04x04 - Episode 4

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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04x04 - Episode 4

Post by bunniefuu »


on "Love Island USA"...

The boy I would like
to couple up with is Andy.


"You are now single.

At the end of the week
anyone left single

will be dumped
from the island."

And one boy
may not be ready to let go.

it is definite there.


a new boy

makes himself at home.

Oh, my God!

God damn, Uncle Sam.

to "Love Island USA."

Last night, parcel guy Jesse

delivered a sexy snog
to all the girls.

I was hoping for one too...

but when I go home
I found that I'd missed him

and he'd left it
with my neighbor.

Oh, my gosh!
That was crazy.

Oh, man!
That was f*cking crazy!

That was fun, man!

I'm glad we got
this shit lit, man, you know?

Well, I just wanted to see,

where your head
was at with that.

You know,
I would say meeting you,

I want to get to know you
a little bit more.

I feel like we
really haven't had time

to really get to know
each other, so I get that, too.

Yeah, so I really want to get
to know you a little bit more

and just
learn about you, honesty,

and see what's up
because obviously

the connection's
there, you know?

Honestly, like, I'm not
lying whenever I tell you

I really... I'm not interested
in anybody else but you.

So I guess
maybe that's bad for me.

But I know you do have
a strong connection

with, like, Deb,
I know, I get that, yeah.

You guys were together
from the first day.

Would you say, like, right now...

Would you actually rather
be coupled up with her?

I wouldn't necessarily say that.

No, you just feel like
you have a stronger connection

just because you've known her
better than me or like...

Yeah, I know her
a lot better than I know you.

But, like, physically,

I'm, like,
entirely attracted to you.

And then, you got
an intelligence about you,

you know what I'm saying?

You're smart as f*ck, so...

I just want to know, like,
should I be worried or not?

You know what I mean?

I want to make sure
that you want to be with me.

Okay, well, Valerie,
I want you to know

- that I f*cking like you.
- Okay.

I'm very happy to f*cking be
in the position that I'm in.


I like sharing a bed with you.

I like being
coupled up with you.

- You are fine as f*ck.
- Okay.

Yes, I want to be
coupled up with you, honestly.

- Okay.
- I do.


Deb is off for a chat with Zeta.

And just to be clear,
Zeta's second word

ends in the letter "P."

I ship you and Jesse so hard.

Val's lovely,
it has nothing to do with that.

Like, I know
that you like Jesse.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

And I know that you
don't really, like, speak up.

Yeah, I know,
I've literally all day

felt like I was pacing around,

literally talking to every
other person besides him.

I small chatted with him

and I said, "If you
had to choose right now

who you're just
more attracted to,

who would you say?"

And he was like, "Deb,"
like, no hesitation.

You need to just
let things be known

because I don't want
to see you leave.

I know.
You're so right.

I need to be selfish
which I'm usually not.

But you have to be.

You can't
not be selfish in here.

Last thing you want to do
is go home and be like,

"Why the f*ck
did I care about anybody else?"

for sure I'm going to try

to make out with him tonight.

I'm like, "I need to just
do something to solidify this."

I like that, though.
You need this.

- Lock it in.
- Yeah.

Thank you.

I don't know the deal
with Isaiah and Sydney,

but I do know
that Jebediah's World of Wicker

is completely
sold out of basket lanterns.

At first, after last night
I was a bit like...

You know,
like, "f*ck you," right?

Yeah, but that's just how I am

because I'm hotheaded.

But I feel
like I made that kind of clear.

But, like, obviously,
I got over myself.

I was being, like... I was,
like, heated for a while.

- I understand, you...
- But I was telling you, like...

You can definitely
feel how you feel.

Yeah, but that just
kind of shows that I do care

if I'm pressed,
you know what I mean?

Usually, if that were to happen

I wouldn't have
even told you I was upset.

I would have just
never talked to you again...

- Really?
- Yeah.

I, like, am a big ghoster.

But I felt like...
You know, you said

you kind of
wanted your space and I told...

You know what I mean,
I felt like the ball

was definitely in your court.

