02x10 - Episode 10

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x10 - Episode 10

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "love island":


I'm going to kiss carrington.

I think I'm hotter than lauren.

...shook up the villa.

I'm happy with kierstan but.

I definitely feel something
for her.

You're very hot.

It's very hard not to kiss you.

What is going on
and temptation led to


I feel like you created a lot
of this.

An option for me is breaking
up with her.

Tonight, saddle up for romance.

Here's to horses and us.

Epic horse play.



I got a game that will make
you feel all rubbed up.

I might have bruised something.

And you vote for
the most compatible couple.

As our title card
clearly states, this is "love

Island," where our couples are
dealing with the aftermath of a

Dramatic recoupling.

With is...

And caleb chose
justine, sending rachel home

With a promotional "love island"
mouse pad.

Honestly, I think a lot of
the guys were looking forward to

Having the power in this

But the girls can keep it,
because that was too much



You really had my heart going

Uhm, like I told you earlier,
it was not an easy decision.


It really came down to I
didn't want to see you go home,

You know.

And you made a really strong


To the finish line.

And I just want us to continue
to kind of build off of the

Things that we've already

Like, we're definitely on the
same page.

And so I'm really happy that
we're finally coupled up!

It's the teeth for me.

It's that smile for me.

I'm so excited because, I mean,
I have a fine-ass man who wants

To get to know me, and wants to
see where things go.


I'm just so happy!

Come give me a hug.


Oh, you're so tall!

Get used to it.



Cely had a great

Night getting picked by her
personal chunk-throp johnny, and

Having her besty, justine,

The girls chat about what a
devastating night it was having

Everything go their way.

My heart, I literally could
not look at you.

I was, like, okay, keep it

You're you're strong.

And I look over at you, and
you're crying.

And I was like there's just no

I was trying the entire time.

Cely, the way I was literally
going to jump in the fire.

I'm like, this is it.

Jesus, take the wheel.

If justine got sent home, I
would be like, johnny, I'm


I have to go.

Pack your bags.

You have 30 minutes.

Oh, my god!

I had johnny talking about me,

Obviously that's best feeling in
the world.

Like, oh, my god, we're so in
like with each other.

And I continue with my best
friend justine.

I'm so happy to be coupled up
with caleb.

Like, he's such a good guy.

And he's so just... The way he
carries himself.

Girl, you have been working
all of you doubted my game,


When I tell you, when we sat
down I was like, "my girl's

Going home."

You're the absolutely worst!

I'm sorry.

I was scared, too, girl.

Oh, my god.

After being with
cely and justine, tre... A.k.a.

Fedora the explorer... Is now in
the land of lauren.

You came into this villa as a
single woman, and now you're

Coupled up with a serial kisser.


Oh, man!

Honestly, like, tonight, I feel
like I'm on top of the world

Right now.

I ain't going to lie to you.

I got the hottest girl in the
villa right now.

So how do you feel about

I'm happy that you picked me,
and the things that you said I

Thought were really sweet.

I'm interested in getting to
know you.

I'm not going to rush anything
with you, obviously.

Everything is... We'll be best to
just go with the flow and let

Everything happen naturally.

But I'm excited to get to know

I am, too.

I feel comfortable talking to

I came in and definitely had
preconceived ideas about him

And, you know, I nicknamed him
"the serial kisser" and he's

Actually really cool.

So he's a good dude.

Will that turn to something

I don't know.

All we can do is be up front and
honest going forward.

Because every day in here is a
crazy surprise.


And you have no idea.

It's only going to get crazier.

Carrington was
upset that kierstan was upset

That lauren caused an upset by
being set up with carrington.

It was upsetting.

So are they all set, or set up
for more upset?

I'm happy with the choice I
made tonight.

I think that this week has been
difficult, but everyone has

Difficult times once in a while.

We never did.

I'm not saying that there's
not going to be anymore, but I

Think that it helped me see
things and helped you, like... I

Don't know.

I mean, I'm glad that we could
work through it.


I really do like you.

By how much?

A lot.

Like a lot-lot?

Like if someone walked in
here, I would be like I don't

Even need to have any talks.

And it's okay that you're not on
the same page, but I want to let

You know where I stand.

The whole threat with lauren,
that's over with.

I trust carrington.

I trust our couple-ship.

