. Ask someone
where Zhibek Zholy and Kunaev are.

- Sorry. Can you help me?
- Yes.

- Can you take me to Zhibek Zholy?
- Ok.

- Will you take me?
- Thank you.

Ken y Tina,

- ...are team number three.
- Yes.

Zhibek Zholy and Kunaev,
can someone tell us d you are?

- Dan, let's stop someone.
- Lets keep walking.

- We don't know if we're doing well.
- Zhibek Zholy and Kunaev?

Are they taxi drivers?
Can I follow it? I will pay you.

- 1000.
- What? In agreement.

- Okay, come on.
- We can go fast.

- Yeah, can we go faster?
- Aren't you tired?

No, we need to go fast.

I think I see something.

I want some milk.

Zelyony Bazaar, the meat section.
Can you show us?

Okay? Yes.

Do you see a place where
the cows should go?

I see an ad for milk.
Do you have some milk for me?

Meat section, marked kiosk.
Good job, my love.

Good job, my cow boyfriend.

Okay, we're
at the Zelyony Bazaar.

Where is the meat? Here is
food. It's a good sign.

I see.

I need a clue.

Go to the stop at Old Square.
Old Square, take us? OK, come on.

- We left the shoes in the theater.
- We'll look for them later.

C'mon C'mon.

- Do you want to ride this thing?
- I want to jog.

Now, we'll get a taxi.
Very fast.

- Keep running, honey.
- Let's go down here.

It's fine.
It's over there.


Andrew and Dan are the fourth
team to arrive.

However, they did not read
the clue well.

They must go on foot.

Go back to the end of the detour
and walk here.

- Come on man.
- You better hurry up.

- We should take a taxi back.
- Do you see any?

There are no taxis.

Will we lose because of this?
Now I'm upset.


We must take a taxi back.
Damn, will we lose for this?

- It's weird but this will be long.
- Yes.

You stay strong. You are stronger
than anyone I have ever seen.

I'm very proud of you.
keep it up

- Cab, cab.
- Okay, got it.

- Come on, come on, come on.
- Let's go back to Zelyony Bazaar.

- We should go straight, right?
- Yes.

- We can go as fast as you want.
- Stay with me, honey.

- You can go faster.
- Mooo!

I am an annoying cow.

- Very, very fast.
- We can do it.

- We must remember how to get back.
- That will be difficult.

- Keep going, honey.
- Yes, I'm here.

- A step is coming.
- It's fine.

- What section are we in?
- We're about to go in.

- Here is fine.
- We're back at the beginning.

- To walk.
- And back to the stop.

Dude, I think it's around here.

Okay, honey.
We did it.

follow me We will cross to
the left at this fence.

We will continue straight and then
we will cross to the right.

Mu, mu, mu!

We have her.

Walk to your next
stop, Old Square.

your cow's head to the finish line.

God, we should get
the shoes.

- This is going to hurt.
- You can't run in this.

It's ridiculous to do it.

We can run.
We are fast, very fast.

He says go on foot.

Old Square.
Wait wait wait.

We don't have time, man.
They don't know either.

Por aqu?

- Sorry. Do you know him?
-Old Square.

- It's six traffic lights.
- It's fine.

- You'll see.
- Right and left.

- Yes, yes.
- Come on, old man.

Since we are on the verge of elimination,
I have been patient with you.

- I've been the whole race.
- Really?

- I think it was the other way around.
- I was a patient in the Blokarts.

You have been,
but not in many ways.

I have been patient
with speed.

No, we walk as a team.
You can't argue with that.

I want to walk as a team
as fast as possible.

- Did you see the square?
- Yes. There it is.

I think I see something ahead.
Let's go my love.

Is well.

- Right, right?
- I think.

It's hard.
Right now everything looks the same.

I'm very proud of you.
Give your all.

- Is it to the right?
- Old man, no.

- There's a big building.
- No.

Dude, it's on this side.

Come on, honey.
C'mon C'mon.

Dude, we're close.

Wait, go with me.

- To the left and straight ahead.
- It's fine.

Andrew and Dan,
they're team number four.

- And they're still in the race.
- I do not think so.

high steps.
high steps!

Welcome to Kazakhstan.

- Thank you.
- Kazakhstan is beautiful.

Honey, give me a kiss.
You are a star.

they are the last team to arrive.

- I'm sorry to tell you that...
- No!

has been eliminated
from the race.

I was afraid you were going to say that.

They got to the trailer,
saw Nick and Starr there.

It was food.
I hadn't eaten meat for...

a couple of hours now,
but before about 15 years ago.

I just
couldn't eat it. Any.

I can run marathons,

I couldn't swallow that food,
I swear. It's that simple.

Not even for a million dollars?

It was his decision to go for the advance,
and I think he will hammer himself for that.

But I hope that over time
you will see what we get out of this...

great things for
our relationship.

We saw the world together.

Hopefully, in the long run,
it will be just as valuable...

whether we
could have won or not.

I love her madly.
I was honored and blessed...

being a part of this with her.

Sarah, you are totally awesome,
and I loved every part of it.

I have never known
where life takes me.

I never knew
where this career would take me.

What I hope is that
no matter where it takes me,

Sarah be a part of my life.

Below are scenes
from the next chapter.

They march to the beat
of their own drum.

- No.
- No, no, I did that part.

And after several stages
without setbacks...

He doesn't know where he's going.

...Nick and Starr
meet one.

Where is our damn luck?
I don't want to be the last.
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