But I definitely
did pull you aside

because I definitely
wanted to clear things up

and I definitely wanted
to talk to you for sure.

He got caught

major slipping last night
being this intense guy.

But I don't know,
I've only seen, like,

a sweet side of him since.

I don't really feel like
doing this with no one else.

Like, I don't think
the vibe is really there

with no one else.

That shows me a lot, actually.

I don't know...

I don't know,
I like spending time with you,

it makes me...
It gives me, like, butterflies.

- I get a little bit nervous.
- Really?


I lowkey be speaking the truth.

You know,
all day today I was on edge.

My stomach was kind of turning.

But, like,
I definitely cleared things up

and the vibe
is definitely getting back

and I'm happy for that.

Her lips taste good.

Yeah, you good...

You good at kissing,
that's for damn sure.

And I'm good with my mouth.

You might think
Jesse is about to use

exactly the same script
he used with Val earlier,

but it's nothing like it.

He's changed
the name Val to Deb throughout.

You have a good time

with the little truth or dare?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Yeah, it was fun.

I was like, "Was that
our hurdle that we needed?"

Yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, we definitely...

I think we got over
that hump a little bit.


This is real tough
for me right now.

I want to get to know
Valerie a little bit more,

but I have Deb
who really relates to me.

I am just lost in the sauce,
I feel like, right now.

Like, I don't want
to be the cause

of someone else's, like, pain.

But I feel
like I have to be selfish,

- which is, like, not me.
- Yeah.

But I'm like, I have to...

I have to go after, right?

Yeah, you got to go after it.

Like we said, we've gotta
step into the.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, I think...

I think that, you know,
I barely even know her.

So you kinda just want
to get to know her more to see.

Yeah, I gotta get
to know her a little bit more

and, you know,
just test the water there.

Genuinely, I care about you.

I care about how you feel.

I don't want you to be sad,
I want you to be happy.

I still feel, like, shy
and, like, giddy around him.

So I'm like, okay, that
kind of tells me that we, like,

do have a connection,
but it's just like,

"Give me something!"

This is the most
I've talked about my feelings,

like, my whole life.

My whole life.
I've never said this much.

- And this sucks.
- Exactly.

Like, good Lord,
I can write a book.

I know.

- Ugh!
- Right.

I need a therapist.

After her
kissing game snog with Felipe,

single girl Courtney's
still feeling cautious.

Poor thing, that girl
just needs to take

a "Felipe of faith."

I thought
it was cute that you, like,

chose me
for, like, the kiss tonight.

To myself.

So she was like,
"Pick your top one," you know?

So the girl want to make,

you know, so like,
okay, it's you.

I'm not gonna hide.

And then just feel
the way I'm feeling always.

Like, you're more like me.

We talk, we're easy going,

we're not speeding
or anything, you know?

But also, I kind of
like how there's, like,

the sexual tension between us.

Like, I like that, you know?

I do also, you know?

Like, I like that,
like, when we started

it wasn't, like,
super easy for us.

Like, it's hot that it was like,

kind of like,
I don't know, you know?

Sometimes we are afraid

to like, "Okay,
I'm feeling Courtney,

I want to kiss her,
but this is the right moment."

There is no moment
if you go and do

what you're feeling to do.

My hands are cold, yeah.

I don't like it
to feel cold, you know?

I don't like that at all,
you know, so...

What's happening now?

Our first kiss for tonight

was, like, really passionate.

It's like, everything
I expected to be from Felipe

because him and I
are similar in that way.

Like, we're both, like,
super respectful, and, like,

I feel like we're both
really freaky in the bedroom.

What did I say earlier?
I was like, "Why don't we all

just kiss
and see who we feel it with?"

I feel like we really
did turn up the heat

in truth or dare.

- Yeah we did.
- Yeah we did.

I mean, it was about time
we all kissed them.

But where else
does shit like this happen?

Home sweet home.

What happened with your kiss?

Tonight, we're going to
work on our cuddling.

See, I got
the whole matching fit here.

No more... That's my pelvis.

It's a risky game
you're playing over there.


I know, right?

- Good night, baby.
- Good night.

Oh, hello.

There's a new boy on the way.

