10x03 - Tap That App

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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10x03 - Tap That App

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously
on "RuPaul's Drag Race"...

I'm writing you a prescription
for Pharmarusical.

- ♪ Welcome to Ruco Labs ♪


- Bitch, I'm from Chicago.

[all laugh]

- Team The Vixen.

You are the winning team.


- And The Vixen, as team leader,

you are the winner
of this week's maxi challenge.

- Monique Heart.

- In the musical performance,
I can't remember you.

- Kalorie.

- I wanted to see more
imagination, more creativity,

and I think that's why
a lot of us lost you.

- Eureka.
- What happened, Eureka?

- I didn't realize
I was still so emotional

over what had happened to me.

- Your knee sent you home
last season.

If you don't get
out of your head,

your head's gonna send you home
this season.

- Eureka, shantay, you stay.

- Thank you.

- Kalorie, sashay away.

- Whew.

- Yes, mama, congratulations.
- Girl.

- You tore that shit up.

- What did she have to say?

- "Thank you, sisters.

"I'm so blessed
to have met you all.

Keep it kute?"

- Cute with a K.

- My chubby girl sister, honey,

we'll be all fat
together again one day.

I'm completely shook.

I can't believe I got
that close to going home.

I've worked so hard and fought
for so long to be here again.

If I don't get out of my mind,

then literally all this
hard work that I've done

is gonna be for nothing.

- I'm very proud of all of us,

because this was
a really hard challenge.

- Yeah.
- Congrats, Vixen.

I thought you were gonna win.

- I didn't get here on accident.

- Who was it that I said that
you were gonna cause her to win

by giving her that hair.
Who did I say that to?

- Me.

I think it's kind of funny
that The Vixen's best drag look

was composed of a wig

that she didn't even
bring from home.

- I have to say I was
a little nervous at first.

I just thought you were
a little like, you know,

but you pulled us together.

- I chose y'all
because I trusted y'all.

But at the end of the day,

I trusted y'all
because I trust my judgment.

- Monique, you were in like
the bottom three essentially.

- I don't feel I was the worst,
because I feel like I sold it.

My whole look made out of hats,
layered in cards, safe.

And then I come out
in a Cookie Monster costume,

with an extra layer
of my personality,

which is the fact that
I'm a crafty queen.

- It wasn't no sponge, though.

- Ooh.
- Ooh.

- And you were safe.

Moving forward into this week,

I'm just gonna make sure

that I'm the biggest personality
they don't forget.

I'm not going home
any time soon, America.

You can bet that.

When you work so hard
to get here,

like f*cking might have been
almost disconnected

trying to get here,

I feel like get woke,
shook, I'm awake.

- Every week, Monique thinks

that she should have been
in the top.

Girl, you oughta take a hint.

If you're not getting
what you think...

Step your p*ssy up.

- The winner
of "RuPaul's Drag Race"

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills

and a cash prize of $100,000.

With extra special guest judges
Nico Tortorella

and Courtney Love.

- ♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

- ♪ May the best woman ♪

- ♪ Best woman win ♪

- Seven sisters right here.

- Whoo.
- [laughs]

- Week three.
- Right!

- We're back in the workroom,

and after winning,

I just wanna win again and again
and again and again.

I need these girls to know

that I am a force
to be reckoned with.

- Ooh!

- She done already
done had hers.

America's next drag superstar
is an old-fashioned girl.

- Oh, yes.

- But if she's not careful,

she gonna get dated.

- Whoo-hoo.

- I don't even know.

- Hello, hello, hello.

[cheers and applause]

- Yes, mama.

- Ladies, for today's
mini challenge,

I'm holding screen tests

for my provocative new
RuPaul's Chocolate Bar campaign.

[cheers and applause]

Let me set the scene.

You've just arrived
in Hollywood,

eager for your first big break.

And I want you to do
whatever it takes

to stand out from the crowd
and make me laugh.

Now, you've got 20 minutes

to get into quick,
fresh-off-the-bus drag.

[all laugh]

- Go.

- Does anyone have duct tape?

- Can y'all turn off the HD
for this part?

- Oh, my God.

- Time's up.
Time's up, ladies.

Welcome to the RuPaul
Chocolate Bar casting call.

Don't forget to make me laugh.

What's your name?

- My name is Miz cr*cker,
but you can call me

what they call me
on the streets of Harlem.

