12x08 - Honestly, They Have Witch Powers or Something

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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12x08 - Honestly, They Have Witch Powers or Something

Post by bunniefuu »

on The Amazing Race.

Five teams left
from Dubrovnik, Croatia...

and traveled to Tuscany.

We are number 2!

TK and Rachel arrived after
Nate and Jen at the blockade...

I don't know what I don't see.

But they stayed behind when
T.K. couldn't find the clue...

from ultralight.

I see nothing.
Please TK

Let's Fast Forward.
You have to take the risk.

Yes. I'm with you, Nick.

Nick and Don went
Fast Forward.

What do they mean?
It's two F's, "Fast Forward".

The thought of having a
permanent mark on your body...

play a little with your mind.

For completing Fast Forward
by getting the tattoos...

Nick and Don went
straight to the stop.

They are the number 1 team!

I don't know what to do. It's been

and i'm so stressed.

Kynt and Vyxsin got lost in
the confused streets of Tuscany.

Stop the car!
Stop the car, Vyxsin!

Right now!

And they came last.

The good news is that this
is a non-elimination stage.

And both are still in the race.

Then came a
new twist in the race.

At some point in the
next stage they will meet...

an obstacle.

An obstacle is a task that
only you must complete...

while the other
teams continue to compete.

They will have to do a lot of work
if they want to stay in the race.

We will do everything we can.

Five teams remain, who
will be eliminated next?

The Amazing RaceSeason 12 Episode 8
"Honestly, they have powers or something"

This is Florence, Italy.

of the Italian Renaissance.

And in the heart of Florence,
the Boboli Gardens.

This expensive 16th century garden

it was the seventh stop of a
race around the world.

The teams arrived here at the
end of the last stage...

for a
mandatory rest period.

The five teams waiting
have no idea what awaits them.

Will TK and Rachel be able to avoid...

the recent setbacks that
keep them at the bottom of the pack?

And will Kynt and Vyxsin be able...

to overcome the obstacle
and continue in the race?

Nick and Don who arrived
first at 10:12 a.m...

They will depart at 10:12 p.m.

Travel to Mumbai.

The teams must
now travel almost 6430km...

to Mumbai, India,
formerly known as Bombay.

When they land
they must travel by motocarro...

to this kiosk,
where they should buy...

a copy of the newspaper
"The Times of India"...

and look for a notice
that contains the place...

of your next track.

Okay, let's go.

Read this part, Nick,
I can't see it.

Being running with a

Where are we going?
We are looking to buy the tickets.

I think it's great
that my grandfather is so energetic...

but sometimes you don't know
your own limits.

We must find the Internet.
Right now we are looking...

flights to Mumbai.
The Air France one...

at 10:30 p.m. is
the fastest so far.

I have to buy some tickets.

Is there a way
to call Air France?


Hello, I need to buy tickets
from Florence to Mumbai.

Thank you very much.

All right, let's go to sleep.

We leave Florence
at 6:50 a.m...

and we arrived at 10:35 p.m.

All right, let's go to sleep.

Travel to Mumbai, India.

In agreement.

Mumbai, India.
Oh my God!

Right now our
relationship is on the mend.

We just have to remember
how embarrassing...

and disgusting
we were previously.

The way we act.

We must be aware
of the situation...

instead of reacting
to emotions.

To the airport.
Come on Jenny!

They gave us 105 dollars
for this stage.

You have to leave from Florence.

So we need
to call the airlines.

We were excited to
come to this lovely city...

We hope this is...

my rebirth,
that of a new man...

to make
my daughter proud.

Here I am with
a real person.

Bonjour, I'm calling to
make reservations...

from Florence, Italy
to Mumbai, India.

At 6:50 a.m. arriving
in Mumbai at 10:35 p.m.

Very well thanks.

We've already made reservations,
so hopefully...

everything will go smoothly
at the airport.

Travel Mumbai, India.

Okay, let's go.

In the later stages
it seems that we have...

run to come

Cab! Cab!

We continue with our strategy
of staying calm...

but you definitely feel that
there is something that is surrounding you.

