02x18 - Episode 18

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x18 - Episode 18

Post by bunniefuu »

This is "love
island" more to love your weekly

Catch-up of the latest news from
the villa.

Head-first through this week's
best moments.

I should have faked it like
some of you.

Sometimes it's touching.

Ah, caleb was so sweet with
his proposal.

Maybe he does like me.

Sometimes there is touching.

There's a lot of things he
has not done.

And afterwards, he was like,
"oh, my god!"

And sometimes you
get touch-punched right in the

Feel box.

Like, does he even care?

Is he getting too comfortable?

So buckle up.

Keep your hands and the feet in
the vehicle at all times, and

Get ready for new temptations.

We sent the boys to a place
called casa amor, with five

Brand new girls.

You guys will be getting to know
five brand new boys.

You guys!

And more to love.

Oh, my god!

Oh, my god!

Welcome to "love

Island, more to love."

We have drone sh*ts, a great
caterer, and never-before-seen

Moments from your favorite
island substitute... A vegas


We made compromises but everyone
is still caliente.

What is it?

This week kicked
off with the islanders getting a

Surprise text.

Not me.

"Please choose one couple to
spend a private night together."

All right, see you all later.

Let's go.

It was a group decision.

Should we discuss it... I
mean, like...

Made by the group

Of people living in mackenzie's

We know you, like... >> Oh!

That look!

Actually, he got the text,
let him go.


I can wait.

Mackenzie, I'll give it to
you this time, babe, but wash

Those sheets.

We're next in line.

So connor and
mackenzie goat to envoy the

Romantic, disinfected atmosphere
of the hide away.

You look nervous.

Which gave the
up-and-down couple the

Opportunity to get down or just
back on track or on a track?

Look, they're volatile and it's
fun to examine.

Grab your popcorn.

Cheers to a special night and
to us.


I think we needed this privacy
and this night together as a

Couple to, you know, have that...
Move forward.

Start a new chapter and move


So what do we do?

You don't even know.

I'm sorry.

Enjoy treating and giving, so
I'm giving tonight and you're


Are you nervous?

I'm pretty nervous.


It's just me.

> I haven't even done anything.

Is this funny?

Like, I'm trying to get in the
middle of this.

I know.


This isn't being tickled.

You're turning me on.

The following

Morning, mackenzie respected
connor's honor and kept all the

Juicy details private.


Until she had
enough people to tell.

Tell us everything, start to

I didn't realize, like,
there's a lot of things, like,

He has not done.


Like what?

Like, a lot.

You need to be honest with us.

I will say that we had a very
romantic and nice night


And that's all I'll say.

That's good.

That's all we need to hear, man.

So I had tried to do, like,
my moves, you know.

Like we've all got our moves.

Yeah, I got moves.

I did, like, the bare minimum.

And afterwards he was like, "oh,
my god!"

He was like... He was like, I've
never experienced anything like


I was like, what?

Honestly, this is a good
position for you to be in.

Everything you do now...
He's going to fall in love.

He's going to propose to you.

Thank you, guys.

Earlier this week

In our smooch-marry pie
challenge islanders had to

Select who they most wanted to
smooch, marry, and pie.

It's all in the title.

I'm woke.

I swear I'm woke.

Justine kicked off the challenge
and smooched caleb.

Next up, lauren made an honest
man out of carrington.

Thank you.

But kierstan

Marked her territory with a

We had an absolutely great
time in the shower last night.

If she marks her
territory like a great dane, I'd

Be suggesting she ask for a
refund from that fancy swiss

Finishing school.

Will you marry me?


Then it was the guys' turn.

Calvin did not hold back when he
decided to introduce mackenzie

To the mathematical anomaly that
is pie.

The girl that I would like to
pie because of the emotional

Roller coaster that she put my
boy connor on.


I'm all in for, like, being
pied, light-hearted, it's fun.