- What's that?
- What the--

- [laughs] See that
chocolate bar right there?

I want you to do a monologue
as the chocolate.

- I am the chocolate bar.

I taste like
your best afternoon.

April 24.

- Well, that
don't make no sense.

Hop like a chocolate
bunny rabbit.

- Is this an episode
of "Twin Peaks?"

- [laughs]
Okay, be a cat.

- Meow.
- Use your paws.

- Meow.

- Does kitty like chocolate?

- Mee-ee-ow.

- [laughs]
Give that chocolate a try.

- It's nutty.
I love nuts in my mouth.

- Mmm.

- Sing the Pledge of Allegiance.

- ♪ Oh, say can you see ♪

- Bark like a dog.
- Arf.

- Now tell me in barks
how good the chocolate is.

- Rarrr! Ru-ruff!
- [laughs]

- Now, are you a dancer?

- I dance for money back home.

- Can you show me a dance move?

- Oh, yeah, sure, sure.

[tap dances]

- [laughs]

- Faster.


- So fast.
So fast.

- Why don't you take a rest
on the ladder?

- [laughs]

- Give the chocolate a snuggle.

Sweet dreams.

- Mime a wall.


- It's an invisible wall.

- Okay, read the ingredients
of the chocolate bar.

- Sea soo--sau--salt.

- Very good.

Oh, you've taken
the whole wrapper off.

- Was I not supposed to?
I'll clean it up.

- Where you from, Monét?

- I'm an Irish girl.

- Oh, what part of Ireland?

- Northern Ireland.

- Can you dance an Irish jig?

- Oh, I sure can.

It's an Irish jig, girl.
You gotta jig it.

[all laugh]

- Oh, yeah, girl.

- Sing something Irish
to the chocolate.

♪ It's in the bra ♪

♪ In the bra ♪

♪ In the bra ♪

[all laugh]

- [speaking foreign language]

- Okay, now say it sad,
and then smile.

- [speaking foreign language]
- [laughs]

- Now, can you do an accent?

- [British accent]
Top of the morning to you.

Do you want something delicious

that is succulent, decadent,
hot and vivacious?

Well, you should totally have
RuPaul's Chocolate bar.

- That's the worst Jamaican
accent I've ever heard.

[all laugh]

- Tell the chocolate bar
what you think of it.

- Oh, you decadent
chocolate bar, you.


[all laugh]

- Hey, kit cats.

- Hey.
- Hi.

- Three of you
really made me snicker.

Blair St. Clair.


- Monique Heart.
- Yeah!

- And Monét X Change.

[cheers and applause]

- Now ladies, this season,

our mission is to take over
the mother-tucking world.

So for this week's
maxi challenge,

I want you to use
your charisma, uniqueness,

nerve and technology

to help me market new emerging
breakthrough dating apps

designed to connect with
lonely underserved consumers.

Now, the first app
is called "End of Days."

It's for doomsday preppers

who want to spend
the rest of their lives

with someone special,
even if that's just two weeks.

[all laugh]

- Second is "Fibstr."

It's for pathological liars

who are looking
for a real connection.

Or are they?

[all laugh]

- And last and maybe least
is "Madam Buttrface."

[all laugh]

- It's for she who's got
a banging body, but 'er face.

[all laugh]

- Blair, Monique, and Monét,

you are team captains.

- Monique has not been
in the top at all,

which is gaggy to me.

So I'm going to pick teammates

that are going
to k*ll this challenge.

- First pick, Blair St. Clair.

- I'm gonna go with Miz cr*cker.


- Monique.
- Miss Dusty Ray Bottoms.

- Thank you.
- Monét.

- Asia O'Hara.

- Eureka.
- Oh, I'm not last today.

[applause and laughter]

- Kameron.

- Aquaria.

- So you Yuhua, Mayhem,
and The Vixen

remain to be chosen.

- The Vixen.
- Yeah!

- My good sister Miss Mayhem.

- Which means Yuhua,
you-a with Team Monét.

- Thank you for choosing me.

- Team Blair, you'll be
working on "End of Days."

Team Monique, you'll be
working on "Fibstr."

And Team Monét, you'll be
working on "Madam Buttrface."

Now, each team needs to use
their acting and writing skills

to come up with a commercial

that makes me
wanna tap that app.

Gentlemen, start your engines.

And may the best woman win.

- So we're Team Fibstr.

