10x09 - Being Polite Sucks Sometimes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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10x09 - Being Polite Sucks Sometimes

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Amazing Race

Six teams raced from the nation of Mauritius

to the nearby island of Madigascar

Teams were shocked to discover a twist.

"Intersection!" What does that mean?

You must choose one other team to partner with.

Rob and Kimberly,
and Tyler and James joined forces

We got to work together,
we got to work together...

and left Dustine and Candice out in the cold.

Nobody else in coming to help us right now.

Hey, hey, guys.

But the beauty queens
excelled with Chos at the detour.

And won their second leg in a row.

You're team number one.

Rob and kimberly and tyler and
james choked on the fast forward.

I'm afraid i won't be able to do it.

There's like teeth in there...

Allied david and mary and

lyn and karlyn struggled and

david and mary dropped to the back of the pack.

I'm sorry to tell you

you've both been eliminated from the race.

I really wanted to win for my kids.

I don't want my kids to be
like me, i want them to be able

to experience life.

I never experienced life.

Now, five teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

The amazing race 1009

One of these marked computers
to discover a surprise in their a. O.I. Email.

Due to limited availability of flights,

teams are being provided tickets to paris, france,

where they must make
connect to helsinki,

however, they are under no
obligation to use these tickets.

A lot of people look at

kandice and i and assume that things come easy,

that things are are handed to us,

but the truth is what we really do work hard.

We set we cry we fight to win.

It leaves at 9:40 tonight?

We'll check and see if there's something better.

I've never been to finland.

Don't they wear wooden shoes.

Helsinki Finland.

I think james does appreciate
the friend that i am to him.

I think he understands that i get on
his case sometimes about certain
issues that i think he needs to handle.

But i think he knows it comes
from a loving place from me.

Fly to hill sinkey, finland.

Let's go.

We're going to europe, baby!

Every night kimberly and i are looking at,

You've got to kid mega.

You have $265 for this leg of the race.

Going to finland.

We really miss david and mary and
we want to run this leg in memory of them.

That makes it sound like
they're under a grave.

Once a member of the six-pack,
always a nove six-pack.

Leaves at 9:40 tonight.

We got to look for a better flight.

Thank you.

All right.

We're picking up tickets for a flight to paris,
france connecting to helsinki fin Ian.

We're looking for something
that leaves earlier,

We'll go through any country.

There's the bondies.

You don't want to wait here
until 9:40 tonight?


Can you believe it.

The plonds, we're using them
and we know they're using us.

It's a weird relationship where we don't know
who is going to s*ab who first.

They're buying tickets.

Who is?

The blonds and tyler.

What up, guys?

Hey, guys.

Did you find another flight out of here?

Haven't found anything yet.

What's up with that flight?

They're boarding right now and
look like they're going this morning.

What about that flight.

Jehan necessaryburg.

We've got to get out of this airport.

Leaves at 5:00 a.m.

if we went there right now,

would there be a quicker flight
to finland?

Tiny cabs.

You take the flight to

arrive in france and due to arrive in helsinki
at 10:20 a.m.

let's go to johannesburg.

We need two tickets.

It leaves at 5:00.

Not a lot of time.

Bama's screwed.

They won't make this flight.

Helsinki, finland.


We ain't leaving until 9:00 tonight.

I got dave's hat, kentucky
is here with us in spirit.

I still feel them here with us
and with the cho's we've got an alliance.

This past week, the chos
worked with the barbies,

it didn't change how we were
working together,

but we were all in the race to win it.

Thank you.

That's everything?

Ok, we have to go.

Come on.

Are we going to make it?

Let's go.

Hey, guys.


We're flying to johannesburg,

frankfurt, frankfurt to

You've got to go that desk
over there.

They're not going to make it.

Oh, please.

Sorry, but.
The flight is.

There's no way bama makes it
on this flight.

It leaves at 5:00.
It's five minutes till.

We have to add meals.

I'm not worried abthe meal,
i'm just worried about the flight.

Please, sir.

Give her your names.