But when you give an answer
that's got some, like, sass

Behind it, that's when I'm kind
of, like, bro, like, not cool.

Connor picked justine.

Who wouldn't want to kiss
their best friend.

And johnny did the
smallest of lunges for cely.

Cely, would you marry he?

Of course.

I hope you enjoy this,

Because I'm going to enjoy it
very much.

Her nose!

I hope you're not full yet.

Check out these moments you
didn't see.

Before calvin pied mackenzie,
she served him a smooch.

I'm going to smooch this boy
because last night, he gave it

To me pretty rough.

And I think he owes me a kiss!

Bet she wishes she
could take that back.

I kissed calvin and, I don't
know, I didn't... I definitely

Wasn't expecting to get pied.

Calvin's reason for pieing me
definitely hurt my feelings.

Moira retaliated
and proposed to connor.

I am going to marry this
person because he's everyone's

Friend in the villa.

Will you marry me?

I would love to.

Thank you.

Admittedly, she
had some practice.

She went down on one knee when
she injured herself.

I'm going to kiss this woman.

She has nice lips, and I feel
like I should kiss her.

Serial kisser
a.a.a. Claimed another victim

When he smooched kierstan.

The girl I would like to

After proving
pretty handy with a box.

...is one who has treated me
greatly and someone I genuinely

Care about.

Carrington popped the question.

Will you marry me?

Oops, my bad.

Just like, that
the challenge was over with no

Winners because, in reality, the
producers just wanted to see

Pretty people kiss and throw
pies in each other's faces.

America, we let
you take the reigns and vote for

Which couple you thought was the
most compatible.

The bottom three couples risked
being dumped from the island.

But before we jump to the
shocking results, let me spill

The tea on where all the couples

Connor and mackenzie were great

After mackenzie rocked connor's
limited world in the hideaway.

After going to the daybed of
destruction, kierstan and

Carrington decided to keep their
options open to new islanders.

I mean, I did have genuine
feelings for you, but if people

Are coming in, I'm going to give
them the time of day.

I'm going to feel them out.

In a noninjury
sense moira felt she was falling

For calvin because of his
personality and epically low-hat


You're super charismatic and
super charming and it's making

Me grow to like you so fast and
so hard.

Justine and caleb
were getting to know each other

Better and realized they might
speak the same language.

My love language is physical


I like that.

It doesn't bother me.

Okay, good.

After cely
attended johnny's nail salon,

Johnny went to cely's spa, which
was really a trap to make him

Fall in love with her.

This is all part of my evil
plan to make you fall in love

With me.

It's working.


And tre and lauren
enjoyed the unique uk wardness

That comes from negotiating an
open relationship.

Oh young love!

Yes, I'm open now.

Obviously, getting to know

But you guys knew
all that, which is exactly why

You vote the the most compatible
couples as justine and caleb.

Moira and calvin.

And johnny and cely.

We then let the three safe

Couple choose one vulnerable
couple to save.

Connor and mackenzie.

Congratulations, connor and

You're safe.

Leaving carrington

And kierstan and tre and lauren
at risk of being dumped.

Boys, you need to get
together and decide which girl

You would like to save out of
lauren and kierstan.

And, girls, you'll
get together and decide which

Boy you would like to save out
of tre and carrington.

Boys, which one of
the girls have you decided to


The girl we decided to save

kierstan, you're safe.

Okay, girls, it's your turn.

Which boy have you decided to

So the boy that we would like
to save is...


Congratulations, carrington.

You are safe.

So that means lauren and tre,
your time on "love island" is




Just wasn't meant to be.

I'm like, I'm sorry I was

I should have faked it like some
of you with the people you're

With way longer.

Oh, my god.

Tell us how you really feel.

I have been the whole time if
you would have listened.

By, guys.

Love you.

Good luck.


There are not going to work on
the outside.

They don't work on the inside.

She knows how to make an
entrance and an exit.

Oh, don't go anywhere.

We're just getting started.