By the looks of things,

there's going to be
some fights for the hairdryer.

And if there is,

my money's on that guy.

Good morning.

Let's get started
with our morning.

I'm Tyler, I'm 23.

I'm from Cleveland, Ohio.

I think the guys in the villa
should be worried about me.

I have the confidence,

I have the hair,
I have the looks.

And I'm a PhD student.
What more could you want?

I don't really have any concerns

about competing
for someone's attention.

I'm really just
trying to tear it up

and have some fun.

Good morning.

- Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God!

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

It's morning
and there's a floater

in the pool, again.

But for once, I don't have to go

and fish it out with a net.

Good morning.

- Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!


How you guys doing?

There's a hottie in the pool.

- Oh, my...
- Yeah!

- Oh, my God!
- You guys sleep good?

That's a bombshell right there.

He's extremely attractive.

- Tyler, nice to meet you.
- I'm Mady, Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you. Wow!

- Wow!
- You're looking good.

- This is a nice...
- Nice to meet you.

Thing to wake up to.

- Where are you from, Tyler?
- I'm from Ohio.

- I like your hair.
- Thank you, I appreciate it.

I like yours too.

Thanks, it's quite
messy right now.


We all were looking
like we just got off

the busted train a little bit.

So it'll be nice later

when we're all put together

because then
he's like, "Damn!"

- Morning.
- Good morning. Whoa!

Am I dreaming?

What? Hi!

- Hey.
- I'm Deb.

- Tyler. Nice to meet you.
- Tyler. Nice to meet you.

Oh, he's so hot.

Oh, f*ck!

"'Sup, baby,
take me out to dinner."

How you doing?
I'm Tyler.

I'm Courtney.
Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you, too.
- Do you have a country accent?

- I'm from Ohio.
- He's from Ohio.

Take the glasses off.

We got to see
the smile without the glasses.

Damn! That guy is sexy.

- How you doing?
- Hey, how are you?

- Good. Tyler.
- What's your name?

- Tyler.
- Tyler, I'm Zeta.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

- You look really good.
- I appreciate that.

- You do, too.
- Thank you, yeah, thank you.

You want to meet a guy
when you're looking your best.

I'm so happy I had sunglasses on

to cover my really sleepy eyes,

but I've not brushed my teeth

so that stuff
doesn't make you feel

very confident, does it?

- Hi, good morning.
- Morning.

- What's your name?
- Tyler.

Tyler, Sereniti,
nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you, too.
- You look so cute.

He looks like a superhero.

I just know
that saving is what I need,

so you can come
and sweep a bitch up.


What do you do for work?

I just graduated in December

and I'm starting my PhD
in August, so...

Oh! We love
an educated man.

I hope you like blondes.

You're going to get

loads of compliments
today, by the way.

We need
these boys on their toes.

Yeah, we needed you.

What the f*ck is my hair doing?

That's f*cking bad.

Are you excited to be here?

I definitely am, yeah.

You ready to find love?

- Oh, yes.
- Oh, yeah!

The girls,
they all look phenomenal.

I can't wait to just
explore all my options

and see
who I click with the most.

Hurricane Tyler
has entered the villa.

- Hello!
- Morning.

- How're you doing, boss?
- Felipe. Nice to meet you.

- Felipe, Tyler.
- Good?

Nice to meet you, my man.
Yeah, absolutely.


Good morning, Andy.

How we doing?

- 'Sup, my man?
- How're you doing?

- Andy.
- Tyler, nice to meet you.

Pleasure to meet you.

There's just this guy with
really nice hair out there.

I'm like, "Oh, shit!

Like, is he going to
come take my girl?"

Game on, I guess.

Does anybody have kids?

- No, thank God.
- Do you?

I have two.

- You got two?
- No, I'm kidding.

Shut up!

I'm only 23.

I feel extra positive, bro.

I feel like a calm energy.

Like, I'm gonna just
do my thing, f*ck the rest.

We got a new guy in the house.

Oh, man!
New guy alert.

I'm starting to get nervous.

- What up, my man?
- What's up? What's up?

My boy, you look like Tarzan!

I appreciate that.

