10x07 - I Wonder if This Is Going to Make My Fingers Prickle

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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10x07 - I Wonder if This Is Going to Make My Fingers Prickle

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race",

Seven teams left chennai,india and raced to kuwait city, kuwait.

From the outset,david and mary were marked for elimination.

we have to come in first or we're going to be eliminated.

The cho brothers sacrificed for kentucky.

Then Irwin faced his fear of heights 610 feet above the earth.

come on, Irwin!

While lyn and karlyn and dustin and kandice got into it.

David and mary completed a fiery fast forward.

drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

Arrived first at the pit stop.

You are team number one.

And did not receive a 30-minute penalty.

After peter and sarah
were hope plessly lost in the kuwait desert.

i don't know how to get there.

no kidding you don't know.

They came in last.

I'm sorry to tell you
you've been eliminated from the race.

Now,six teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

This is kuwait.

A middle eastern country bordered
by saudi arabia and iraq.

And on the outscarets of kuwait city,
al-sadiq water towers.

They were the sixth pit stop in a race
around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last league
for a mandatory rest period.

Will the alliance between Irwin and godwin,
lyn and karlyn and david and mary remain intact,

or will the competitive nature of the game force teams apart.

David and mare,
who were the first to arrive at 12:37 p.m.,

will depart at 12:37 a.m.

fly to the island of...

Teams must fly to the island of mauritius.

A tiny island nation off
the coast of after chasm they must choose

one of these cars
where they find their next clue.

I don't even know where that is.

We came in first place because of the cho brothers.

We made friends in this race and

in h a heartbeat,
i'd sacrifice this race for them.

We are no longer the backpack.

That sounds so negative and so losers.

We're not losers.

We're the six pack. We're a team.

we need to find booking.

right here.

Good morning.
We need the fastest tickets we can to mauritius.

tickets for two.

the only flight out today is 8:00 service to london

and london to mauritius.

You arrive at 6:50 in the morning.

nobody else will get any faster?


we need tickets then.

fly to the island of mauritius.

are you ready?

wherever it is,it's going to be exciting.

It's really dog-eat-dog,
each team is out to themselves.

Only one team is going to step on the mat at a time.

I think the other teams will do
what's best for them and we are too.

We've got to if we want to stay in the race.

let's go.

fly to the island of mauritius.

Mauritius. Never heard of it.

you know where you're going,right?

i don't know.

i feel like it's time for me to take control of the team.

Make a left here.

If i'm assertive about it,he'll trust me.

she's thinking survival.

It's awesome see her put in this situation
and she's thriving.

reservations and ticketing here.

We're trying to get to mauritius as fast as possible.

he's telling me 8:00.

airport. We're good.

Come,let's go

it leaves 8:00 a.m. Today.
Where does it connect through.

what country is that?

england. india

yasm that's weird.

That's far.

I don't think this guy understands what we're saying.

we're right here.

We're going to fly here,up here,and all the way here.

as quickly as possible.

that doesn't make any sense at all.

we need to go buy tickets.

it's dave and mary.

Let's ask them what they're doing.


we're not going to help them.

you guys get your tickets to mauritius.

we got our tickets.

it's upstairs right.

come on.


They're not going to help.

you hear him get mad at me?

did he?

i do not want to deal with
this alabama 46 kentucky,whatever.

they won't talk to you unless
they're in dire need of help.

we want them out,we're not going to help them.

we're looking for the quickesty to mauritius.

british airways.

at what time?

You have to get london,london mauritius.

kuwait to london?

We don't have any other flights.

what tickets do other people get?

same flight.
we'll take two tickets.

Thank you.

fly to the island of mauritius.

let's go.

i think i've heard of it before.
I think it's a beautiful place.

I don't think our... i think our alliance
with kentucky and the cho brothers is fine.

But we know where to draw the line.

We're not going to say,
i'm going to give this up for them.

I tell them,don't put yourself out for me,

i'm not going to do the same for you.

the concept of the alliance is working now
because we sacrificed something

when we gave the fast forward
to kentucky for a gain later on.

The more we help alabama and kentucky move forward,
the more we have help down the line.

i'm sure we'll see them at the airport.

these guys are not the brightest bulbs.

can we go talk to more people
about tickets in this area?


alabamas and chos should be coming.

i know.


Where is it?

go up the steps,take this breezeway.