Thank you.

Lyn and karlyn.

We didn't have to go through
a lot to make it happen,

we're just really appreciative of
them being cooperative about it.

Really excited.

Thank you.
Thank you.

We got here exactly 10
minutes before it's supposed to take off.

It's going to surprise everybody.

Don't count me out.

You're not getting my hat, no.

All teams are now flying
to johannesburg, south africa,

where they'll each connect to
helsinki swree via ethiopia

and frankfurt, germany.

Come on.


Do you know where kappelli cafe is?

Kappelli cafe?

I hate being last.

Big hurry.

Very fast, please.

Ok, stop repeating it.

I'll do it if i want to.

For the sake of our team...

for the sake of our team,
stop tell megawhat to do.

Is that bam ma?

Bam ma gave way.

The chos passed us.

We still have an alliance with
the cho brothers,

but i don't think we're doing a
lot of the stuff we were doing,
following each other or waiting on each other.

It's going to get

We are in the final five.

We need to catch the models
the barbies.

I think the barbies used
their whole image to get ahead.

They generally come out of the airports
with the boobs hanging out, arms
hanging out they gain plenoy ty of attention.

It makes you upset you have
a disadvantage because of your looks.

Pass, pass.

Passing up the blonds.

They're number one on our
list of who needs to go.

I think it would make it easier for all of us if
james and tyler are out of this competition.

They're dangerous.

It's that place across the street?

Right behind us, dude.

Let's go.

Can we get out here?

They got out, they're running.

Over here.

Find the computers.

Over here.

Got it?


Here we go.

You've got mail.

Hi, ty.

It's your mom!


This is awesome.

Intl my mom is the most
important person in my life.

Our relationship has grown so
much from when i was using
dr*gs to where i am now and sober.

I love her more than anything.

My sisters!

I love you so much i hope
you're having a great time.

Hey, kandice, it's mom.

We're sending lots of positive energy your way.

Hey, dustin we love you and
want you to win this race!

I'm really close with my family and it meant
so much to me to see them there

and them tell megathey loved
me and they supported me.

Let's find kapelli, dude.

There it is, baby!

Type in your screen name.

You're going to get your
next clue from the owner...

of the cafe.

Good luck.

America online, thank you very much.

Let's go.

That was awesome.

That made me cry.

Thank you very much.

This is so cool.

Thank you so much.

Make your way...

Teams must now travel 125
miles by train and taxi to this school.

Once here, they will have to follow the marketed
path and search the grounds for their next clue.

You must travel by public transit????

Public transport.


How do we get to the train?

We have to go.
Thank you very much.

Let's follow them.

You've got mail.

Hey, erwin, i hope you're
having a fantastic time on the race.

Hi, godwin, i'm so fraud of you.

Thanks for being a wonderful brother.

Listen up, you'll get your
next clue from the owner of the cafe.

Good luck.

Let's go.

That's it right there.


Thank you.

Come on, bama.

Train station.

Let's go up to the main street.

Yeah, there it is.

Let's go.Run.

Click on the mailbox icon.

You've got mail.

Hello, mama.

I ran away from kindergarten.

We miss you all very much.

I am so glad that you got
the opportunity to do this.

I miss mama and i love her.

Get your next clue from the
owner of the cafe.

Yay, mommy!

You must travel by public
train to the city of...

it maid me feel good to see
my babies because i miss them so much,

but it made it hurt even
more because i miss them.

I miss them so much.

Hi, rob and kimberly,

i bet you guys are having a wonderful time.

I knew you'd miss him.

My mom and my dog.

She says i love you.

Get your next clue from the
owner of the cafe.

Come on.

Open it.

Better hurry.

You must travel by public
train to the city of tampere.

There's the station over there.

Let's go.


We're going to the city of tampere.

Thank you.

Excuse me.

How far is the train station?

That way?

I screwed up.

My bad.

We need to travel by train,
can you drive us?


He's got somebody in there.

There's the chos.

I'm telling you...

if you knew we wouldn't have
run a k that way.