C'mon darling!

Travel to Mumbai, India.

All right, walk.

I feel like I'm
waking up from a nightmare.

It is very strange that Kynt and I
are not in total synchronization.

Stop the car!
Stop the car, Vyxsin!

Right now!

But today is a new day.
We came last in a stage...

non-elimination so
Vyxsin and I will face...

something completely new
in the next stage and it's...

the obstacle.

The obstacle is basically
an additional challenge...

that no other
team should do.

Okay, let's go.

I hope it's open.

They are closed.

They will all catch up with us.

Who would have thought that
the airport would be closed?

Come on, grab your backpack.
Jen and Nate are here.

The airport is not open.
Oh hell!

Have you seen Nick and Don?

I'm pretty sure
they went to sleep.

They're all here.
C'mon darling!

They couldn't even get in?
They are closed.

There they are, there they are!
Go Go!

We're almost all here in
a group, so it's fun.

Just! Just!
Get out here!

It says at 5:30.
Yes, at 5:30.

To the airport.
It feels very good...

...have slept last night.
Let's go fast.

My dad and I
are in line...

from the Air France check-in counter.

We look forward to picking up
the tickets we booked.

I think we should
go stand in line.

Lufthansa, why not?

Instead of standing in line,
we'll check this office first.

We don't necessarily want to hurt
anyone, but...

We must get past this stage.

The pink ones, as always,
are there losing their turn.

Walking around, talking
at different counters.

Jen and I don't trust anyone anymore
at this point in the race because...

you have to do whatever
it takes to win.

You can help me? We need
a flight from here to Mumbai.

At 10:00 a.m.,
arriving in Mumbai at 1:00 a.m.

Is there anything before 1:00 a.m.?

All right, let's go back
and try Air France.

Let's go.
The sleepers appeared.

We had to rest.

Nick and Don had
an advantage over us...

Sleeping nicely
in a hotel while everyone else...

We camped outside the airport.

Somehow they
reserved seats.

I don't know why we can't
book tickets like everyone else.

They always have the best flights.

It seems that they knew
in advance.

Can we
collect electronic tickets here?

Final destination?

Thank you very much.

We need two tickets
to Mumbai, India.

Florence Paris,
Paris Mumbai.

They leave at 6:50 a.m.
and arrive at 10:35 p.m.

Yes! Perfect!
Thank you very much.

We want exactly
the same passages.

Florence Paris, Paris Mumbai?

Right now
that flight is full.

We should see if we can
get a different flight.

Is there anything that
can take us to Mumbai...

faster than 1:00 a.m.?

TK y Rachel,
y Vyxsin y Kynt ...

still struggling to get passages,
but they will be a little frustrated...

not being able to arrive at 10:30 p.m.

I see another solution.
Tell me

From here to Amsterdam,
Amsterdam Mumbai.

They would arrive in Mumbai
at 10:50 tonight.

All right, we'll take it. Thanks.

We want to go to Mumbai...

...as soon as possible.
The next flight arrives at 1:00 a.m.

Let's buy it.
There's TK and Rachel.

If they see us,
let's look upset.

At this point in the game, Vyxsin and I turn
to acting.

I try to look upset like...

"Oh my God.
We didn't make the flight."

They look shocked.
It is life or death.

If everyone's on that flight and
we're on one two hours later...

because of our obstacle...

There will be no way
to recover.

We must go.
Make sure that...

They got on the wrong flight
to get us on the right one.

His flight arrives at 1:00 a.m.

Ours arrives at 10:50 p.m.
That will be a great advantage.

It's hard to stay safe...

when you really don't know
what the situation is.

These are your tickets.
Okay, let's go.

Our flight arrives 20 minutes
after the first one.

I know we can
recover from the penalty.

All the teams are now
traveling to Mumbai, India...

on flights that make stops in
Paris, Amsterdam and Frankfurt.

Ladies and gentlemen, due
to heavy traffic on the track...

our takeoff
will be delayed.

We need a motorcycle.
A kiosk in Khar Danda.

C'mon C'mon.

We found one!
Very well.