We'll meet you after the chos come.

nice to see you guys.

everybody's here,
except the boy,didn't see them yet.

fly to the island of mauritius.

where is that?

let's go.

i think the six pack alliance
was built in sort of a house of cards.

I think everybody is out for thems at some point.

Somebody has to go.
Everybody needs to g*n for themselves.

Alliances can only last so long.

i wonder when the next flight is.

hopefully we can get on it.

hi. We are trying to get to mauritius.

that's the quick snest
that's the earliest flight.

that's probably the most direct.
Because it's a major city.

we want to purchase those.

here's bad luck.

kuwait international. Let's go.

there's the girls.


i didn't think you'd get here so soon.

for these guys right here.

Can we get them on the 8:00 a.m. With us.

you can't buy for anybody else.

we're not.

it's not in our best interest to help tyler and james

but i'd like the alabama girls to leave today.

we have felt tension
between us and ba ma since day one.

They've... and bama.

They don't give anybody on the race the warm fuzzies.

he's with you?
they're with us.

we're next.
they're with us. We're next.

but they're not with them.

We were first.
she's being really pushy.

i'm being pushy,
y'all just pushed them in front of us.

How am i being pushy.

You can't do that if we were before them,

why put them in front of us.

Regardless of whether they were helping them or not.

can we book tickets to mauritius?

We need two tickets.

What time does the flight depart.

there's a flight at 8:00 a.m.

she was in your grille.

i don't care about pissing them off.

We're not going to miss their friendship.

if you think that was right for them
to push them in front of us,
do what you need to do.

If you can live with that on your con shention.

If it was reversed,though...
They didn't buy our tickets.

if it was reversed
but they didn't buy our tickets.

would you have a problem?

we'd have to swallow the pill.

you didn't do anything wrong,
why are you talking about it.

If you didn't do anything,why are you...

oh,my god.

we're having a conversation between the two of us.

If you're not worried about it,shut up.

that's the most you've talked the whole trip.

if you're not worried about it,shut up.

Why you come tell me i can't talk.

they didn't buy our tickets.

if you didn't do anything wrong,
why are you talking about it?

that's the most you talked the whole trip.

if you're not worried about it,then shut up.

bama is bitching about us not playing
by the rules which is crap,

because they're just jealous.

let's go.


just leave it,dude.

i hope you feel good because they weren't together.

i need the fastest flight to mauritius.

thank you.

All teams are now traveling
thru london to the island of mauritius.

how are we supposed to find our cars.

there it is,right there.

we've got to hurry.

this way. got to go find the cars.

nice weather.

it is nice weather. it's like home.

straight ahead. you see it?


i see flag.

i thik this must be where we're going.

swim to me.

Team must figure out the model boat
they found inside their cars

is a real scooner anchored in the waters of grand baie.

Once they learn this information,
they need to drive themselves to the baie

and swim to the boat to retrieve the next clue.

wrong side.

remember what side you're driving on.

i know. Just keep reminding me.

i don't know where we're going right now.

maybe we shouldn't have been
the first ones to take off.

We could have followed everybody.

A hotel would know where this thing is.

i don't know how close we are to a big hotel.

is that the clue. yeah.

what does it say? swim to me.

do you see it.

drive out to the street
and ask somebody if they know where it is.

we're not waiting on mary and david.

we don't have time to wait.

we've got to find the six pack.

other teams are already here.

At least one group of us
needs to be in front of them.

I don't think it makes
any sense for us all to be behind.

this must be our clue.

Isla maw rashese...
isla mauritius,swim to me.

grab the clue.

it wouldn't be bad to ask these guys
on the side of the road.

there are the blonds there.

hi,we have to go to isla mauritius.

here's your thing.

we're waitingen the chos.

They should be right behind us.

where are the car.

do you know where this is?

the north side of grand baie.

he said the opposite end of the island.


Grand baie.

Thank you so much.

let's do it.

we need to go north.

let's go,baby.

did you understand what he was saying?

no. I have no idea.

just follow the blonds right now.

isla mauritius.

let's go.

We'll follow them.

they're behind us?

we have to swim to a big ship out on the ocean.

I'm kind of scared because i'm afraid of fish.

i'm scared of the water
because i was threw out in the lake

when i was 5 by my cousin,
i've been a little traumatized.

where we live,people do that as a rite of passage.

