05x10 - Super Bowl Chef Showdown

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Top Chef". Aired: March 8, 2006 – present.*
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Show features chefs competing against each other in culinary challenges.
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05x10 - Super Bowl Chef Showdown

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Top Chef...

leah and I are sitting
on the couch

And we ended up kissing.

I absolutely regret it.

Restaurant wars is a big deal
in the restaurant world.

This is just hideous.

The freezer is not working.

There was something wrong
with the fish?

I think it's really

All the life force of our team
just went out the window.

If we were to get up
and leave right now,

We would not get a good-bye.

My head is spinning and
i'm a little bit lost right now.

Let's leave.

see ya.

The winner is stefan.

Thank you.

Radhika, please pack
your knives and go.


At stake for the winner,

A feature in
food & wine magazine,

A showcase at the annual
food & wine classic in aspen,

$100,000 to help turn
their culinary dreams

Into reality,

Furnished by the makers of
the glad family of products,

And the title of top chef.

[rock music]

♪ ♪

radhika went home last night

And I felt I dodged a b*llet
because my desserts

Weren't indicative of
what I know I can do.

My major strengths is that
I am classically trained.

But once I got here,

That sort of fell by
the wayside.

So I need to think about
what I need to do differently

And to move forward.

throughout this competition,

Hosea and I have been,
like, the closest.

And so, mix in a little bit
of alcohol,

And I guess we kissed.

We're not hooking up.

We hook--we kissed one time
and that's it.

It's not gonna happen again.

But i'm still here
and the only thing I can do

Is, you know, I just--
I need to cook good food.

So you got the double
[bleep] stick--

I got doubly, [bleep]ing
[bleep]ted on yesterday.

The [bleep] stick.

You didn't get
the [bleep] stick yesterday,

But you got a little bit.

You might call it
the [bleep] skewer.

No, you got, like,
the gold stick.

You got the good stick.

stefan's winning nonstop.

He really feels like the boss
right now.

I'm not saying
I want to see him fail,

But I kind of want
to see him go down.

There's only seven of us left.
You can't screw up.

There's no room
to make any mistakes.

There's no, no room left
for error.

Let's go, guys.

we walk in the kitchen,
and what do I see?

It's padma and scott conant.

He's a great chef.
He does a lot of italian food.

So I think fabio should be fine.

Good morning, chefs.


Our guest judge
for this round

Just won a glowing review
from the new york times,

Three stars for his new
restaurant, scarpetta,

Mr. Scott conant.
Hey, guys.


Scott just opened
a three-star

New york times restaurant,

Which is almost
impossible to get

Unless you're doing
a perfect job.

So he obviously
knows what he's doing.

As you know,

The super bowl is just around
the corner.

So we thought we'd celebrate it
in our own way.

For your quickfire challenge,
you're gonna play

Football squares,

Top chef style.

♪ dun dun duh ♪

Each square at the top of
this board has an ingredient.

You'll have to combine
with one of the food groups

That are listed
down the side here.

And you'll only know
what you're cooking

After you've picked a square.

Jamie, why don't you come
over here.


Just write your name in
any one of the squares you like.

Wherever you like.

Okay, so jamie,
i'm gonna show you

The food group that
you're working with.


Leah has seafood.

Let's see your food group,



Oh, that's all right.

I'm not excited about
vegetables, guys.

There is no reason
to eat vegetable

When there is meat
and fish around.

stefan, your food group is



Carla has nuts and grains.

So jeff,
you'll be working with


Okay, so now i'm gonna
reveal which key ingredient

You'll have to work with.

First, fabio.

How 'bout that?

Next, stefan.


Oats and dairy.

How 'bout that?
Ha ha, ha ha.

[bleep] sticks.




Because what do I eat
four times a week,

But quaker oats?

I am, like, the oats girl.
I am so excited.

so for your quaker oats
quickfire challenge,

You must create
an original dish

By pairing whole grain oats
with the food groups

You've been given.

We want you to rethink
the supergrain

And use it in a new
and surprising way.

So at this point
in the competition,

I'm afraid no one
gets immunity.

You will, however,
get a very good and useful

Advantage in
the elimination round.

Okay, so you have 45 minutes.

Your time...Starts now.

the oats, where are they?

Where are the quaker oats?

You know, oats and fruit,

one thinks dessert.

But I don't wanna do dessert.

I want to do something savory.

So what I decide to do is
a coconut and oat-crusted shrimp

With a nectarine salsa
and an avocado creme fraiche.

So i'm doing meats
and quaker oats.

And my inspiration
is wienerschnitzel.

I, I used to cook that
in a restaurant a long time ago,

And it's just a very simple--

It's almost like
a peasant dish.

You have this crispy,
really thin meat,

It's juicy inside.

I'll eat that any day
of the week.

Jeff, what's going on there,

I'm gonna use chicken
with oats.

I'm gonna do a starch
with oats,

And i'm going to do
a vegetable with oats.

So it'll be a lot of cooking.

I have time to get it done.
I'm pretty fast.

jeff is a really good chef.

But he can't quiet
the creative monkeys.

He just can't reign 'em in.

I get dairy.

So i'm making a banana mousse
with a oat sugar crisp

And two little pralinees
on the side, like petit fours.

I get seafood,
and, um, you know,

Right off the bat,
i'm just like,

Oh, i'll just kind of

Do, like, a crust on,
like, some fish.

But I don't really
know what else to do.

it's just ironic that

The last elimination challenge,

Leah had a really hard time
with her fish.

And then today, I look over
and she's struggling

With pin bones pulling out of
a fish again.

