02x28 - Episode 28

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x28 - Episode 28

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously on[/i] Love Island…[/i]

-Oh, my God. Y'all.
-Oh, my God!

-Wait, can you see me?

Oh, my goodness!


-Hi, Mom!
-Hi, Mami! I love you.

It was an emotional reunion…

[man] I love that you're a role model[/i]

for all the young men
on how they should treat their queens.

-Let's talk about Carrington.

…that left some…

Started having a heart attack
as I saw Laurel's parents.

We know exactly who you are.


Johnny boy! [laughs]

-…and regretting.[/i]
-[exhales sharply]

I've heard so much about you guys.

-We've seen a lot about you.
-Oh, I'm sure you have.

Casa Amor is such a small part
of who me and Cely are.

I'm the one who was hurt by all of this.

[Johnny] I constantly have to be
reminded of it.

[narrator] Tonight, finale week begins.[/i]

[babies wailing]

Oh, baby!

Now we got twins.

[baby screams]

-It's screaming.
-Oh, my God!

I was a nanny. I got fired from that.

I'll be back. You're doing so good.

-Is it a boy?
-[Calvin] It's a man.

Don't you ever disrespect our child again.

And Arielle returns…

Sorry to interrupt your night,
but we have to have a little chat.

…for the final dumping.

And you start voting for the couple
you want to win Love Island[/i].

Love you in the sun[/i]

I love you in the dark…[/i]

[narrator] Welcome back to[/i] Love Island,[/i]

where it turns out that
Calvin is actually a secret agent

disguised as a freckled stud

wearing a ring on a necklace
in a reality TV show.

Damn, he's good.

So, I'm glad you could join me today.

Oh, good.

There's a mission,
should you choose to accept it.


It's Mission SOS,

otherwise known as Mission Sleep Outside.

One of the first nights we had here
together, we both talked about,

we wanted to, like,
look at the stars and be outside.

Step one: You're gonna need to dress
the part. You have to be in all black.

Step two: You're gonna be going out first,
taking two to three pillows.

I will be following
very closely behind you

with all of the necessary comforter
and sheets

that we need in order to
make this mission happen.

We wanna make sure every second counts,

and tonight definitely is gonna be
another one of those moments.

-Do you choose to accept it?
-I do. Shall we seal it with a handshake?

Seal it with a handshake and a kiss.


[narrator] And, like anyone[/i]
who's just talked to their parents,[/i]

Cely is exhausted.

Queen Justine administers
a caring nook sesh.

[Justine] You were very hopeful

about how the conversation
with your families and stuff was--

like, how you wanted it to go.

But is that all that's bothering you?
'Cause you're just not yourself.

I am good. Like, I am fine.
And I'm just trying to be there for him.

Yeah, I know. And my thing is, like,
I didn't wanna say this,

but I'm just like, sometimes Johnny
doesn't put you ahead of himself.

I know he cares about you,
I know he loves you,

but sometimes
I feel like he's a little bit selfish.

If he loves you like that,
he should be like,

"I know I'm down, but are you okay?
How are you doing?"

I just want that same energy from his end.

I feel like I get that, though.

Johnny is one of the most genuine people,

and the reason why I ride or die for him
is not because I'm weak,

-and it's not because I wanna be…
-No one's calling you weak.

Yeah, but when things get brought up
like this to me,

It makes me feel like people are like,
"Cely, you're being dumb,"

-I'm like, "No, I'm not."
-No one's saying that.

People are just seeing your heart,
seeing how big it is.

I'm not this weak person that's just
gonna allow myself to be walked all over.

I'm not that girl.

If I'm being mistreated,
I'm gonna stick up for myself,

and I know 100%
that this is not one of those cases.

You know I love you to death.

I just wanna make sure you're good.

Yeah. I'm just overwhelmed.
I just wanna go to bed.


-I love you.
-Love you too.

I've been up all night…[/i]

I'm so tired, I don't wanna shower.

Thinking about you and I…[/i]

How's Johnny doing?

[sighs] He's better after we had our talk.

Dreaming of paradise[/i]

One more day flies by [/i]

See the waves and the tide[/i]

As times change…[/i]


We're just dreaming of paradise ♪[/i]

You're like water in the desert [/i]

Get away from this moment[/i]

Let's run away, run away…[/i]

Tonight, Mission SOS is going down.