Throw your kids in the lake and make them swim.

we're looking for a big boat. We have no idea where we're going.

we'll go to the hotel.

i really wish we had a way of telling mary and the chos we went on and left.

why? courtesy.

it's paradise.

I wish kim and rob weren't following us.

i know.

i wonder how much they are willing to help?

The blonds.

they're not really that great.

It's pretty much everybody for themselves.

there are the other cars.

is that team right behind us?

It's the freaking chos.

she didn't look too happy.

all the way up there,the green cars.

that's the other teams.

That's a good sign.


Do you know where this is? This boat?

take the north road,go straight to grand baie.

we're way behind.

don't assume that,dude.

there it is.

that's it right there.

oh,my gosh.

I know they don't expect me to swim that far.

where do you park?

the only parking lot i saw was back there.

there it is right there.


how far out is that thing?

Is that it right there?

there's the boat.

There's a flag.

Right out there,is that it?

that's it.

i wonder where we can park?

anywhere. Let's park here.


how are we supposed to do right here?

Where am i going to do this.

did you grab my shorts.


can we park here? Let's see.

let's just park right here and figure it out.

here we go.

come on. Let's go.

we got to go.

let's go.

take these life vests with you,

wear the shoes because the rocks are quite sharp.

they parked down here.

come on. go,go,go.

We got to book it,girl.

wait for me.

let's do it.

go kandice!


where's bama?


mary,dave,come on.

lord have mersy. There's fish.

Oh,my goodness.



this is going to take forever.

Just our luck.

you got it,girlie.

You got it.

come on,babe.

Come on.

oh,crap. We're losing time here.

oh,my goodness.

oh,my lord.

good jb,kimberly.

rob was a little slower.


where's your teammate?

right here.

mine's down there.

team? You open it only at the other side.

Where's your teammate? right here.

ready? yeah.

come on.

this is yours.

here we go. let's go.

take a breather.

i'm so tired.


you're doing great,honey.

wait for me.

i'm already tired.

what the hell is the deal here?

i don't know but it looks like all of
a sudden it's going to start going.

I'm staying positive.

We've got to be coming up on the right place.

Find this boat,catch up with everyone else.

come on,karlyn,almost there.

it's hard.


come on,mary.

where is your mate?

she's coming.

and whenever you feel you may leave.

come on,mary.

lord have mercy.

this is yours.

now where do we swim to?

swim back over there.

Tell me when you're ready.

go ahead,go.

i'm waiting on you.

come on,karlyn.

this is not fun.

it ain't supposed to be fun.

all right,come on.

Let's get out of here.

drive yourself to...

Teams must travel to case noyale

and find this post office to receive their next clue.

try and follow the blonds.

that was a good little workout.

that was nice. We have a little lead.

do you see the blonds?

yeah,i do.

stay with them.

bama and kentucky didn't look too strong back there.

where's your six pack now.

let's go.

that's a tough little swim.

let's go look at the map.

case noyale. Here it is.

there it is. It's in the water.

Park right here. Anywhere.

they already went. In

there's james and tyler.

you the third or second team in?


i thought you were going
to go six pack all the way here.

the cho brothers strategy,

they're aligning with the weaker teams
to take the stronger teams out

and take two weaker teams to the final lee three.

let's see if we can catch up with them,man.

let's go,fast.

come on,james.

we're just waiting for team alabama
and kentucky to join us.

A bitter and cynical person might think

we're keeping them around
because they're weaker the other teams,

but if we stick together,
we can be stronger than hose who fend for themselves only.

it's right on the edge of the coast.

first of all,they're following us.

let them figure it out themselves.

how do we lose them?

we're trying to find the post office in case noyale.

come on,mary and dave.

are they coming?

case noyale post office.

come on,buddy.

You got this come on,guys.

those guys are fast swimmers,
they're already swimming back.

all right,we got this.

case noyale post office.

hurry up.

we need to wait for the bama girls.

Where did they park?

chos waiting on us.

here they come.

come on,james,let's go fast.

Want to go home?

no. Let's catch them.

i see them.


we've got to be in the front.

that's the bamas behind us.


drive yourself to case noyale post office.

try to make up ground,dude.

we cannot stay with these people.
They are useless to us.

how do we lose them,though?
When someone is behind us.

There are two options to get to case noyale.