- All right.
- Come on, Fibstr.

- What were
some of your thoughts?

- Him being somebody talking
about "I'm completely sane"

and all this and that,
and this and that, but--

and her be in
the straitjacket,

like she's absolutely
f*cking nuts.

- I think you could play that
very, very well.

- Great. I would love to.

- What if we called it out?
Are you a pathological liar?

- Is truth serum
not your cup of tea?

Catfish have been
bottom feeders for too long,

and we're bringing them
to the surface,

or something like that.

- Do you find it hard
to find love as your true self?

- Yes.

- Okay, so let's
write those down.

- So everyone's collaborating,
throwing out ideas.

Mayhem's a little quiet.

- Does one of us need to be like
the narrator of the app?

- I'll do it.

- Girl, you better deliver,

because if I'm in the bottom two
because of you,

I'm cutting up all your wigs.

All of them.

- Introduce your app.
What is it called?

What should we call it?
- It is Buttrface.

We don't have
to make up a name.

- We don't have to come up
with another name for it?

- No, that's the name of it.

- Okay. Madam Buttrface?
- Madam Buttrface.

I wanted to pick people who
I felt were strong competitors,

but also were the most creative.

So here's the thing
about intro-ing the app.

- Do you look
for a healthy girl?

- We have to set it up like have
you--are you tired of those--

- Are you tired
of unhealthy girls?

- I got stuck with Yuhua.

I didn't choose her,
I got stuck with her.

And you say,
are you tired of those girls

you take to the movies?

They have those beautiful faces,

but then their body
feels like a lumpy mess.

- Mm, no.
That's too...too...too...

- Rhyme-y?

- No, not even that.
So...so typical.

Make it funny.

- Right, well, I'm, like,
brainstorming ideas, girl.

This is the tackiest
and crunchiest

and oldest line in the book, but
there's no "I" in "team," girl.

- So we could kind of like
have the four of us

introducing what's going on,

and saying like this is my
problem, this is my problem,

this is my problem.
- Yeah.

- But we all have
an end solution together.

For this week's challenge,
we are asked to write,

produce, and star in our own
commercial for a dating app.

And I am
one of the team leaders.

I'm so excited.

- I feel like
it either has to be

you guys
introducing the product,

or a narrator introducing
the product, but not both.

- One thing
that I can always use

is my size to be comedic.

I mean, I know that's
like stereotypical funny,

but it's the end of the world,

and I could just be
excessively eating

'cause I'm afraid
the world's gonna end,

so that way just in case all the
food goes bad, I won't starve.

- Right off the bat,

Eureka has her own ideas

on what I should do, she
should do, everyone should do.

She jumps right to, oh,
let's make it about a fat joke,

and then it could be about me.

- At the end, like,
we can all just be like,

fight each other,
the end of the world

is f*cking out of our hands.

And like have like there's bombs
coming at us, like...

Who would be open
to being my lesbian lover?

- Miss Kameron, I know

that it takes you
two hours to paint.

Do you wanna write
some lines down once again?

'Cause I do not--
- Well, I was gonna talk to you.

Since I wrote out
the opening lines,

do you want me to narrate

since I know them really well
since I wrote them?

- I mean...

- What's your call?
- That kind of makes sense.

- I mean, I don't wanna
step on any toes.

If you wanna do it,
I'll let you do it.

But just since I wrote them out,

I feel like
I can spit them really easy.

- What do you feel?

- I was just
gonna play that role

because I felt like I needed
to do some kind of like

more acting into it.

I don't really have lines.

- Were you really like
wanting to be that narrator?

Mayhem looks like

she has an issue with Kameron
being the narrator.

But closed mouths don't get fed.

- I could--that's fine with me.
- Stunning. Okay.

Let's get ready.

- Who "nose" what you can find
with "Madam Buttrface?"

- [chuckles] Our app
is Madam Buttrface.

So since we're
gonna be Buttrfaces,

we agree that the ugly girls

need to be really,
really f*cking ugly.

They need to be nothing
like their Grindr pictures.

They are like
the exact opposite.

- Where'd you get
those noses, Asia?

- Right there on the table.
- I want one, too.

- I don't know
if there's any more.

- The other two have noses.

and then you've gotta have
a prosthetic nose, too?

The app isn't
"Date the Nose, Girl."

Black all your teeth
and draw moles,

and just put hair on it,
like big hairs.