She'd better make sure
she gets all those pin bones out

And she'd better make sure
she cooks her fish right.


i'm really excited about

Choosing the nuts and grains

So what I know about oats

Is that if you start them
in cold water,

They will turn to mush.

So I choose to do
a pasta method with the oats.

I get vegetable.

I know oats, fry it well.

So i'm thinking i'm gonna make
some eggplant roll, fry it.

I gotta kick some ass here.

Stay here up in the middle
for me is k*lling me.

It's k*lling me.
I need to win this quickfire.

whoa, what are those?

It's eggplant with oats on it.

fabio is playing around with

Frying eggplant that he has,
like, sort of rolled

In a ton of oatmeal.

So, it just seems like
there's just

Way too much oatmeal
on there.

All right everybody,
you guys have five minutes.

Five, four, three, two, one.

Utensils down, hands up.


Hi, stefan.
Hey, padma.

Meet scott.
Nice to meet you, scott.

Nice to meet you.

What did you do for us?

So I have a banana mousse
with oatmeal.

And then I have oatmeal
and almonds mixed

As a little petit four
on top of that.

'cause people think
oatmeal is breakfast,

So I thought,
let's do something sexy.

Is the rose edible?

You could eat the rose
if you want to.

You could eat it.
It's good.

I had vegetable as a theme
to combine with oat,

So I made the eggplant,
corn, green onion,

Basil, and parmesan salad.

As a container,
I used some sliced eggplant

I think it speaks for itself.

Thank you.

Thank you, fabio.
Thank you.

I kind of got a little bit upset
with scott conant.

Don't make fun of my food.

I'm not gonna look like
an idiot.

Please, guy.

Um, I chose nuts and grains.

And today, I have a pecan
and oat-crusted tofu

With an oatmeal
and lentil salad.

What was the tofu
marinated in?

Soy sauce, ginger,
a little sriracha.

Well done, thank you.
Thank you very much.

So I had fruit.

So I decided to do fruit
three ways, actually.

So I have a coconut
and oatmeal-crusted shrimp,

A little, um, salsa
of nectarines,

And then an avocado
creme fraiche.

what else is in the crust?

It's the oats, uh--
and the coconut.

Coconut, and flour,
egg wash, that's it.

Thank you.

Well, what food category
did you--

Uh, so I picked meat.

So I went for some

Veal pounded out really thin,
a little flour, egg wash,

And then just, uh,
finely ground up oats.

And then a, uh, lemon grain
mustard sauce.

Thank you.
Nice to meet you.

So, um, mine was seafood.

So I have mussels and branzino.

I encrusted them with oat flour
that I made,

And then a little escarole
and bacon underneath.

And the bacon
with the escarole?

What was the inspiration
behind that?

I just love bacon.

Fair enough.
Can't argue with that.

Um, you guys had me
in the football mood,

So I decided to do
fried chicken.

But I decided to do it
a little bit different.

I pounded out the chicken
into a paillard.

I'm from the south,

So I thought i'd bring you home
for a little while.

We get some grits over here.

Instead of french fries
with your, uh, fried chicken,

I did some, uh,
fried zucchini.

There's oats in the breading
of the chicken,

There's oats in the corn,
there's oats in

The breading of the zucchini.

Oat crazy.

The only thing
i'm nervous about

Is my presentation.

It's--there's not a whole lot
of bright, beautiful colors.

But, you know,
i'm excited because

Scott took three or four bites
of my chicken.

You know, if something
tastes bad, you're not gonna

Go back for seconds and thirds
and fourths.


Who fumbled
on our football pool?


You had a good idea
that wasn't ex*cuted properly.

The fish was a little bit

And I think it was kind of
clashing with the bacon,

Quite frankly.

Who else?

Encrusting the eggplant
the way you did,

To be perfectly honest,
you tasted nothing else

With the exception of
the oats.

Anyone else?

Jeff, when I looked at
that plate,

The first thing
that I experienced

Was that it was very brown,
it's very heavy.

I'll give you credit
for making sure the,

The chicken breast
was very moist.

It was just way too heavy.

so it's, like, sometimes
doing too much

Can, uh, put you behind,
I guess.

All right, well,
on to the winners.


I think you did a great job
of bringing in the tofu,

Bringing in certain

It was very well ex*cuted.

Thank you.

Jamie, your shrimp
were cooked perfectly.

The avocado creme fraiche,
really nice flavor combination.

Thank you.

Stefan, I mean,
there's some great textures

That you brought into play.

Nice flavor combinations
that I think were very simple

And straightforward,
but that's the beauty of it.

So, for that,

Thank you.

Okay, so scott,
who is the winner

Of our quickfire?


Oh. Thank you.

[jamie laughing]



I won five challenges
back to back now.

Well, you know,
it finally pays off

When you have, you know,
worked for your life.

I've worked all my life on it.

I've been cooking
for 23 years now.

So congratulations, stefan.

As you know,
you're not gonna get immunity,

But you'll get
a useful advantage

In the next challenge.

the winner is stefan.

His head just got
another inch bigger.

Hurray for him.
He's on a [bleep]ing roll.

for your next challenge,

We have a little surprise
for you in your stew room.

So you can go
and check it out

While I get things in here
ready for you.


we've been told that
in the stew room,

There is a present for us.

A dog?

[cheers and applause]

What's the 5?

Top chef 5.

five, lady!

I love football.

I played through
junior high school.

I'm not really quite big enough
to get out there

And play with the big guys,
but I, I enjoy football.

We're gonna go up
against some giants.

I don't know
one single giants player,

But I do know tom brady.

That would be cool
if I could cook for him.

'cause he's hot, dude.

we go back to the kitchen,

And there is a football helmet

I think my challenge
is gonna be cook something--

I wish my challenge is gonna be
put one of those helmet on

And just knock somebody off.