- Man, you're looking good.
- Tyler.

- Tyler. Jesse, man.
- Nice to meet you, brother.

Where you from, Australia?

- Ohio.
- O-H, baby! Let's go.

- O-H-I-O, baby.
- O-H-I-O, baby.

being from the same place.

They're both from Australia?

- No.
- I'mma start telling

everybody I'm from Australia.

I just got to
come up with the accent.

Just seconds in the villa

and they're already throwing
themselves at new boy Tyler.

And the girls seem
to like him as well,

which is nice.

you guys are going to die.

Literally, my type
is f*cking athletes

or successful surfers.

- Same.
- Literally.

How did the "Love Island" gods
know exactly what I needed?

Like, I felt like
it's, like, one of those

grow-a-boyfriends, where you,
like, get them at the store

and you put it
under water, and it grows.

That's what happened.

I've... Maybe
manifestation really works.

I mean, he's definitely my type,

and he's
so mature and he's smart.

I'm just like, "Damn!"

Andy's going to
have to grow his hair out.

Man, I wish I had
some hair like that!

I love his f*cking hair, bro.


We should all, like,
show so much interest

that they start, "Oh, my God!
What should we do?"

Because that's
what's going to make them

show interest.

Tyler could
really shake some things up.

I'm all open.
Like, let's go.

Just be flirty.

Be really flirtatious.

Watch this.

- She's possessed.
- What's up?

Just wanted to cop a feel.

That's a really nice
back you got going there.

- Thank you, I appreciate it.
- Yeah, you're fit, honestly.

- Thank you. I appreciate that.
- We were all like, "Sheesh!"

You had a tour yet, Tyler,
of the place?

We'll take him.
Do you want to go?

Yeah, we'll take you.

The girls definitely
seem to take a liking to me.

Courtney and I
are single right now,

so we have our own beds.

- Oh, what's going on?
- What's up, my man?

How you doing?

I'm good, brother.
How are you?

nice to meet you, brother.

Tyler, nice
to meet you, I'm Isaiah.

Nice to meet you, my man.

- What's up, family?
- How you doing?

How are you, brother?

Tyler definitely got
his hair products on point.

So I guess, you know,
it's just a nice little

swift kick in the pants
that we all might need.

Pressure makes diamonds, baby.

Tyler's got
the boys running scared.

They're terrified
he'll steal their thunder,

steal their girls,
and worst of all,

steal their conditioner.

m*therf*cking fellas, man.

What's up?
What it do?

We got Tarzan with the nice
long ass hair or something.

I'm like, "Oh, boy,
what do we got going on today?"

What would you feel if he
starts pressing up on Mady?

If he kind of went for Mady?

Yeah, I'm going to
press up a little bit.

When pressure's applied I'm
going to apply it right back.

Let's say Tyler
starts pressing up on Val,

are you going to be
like, "Yeah, I gotta apply

- some more pressure, too"?
- Yeah, 'cause, you know,

every day here could be
your last so, you know?

- Okay!
- Yeah.

You're happy to be here?

Yeah, I'm having a good time.

Everybody's been
super nice, super cool.

I'm really loving
your energy, you know?

- Thank you.
- What do you think about Deb?

Deb's cute. Yeah.

She's definitely good-looking.

I definitely gotta
pull her for a chat today.

You see,
if he press down on Deb,

I'm definitely
pressing down, you know?


I like that, bro.

Yeah, I'm definitely
worried about a new guy

entering the villa.

It leaves a lot of room for Val
or Deb to get swooped on.

He's a good-looking man,
got a great set of hair.

So I got to apply some pressure

and really try
to secure my spot,

you know, before I lose my spot.

Jesse, he's telling me
that he likes me.

He's saying that,
but, like, I don't know

if I should believe it.

Like, we do hold hands

and we cuddle here and there,

but, like, I don't really feel

like he's showing
any, like, much effort

to, like, getting to know me

or show me a lot of attention.

Well, spice things up
and pull Tyler for a chat.

I do want to talk to him.

Care if we go for a chat, Val?

For sure, we can.

- Oh, my God! No.
- Oh, shit!

