10x12 - Dude, I'm Such a Hot Giant Chick Right Now!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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10x12 - Dude, I'm Such a Hot Giant Chick Right Now!

Post by bunniefuu »

These are the Atlas Mountains,

stretching across 1,200 miles of north africa.

This mountain range separates
the mediterranean sea

from the blistering sand of the sahara desert,

and at the edge of the
desert near the famed road

to marakoresh a berber camp.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

for a mandatory rest period.

Will dustin and kandice be able to

overcome a 30 minute penalty

and avoid elimination?

Tyler and james,
who were the first to arrive,

will depart at 5:30 a.m.

big red.

"Drive yourselves to cas blanka.

Once there

Teams must drive 275 miles

through the majestic atlas mountains
to the fabled city of casablanca

then they must make their way
to the area known as partia de habu.

And search their next clue

sunrise is insane.

Nothing like a good moroccan sunrise.

There is a million dollars on the line

and we'll do whatever it takes to make

that final three so we can make it all the way.

To marrakesh.

We feel that the blonds are more competition

than bama so we would rather have bama

in the final three than the blondes.

"Drive yourself to casablanca."

This is the first time in the entire race

we have been this close to the front.

So it's really things great

on the last leg, We were yielded by the barbies.

They ended up being the last team

and they're marked for elimination.

We have a plan to get them out
since they tried to get us out.

Got to get rid of them this time.

Time for a road trip.

I used to love road trips.

I'm growing weary of them now.

"Drive yourselves to casablanca.

You have $295 for this leg of the race."

Got it ok

This is steep.

Rob keeps going for it.

He hasn't given up.

He used to need a little push to get motivated,

and that was one of the things

that i was worried about going into this race.

I just want to make it to the final three, right now,

and i have a really certain belief

that we will win a million dollars

and that we will get married

and we will ride off into the moroccan sunset.

These roads are
There is no guardrail.

I never saw myself coming to morocco,

let alone driving through
the mountains of morocco.

It's a bit nervewracking.

It's scary.

I hate how there are
so many dogs out there...

oh, those are lambs.



I saw the horns and i knew it was a goat.

Babe, what kind of animal is that?

Shut up.

"Drive yourselves to casablancabl

all right let's go off toasofablanca. Nc

we re]]n't eliminated last leg

but we have a 30-minute in time penalty

so we have to lead on other teams,

at least 30 minutes if
we want to stay in the race.

To avoid the 30-minute penalty
we need to finish first.

It's an interesting move

between us and the other teams.

We feel their coldness, i guess,

because of the way the
race has picked up,

but we definitely are glad
we have each other

and that's all we really need right now.

We're going to catch them.

They won't even know what hit them.

We'll be like this whirlwind
and we'll be gone.

Get there.

Portia de habos.

Want to ask one of these cats?

Do you know where this is?

Take us there?

He's going to show us.

Please, god, be taking us to the right place.


Patia de ebus.

These people speak english.

Casablanca, here we come.

What's it called?

Cortier de hebus.

You can't get out in
the middle of the street.

The light was red, kimberly.

Somebody's got to jumpout.

We don't know where we're going.

Dang it.

I do wish somebody could
take us right there right now.

Let's ask this dude.

We're looking for the cortier de hebas.

Can you going here and you show us?

Corner, left.

Take a left, d.

Hopefully the other teams
have had trouble finding it

and we'll go right there.

That's one small way we
can make up some time.


Let's looked for marked parking, dude.

That's probably it.

Eagle-eye it, buddy.

There it is.

Found it.



Eagle eye.

Requested roadblock," baby.

A roadblock is a task

that only one team member may perform.

In this roadblock,
that person must get in touch

with their inner chef and adventurous appetite

by indulging in a traditional moroccan meal.

Team members must enter a busy market,

find this stall and get just over
a pound of camel meat.

Then, they must find cafe 11,

prepare and cook the meat with

a local recipe, and finally,

eat the meat they've made.

