04x08 - Farm to Able

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "q*eer Eye". Aired: February 7, 2018 – present.*
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Each episode has five advisors spend a week applying their expertise to help improve someone's life situation.
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04x08 - Farm to Able

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Are you ready for the good life ♪

♪ Good life ♪

♪ Are you ready for the sunrise ♪

♪ Sunrise ♪

- Going good. I'm loving it.
-My God, it's almost like the snow

just, like, coated this gorgeous
rural farmland with our fairy dust

before we got here, queens,

so that we can just, like,
spread the nurturing positivity

and good vibes that this part
of the country so desperately needs.

Bobby, what are we doing out here
in the snow?

This week, guys, is Matt Morland.


I love an alliteration.

-He's a farmer!
-He's a farmer?

I'm comin'. I'm comin'.

All right, I gotcha. I hear ya.

My name is Matt Morland. I'm 33 years old,
and I'm from Harrisonville, Missouri.

There you go.

He was nominated
by his childhood friend, Lacey.

I've known Matt my whole life.
Went to school together, did 4-H.

Our kids actually go to the same sitter
now, which is very fun.

Matt is an agriculture advocate,
and a fourth generation farmer.

I would say Matt loves farming so much,
that's really, kind of, the only thing

that you use to identify Matt.

My family has been farming this ground
for 75 years.

-Equipment failure.

- How's the weather outside?
-Oh, man, beautiful!

Morland farmers grow corn and soy, and
their dairy farm is currently up for sale.

Hey, babies.

We don't wanna get rid of the cows.
These cows are who we are.

A lot of these dairy farms
are closing down,

because we're using alternatives
like soy, almond,

but, like, that's the livelihood

-of so many thousands of Americans.

That must be really hard.

Hey, girl. Come on.

But you wouldn't keep going to work
every day if they weren't paying you.

And we've been doing that for three years.

Matt's constantly thinking of new ways
to bring people to his farm

and generate income.

-His latest business is called

"The Red Barn Ranch," and it's a seasonal
family-friendly pumpkin patch.

Red Barn Ranch did not start out
as anything more than a hobby.

Uh, five or six years later,

it has become a significant part
of how I make a living.

Thing about pumpkin patches is, though,
it's about a month-long business, sadly.

Yeah, but they be serving you hard
with that apple cider,

-Look-- Right, but if times are tough,

maybe he needs multiple small businesses,
or ways to adapt

-with the changing seasons.
-Apple pie.

We have a 46-foot long slide
that comes out of a silo.

Blueberry pie.

I have a corn maze.

Matt's entire family lives
on the same 2,000 acre ranch,

but in their own homes.

It's just like the Kennedys.


Matt normally hops out of the shower,
throws on beat-up jeans,

trucker hats and hoodies
and goes out for his day.

Matt's mom always cuts his hair.

-That's cute.
-Okay, well, I love,

like, a mom cutting their baby's hair.
That's adorable.

He is freshly divorced as of one week.


One week ago he got divorced?

-He is the first divorced person

in his conservative family.

-Oh! Wow!

I was married for six years.

I didn't even think that it was possible
to get a divorce,

until I found myself in the middle of it.

It was painful.

It was embarrassing.
It was not something that

I'd wish on anybody.

I have a six-year-old daughter
and a almost two-year-old son,

and my ex-wife and I,
uh, co-parent very well,

but it took a long time to get there.

He has had a rough last year.

Lots of change in his life.

And it's admirable, um,

the way that he's just charged forward
and continued ahead.

But I just would love
to see the Fab 5 come in,

and show him how to make himself
a priority.

I've never had an in-depth conversation
with a gay person before.

But, um, we'll see how it goes.

This weekend, Matt is hosting his first
farm-to-table dinner at his ranch

to say thank you to all the workers
and his pumpkin patch peeps.

-Oh, I love that!

Given the situation I'd been in
for the last 15 months,

running Red Barn Ranch
was very difficult.

I'm going to invite some friends

and family and some people
that have helped me

to say thank you and to see

if farm-to-table dinners
is a feasible way

for us to make a little extra money
on the side.

Matt has had the darkest year of his life.

-Wife is gone. The kids are gone.
- Yeah.

- And farming is a tough business.
-He feels deflated. He feels bogged down.

We're just gonna make it rain
positivity, honey.

-Sunshine. Cashola. Good feelings.

Healing, honey. We are the gay weathermen
with a forecast you can trust.

- Yes.


- That is, like, gorgeous!
- So adorable.

Look at that gorgeous
little pumpkin.

-This look like where the k*ller live.

I keep telling y'all,
when y'all see these scary movies,

it don't happen in the inner city.

This looks like
where my family's from, Karamo.

- This is idyllic.
- Full-on winter realness.


- Let us in, we're freezing!

-Hey, we're cold!
-Hi! Come on in!

Matt! How's it going, man?
Hey, Bobby.

-Hi, Tan.
-Nice to meet you.

Oh, it's cold!

Hey, I'm a Missouri boy.
The cold doesn't bother me.

You are bitchin'.

Look at you, gorgeous.

Matt, the--
The house is clean, mate.

- Thank you.
- Did you bring cleaners?

I try to keep it pretty clean.

-You overwhelmed right now, Matt?
-No, I'm good.

-I'm good.

Do you not see enough of the darn cows
that you need them on your walls also?

Hey! Okay, I grew up on a farm.

We decorate with farm.
We do everything with farm.

-You see this.
- This is actually my grandma.

- Really?
-And that's my grandpa, yeah.