All right, walk.
Let's find a motorcycle.

We should go to...
MR Naik Newsstand.

We will.

I can't believe we're
in India. It's amazing.

This is the store.
It shows us.

Okay, where to?
This is it, you found it.

MR Naik kiosk.
Good work.

Do you know when it opens?

It's my first time
on a motorcycle.

We are on three wheels
on the highway.

Do you smell that?
Smells good.


Looks like it's going to be a long night.

Do you mind if I join them
in the pew?

So we're going to have
a long night.

Let's go. There is.
Is closed.

Until 6:00 a.m.
It must be a joke!

I would definitely say that Nate
and I are on edge...

but it's in a good way,
you know, it excites us more.


Khar Danda. Yes.

Open from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

There are Kynt and Vyxsin.

And Ron and Chris.

We are outside the kiosk.

We should buy the newspaper
and then look for the clue...

to know where to go next.

We'll take it.

Take it.

Is this all we need?
In agreement. Thanks.

Let's split it.
All right, let's search together.

Even if it is, open it like this,

Seriously, this is what I
imagine all the time.

Shall we split it?
I have it.

We are looking for a notice.

You have seen something?

Is this?
Let me search once.

Find something that can say
"That's amazing."

They have their
strategy over there.

I decided we would stand
near another group...

because if they found it
we would have a clue as to where it is.

I must kneel
for those.

Why don't you just watch them?
Because if I go there...

you will be angry with me

Here it is!
Chauhan Alteration Tailors.

The teams must
now travel by motorcar...

to this tailor shop where
the owner will give them their next clue.

Okay, let's go.

They found it.
Saint Joseph Church Road.

Vyxsin, we have it.
It's okay.

We must strive to achieve
enough advantage over others...

so that when we do
the obstacle they don't leave us behind.

A little notice.
Yes. This is it.

That's it, we found it.
Good job, dad.

How come they find it so fast?
Not everyone has found it.

Do you know him?

Good job, dad.

Jen, sit down!
He is just a dog.

I know, but it keeps jumping at me.
It's okay.

Hey honey.

Travel by motorcycle. That is?

Come on, grab your backpack.
All right, he's in the big one.

Get on, come on.
They found it too.

Let's sit down
and look for it.

We can't keep
moving, Jenny. Please!

Keep looking at these.

If we don't keep quiet,
I don't know what I'll do.

Here it is.
Follow me

Let's go. Let's go quickly.
I can not believe this.

Damn! I can't believe
we're getting eliminated for this.

Let's not be sorry, Jenny.
I don't, you started it.

I only ask you not.
What couples.

We are the last ones.

I have no remote idea.

We're not doing it right.
All the teams have already left...

and we are still here
looking for that little notice.

We can't find it anywhere
in this newspaper.

Hopefully the driver
knows where we're going.

He seems to know, but...

Chauhan. Look to the right
, I do it to the left.

It is what we must find.
It's over here, can you help us?

Yes, although I don't know the number.

Is it in there?
Where is? Where?

Chauhan Alteration Tailors.

It is there? Yes, thanks.
Therein lies the obstacle.

We don't know where
the pink ones are right now.

We are on AB Nair Road.
Is that up there?

Vyxsin, get on.

Hello. Thanks.

Do they stick it or string it?

In this detour, the teams
will have to choose between 2 tasks...

made daily by
workers in India. The options...

it up or put it down.

In Hit It, teams must go
to this underpass...

and use the implements provided
to glue properly...

a 6-piece advertisement for a
Bollywood movie on the wall.

Once the notice is complete they
will receive the next clue.

The pieces of the notice are
large and do not match.

And if one piece isn't lined up,
the team has to take everything apart and...

and start over.

In String It Up, teams must go
to the Dardar flower market...

and find this
marked flower stand, where they must create...

a traditional
wedding garland stringing 108 flowers...

in an alternating pattern.

When the judge decrees that
the garland is well done...


Teams must give it to the
groom in exchange for their next clue.

Stringing flowers is
a delicate job...

but the team with skillful hands
will be able to take advantage.