- Just like gross,
like, what's--

- I'm thinking of it.
Stop screaming at me, dude.

- Oh, no, no, no, no.
I'm not screaming.

- I'm not screaming at you.
I'm just telling you.

- We're just encouraging quickly

because there's a time limit.

- Yes, I heard it.
Like no noses.

I heard it. I heard it.
I heard it. I heard it.

- I actually like clutched
my pearls a little bit.

I was like you all relax.

We are not attacking you, girl.

This is a team.
We are here together.

If you lose, we all lose.

- One time is enough.

It's enough times 10.

I'm getting irritated

because nobody asked
for Aquaria's opinion.

Take care of those noses
on your face, girl.

I don't need 10 voices about it.

- Oh, "nose,"
she better know.

- Oh, "nose," she better know.


- Uh, Miss Mayhem?

- Yes, love?
- Okay, you getting painted?

- Yes.
- Thank you.

And can you do something
very strong

and dominatrix-like?

- Absolutely.
- Thank you.

Love you.
Appreciate your kindness.

- Monique
is an effective leader,

and I know Monique is tired,
like me, of being safe.

So I know Monique is going
to do everything possible

to kind of steal the win.

- Fish, what are y'all doing
in y'all group?

- Girl, the fool.

- [laughs]

- The absolute, 100% fool.

- Team Buttrface
might be in the bottom.

Asia isn't feeling the concept.

She's like, girl.

And when another drag queen
goes, "girl,"

you know it ain't good.

- Girl, I think
you're gonna do just fine.

- Just fine
ain't good enough.

I didn't come to "Drag Race"
to do just fine.

- I came to win.
- Amen.

- I am so into it.

- He ain't gotta tell you
how to get ugly.

She just like
putting on her eyebrows.

They just look stupid.

- Did she really?

- Can you--I--
because I can't.

- I'm so frustrated.

I'm like, ugh.

Really, girl?

- Oh, yeah, I was afraid.
I was like,

why are you painting
so pretty, though?

- I'm saying you look pretty.

- No, I'm gonna--
I'm gonna put dots, girl.

- The hardest part for me
in this challenge,

is wrangling Yuhua.

This is just Yuhua all the time.

She just--I don't think Yuhua
ever really stands on something

and like commits to it fully.

And that problem is coming
to bite us in the ass.

- Yuhua, I know you don't
want me telling you what to do,

but look really f*cking ugly.

- Wait, so, you know--
Are you the pretty one?

- I'm the ugly one.

- Not with them brows.

- I will look ugly in a second.

- Team Captain.
- So get to it.

- I call foul.

- Yuhua, if you don't look ugly,

I'm gonna punch you
in your nose.

- I'm gonna look ugly,
don't worry.

- We need you to serve Monét

after she's twirled
like three numbers,

four high kicks,
and one platypus death drop.

- [laughs]

- Give her the cucumber, baby.
Give her the cucumber.

- Give us the cucumbers.

- I think our name
should be Team Sponge.

- No, bitch.

- Are we gonna have
the luck of the sponge?

- The luck of the sponge
didn't work the first time.

It's not gonna work.
- It did work. I was safe.

My ass is here, and Vanessa and
Vanjie are somewhere else, girl.

- Vanjie.

- Vanjie.
- Vanjie.

- Vanjie.
- [laughs]

- Hello.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Hi, ladies.

- Lights, camera, action.

It's time for us
to sh**t our commercial

with Michelle and Carson.

Let's k*ll it.

- You could use anything here,
including our pit crew boys.

And of course,
all these furnishings

brought to you by Objects.

Do you wanna talk us through
your commercial?

- So our app
is called "Fibstr."

It's for pathological liars.

We're gonna start this scene
with the narrator first.

- Who's the narrator?
- Kameron is.

- Kameron. Okay. Great.

- And are those your boobs?

- Yeah, I was trying to give
a little Michelle Visage--

- Oh, wow.
- Same doctor, yeah.

- Congratulations.
All right, liars.

Make us believe it.

- And action.

- Introducing "Fibstr,"

the new app for pathological
liars looking for love.

- Cut. Okay, hold on.

"Fibstr," you can't do it
in front of your face.

- And I think what you're
trying to really sell

is the name of the app,
which is "Fibstr."

So I think it should
be big on "Fibstr."

Like that's your
like showgirl moment.

- Okay.

- And action.