So, how many generations of dairy farmers?

-I'm the fourth generation.
- Wow.

Oh, my God! Congratulations.

I'm really sorry to hear. I heard
you're probably gonna be selling.

-Just the cows, yeah.
- Just the cows? Okay.

Okay. Can we see more?
I wanna go into your kitchen.

-Somebody left a note for us.
- It's okay, Matt.

"Welcome. We are so glad to have you here.

Thank you for spending the week with Matt.

-Please enjoy a pumpkin cookie with a--"

When someone says to me,

pumpkin cookies,

comma, homemade--

sirens go off.

Everything ceases to exist.


-Let him finish.
-Let me finish.

And all I know is that I need cookies.

"Enjoy the pump-- pumpkin cookies

-with a glass of fresh milk."
- Sit.

- You guys ever had milk

-straight from the cow?
-Hold on, you made these for us?

-Actually, my girlfriend made them.
- Aw!

-What's your girlfriend's name?

-Hold on, rewind. Rewind.

'Cause we'd just learned a minute ago
that you just got a divorce.

Officially. Yes. I've been--

-How long have you been separated?
-Separated about a year and a half.

-Oh, okay, then. Got it.

Not really expected,
but it kind of happens.

- You gonna get us fresh milk?
-I'll get you some milk.

-All right.
- Oh, my God. Is it in the jar?

-That's in the jar, yep.


All right. Cheers.
Here's to a wonderful week ahead.

-No. I'm okay.
- Karamo drinks Coca-Cola.


This is delicious. It's sweet.

Fresh milk is sweet...

and creamy.

And it's so warm, right,
when it comes out of the teat.


You wake up.

"Oh, my God, it's four in the morning,
chickens are howling.

And it's so dark, crickets."
You know, and then what happens?

I come in, and I brush my teeth,
and I throw on some clothes.

And out the door I go.

My first impressions of Matt
are that he's this, like, happy-go-lucky,

like, farmer, like, smiley man.

I wear a hat all the time.

It's what I've done since I was a kid.
Just throw a hat on, don't worry about it.

Very attractive. Like, just needs
a little bit of a polishing moment.

Or not. Really, like,
who doesn't love a rough farmer, honestly?

Caress my back with your callousy hand.
I love that.

I kind of cut my hair by necessity.

We just finished up a--
I have a pumpkin patch,

just finished the pumpkin patch.
My life's been chaotic.

So, I just haven't taken a break
to go get my hair cut.

I'm not mad at your haircut.

-Well, thank you.

It's just, could your beard use
a little more moisture? Yes.

-It could.

I feel like he's a little thirsty.

Basically, what I wanna show you is,
like, your daily routine.

And if you have something special routine.

Like, a really extra special, like,
once a month nurture,

when no one's home,
you really have a cute little,

heterosexual man's spa night.

-So, you turn on the game

-and exfoliate your face.

Oh, my gosh!

Whoa! Frozen burrito, corn dog.

Hmm. Dusty, too.

The closet is exactly what I expected.

Plaid, plaid...

flannel and more plaid
and more flannel.

This is definitely the furniture
you've had for years

-with your ex-wife and stuff.
-All this was here.

Bought it after we moved in together.

How does Kelly feel about...
sleeping in the same bed that--

I actually mentioned it a week or so ago.

She said, "I hadn't thought
about it 'til now."

She goes, "It is a little different."

Little weird sleeping in the bed
your kids were conceived in.


I'm still noticing a lot of empty spaces
that were, again, were these all--?

-Okay. Family portraits.

Pictures of family I just haven't...

-All right.

I really wanna make sure
that there's stuff up with your family.

Make it feel like a home.

'Cause right now, I can't really see
who lives here.

- First, where are you shopping?
-We've got a farm store in town.

-Yeah, they got everything I need.

I'm a farmer.

Explain a farm store.

Well, I mean you can buy
your work boots there,

and you can buy your pliers there, and...

And so, we're picturing it.

You wake up, roll out of bed
in the morning. Go into your closet.

-You're reaching for what?
-Jeans. A flannel shirt

and then I usually throw a hoodie on.

And is that what you're staying in
all day?

- Yeah.
-And then what are those?

Oh. So, these are just
for when I wear my suit.

I do some advocating for agriculture.

Agriculture's my life,

so occasionally, we have to go
talk to politicians or lobbyists.

I did notice a suit that was--
is actually lovely.

- Thank you.
-Have a T-shirt under this?

-Can you take that off, please? Thank you.

I just wanna see how big this is,
'cause-- Yeah. Yeah, mm-hmm.

As suspected.
And I've seen a load of extra larges

and larges in your closet.

I don't think you're that size.

And this shows me just how not right
your size is.

I'm not here
to make you a suit and tie guy.

That's not the life you lead.
If you like t-shirts and hoodies,

there's a way of doing it
that looks just slightly more... polished.




So, first things first. You farm.

-What do you farm?
-Oh, gosh. Um...

We'll start at the top.
Well, we have dairy cattle.

-Some beef cattle, mostly Angus cattle.

And then we have corn

and soy beans are our two primary,
we call those "row crops."

The cash cow.

-For lack of a better word.
-Yeah. Of the crop part. Yes.

You're gonna have your first farm table
dinner party at the end of the week.

In essence, basically taking things
from the farm

and bringing them to the table.

It's encouraging promotion of local farms

and local goods.

And it's something
you're super passionate about,


How many people?

-About just under 30.
-Oh, okay.

-So, this is a big dinner party.

