02x21 - Episode 21

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x21 - Episode 21

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on love island...

First date.

Anything for you.

It was literally, like,
out of a movie.

Justine and I are in
this for the long run.

They broke up.

We would be better
starting with a


The mackenzie that I
saw when I came in here,

That is the exact opposite
of what I want.

I will sprint from that
kind of thing.

And they threw up.

Tonight... First date...
That's so cute.

Second thoughts.

I would be interested
in coupling up with connor


Are you, like, feeling
anybody, or...

I've definitely been
evaluating my situation.

Do you still, like,
have feelings for her?


And that's where it is weird.

We have to protect
connor at all costs.

I care about him so much.

Have you not put him
through enough.

In the air and the mailbox.

I'm suspecting laurel is
about to receive a cryptic

Note, carriered by johnny.

He is kind of like the
u.s. Postal service.

A message.

Oh, gosh.

What is it?

What does it say.

You will be reading
that note to the class.

Romance-wise, where the
tea has been spilled.


That's for you to find out.

I was wondering where you were.

Do you like it?

Oh, yeah.

I'm glad to see you.

I just felt like we've
been getting to know each

Other and things are going
good, and I haven't done

Anything like super sweet
for you, so...

That's so cute.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I have had a couple of
matches in here, and I

Felt like laurel is
different, and I wanted to

Show her the way I feel is
different from other girls

In the past.

The only way to do that is
to do things I haven't

Done for women in the past
and to show her that I


This is the date I
didn't get to go on

Because you took mercedes.

We will have a real, real date.

To a good night and to us.

I just want to get some
alone time with you

Because I really do like
you and I like where we're


I like you, too.

I want to get a little
deeper and figure out what

You want in a rlationship.

I was.

I was thinking we should
have that conversation,


You were?


Also, the girls have been
gushing over how different

You've been since I've
been with you.

You haven't acted like
that with kierstan when

You were with her?

I feel like this whole
place has changed me, and

I want to find the person
who makes me feel like


I definitely want to be
with someone who feels

Like home, too, someone my
family likes.

I think my family would
like you, too.

My mom, I think she would
definitely adore you.

That is so sweet.

It is the truth.

You made me really
comfortable throughout

This whole experience.

That's how I feel.

Carrington did pass the
future boyfriend test


And just some time alone
is really nice.

I feel like we needed
that, and I feel like I

Needed, like, the check
that we had.

It made me feel a little
more reassured in what we


It was definitely a good time.

And he is just such a sweet boy.

Our date was good.

We just talked about where
we were, where we're at


I felt the need to
basically do something

Romantic because you can
tell someone you like

Them, you can give them a
kiss, but you've got to

Show it at the end of the day.

So I wanted to show you.

I'm not a big romantic
guy, and everybody here

Knows that.

You definitely showed better,
in a good way.

I am very frustrated
because since they've been

In here, laurel and
carrington, I have seen

Nothing but affection, all
over the place, all of the


Much more than he ever gave me.

You came in here and
you think, I've got game,

And you think you'll be
matched up with someone,

But even if you don't know
them that well, have you

To be loyal, but also keep
your options open and talk

To other people.

So no matter what you do,
you're going to be looked

At, like, this is wrong to
do, this is wrong to do,

And I don't need to try to
play both hands.

I definitely feel like
we're both on the same

Page with that.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Follow your heart.

Now carrington is off the

Table, and kierstan
wonders if a steer towards

Texas calvin might change
her status as a lone star.

I'm not going to lie,
today we got a couple of


I saw you staring at me
a couple of times...

I did.

You're a hot commodity here.

I think from the very
beginning, you left me

Kind of speechless, and no
one does that.

I don't know what to say
around you.

I don't know if it is the
smile or your little swag.

I don't know, I look
forward to seeing you.

It's all good.

I don't know.

Calvin has always kind of
caught my eye.

He is fun to, like, flirt
with and kind of give,

Like, eyes to.

He has some swag to him.

How are you and sher?

What's up with that?

Um, she's fun.

Of all of the girls in
here, you were not on my

Radar because you've been...

Coupled up?


And then things changed.

I did want to let you know... Ho
this... I think you're

Very attractive,
obviously, off the bat.

I chose you for the first date.

I've been thinking
about you, and I'm open.