- Introducing "Fibstr,"

the new app for pathological
liars looking for love.

- Kameron is trying to be
a real businesswoman

about being the narrator.

But it's falling flat.

I could have done better.

- Okay, what's next, ladies?

- So my scene is pretty much
I'm playing like I'm bougie.

I live in Beverly Hills.

However, when it pans out,

it's actually that I'm broke
and from Compton,

and I have roaches, so,
you know, very, very bad.

Three, two, one, action.

- She's self-directing.
- She is.

- I'm looking for
a beautiful, strong--

Let's do that part again.

- Okay.
- Action.

I'm looking for
a beautiful, strong man

with big arms and great legs

that loves house visitors
and house guests.

A man that loves
the simple things.

Great. Cut.

- She'd rather be a director
than an actress.

[Michelle laughs]

- We've got four and a half
minutes left.

I wish I had a doctor
that didn't wear pants.

- You've gotta see a new doctor.

- Okay, what's happening
in this scene, Mayhem?

- We're on this date, finally,

and then I'm gonna drop my menu,

because I'm covering my face.

I'm gonna drop my menu, and
then I'm gonna reveal like--

- You're a different person.
- We're seeing the blonde hair.

Okay. I get it.
- Yeah.

It's a sight gag.

Here we go. And action.

Okay. So, Mayhem, what's
the reaction you want from him?

I get the sight gag is
this is different than this.

- Mm-hmm. Yes. Um...

- What comes after this?

- Then he's supposed
to be into it.

He's supposed
to go along with it.

It's what we talked about,

Just Bryce,
she does her deep voice,

you still kind of give
that puzzled look,

then you're gonna go ahead
and be like, sure,

let's go on and get out of here.

- Monique is definitely
a micromanager

when it comes to leading.

God, this is frustrating.

- And you have to
make it known, Mayhem,

because looking at you,
we don't really read bondage.

You know,
it reads hot leather chick.

- Right.
- It doesn't really--

- Should I take off my jacket?
- Maybe.

- Whatcha got underneath?

- Yeah.
- Much better, yeah.

- Stunning.
At the end of the day,

this is the finished product
of moi.

I need them to excel
in front of the judges,

so I probably
overstepped my bounds.

k*ll me.

- And action.

- I think that's it.

- Is that everything?
- Yes, ma'am.

- All right.
- I had nowhere to go

with being a dominatrix.

I think if I was playing
the narrator,

I would have had
more fun with it.

- Oh, look how cute.
- Hi.

- It's our time to go
in front of Michelle and Carson,

and what we bring to the stage
first of all

is smiles and confidence.

We know Michelle is like a dog.
She can smell fear.

- So our commercial
that we're sh**ting today

is called "End of Days."

It's a new dating app
for more than just the gays.

- Very campy and over the top.

- So whatever you want to do
first, let's get to it.

Here we go. And action.

- Oh, ladies!
Ladies, have you heard?

It's the end of the world!

- Well, yeah, girl.

- I can't die tired or hungry

or worse...

a virgin!

- Sweetheart, snap out of it!

- Oh!
- Don't be such a drama queen!

[both laugh]

- Cut, cut, cut, cut.
You actually hit her.

- I think I did a little, yeah.
- It's method.

- We're method acting.

- That's actually--
no, it's called hitting.

- Miz cr*cker, are you okay?

- Drag is a contact sport.

- [laughs]
- Okay, good.

We're gonna do that again,
and I think

you could do better
than that, Eureka.

- Okay.

- You got more in you, girl.
Come on.

Ready? And action.

- Sweetheart, snap out of it.

- Ah!
- Don't be a drama queen.

- Aah!

- Jesus! Cut!

- That was funny.
- Okay.

- I'm ready to hit
another bitch.

- Okay, here we go.
Let's go for it.

And action.

- Till death do us part.


- Oh.
- Oh.

- Okay, cut.

I like that little makeout,

but you should give
a little shrug like, f*ck it.

- Okay. Right.

- Right.
- That's great. Yeah.

- And Vixen, be present,

because you're by yourself
with a sandwich board on.

She's just gonna be looking
at them or like, aah, you know.

- The Vixen seems
kind of disconnected,

and I feel like she's taking
this a little too serious.

- And action.

- Till death do us part.


[Michelle laughs]

And cut.

- Is that too much?

- Eureka just said,
"Was that too much?"