When they've cleared their plate,

they will receive their next clue.

Who's got a taste for the unusual?"

That's me.

Find the bazuba.

Let's find where that is.


That way?

Will you show us?


All right.


Man, this is a lot of meat.

There is cafe 11.

Pick a table.

First grind all your meat.

Here is the thing to jam it in there.

It's coming.

It's not fast.

This looks so yummy.

There you go, yeah, yeah, yeah.

"Use the provided spices
to season your meat."

Here you go, buddy.

Tricky, man,
getting those things on there.

It looks good.

Smells good.

Thank you.

Take a left.


Through the sign.

I only see one car.

Let's see if we can keep him with us today.

Will you stay with us?

This way, d.

Come, come, come.

It's not every day you get to do this.

We need to go to...

you are going to follow him?


Hopefully, this cab driver

is going to take us to the...

cortier de habus.

So good.

Is it?

Yeah.i knew it.

It's like a really good burger.

I want a bite.

And no other teams are here.

Nobody's here.

Yes, i'm so happy.

Keep your eyes peeled.

Is that it right there?


"Who's got a taste for the unusual?"

That's me.you, girl.

Pick up one half kilo of camel meat.

This guy is totally saving our life.

Make a right after the...

one, two, right?

Here we go.

Oh, god.

Get your camel meat.

Thank you.

You got it?

"Take your meat to the cafe 11."

This way?

Cafe 11.

Here they are right here.

Hi, girlies.

How did they get here second?

That's crazy, dude.

There is the grinder.

Throw it in the top.

The boys looked shocked to see us.

Awesome, possum.

Did you say, "awesome, possum"?

Yes, i did.

How did you get here before the others?

We needed this to happen.

Good job, buddy.

Go get our clue, bro.


It was delicious.


"Fly to barcelona, spain."

Teams must now travel
nearly 800 miles to barcelona.

All right.

Let's go.

Barcelona, baby.

Bye, girls.

"Put the meat on provided skewers."

I'm so happy that no one
else is here right now.

We don't want them to come while we're here.

Where is the marked parking area?

Marked parking area, dude.

I just parked.

There is james and tyler.


Dude, the blondes beat everybody.

Where are they?

Run down.

Ask somebody.

Go back the way we came.

Where is that, bro?

That's back up that way.

I think right here.

I don't know where we are, dude.

Son of a bitch.

This is a lot of meat.

This is going to be so healthy for you.

This is the protein that has
been missing in our diet.

"Hand your skewers to
mohammed for cooking."

I like it medium well.

Do you know where this is?

Thank you.

Is the guide still with us?

He's still here.


We're in this game.

We're totally in this game right now.
I'm so excited.

Go, mohammed, yeah.

I have no idea where we are at all.

The clue.

We need the clue.

Why here, why not?

Don't yell at me like that.

Why not?

Stop second-guessing me.
Stop yelling at me like that.

Where the other americans go.

Thank you.

Eat it all?

You got it.

Don't burn your tongue.


Damn it.

I don't know where we are, dude.

Do you know where the clue is?

Cortier de habus?


Right here?

This way?


Cortier de habas.

We're at the plaza we need to be at,

we need to find the clue box.

I don't know where we are, dude,

i have no idea where we are,

it's not up there.

I'm not going up there.

Good job, girl.

Is it ok?

It definitely beats the fish eyeballs.

I can't see it.

Come down this way.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Where is it?

When you raise your arms like that...

because we need help

and we're outcasts here.

Let's use it.

? Here comes alabama.

We found tyler and james.

They said the blondes already came.

How did they already come?

We're almost done.

That's my girl.

Do you have a clue for us?

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Muy bien.

"Fly to barcelona, spain."

This guy is such a lifesaver.

There is rob and kim.Hide your clue.

What's up, guys?

Let's go.

They're running towards it.


Can you take us to the airport?


They already have the clue.

No, they don't.

Yes, they do.

They're leaving.