We'll figure out something
that's really good for the masses.


- So, how are you?
- I'm good. Yeah.

I didn't know what to expect. Um...
But, um... Yeah, I'm having fun.

Have you ever had five gay men
in your house?

-I've never had one gay man in my house.
- Really?


Don't think for one moment

that I'm gonna let it slide
that you said that the divorce happened

-a couple days ago?

What has that been like for you?

The whole thing was, you know,
was not something I saw coming.

Actually, I... I left to go to a training,

a public speaking training,

and when I came home, she was gone.

I can't imagine
the toll that took on you

of coming home and thinking
everything's okay,

and then your wife and your kids
being gone.

-It was horrible.

It was horrible. I-- I was...

not myself for a long time.

It's a different feeling coming home
to an empty house.

And that's hard.

You're used to, you get off of work,
and you come home,

and your daughter meets you at the door

and gives you a hug,
and "Welcome home, Daddy."

Even though I knew there was nobody here,

it's just almost like you thought
it was a bad dream,

you're gonna open the door,
everything's back to normal.


That's a lot.

You have to now figure out
who's the new Matt.

I-- Yeah, absolutely.

This is, um... a new chapter.

- I have some animals...
- Yay.

-...that you guys might like to see.
-I love puppies and kitties.

-This is beautiful, Matt.
-This is gorgeous.

Thank you very much.


Careful, Gracie. You all right, Tani?

-Everybody say, Cheese!

-What's going on in here.
-Puppies, kitties, kitties, puppies.

- Hi, babe.
- Oh!

- Hi.

Aw, you're a little baby.

- You guys wanna get closer?

- Yup! Sure do.
- Yeah.

- Follow me. This way.

-I'm okay.

It's just-- It is what it is.
I'm not a farm person.

-Here you go, piggy. Piggy! No!

Little baby.

All of y'all gonna get rabies
and I'm not gonna be the one.

This is how the outbreak happens.
The outbreak happens,

and everybody catches it,

then they look at me like,
"Why doesn't Karamo have it?"

I didn't touch none of these
dirty-ass animals.

-Piggy's my piggy.
-Look at me, Tani!

- I love farms.

I feel very comfortable on farms.
I love farms.

-Come here, honey. I got you.

Could I be a farmer? Absolutely not.

Okay, this is, like, gorgeous.

This room that we're standing in,
is actually a dairy barn.

This is where I'd like to do
the appreciation farm-to-table dinner...

- Nice.
-...we talked about.

You need a little help getting it
off the ground.

- Yeah.

This is our, uh, greenhouse.
This is where we raise our baby calves.


Very fragrant. Fragrant.

-Like the smell?
-Oh, my God.

- Hi, beautiful.

As you can see,
we keep everything clean.

Since they were born yesterday
and it's cold, we've got some blankets.

So they can't walk yet?

They can, but just not very good.

- Okay.
-They actually can walk

within a few hours of being born.

We're the only mammals
that can't walk

-in a few hours of getting out.
-Right. Yeah.

-I did.
-I could too.


-He just fully licked Bobby's face.

Bobby, stop letting it-- Bobby!




- Do not kiss Bobby.

I'm gonna get my weed whackers
ready for this beard.

I know we've got stuff to do.

I'm super excited to see
what the week holds.


Cows. We got cows.

Yeah, we got cows.

Here's to cows. They need a shout out.

-Three, two, one. We got cows!
- Cows!

Matt's has a dark year.

But it's our job this week
to really show him

that there can be happiness
on this farm again,

and you can move on.

I really admire Matt's passion.

He wants people to understand
the importance of farming,

importance of knowing
where your food comes from.

He needs to represent
Red Barn Ranch as the owner,

as the mastermind behind this business.

Matt has two little kids.

And I want him to be able
to show his kids that, like,

grown men who farm can also be
into self care.

Anytime your life is transition,

that's the point where
you have to step out

of your comfort zone and try new things.

It's only gonna open you up
to so many new experiences

that you didn't even know you wanted
or needed.

You haven't been to Kansas City
in a long time,

-so I assume you haven't come to the mall.
- No. It doesn't happen a lot.


After you.

Thank you.

When was the last time
you went shopping?

- Last year, maybe.
-We're in Kansas City,

would you ever think
"Oh, instead of my hoodie,

I should try on a sweater?"


Do you have an adverse reaction to it?

I just wanna figure it out
so I know what to get you.

It feels like--

Like, um, something that,
like, my grandpa would wear.

This has bothered me for a long time.

Why would anybody buy jeans
that are half worn out?

Because it gives you
a more interesting look.

I mean, I get jeans that look like this
all the time.

And when they look like that,
I throw them out.

Um... I don't hate this.

What lovely lukewarm sentiment.

-I mean-- Yeah.

A lot is changing in your life.

Your personal life has changed.
Your business life has changed.

You're gonna be opening it up
to the public more often.

I want you to be presentable for that.

We're gonna try things on. If you
don't love it, we move to something else,

to make sure everything
in your closet, you love.

Pressure's on, then.

Pressure's on.

Matt works on a farm.

It makes no sense that he would be
in super fancy expensive clothes.

He's gonna get them ruined.
I wanna get clothes for him

that he can wear
when he represents Red Barn Ranch.

And that suit the needs
of his business and his life.

-Let's go give it a go.
- All right.

So, tell me what you think.

I like it. I could wear that.

-You look still like Matt.

I don't think I've turned you
into city-boy Matt.

-You look your age. You're 33, right?

I like the-- The jacket gives me options.