Let's run away, run away…[/i]

[Calvin whispering]

Let's run away, run away…[/i]

[Moira giggles]

[Moira] We're in the clear!

-Where are the pillows?


As I look to the stars [/i]

I can see who you are[/i]

A storm breaks far away…[/i]

We're here, baby!

Moira, this is so cool.

This is so cool.

Hello, Las Vegas!

[narrator] There are two sounds[/i]
you don't wanna hear in the morning:[/i]

One, the question, "Who are you,

and why are you wearing
my Taylor Swift nightgown?"

And two: this.

[babies wailing]

[Cely] Why do you guys have two?

We the only ones with two?

[Caleb] We get one little night
in the Hideaway,

and now we got twins.

It was a good night away. What can I say?

Oh, my God!

Moira! Calvin!

You guys left your baby inside!

Oh, my God! Shut that thing up!

Support the neck.

Take one trip to the day beds,
and the next morning, you got a baby.

That's wild. Things move quick here.
Didn't realize it was that quick.

[baby cries]

Why is our baby crying?

-What did you do?
-[Calvin] I did noth--

-[crying stops]
-I did nothing.

-I got him.

[narrator] The couples must grow up fast[/i]
in order to care for[/i]

these sweet little bundles
of permanent hearing loss.

Oh, you got our boy.

The relationships will be pushed to
the limit, because looking after a newborn

is the toughest challenge
a parent can face,

other than watching your child
on a reality dating show.

The couples must feed, burp,
comfort and change smelly diapers,

and, once they're done looking after me,
they must do the same for the babies.

Oh, now let's kick back, relax,

and hopefully watch them fail miserably.

Put him in the basket and rock it.

Laurel will be changing diapers.

-We'll be taking turns.
-Yeah, Laurel will be changing diapers.

[baby screams]

-It's screaming.
-Oh, my God.

[Lakeyn] I don't like children. I don't
plan on having children anytime soon,

like, for a very long time.

Um, I was a nanny. I got fired from that,

so, like, I'm just not great
with the whole children, kids thing.

Caleb, we have to name them together.
You can't just name one and I name one.

I was thinking that was yours
and this is mine.

-We gotta fend for ourselves.

Caleb, we have to work together.
This is a team effort.

I have always said I wanted twins.

-So this ain't nothing to me, man.
-Me too.

-We could have triplets, quadruplets…

-…quintuplets, sextuplets.
-Where are they coming out of?

-At one time? You're out of your mind!
-You wanted 17.

-What are we supposed to name our kids?
-I don't know.

Baby and Girl.

That's so dumb.

-That's so cute.
-No, it's not.

All right, this is Kiki.

-Kiki and Coco.
-Kiki and Coco. Boom. I like that.

Kiki is my sister's nickname,
and Coco is her sister's nickname.

So we kept it in the fam.

[baby cries]

I mean, what am I supposed to do?

[Lakeyn] I'm just gonna let Bennett
take the reins,

and I'll be like the good co-parent.

He has full custody.
I have, like, the weekends.

Oh, my goodness.

He's gone poo-poo.

Oh, my God, I'm seriously
never having kids

until I'm, like, 30… something.


Don't hold her like Simba.

The more that I look at her, the more
I think she's kinda cute and not ugly.

She just doesn't have eyebrows.

-She's a baby.
-Babies have eyebrows.

Not instantly.

Cynthia Anne is our baby's name
because of our parents.

My mom's name is Cynthia
and his mom's middle name is Anne, so…

-Got it?
-The sun's about to come out. Let's go.

-What's your baby's name?

Is it a boy?

It's a man, my friend.

Don't you ever disrespect our child again.


-Pepe, it's all good. It's all good.
-It's all good.

He needs some milk.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my, you're a hungry little boy, Pepe.

We can work on the name.

So top three, we've got… Pepe is up there.


-Let's just call him Peter.
-We could name him Parker.

-I love Parker.
-For Peter Parker. Yeah?

Parker. Parker it is.

Say, "Hey. Hey, America."

Look at this. Baby Parker.

-A natural. He's already waving.
-He's already waving.

We can just nickname him Pepe for our own…

We're gonna call him that behind his back?

Okay, actually, we need a name.

[Johnny] You're not giving me
any suggestions.

What's it gonna be, Mommy?

-You gotta start calling me Daddy.

Ew! I will never call you Daddy.

-Cover your ears.
-[Johnny] What?

Okay, I'll allow Johnny Junior. Junior.