Let's go this way.

where are the girls going?

we need to veer uh off.
We cant stay on this. get over.

Get over.

get over.

we just split off from the girls
so we're separated from them now.

we're happy to be on our own.

Yes,we are.

we have to go south,right?

How far ahead are the others?

at least 10 minutes.

This race,anything can happen.

this road just dead ends.

got a map and still lost.

You can't tell me
where the next big turn is going to be?


shouldn't be like that.

let's ask the bus drivers.

how do we get to case noyale.

you mouse turn back.

we didn't go the wrong way we missed our turn.

you went the wrong way.

sometimes tyler gets snickety
that i can't do my job navigating.

I know he's doing it because
he was me to do the best job possible.

we had a little detour.

i wish this car would get in gear.

I can't even get the car in freaking gear.

I can't get the car in gear.

you have a green light.

i realize that.

you don't have to yell.

go around. they can't go around.

i can't move the car.

Don't give up.

i'm not giving up and you need to.

just go.

Just do this. you do it.

I'm done.

babe,don't give up right now.

I'm done. you're revving me up.

i'm trying to...
you don't calm me down,you rev me up.

It's not going into clutch.

it always feels good to be in the front.

hold on,hold on.


are you ok?


I'm just going to back up.

how bad is it? sorry.

it's bad. Oh,gosh.


darn it,darn it,darn it.

i am calm. Let me try it.

you're not going to magically do it.
Just hold on.

it won't go into any gear.

i hope they do this quickly.

name. dustin.

do i need to sign something?

thank you.

that's the first accident
i've ever had in my life.

I've never got an speeding tick
or anything. It rattles you.


i'll tell you,man.

hard to see what's going on.

it's rob and kim.

They broke down.

looks like rob and kim are in a wreck.

i'm not sympathetic to their plight.

car broke down.

they all just passed us right now.

i think everybody is up there.

snipe them all off one by one.

we can still come in first.

there it is right now.

see a sign that says post.

there it is.

hi,do you have a clue for us?


In this detour,teams have to choose
between something from this island's present day economy

and something related to its old-time link to pirates.

The choice salt or sea.

In salt,teams have to drive themselves
two miles to this salt bath

a linchpin of the country's economy.

Once here,they must search among
three enormous piles of salt

for a salt shaker that contains their next clue.

In sea,teams walk to a nearby dock,

choose a boat captain and take one of these boats

Once on land they use this treasure map
to search for the boat's mast and sail.

When they locate the mast and sail,

they carry them back to the boat.

After attaching them,
captain will hand them their next clue

and they'll sail back to shore.

you have a skipper to help you,though.

we are doing sea.

i'm afraid of searching in salt piles.

i'll leave this thing here.

We've got a race to race.

If a car breaks down or becomes inoperable,

the rule is a replacement car
will be given to the team.

However,no time credit will be
given for this unlucky situation.

we can do this,babe.

choose one. Are you a good sailor?

Ok. Let's do it.

Search the island.

Boat landing area.

This is how we're going to come in.

We'll go toward the sails.

that's our plan.

dude,where is this place?

Hard to enjoy the scenery are
when you're like stressed out.

but this isn't a vaca.

It's a competition.

i'm getting four rouse.

ask these people.

post office?

just go. They're not answering.

great help,dude.

You guys are awesome.

there it is.

just follow them. go,go,go.

do you have a clue for us? yes.

do you have a package for me?

this is for you.

you have a ueclue for me?




i say salt.

sea? you guys want sea?

we're going salt.


all right,baby.

Almost there.

there's another team.

there's a team.

who was that?

I think it might be them.

we just passed the boys.

doe tur.

First one.

the other one sounded more complex.

we're behind the six pack,which i'm bummed about.

absolutely gorgeous.

It's so refreshing to be on the water.

We should just lie ley down and chill.

Just chill.

that's it.

There's the salt piles.


look at this.

want to try this one?


let's go.

it's probably not in this one.


it's clumpy,so it's hard to tell.

can we climb on it? Why not start at the top.

take a little bit off at a time.

We have to look for a salt shaker.

this is it.

we caught up with everybody.

there's james and tyler.

got something? no.

i wonder if this will make my fingers pickle.

come here a second.

Let me show you something.

it's not in every shaker.

slow down.

Get over,babe.

]]i am.