We'll be back with more dirt and
drone sh*ts after the break.

Welcome back to

"Love island, more to love."

If you spent the break wondering
which celebrities our girls

Remind you of, oh, you're in

Check out this never-before-seen

You're so hot!

The following scene is rated, "I

Can't even right now."

People have told me before
they look like beyonce.

People have told me before
that I look like jennifer lopez.

Some people have told me I
look a little like kyle jenner.

Young cindy crawford.


Oh, my god!

I've gotten doja cat.

Connor did not know my dople
ganger is offensive.

Who is it?

Margot robbie.

Actually, yeah, I see that now.

You just have big-ass eyes.

You do.

Meanwhile, I've gotten like I
look like the bitch from "the

Walking dead."

You do!

She's beautiful!

I've gotten young charlize

Why does that sound familiar?

Because she's a famous actress.

Hi, guys, I'm a "victoria
secret" model and this is my


You just got whip lash.

She is going to walk out of
here in a full body cast.

I have eyes like
gosling and cheek bones like

Kate p plan chet.

Don't you google me.

After two whole
weeks in the villa, it was time

To take the islanders'
relationships to the next level.

No, not outpatient couples

They tied the knot in this
week's challenge.

The islanders competed as
married couples while

Interlocked in pink handcuffs
and a ball and chain.

Let's go!

First up, the
couples communication and

Coordination were put to the
test as they took turns going

Through a bungee cord maze by
the guy who designed the process

By which you cancel a gym

Tripping up already!

Come on, guys!

You have to work together!

The remaining
islanders shot confetti at them.

The two couples with the fastest
time, justine and caleb, and

Cely and johnny, went on to
compete in the final round.


Then the
finallests raced head first into

The cakes to find as many
oversized rings as possible,

Using only their mouths and
being pummeled by cupcakes by

Their fellow islanders
get it together, johnny and


They're making you look bad!


Congratulations, america!

We combined your two favorite
things: sugar and sports.

Johnny and cely walked away as
the winners hooked in glory and

Out-of-date dairy product.

Winners, baby!

We had it from the beginning.

We really did.

I went in with the mentality may
the best couple win, and the

Best couple did win.

But was it a fair shot?


Justine and caleb
didn't think so.

Well, now you can be the judge
of that in this

Never-before-seen moment.

Oh, my gosh!

They got one.

They got one!

I feel like we were being
att*cked a little bit.

It's because they knew...
I'm in pain.

They knew we were the
superior couple.

I feel like a victim, really.

I feel it.

You guys are busting our
asses with these cupcakes.


Oh, my face hurts so bad.

I've been having a

Lot of cake lately, myself.

I should work out.

And you should, too, with the
follow-along workout, yoga with


Nawm stay around for this.

Anywhere you'd like.

Anywhere that resonates with

Anywhere that you're like, "this
screams positive energy.

This screams a great day at the
villa today."

We're just going to have some
deep breaths in and deep breaths


And just kind of think about all
the things that have made your

Experience here in the vill at
most amazing and the most

Positive thing.

Let's get stretchy.

All right, now that I have
you all here, does anyone

Actually know how to do yoga?

Basic yoga moves
done incorrectly by a group of

Sexy hot people that have just
woken up done by an islander who

Has maybe done yoga once.

It's the most effective jogga
class, if you're already mostly

Perfect looking, or if you don't
feel like doing yoga.

With the "love island" exclusive
yoga move, the vegas dust


I can't stand you guys!

You're something else.

We guarantee you
will look and feel like an


Guarantee is not guaranteed.

Yoga dvd. Might include
makeup tutorials.

Freaking nailed that, nawma
stay, guys.

Welcome back to

"Love island."

If you thought we don't have
aerial footage of our sponsors'

Hotels, you were wrong, cookie

We dropped a major b*mb this
week and introduced casa amor.

We sent the boys on a little
break to a place called casa



Oh, my god.

I'm, like, nervous.