If you were to just have your T-shirt on
and a pair of jeans,

I'd be happy with that.

They're comfortable.

- They are. They're lovely jeans.

Okay. Let's try this next one on.

This is the kind of shade that I think
works better for you.

It's gonna... be kinder to your skin tone.

Because you have got red pigment
in your skin.

And so, if you go for much bolder colors,
it's gonna clash against it.

So, this is gonna tone it down.

This is an easy throw on jacket that could
work for when you've got clients.

-It fits good. It's comfortable.
-It fits really nicely.

Again, I'm not trying to take you
out of your comfort zone.

-I think you nailed it. I like it.

If I wasn't a bit out of my comfort zone,
we wouldn't be changing anything.

Love. So, now that I know you're feeling
decent, I want a model walk.

I have a six-year-old daughter that
does what she calls the sassy walk.

Oh, my God. You gonna show me
the sassy walk?

Okay. Here we go.

Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Gorgeous.


All right. You can get changed.
Gimme a hug.

All right.

I know you're kinda handy,
so I thought

-I'd have you help me build things.
-All right.

Oh, let's check that out.

I wanted to bring you
to some place local.

All the wood here is from local
Kansas City trees.

You provide local food,

so I wanted everything that goes
into your farm to still be local.

This is awesome.

- You like this?

All right, man. So with your event
happening this weekend,

I thought, let's build a table.

-Awesome idea.
-So, we're gonna build one today,

because I know you wanna start
doing more with that barn, having events.

I think this is a great start,

now you're gonna have a place
to feed everybody.

And the legs are gonna detach.

That way if you need to have a dance
floor, you can have a dance floor.

If you need to, you can have dining hall.

-That's a great idea.

Matt really needs to look at all the ways
his property can be making money.

From weddings to parties

to a bigger gift shop.

There we go.

If Matt's able to take
all these great ideas he has

and really turn them
into a consistent business,

he'll have a lot less stress
if crops aren't the best next year.

Have you ever built any tables before?

Never a... Never a table.

This is gonna go in at an angle.



So, what's your dream
for this event space?

Well, I want to have a place that

people can come and escape the city

and reconnect
with the family-farm feeling,

enjoy a nice meal, and relax.

You know, I love that,
because you have such cool things there.

This was gonna be the year,
I was gonna have a face painter come in,

and I was gonna have somebody come in
and do balloon animals

and show a movie
and maybe do some pumpkin carving,

and I did none of it.

Bringing in somebody with the balloons
and the face painting,

that's probably gonna cost you money.

Instead of face painting,
do painting on pumpkins.

You know? Not just coming in
and picking a pumpkin and leaving.

-But carving that pumpkin.

"Oh, Mommy, I'm hungry."
"All right. Gotta buy this piece of pie."

"Oh, Mommy, I'm thirsty."
"Let me get some cider."

You're making

-multiple dollars off the same people.

Instead of just cash and carry,
and we're gone.

-Thank you.

I see a ton of potential
to making his farm an attraction

that's gonna make people come out
from all over the place.

You need to store the tables
if they're in the way.

-Just pop 'em right out.
-That's awesome.

Nothing makes the city folk happier

than to come out
and spend a day on the farm.

-Good job.
-All right.

All right, man.

So, I'm gonna finish this up.

I've still gotta stain it,

-and you've got some other stuff to do.
-Awesome! I'm stoked.

We're gonna make a beautiful meal

-for your farm-table event.
- Awesome.

I'm hoping that the event on Friday

is able to open up a new chapter
in the book.

I think it will be.

People treat farming like
it's not that important anymore, but

-it's what this country was founded on.

People are getting further removed
from where it comes from.

-So, I think they're gonna come back.
-I hope so.

Through your experiences

-and your farm-table dinners.

We're gonna make a lovely appetizer:
roasted butternut squash soup.

-Let's get started.

Farm to table is using fresh ingredients
that are locally sourced

and taking them from the farm
to the table.

It promotes local business,
which I think is very important for Matt.

It makes total sense that he would wanna
pursue something like this.

We're gonna be incorporating
plenty of dairy into this, as well.

-I like that.
-We need a moment to promote dairy

-and bring it back.
-That's right.

So, I have the oven set to 450,
because I wanna caramelize

-and get a lot more flavor.

With the squash, we're actually
gonna cut it up into cubes.

I want as much surface area possible
getting brown.



So, I've already peeled
some garlic cloves.

-These are smaller,

so I'm gonna use five garlic cloves.

And then if you can pass me
half of that onion,

and you'll have the other half.

And the onion is gonna add
a nice sweetness to it, as well.

These we're just gonna cut up
into four wedges

and then just break 'em apart
onto your dish.

There's a bottle of olive oil right there.

We want a really nice fat coating, it's
gonna allow them to get nice and crispy

-and golden on the outside.
- Got it.

A little bit of kosher salt to season.

We want a little bit of aromatics, so if
you can grab-- Know which one rosemary is?


We're gonna grab a few of these.
Go ahead and smell that.

-See, it's nice and piney.
-Oh, wow. Yeah.

It's gonna flavor it plenty. And now
the last thing we're gonna put in,

gonna put a bit of celery on top here.

Gonna throw this in the oven
to get a nice little char...

for about somewhere
between 25 and 35 minutes.

I love the fact that Matt wants to give
thanks and appreciation

to his friends, family and loved ones.

But this is also an opportunity

to test out some amazing food and to see

what this experience at Red Barn Ranch
would be like

if he wants to pursue the farm-table
business venture.