I know where you stand and
you know where I stand.


With things
on the rocks we jalen,

Mackenzie turns to connor.

What are you doing?

I'm doing good.

How are you?

I'm good.

I feel like every time I
try to chat with you, it

Gets, like, broken up.

I know.

I want to have an actual
conversation with you

Because I haven't had one
with you, like, forever.

Yeah, it's been a long time.

Are you feeling anybody?

I'm definitely
evaluating my situation

Right now.


And I will say that
moira and I have had some

Good talks.

Yeah, I've noticed.

Over the past couple of days.


And it's been very,
very natural and not

Forced in any type of way.

Yeah, very surprising, for sure.

How are you doing?

Honestly, not so great.

Yesterday I definitely
missed your, like... Our

Friendship a lot.

It was definitely
difficult for me.

I feel like you should
not be doing that.

Should I go break that up.


He's got to be a man.

It's what it is all about.

I just kind of feel
like jalen is kind of

Turning out to be
different than what I


And I'm kind of
questioning how genuine he

Is because when I was
speaking to him here

During casa amor, he very
much expressed to me that

He was interested in...
What's up, carrington?


Is this super important
because I have to borrow

Him for a second.

Connor and mackenzie,
I care about them both,

And they shouldn't talk.

Somebody had to break up
the conversation, and I

Had to do it.

Mackenzie instantly gave
me the eye.

She was pissed.

I hope connor handles this well.

Coming up... You get a chance to

Vote for your favorite couple.

has decided to step in,

Worried that his friend,
connor, like some chiseled

Month, might be drawn to
the platinum blonde light

And the flame that left
him burned.

What's up, carrington.

Is this super important
because I just have to

Borrow him for a sec.

Yeah, it's pretty important.

Yeah, okay.


I didn't know.

You know, I care about
them both, and they

Shouldn't talk.

So I went to try to break
up a conversation.

And mackenzie instantly
gave me death eyes.

I have never seen her do this.

This is an important

I was, like, mackenzie,
see you later.

Do you mind?


I do feel kind of like deceived.

He portrayed he very much
felt like a strong

Connection with me, and
then he comes at me with

Saying he had all of these
opinions about me based on

What he saw on tv.

I felt so misunderstood.

I don't belong here.

Everyone is, like, be
yourself, and I'm, like,

I'm being myself, but
everyone is judging me and

Making things up that,
like, aren't the case.

It is so frustrating and

I feel like I'm getting
beat up all the time.

I don't know if I can
forget that.

It's so harsh.

It is really
uncomfortable and awkward

And me to sit through that.

Frankly, I didn't want to
be there.

I feel like she should
have gone to moira or one

Of her girlfriends to talk
about this stuff, not


Stuff, not me.>> You're not alon
this place.

You have people here for
you, okay?


I just want to have a
fun night with everyone.


Thank you.

You're welcome.

Can I have a proper hug.

I miss you.

What was your chat about?

It was just her telling
me kind of her experience

With jalen so far, and she
was just asking me whether

I think he is genuine and
how he has been with us.

I was not expecting her
to come to you for advice

With her current situation.

Is that, like, weird for
you or are you fine?

I'm not naive to this,
I know where she may be

Getting at, but it is
something that I cannot go

Back to that and feel that
way because it would hurt

Even worse.

You do still have,
like, feelings for her?


And that's where it is,
like, weird.

Connor... Which is why
it makes me really upset

She would pull you for a
conversation like that.

Mackenzie should let
connor heal.

Don't go to him for advice
about another guy after

You broke his heart.

Have you not put him
through enough?

I'm, like, hashtag protect
connor at all costs.

And the reason carrington

Interrupted her talk with
connor, he wants to always

Have everyone's back.

I pride myself on being real.

I'm giving it to you as
you should hear it.

You and connor, as many
feelings are there, I

Don't think it would work.

Let's just drop this and
move forward.

What do I do now?

I broke up my whole world
who is, like, I d I don't even

Know if I like you.

I tried to give my
blessing for him and

Moira, but it hurts.

It does suck.

I know it is the right
thing to do, but it

Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

For him and my best friend
to get together, it sucks.

Mackenzie had a pretty
long chat.

She kind of just asked
where my head was at.

And I was just telling her
I'm really enjoying this

New opportunity and
experience being here

Right now.