Train, where is that?

Straight that way and then left.

Thank you.

Train station.

Yes, it is.

Let's go.

Where are tickets?

Is this it right here?

They're rear.
Rob and kim.

Thank you very much, sir.

Two tickets.

I need tickets to tampere.

All together again.

One happy family.

I made a lot of sacrifices,

left my daughter, left my family to do this,

so we got to do this.
We got to win.

Moisturizer is very important.

Because it says, i like my face

and care to keep it for a year or two.

I go to tyler for my nail clippers.

For my conditioner that i forgot.

James has the conditioner.

What else do i need you for?

We always end up
side-by-side with james and tyler.

It is kind of like an uneasy truce.

When we're together we're
kind of driving together,

but if dustin and i have
a chance to break off, we're going to.

There's one.

Let's go.

Let's do it.

This guy?


Do you know this?

Let's go.

So you know this school?

There's no other taxis.

We've got to go fast.


Got to find a damn taxi!

We have to wait.


You should go there.

Because taxis don't pick up here.

Would you mind, we're in a huge race.

Ok, this time.

Thank you so much.

Thank you very much.

We have got to wait in line.

We need to be in that line.

Forget the line, let's jump.

There's a queue.

They're just jumping.

This is ridiculous.

????Get in.

Thank you, sir.

They're innocent bystanders,

but at the same time, you're in a race,
every second counts.

We just lost a cab, bro.

That's not right.

We're stuck for being polite.

Being polite sucks sometimes.

We're going to be here for a while.

I know, man.

Being polite sucks, sometimes.

What was the name of the place?

You know the school we're going to?

That's it right there.

I love it.

We'll be right back.

Find the marked field.

Keep going.

Here's an arrow.

There's someone else.
It's the boys.

The blonds.

Those boys are not going to beat us.

We'll be right back.

Beat the blonds, dude.

There's one right there.

Pointing to the right.

This way.

Ok, it's right there.

I see it.

Take off your bag.

Drop it.

Let's go.

That was a jog.

Here we go.


Swamp this.

In this detour teams have to
choose between two messy games

played by finland's winter athletes to
stay in shape during the wormer months.

The choice,

swamp this or swamp that.

In swamp this, they must
snap on cross-country skis

and trudge through a one-mile course,

It requires skill and finesse,

but teams that master the technique of
cross-country skiing could come out ahead.

In swamp that, may must slog
through an obstacle course.

They need to jump, crawl, climb

and carry each other to receive their clue.

The task requires brute force
rather than skill,

but even strong teams could find
themselves sucked into the wet ground

and stuck in the mud.

I don't line the idea of an ock stackle course.

Obstacle course?

Let's go this way.

The cab's coming.

Is this the school?

I'm not sure but.

We would see taxis.

Ask these kids.

Get out, get out.

Hopefully you can catch up here.

The clue box.

One team member must carry the other.

No.Let's depo do the other one.

Swamp this.

Be careful of these roots.


Do you know where this school is?

You have to go up.

And it'll be on the right hand side?

Guy drive us to the wrong school.

Look at this swamp.


This is crazy.

Let's go.

Man, they're already off.

Come on, get up here.

You got it, buddy, push through it.

I've skied once in my life.

I'm glad there's no teams here yet.

The sistas.

Let's do it.

Yeah, baby.

Skiing in the mud.

Don't do that, it's hard to get out.

Never been on skis before in my life.

Hard to get these on.

I think it's right here.

Follow the gray datsun.

We'll be right back.

We caught up.

Come on

come on, james.

All the way across.Over here.

There you go.

We can beat them.

Catch up to me.

I'm right behind you.

Just keep it moving.

This is truly swampy.

You got it?

We're going to do the caricoming up.

This sucks.

It's going to be a mud plop.

It's deep.

You'll get out.

Swamp that.

Sob stackle course.

This sucks.

That was beautiful.

It's going to look like i pooped my pants.

Make it pretty, make it pretty.

Oh, nice!

Watch that part right there.