Welcome to your elimination

Top chef bowl.

First things first.

It's time to meet
the opposition.


out of nowhere,

Past season all-stars
come crashing through this paper

Like a football team.

I notice spike, of course,

And then I notice andrew, who
is one of my all-time favorites

Because of his quirky energy.

I'm like, oh, my god!
There's andrew!

first up, andrew,
season 4 chicago.

[cheers and applause]

Josie, season 2
los angeles.

Andrea, the comeback kid
from season 1 san francisco.

Spike, of season 4 chicago.

Camille, season 3 miami.

Next, we have nikki,
the human pasta machine,

Season 4.

Welcome back to the kitchen
chunk la funk,

Season 1, miguel.

once I saw them,

And these faces that I recognize
from television,

I was kind of like,
holy [bleep].

Like, i'm not that intimidated,

But i'm a little intimidated.

hey, hey, hey!

And great.
Don't cut yourself again.

dear season 5,

If you don't bring
your "a" game,

You're gonna get
[bleep]ing stomped.


Okay, so here's how
it's gonna work.

Each of you from season 5
will compete against

An all-star player

In a head-to-head cook off,

Celebrating the regional
cuisine of an nfl team.

So scott,
please give us a rundown

On the teams.

we have the miami dolphins,

The green bay packers,
the dallas cowboys,

The seattle seahawks,
the new york giants,

San francisco 49ers,
and the new orleans saints.

So stefan,
as the winner

Of the quickfire challenge,
you'll be able to choose

Which nfl team's food
you'll be making,

And which chef on
the opposition team

You'll be cooking against.

Who's it gonna be,

It will be the dallas cowboys.

And who are you gonna
cook against?


yup. Andrea it is.

He picks andrea
because she's been kicked off

Of the second episode,

And she really doesn't cook
nothing but vegetables.

So what I think he thinks

Is that he has this challenge
in his pocket.

all right, the rest of you

Have five minutes to decide

What nfl team
you'll be representing.

Your time starts now.
Huddle up.

I obviously want miami.

Let's also think in terms of
what's best for the teams.

I want new orleans.

i'll take seattle.

padma give us five minutes
to huddle up.

And since the fact that
I have no idea

What's going on
in the nfl life,

I picked whatever they decided
to don't pick,

Which is green bay packer.

Welcome to the council
of opportunities.

Opportunities to make something
new for me.

so home team,

Who are you fielding
for the miami dolphins?


who are you fielding?

All right, josie.

And for the packers.

[cheers and applause]

The seattle seahawks.

Right here.


The new york giants.
Lady leah!

Who are you gonna send up?

All right, nikki.

The san francisco 49ers.


yeah, all right!

So for the new orleans saints,

I guess that's carla
and andrew.

I'm going head-to-head
with andrew!

How cool is that?

Okay, so here's how
it's gonna work.

Tomorrow, you'll compete at

The institute
of culinary education

In front of a crowd

Of enthusiastic culinary

You'll be cooking

Creating a dish
in 20 minutes

Inspired by the regional
cuisine of your nfl team

With the ingredients provided.


Now you're competing
for the ultimate

Top chef bragging rights.

And for you chefs
on the home team,

There's even more at stake.

Anyone who loses
their head-to-head

Will be eligible
for elimination.

Right now,
you'll have two hours

To look over
your ingredients

And plan what
you'll be making

For tomorrow's game.

All right.
Good luck, everyone.

let's do it, team.

Lots of "schtuff," huh?
I cannot use that.

Let's see what we have in here.

we are going to be doing
a head-to-head cook off

Using the regional ingredients
and making a regional dish.

I immediately do
san francisco,

Not so much for
the ingredients.

I knew if I didn't pick
san francisco,

I would get so much [bleep]
for it when I went home.

This might be
where jamie goes home.

No. No, dude.
I'm not kidding.

I'm looking at my stuff,

And I have absolutely no idea
what to do.

Like, literally no idea.

My mind just went blank.

Jamie's always so poised
and so together,

And right now,
she's like, crazed.

And i'm like, girl,
every challenge,

That's how I feel.

Now you know how I feel.

made it.

You ever done rock shrimp, uh,


So cook it
most of the way--

No, I do it in lime juice.

Although 20 minutes
isn't enough time.

I'm gonna quick-sautee it.

Quick-sautee it
and then finish it?

And then--
yeah, that's what i'm thinking.

so tonight, we have, uh,
two hours to look through,

Test some things out
for tomorrow.

I picked miami dolphins
because I know the cuisine.

That's where i'm from.

Yeah, I hope to make, uh,
miami proud tomorrow.

Actually, yeah,
it's not that bad.

so a few years ago,
I played for

The new york sharks,

Which is a women's professional
football team.

So if there's anything

That has football
and food together,

I'm in, you can sign me up.

How are you doing over there,

What are you doing?
I got my eye on you.


Well, that's good.

josie and I are gonna go

She apparently lived in miami
and grew up in miami.

She lived in hialeah,

So she definitely knows
the flavors of miami, so...

We'll see.

Like something deep fried
says football, right?

what you bring out to
the demonstration kitchen

Has to be all raw ingredients.

cooking from scratch.

It's actually...

A very short amount of time
when you think about it.

I'm looking for chunk and i'm,

I'm trying to figure out
what he's doing over there,

And I see him playing around
with the, uh, cedar planks.

You know, cedar plank salmon
is a nice treat.

You get the aroma from it,
but it's been done.

For me, i'm trying to be

A little bit more modern
with the food.

I think season 5
better be fully aware

That the all-stars didn't come
here to play pattycake.