International airport,


Do you have it?

It's back that way.

Don't ask them.

Will you please show me? Please?

Damn it.

Rob is ticked.


Rob has a bit of an
anger-management problem,
i think.

I'm going up this way.

Where is it?

There's got to be a clue box.

Keep your eyes open.

It's all we can do.

This is not it.

This isn't it.

Dang it.

I can't find it.

Let's just try it.

This is just not it.

I have no idea, dude.


No, that's not it.

Dang it.

We are going in absolute circles.

All we can do is go down there.

I see it, i see it.


"Road block."

"Who's got a taste for the unusual?"

Not me.

You got to do it.

I'm doing a road block.

The blondes, when they showed
up at the road block,

they looked desperate to stay alive.

I don't want them to stay alive.

I would love for bama to go to the three.

Yeah, bama's probably
the most unfit physically,

and we would have the
biggest upper hand over them.

I would love for us to go to the three.

That's for sure.

I just want to get on the
flight before rob and kim.

I would rather have that
than christmas presents

the last five years.

How about you?

I would trade that for...

it's got to be something you want to do.

Kimberly, you've got to do it.

Cafe 11.

Where is the butcher?

That's it right here.

Right here, right here.

Cafe 11.

Cafe 11.

Cafe 11's right here.

"Grind all your meat."

You got to push it in there, babe.

I don't know how to grind meat.

I am a mother of three.

Every time you go buy meat,

it's some dead animal so the fact

i had to grind the meat

and all that didn't bother me.

You got to do what you got to do.

Stuff it in there.

It's not doing it.

You have to stuff it in there, baby.

Go, go.

You got to grind.

Babe, i need you to not talk to me.

All right.

There you go.

You're doing good.

Just throw some on.

I am.

You mohammed?

Like this?

No, babe, no.


Make a ball.

Make a ball.


How did those blondes get ahead of us?

I never saw them pass us.

I never saw them pass us either.

Everyone is wondering
how we did that.

They're probably like those
blondes are such.cheating

so much meat, i'm not even hungry.

Stuff and swallow.

It's hot.

You just took it off the fire.

You need to hurry up.

I can't just swallow hot food.


You got to move quicker.

Karlyn, i am.

I let you do yours, let me do mine.

Chew it and contemplate it.

Thank you.

Come on, babe.

It's not bad, is it?

Got to swallow.

Come on, baby.

You can do it.

I know i can.

Are you serious?

I mean, you're in the right...

i'm racing.

If you shut the hell up i can do better.

No, i don't think so.

Way behind, baby.

Grow up.

Here we go, airport exit.

Yeah, yeah.


Here we go.

I need to find the soonest
flight to barcelona.

Look for royal air maroc agency.

Thank you.

Girls will be here any second.

I think we have a 30-minute lead.

Safely between us and rob and kim.

I think we could actually maybe do this thing.

I do too.

Oh, my goodness.

You're almost finished.

Put it in your mouth and swallow it.


How can you be that close

and not put it in your mouth and swallow.

Shut the hell up.

You don't run my mouth.

You could have been finished.

She's done.

It took long enough.

"Fly to barcelona, spain."

How did she eat it so fast?

She ate it.

You've got to eat it.

I am eating it.

To berate me like that,

it wasn't helping me to do it anyway.

The meat was hot.

It came straight off the fire.

That's the part that bothered me.

I'm not going to change

and do it the way she wants me to do it.

If she don't like it,

don't listen to me,
that's just the way it is.

Come on, you've got to go, baby.

Babe, don't even talk to me right now.

Eat the damn thing.

Really.That's good.

Show it to the guy.You're fine.

Thank you.

"Fly to barcelona, spain."

We have to find mohammed
vinternational airport."

We are in last place right now.

I'm so oiptr disappointed.

Royal air maroc.

We need tickets to barcelona.

One more time.

One more time on there?

We need to be first to avoid
the 30-minute penalty.

There's the boys.