Ishould have got that last hug

I was like, "see you.

See you in five minute."

And the boys won't be alone.

For the next few days the boys
will be spending their time

There with five brand new girls.

A few days!


I'm so shocked.

I'm, like, y'all are really
trying to sabotage.

Dont think I am
going to leave you guys here all

By yourself because for the next
few days, you guys will be

Getting to know five brand new

All right!

Bring them in!

We'll get to that, kierstan.

But first, let's take a look at
the new villa.

This lovely boy-ication villa is
complete with everything a

A pool!


Makeup room!

This neon light of a banana

A bedroom!

A swing!

A jacuzzi!

It's almost just like the other
villa, except no one has made

Any questionable decisions in
it yet.

Have 10 hotties when you can
have 20!

I'm like the oprah of hotties,
you guys.

You get a hottie!

You get a hottie and you get a

Call the chiropractor because
heads will turn.

But with this many hotties, how
could they not.

You guys have been on a leash.

How are you going to know
what you like if you are

Sticking to the same flavor all
the time?

That's a very valid point.

She is incredibly beautiful,
but everything about her...

You look good, though.

You look cute, too.

They're not even going to
remember the names of the other


I'm sorry.

Let's get rid of the boys and
bring in the men.

They're about to
do the dance so put on your

Party shoes.

Trust me, this is more dramatic
than when your uncle brings the

Politics to the thanksgiving

With two villas and a whole new

Group of sexy islanders, it was
time for a classic "love island"

Icebreaker... A risque game of
"tower of truth."

It's like a traditional wooden
block tower game, except we

Added saliva.

Each islander pulled a block
from the tower.

"What's the most embarrassing
thing that's happened to you

During sex?" >> Oh!

The islanders then
had to either perform the dare

Or share the truth that was
printed on the block they


Nothing embarrass.

I'm good at what I do!

I'm good at what I co!

Sensually lick the earlobe of
an islander of your choice.


That was a lot of fun.

I'm thinking about mackenzie a

I'm just going to make sure
that, you know, I don't do

Anything that I'm not supposed
to be doing.

I know where my loyalties lie.

"Let the group decide who you
should kiss"

Is there anyone who really wants

Speak now.

There you go!

Do it!


You know, connor has
expressed to me that he wants to

Enjoy this process.

So that's just what I decided to
do tonight so I'm going to have

Fun with it.

You know, nothing is set in

The night is young.

I'm excited to see what happens,
for sure.

Like to get to know better?"
Tell us with a kiss!

What you got?

What you got?

Oh, my goodness!

Laurel's in my crosshairs and
it's nice to finally have girls

Coming at us hot.

It's game on, baby.

Yes, sir!

"Kiss any girl islander."


Me and kierstan, I am
definitely feeling her, haven't

Felt like this in a long time.

I said why not!

And that kiss, man.


I'm feeling good.

That's what we do, we bring
the best out of...

I feel like all these guys
are so-so great, and it's so

Nice getting to know all of

But the more I get to know them,
I'm, like, overwhelmed.

Like, yes, I'm really confident.

But, like, I can't imagine,
like, where johnny's head is at

Right now, and I keep thinking
about that.

"Put whipped cream on your
body and pick an islander to

Lick it off am sm let's go,

Do the nipples.

The nipples?

I talked to these guys and,
yes, they're great, but I can't,

Like, see myself with any of

And I'm just, like, really
hoping that, like, johnny still

Feels the same way.

Suck that bellybutton, also.

That was the part of the dare!

Here, let me get it.

He had to get the
lipstick off his face somehow.

Kind of selfless of her.

So, like, the sleeping

Do you want me to stay here?



Oh, my god!

Looks like someone
lost a contact and they're

Making it a group effort to find

It's time for a break, but

Before we go, we have a
never-before-seen moment.

You may want to grab a

The following movements are not
condoned by "love island" or the

State of nevada.

You can't kick this, bro.