I wish them the best of luck,
but I tell ya,

They ain't never be able
to outbeat the grandfathers.

So it can turn beautiful...
And great.

Don't cut yourself again.

Being on top chef,

It's, it's totally--
it's nuts, it's crazy.

The anxiety's all coming back,
you know,

The anticipation, you don't know
what you're gonna do.

It's, it's crazy.

it's an extremely hard

Hard things is gonna be
cook the venison,

Plus come up with something else
in those 20 minutes.

That's not cooking.

That's rushing.

But i'm a professional chef.

There is nothing
that can stress me out.

If they're gonna give
a monkey ass to fill

With fried banana,

I'll come up with something

It's not a problem.

I'm cooking for
the new orleans saints.

And being from the south,
we really like gumbo.

I feel like this is
the perfect dish

To represent this region.

dear season 5,

If you don't bring
your "a" game,

You're gonna get
[bleep]ing stomped.

And, uh, I will be peeing on
your bodies.



i'm cooking against nikki
and I chose new york.

New york doesn't really have
a specific regional cuisine,

And it's kind of like
a big melting pot.

So I just wanna keep it simple
and tasty.

i'm a big time new yorker.

We're sports people here.

You know,
it's a big sports town.

So I am extremely competitive.

My spirit is competitive.

Want a beer?

Well, take a sip.
I'm not a big drinker.

So you don't usually eat meat,

You don't use any meat?
No, no, I eat meat.

There's meat in there.

i'm most remembered as
the vegetarian chef.

And it's funny because
i'm not really a vegetarian.

And i'm like, yeah, right, yeah,
i'll be the vegetarian.


andrea got kicked off second
and sixth

In the first season.

So, you know,
if you get kicked off twice,

You gotta be kicked off
a third time.

Maybe she has advanced
since she's gone on the show.

Maybe she finally
learned how to cook.

I don't know, maybe.

Are you good?
I'm good.



i'm nervous because
I just have so much to do.


ready to go.


You did get me.
Unh! Not fair.

the all-stars are very excited.

You know, you have spike
over there,

You have andrew over there
and they're both clowns.

And ththey're just
showing off.

You know, they're like,
we've been here,

We're not in your shoes
anymore, we know what it's like.

They're so organized
this season.

They're trying
to intimidate us.

Get out.
I gotta kick your ass some more.

Yo, "faybio"--
don't distract me--

"faybio," no.
Please, come on.

I just wanna prove
to season 5 chefs

That's they're just not worthy,
you know what I mean?

It should have just ended
with season 4, and that's it.

Top chef should have
been over.

We should have never cast
another season

Or anything like that,
it was done.


morning is not peaceful for me

When I wake up stressing out
about a dish.

It's one plate of food, but
it's, like, my life right now.

We're going head-to-head
against the all-stars.

I want our team,
top chef 5,

To show that we have
the best skills out of any,

Any season that's been here yet.

But it's way more important

That I win my individual

I need to make sure
my [bleep]'s good.

Bunky bed.

I am real disappointed that

I've been in middle
a couple of time.

I'm a fighter, you know?

I fight for the winning,
I always wanna be in the top.

Give me the press and seal.

I wanna win top chef
for my mama.

She's really sick,
and she need medical care.

And this prize would be really
helpful for me.

The stakes are really high now.

With seven of us left,

There is not really room
for error.

What, what are you doing,
meditating, carla?

[stefan laughing]
yeah, why?

I was just getting centered.

I really want to win this one.

I think that
if I win this one,

I can definitely gain
some momentum,

And just prove to myself
that I do have what it takes

And I do belong here.

I should be playing football.

All right you guys,
let's go.

Hoo hoo hoo
hoo hoo hoo!

Let's get pumped!

it's a little early
to get pumped.

Let's go,
ladies and gentlemen.

Football time.

we grab our knives
and then we head over to

The institute
of culinary education.

This challenge is truly
a team challenge.

Everybody wants to prove that
we're just as good.

I think it's really important

For us to, um,
to get this one.



Welcome to the first ever
super top chef bowl.

So here are the rules:

Chefs will cook head-to-head.

Winning the judges' vote
will score the chef

A seven-point touchdown.

Then, five fan tasters
from our audience

Will also try the dish.

Winning their vote
will earn the chef

A three-point field goal.

Any of the home team
who loses their round

Will be eligible
for elimination.


All right,
so i'd like to introduce

Our judges for this challenge.

On my right,
british restaurant critic

Toby young.

To his right, we have

Our guest judge
for this round,

Mr. Scott conant
of scarpetta restaurant

Here in new york.

Of course, our head judge,

Chef tom colicchio.

Okay judges,
please take your seats.


You have 20 minutes.

Starts now, go.


Let's go, leah.

Let's go, leah.

The crowd is I.C.E. Students

And then the chefs
that have been eliminated.

Everyone's all, like,
fired up and cheering

And just, like, to know
they're up there

Rooting for me, you know.

It's just--
it feels good.

I'm just doing
a seared strip steak

With a creamed corn
and sugar snap pea

And arugula salad.

my dish is really simple.

So the main focus is just
to cook the meat perfectly.

i'm doing

Some sauteed chicken livers

With some toasted
challah bread

New york coach farm's
goat cheese,

And a wild arugula salad.

I hear that nikki's doing

Something with
the chicken livers.

I don't wanna sound
too cocky,

But I think i'm gonna
beat her.


[padma and spectators]
nine, eight, seven, six, five,

four, three, two, one.


So first, we're gonna taste
nikki's dish.

I have chicken livers,
goat cheese,

And some toasted challah.

I have some wild
arugula salad.

let's go over to taste leah.

I made seared new york strip,

Creamed corn,
and sugar snap peas,

And an arugula tomato salad
on top.