- Of course Eureka did great

in a scene-stealing challenge

because Eureka's great

at making all
the attention on her, so...

[intentionally silent]

- Hello.
- Hello, ladies.

- Wow. Tell us about your app.

- Our app
is "Madam Buttrface."

It's for those lovely ladies
and gentlemen

who want to find a lady
who is everything,

but her m*therf*cking face.

- Oh.
- Okay.

And are you the team leader?
- I am.

For this commercial,
we did a lot of typecasting.

And, you know, I am the most
pretty one out of the group.

Aquaria thinks it's her,
but it's not.

So I took the role
as a pretty bitch

with a shitty body

because that's pretty much
art imitating life

imitating art, girl.

- Okay, here we go.
And action.

- Welcome to Madam Buttrface,
the new revolutionary dating app

where you can find
that beautiful chick

with a face--sorry.
f*cked my line.

- No worries. Redo.

Asia, this is
a great opportunity

for you to like upstage people
and give us lots of face and--

- Asia, you need to mug
back there.

- Yes. Give it everything.

- Okay.
- Here we go.

And action.

- Welcome to Madam Buttrface,
the revolutionary new dating app

where you find that beautiful
girl with that sexy body,

but the face you probably
wanna shove into a pillow.

[stifling laughs]
- Cut.

She literally looks like Lucy,
like the missing link.

Asia, great work.

- Thank you.

- So I see them
like living for Asia,

and I'm like g*dd*mn it,
that needs to be me, not Asia.

Focus on me.

Like me.

- That's great.
- Cut. Great.

- Let's move on.
- Okay, rolling. Here we go.


- My hot and sexy body

allows me to exercise
in all different positions.

- Cut.

- Is that good?
- Um...

We're gonna do that again.

Here we go.
Time's ticking.

And action.

- My hot and flexible body

allows me to exercise
in all different positions.

- Um, I don't underst--

Like, is it going
to make sense in context?

I'm not sure
I'm quite getting it.

- With my strong
and flexible body,

I can move
in all different positions.

I don't think Yuhua's jokes
really landed

because it somehow had nothing
to do with the dating app.

I think this is Yuhua's
like do-wah-do-wah moment.

I could watch that
a million times.

- We have 11 minutes left.

Here we go.
Hold on, where you going?

Go back, girl. Action.

- What? Oh.

- Okay.

- I am thinking, bitch,
I'm on a sinking boat,

and I'm the only bitch
with a life jacket.

- Okay, got it.

- All right, ladies,
here we go.

- Yeah.

- It's elimination day,
and I'm nervous.

I don't feel like I stood out,
and that's a bad thing.

- I feel like it's been
really difficult for me

to actually connect
to other people here.

How am I supposed to get by
our whole competition by myself?

It's actually been really hard
being here without my mom.

- Yeah.

- My mom and I are really,
really, really, really close.

And me being here without her,
not hearing her every day

or talking to her or like
even that moment to vent,

and be like, hey,
I did really well today,

or, hey, I had
a really rough day,

and I just need
to talk about it.

That's been like all bottled up
this whole time here,

and it's been, like...

I've just like
needed that support.

- I have several drag children.
I'll be your friend.

- [laughs]

- How is it not being
a team captain?

- I did not like it at all.

Now I gotta depend on
somebody else to get it right?

This is gonna be hard,

- And they're gonna be
looking at you, bitch.

Okay, you were sticking it
last week.

Are you sticking it again?

- Right, because I won
twice in one week, so--

- But one of them times
was a Eureka wig.

- That I borrowed from Monique.

I earned that wig
fair and square.

You gotta let that go,
Miss Thing.

- Can we talk about
how your best drag

is someone else's wig,

That's confusing.

- Ooh.
- I brought my best drag.

I didn't borrow my best drag.
- You brought your best drag?

Why didn't you wear it
on the runway, though?

- Obviously we weren't
being judged on our drag.

- You got read.
Is the library open?

- I'm saying
the hair was borrowed.

- I had another wig
that matched the dress, as well.

- Okay, I'm just saying.

- So what are you saying?
That I won?

So I won,
and you were in the bottom.

You wanted to be shady.
It didn't work.

- America, let the facts
be the facts.

Vixen handed Aquaria her ass

in a gift bag, gift-wrapped.

There you go.
Merry Christmas.

- So let's talk about--
- Aah!

A spider!