I got a text!

I got text!

"Islanders pucker up for
today's game Kissing Booth.

I get to kiss!

Let's go, baby!

Oh, my God!

How nasty and exciting.


Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

Mady and Valerie
stole Deb and Courtney's boys.

And Deb and Courtney
stole our truth or dare game,

now we are stealing
their kissing contest.

Is that childish?
No, you're childish.

Let's do this!

The boys will be blindfolded

while wearing noise-canceling

She's going in.

The girls will make
their way down the line,

laying their saucy
smackers on each boy.

After the saliva swap, the boys
rate each kiss out of 10.

Tasty. Eight.

The girl
with the most points wins

bragging rights and
a nasty case of stubble rash.

Taste like honey.

We like honey.

That shit was fire.

That's all I got to say.
10 out of 10 for me.

Isaiah gave me a 10,

and I don't know
if he knew it was me.

So, I think with this one,

I'm just going to let myself
feel good about it.


You know, whoever that was,
I need to keep them humble.

So I'm going
to say a 9.5.

But that was fire.
And it was a nice steady pace.

Steady pace wins the race, yerr?

Yeah, I'm going
to give that one a 9, too.

The only reason it's not a 10
is because it had to end.

My only complaint, the only one

is I'm not used to tilt my head
left going in for the kiss.

I'm used to right.

I really liked that kiss.

It's very poetic.

Nine out of 10.

Ooh, a poetic kiss.

Valerie, like, is coupled up
with the guy I like.

So, I'm hoping
that a little tongue,

a little biting action
is going to stir some shit up.

- That was my 10.
- Yeah!


I am very honored to be able
to receive a kiss like that.

That I gotta go 10 out of 10.

Rated her higher.
I was like, "Ugh!"

Like, I just feel like
I just can't win right here.

That was damn near perfect.

Man, these girls
are something else.

They got a guy
going crazy in here.

That's a 9 right there.

She had that,
like, the car wiper action,

like, side to side.

She took me on a ride, yo.

The winner...


I was expecting to win.
I would say that.

That's one thing that I've
always gotten complimented on.

And I guess it was true.

It's the boys turn

to engage in what is called
"the French kiss."

Very different
to the way you kiss your mum,

which is called
"the Mother Pucker."

- It's kinky.
- Yeah.

Lips taste like a homegrown
meal from... from my grandma.

You know what I'm saying?
They just... it's just like...

Oh, my...

Hey, don't kiss my girl.

- God damn, Uncle Sam.
- I really liked it.

It was definitely giving,
like, stripper,

Like, seductive.

Stripper kisses like...

Basically, you say you kissed
a stripper before, right?

- I don't kiss and tell.
- Aha.

Well, hot damn, diggity jam.

Courtney, what's up?
How was that kiss?

Like a 6.5?

I just needed more, like,

"f*ck me against the wall
right now" kind of energy.

And I was getting, like, we've
been married for 10 years.

- Yeah.
- No offense.

I got a little
fanny flutters there.

I liked that.

That's a nine for me.

Valerie, let me get that review.

I'mma have to go with an 8.

I feel like
I was a bit generous.

Probably would have been,
like, a little lower

if I didn't know it was him.

I like more aggression maybe.

It's like,
"Open your mouth, please."

Now new boy Tyler gets a chance

to, uh, introduce himself
to each of the girls.

Knocked my socks off.

Definitely got to step
my game up with Tyler here.

I mean, look at the guy, man.
He looks like Tarzan.

- Deb, what's up?
- I like this game.


I got a bite in there,
that was hot.

I could get into some trouble
with that kiss.

I'm going to give
it a solid nine.

I can't wait to do it again.

Enough said.

I don't feel Tyler is
a competition for me.

I like this game, you know.

So, let's see
how it's going to be.

Ooh, it's getting spicy
in "Love Island."

I'm, like,
still not okay from it.

I would rate
that one a 9.5.

If that went longer,

it would have led to other
things, though.


Oh, God.

I only have one word
and it's "Damn."

I think that might be the best
kiss I've ever had in my life.

10 for me.

I'm gonna give it a six because
it was just, like, cute.