-Johnny III.
-Johnny III.

I see it now
that he has a lavender do-rag on.

[Calvin] Oh, my God.

The do-rag. No!

It's Johnny III.

-I'll be back.
-[baby cries]

You're doing so good.

-[crying continues]
-You're doing amazing, Johnny.

Well, Cely's gonna be terrible today.

Really? With the baby?

Yes. I'm gonna be doing all this myself.

[baby cries]

Ooh, ooh, baby, baby[/i]

Ooh, ooh, baby, baby… [/i]

[narrator] Welcome back.[/i]

We're in the middle of a challenge
that caused no less than eight members

of our sound recording and audio crew
to resign.

Oh, my God!

That's a Love Island [/i]record.

Why are you crying?

[baby screams]

Whoa. Get your kid, man.

Baby, listen.

Johnny! Do not leave me. Oh.

-What is she gonna do?
-Change his diaper.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

-Okay. You're okay.
-Johnny, she's got to learn for herself.

Come on, baby. You got this.

-Oh, God. Oh, God.
-I hope there's a pile of poop in there.

You know, I never-- Oh, oh, it's okay.

-[crying stops]
-Oh. Oh!

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God, I did so good.

-Oh, wow.
-She's not even gonna change it.

Who said being a parent was hard?
Johnny Junior III, I got you.

We don't need Johnny.

-[baby cries]
-Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Oh, my God, oh, my God.

Oh. It's okay.

Okay, your father will be back soon.
Your father will be back soon.

You know, I know I said this was easy,
but, oh, my God.

Where's Johnny?

[baby cries]

Your girl is just not cut out for this.

We're gonna find your dad. Don't worry.

I know, I know. I miss him too.

Oh, my God. Okay.

-[crying continues]
-We're gonna go find his father.

-[Lakeyn] You're k*lling me.
-[Cely] That's okay, that's okay.

Honestly, you know, Cely's expressed to me

that she's not ready for kids.

[Cely] That's okay.

It kinda scares her.

[Cely] Look, there's your dad!

-Oh, my God!

-Come here, baby. Come on.
-He missed you so much. Dear God.

Shh, shh, shh.

[crying stops]

[Cely laughs]

Are you kidding me?

It's okay, baby, it's okay.

I know Mommy scares you. I know.

Ah, Coco, you're so good today.

She barely cries.

[Caleb] Her lip is crusty.
She needs some ChapStick.

Her lips are not crusty.

How's Kiki?

She's good. I need her to stop fussing.

She's acting like her mama right now.

What? I don't fuss.

Face her towards me so I know she's okay.

'Cause you just can't be trusted.

I'm an excellent father.

[Justine] You're doing a great job.

How did you feel, waking up this morning?

That was a lot.

I feel like yesterday, just getting
that approval from my parents…

I can just, like, be in here,

enjoy the rest of the time and really,
like, focus on us, you know.

This bitch.

-Bad mom number one.
-I'm not being a bad mom.

[both] Where's your baby?

-With the best father in the world.
-Where is that?

-She walked out, putting her shades on.
-Over there.

Being a parent is so hard.

Can't wait till he grows up
so I can teach him the ways of life.

-The ways of life?
-You think he's gonna get girls?

He's gonna get all the girls.

Show him the game.

What game?

The game.

How to speak game with girls.

Is that something
you think you're good at?

[chuckles] Most definitely.
I got you, didn't I?

Most definitely.

My boy is going to be multifaceted,
just talented all around, like his dad is.

He's gonna be a ladies' man as well.
So I'm gonna teach him everything I know,

and moving forward in life,
he's going to be an outstanding young man.

-[baby coos]
-Oh, oh.

-That was a happy noise.
-Oh, okay.

I got scared.

Don't worry. Daddy's here.

[Cely laughs]

[narrator] Time to give new parents[/i]
Laurel and Nappington a wake-up call.[/i]

[cell phone chimes]

That was my phone.

-Don't wake the baby.
-What does it say?

Go tell them you got a text.

[Lakeyn] I got a text!


Oh, sh**t.

I'm with child.

[baby cries]


-I'm so happy!
-[Cely] Yeah!

Mommy time!

Take care of little baby Cynthia.

It's hard being a single dad
with two kids.

I just need a little pamper day for me.

You see this, America?
You see how I get treated?

[Cely] Lord knows we deserve this.

[all] Mamas' day!