But there's a car. what's this?

just park.


i can do what i want.

I can be stressed out.

If you can be stressed out,i can.

post office?

Are we the last team?


let's just go. Never mind.


Salt or sea.

People choosing the sea the marked boats are near the jet.

This doesn't matter.

You're freaking out.

you're freaking out right now.

which one do you want to do.

we'll do the salt.

i am chilling out.

you're losing it.

i'm going to lose it on you.

what are you doing?
i just fell.

our car is here.

did you really just throw that at me?

i just put it in the window.

I didn't throw it at you.

let's go find us a treasure.

do you think we should go in a little bit more.

let's cut in.

This may be the area.

right here,right here.

look. There's still teams here.

We're still in.

water sounds pretty good right now.

we got to find this thing.


oh,come on. Salt.

It's under my swimsuit.

what are we looking for?

a salt shaker.

A little salt shaker.

we found two and they have none in it.

are we seriously doing this right now?

i think this is looking really tough.

it is,isn't it?

because this thing is huge.

babe. what?

if we went back to the other one,
this could take all these teams forever.

What do you think?

Do you want to go?

We got to make a decision.

i'm making a decision,you're taking too long.

we're out of here.

we're going to go do the other one.

they figure all of us are here.

that was awesome.

there's no way they're all three
going to find it at the same time,

but we need to go do the other thing.

i think we should go too.

you don't think it's right here
after all this digging.

it could take 10 minutes.

i think it's right here.

let's go. Stick with our decision.

on this thing,
there's a straight line that goes like.

This this is such a rudimentary map,
it doesn't help a lot to look at it.

do you want to turn around and do the other thing right now?


this is faster.

Come on,baby.

all right. Let's go.

let's catch them.

We got to catch them.

they're right behind us.

they're up ahead.

they're coming.

catch up with them.

let's go,let's go fast.

they are so far back.

found it.

this might have been a bad idea.

want to cut bait?

Wasting too much time here.

want to leave?

want to switch to the other one.

stupid to quit in the middle of something.

I'm not a quitter.

we're leaving.


good luck,mary.

they came here to win just like anybody else.

No hard feelings,they're great people.

]]i hope they find the salt shaker.

it's not worth it.

we'd like to keep our six pack together.

we need to hope for the best.

all we can do is just pray.

we need to make the right decisions.

i think we can find it. it's a gamble.

We're going to be the stupid couple
that stays out all night long

and then gets eliminated because of it.

We're going to be the stupid couple
that stays out all night long

and then gets eliminated because of it.

you want to go? Let's go.

now you change your mind.

i think we can find it.

do you want to go in here.

there it is,right there.

i think that's sails right there.

i'm so happy.

Oh,my gosh.

That was a trap.

I feel like indiana jones right now.

do you want yellow?

let's do yellow.

let's go.


let's go.

really pretty.

If you didn't have a race,we could enjoy it.

we're so happen pip we found it.

We got a stale for you.

Here you go,all right.

Drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

Teams maust drive 12 miles
along the island's coastal road and find this place,

chateau bel ombre

it's the spit pith stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here may be eliminated.

i'm so glad we brought this.

Bel ombre.

they're coming back.

They don't see us.

it makes me forevouse no one else did.

This let's go.

i see fresh tracks.

let me see the map.

do you think we went too far?

no,we'll go here.

boat landing area here.

Along the beach,along the beach.

why do you think it's along the beach.

you think?

let's go. It don't matter,
we're in last place anyway.

whatever. You want to quit,we'll quit.

we ask to be alone
and then when we're alone,we're scared.

what's up,cho bros.


They're team one.

i'm stoked right now.

they didn't even wave.



they won't even look at us.

there's not a friendly bone in here.

She needs to take her happy pills in the morning.

we've been walking in this direction.

we've been walking back this way.

so we're going to hit the beach and walk left?

The rusty shack.

right over here.

this thing is huge.

back in here.

want to go in here?

that's it,babe.

there it is.

does it matter? no,grab one.

i'm trying.

This thing is big.

is this a trail is this on the map?

man,dude,we should've stayed.

shut up,dude.

What good is that going to do us right now?

doing all right? i got it.

let's go.

drive yourselfs to shadow bel ombre.

who is that?

the cho brothers.

there's bama.

there's rob and kim.

it's amazing how this game flips,dude.

you want to jog along the beach.

boat landing over there.

let's go.