Is she, like, managing
you when she is not really

Even with you?

Not really.

She kind of just opened that up.

How are you feeling
towards everyone in here?

So... The guys asked me
earlier, if there was

Someone in the villa right
now that you would want to

Go on a date right now, to
see if there is something

More, I said you.

Wait, connor, I
literally said you.

Did you really trog.

?>> Yes.

It's so easy to talk to you.

I can't change the fact
that I want something to

Grow and want to come from
a place of getting to know

One another first before,
even if it means coupled

Up, it doesn't mean that
you're in a relationship.

You're still getting to
know the person.


Can I have a hug real quick?


That was awesome.

And I was, like, nervous
to tell you that.



Honestly, I'm the same way.

This, I actually never
really feel like I had

That experience, just
being very good friends

With someone and things
developing naturally.

And then you have romantic

So could that be there
with moira?

I don't know yet.

We'll take it little by
little and see what

Becomes of it?

Everything you're
saying is a breath of

Fresh air.

We're two really close
friends who get each

Other, and it might just
be really hot.

Did you say hot?


I could not agree more.

Carrington, I must say
you k*lled it today.

Ad topped it all off with
the most perfect gesture

For laurel, and I'm loving
what side she is bringing

Out of you because I've
never seen this side of

You, and I love it.

It was good.

He really likes you.

I hope so.

He is literally the cutest
guy ever.

I don't think I've ever
had a guy do anything like

That for me.

I missed you.

I missed you, too.

Good night, lovely people.

Good morning, islanders.

Let's kick off the
poolside day-time disco

That is love island.

I made breakfast for everybody.

I so much to do, I need this.

Today will be a good
day, though.

How did you sleep?

I slept okay.

Jalen and mackenzie are

Technically a couple, but
like a 7-foot body builder

In a two-door car, the
ride has been


Obviously, we have had
some conversations in the

Past two or three days
that I want to expand upon

And being straight to the point.

You he.

My emotions and
feelings obviously have

Changed over the past few days.

I think what is best for
us moving forward is to

Kind of end things and see
what is next.

For what it is worth, I
want to give each other

The respect we deserve.


Am I able to say how I feel?

Yeah, sure.

Of course you are.

So you made snap
judgments about me and

Brought up my past, which
I find really unfair

Because I don't know what
your past relationship was


I think it was very unfair
for you to have this

Strong of feelings about
what happened with connor

And I and not express them
properly prior to

Recoupling with you.

If I knew you had felt
that way, I don't think I

Would have chosen to move

I feel like you did kind
of oversell your feelings

Towards me.

I don't know if you are
who you present yourself

To be.

I think in my case, I
don't think you were very

Straight up with me.

And that's my opinion.

My side.



Honestly, I don't think
he cared to understand me.

He had opinions about me
before he ever met me, and

I don't think those are
ever going to go away.

And that's fine.

I hope that I can find
someone who really wants

To know mackenzie and
accept me for my flaws and

Try to help me grow.

Good talk.


You guys want to play
one of those games that

It's like we all say a
word to make a sentence.


Can I start.

There once was a
rainbow colored fly, but

This fly could not fly.

So this fly would just swim.

This fly would always
stare up at the sky.

Because he dreamed of
going to space.

But you can't swim to space.

I got a text!

Let's go!

Did they actually get a
text or are they just


Islanders, tonight
there will be a

Recoupling, and it's the
boys' choice.

Hashtag shuffle the deck.

Hashtag recouple roulette.


So do you want to go chat?

I'm good.

It seems like everyone
needs to have a


What's up?

Are you pulling one of
us for a chat?

I am.

I'm pulling ms. Kierstan.

I'll pass.

Do I have to?

Today for me is just
about getting into

Conversations and chats
and see if there is still

That interest with
kierstan first and


I want to make sure that
I'm not barking up the

Wrong tree.

This morning I had a
conversation with

Mackenzie and we kind of
broke things off.

Tell me about that.

I felt like it was time.

Ifelt, like, it was time
for the past few days.

And the reason why is I
definitely wanted to stay


And as I got to know you
more, I definitely felt a

Lot of attraction there.

I wanted to explore it, if


And I felt like I
couldn't do that without

Taking a step back with

But I also felt like it
needed to end because I

Think that were certain
things we weren't

Compatible about that.