-Wow, we needed this.
-We earned this.

Something about seeing a man
with a baby does something to your loins.


-[Justine] Bye, boys.
-We're never coming back.

Mamas' day!

[Cely] Mamas' day!

[babies cry]

It's okay, it's okay.

My boy's still happy. He's doing good.

[Cely] Are you guys seeing
what I'm seeing right now?

[narrator] After the girls endured[/i]
a punishing 29 minutes of parenthood,[/i]

they're ready for a spa day.

Abandoning your children
to get fancy-pampered-- so chic!

Wait, do you guys hear that?

No babies!

[all laugh]

-Oh, my gosh. This is so nice.
-Oh, my God.

Cheers, ladies!

-Yes, cheers!
-To motherhood.

-Cheers to the peace and quiet.
-That too.

Right over there is the villa.
Should we yell over to them?

Oh, my gosh, you're right.
It is over there!

Johnny Junior!

Mama misses you, Kiki and Coco.

But with that being said,
see you in a few hours.

[Cely] Yeah.

-[babies crying]
-Ah, they're all crying right now.

[Caleb] Stop, please.

-Is this baby food?
-[Calvin] If it's peas, I'm not about it.

If it's a fruit, I think I can hang.

Bro, you gotta try what your kids eat.

[Calvin] That's true.

Bro, this looks so bad.

I think we need to have
a daddy obstacle course.

Like, in the strollers.

Do I have to take both babies?

They're your children.

You gonna leave one behind
if you're in a storm?

[Caleb] I'll take two babies
because I am Super Dad.

[baby cries]

[narrator] Parenting isn't all[/i]
fun and games,[/i]

unless you're five dudes in their 20s
with babies shaped like footballs.

In that case,
parenting is a competitive relay race.

We're gonna see who the best dad is today.

The first dad to put their baby
sound asleep is the winner today.

All right, boys, let's see if all those
burpees and burping amounted to anything.

We make the bass go[/i]
We make the rhythm go[/i]

We make the bass go[/i]
We make the rhythm go… [/i]

I'm so screwed.

We make the rhythm go[/i]
We make the bass go…[/i]

Our instinct as caregivers and providers
just kicked in today.

Oh, no!

[Johnny] Instilling good qualities,
good character,

and trying to teach our babies
the right skills.

I'm gonna vomit. I already gagged.

In my opinion, all food is baby food
if you're wearing a bib.

And I am. Let's eat!

-How is it, boys?
-Oh, my gosh!

Carrington somehow is just
scarfing it down like applesauce.

That was so gross.

I got a Daddy's little girl here,
so she wants to be with me anyway.

Oh, my gosh, her leg came off!
Her leg came off!


You gotta put your leg back on!

We make the bass go[/i]
We make the rhythm go[/i]

We make the bass go[/i]
We make the rhythm go…[/i]

-Carrington's leg fell off.
-That's a*t*matic disqualification.

Her leg's not on!

The leg's not on!

No, it said wrapped in a blanket,
that's all.

-It is wrapped in a blanket.
-Is it swaddled?

I'm swaddled. I'm swaddled! I'm swaddled!

Apparently Bennett won even though
he came in four minutes after me.

[Bennett] Look at her.

-What's wrong with that?
-[Bennett] I'm gonna take that win.

Count it. I'm the dad of the day.

-Good work, dads.
-Good work.

Carrington, you m*rder*d your baby, but…


Oh, my God, they smell so good.

Watching Caleb be all, like, fatherhood,

all cute with two babies

is getting my loins going.

-My uterus is throbbing.
-My uterus is throbbing.

I swear the girls always get to miss out
on the dirty work.

-We gotta play dad over here.
-Imagine if this was a real baby.

-Every day, every night.
-Bro, all day, every day.

[Johnny] You and Justine
are pretty strong.

How do you think she will be as a mother?

I definitely see a lot of those qualities
in Justine.

She is very nurturing.

I think Laurel 100% would be
an amazing mother.

If she's making me wanna be
a better person

and helping me learn lessons,

then I think she could definitely
do that too for her children.

This is a crazy experience.

Spa day!

[narrator] The girls are back[/i]
from the spa,[/i]

and I think they stole all the spa robes.

Wait. This show has a robe budget?

Why am I wearing a potato sack?

Where's my Johnny and my Johnny Junior?

Here they come.

-Hey, boys!
-Where are the babies?

I hope these babies act cool.