So, no, no more buts.

He means too much to me to lose
him over silly little immature


It's all behind me.

It's all behind you, and let's
just have a good week.


You smell like hot dogs.

Well, I ate bacon.

I said I smell like hot dogs.

Did you cook hot dogs?

Did I cook hot dogs?

I didn't cook any hot dogs.

Why do you smell like hot
dogs, then.

You just said that.

I said I smell like hot sauce.

Oh, hot sauce, okay.

I don't know
what's worse, kierstan diction,

Carrington hearing, or their

I need a hot drink to rinse the
hot dogs out of my ears.

I feel like the balcony is
where I have all my important


I know.

Oh, my gosh, we're important.

I wanted to check in and see
how are you doing because,

Obviously, you were very worked
up as well as I was, too.

I think the last couple of
days have been...

So rough.




Have you spoken to lauren at all
since, like, one on one since

The challenge yesterday?

Well, I mean, we've been good.

She was just kind of like... I'm
kind of done with that because

Why chase after something that's
already been, like, cut off.

Pretty much that's what she

She tried to reassure me that
she never had an interest in


Oh, really?


I heard differently.

Because whenever I was sitting
up here with her, I think the

Day after she had gotten here,
she was like, "people just need

To start telling the truth."

I was like, "what do you mean?"
And she was talking about her

Date with connor and saying he
was a completely different

Person, like, literally, as soon
as they turned the connor, he

Was very touchy-feely, maybe
like they both were, and that he

Kind of opened up so much.

I was taken aback by it.

Well, I am as well.

And he definitely did not
express that to me at all.

It was a really terrible
feeling to find out one more

Thing I didn't know about.

I definitely feel a little bit
like the town fool.

A long day.

I'm tired!

I know!

You can't run away from
feelings in here.


We're just living out, like,

These little sins.

Can I talk to you for a second?

Do you?

Yeah, I think so.

After learning the

Distressing truth about connor
holding hand with lauren,

Mackenzie is upset.

But I'm sure she's just making a
mountain out of a mo... He'll

Need a great excuse to explain
this one.

Can I grab you for a second?

Do you?

Yeah, I think so.

What's up?

So, I just wanted to pass on
to you something that kierstan

Mentioned to me.

She had a conversation with
lauren, and, apparently, lauren

Expressed that the moment you
guys left the villa, that you

Were very touchy-feely with
lauren and very interested in

Getting to know her.

So... Whenever we did go on
our date, we did hold hands.

I... Was that way.

Honestly, I did do that.

And I'm sorry I did not tell you


That that was a part of... I
did not kiss her.

I gave her a hug.


So that is not something that
you... I'm interested... I'm not...

Do you feel like you were not
forthcoming about that because

You knew that if I knew that, I
would probably be uncomfortable

With how much time you and
lauren have been spending


The conversations that I have
had with lauren afterwards have

Been very clear towards her that
I am not interested in her.


I definitely would have
appreciated him being more

Upfront, lauren as well,
especially if she was going to

Tell other people about it.

I'm a very understanding person.

I truly believe that if people
are honest, there's typically a

Way to move forward.

I think...

I'm going to get changed.


How much is this going to run

This is on the house.

Okay, thank you.

Beautiful girls for free.

Okay, thank you.

Let's do salon talk.

I don't know what salon talk is.

Uhm, you're doing my nails.

You have to ask me if I have a

You have to ask me what I do?

Do you have a boyfriend?

> No, I don't have a boyfriend.

Do you want one?

But I like this guy, and I
think he likes me.


He wears this, like,
ridiculous laffen derdo-rag.

He sounds like a cool guy.

Relax the hands.

Relax the hands.

I'm not going to tell you again.

You're messing up the treatment.


Okay, okay.

Johnny wants to be a barber, but
I'm like, I don't know, I think

You need to rethink that.

He had my hands all oiled up.

He has some real talent.

They literally look so good.

You think so?


Damn, first time for everything.

I kind of want to put another
coat on a few of them.

And now, to
episode 479 of tele-novella,

Connor and mackenzie.

Connor just came to the
conclusion that, you know, as

Much as it sucks to hear and
it's upsetting, you know, like,

We moved past it, and I want to
continue to move past it, and I

Just hope in the future you'll
be honest from the start.