There is so much going on.

What did you say...
I could leave today if

I didn't feel a connection
with anybody.

I felt an intense sexual
attraction to you.

I can't lie, I think
you're fine as hell.


Yeah, I like him.

We always have fun and
flirt, but is he really a

Good guy, a good
relationship guy?

I'm questioning if he is
really genuine or not.

Out of the people here,
there are, like, two...

Like you and I've always
had a little interest in




Yes, there is an
attraction with you.


There is a genuinety
thing, , is that a word?

Genuinety is not a word.

And now the unex
unexpectnessity of aaron

And mackenzie.

All of the girls think
the world of you.

I think kierstan at this
point is interested in

Things with jalen and calvin.

And that's kind of I think
where the singles' heads

Are at.

I've been having such good
conversations with you,

And I feel like we get
along really well.

It is kind of one of those
things w where I could see

It potentially growing.

I think we both know
things can come from


I'm open to what could
happen, for shiewmplet you sure.

You know what I mean?

I really appreciate that.

I'm not sure if
mackenzie was being real

Or not about the
recoupling, but if she

Was, I mean, I don't know,
I'm on the fence about it.

Because on one hand she is
really cool.

She is, like, one of the
guys, hang out and talk to

Her and everything.

But on the flip side,
you've got mackenzie the

Overreactor and blowing
things out of proportion

Kind of thing.

That's going to be... I
don't know.

I just kind of wanted
to float that idea out to


Definitely, yeah.

Come on, aaron, don't you know

Genuinety when you see it?

It is important.

When I'm living my life,
when I'm ushering you into

This next emotional box.


That was up close and
personal, just like you

Can be, beginning to be
like 2021.

It makes me want to leave
the vacation I'm with and

Have one at caesar's.


The impending recoupling has

Everybody scared, but
power couple...

I'm laying all of my options.

I feel like my options are
kind of slim right now.

I can't wait to go up
there and share with


Are you going to give a speech.

What I'm so excited
about, what I'm


You're, like, I would
like to couple up to the

Beyonce to my jay-z.

We have chrissy and john legund.

I love them.

You could pass for john
legend, he's light

I love seeing this
light side of him.

I just ate some chickpeas.

Newbies jalen and sher also have

How do you feel about
the whole recoupling?

My interest in you...
To be straight up, I'm

Very interested.

I don't like to rush feelings.

I feel like that is a
mistake I made with


I'm not here for anything
else but to find a true

Life partner.


> Energy is huge for me,
and I definitely get a

Great one from you?

Thnk you.

I'm down for it.

I appreciate that.

Tonight it
will be a recoupling for

The ages.

No guy or girl will be
left single.

Will everyone couple up

With the islander of their

I'm definitely feeling a
little bit anxious.

The anxiety is not only
with myself, but I can

Feel it in the air at the villa.

It might get a little
messy tonight.

Very interesting.

I feel like there might be
some musical beds tonight,

That's for sure.

Oh, man.

How do you feel about
possibly more than one guy... Yo

First choice.

That is crazy to me.

I kind of want calvin
to pick me tonight.

I kind of have that sexy,
like, eye thing with him.

How are you feeling about us?

I feel like we've been
really good at, like,

Hanging out together.

I feel like we have so
much in common, and I love

That we can joke around so much.

I have two beautiful,
wonderful girls, that I

Have the opportunity to
choose which one.

But the decision that I'm
going to be making tonight

Is based on who can I see
myself pursuing outside of

The villa, not only in here.

I'm glad we had this

Don't switch up on me.

What do you mean?

Can I have a hug?

You're not going to give
me a hug?


How are you expecting
the night to go?

I'm not tied to anyone.

I'm just, like, floating.

Being single made me
realize that you have

Meant so much to me in my
growth in this experience,

So thank you so much, mackenzie.

We'll see what happens.

Are you friend-zoning me.

Are you hitting me with
the friend-zone thing

Right now?

I have to use the restroom.


Like with connor and I
it is hard because I do

Miss him.

I didn't want you to see me cry.

It's okay.


You're not alone.

I know, but it's, like,
I'm crying because when I

Said that i, like,
couldn't imagine being

Here without you, I meant it.