Giddy up, let's go!

Come on, rob and kim are here.

I'm coming.

Stay with me.
I am.

Come on, baby.

This is so gross.

Oh, yeah.

Come on.

Do you want to switch?

I can't get up!

This is deep.

Oh, my goodness.

Over here.

Get out of the mud.

Push up out of the mud.

Dang, not on me!

I'm stuck.

Me too.

Don't jump on me dude.

Ooh, baby.

You got to move.

I'm going.

Come on, honey.

Oh, crap.

Wiggle out.

I got it.

Get on your knees.

Hurry, they're going to catch up with us.

I can't get my leg out.

Yes you can.

Do you want me to carry you?

Plop in the mud?

That's beautiful.

I see the clue box ahead.

I see the box.

We got to push.


This is fun.

This is me running.

Oh, man.

Come on, ings bro, got to dig for it.

We're almost there.

This is it.

We made it.

Take a train to the city of turku.

Teams must now travel by train

Then drive themselves another 7
miles to the town of lohja.

Once in lohja, they must find the limestone mine

and take this tram into the mine,

where their next clue waits.

Let's go.

Let's go, girl.

We're almost there.

We're going to catch you, boys.

Take a tram into the mine.

Let's change.

We have to catch up.

The boys are still here.

Here come the girls.

All right.

Just go as we are.

Strain station, yeah.

Train station.

We definitely got a good jump,
but i think we screwed up by changing clothes.

We'll have time to clean up on the train.

I'm surprised the boys did.

Take a tram into the mines.
Let's go.

Take a train to the city of turku.

Good job, bama.

We're in last place.

Go back to the train station.

We gotta get on the first train.

We beat the cho brothers.

I didn't actually i was going to be able to
carry you as easily as i did.

What, you think i'm fat?

Hopefully we can get a
train right when we get there

before any of the other teams can catch up.

I think there's some queen bees up there.

There they go.

We like that style.

The blondies, they passed us.

Go faster.

I hope we can catch a train
before the rest of them.

I know.

Will you take us to the train station?

Go, go, go!

We can make this train,
baby, we can do it.



How do we get tickets?

Ticks for they are train.


It leaves in about five minutes,
we have to hurry.

Platform five.

Five? Thank you.

Is this the train station?


Let's go to five.


Please, nobody else get on this train!

There's no way.

Tickets how much?

Let's go.

It's now 15:11.

We're running, we're running.

Let's get out of here.
Let's go.

I condition picture them running up right now,
stop the train, hold the train!

Year here we go, we're moving.

We're moving.

We have to get on the train.
This is it.

We're moving.


It just left?

There it goes.

That was a race breaker right there.

There it goes.

We'll get on the next one.

Just let me have my moment.

Have it.

Thank you.

The next trine to turku
leaves 16:11 from here.

They're a whole hour ahead of us.

Chos and alabama are going
to be on the train with us.

You know this...

just find the signs for helsinki,

it's on the way there.

This is it to right here.


Do you know where it is?

I work for mining company.

Here we go.

Let's go.

Keep your eyes peeled.

There they are.

How fawn is this?

Let's do it.

Girls are right on our ass.

Yeah, they are.

We don't trust the blonds.

They're crafty little girls.

Do you know how to get to lohja?

Just before you approach the
motorway to helsinki, turn right.

Oh, boy.

Excuse me.

Thank you.

Is there a bathroom back that way?

Did you feel the cold air?

What's wrong?
I don't know.

They're just bugging me.

Let me make an announcement on the
party train, those are not our friends.

Alabama is racing with a chip on their shoulder.

They judged us right from the get go,

before they got a chance to get to know us,

so they that set the tone for a lot of...
it made it uncomfortable.

No party train with them.

Is it this way?


Yeah.There's a sign right there.

Go for it, dude.

We'll see signs that say
mine or the name of the mine?


This might be it.

There's the boys.

There's the girls.

Do you see it?


Let's try to ask somebody.

Just keep going.

What's that?

That's a marked door, dude.