I can, easy.

Put some power on it, though.

Give me a box of those.

Because I bring the fire.


Those were some high kicks.

Some people are born rockettes.

We'll be back after the break.

Welcome back to
"more to love," stuff you've

Seen and stuff you haven't.

Don't worry, the stuff you
haven't seen isn't my fourth

Grade tap recital.

That's private.

It's more "love island"!

Earlier this week, the villas
went head to head in a game of

Raunchy racing.

Each villa received a text.

"The youngest one must do
five push-ups with the youngest

Girl below him and give a kiss
on each rep."

The villa who
completed the task first won a


The one with the most points at
the end, won a party.

It was really just an excuse for
production to use the rest of

Our lefted overs.

Three, four, five!

The villa... Oh, has won the

Okay "share a 10-second kiss

With the tallest."

You can be my captain."

I got a text!

"The islanders who have been
coupled up the longest will

Share a passionate kiss with the
one of their choice."

How long?

How long?

Maybe they'll lose for not
being passionate.

I'm trying to imagine connor
having a passionate kiss over


That was nice.

That was perfect.

Got a text!


The villa has won the point.

You're lying.

I'm not lying.

Do you really think connor is
going to put his back into a

Passionate kiss.

Was it a good enough kiss?

No, it couldn't have been a good
enough kiss

"All islanders must pair up
and share a passionate kiss."

These boys, in the last three
hours, my lips are going to fall


Lord, I know I've been a sinner.

I'm there.

That was a lot.

Are you sure, bro?

I don't know.

You don't think that kiss was

Oh, my god.

I'm going to throw up.

"I'm sorry casa amor.

You have lost 'raunchy races'
and will not be awarded with a




We're the winners!


Villa won and they
were more excited than an iguana

At an all-you-can-eat salad bar.




But now, let us
take a look at some texts you

Didn't see.

"The girl with the most
piercings must run inside, grab

Lipstick and plant 20 lipstick
kisses over the boy..."

Go, go, go.

Is she the girl with the most


20 Kisses!

Four, five, six, seven,
eight,... 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,

19, 20."

As soon as I heard "the girl
with the most piercings," I was

Like I don't know if I have the
most, but I have a lot.

Regardless if I found out later
on it wasn't me, I figured why

Not risk it to get the biscuit.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight... 15, 16, 17,

18, 19, 20!

My chest once

Looked like that.

Bed bugs, 2007.


Casa amor.

We want some more.

Casa amor.

Serial kisser!

I'm glad we won that one.

I'm very proud of myself.

A little pat on the back for

"The villa has won the point."

Oh, my god.


I'm mad.

We'll be back

After the break.

But before we go, let's play a
game of "what happens next?"

Here are the boys discovering
their new beds at casa amor.

I claim dead center.

All night long!

But, what happens next?

Calvin trips and spills his
beer all over his new bed.

Carrington does a backflif
awp his bed.

Connor breaks his bed before
he gets a chance to sleep in it.

Welcome back to

"Love island, more to love."

Before the break, we saw the
boys discover their new beds at

Casa amor.

But what happened next?

Well, if you guessed "c," you're

Oh, my god, bro.

Oh, boy.

Carrington sure has a fun way of
fluffing his pillow.

This week, we had

Double the trouble with casa
amor, a second villa, where we

Doubled the sexy singles.

Cue some sexy pool party
slow-mo, and sh*ts of a teddy

Bear that has clearly become an
inside joke among camera crew.

I mean, shouldn't we tickle him?

He's not wearing pants.

Anyway, where was i?

Oh, right, casa amor is a second
villa producers created to split

Up all the couples so they could
proudly displar their loyalty to

Their partners, but some
islanders had their heads


No way!

Get out of town!

Here's a quick wrap-up.

Moira was excited about jalen,
saying she was his first choice.

But once he started vibing with
mackenzie, moira set her eyes on


I'm definitely interested in
getting to know you.