I'm just very happy that you
understand that, that is... That

Was not the position that, you
know, I intended to come from.

I told you, I'm understanding.

You just haven't seen it in
practice yet.

But you're seeing it right now.

Yeah, I get it.

So thank you.


And I want you to know that
I'm in such a good spot right



I am so relieved that connor has
found his voice.

I'm very regretful for any of my
actions that made him feel as

Though he could not express

I was not aware of how much he
was internalizing at all.


I appreciate you being honest
with me when I asked, and I

Really do want to move forward.


Just don't lie to me again,

Oh, man.

What a day.

I feel like just soy...


You done good.

You done good.

Just relax.

You can have some fun now.

I am.


I'm in love with your body.

I'm anything to cry.

This is.

...like, what do you do?

What's the remedy?

When people snore, do they snore
all the time?

How could this possibly be
something that you have to put

Up with?

You snord the whole night.

I can't even open my eyes.

I'm going to k*ll you.

Do you want to try on my shades?

Do you want to try on mine?

I want to see what you look like
in those.

I want to show you... Whoa!

You look hot!

Holy, cow!

Heck, yeah, brother?

Heck, yeah, brother!

I can't wait to dress you.

Like a little doll when I get

Look like a harry potter.


That's what I'm going for.

Hi, guys!


What's up?

Cute shades.


I can actually see your face

I know.

It's not shielded.

I know.

I do love my big glasses.

How are things with caleb?

He's the best.

Yesterday in bed, that was the
first time I've been in here

And, like, actually had, like,
good, like a nice time before


Did you get a text?

I got a text!



Carrington's sweating.

I've been sweating.

Did not expect that.


You're riding horses?

I'm so jealous!

See you later.

Have fun, guys.

You all enjoy yourselves, now.



We got a text.

We're going to a date, baby.


Love birds!

This is "love

After we wiped sanitizer over
the italian valley, kierstan and

Carrington go in search of
abandoned horses.

Their matching outfits are a
style referred to as "ranch


Are you ready?

Do you know how to ride a horse?

I'm going to figure it out.


How are you doing over there?

Figuring it out.

Wow, pretty good for a city boy.

City boys can do a lot of

A natural.


All right.

Someone like you.

I'm glad that we get to do
this, especially for our first

Date, because you get to see
what I kind of do back home.

When you hang out with your
friends, is this what you would

Do in that small town, ride


We're just like any other small
town, just like to be


Look at that.

We should do cheers.

Yes, we should.

To me learning how to ride a

Your first time on horseback.

People make it seem so hard.

This is who I am.

I love living in the city, but
this is how I grew up.

I mean, I'd like you to visit
texas after this, you know, if

We make it to the end.

I think you'd have a great time.

I'm not really sure what utah is
about, but I guess I'm willing

To figure it out.

> Uhm, obviously, there are a
ton of things I like about you,

And I know what you like.

But I think it's kind of
important to figure out what you

Don't like.

Something about you that I do
have to get used to is I need

Someone to kind of reassure me

I am quiet sometimes.

I think that, honestly, I'm kind
of the opposite in that way.

I don't need someone to
constantly tell me me, like.

Reassure you.

I don't need someone to
reassure me I'ms there.

There's nothing wrong with that.

I am a touchy person.

Communication is very important
I will do better on that, and

I think you can as well.

I mean, everyone can, right?

So it's not a big deal.

With carrington
and kierstan at full gallup,

Back at the tropical theme stool
bar it's time for a confession

That is nothing short of

How do you think their date
is going?

I can't picture carrington
riding a horse.

It just is not sitting right
with me.

Wearing a cowboy hat with his
cowboy boots.

I think carrington is, like,
the biggest surprise for me as

Far as, like, first impressions.

So how... What do you think of
him now then?

No, I think he's, like,
really charming and adorable.

Like he's not... He's not as,
like, confident as...

You want to join this?

People would think.

Part of me wanted carrington
to choose lauren so I could

Choose kierstan.

I didn't always have a thing for

But the more that I talk to her
and the closer I got to her,

Then I guess it just slowly
started building up.

If, you know, lauren ended up
pursuing carrington, and he

Entertained it, then I guess it
would leave me in a good spot.

I'm not telling her that until
the time is right.


Do you think they'll last long?

I don't know if they're at
that point yet they're, like, I

Really, really like this person.