It's time for

The judges' scores.

I'm picking leah's dish.


I'm going with nikki's dish.

[cheering and booing]

I'm going with leah's dish.


I'm gonna go with leah's dish.


Leah has scored a touchdown,

Which means seven points
for her team.

But there is a field goal
to be had.

So my five fan tasters,

Those of you who have
selected leah,

Raise your fingers.

[chefs booing]


So that means leah
has a touchdown, seven points,

And nikki has a field goal.

Three points for
the all-stars.

I would have loved to get
all ten points,

But i'm not gonna complain,
that's fine.


I'm gonna start out with
some sweet and sour onions.

Gonna sweat them out
in some butter.

I've got what I call
shiitake bacon, basically.

Then i've got some
cedar plank salmon,

Which i'm gonna make,
uh, real soon, to marinate.

so miguel,
he's kind of out there.

He's got too many things
he's trying to work on

On the same plate.

And i'm doing something
a little different, you know.

It's a roll that's cooked
precisely to have a piece

Of medium rare fish
in the center,

Set inside a really hot
crispy roll.

And that's,
that's not easy to do.

hosea, are you sure you wanna
start cooking all that?

Oh, I know exactly
what i'm doing, my friend.

All right.

Just let me know
if you need a hand, miguel.

So you must be
a team player.

I want you to like me so it
doesn't hurt as bad when I win.



One minute left.

I feel good about my dish.

I feel like I integrated
a lot of the ingredients

That I felt really represent

Enjoy it, guys.

I've got some
cedar plank salmon,

Which was marinated in
white and red miso,

Maple syrup, sweet soy, mirin,
rice wine vinegar.

All right guys,
crispy salmon roll.

This is a ginger
blackberry sauce,

Sesame apple salad,
and then there's a little

Sweet soy on the plate.

all right,
so it's kind of close,

But i'm going with hosea.

Thank you.

I think it's an easy victory
for hosea.




this guy's is better.

I'm going with miguel.
All right.

So the home team takes it

With a touchdown.


And now for the field goal.

Who's voting for
hosea's salmon?


so I get ten points.
Which is awesome.

Chunk's got zero,
and our team

Is way ahead
right off the bat.

Look at you.

You just wanna eat my face,
don't you?

You just wanna eat it.
Eat my face, eat my face.

Oh, he thinks he's tough, huh?

In zee batter.

Let's see, let's see.


Does it hurt?
Ah! Ah!

Take it off,
take it off.

He's totally--

You see what
he grabbed hold of?

are you ready, carla?

Yeah, ready.

leah's come back
with seven points,

And hosea's come back
with ten points.

What if i'm the first person
who comes back

With no points?


So i'm gonna do something
a little different today.

In the spirit of the south,

Crawfish crudo, which, uh,
if everybody doesn't know, uh,

Crudo in italian means raw.

Uh, that's why

These guys are still alive,
and they may actually still be

Kind of alive on your plate.

All right.

Come on, babies.

I know nothing about football.

But my husband and my stepson
noah lofootball.

I think football
is a great time

To get together with family
and eat some hot food.

I feel like gumbo is
the perfect dish for football.

Right now, i'm getting all the,
uh, peppers cut for the gumbo.

Putting the love in,
but doing it very quickly.

You know, sometimes
you gotta have quick love.

I'm nervous because
to do a 20-minute gumbo

From start to finish,
ooh, a little daunting.

I think this dish
is gonna be really flavorful

Or it's gonna be a flop.

[padma and spectators]
three, two, one.


All right.

Crayfish crudo's in
a nice little vinaigrette

Of tomatoes, apple, cucumber,
chive, mint, uh, tarragon.

Make sure you get
the pickles,

Make sure you get
the crawfish.

That's some good stuff
right there.

So I made a crawfish
and andouille gumbo

Over stone-ground grits.

That's how they do it
down south.

I think i'm gonna go with
carla's gumbo.


I'm gonna go with carla.

which, I mean,
both of them have great

Balance of flavor.

Uh, but in the end,
I think andrew's was

A little bit too sweet,

So i'm going with carla.

I'll give it to carla.


All the tasters,
raise their fingers

If they chose carla's dish.


[spectators "oh"]


Have fun.

[spectators "aw"]


I do appreciate
andrea's sportsmanship

And her being a nice girl.

Of course I will beat her.

I'm making
two different salads.

One is with corn and peppers
sliced prime rib on top,

And then I have a cole slaw
with sliced pork on it.

A duo of meat
on two different salads.

I'm doing a tex mex chili

With, uh, crispy corn chips.

I'm using chipotles.

You know,
I like my food spicy.

I like my food
like I like my men.


I'm in love with you.

Call me.

[padma and spectators]
five, four, three, two, one.


What do we have?

Uh, we have a tex mex chili
with crispy chips,

And a cole slaw
inspired by guacamole

From south of the border.

So I have a pork with

A, uh, pinto bean cole slaw,
a little bit of tequila,

And sour cream on the side,

And then I have a salad
with peppers, corn,

Queso fresco,

Uh, tortilla chips
on top of that.

I'm gonna go with andrea's.

Oh, thank you, padma!

[spectators booing]

I think it's,
it's really tough

To call this one.

But i'm going with andrea.

[spectators cheer and boo]

I'm gonna disagree.
I'm gonna go with stefan.

yeah, stefan.

I hate to do this to you.

But I gotta go with stefan,
i'm sorry.


So the judges are split.

So we will let the fans
break the tie

And the winner will receive
all ten points.

Who's voting
for andrea's dish?



Ah, [bleep] stick!


They hated it!


Who got the points?
Andrea got the points.