Yeah, it was... Yeah.

It felt like
a sword fight, a little bit.

It was like dagger tongue,
you know?


It was definitely
a good kiss, but, um...

I think
there could have been, like,

a little bit more something.

Okay. Got you.

I think we don't need to talk

about the kissing competition
a whole lot more.

Take it home.

I have been told
I'm a good kisser.

I'm going to continue
to feel confident

'til otherwise proven different.

The way he was touching me,

it was, like, very sensual.

Like, that man really knew
what he was doing.

My baby Zeta at the end,

I kind of gave a little
extra pumpkin spice, yerr?

I feel like that's Timmy's.

I know his kisses.
He's passionate kisser

and he's very, like, hands-on
when he wants to be.

So yeah.
That was like a 12 for me.

So, I guess a 10, if that's
the highest it can go.

I loved everything.
I didn't want it to stop.

I just hope
it's who I think it is.

It's a 10 for sure.

Easy peasy.
10 it is.

I'm feeling pretty sexually
aroused right now.

Definitely got
butterflies down there.

I'm going
to go 9.5.

- Okay.
- Good on you, lads.

- Yeah.
- I want more of that.

All right.
Happy camper.

And our boy

who scored the most
and is in first place is...

- Timmy.
- Damn.


I literally thought it was
a new guy in the building

because I was like,
"Who the f*ck is this?"


That's what I'm talking about.

- Speech! Speech!
- Speech! Speech!

Your speech, just say,
"You're welcome."

I've been practicing
all my life for this moment.

And, you know, I just...

I'm glad
to share it with you guys.

And I'm glad
y'all were watching.

That's it.

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

It was an afternoon
spent blindfolded,

wondering who's kissing you.

But enough about my nan's 80th,

the boys and girls
are comparing notes.

Hell of a game, man.
Hell of a game.

I ain't got no complaints, bro.

I'mma definitely get some
lessons from my guy, Timmy.

Timmy's kiss
was really, really good.

- Yeah.
- I think... I just think...

That's because he was the only
one that touched, though.

If they had all went for
the ass grabbing,

I would have been
like, "Come here."

The way y'all got the motion.

I mean, you know...
I need some lessons.

Step one is, like, I have lips.

I have lips.
So, like, that's just biology.

I was born like this.

And then from there,

like, you just dance
to the rhythm of the beat.

You feel me?

Kissing is like...
It's like a flow.

- You know what I'm saying?
- Literally, bro.

- Like this...
- Yum.

Yum, yum.


Okay. Okay.

Jesse's kiss for me
was literally like...

I want to just show
you all, okay?

I felt like I was kissing
a 12-year-old boy, like...

It wasn't the best kiss
I've ever had in my life.

I think Tyler's was better,
but I just felt it more.

I liked Tyler's kiss.

- I was like, "Damn."
- Yeah.

Jesse's still definitely
my number one.

But the best kiss
of the day for me was Tyler.

Yeah, he's hot.

I like him.
He can stay.

But how was your experience,
my guy?

Solid first day,
you kissed everybody, bro.

- Yeah.
- Yeah. Shit.

Which one did you...

You was like,
"Oh, yeah, this is the one."

Bro, low key, Deb.



Mady, too.

Yeah, you know, I've always said

that I don't really
have a type, but...

I really start to gravitate
towards the blondes, I think.

But then Hurricane Val came

and she definitely knows
what she's doing.

Felipe came in hot, you know.

- I felt that in my bones.
- Yeah.

I love that all the other girls
loved kissing Felipe.

I think it's hot.

I give credit where it's due.

I'm all for that.

Later we have to play
this game again.

To see if we improve
some scores.


This show is never predictable.

Usually at this point we'd have
a getting ready montage.

But because
new boy Tyler's here,

we've mixed things up.

And we're having a getting
ready montage with Tyler in it.


- How you feeling, bro?
- Feeling good, man,

how you feeling?

I just want to have
a connection already.

I want a boyfriend.

I want a boyfriend so bad.

Love really is the strongest
thing on the planet.

I'm done being a ho.
I don't want to be a ho.