I'll grab these puppies out. Awesome.

So these have browned up beautifully.

Throw these right in.

For the liquid, if you can pass me
that low-sodium

organic chicken broth. Thank you.

Enough so that it looks like a stew,
but with extra liquid.

So, we just mix that around a little
in the broth.

And it's gonna flavor the broth.

We're gonna give that a go
for a few minutes.

Put that right in there.

We wanna cover it enough,

but we want steam to be able to escape
while we pulse it

-on the lowest setting, which is one.

So, it's already starting
to blend in nicely.

And then we can jack it up just a bit.

Beautiful. We want this
to be super-creamy and velvety.

So while it's set on one,

we're gonna be adding
a little bit of the cream.

So, the color's already brightening up.

Perfect. We're gonna put this back
in the pot.

- Okay. Ooh.

-Forgot I left that on, but we're fine.

It's just basically
gonna heat up in here.

And now we are ready to plate.

-A bit of fiber never hurt anybody.
-It won't hurt anything.

A nice big, fat dollop of sour cream
on each, please.

-You were ready to taste it!

-I was-- All right.
-You were ready. No. We're not done yet.

-Beautiful. This is it!
- It looks fantastic.

Let's see how this is.

-Mmm. That is fantastic.
-Cream is king.

-Amazing amount of flavor in there.

-Exploding with flavor.
-Taste as you go.

Make sure that everything is,
like, fully-flavored, and...

-you're gonna be great.

-Let's have another bite.
-Yeah, another bite.

Out of 365 days, how many days
do you get down to the city?

-For pleasure? One.


One day?

Yeah, I don't ever come up here.
I don't get out of my--

It's-- It's not so much
my comfort zone. It--

as it is well, a little bit. I might--

It sounds exactly like that.
It sounds like me running away from cows.

I feel like a lost puppy up here.

It's not something I grew up doing.
This is all kinda new for me.

I don't, uh, need it
like some people need it.

How do you know
what you don't need until...

-you try it?
-That's true.

You got me there.

From what you share with me, of,
"Yeah, I'm no longer with my wife.

The kids are no longer around
how they used to be.

Business I used to know
with the cows is ending.

We're selling 'em."

If you don't expose yourself
to new things,

then your ideas will be limited
to some degree.

-You know, being around the five of us

will open you up this week.

-It already has a little bit, yeah.

I wasn't quite sure what to expect,
and I was a little nervous.

Am I gonna be able to handle five gay men
in my house?

-I don't know. I've never been in that.

You all came in, and I didn't, like--

I didn't have a heart attack.
I didn't pass out.

I wasn't, like, stiff as a board. I felt--
I feel like myself right now.

-Felt like myself then--
-Can you send a memo

to the rest of the straight guys
around the world? Let 'em know...

if they get around five gay guys
that they won't have a heart attack.

-And you won't try to convert us.
-Yeah, well,

-we won't convert you.

Let me tell you,
the thing you all don't know,

-Let the ladies have you.
-Okay. Good.

We have enough trouble
with our own guys.

-Ready, homeboy?

-Hey. Hey!

-Oh, boy.
-Every time I go into places

I like to do a little dance,
just to be sure.

I'm not that ready, but...

Hey, hey!
All right we're gonna go inside now.

I don't have the rhythm
that you have.

- Come on. Ugh.
- I just--

What made me interested
about coming to this area

-is that this used to be an old stockyard.

Since I was a little kid, every year
I used to come out here and show cattle

and stuff with my grandpa.

- Hey! How are you?

-I'm good. This is our friend, Carrie.
-Carrie. Hey, Matt Morland.

Hey, Matt. Nice to meet you.

With you starting this new business,
I thought it was good for you

to step out of your comfort zone, first.

But secondly, to also meet
with local businesses

that can help you to expand
what you're planning on doing

with the farm-to-table in a way
that you might not have thought of.

-Have you ever connected with a winery?

-Do you like where I'm going with this?
-I do. I do.

-I'm getting comfortable.

-Get comfortable.
-All right.

I'm gonna get you drunk,

-so get comfortable.

There's a lot of anxiety around the fact
that things are changing.

It's scary.

All right. So we're gonna come right here.

And I feel his anxiety.
But there's a way to combat that.

He has to open himself up
to trying new things.

-With your dinner...
- Uh-huh.

...tell me what you're having.

For the main course, uh,
butternut, uh, squash soup...

-Love it.
-...that I'm going to make.

-I'm impressed.

Well, this is a Viognier.

So, I don't know how familiar you are
with a Viognier.

No. Not at all.

Kind of your core fruits,

like peach and apricot,

and it goes great with squash.

-So, give it a little swirl.

What do you normally drink?

-Beer. Yeah.
-Me too.

- Me too.
-Well, you do a little sip first.

Get your palate familiar.

-It's not bad.
-Good. Good.

We're kind of experimenting with
farm-to-table. I've got this great place.

I love to talk. I love to entertain.
But all I do right now is a pumpkin patch,

-six weekends a year. That's it.

-The rest of the time it's closed.
-Farm-to-table's awesome.

-This is--
-We do a lot of those, we love that.

So, if this works, that's something
I will definitely try to replicate more

to utilize my facility and--
And to help generate a little more income.

Yeah. And we'd be happy to participate

and give you some wine to pour, too.

-Look at that.

-I like where this is...

Hook ups.
Thank you for exposing us to this.

We're gonna just have
a little conversation and maybe...


-...drink a little bit more of this.
-You help yourself, young man.