All of them?
All of them.

shut the [bleep] up.

you're lying.

I swear,
i'm not lying.

what a crock of [bleep].

I got beat by the [bleep]ing
nuts and grains girl.

Would I [bleep] you?
Would I?

You got a smile on your face.

stefan doesn't get any points.

Everybody is crazy nervous

Because we really want to beat
the all-stars.

[in a german accent]
you will all bow to stefan,

Dieter stefan, the third.

Number one german chef
in the world,

Even though i'm not even


hosea, I love this girl.

I'm the happiest dude right now
in the [bleep]ing world.

he got beat.

It's good to see him
get knocked down

Every now and then
because he loves

To talk about his wins.

"do you remember when
I won this challenge?"

"hey, oh wait,
let me tell you a story about

How good my food was."

It's like, all right, dude.

the first time i've been
knocked into the bottom,

So it's a rough one.

I'm a douche bag.
I can't cook.

I will be pissed if I go home.


I thought there was just
a little too much going on

On jeff's plate.

Oh, no!


all right,

Your 20 minutes starts now.


i'm doing a take on

A classic san francisco dish,
which is a cioppino.

It's basically a fish stew
that's tomato based.

But seeing as
I only had crab,

I'm doing a lose

So i'm doing a crab cioppino.

I don't know if my dish
is good enough,

And I don't wanna
let my team down.

So i'm a little nervous.

I'm making a, uh,
sweet potato and miso mash.

I'm going to also be using
the crab meat

With butter
and mustard sauce.

mustard and the miso

And the crab
and the sweet potatoes,

I would never put those flavors
together, they seem weird to me.

[padma and spectators]
five, four, three, two, one.

Time's up.


We have a miso
sweet potato mash

With whole grain mustard
crab meat,

And a fresh salad of herbs
and vegetables.


I wanted to do the tomatoes.

Just kind of keep it
sort of light,

'cause it is summer,
um, and then there's olives,

A little basil, garlic,

And then the sourdough is
for slopping up

All the sauce and stuff.

I'm gonna go with jamie.


I'm gonna go with jamie too.


Come on, jamie.

I really like the way
jamie works.

As I was watching camille work,
I was interested

The flavors that
she was putting in the dish.

I didn't think they were gonna
combine very well.

I thought they would clash.

But at the end of the day,
I have to tell you,

I think, I think
camille's dish is better.

I will say camille.

Thank you, chef.
all right, we have another tie.

Who's voting for jamie's dish?



sweet, ten points.

And I went in there thinking
I wasn't gonna get anything

And I was so nervous
about what I was doing,

So it was redeeming for me.

We're totally on top now.


In miami we use a lot of rum.


you just gotta make
a good dish.

I'm using a little bit
of sangria ice on top

Of a ceviche of rock shrimp,

A little jicama and mango,
and cilantro.

Trying to take a peek
at what you got.

I'm doing a ceviche.

I am also doing a ceviche.
It's gonna be a ceviche battle.

she says that she's making
a hot shrimp ceviche.

So the last thing I wanna do
is serve hot ceviche.

You have one minute left.
One minute to plate.

while i'm plating
and finishing stuff,

I just see her
slopping stuff on the plate.

definitely not a pretty plate.

Definitely not very refined,
I think.


All right, josie.

So this is warm rock shrimp
ceviche marinated with papaya.

It also has a little bit
of papaya and fresh mango

And herbs inside.

So jeff?

This was just a bunch
of different citrus.

Mango just shaved real thin,
some cilantro,

Little jicama ribbons
going through the salad,

And a little cilantro.

I'm gonna go with jeff's.


I thought they were both
very good,

Both very summery.

But I thought there was just
a little bit too much

Going on on jeff's plate.

So i'm gonna go with josie.

There's something about
josie's dish

That really made me wanna
keep on eating it.

So i'm gonna go with josie.

all right.

I like the sangria sorbet,

Especially since you finished it
with some salt.

However, I felt that

This was more authentic,
so i'll go with josie.



Who preferred josie's plate?



yeah, baby!



So close, right?

All righty, spike.

The pressure's really,
really not all right now.

I lost it all.

you lost it all.

I mean, padma voted for me.
A couple of kids voted for me.

But it was 3-1.

so jeff tells us that

He lost big time to josie,
and she got all ten points.

Basically at this point,
it's really close.

they both were like,

Oh, this is a great dish,
great dish.

But it's too much.

my dishes are usually complex.
I can't do ordinary food.

I would have been so embarrassed
if I would have served that

Hot nacho ceviche.

I couldn't serve that.

My point total is zero.

Stefan's point total is zero,

And that's the only two people
on the chopping block as of now.

let's get ready

To rumble!

all right, fabio,
bring it on.

fabio, bet it all!


i'm the last chef,

And the score is 26-34,

Which mean that if I lose,
we go down.


I will be cooking venison
in order of

The hunting things that
is going on in wisconsin.


And some salad with

The stone fruit
and cheddar cheese

In honor of
the cheese-making of wisconsin.

What do you have about cheese,

Spike, over there?
I don't have any cheese.

Oh, no!

[bleep] damn!

the challenge is about

Honor the wisconsin green bay.

I'm trying to use
as many home points as I can.

Fabio, you need help over there?
I'm kind of done.


If your food is big
like your mouth,

You'll win it for sure.


when i'm done plating,

The only things i'm thinking
is that my venison

Was too cooked...

For the way
that I wanted to do it.

Time's up.


All right, spike,
why don't you explain the dish?

I have five-spice seared venison
with dried cranberries

Rehydrated with
a port wine reduction,

A little nuttiness with
the pistachios,

With uh, a little microsalad
with apples.