-Well, hello, hello.
-No way!

Caleb, you got our babies out here
roasting in the sun?

[Caleb] I put on sunscreen.

[babies crying]

[Cely] No!

No! Please don't start crying.

[Cely] So, while I was at the spa, I did
not miss Johnny Junior III so much.

I hate to say that. That makes me
sound like a terrible mother.

[baby cries]

I preferred the spa day.


Oh, my God, Caleb.

Justine, what's wrong?

Caleb, help!

I was a single dad all day.

I don't know what to do!

You're doing great, sweetie.

You're the worst.

[Justine] I definitely missed
Kiki and Coco while I was gone,

but I definitely want some Caleb time
for the next couple of years first

before thinking about
making a Kiki and Coco.

My baby just said he loved me.

I love you too, baby. I love you too.

I just wanted to talk to you
about yesterday.

About what?

Just, like, our talk last night,
'cause I went to bed sick,

and I hope that I didn't say
anything that upset you

or made you mad or made you even think

that I don't like Johnny,
because that's not the case at all.

No, it wasn't like that at all.

I think it was just an overwhelming night.


I just feel for Johnny.

I don't want him to be picked apart,
because he really is a good boyfriend.

And even just hearing, you know,
your perspective

and the things that you guys talk about,
I'm like,

no, he really does have your back in here.

He really does. It's hard, and I know that
you wanna be there for me

outside looking in, but, like,

I know that if I had a feeling
that I wasn't being taken care of,

I can voice that, you know what I mean?

No, and I know you can.

He really is doing his best and trying
really, really hard for us.

Last night's talk didn't make me feel,
like, any type of way.

Good, and I just was doing that
because I would want the same from you.

[Cely] I know that Justine
is literally the bestest friend,

and I'm not upset with her at all.

I think that she comes from
a very good place and looking out for me.

That's what best friends are for.

But it makes me feel
like people don't think

that I can stand up for myself.

I'm glad you're not upset.

I'm not.

And everything is good.

[narrator] Coming up…[/i]

One couple will be leaving
the villa immediately.

[narrator] Welcome back to[/i] Love Island.[/i]

We gave people in their 20s
babies to raise.

Aw, it looks like they're cherishing
some happy family time together.

I'll put a stop to that.

-[cell phone chimes][/i]

-I got a text!


Calvin got a text.

"Islanders, your parenting challenge
is now over."

"The couples who took the best care
of their babies

and therefore passed
the parenting challenge are…

-…Calvin and Moira…"

-"…Johnny and Cely…"

-"…Justine and Caleb…"

"…and Bennett and Lakeyn."

"Carrington and Laurel
failed the challenge."

"As the majority of you passed,

you will be rewarded
with drinks this evening."

"#EmptyNesters, #NoMoreTears."


I took really good care of that baby.
I made her happy when she was crying.

[Laurel] Until he broke her leg.

I broke her leg off during the relay race.

In all honesty, that would never happen
with a real baby.

I would never run it
through a relay race, so…

I should have won today.
I should have been the best dad.

-See you. Bye, babies.
-Bye, Parker.

Bye, Blake. You was a good man today.

[baby cries]

[narrator] The Islanders get ready[/i]
to live a night[/i]

like I plan to spend the rest
of my natural life: baby-free.

Break a leg tonight, everyone.
Or, in Carrington's case, break another.

For a time in here, when I was
just coupled up as friends,

I napped all the time,

and now, like, I'm not tired anymore.

-And I think it's 'cause-- I know.
-Oh, mama!

Damn, these pants make
my ass look fat, bro.

You look like a president's mistress.

[Cely laughs]

Hey, hey[/i]

Keep the party going[/i]

Hey, hey…[/i]


For all of us, you know,
being five lovely couples,

dipping our toes into the deep end
with parenthood,

I think we all handled it in a great way.

It showed us a lot. We had good
conversations about our future,

having kids in the future,
so love you guys all so much.

-Thank you, guys.
-To Johnny Junior III.

To JJ.


[Cely] We all look so good tonight.

Feel the belt tightening[/i]

Now's the time to strike…[/i]

[narrator] Get ready, Islanders.[/i]

Your fate is one neon tunnel's
length away.

Yes, it's the supreme senorita
of sayonara[/i],

Arielle Vandenberg.


-No way.

[Arielle] Hi, Islanders.

Sorry to interrupt your night,
but we have to have a little chat.