I think everyone
deserves to have, like,

their version of a fairy tale.

Oh, yeah, it's giving.

It's giving.

Isaiah had attempted
to tell me his feelings today.

I'mma pack one
and I'mma dip the shit.

Then I'm gonna...

- And he said...
- Wait, he did?

That he likes me and that...

Reverse it and then I'm gonna...

He asked me if he could,
like, put some more pressure

on, like, me
being his girl or whatever.

- Aw!
- Aw!

Take a video
and I'mma clip this shit.

I just want
to find someone, like,

that, like, f*cking wants me.


Boys are stupid.

And she's ready.

f*cking Tarzan.
Man, f*ck.

- I'll do a little turn.
- Oh, okay.

Everyone's looking good as f*ck.

Yeah, season four.

Cheers to lifelong friends
and lifetime memories,

adding a new member
to the villa tonight

and continuing to find love.

- What's going on, girl?
- Oh, man.

Just excited that they brought
someone that I'm attracted to.

I was a little scared

just because I had my headbands.

You look cute.

I don't even know
if you meant to do it,

but, like, you just
made me feel comfortable-

- Good.
- I appreciate it.

Yes, of course.
I'm so glad.

You're very attractive,
too, look at you.

Oh, that makes me happy,

because sometimes I'm like,
where's the compliments?

- My outfit was on point.
- Girl, look at you.

I'm telling you,
orange is your color.

Thank you.
Color is just color.

You know, I praise
the "Love Island" Gods.

Y'all brought me a stallion.

I want a man that's confident
and also like my...

- I'm his biggest fan.
- Yeah.

And that's caring...

And that's... that's like the...
Sorry for calling you, bro.

- I don't know why...
- No, what's up, dog?

- What's good?
- Yes.

You're fine,
but don't call me bro no more.

- No, I'm kidding.
- I was like, shit.

No. Call me sweetheart.

Sereniti, like, wowed me.

Like, that girl's awesome.

She's just so bubbly
and, like, happy.

She definitely turned my head.

Oh, you are literally
sent from heaven, I swear.

No, that's what
I always want to be.

"Love Island USA" on TikTok

to find loads
of exclusive content

and all the latest
juicy gossip from the villa

everyone's talking about.

Swerve Island, we out.

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

I've got a feeling

the new boy is going to tear
the roof off this villa.

But don't worry, he is a Tyler,

so he can stick it
straight back on.

Y'all excited
to talk to anybody out here?

You know, who you sniping first?

Deb, honestly.

I would definitely say, like,
Deb is at the top of my list.

It just like felt like
a spark with her, I would say.

And then Sereniti,

very easy on the eyes.

But Val, after that kiss, bro,

was just, like, eye-opening.

I was like, "Whoa."

- Whoa!
- Literally, bro.

I was like,
"What the hell?"

Hell, yeah.

We got to step up our game, man.

You know, get on our shit.

You know,
Tyler's into Deb and Val.

So, if I don't make
a decision here soon,

he's definitely
going to swoop up on me.

And, you know, I don't want
him to choose for me.

He's going to talk to Deb.

- How you feel about that?
- I got to get on my shit.

You know what I am saying?

How are you going
to tell Deb how you feel?

I'mma always have
a soft spot for Deb.

She never really left
the number one spot

in my heart,
you know what I'm saying?

I don't wanna disrespect Val
in any type of way.

More and more, though,
it's just like...


I say tonight
you let her know, bro.

If you really want Deb...

I mean, bro, because he about
to apply the pressure, bro.

So, I'm just saying, like,
yo, if that's what you want,

you might want to do that

before she start looking
some other type of way, bro.

Hell yeah. I mean, I can't play
with the food on the table,

you know, for too long.

- It gets cold and stale.
- Gonna get cold.

Someone's going
to heat that shit up.

Tough, bro, it's tough.

Do you want to talk?

Well, no,
I was going to talk to Jesse.

Oh, can I talk to you, though?

- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah.

I just wanted to see, like,

where you're head's at.

Cause I'm, like, kind of...

I feel like I'm getting, like,

such mixed signals from Jesse.