I think it's more, "I like this
person a lot and I want to keep

Getting to know them."

Does that make sense?

I feel likey kind of know how
your life is back home.

So I just wonder how much
outside of work is that


Are you, like, going on weekends
to vegas, even?

Just tell me about, like, how
your lifestyle is back home.

I just want to know.

Uhm, I have for the past I
think three and a half years

Done bottle service.

I've bartended.

But working in the industry that
I work in is very draining.

So it's not a lifestyle.

I think I could fit into that.

I love having a great time.

But personally, what's good for
me and where I want to go, I

Know that if I do kind of live
in a party scene, I would not

Reach my goals.

I do like where things are

And we're in the very early
stage, and it could be somebody

Else, unfortunately.

So I'm just glad that wore
taking the time to really dig


And I think it's honestly going

So cheers to horses and us.

Cheers to that.

Cely and lauren

Proved the old adage that
nothing brings girls closer

Together than a producer
yelling, "we bought all these

Pool toys and no one's using

How are you feeling today?

I feel good.

I just...
Don't you wish that was us on

The date?

Yeah, like, I want to get out
of here.

That date and that connection,
but, honestly.

For me, it's, like, like, in
my head I'm like kierstan and

Carrington, like, they're good,
you know.

Good, you know, but I caught a

Conversation... I didn't hear
anything that you guys were

Talking about.

But you were sitting over here.

I don't know if it was, like,
yesterday or a few days ago...

Me and carrington.


His body language.


Was very, like... Like open.

Telling of...
I feel like his body language

And every time we have a
conversation, and I look around

And see him, and he's, like,
looking at me.

And he will always sh**t me a
smile, a look.


All I know is from wrs' side,
ever since that first date she's

Been all in.

Yeah, and maybe they'll grow
closer ask have time...

Oh, you never know.

Like, you know what I mean.

It feels, like, steal.

Carrington and kierstan, I
don't know how well that's

Really working.

And if he comes back and he's
like, "yeah, I'm not feeling it.

Like, I want to still get to
know you," I can reassess the


I would say definitely talk
to him after the date and see

How it went, how he's feeling,
and where his head is at.

Because a date could change
everything for the good or for

The bad.


Johnny and cely

Relax by a pool that I'm sure
monet would have nailed if he

Wasn't so lazy and actually made
it to vegas.

I wish we were on a date today.

We deserve one more than
anyone, I feel like.

Yeah, I know.

I feel like we're the real
thing here.

How do you think it's going,

I just can't imagine them...
First of all, carrington has

Never ridden a horse before.

You know what I mean?

I didn't know that.

Speaking of the outside and
everything, I guess I really

Haven't asked you, what are you
looking for if we were to

Actually start dating?

Like, I feel like I've said
it a lot, but I've never

Actually democraticked someone
like you.

You know what I mean?

And I feel like it's the part of

You mean, like, really
handsome, cool, outgoing, funny?




I'm kidding.

I think it's just how similar we

Like, that's... That's the part
that I've always lacked.

I've always done the whole
"opposites attract" thing and it

Works for a while but I feel
like I've never had this much


That's where my other
relationships kind of lacked

Because we were never in sync
with that type of stuff.

Everything shifted with me
because this is going so well.

Vice versa with me to you.

I'm a one-woman man.

I'm all about you.

I know that sounds corny, but I
mean it.

I'm having the best day ever.

I feel like every day that I

Spend in here just gets better
and better.

And to hear him say that he's,
like, all in with me, like,

Excuse me, sir?

Like, finally!

I'm just so happy.

I think we're all good, baby.

I think we are, too.


I'm happy.

I'm lucky.

Look at johnny and cely.

Look at them!

They make me sick!

How do you feel about last


I feel pretty good.


You feel good about your

I do.

I just feel like the energy sup.

I'm enjoying myself.

A good time.

So I'm excited.

You're a good time.

Where are you at, like, in
your relationship stage of life?

Have you ever lived with a


Have you?

I have never lived with a

I never lived with a boyfriend.


Nor a girlfriend.

Yeah, my parents are one of
those people that are like, "get

Married before you live

But it's not gone that way for
any of us.

What is your family like?


My mom is the best.

She's one of those people like,
did you eat?"

She's awesome.

I like hearing you talk about
your family.