-Oh, my.
-Another one.

Can you all please
meet me at the fire pit?

Lord, have mercy.

When they turn to look away[/i]

Take aim[/i]

'Cause that same voice[/i]
Keeps telling me[/i]

This is not okay[/i]

Got my amm*nit*on[/i]
What will be will be…[/i]

There are five couples here.

But only four can make it into the final.

[whispering] Oh, my God.

Which means one couple will be
leaving the villa immediately.

This decision will be made by you.

I've been down and bruised[/i]
I know what it's like to lose it all [/i]

There are five couples here.

But only four can make it into the finals.

Which means one couple will be
leaving the villa immediately.

This time,
the decision won't be made by America.

This decision will be made by you.

You will vote for the couple

that you think is least compatible.

The couple that receives the most votes

will be dumped from the villa tonight.

As a couple,
please find a place in the villa

to talk it through and make your decision.

And remember: This isn't about
who's been here the longest

or who's friends with who.

This is about
who has a genuine connection.

This is a huge decision,

so use your vote wisely.

Go ahead.

Blood beating, adrenaline [/i]

Tastes like liquor[/i]
When I breathe you in[/i]

I can't see but I feel again[/i]

And I wish I could let go…[/i]

This is, like, a very,
very tough decision.

Yeah, 'cause everyone
deserves to stay here equally.

Tastes like sugar[/i]
When it's on your lips…[/i]

[Bennett] They're all four
amazing couples.

It's just who, out of them,
do we think isn't the strongest.

I feel like you could make a case
for almost anyone in here

besides Justine and Caleb.

Exactly. Johnny and Cely--

[Laurel] They've had a hiccup
at Casa Amor,

they moved past it,
they're stronger than ever.

Moira and Calvin,
they've been doing very well lately.

I know that she wants to give it
a genuine shot on the outside, so…

Carrington had, you know, Laurel,

he had Kierstan, he had a ton of girls
that were going at him.

And I think it does speak volumes
to the fact that he did stay with Laurel.

I think Carrington,
he might not be as loyal of a person.

But I feel like Bennett and Lakeyn
actually have a lot in common,

and I see them working on the outside.

But as far as saying they're extremely
compatible, I don't know that yet.

-I love Laurel.
-Me too, but Carrington,

I'm not fully convinced that he's 100%
invested in her yet.

[Lakeyn] Laurel's totally
in love with him.

I do see them being a good couple.

Lakeyn and Bennett have found each other

in a really beautiful way, I think.

Since they haven't been here that long,
it's hard to tell what the depth is.

Carrington, I've seen and heard
everything that he feels about her,

and I know that
she's head over heels for him.

I know she's all in.
I'm just not so sure that he is.

Bennett and Lakeyn, I think over the last
couple days, they have surprised me.

-They do have, like, a connection.
-They do have a connection.

100% they have a connection.

-When it comes to Bennett and Lakeyn…

…that's tough.

They have made strides
in the right direction

on figuring out how to be
in a relationship outside of here.

What about Laurel and Carrington?

[Justine] After the whole Lakeyn decision,
Carrington's not the same.

There is compatibility there, though.
He has definitely matured

since being with her.


I would take America's vote
any day of the week

over having to do it ourselves.

These are our friends in here,
our best friends, at that,

and having to potentially
send them home, it just sucks.

Got me high in the back of your mind[/i]

And I don't think[/i]
I'll make it out alive[/i]

Welcome back, guys.

I know that was a very tough decision
for all of you.

Moira and Calvin,
will you please stand up?

Which couple have you voted
least compatible and why?

It was definitely not an easy decision,

especially to choose among
all of our friends.

There's a lot of connections here.

We could see, um, with this couple,

there was definitely a lack
of compatibility

in the sense of building something
outside of the villa.

The couple we think
that is least compatible…

…is Bennett and Lakeyn.

Thank you. You can take a seat.

All right, Bennett and Lakeyn,
will you guys please stand up?

Which couple have you guys voted
least compatible and why?

Obviously, it was a hard decision to make
because we became so close to these people

in such a short amount of time.

But we just picked who we thought
would have less amount of a chance

as the other couples when leaving
the villa to stay in a relationship.

The couple that we think
is the least compatible is…

Carrington and Laurel.

Can you hear the thunder? [/i]

Listen to the sound of rapture[/i]

Oh, oh[/i]

Oh, oh…[/i]

Okay, so we have one vote
against Bennett and Lakeyn…

and one vote
against Carrington and Laurel.