Let's hit it.
Yes, hit it. It's okay.

I worked in
the printing business.

We used to print sections like this
for big billboards.

Go to the
west bridge of Dardar.

So I felt safe...

to be able to do
that task quickly.

We will.

Stick it or String it?
We'll definitely make it stick.

Hit it
Dardar West Bridge.

Please, thank you, thank you.

Why don't we spy on others?

Damn, we waste
so much time.

Our driver has trouble
finding the place but...

we are in the area and
we know that it is very close.

Chauhan is here. Rachel, come on.

He has something for me.
Yes? Thanks.

Do you catch it or hold it?

Garlands take time,
but I know how to make them and it will be quick.

Let's get a taxi.
Flowers market. Yes? In agreement.

I have been a florist for 4 years.

The Obstacle.
Okay, stop.

Go to the Darya Mahal.

Having avoided elimination
in the last stage.

Kynt and Vyxsin will now
face an obstacle.

A task that only they
must complete.

In this obstacle, Kynt and Vyxsin
must find this Yoga Master...

and successfully perform a series
of complex yoga positions.

When they're done...

they will be able to continue the race hoping to
recover this valuable time.

First we do this and then that.

Darya Mahal. Can you take us?
It's okay, he knows.

With all the stress of the
race right now...

It really will be great to take
a break to do yoga.

Look for a small notice
with your next destination.

My God!

C'mon darling.

Do you know him?
Yes? Do you know where she is?

We had to catch up with him
at this crucial stage...

since we knew
that it is elimination.

We literally had
a lot of pressure and stress.

That was the last thing
Jen and I needed.

It's not our forte,
looking in the newspaper.

There's a bridge over there.

Tulsi Pipe Road?
No, please.

Where is the Dardar West Bridge?
I have to go back.

It could be around here, dad.

Here here.
There are the notices.

These are the 6 pieces of the notice.

There is no instruction manual.
Let's just put it together, okay?

Let's put them down first.

A marked flower stand.
TK over here.

You found it?

It will take a few minutes.
Okay, let's do it.

Yes, that's right, that's correct.
Let's put it.

Orange, yellow and red.

I take them,
you string them, okay?

This is glue to place the

The key is not
to show the white.

Does it look correct?
To the right, to the right.

On the right,
that's on the left.

It has little catch.
Bring it, you're greedy with glue.

Stand on this.
Take stand on this.

You wanted me to stop at this.
I am sorry.

Now you gave me a
bad headache.

I am sorry.
For being greedy

Don't be stingy with glue.
It's okay.

Darya Mahal.
It's here, look, let's go out.

There it is.
We are ready to do it.

Here it is, Jen.


Detour. String it up.
In agreement.

Tulsi Pipe Road, yes?
Okay, let's go.

Go Go go.

We will be fine.

It's okay.

We take with our
fingers and stretch.

We go down to one side.

Now the next thing to do
is swing.

The movements became
more difficult.

But, you know, any
chance to see Vyxsin...

twist, bend
and redouble his body...

It was exciting for me and I think
for the instructors as well.

I see Dardar here.

It must be around here somewhere.
It's here.

Look here are the implements.

There's Nick and Don.

What do we do?
You see what they are doing.

What do we do?
Shall we order the pieces?

Yes. Let's fix it.
In agreement.

Orange, yellow
This is red. I need orange.

Yes, I know. Orange,
yellow and red. It's okay.

We are definitely
in last place.

I mean, besides the obstacle
of Kynt and Vyxsin...

who knows if they already
finished the obstacle.

They have like some
supernatural power or something.

Good job,

Now you can get
the hint with the Yogi.


Return to Chauhan Alteration Tailors.
Let's go to the taxi, okay?

I can't get up there.

But daddy.

I need a place to get on or will you pick
me up.

My dad started by placing
the ad very high and...

he really didn't
like my input.

I tried to give you something to climb on.
Yes, and I destroyed it.

I tried, it's ok,
it's not my fault...

...that you destroy it.
It's okay.

Okay, you need to line it
up with the one above.

I think it's okay.
It's probably fine.