Cely, keep it town!

I'm trying to listen.

We're so close, and we're
such a big family.

I think justine is my type.

She's fine, first and foremost.

Down to earth.

I really love that she's family

And that's the type of girl I'm
looking for.

I feel like for me my family
is the best part of being in a




I feel that.

I've actually been... I've been

That's kind of the hardest part
about I guess my lack breakup is

My little sisters really looked
up to her, and they ask about


That is why, though, I haven't
brought a lot of girls around my


Just because I know they are so

Caleb is so respectful.

He's intelligent.

He's, like, kind.

He's charming.

And I think my mom watching this
would finally be like, "justine,

Well done am.

And I'm like, "thank you, mom,
thank you.

I'm doing what I can."

Do you love me yet?

I guess I gotta step it up.

Time to check in
on moira and calvin, who we hope

Is using sunblock
representatived sph 50...


How is miss moira?

I'm doing great.

Where is your head at in
terms of, you know, if people

Walk through.

I'm sure there are going to be
more guys that walk through and

More girls as well.

I feel like at this point,
I'm, like, so smitten with you.

I don't feel like my head could

But, yeah, for now, you're the
only guy in here that I'm

Interested in getting to know.

The connection that we have
is strong.

And that, you know, I'm very
attracted to you as well.

But, you know, if new girls come
in, I do plan on talking to them

And get to know them, and not
only in a friendship, but just

Kind of talk to them and weigh
things out.

I do plan on doing that because
I have been in here a short

Amount of time.

Okay, so I feel like maybe
I'm moving a little bit quicker

In terms of, like, I don't plan
on getting to know anyone else.

That being said, I think we're,
literally, like seeing eye to

Eye on absolutely everything.

Yeah, and the whole taking it
slow instead of just rushing in,

Jumping in head first, and
wanting to be all over each

Other and I really appreciated

Because it's helped me to really
not feel a ton of pressure

Either way.

Calvin has mentioned that he
doesn't like to p.d.a., And I

Respect that.

But, honestly, I would get a
little bit pissed if I find out

It's for reasons that he wants
to keep his options, like, super

Open, and almost just have me as
a friend.

Calvin is taking
it slow, something you shouldn't

Do when you get to vote for the
most compatible couple at the

End of tonight's episode.

I hope this advice helps as much
as justine's advice helps

Moira... Seamless narration.

You were saying about calvin.

Sea dog.


Yeah, so we had the chat.

And he was saying how he feels
good about where we are.


But he then said how he
doesn't want to, like, take

Anything further, like,

He's, like, happy that we're on
the same page with that.

And are you on the same page
with that?

I was, like...

Are you?

I don't think so.

Well, okay, because everyone
else here in their relationship

Is, like, you know, sucking

And then calvin and i, like,
don't even, like, we don't even


Don't flirt?

It seems like you guys flirt.


I do enjoy my time with her.

She's a cool girl.

Initially I felt a spark.

But normally, outside of the
vill ai'm looking for fireworks.


I'm not saying I don't like her.

And that can change, and that
can grow.

But initially, that's kind of
one of the only things where it

Was, like, if there's not the
fireworks, is that going to


I don't know.

But if it does, I do want to put
myself in a position where I'm

Able to explore that while still
being open with her.

I'm just a little bit confused.

Because then he says that he's
keeping his options open.


To getting to know new girls.

He hasn't been here long enough
to really, like, just be here

For me.

And that is the one thing that I
mentioned to him that we are,

Like, see differently on.

After a long day

Horsing around, the islanders
await the return of carrington

And kierstan from their long day
horsing around, unaware of tre's

Secret crush on kierstan, johnny
says this:

I think you and lauren are
going to hit it off.

All I have do is hope so.

If I have to deal with that
snoring again.

Let him sh**t.

.>> Hello!

Come on over!

Tell us everything!

We missed you!

You horse wranglers!

He didn't fall off?


He survived.

It was fun.

It was way fun.

Wow, you got down and dirty.

Look at those shoes.

Welcome back, my brother.

I smell like horse.

I hope I don't feel bad.

It was a dope day, honestly,

Was it the best day of your

No, but it was a great day.

It was fun.

I was really happy for him to
see me, like, in my element,

Show him a different side to me
than the bottle service, austin

Nightlife, you know.