Do you think they would
let us get to the mat first?

Did you get a good flight?

CAsablanca Barcelona

there is a flight at 3:40.

How many persons?




We are neck and neck.

Do you think you would let us
jump on the mat before you?

You don't have enough faith in your game?

We're just wondering.

Because we go with you all the way,

so if it came down to...

a foot race?

A foot race.

If you guys could just maybe trip.

That is the first time the girls

have ever wanted to actually
be a part of a team with us.

There is no way i would lay down for them

to take first over us just to let them stay in it.

No way.

Wouldn't you rather have us

in the top three than rob and kim?

The blondes are ahead of us.

I have no idea how they caught up.

I don't like racing with them.

They're fricking relentless.

They're tough.

That was very frustrating
seeing the blondes.

I don't know how they got there so fast.

Thank you.

May we have two tickets to
barcelona on the 4:30.


Let's go.

Blondes are trying to say

that we would rather have them

go to the final three than rob and kim.

No frigging way, girls...

not going to happen.

Not about to team up with

them like this and let rob and kimberly go.

There is no way.


I need two tickets to

barcelona, spain.

What time does the earliest flight leave?

Half past 4:00.

We need to buy two tickets.

Thank you.

We need two tickets to barcelona.

We want the earliest one.

Thank you very much.

I just saw the blondes.

We caught up.

We're all going to
get on that same flight.

All i can think about is final three right now.

Getting fourth would suck so bad.

There they are.

How did the blondes get so far ahead?

I have no clue, man.

I want them out so bad
i can't even tell you.

D, i think everyone is
plotting against us right now.

But do you think they're plotting together?


It's so intense right now.

We have to be first.

All teams are now making

their way nearly 800 miles

from casablanca, morocco,
to barcelona, spain.

They must take a taxi from the airport

to the park delabyrinth where they'll have to

search this maze for their final clue.

Let's go.

Got to find a taxi.

We've got to hurry up.

Go, go.


Do you know this?

Park de labyrinth.

Let's go.

Rapido, senor.

We need to go there very fast.



I'm feeling the pressure.

My hands are just sweating right now.

I'm sure the boys are not far behind.

Pass them.Pass them.


No.Los siento.

The blondies have nothing
on their face but worry.

They have a half-hour
penalty once they hit the mat.

We're going to tail them to the end

and guarantee ourselves a spot in the final three.

I love it.

It looks closed.


Closed at, like, 7:30.


Major bummer.

What time does it open?


Make a phone call for a taxi.

Order one?

Do you have a telephone?

We need to call a taxi.

We just need one for, like,10:05.


It's way necessary only to take blondes,

two blondes, no other people.

No, no, two blondes.

They're calling the taxi back.

Go over there and just like,
peek around.

Parc del Laberint at 10 o'clock


Thank you.

Go and talk to them, babe.Flirt.

Use your sexuality.

Can we see if we can get a taxi

that would be willing to wait?


I'm just voicing what my concern was.


Karlyn has a temper.

Karlyn has a short boiling point.

I don't care to argue.

It's not who i am.

And that fuels her on.

So i'm behind you whichever
direction you go.

I said whatever.

If you want to do it, whatever.

That's a sarcastic remark.

Take it the way you want to take it.

If it's something you want to do,
just do it.

If we're not going to work
any better we may as well go home.

Can we borrow your cell phone to call a taxi?

What hour?

They're just following suit.

Such copycats.

Every single time we do something,
they do it.

Can you call us one more?

Two, two taxis.

Let's go.


Let's go.

I'm here.


Let's go around the corner.

Come on.

Go straight.

It's huge.

Dead end.

Around that way?

Around the corner.

Hurry up.

I'm coming, dude.

Hurry, hurry.

This way.

Which way did they go?

That way.

That's a dead end.


Go, go.

Go, go, go.

Ok, guys.

In the middle.

It's got to be in the middle.

Go to the right.Go to the right.

Here it is.Here it is.

They found it, i think.