Come on lyn.

i feel like hansel and gretel.

is this the other team.


they're nice people.

They're my favorite of the sings pack at this point.

last place. No doubt.

got it? Let's go.

you ready?

it still starts,that's a good sign.

we're not going to say things
about the car in a negative way.

We're going to encourage it all the way there.

It's going to be fine.

how did the girls find it,man?

There they are. Let's go.

that is freaky,man.

ok,got to make it to the pit stop.

there's alabama.

you got it?

haven't found it.

sails are over there.

let's go this way.

let's go. There's more boats.

let's do it.

drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

let's roll.

who is this?


james and tyler.

Salt is k*lling my feet.

mine too.

we got off there.

We need to go to sails.

no,go on down.

here we go again.

Listen to you and get lost.


thank you!

bel ombre.

This way.

The models are behind us.

found it. Right here. Bel ombre.

looks like our pack will finish in the top three.

and their six pack is the backpack.

Someone is going home.

where's the girls?

they're here somewhere.

i hear mary and david,right?

i heard her.

the map is very vague.

we are so close. I can taste it.

you're doing great.

oh,my gosh,
i hope i'm going the right way.

the map says we are.

don't scare me,hon.

keep your eyes peeled,
it's going to come up,soon.

there they are. There they are.


mary! there they are!

i'll take this one.

got it? we need to go this way.

let's go.

You don't want me to help you?

i don't need help with this.

it's on the left.

We'll find it really quick.

just scares me we're going this far out.

it might be up here.

come on,chateau bel ombre.

chateau bel ombre.

go back down the hill.

thank you.

instead of making a left,
we should have kept going.

chateau bell ombre.

thank you.

get your run on.

shadow bel ombr snembings

come on,girl.

i'm right here.

there's phil,right here.

welcome to mauritius. thank you.thank you.

Dustin and kandice,
you are team number one.

Guys i have so good news for you.

As the winners of this leg of the race,
you have each won a motor scooter.

that's awesome.

Good for driving around town,
good on the highway.

And it can carry a passenger
so you guys can take a date out if you want.

can we take you,phil?


it feels great to have won a leg finally,

we're just going to take it one leg
at a time and just really bear down.

James and tyler. You're team number two.


Back on top,dude! Back on top.

here we go.

drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

warning the last team to check in may be eliminated.

just get in drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

rob and kimberly,you're team number three.


we're losing time here.

lord have mercy.

do you know where chateau bel ombre.

they're telling me go this way.

chateau bel ombre.

when we get toward the chateau,
we'll probably all run.

I hope no one takes it personal.
That's the way it is.

we're behind the cho boys
and ahead of the bama girls.

When i get parked i'll wait on the bama girls.

i wouldn't wait for them.

which way? ask for directions.

it's that way.

that way?

bel ombre.

that way.

they can't keep stopping every five seconds.

they went ahead.

alabama decided to pass us.

it's still a race.

i don't know if this is it or not.

i don't think this is it.

it says hotels,go,right.

what makes you think it'll be a hotel.

they went up the hill.

i think it's where alabama just went out.

shadow bel ombre.

shadow bel ombre.

is this shadow bel ombre.


turn around and go straight.

it's going to be a foot race.

come on.

chateau bel ombre.

it is.

let's go!

this way.

this way.

right there.

Irwin and godwin,you're team number four.

Lyn and karlyn come on in here.

Lyn and karlyn,you are team number five.

thank you.

You look a little beaten up.

we know six is next and we know who six is.

on the other side. Come on.

welcome to mauritius.

Dave and mary,
you're the last team to arrive.

I'm pleased to tell you,however,
this is a nonelimination leg and you're both still in the race.

lord have mercy.

I didn't think that would happen.

we know what we got to do.

Once again,you are marked for elimination.

In the next leg of the race,

you need to arrive at the pit stop first,

because if you don't,
you will incur a 30-minute penalty,

you'll have to wait on the thifed mat until
the other teams check in and you could be eliminated.

we got it. We can come back.

This is your second chance,guys.

this is the second time we've been
marked for elimination,

so we have to come in first place.
We understand that.

We're not giving up. We can do it.

The bamas,and the chos,they're good people.

There's no doubt in my mind,
we've got an alliance to go to the final three.
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