They don't even see it.

That's awesome.

William to tytyrin mine.


The building over there.

Park the car.

Are you ready?

How are you doing?

All right.

Let's go.

Let's get out of here.

First ones down.

They drove right past the door.

Look at that.

That is crazy.

Going deep.

Here's the race flag.

You have to wait a few minutes.

Because of the tram.

We have just one tram here.

Darn it.

Those stinking boys got in ahead of us.

This is us.

Over here.

Grab the first one.

Let's get out of here so
they can't follow us.

Mercedes, baby!

It's nice, that's what i'm talking about.

Let's go, baby.

Where are they going?

Looks like they did not want to waste time.


E-18, helsinki.

It's ok.

Alabama jumps ahead.

Our style would have been to wait for them.

Shorts were a bad idea.

This is pretty cool, man.

There it is.


In this roadblock,

one person must immerse themselves
in the dark and claustrophobic
world of the finner mining industry.

Like miners, they must ride a bike
down a steep incline,

more than a mile into the earth
and search for a marked sign.

Then they have to attach a
clunk of limestone to their bike,

bring it back to the start point

and use these tools to break open
the limestone to reveal the clue hidden inside.

Your roadblock.
I'll k*ll it.

Let's do this!

I've been waiting to do some roadblocks,

i'm looking forward to the chance to step up.

This is dark.

Thank you.

Look at this!

This is amazing.

This is like roller coaster
at disney world awesome.

David spent all of his time
down in a cave.

Can you imagine?


Down that way.

Are they behind us?

Frick and track are right...
and frack are right behind us.


Where's the limestone.

This is it.

Here comes the fun part.

Who's ready for miner inconvenience.

Do you want to do it?

I'll do it.

How exciting, you're going to ride a bike.

On top of this?


Kandice, it's all you.

Let's go, girl.

I'm a little freaked out.

This is brutal.

No problem coming down it's
going up this huge limestone.

It's all right, though.

I got this.

I wonder what they're doing down there.

Probably making out, huh?

Oh, god.

I am so scared.

Did you walk the whole way down?

But coming up's a bitch.

Here he comes.

It hard down there?

It's uphill.

Get your hammer on.

It's hammer time.

There you go

Check in there.

That's what i like to see.

Hammer time.


There it is!


Drive yourself to the...????

Teams must now travel

and find this place, the olympic stadium.

Let's do it.

Bye, we'll see you in a little bit.

I think i saw a flicker of light.

Yeah, come on!

You can do it!


You're almost there.

You're so strong.

They didn't leave that long ago.

You made great time.

In this box is all the tools you need.

Grab a pokey thing.

Let's go.

Back the way we came.


Drive yourselves to the
loimpic stadium in helsinki.

Number one.
We're number one.

Thank god.


Let's jet.

Off we go.

I hate that we're going to come in
second to those boys right now.

That's all right.

The other teams may have
trouble finding the mine, too.


We have to run, dude.
Do you see that sign?

Go right.
I mean left.

Down here?

That's rob and kim driving crazy.

Don't let those other teams pass us.

Rob split off.

Hopefully this is it.

Keep going this way.

There's a sign on the door right there.

Right there.

I think they found it.


Tell me where to go.



No, babe.

You don't drive in the mine.


This sucks.

I'm going in the mine!

This way?

No, we went down that way.

We've been going in circles.

This is absolutely crazy.

We're out of it.

We're lost, dude.

I hate being last.

Go look at the signs up here.

Maybe we need to go straight.

We've been here.

I know.

There's mercedes, dude.

Right here.

I cannot believe this.

You have to wait a few minutes.
Sure we do.


Things are going very, very smoothly.

We want first on this leg, we got it.


Follow the signs.

We may beat the boys.

Who's ready for miner inconvenience.

I'm coming.

How crazy is this?

Way to go six-pack!
Way to go!

There it is.

I'll do it.

Hopefully we'll get ahead.

This is fantastic.

Come on dave, help us out here.

Help the remaining six pack.