In this detour, teams

have to choose between two

activities that are part of

traditional spanish festivals.

The choice, lug it or lob it.

In lug it, teams travel by taxi

four miles on city roads to this street.

Then they must travel by foot

to the mary magnum bridge

where they will each slip on
a 9 1/2-foot-tall costume

of agiant from barcelona's
annual festival of giants.

Once they become a giant,

they must walk more than
a mile along city streets

and find this square.

And this huge female giant
to receive their next clue.

In lob it, teams travel by taxi nine miles

on a highway to this town square

where they'll take part in a tomato flight that

usually takes out during the tomatina festival.

They must search through a mound of tomatoes

for one that contains the clue.

Let's go.we've got to get a taxi

we've got to get a taxi
before everyone else, dude.

There's only going to be a couple of taxis.

Come on.

There is the clue box.

Come on.

Go, go, go, this way.

Lug it or lob it.

What do you want to do?

Lob it.

This way.

Not this way.

Dead end.


Where is bama?

They all were in there yelling

and screaming and getting confused,

and we just simply went on the perimeter of

the maze and came out a different entrance.

Did bama get it already?

How do they walk
and always find stuff?


It's pretty smart, actually.

Go, bama, go grab the taxi.


It's for the girls.


Thank you.

We're off.

We're going to the bridge.

Quickly, quickly.


What's the name on this taxi?

Roberto diaz?

This is ours.

Where is the other taxi?

President your bag in.

Let's go find one.

He already said "the girls."

I asked him.

Go quickly, rapido, gracias.

Get in the car, go, follow that taxi.

We should do the tomatoes.

I think the blondes are going to do the tomatoes.

They're not going to lift heavy things.

Let's do the giant.

It's going to be quicker.

Why did she give up that taxi?

Because it's rob's, dude.

Did you call more taxis?




The blondes are gone.

We lost the blondes.

Go, go, go.


Please, please, please.

We'll pay you.Dinero.

Taxi, taxi.


He ain't stopping.



Dang it.

Man, this sucks.

They won't stop, dude.

I know



Oh, man, this sucks.

They won't stop, dude.


Can you call another one?

Can you call one more?

Taxi for me, call.

Spanish giant.

Do you want to do that one?

Or the tomato fight?

It's all about which ones

you think the blondes did.

They definitely like the physical task.

Our strategy is do the
same detour they did,

follow them to the finish line,

make sure they don't get first

and therefore they'll be gone.

I think we'll do the giant.


Let's do the tomatoes.

I'm in favor of lob it just simply

because i don't know how
heavy the spanish giant is

really going to be and how far of a distance

we have to carry it, so...

ok, so there is like some
serious traffic going on.


There it is.Right there.



Let's hurry.


Right here, right here.

Hang on.

Oh, my god.


I don't understand.

Yes.It's in here.

This is stupid.

We should do the other ones, babe.

Look for the damn clue.

I don't understand it.

It's not...


We're going to get hurt.

They're throwing whole tomatoes.

Kimberly, you look.

I hate this one.

I just got nailed.

Tomato fight would have been fun, too,

but it's just crazy when
you have to search.

I hope we can handle
the spanish giant.

We can do anything.

We are also dealing
with a 30-minute penalty

if we're anything but first.

Oh, man.

I think that we can charge

through this detour and
make up good time.

Our strongest attribute right
now is to do something physical.

It's going to be hard.

Do you think we can?

Yeah, of course.

The fact that the blondes seem to

always be first to get in a
cab is a little bit frustrating,

but i just hope that the
rest of us can come in

within 30 minutes of them
so they're eliminated.

I'm getting knocked in the face.

Come on.

I'm done with this one.

Let's do the other one.

They're hurting us.

I'm done with it.


I'm not leaving.

This is going to take forever.

There is magnum.

See the sign?

Should we get out and run?

Let's find it.

We're looking for a giant.

It should be, like, right here.

This doesn't look like a bridge to me.