Yes, that's fine.

It's like we play.
Ads are not placed as quickly.

I don't see the other
teams around here.

Do you catch it or hold it?
Ensárten it.

Dardar, will you take us there?
Yes Yes.

It's okay!

Vyxsin, look
how dark it is...

inside our taxi.
What do you think about this?

Very cosy,
it looks like a coffin.

This is the flower market.
Just here.

We will.
Is it marked?

Where is the mark?
Over there, fool.

But the mark is there.

You will damage the others.
No no no.

You can just cheer me up, thank you.

What are you trying to do?
I'm trying to fix the eye.

How are you going to do that? Uploading it?
Stop yelling at me.

Okay for me.

Tell him to see it.


Don and Nick finished.

Vayan a Kabutar Khana.

The teams must go to this island,
where they will find their next clue.

Return forward warning.

This is the second of only two comebacks
that will meet in the race.

Teams can use
the power of return to...

slow down a team
behind them...

forcing them back to
do the other diversion task...

that they did not do previously.

Let's go this way.
Kabutar Khana.

Do you want to try?
It's okay.

How is it going?

That eye.
Very high.

That is good?
He's fine.

The bad eye?

This one is fine, right?

Everything's fine. I can fix
it. You don't know how to make the eye.

Jen, honey, you need
to thread it through the center...

look at this,
what is this?

I don't know, nor do I think.

I don't understand how you can't
do it, you're a girl.

I don't understand how you couldn't
row the boat. You're a boy.

You know, we guys
row every day.

And I do sewing
every day.

Are you okay?

Yes? It's okay.

Find the boyfriend to trade
her for your next clue. Let's do it

Have everything?

I hope it
takes a long time.

it's amazing.

Go to Kabutar Khana.
Return forward warning.

Let's go for a taxi.

It's here.
Let's go out.

This way, Vyx.
Good work. Honey, come on.

Nate, look to your right.
I already saw them.

I can't believe they
're done with their hurdle already.

It would be great if you could count them
while I take care of this.

We were surprised to see
Nate and Jen at the flower stand.

We honestly thought that
team was further ahead.

You must place them very close together.
They are close.

What happens?
It's amazing you took it out of the pot.

You said I
can't sew, I think so.

They seemed to be arguing
and upset...

after that yoga we were
so focused and calm.

I can go faster than fast,
you know, just tell me.

What are you doing?
Fixing the eye.

Fixing it, the best I can.

Ask if this part is okay.
Is it better here now?

No no no.
Is this part okay?

Not well.

Yeah, we have to do the whole
right side again, okay?

She told me it was fine.

Is it okay now or not okay?
Not well.

You change your mind all the time.
No no no. It's okay.

Dad, look at me.
It's okay.

Whenever you want me to make a logo,
that is, I make logos.

Exactly, exactly.
It is something of yours.

You didn't have to bring up my sexuality
by saying I'm a girl.

Saying you can't thread
a needle isn't true, right?

God, the tone of
your voice makes me sick.

C'mon darling. Here we go.
We're still in the game.

Don't change your mind, please.
No, he doesn't change his mind.

No, I asked him, is this one okay?
Daddy daddy.

He said it was fine.
Dad, if the judge says so, it's true.

Let's start again.
I'm going to peel it off now.

And I'm going to do it, okay?

It's comforting
that they're still here.

I thought they would be far away.
We keep competing.

The pearls are straight.
See the pearls so as not to spoil it.

Let me do it, please.
What do you want me to do?

No-I want you to assist me
for a moment, please.

Christina started all over again.

I felt demoralized.

Give me, come on. I already have it.

He didn't want to admit failure
and she was right.

So basically he did and I must
say he did an excellent job.

Ready, right?
Yes, thanks.

Good work.

Go to Kabutar Khana.
Let's go. Return forward.

There is a return forward and we think
maybe we are a target.

Let's go one step at a time.

We want to go to Kabutar Khana.
Go straight, cross to the right.

Esto es Kabutar Khana.

C'mon darling.
Let's go.

We will not return to anyone.

Being in front and using the return
could hurt you later.