Here we go.

Rob's right behind us.

I'm coming for you.

Come on.

Yeah, baby!

Come on, karlyn.

I can't ride uphill.

Just go.

All right.

I'm coming for you.

There it is, bro, i think
this is it right here.


Through the flag.

Where do we go?

I think we got to go into the stadium.

Helsinki, straight ahead.

We're within 10 minutes of the pit stop.

And the sisest could be showing up.

I would like the bama girls to leave today.

I can't ride.

My legs are cramping.

This is definitely a perfect
example of an uphill battle.

I see some lights.

That's my brother.

I had to walk it up; bro, store vi.

No worries.

Let's break the limestone.

I'm trying to make it.

I'm very tired, but i'm trying to make it.

Definitely want to get out of here.


How do you break this thing open?

You got it.

Good job, babe.

Come on, karlyn.

You got it.

I'm proud of you.Come on.

There it goes.

Go, go, go.

Drive yourselves to the olympic stadium.

We've got to ride back up the trolley.

There you go.

Come on.

Drive yourselves to the loimpic stadium.

Let's go.

You're still in it.

Drive yourselves to olympic stadium.

Going up?

We're all getting on.


Good job.

Thank you.

We're in the olympic stadium.

Got to find a flag.

Just look around.

This is taking too long here.

Can i ask you a quick question.

We're going to the olympic stadium,

would you be able to lead us there?

Oimpic stadium.

We'll follow you.


I've seen this on the map.

I've seen it.

I'm assuming this is it, babe.

I can't look right now.

Got to wait until we get to helsinki.

Honey, this is going to be a pit stop.

Remember we have the chos behind us.

Rob and kim could beat all of us in a foot race.

Here's a flag.


oh, dude.

Come here, i see it.
Damn it.

Freaking markers.

Walked right by it.

Go to the top of the tower.

Teams must now make their way to
the top of the stadium's 236-foot olympic tower.

Once at the top, they have to
perform one last task.

How long have we run around like idiots.

I know.

They don't turn right on red in this country.

Just take a right on red.
Take a right on a red.

Just branch out.

If you want to brake,

pull it like this you're
going to rap el down face first.

I'd be freaked out to do this first.

Thank god i've rock climbed before.

You can do this.

You can do this.


This is insane!

Oh, man.

I'm so scared.

I bet that's it.

Thank you so much.
Thank you!

All right.

Here's a flag.

It's a little freaky, dude.

Oh, my god.

James is going to have a rough time.

He's going to be frozen.

Oh, they're rappelling.

That was sick!

I have to go face first, though?

James is definitely afraid of heights.

He knew he'd have to try to
conquer that on the race.

It happened to come right now
when we're in first.

I know he'll do it.

He's not going to let us down.

I have total faith in him.

This is really high.

Go to the top of the tower.

Here we go.

Rob going to ram up in the back of me.

I'm staying right behind her.

Be careful.

Try to get in front of rob.

Don't even try it.

Just let them.

We can outrun them.


We got to lose rob.

This dude's trying to be shady, dude.

You want to play rough, dude?

Get off my ass.

I will slam on my brakes.

So i'm good now?

Take the slack, now you can go.

Len all the way forward,
tip your head over the edge.

It hurts, rob.

Lean forward into it.

Plant your feet.

You're doing it wrong.

How do i do it?

Turn your hands around.

I see a flag there.

There's the marker.

All the way to the front.

There it is.
There it is.

Right there.

Take your seat belt off, we're running.

Just park right here.

It's going to be exciting.

Get out and run.Go!

Run! Run!

Oh, my god!


Over here.

How do we get there?
Right here, right here.

Damn it.

Don't push me.

We got to go this way.

Maybe there's something right here.

Thank you.here we go.

We're still going.
Keep racing.

Kim, get over here.


This leg is not over.

Next week on "the amazing race",

"team goss into battle.

And lyn and karlyn leave the
cho brothers in the dust.

I don't think it's a good
idea to be following them.

Our alliance is over.
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