I don't know, I'm obviously
feeling, like, very vulnerable,

and, like, I have
a strong connection with him,

and I just, like,
want you to, like, be honest.

Honestly, like, with me, like...

Like, if I wasn't feeling him,
I would, like, say it.

I mean, it's not like
I'm not, like,

feeling him at all, 'cause I am.

It's just like,
I haven't had the chance

to get where I want
to get with him.

- Yeah.
- You know, that is the issue.

You know what threw me off
a little bit was you said

that, like, you and him
have a strong connection

and, like, he told me
that, like, he and I also do.

And then like,
Zeta was telling me

that, like, he ranks me,
like, as his number one.

And so, I just want to like-

He told me he ranked
me as his number one.


"Like, if there was
to be a recoupling,

like, would you
actually pick me?"

And he was like,
"Yes, I would."

- Oh, he said that?
- Yeah.

He's like, "I am very much
physically attracted to you

and I feel like
I can learn so much from you.

Like, intellectually, like,
you're such a smart girl."

Right, that's interesting

because Zeta told me
that he literally said,

like, the exact
same thing about me.

If he's telling you
the same thing he's telling me,

it's like, okay, how do
we know which one's true?

And at the same time he's like,

"Why would he be telling us the
same thing in the first place?"

I'm feeling very much
disrespected right now.

Apparently, this whole time

Jesse has been telling me
and Deb the same things.

And everybody knew
except for me.

Don't tell us
the same m*therf*cking thing.

- Hey, Deb.
- Hi.

- You wanna go for a chat?
- Yeah.

- You're good.
- No, you are good. Okay.

You all right?

I just really wanted
to talk to Valerie

because I feel like
she's, like, all over him.

She chose him.

He may feel obligated
to continue that

without feeling like a dickhead.

- Right.
- It's no excuse.

Jesse does need
to be called out.

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

Couple Val and Jesse
are headed to the Treehouse.

Val's smiling
because she knows exactly

what's about to happen.

And Jesse's smiling

because he has no idea
what's about to happen.

First, I want to know
how you're feeling.

Yeah, I feel great.

I'm happy to share
a bed with you,

to be coupled up with you.
I mean, look at you.

You know what I mean?

- Do you mean that, though?
- Yes.

You know, I said I needed
to get to know you better

and we hit it off
so f*cking fast.

You really sparked
and caught my eye

real f*cking fast, like that.

Honestly, I just didn't
come here to be in a trouple.

I feel like
that's what I'm in right now.

A trouple?
A triangle or trouble?

Like a trouple.
Like a three people couple.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

That's what I feel
like I'm doing.

'Cause it's really hard for me

whenever I'm, like,
with the girls

and they all mention how much...

"Oh, my God,
Jesse just likes Deb so much."

And then I literally just
had a conversation with her,

and she told me that you told
her that she's your number one.

Why didn't you tell me
that from the beginning?

Hundred percent honest
with you...

Because if I had known,

I wouldn't have
like, literally like...

You wouldn't have picked me.

I feel like I was being lied to.

That's how I feel like
right now.

Because the other day
you told me I would pick you.

You said, "Yeah, I have
a strong connection with Deb.

But I would pick you."
You told me that.

I said me and Deb have
a strong connection.

It's definitely undeniable.

I know I told you
that's never going to change.

That's what I'm saying.

And that's what I know...
I want to know where I stand.

And I want you
to be honest with me.

If I led you on,
I'm truly sorry.

I don't mean to do that at all.

So now you're saying
you're coupled with her?

I am.

All right,
so that's all I need to know.

So, one day you feel one of us,

and then the other day
you feel the other one?

How the f*ck
does that make sense?

Like, I feel like

he just definitely
just wasn't straight up.

Like, he literally
just didn't have the balls

to say shit how it was.

I said, "Bye, Jesse."

I'm over it.
Peace out.

On Sunday night...

it's decision time
for one girl...

while one boy is on the prowl.

Tell me about yourself, though.

I haven't got
to talk to you yet.


It's good news for me

because you're at the top
of my list.

And the first re-coupling

sends one Islander packing.
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