Because nobody wants
enemies on the run.

Bharatgas Colaba gas station.

Teams must travel by taxi
to this propane gas warehouse.

Bharatgas Colaba gas station.

Where they will find
their next clue.

Okay, let's go.

Do you know this place?

Let's do it
It's here?


It's here? It's here?
That's Nick and Don.

It's right here.
Go Go.

they're coming back.

We decided not to return anyone.

Come on, dad, come on.

Bharatgas Colaba gas station.
All right, taxi.

No one has been returned.
Will we not return to anyone?

Kynt and Vyxsin have the hurdle,
and Nate and Jen may be ahead.

This is the last return,
what do you want to do?

If we had been
in front of Nick and Don...

We definitely would
have returned it today.

We will not return to anyone.

Bharatgas gas station.
Go Go.

Take a taxi to Bharatgas.
Okay, come on, come on.

Can we go as fast as
possible, please.

What happens now?
Why are they all tangled up?

I do not know.

The competition here is fierce.

We both move
as fast as we can.

I'm not sure who will
finish first.

Lots of red lights.

It's here?
There's the hint box.


A lockout is a task that
only one person can do.

In this block, that person
will find out how difficult it is...

be guided in the demonic
street of Mumbai.

After loading one of these
cars with 6 tanks of propane gas.

You must pedal up to two addresses
listed in the order to deliver...

three tanks in each direction and
then take the receipt from the gate...

as proof of delivery.

Once you have finished
with the delivery you must deliver...

to the foreman the two orders and the two
receipts to receive the next clue.

Who has a strong back
and good navigation skills?

It's me.
I don't think it's me.

Loading and sailing are my
talents on this team.

And I do the little things and
try to look good doing them.

Let's go.
I think there is another team.

Honey, come on.
Dad over here.

I do.
Can you lift heavy things?

Yes, yes, I'll try, yes.

I have to do it, right?

It's right here.


Back of this.

You got it TK You're young and fast.
You can do it.

You have a hernia,
so be careful, okay?

It's a hernia.

You're 65 and I'm 24.

Like 90.
It's fine.


They finished.

It's okay.


Nate, stop asking
people for addresses and let's see...

if we are doing something wrong.

We are almost done.
Follow the music to the groom.

Do I give it to the elephant?
Do I give it to you?

Are we done,

We are ready for
the check.

Are you the boyfriend?
Should I give it to you?

Return forward warning.
Come on, honey, come on.

Thank my Lord.
Thanks. For the elephant.

Kabutar Khana? We must hurry up.
Go Go.

we're ready.

Return forward warning.
Damn, we need a taxi.

There is a taxi there.
Very fast, very fast.

It's here?

Here. Are you Patil Pento?
I'm looking for 42. Am I okay?

No. This is...
It's not here.

It is not here.

We hope to arrive first and that
they have not returned us but...

we will have to return to
Kynt and Vyxsin.

I really hope I don't see
our little picture there...

It's not something I want to see.

Speak English?
I need to find this place.

It will help me get there.
I'm following you, okay?

I don't know exactly where it is
but it's over there.

Excuse me, I'm
looking for this place.

Here? 42?

Lift? Nope?

Not elevator.

The direction?

Third floor?
Third floor.

I have 2 more. I'll be back.
In agreement.

Second floor.
Wow, here is the macho man!

I am doing
one at a time.

It's here.

Good morning,
do you have the receipt?

Yes. There's the receipt.
In agreement.

That's fine thanks.


This is for me?

How far?
Left, left.


You got it?
No. He brought me here. I dont know...

Okay, where
is that address for?

Find out what happens.
I think she needed a ride.

My God, why so much traffic?
I have no idea.

Is there no fast track?

I don't think so, Jen.

We are fighting for our
lives at this stage.


It is there.
There's the return.

The return has not yet
been taken.

Vyxsin, come on.
Nate, pay up, let's go.

To whom do we return?
We don't know who's behind...

except maybe,
maybe Nate and Jen are behind.

Where is Kabutar Khana?
Where is Kabutar Khan?

Over there?
Come on Nate.