Did you think we're gonna do
some crazy stuff

like dress you up in drag or something?

No, I mean I don't think like--
Not quite that one.

I guess I wouldn't have dismissed it
out of the realm of possibilities--

Of possibilities, us putting you in drag?


The only one out of the five of us
that wears heels is Jonathan.

Maybe I'm getting you a little tipsy

so that when he says
you're gonna be in drag--

-I'm done.

-Slow down a little bit.
-A little bit? Okay, slow down.

-Seems like I came just at the right time.

-You know this? Know this? You know it?
-Hi. How are you? What's going on?

-I'm driving. So...
-Finish this. And then we'll leave.

I need you feeling grounded
for this next moment.

So much grounding-ness.

Oh, my God!

- Can't be outdone.

That works out perfect, because actually
our next field trip is an AA meeting.

-So, uh...

Oh, my God, your house.
I mean, yes, queen.

Okay. Gorgeous.

Okay. Let's go.

Oh, my God, I wonder if she has snacks.

This house is stunning.

-Hello, Momma.
-Well, hi, guys!


-You're pulling up a cup of joe for us?

-We go way back.
-I know.

Take your hat off.


So, hats off to Mom, literally.
I didn't even mean to do that.

I walked right into it.
Let me just gently take off my jacket.

Um, you've been nailing it.

Like, are you a "licensed cosmetologist"?

No, I honestly do not know what I'm doing.

Were you doing--
Well, how are you doing it?

I just usually take, like,
clippers to the back part of his hair,

and then on top, I scissor cut it.

And I try to leave, you know, a little--

little up here to kinda style, right?

-Aw! How cute's your mom?
-She does a great job.

Do you ever find yourself
spilling all your secrets accidentally

when she's cutting your hair?
"Didn't mean to tell my mom,"

but you just get so relaxed
when you get your hair done?

-How'd you know?
-It happens, right?

It is actually our talk time.

- Yeah, we--
-It is?

-We talk a lot.
-Probably why it takes so long.

Matt is very committed to his mom
as his kitchen beautician.

I love that story.
I learned how to do hair in a kitchen.

Steel Magnolias is my favorite movie.

-All right.
-Hair-cutting class is in session, Mom.

-Let's go.
-Here we go.

Look at this big,
full hair of yours. She's gorgeous.

- All right.
-Who-- What do you do with your hair?

Is it still a hat?
Do you ever zhuzh it up?

Well, um, sometimes,
I don't know what that word was.

-A zhuzh.
-A zhuzh.

Well, it's like your, you know,
for your mom, it could be like

a ponytail is, like,
if you're not seeing anyone.

But if you're gonna see someone,
she does a little zhuzh.

-She does a bit of an extra thing.
-Can I say spiff?

-Spiff it up?
-Do whatever makes you feel comfortable.

If I spiff it up, it's been a long time
since I've done that.

But I would like, yeah, like,
pull it forward like that, probably.

And then put some, like,
water or something...

-Oh, some water.
- Water.


So, when we're talking about
blending the beard with clippers,

you use the ear as, like,
the benchmark

-for, like, where you fade.

So, you wanna start the fade
at the bottom of the ear,

then you wanna start to come off of it
at the top of the ear.


This we like, 'cause it makes your jaw
look bigger. But this we don't like,

'cause it makes your neck look fat.


Then you wanna come get--

-Clean up this line.

Can we even? So handsome.

So attractive.

So, basically,
I'm establishing the length

-right here.

And then you make little parts,
pull the hair up.

That's how short I made it.

-That make sense?
- Yeah.

How's it lookin'?

-Looks good.
- Good.


-Hints of pink.

Got some glitter unicorns
going on in the back.

It says, "Elect Pelosi 2020."

-Definitely gonna have to talk about that.
-It says, "Pelosi 2020."

What if I did, like... "Fab 6"?

-Fab 6 could be cute.

The first heterosexual member.
It could be cute, Matt.

-Don't be so quick to write it off.
-I haven't said no, yet.

Beard oil?

Beard oil.

-Then what I do, is I come in.

This is just when you're getting spiffy.
Like, for say a farm-to-table dinner.

It looks good.

This is an air dry foam,
which I love.

So, just using your fingers,

using a brush,

you're using your head almost like
an ironing board.


you have to come back in with your trusty
pomade to make it cute again.

Look at how handsome you are.

-Do you love it?
-It looks really good. Yeah, I really do.

It's like, "I will pass
this agricultural bill."


Feel like about ten pounds lighter.

You do? Do you feel ready for tomorrow?

-I do. I do. I'm good.
-I've loved spending this time with you,

and I'm very excited to see what you do
with your business.

Thank you very much.
You taught me a lot.

I never have touched products

for my beard or my hair, really, at all.
So, learned a lot for sure.

Good. Honest to God,
not to make you uncomfortable,

but you look so handsome right now.

Is your hair growing on you, 'cause
it's growing on me, like, by the second.

Gettin' more used to it.

- Looks really good.

Thanks, guys.

How are you feeling?

-About to see your house.
- I'm stoked.

-You're really about to see your house.
-I know.


Oh, my gosh.

-Come on in!
- Come on in, Matt.

I'm gonna open this
all the way. Oh.

-Look at your home.
-Oh, my goodness.

-Come on in.

Holy cow!

How drastically it's changed.

It's modern, but with a country feel.

And it's-- And it's warm,
and it's got colors

and contrast. And there's stuff
on the wall and there-- The pictures.

I feel like I just stepped
into a different universe.

This does not feel like...