He was, like, he was, like, that
was awesome.

It was a fun date, man.

Are you closer with her?

Definitely, yeah.

The conversations went way
smoother than they have, like,

The last day or two.

But I do see that she is giving
me a ton of effort, and, you

Know, I might not be giving her
that same effort.

And it's honestly because I am
not all the way there yet.

I still just kind of need to
take it a little slower.

There was one more thing that
kind of pissed me off, and it

Was very clear.

Because, like, we were toasting,
basically saying great things.

But then he kind of included
something like, "we never know

What's going to happen or who

I'm like do you not know how
this is supposed to work.

Is he open to meeting other

I told him I was all in.

He said he needs to be sure.

He said he was all in before.

If you're not completely all

Then dont say that.

I don't think you should
ignore these things.

As much as I want you guys to be
together and work it out, I feel

Like he is in some ways leaving
little bread crumbs for you to...

Pick up on.


I'm not blind.

I know there are things that he
says that I can't ignore.

I know meas he's not all in, and
there are possibilities of his

Head being turned.

But I want him in my life.

If things change, then I can't
control it.

But, I mean, this guy is...

This guy is something else.

We're moving at a good pace.

I'm going to take it day by day.

My heart could go one way or go
the next way and I have to act

On it, I can't predict the
future so it's definitely

Something to think about.

Do you
think it's time to get drinks.

Trust me, if a
clown ever suggests playing this

Balloon game it might be asking
yourself why you went to a

Circus in a basement in the
first place.

Hey, islanders!

Who wants to play?

So me and johnny are going to
be the first ones.

We're going to stand with our
backs to you guys.

You guys are going to run up,
give us a sexy thrust, pop our

Balloons, we'll run back, and
never person up, and let's see

Your best body thrust, may be!

All right, party people, on

Get set.


I think I within a little
hard in there.

I might have bruised something.

I don't want to say what.

.>> It was very easy to see that
there was a lot of bent-up

Sexual tension in the villa.

I do want to apologize to
caleb because the amount of

Times i, like, humped him, and
the balloon wasn't there.

Position myself right, just all
hip motion.

And once you get that down,
you're fine.

Go, go, go!

I was having trouble popping
the balloons, so I had to

Really, like...

Slowed us down, we took the

Slowed us down, we took the

Loss, but I still had the time
of my life.

That was fun.

But nowhere near as fun as 55
ting into talking about caesars!

At 550 feet, the high roller is
the highest observation whole in

The world, the best place to
view the stunning vegas strip.

Thinking vegas?

Something that's so big, it has
no business being a wheel.

It's been a crazy
night in the villa thus far, and

Without fear of putting myself
foot in my howth, it may get


Never have I ever sucked toes.


A game of "never have I ever" is

The first
islander will say something they

Have never done.

If someone has done that action
at some point in their life,

They must take a sip.

Never have I ever had a three

Every five sips,
that person must do a dare.

First up is carrington.

Give kierstan a lap dance.


Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Johnny, you have to suck on her


Suck those toes.

Suck those toes.

So into that!

Give a passionate kiss.

I confidential do want to
kiss moira.

A little short if you ask me.

But that was our first
passionate kiss.

Kiss tre for two seconds.

Damn, that gerl has some


Unbutton caleb's shirt.

Kiss him from the chest to the

I hate that my parents have
to watch this and see this side

Of me, but I'm like...

This is part of dating!

I was super embarrassed but I
was happy with that dare.

It was a lot of fun.


Who... >> Whoa!

Not me.

I got a text!

All right, see you guys later.

Do you guys want it?


Should we discuss it first?

I mean, like, we know you... Like
matthew: all right, you've

Had a whole episode of chats,
confessions, chats, balloons,

And chats, to see how you feel
about these couples.


It's time to vote on who is the
most compatible couple in the


Head to the "love island" app
and have your say.

Isremember, you are voting for t
most compatible couple.

The couple with the least votes
are at risk of being dumped from

The island.

Voting open to u.s. And canada
residents 18 years or older.

Terms and conditions apply.

Data rates my apply.

The vote closes in 30 minutes,

Tune in sunday to find out the

Tomorrow night...

"Love island more to love" is
back with more never-before-seen

Moments from a dramatic week in
the villa.

Then, sunday night, arielle

And your vote decides their

Who will be dumped?
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