We don't know if there is someone
behind us.

I feel like they are.
We are going to use return.

Could you believe this?

Are you sure?

Nathan, come on.

There's the return.
It hasn't been taken yet.

To whom do we return?
Well, we don't know who's behind...

except maybe,
maybe Nate and Jen are behind.

They try to return who
we think they are behind.

We can return to someone that
we are sure of what we believe.

Someone we know is
after, like Grandpa and Nick.

Where is Kabutar Khan?

We are going to use return.

Here we go, honey.

We return to Nicholas and Don.

Bharatgas Colaba gas station.
Take that off, please, come on.

I didn't go back to Nate and Jen because
there's a better chance...

Nick and Don are behind.
They have been last these days...

And if we can slow
down a team now...

we have to take that
opportunity and I think we did.


Yes Yes.
Wait! What?

Nicholas and Don were
returned by Kynt and Vyxsin?

Colaba gas station. Hears!

Did he strain?

How the hell did Kynt and Vyxsin
not slow us down?

Never mind, someone
else was returned.

And it wasn't us,
so that's fine.


Here? Thanks.
I have the receipts.

I feel a little tired.

Thanks god.

Let's go where we started.

It's right here.

Look at this traffic.
Sir, are we close?

As fast as you can, sir.

I feel sick to my stomach
right now.

Love you.
Love you too.

We are not good stressed out.

Yes, TK!

Okay, here are
my receipts for the foreman.


Good work.
Thank you very much.

Go to the next stop!

The teams must travel 22 km
by taxi to find this place...

Strong Bandrah.

Majestically built
facing the Arabian Sea...

this 16th century fort is the stop
on this stage of the race.

The last team
to arrive here...

maybe it will be removed.

Strong Bandra?
Yes, do you know him?

It's okay.

Go to the next stop.
Cab. Let's go.

I'm delivering some tanks.
And the receipt is here.

In agreement.

It's great to be the first.
Yes, it will be. When we arrive.

This is a competition.

I really need water.
I feel faint.

Thanks thanks.
Yes bye.

Good job, do you have the receipts?

Yes, I have the receipts.

The last to arrive
may be eliminated.

Okay, let's go.

Quick, quick,

There is.
Let's go out.

There's the box!

Who has a strong back
and good navigation skills?

Are you.
I will do it.

Good luck darling.
You can do it.

It's here?
Yes Yes.

C'mon C'mon.

Damn, it's Kynt and Vyxsin.
God, you have to be kidding me.

We should have gone back to Jen's team,
the other one might be ahead.

I'm going to block.

C'mon darling.
Good luck.

You can, honey.

We had already agreed
that he would do the blockade.

I may be small, but you know,
I can carry quite a lot.

Good job, Jenny.

Be careful,
I don't have brakes.

Be careful!

My God,
I have no brakes.

I have to go out.
Stand aside.

It's here?

Strong Bandrah.
It's here.

C'mon darling.
Bandra Fort.

Welcome to Mumbai, India.

Thanks thanks.

...are the number 1 team
. Yes!

I have good news for you.

As winners of this
stage of the race...

They won a five-night trip for two...

courtesy of Travelocity to our little
piece of paradise, Saint Martin.

They will stay in a luxury suite
at Hotel La Samanna...

You will enjoy a
private wine tasting...

They will walk all over the island...

and they will also travel by catamaran
around the island of Saint Martin.

I presume they will go together.

At the end of the eighth stage
we are definitely settled...

as one of the four teams...

who will have the opportunity
to win the million dollars.

Damn, winning the million
dollars would be amazing.

Brake, brake.

Is that the brake? Thanks. Would you know
where to find 10 Colaba Court?

Back there. Come back, come back.
You can carry me? I follow you?

Here inside.
In here? It's okay.

Do I have to go to the second floor?

I'm going straight?

Could you take the elevator?
It's okay.

This one here?

It's okay.

Here you are.

One less.

...they're team number 2.
Okay, okay.

Be careful, move.
It's okay.

Well, if you only have those two,
I'll go up with you in the elevator.