- But a great one.
-But it's great.

- Isn't it cozy?
-You're a modern farmer.

I wanted to give you modern farm house.

-Hit the nail on the head.

I know the reason you had this open here
is you like to play with the kids,

-so I did two small coffee tables.
- Uh-huh.

So, they're easier to push aside
if you do wanna move 'em.

- Smart.
-To play with the kids.

-Do you wanna see more?
- Yes, I-- I'd love to see more.


- This is like--
- Looks like a different kitchen?

It's a different kitchen.
And I love it.

I did two-tone cabinets.
Got rid of that oddly-shaped island.

- Yeah.
-Thought I'd put something

that was a bit more functional
and didn't take up as much space.

Bobby, you went off
on this gorgeous kitchen.

You just a hundred percent
blew me away. I did not expect this.

And my favorite detail is the plaid
wallpaper. I love a plaid wallpaper.

Oh, my gosh.
It's like a hotel room.

- Light behind the bed.
- What? That's cool.

I did this headboard, because it
reminded me of the wood place we went.

-Remember talking about...
- Yeah, we--

-...putting pieces in wood?
- Uh-huh.

So, every time you're laying in bed,
you're gonna think about

when you and I went wood shopping.

-That's right.

Thank you. Thank you so much

for the massive amount of change
that I couldn't

imagine or wouldn't have taken--
Done on my own.

But I-- But I love it.

When you walked in here before,
you could kind of feel

the dark cloud. You know?

There was bare places on the wall
where, clearly, pictures had come down.

You know? And so now when you walk in,
there's none of that.

It's just Matt...

and the life Matt is now building
for himself.

I'm excited. This is so cool.

I didn't throw your old stuff away,

because when you're working, I don't want
you to worry about wearing any of this.

This is your stuff to wear when you are...

promoting you business,
when you are hosting.

I got you plaid options

-that are freshened up.
-I remember this one from the store.

-And you liked it.
-I did.

And I loved it.
I'm glad that you chose that.

I also got you plain flannels.

They feel exactly the same,
as the other flannels you had,

so they'll keep you nice and warm,
but they're more simple

so they look more dressed-up.

-I like it.
-Is that good?

Yeah. I mean, that's-- That's me.
It's just different colors and then newer.

That was all I needed to hear.

-You ready to try some stuff on?

We are excited, Tani!

-Show us!
-Tani bani bani boy!

Okay. Farmer Matt, won't you join us, sir?


-Look at you!

-That is how you do plaid!
-You look so good.

-Turn for us.
-What do you think?

-What do you think?
-You look like a brand new man

and you're so handsome!

This isn't a stuffy politician look.

You just look like
the most polished version of you.

-And you look super-cool and young.

- You look very sexy.
-I like it. I look like

-I'm 50 pounds lighter.

That double vent is gonna give you
this lovely shape.

You said you feel 50 pounds lighter,

-it's because of details like that.

At the expense of sounding like Jonathan,

-I just wanna cuddle with you right now.

- Yeah. I know, right?
-Let me change my clothes.

On that note, we are gonna change him
real quick,

before he does insist
on cuddling with you.

-Introducing Matthew!
- Woo!

Walk, walk, walk.


Yeah! Oh!

-I like it!
-Gorgeous, Matt.

So this is farmer chic, farmer cool,
farmer hip.

The jeans actually fit him.

It's a little different than what
I would probably go pick out.

When I look in the mirror,

-I don't look like somebody different.

- We did so good.
- We did so good.

This is our sunscreen, right?

-And then,

this is our little friend,
the green stick.

We love him, and what he does
is he neutralizes red.

So, he'll kind of make our skin

just kind of calm down a little bit.

You do this. Okay.

Gonna give him to your friend, right?

-Make a little cocktail.

-Don't you love cocktails?

That's because if you put this
straight on your skin, it would be, like,


Put the little chin up.

Okay. Now look in the mirror,
and smear that all around.

Oh, my God, your skin looks amazing.
It looks pretty.

Oh, that sounds like the beats
of a very gorgeous Karamo Brown

-if I ever knew one.

♪ Hey! Gotta twerk it out
You lookin' all good ♪

♪ Hey! Hey! Gotta twerk it out
When you're lookin' good ♪

Come on, Matt!
Twerk it out when you're lookin' good.

-Come on.
-Twerk it out when you look good!

Twerk it out when you lookin' good!

-Hey! Hey!
-All right. Now you get it.

Hey! Give it up for Matt!

We've really made an impact.

Take a seat, my friend.

All right.

On your new chairs.

I like my new chairs.

You know that this is your comfort zone.


You look way too good, brother.
Just saying.

Just in the country, okay.

What has this week been like for you?


-It was a lot of... a lot of change.

But the beauty of it
is that you're open to it.

I look different. I feel different.

I mean, my house is different.

New comfort levels.

I... I spent the last five days
with five gay guys.

-That's not me, that's something

that I wasn't comfortable doing, you know,

-before, so...

-That's really big as well.

You know, you don't really
have a choice.

Whenever big changes
in your life happen,

I feel like I can handle it.

Listen, I stopped by the winery
before I got here,

they gave me these bottles
and a couple cases

-that are outside.

Just don't drink as much as I drank.

Okay. Deal.

- Deal.

Do you wanna come see what this
farm-table situation is looking like?

- Yes!
- I would.

- Let's do it. Bobby?
- Bobby!

- Our pleasure.


That is amazing.

Wow! Good job!

- Here's the tables we built.

- The tables turned out fantastic.
- Right?