For me it's really earthy,
so I got some beets with this,

Some potatoes,
and some green mustard sauce.

And for the salad,
cheddar cheese, stone fruit,

And some, uh, mache.

I'm gonna go with spike.


The acidity of the rehydrated
cherries in spike's dish

Was just a little
too dominant.

So i'm gonna go with,
uh, fabio's.


fabio overcooked

That poor venison.

Spike's dish was--

I think he nailed it.

Well done.
Well done.


Fabio, I really liked
the sauce a lot.

But the venison
was already dead.

There was no need to k*ll it.
Complete overcooked it.

I gotta go with spike.

Yeah! Yeah!


very interesting match.

Who liked fabio's?


Field goal!
You're not gonna get this one!

Home, spike, lose it.


End of the story.


season 5.

You are the winners.

I wanna thank all
our returning

Top chef contestants
for coming back and playing

On the all-stars.


We'll see you all
back at judges' table.

Despite your victory,

One of you will be eliminated.

well, guys, thank you!


we are the winners.

It's cool.

I, I mean, I--

It's kind of nice
to beat the all-stars, you know?

'cause they're so cocky
and they think that

They're gonna win, and--

All right, get down,
get down!

don't really feel like
I contributed much

Considering I got zero points,

all right, guys,
you guys ready

To get out of here too?

our team is happy, we won.

I'm kind of pissed
because it's gonna be me,

Stefan, and jeff
at judges' table.

The three of them today,
they got the [bleep] sticks

From the all-star.

You [bleep]ed up,
you go home.

That's it.
How sounds that?

Acid with cheese, chef?

You have italian restaurant--

Take it easy.

I'm the judge here,
not you.

'cause you had first pick.

Stefan, fabio, and jeff
are gonna be on the bottom.

All three of them
are incredible cooks

And big competition here,
so if any of them go,

My chances are better for,
for making the finale.

Good evening.

Can we please see


Carla, leah, and jamie.

Thank you.

One of us is going home.

Well, congratulations
to all four of you.

You won your head-to-head

In the super top chbowl.

not only are you responsible
for winning your racket,

But you're probably
responsible for,

For really putting
the team over.

Nice work.

How did it feel to win,

I was really happy
to get new orleans

Because i've been wanting
to do grits.

And then fresh crawfish
made it just that much better.

What I really liked
about what you did

Was that it had
a really authentic flavor

Of new orleans about it.

I tasted the love
this time.

Oh, did you taste the love
this time?

It was there.
The love was there.

Oh, excellent,

I thought that you really
got into the spirit of,

Of what this was about.

I thought the dish was,
was really well done,

And I think it was very smart
to infuse,

Uh, the bodies of the crawfish
into the stock.

Uh, I thought
that sort of helped

Give it the flavor that
we were looking for.

But we really,
really enjoyed it.

Nice job.


What was your thinking
behind the dish?

I wanted to do something
that was a little bit unique

And, uh, take advantage of

The asian ingredients
that were in the box.

best part of the dish for me
was the fact that

You managed to put
an egg roll and--

And cook it, but still cook
the salmon medium rare.

Nice and moist.

I thought that, that was,
uh, a very nice touch.


The key to a dish
when it's really good

Is there's something that
draws you back to that plate.

And ultimately, that's,
that's what you want.

So it was well done.


Jamie, what was your super
top chef bowl experience like?

I mean, when you think
of san francisco,

You think of sourdough,
it's one of the first things

That sort of pops into
your head.

The minute I saw
that bread,

I was like,
I need to use this.

I like food--
you know, if you're gonna be

Eating a dish whilst
watching a football game,

I think it's nice
to be able to dispense

With utensils altogether.

And I like the fact
that you--

You have the sourdough you
can use to scoop up the soup.

it was clearly one of
the better dishes

This evening, even though
I didn't vote for it.

But I, I enjoyed the dish
a lot.

It's really refreshing
to watch you cook.

You're a good cook.

I like the way
you put things together,

I like your movements, I--

You know, your work,
it's meticulous.

And it's, it's good to see
you also extract good flavors

Out of the products
that you're working with.

Miss leah,

Tell us about your dish.

I really wanted to make it
super simple

And, uh, just make it
taste good, so that's it.

You were going for simple,
it was exactly that.

Loved the fact that you used
herbs and you basted it.

It was a,
a good simple dish.

And as our guest judge,
it's your pleasure

To announce the winner.

The winner is carla.

good job, carla!

Congratulations, carla!

Thank you so much.

What you've won

Are two tickets
to the super bowl.

Shut up!


Hands up!

Touchdown, carla.

It's my first win.

This is the ultimate day
for me.


congratulations, carla.

Please send back
your colleagues.

I won! Two tickets.

you're [bleep]ing
kidding me.


You're [bleep]ing me.

But they wanna see
you guys.

I know.
Let's go. Good luck, guys.

good luck, guys.

you three

All lost your head-to-head
cook offs.

One of you will be
going home this evening.

Let's start with you,

My meat, at the moment
that you had it,

It was overcooked.

What happened is that
I sliced the meat,

I put it on top
of hot cabbage.

After you guys tasted
the food of spike,

It was gone.

My meat when I sliced it
was still bleeding,

It was beautifully pink.

Was that medium rare?
Yes, chef.

Medium rare?

At the moment that
it was resting, yes, for me.

Intentions have nothing to do
with anything.

What matters is
what's on the plate

In front of me.
I understand.

Do you understand?
I do.

I don't know if
you understand that.

I do.
This is the point.

We make mistakes.

I was trying to stand behind
what I know I did right.

The greens you provided

Were wilted.

The cheese that you put
with those greens

With no acid on them.

Acid with cheese, chef?