Carrington and Laurel,
will you please stand up?

You're my best-kept secret…[/i]

Who have you decided is the least
compatible couple and why?

We chose this couple
because we feel this couple

does have a strong connection,

just not as strong as everybody else.

I wish them both the best of luck tonight.
I truly do.

Is gonna lose…[/i]

The couple we think
is least compatible is…

…Bennett and Lakeyn.

This is not love[/i]

This is desire[/i]

This is not love…[/i]

Johnny and Cely, will you please stand up?

Which couple have you voted
least compatible and why?

We chose this couple because,

although we believe
that every single couple in here

has a shot at making it in the real world,

we had to make a decision based off

who we thought
would have the hardest time.

This has been by far the hardest decision

that we've had to make
this entire time in the villa,

because these are very, very,
very good friends to both Johnny and I.

The couple we think
is the least compatible is…

…Carrington and Laurel.


So, we have two votes
against Bennett and Lakeyn

and two votes
against Carrington and Laurel.

And with the last vote,

Justine and Caleb,
will you please stand up?

Who have you decided is the least
compatible couple and why?

I turned this all around[/i]

I make the walls come down [/i]

I break through all this town [/i]

The couple we think
that is least compatible is…

And with the last vote,

Justine and Caleb,
will you please stand up?

We used to say [/i]
We ain't like the other ones [/i]

Who's to say it ain't good for us? [/i]

Who have you decided is the least
compatible couple and why?

Um, after much deliberation

and a very challenging conversation,

we were able to

narrow the debate down to two couples.

I still feel the fire[/i]

Burning between us…[/i]

All four of the people
involved with this discussion

are incredible people

and have displayed
a lot of great qualities

that anyone should look forward
to in a partner.

I still feel the fire[/i]
Burning between us…[/i]

It definitely wasn't an easy decision,

and we tried our best to weigh out
the pros and cons within both couples,

and also…



I don't… I'm sorry.

It just definitely was not
an easy decision.

[Caleb] But we did find
that one couple in particular

has displayed more immaturity
within their relationship.

The couple we think
that is least compatible is…

What you waiting for?[/i]

You're in another's eyes…[/i]


…Lakeyn and Bennett.

I still feel the fire[/i]

Burning between us…[/i]

Thank you, Justine and Caleb.
You can take a seat.

So, Bennett and Lakeyn,

you've received the most votes
and are considered

the least compatible couple.

Which means, unfortunately, your time
on Love Island[/i] has come to an end.

Please come and join me.

All right, Bennett and Lakeyn,

you have 30 minutes to pack your bags
and say your goodbyes.

And the rest of you,
congratulations to making it to the final.

Enjoy your final few days,
and I'll see you soon.

-Bye, guys.

The world is ours tonight[/i]
Tonight, tonight[/i]

Tonight, tonight[/i]

Tonight [/i]

The world is ours tonight[/i]
Tonight, tonight…[/i]

There's been a lot of hard decisions
in here throughout this entire journey,

but this one was one of the toughest
because everyone deserves to be here.

Everyone deserves the same kind
of chance to find something so real.

And so when somebody's fate is literally
put in your hands, it's the hardest thing.

Ooh, I love you.

You are so dope.

Genuinely connected with all of us
and fit in.

-[Justine] Do you want help?

-I'll hold it down, y'all pull it up.
-Okay, we got it.

Together we stand[/i]

It's how we survive[/i]

We carry the weight[/i]
Keep the spirit alive[/i]

So don't close your eyes…[/i]

-Bye, guys.
-[Cely] I love you!

-Love you.
-[Caleb] Love, love.

Tonight, tonight, tonight [/i]

The world is ours tonight…[/i]

[Bennett] It's definitely very sad
leaving Love Island[/i].

I'm happy I got to meet Lakeyn
and get to leave with her.

We're gonna see each other after this,
so the end's not the end.

Yeah. Now it's just time to have more fun.

[Johnny] That's the last time
someone walks out the tunnel.

[Cely] You guys.

-Until we all do.

[narrator] Starting next time…[/i]

-I got a text!
-Look at that!

[Cely] "It's time for your final date."

[Justine] I honestly feel
like we're in a dream.

…it's a two-night finale,
and you get to vote twice.

I would not wanna be here
with anybody else but you.
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