And now we're here and
we're in this position,

And it's just, like, sucks.

Mackenzie definitely
threw a curveball into my

Ultimate decision, but it
is going to be a very

Tough decision for me to make.

Hard I kind of wish I
hadn't brought jalen back

Because I took a chance on
that, and I brought him

Almost like a just in
case, but it is hard, and

I'm processing it.

And I want to express it
for you.

Neon sign couldn't be more
wrong because it is now

Time for the recoupling.

Even number of guys and
girls, so no islander will

Be left single.

The boys will choose who
they want to couple up

With, and then you will
vote on which of our new

Couples you like best.

With this girl because not
only is she a sweet

Southern belle, but she is
one of the goofiest girls

In the villa.

And I just can't get
enough of her.

I always thought my
perfect match would be

Someone who is very
similar to me, but I'm

Starting to find out it
mightbe someone who is

The opposite of me.

She has brought nothing
but joy and positivity

Into my life since I met her.

And I'm not done getting
to know her.

Like to couple up with
is... Laurel.

I would like to couple
up with this girl because

At this point it's no
mystery, I would like to

Take this as an
opportunity to tell you

How much I care about you
and how strong my feelings

Are for you.

About taking our
relationship to the


I think about meeting your
mom and your sister and

Your brothers.

And I want you to meet my
dad and my sisters and my


And those things are very
important to me.

And I want to share that
with you.

To couple up with is is... Cely.

I want to couple up
with this girl because

Every day we spend
together, I can feel us

Blossoming into something
very special.

With a safe place that I
can be vulnerable and open

Up to.

And when I was reflecting
on it today, for the very

First time I flirted with
the idea of growing old


And it put a big smile on
my face.

While understand that is a
very long ways away, it

Begins with wanting a life
outside of the villa.

And tonight is just
another step in that


So the girl I want to
couple up with is

Is... Justine.

I want to couple up
with this girl because

Over the last few days, I
have gotten to know her,

And I found there is more
to her than meets the eye.

This girl is beautiful,
she is funny, she is

Charismatic and feisty and
I firecracker personality.

And I'm very much looking
forward to getting to know

This girl on a level that
I haven't been able to up

Until this point.

She is very open and
honest in her

Communication, and has
been a very loyal person

In her experience about
this villa.

So the girl that I would
like to couple up with

Is... Kierstan.

I want to couple up
with this girl because

While our conversations
have been short and sweet,

I think your presence
around me has definitely

Opened my eyes to the
growth that there is and

Can be.

The energy you bring to a
relationship has already

Surpassed a lot of
relationships I currently

Have here.

I'm super excited to
really get to know this

Person on a deeper level.

I think we share a lot in

She puts a smile on my
face as soon as she walks

In the room, as soon as I
make eye contact with her,

So the girl I want to
couple up with is... Sher.

Thank you.

I want to couple up
with this girl because...

I want to couple up
with this girl because she

Has been there for me
every step of the way in

This experience, ever
since day one.

Comfortable, heard,
understood, and validated

In the way I feel.

And I never feel pressure
to be someone I'm not when

I'm with her.

This girl makes me feel
comfortable in my own


I feel as though we are
just scratching the

Surface in getting to know
each other.

Couple up with is... Moira.

Couple up with is... Moira.

I want to couple up
with this girl because she

Is gorgeous, intelligent,
captivating, and our

Conversations just come easy.

I feel like I'm able to
laugh with her.

She takes my sarcastic
jokes in stride and sends

Them right back at me, and
she has a beautiful smile.

I feel like I'm able to be
myself around her, which

Is a very good quality to have.

I'm excited to get to know her.

Couple up with is
is... Mackenzie.

Well, aaron
may not have gotten his

Pick, but if you vote, you
might be able to get


And you'll find out the
results on thursday night.

America, you've seen the
new couples.

Now it's time to vote on
who is your favorite

Couple in the villa.

Head to the love island
app and have your say.

Is it cely and johnny,
kierstan a

Remember, you are voting
for your favorite couple.

The islanders with the
least votes are at risk of

Being dumped.

Voting is open to u.s. And
canada residents.

Terms and conditions apply.

Data rates apply.

The vote closes in 30
minutes, people.

Thursday night... Which of
these islanders is getting


And... New boys in the villa.
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