No, it doesn't to me either.

What if we ask somebody.

The bridge?

Keep on straight.

Quickly, quickly.

I say we go to the other one.


Babe, this could take a long time.

Do the damn task.

It's too late.

No, it's not too late.

I'm not doing it.

Listen to me.

Listen to me.

I don't want it.

If we get there, we won't be a half hour

behind the girls.

We cannot be a half hour behind them

and this is making me mad.


Stop paying attention to them and get this.

I'm getting hit by tomatoes.

Who cares?


I want to go.

I wish you would listen to me.

I'm going.

I'm done.

I'm not done.


I'm not doing it.

Babe, we're going to be a...

why can't you be tough?

We have been here for five minutes.

Then we're never going to find it.

Damn it, rob.

I think he pointed this way.

There it is, right there.

Oh, my gosh, they're huge.


Which one?

Pick one.

Oh, my gosh.

I'll take this one.

All right.Let's do it.

Jump in.

It's just like a squat when you stand up.

"Find the huge female giant
to receive your next clue.

We have to be first.

This is for the million dollars.

We've got to find someone who knows this.


We're going to be a half hour behind the girls.

Damn it.

I want to go.

Stop crying, dude.

This is going to take forever

and i don't want to...

ow, no, i'm done.

All of you.

I am done with this.


I'm out of here.

Please, god.

I'm not getting hit in the face again.


Just gave up.

I'm done.

Way to go, kim.

Way to cry.

I'm not crying.

You're getting hit by
a couple of tomatoes.

Let's go.

You just gave up.

You want to go so bad, you just blew it,

you just blew it,

you just threw in the damn towel, cam

damn it.

How far is los ramos?

No way.

We have to do it.

It's 20 kilometers.

Why are you crying?

Because this is going to take forever.

We have to do it.

Take your time.

Put your head down.

I am.

I don't understand how it's in here.

Oh, we got it, baby.


"Travel by taxi to the next pit stop."

Teams must now travel
across barcelona

and find this fountain situated
on the grounds of palau nacional,

it contains the national art museum of catalonia,

the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in
here may be eliminated.

We change clothes.

I hated that.

It was a needle in a haystack.

Let's go.

San felipe.

We're looking for a big female giant.

This guy may know.

I don't understand.

I'm pouring sweat.

Do you want to set them down and run and ask?

I'm sorry.

I could not have us leave.

I start freaking out.

You have to have faith sometimes.

Stupid light.

Come on.

Oh, my god.




Is this supposed to be inside the tomato?


This is impossible.

The clue's in one of these tomatoes.

There is no clue in here.

It's not in here.

There she is.

There is the giant right there.

Oh, man.

I'll take this one.

I'll use this one.

You luke awesome, bro.

I'm a hot giant chick.

Those two giants.

Here's the boys.

Dang it.

Here are the girls.

What are you doing?

What are you guys doing?

Give me five.

I need some fresh air.

It's so stuffy.

I'm up some giant chick's skirt.

How does it smell under there, buddy?

Dude, ripe.

I want to finish first so we
get in before the blondess

and bama and tyler and
james can squeeze in.

See you, beauties.


Thank you.

Go straight for 10 to 15.

Go straight across the street.

That tomato thing could take forever.

If you want to continue
to waste time here...

i know it's tedious.


This is impossible.

We need to go.

I don't see it.

If you want to go, we go.

Why do you always put it on
me to make the decision?

I told you my opinion.

I don't see anything.

Let's put this down and ask.

James, let's go over here.

Do you know where?

Placa san felipe?

Placa de san felipe narite?

Continue to walk with us?


The guys went another way.

Let's hope this is right.

The only chance.

This is it.

Is this it?

Oh, oh.Open it up.

That's it.

Come on, sister.


It says "the next pit stop."

Baby, you did it.

Good job.

It's just the stress that gets to you,

and i don't handle it well,

and i apologize for that.

I accept your apology.


Muy, muy rapido.