You have an italian restaurant.

'scuse me.
Take it easy.

I'm the judge here,
not you.

It didn't work.

All of our intentions

Are to make perfect dishes
every time.

You failed at making
a perfect dish.

You see the point?

I agree with that.
You failed.

That's not our fault.
I agree with you.

That's your fault.


Is this the first time
you've been

On this side of things?

First time.

my problem with the dish

Was it was just overall
a bit uninspired.

I apologize, sorry.

when I think of dallas,
it's a big

In-your-face kind of state.

We were hoping to get
a little more of that

Out of the dish,
I--I would imagine.

It could be more flavor, there
could have been more depth.

The ironic thing is that

You had chosen
to cook against her.

Yeah, I kind of like her.

You thought she was gonna be
pretty weak.


How was the super top chef bowl
for you?

When I first heard
super bowl, you know,

I'm thinking of ribs
and chicken wings and everything

And then they said,
"no, do this mystery basket

The best you can."

And so i'm thinking,
oh, you know what?

I'm gonna go back to my fine,

My, you know, etiquette.

I'll do the sorbet,
i'll do all this stuff.

And then we get there
and there's plastic plates.

And it's just--

It's one step forward,
two steps back.

You know, it's a plastic plate.
So what?

What was the big surprise here?

I got beat by a hot bean,
hot bean ceviche.

That's my only--
oh, you're surprised
you got beat by it?

It--it wasn't ceviche.

You got beat
because your dish

Wasn't as flavorful as,
as hers was.

Whether it was a hot ceviche
or not,

It wasn't,
it wasn't as flavorful.

I just think I did about

Made a cilantro sauce,
I put it through a chinois,

I did sorbet,
I did the ceviche.

Sometimes I think I do too much
and maybe that bites me.

The reason I preferred
josie's dish is because,

Um, it really--
it had the kind of authentic

Taste of miami about it.

I put a lot of work, technique,
and heart and soul in it.

If I got beat, I got beat.

I'm not gonna argue
with you on that.

The essence of what we do
is just, is to create flavor.

And I can tell you right now,
that dish was more enjoyable.

Yours was a very
watered-down version of ceviche.

Okay, we'll call you back
in a bit.

these are three of

Our stronger competitors,

And they've all managed to,
to lose out.

the salad was a disaster.

Amateur at best.

there was a lot wrong
with the dish,

And the salad wasn't that good.

you know, to me, that salad

Was abominable.

I'm the first time
in the bottom,

I will be--
I will be all right.

What was fabio's point?

I think he was dealt
the poorest hand.

Wisconsin, I think that was
probably the toughest state.

they all huddled together,

They all chose
what they wanted.

He chose wisconsin.

If fabio had concentrated
his flavors,

With a properly cooked
piece of venison,

I think that would have made
for a good dish.

the fact that the judges

Doesn't takes in consideration
the waiting time is bull[bleep].

Here's the thing with jeff.

I, I didn't care for
his dish at all.

I thought it was really weak.

He went down
and went down hard.

Thought he could make a ceviche
in 20 minutes.

So he precooked the shrimp.

He talked about josie
not making a ceviche.

He didn't either.

That's right.
He poached shrimp.

And then made a vinaigrette
with it.

That's fair, yeah.
So what kind
of ceviche is that?

To me, it was exactly
how I would have ordered it.

I thought it was perfect.

All right, then let's
get them back in there.

you know, for tonight's

You had to compete

In the top chef bowl.

Jeff, you gave us kind of

A watered-down version
of a ceviche.

You know, stefan,

You didn't give us
those strong flavors

That we're looking for,
that we expect

From texas and from dallas.


You completely overcooked
the venison.

A tough competition,

But unfortunately,
one of you are going home.

Jeff, please pack your knives
and go.

Thank you.

You mind if I shake your hands?
I learned a lot.

And, uh, I appreciate

I've learned a lot.

Thank you, chef.
I'll see you down in miami.

Thank you.
Yeah, I hope so.

I wish you all
the luck, jeff.

Thank you.
See you in miami.

Take care, guys.

I just wanna say one things.
I do believe in second chances.

And I feel that tonight,

I got the biggest
of my life.

Thank you, all of you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Good night.

i'm pretty beat up

About how I lost, um, today.

Well, I thought I had this one,
at least.

At least this one.

Maybe not a win,
but at least not a loss.

Aw, jeff.
See you guys.

I really thought that fabio
was gonna go home.

Hey, no problem, man.

Good being your roommate, huh?

It's good being your roommate.

I guess i've learned that
my brain works differently

That a lot of chefs.

I have a problem with
just keeping it simple.

That's what bit me
a lot of times.

But I guess that is
who I am.

Let me know when you guys
wanna come to miami.

I wanna be remembered
as somebody

That went down fighting,

That, uh,
didn't change his ways,

And, uh, that I gave it
my best.

I love you too.

Bye, guys.
Jeff, take care.

Yeah, hang in there, guys.

I'm more than disappointed
with myself,

And I think it's something
that's gonna stick with me

For at least a decade.

And, uh, I really thought
I had what it took

To be top chef.

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next on top chef...

Hello, chefs.

eric ripert.

He's the god of
the french chefs.

Freshwater eel.
Peel it and filet it.

They don't have eels
in colorado.

This is the most nervous
i've ever been.

my hand is shaking.

the mere fact that they're
in this kitchen cooking

Is enough to scare
the chef pants

Out of anybody.


That's tough.

Clearly, something's gone
very wrong.

It misses the mark.

It wasn't appetizing to look at
or to eat.

I'm not surprised that
obi-wan kenobi over here

Was a bit disappointed
with this challenge.

for more about the recipes
seen tonight,
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