Oh, really, okay.

Yeah, for sure.

Moira wooed him
with a grilled choose.

How was the grilled cheese?



That was good.

Moira's partner,
calvin, was at casa amor,

Pursuing sher.

Caleb also expressed interest in
sher, but still had justine on

His mind.

Back at the villa, justine had
it off with aaron right away.

But his sick dance moves made
her head turn.

If there's a guy who has
rhythm, that's an immediate

Attraction for me.

Cely did not
express any interest in the new

Boys and said casa amor made her
realize how much she likes


Johnny, on the other hand,
explored his options at casa

Amor, and hit it off with
mercedes, but felt his

Connection with cely was

So he told mercedes to talk to
other guys.

You want to talk to other guys?



How do you feel about that?

Go for it.

Be careful what
you said, johnny, mercedes is

Ready to explore carrington.

They even showered together to
save water.

Carrington was intrigued when
mercedes showed interest and had

Some secret makeout sessions
with her in the bathroom.

But mercedes wanted to get to
know everyone, so she grabs

Connor for a chat.

I actually wanted to talk to

Mackenzie and I are... Are in
a good spot together.

Connor has decided
to stay loyal to mackenzie and

Has only spent time with
mackenzie's teddy bear, gus.

Mackenzie, on the other hand,
has taken the opportunity of new

Boys and has really hit it off
with jalen.

I bet she's having the time
ofier life!

The time of my life is maybe
a little bit of an exaggeration.

All right, fine.

Maybe she's just having a great

I'm having a great time.

See, she is having a great time.

And I'm going to have a great
time, too, when I make my

Contractual transition into this
promotion for caesars!

You thought this episode.

Along comes bugsy and myers
steak house.

Make no mistake, bugsy and mires
offers six dining experiences.

They have private dining rooms.

Try a steak?

What about contemporary

You'll want more of chef lama.

A.well, this promo was well done

Welcome back to

"More to love."

The time has come for the
islanders to make the biggest

Decisions of their "love island"

If johnny were to walk back

With another girl, I just would
not be able to wrap my head

Around how he could have a
deeper connection than what we


Thank you, guys, for being
there for me through this


Connor literally said to me
the first night he was all in.

So I'm kind of like, one of
those people it's hard for me,

Once I start to like someone, if
that's where they're at for me

To be like, "no"
you know what I mean?

But I'm definitely going to
going about this differently for


I absolutely do hope that
mackenzie has been as loyal to

Me as I have been towards her.

I am still feeling a little
nervous not knowing what could


The hardest part is, like, I
haven't been anyone's, like,

First pick in here.

I think if caleb did walk in by
himself is would turn so much of

That around for me.

I have to praise you like I

I have to praise you like I

As you all know,
tonight there will be a


Girls, each of you have a huge
decision to make.

One by one, I'm going to ask you
if you would like to stay with

Your current partner, who has
been staying at casa amor for

The last few days, or if you'd
like to recouple with one of

Those boys standing in front of

The boys at casa amor have to
decide whether they want to

Stick with you or recouple with
one of the new girls.

Remember, casa amor is the
ultimate relationship test.

Girls, it's time to make your
decisions and find out what the

Boys decided to do.

And if you think
we're going to leave you with a

Cliff hanger like last night's

You're right!

Will moira use aaron as a crutch
if calvin walks in with a new


Will cely and johnny be

Or will temptation lead johnny
away from cely?

Will mackenzie choose jalen over
connor, leaving dust in the

Middle of a messy custody

Will carrington get aware are
carried away with the allure of

Casa amor, or will he recorrect
with kiestin.

Will caleb put justine in the
friend zone for the third time?

Get all these answers and more
all next week on "love island."

Tomorrow night, it's the biggest
recoupling yet.

If things, like, don't go the
way that I want them to, I would

Just be devastated.

> I'm so loyal to a fault, I
really don't want to imagine my

Life without him.
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