We've got to get to the final three.


Let's go.

I don't see anybody.

Baby, it is up here, it's got to be.

Come on.

Let's go.

Welcome to barcelona, spain.

Thank you.

Rob and kimberly,

you are team number one.

Yeah, baby.


Guys, congratulations.

You are the first team to
make it into the final three

and you are in the running
to win the $1 million prize.

As the winners of this leg
of the race you have won a trip

for two to travelocity to
beach club and spa situated

on the spectacular gold coast of barbados

and as part of that stay
you will get a certificate

and a land and sea safari
that includes a tour of sugar

plantations and a snorkel with sea turtles.

You will get to enjoy that after the race.

Do you think the other teams are as hungry

to win this race as you guys?

We have our relationship to go for.

Everybody else, you know,

you get money and then... they're friends.

We have more to gain.

Rob, you're just a few hours away

from what could be a really
life-changing moment

in your life and so it's
got to be a lot to try

to take in right now.

It would just mean a lot to me.

To win.

I want to win a million dollars

for a start at a family
with this amazing woman.

I want to marry her.

I love you so much.

It would be a start to... to a life together.

This way.

Is this right?

Right here.

To the left.

There it is, right there.

The clue is right here.

Do we get our clue?


Thank you.

"Travel by taxi to the next pit stop."

We've got to roll.

Let's run.

There are tons of taxi.

Taxi on the corner.


Dang, the boys are fast.

I know.

Let's go.

Sir, will you take us?

Muy rapido.


If we could step on the
mat before the boys.

That's what happens
when we stay with them.

We cannot stay with them.

I was not trying to take risks.

If they get there and they're
second and nobody shows

up within a half hour they're in,

which is a real possibility.

Bama looked like they're way
behind and that other detour

was way out of the city.

Playing the hurry-up and wait game.

Take a cab to the next light so we can wait.

See it?

Where are the blondes?


That's got to be it.


Because there is nothing here.

Is that it?

I don't know where it is.

You see the two towers?

Then right in the middle the big fountain.

Let's try it.

They're running that way.

To the left.

So right now we've got to sprint.

Thank you.

More than likely,
we got to go to the top.

Would it be up top or not?

I don't think so.

I don't understand.

How can people not know?


Let's go.

Up, up.

Dang it.


Hello, pretty lady.

Welcome to barcelona, spain.

Lyn and karlyn,

you are team number two.



You are the first all-female
team to make it into the final

three in the history of
"the amazing race" and you guys

have the chance to win the $1 million prize.

Yes, thank you.

So i just say, hey,

we just need to seal the deal
and be the first female team

to win the million dollars.

Tyler and james,
you are team number three.


You are one of the final three teams.

Yes, baby.

We did it.

Racing for $1 million.

We did it.

Thank you, phil.

You guys overtook the girls
back there somewhere.

It was this close, though.

We beat out the blondies.

Dustin and kandice,
you are the last team to arrive.

I'm very sorry to tell you,

you have been eliminated from the race.

I think i knew that was coming.

I think they were all
trying to get rid of you today.

We felt it.

We really felt like we could
do it and go all the way,

and we worked so hard.

And we pushed ourselves.

But we knew we weren't
going to be happy unless we won,

so here you go.

You can't expect anything less from us.

Kandice and i don't know
how to do anything halfway.

It's not in our blood to
give up until it's done.

Even if we tried, it wouldn't happen.

If there was a stereotype of us

playing with our tiaras all day,

i'm hoping it's broken now.

Right now, it's every man

for himself and every team for himself.

I feel confidence level is at a 10.

What propels us past those other teams

is our ability to remain calm.

Both of the two remaining
teams are very emotional.

We're going to work through anything.


To keep it together.

We have the most number-one finishes

on all the legs out of any teams.

We may not look as physical
as those other teams,

but we have plenty of brain power

and more heart than anything.

I don't think there is going to be

any problem in taking the million.

I have no doubt in my mind
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