Wow! Look at the bar.

I, yeah, didn't think I could own a place
that was this fancy.

You know, you can make any place
look fancy with the right lighting.

I like it. I mean,
I could see weddings out here,

-I could see private dinners out here.
- Yes.

Yes. I'm so happy
you're starting to see it.

And what a wonderful experience

you're gonna show your friends
and family tonight too.

Thank you. Thank you all.

But I didn't ever expect to feel--
I kinda feel like we're all kinda friends.

-We are.
-Yeah, we are.

And-- And I didn't expect that
at-- at all.

We are friends.

-I know.

-We'll do the same.
- Give us a little huggy-wuggy.

-Group hug.
-We have to give you a little hug,

-because we are friends. Friends hug.
- Keep it kosher.

-Good luck tonight. You're gonna be great.
-See you later!

Gay-straight alliance hugs.

- Bye, Matt.
- Yes!

- Cute. Bye.
- Bye.

- Be good.
-Bye, guys.

Matt, don't forget
to find moments to twerk.

- This looks so... good.
-This is all super local.

So, we have bread from Messenger,

ricotta from Italian guy in the city,

acorn butternut squash and honey.

-Love it.
- Look how delicious.

- Right? Thank you.
-Now, can we go watch Matt's video?

- Yeah.
- That would be great.

Hi, baby Bruley,
you taking a little nappy?

Aw, angel.

Bobby, will you do the honors,

- Thank you, love.

He really looks so handsome.

He needed that beard to not be, like,
the main star of the stage.

-You know, more like a supporting actor.

So, he's preparing
for his first farm-to-table event.

I wanted to make sure that
he wasn't too stressed.

We're basically having
most of the whole thing catered.


He's gonna be making his own
roasted buttermilk squash soup.

It's literally going from the farm
to a table.

- Cute!


Oh, my gosh.


It's, like, not even the same place.

-A different house.

Feels like you're--
You open the door to some place new.

-You look awesome. Wow!
-Thank you.

Oh, my God, you look great.

They're so proud of him.

And forever, as scared as he was with how
the family would react to the divorce,

they are just really, truly for him
and support him and love him.

Yeah, they really were.

-Oh, you haven't seen wow yet.


-Oh, my gosh.
-Oh, my gosh.

- Hi.

-You look amazing.
-Thank you.

Oh, that must be his girlfriend.

-Come on!
-There you go.

And you bake lovely
pumpkin cookies, lady.

-Thank you for the cookies, girl.
- Yes.

Oh, my gosh.

Holy cow!

Oh, my God. Jeez.

-It feels so much bigger.
-So great.

-Pretty fantastic.
- And you just look...

-You do.

How does your face feel?

It has lots of product on it.

-Even some make up.

- Really?
- Yep.

It's something
to conceal some of the red.

After hanging out
with five gay men all week,

my face has been redder than it's been
in a long time,

so they helped me out with some stuff--

So, you can do that.
You know how to do--

- Calm it down.
-That`s great.

-Yeah, I got some in my pocket.

- You ready?
- Ready.

Okay, here we go.

Oh, my gosh!

Oh, wow!

- Pretty.
- How beautiful!

- Aw!
- This is awesome.

And... we made the tables.

-Oh, you made them?
-Oh, is that what you and Bobby did?


-Oh, my goodness.

Come on in!

Look at you! Hi, honey.

-Oh, you look fabulous.
-Thank you.

-Do a little twirl.
-Yeah, okay.


I like it.

Yeah. No hat. No hat.

Hey, buddy.

-How are you?
- You look amazing.

They did a really good job.

I don't even have words
for the inside of the house,

but specifically his closet.

The first course, I made.


I thought that soup had to have,
like, meat in it to be good.

This is pretty good.

- It's really good.
- Mm-hmm.

- Well done, Matt.
- Good job.

I'm about to dive through head first
and eat some of that soup, honey.

-So gorgeous.
-I know.

If I could get
everybody's attention really quick.

I'd like to have a toast.

I've had a crazy week.
How do I look?


I've never spent a-- Well, even a day

with one gay guy,
let alone a week with five.

-So, um, it was a lot of fun.

Um, had a great time. Learned a lot.

I, Matt Morland, spent a whole week
in the city.

So, that's something, like,
outside of my comfort zone there alone.

Um, I wanted to give up
on this place and--

And mow it down.
And because of those guys,

-I didn't, so...
- Whoo!

I really truly am thankful
for everything that you guys did here,

um, or have done for me.

Uh, it's been a crazy year and a half.

- Cheers!


I really hope
that we've shown Matt

he has everything he needs
to be a success.

The world becomes a better place
when you can be open,

ask questions, learn from each other.

Because that's when we all start to grow
and connect.

You're never too old to learn.

And if Matt can do it on a gorgeous farm
in rural Missouri, honey,

all of us can do it.

-Let's eat!

My time with the guys has definitely
opened up a new chapter for me.

I've learnt things about myself.

I've stepped outside of my comfort zone.

I feel like I'm a different person
than I was a week ago.

And I think that the possibilities
that come

with that different person are endless.


let's give it up to the fabulous farmers

-To the fab farmers!

Last night I was bingeing on the latest
season of Narcos when it dawned on me,

too many people are in the dark

about salt.

When I'm cooking,
I keep it simple and use two kinds:

Kosher salt, because it clings
really nicely to food

and seasons your pasta water.

And for more expensive,
fancier finishing flaky salt

right before serving salads
or just about anything

for a lovely textural element.

Keep it simple.
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