No, I'm putting
mine in and I'll go up.

Is there another elevator?

Only one.

I'd go up the five
stairs now but...

he only goes to the second floor,
so it's a waste of time.

So I have to wait, Kynt is
in his 1st installment and I'm in the 2nd but...

you never know. Ok, let's go.
I call him, I just call him.

You need to close the door upstairs.

Close the door upstairs, please.

I'm going up to close it.

I need the receipt from you.
Thank you very much Kynt.

Give me the receipt.

He left the doors
open on purpose.

It's fine.

He stays with that one.
Thank my Lord.


How is it going?
Everything's fine.

Thanks, we're done.
Didn't you forget something?

Delivery receipts
for each door.

I need your receipt.
Yes Yes.

Damn I have to go back
to the other one. It's okay.

Thanks god.

Damn I must go
fast to the other.

Ron and Chris...
Yes, Phil.

They are team number 3.

I forgot,
I need the receipts.

Fifth floor today.

I have the receipt.

We're head to head
right now with Nate and Jen.

We are running
in this together. In agreement.


I have some tanks for you.
Keep that one and sign this one for me.


I made all the deliveries.
Yes Jenny!

My God Jen.
You have the clue.

Here you go.

Good job, honey,
good job.

Go to the next track.
Okay, cab.

It is important that we find
someone who speaks English.

I'm passing, guys!
Excuse me, ladies.

Here it comes.

Speak English?
Strong Bandra?

Can we run there?
In 5 minutes, 2 minutes.

Come on, come on, Jenny.

Park it, honey.

I'll show you my receipts.

Two more, the ones I gave you.

They kept them.

I told them to keep it.
And I had them sign the copy for you.

Vyx, take this bag.

Fired, apurate.

This is not around here.

It's not around here.
We took the wrong path!

We might have the
right address sometime.

Nate, this is so important
right now.

English? English?

Hi sir.
I need my other receipt.

Here it is. I'm taking this with me.
Thanks love.

Do I need to find Bandra Fort?
It's too far, I can't go there.

Walking or driving?
No, they must go by taxi.

Hello, I'll take the other receipt.

C'mon darling!
Oh my gosh, Nate.

We need to get in the taxi.

Is complete.

Quick, the last team
to arrive could be eliminated.

Strong Bandrah.
He knows? Let's go.

Do you know him?

Please quick!

We are in such a rush.
Please please.

Very fast.
We are desperate.

How could Kynt and Vyxsin--?

they have powers or something.

We are here
recovering a little.

We try to get to the stop.
There is no time to waste.

Oh my God.
My heart is racing.

Do you know where it is?

This is not where we should go.
This is so bad.

Jen, honestly,
you're making it worse.

Then take care of yourself.
No, I won't.

We have to find out together.

Sir, we can go fast.

They go ahead now.
I can guarantee it.

They are team number 4!

They are still in the race.

I'm so happy.

Do you know who's coming after?

We think it
's Kynt and Vyxsin, but...

they beat us at everything today,
so we wouldn't be surprised...

They would have arrived

Before the Vyxsin...

they are the last team to arrive.

We assumed that.

I am sorry to tell you that you have been
eliminated from the race.

It's sad to see you guys go.

It's sad to have to leave.

I must give you guys the
most fashionable couple award...

throughout the history of
The Amazing Race.

Yes! We win something.
We win something.

We win something here.

Even though we seem
so exotic on the surface...

We're still a couple of
goth kids from Louisville, Kentucky.

Kynt and I enjoy
and value...

what is different and unique
about so many different cultures.

Although The Amazing Race is
over for us...

I know in my heart that
as long as Kynt is in my life...

the adventure will never end.

Below are scenes
from the next chapter.

In the next chapter of
The Amazing Race.

Come on, quick.
As fast as you can.

As Don tires,
Nick leads the charge.

Give me the bag.

No, I need water.

We'll look at the station.
It's okay.

TK and Rachel
venture out on their own.

Where will TK and Rachel be?

TK and Rachel were first
class and no one saw them at the airport.

TK and Rachel,
where the hell are they?
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