- What?
- Aah!

- I can't--I can't--I can't.

I know I'm queening out.
I can't.

Aah! It's a big one!
I told you.

- It's huge!
- Aah!

- Aah!
- It's just a spider.

- You can see it
through the lace.

- It's a dinosaur.
Did you see it?

- Oh, Kameron, you're a bitch.
- It's huge.

- Aah! Oh, my God!

- It is a spi--
oh, my Lord.

- That spider
saved Aquaria's life.

- Blair, how was your team?
You're a team leader.

- Our scene that we were selling
was called "End of Days,"

so we came up with
the storyline

that the end of the world,

like the Rapture
is coming kind of thing.

- You made it religious?
- A little, yeah.

But we weren't making fun
of religion in it.

I grew up in an extremely
Christian household.

- Same.

- My parents
are very, very religious.

- But I find it so interesting,

because your parents are so
supportive of you and your drag.

- Yeah. My mom is seriously
my biggest 100% supporter.

My mom wears around, like,
Number 1 like Blair fan.

- My parents have never
seen me in a show.

I don't think they'll ever come.

- Never?
- No.

- So, like, they're still
not supportive to this day?

- Me and my family
don't really talk anymore.

It feels good to hear

that Blair came from
a really conservative,

religious family,

and everything is working out
just fine for them.

My family
doesn't even know I'm here.

When I came out to my family,

the night before it happened,

I literally was like
at my breaking point.

Like I was at my lowest low
with everything.

And I literally, like,
cried out to God,

and was like,
I need a change in my life.

Like, I need something
to happen

and to be different for me.

And then literally the next
morning, my mom was like,

hey, come downstairs,
we need to talk about this,

and the whole
me coming out happened.

My mom knocks on my door
and says,

uh, your dad just found
something on your computer.

They lost it.

They took me to church.
They got me exorcised

because they thought I was
possessed by a gay demon.

I had this like prayer warrior
sitting in front of me.

My mom and dad were standing
behind her looking at me.

I had to list every person

I've ever had
a sexual encounter with.

I was so confused after
the whole thing went down,

because was I straight now?


I had to go through therapy.

- Oh, my God.
- And I was on a track

to go to straight camp.
- That's crazy.

- I was meeting
with these pastors,

and he was like,
"In a h*m* relationship,

you'll never find success.

You'll never find love."


And I stopped him
and I went upstairs

and I packed
my car.

I said I can't do this anymore.

It was the most humiliating,
awful thing of my life ever.

Now I have a wonderful fiancé.

We have a beautiful life

Things are going
really great in my life,

and I didn't have
to compromise or change

for someone's small-minded view.

But it was a journey.

I still believe in God because
I cried out and I was heard.

My whole life is different
because of that day.

- Yeah. It's gut-wrenching
to feel like these little boys

were in communities where
they thought they were loved.

But to have these experiences
where you are so ostracized,

and you feel like
you can turn to no one else,

it makes me grateful to know
that I never had to endure that.

I still go to church
every Sunday morning.

I'm the section leader
of a Methodist Church, girl.

I go to choir rehearsal
on Wednesdays in full drag.

- Yay!
- Do you really?

- Yes.
- That is amazing.

- Hearing everyone's story

is truly helping me see
the truth of who they are.

We come here with big makeup,
big hair,

and it's easy
to live behind a character.

So it's so great
to see vulnerability.

- When y'all come
to New York City,

we all gonna go to my church
in full drag.

- Yeah!
- And they will live for it.

- I might have to meet y'all
at brunch afterwards.

- Girl, can y'all stop being
so negative all the time?

- What'd you call me?

- Negative.

- Was it something I said?

- Aquaria, what happened?

- No, Vixen's just a bitch.

And she's just trying to like
get my goat at everything,

so I'm not--
- Apparently I got it.

- Ooh.
- Y'all quit.

- You don't have to keep
like coming at me.

- But I can.
- That's fine, and--

- And it is.

- Will you just
shut the f*ck up?

- I will if I feel like it.

- All right, then keep talking.

- You threw the rock,
hit your head, and got spanked.

Deal with it.

Deal with it.

- Can't we be sisters
at least sometimes?

- She ain't no kin to me.

- You came for me.

- And you got got.
- Stop it.

- I was just saying
that it's clear

that the runways
aren't being judged.

- Ooh.

- If the runways
weren't being judged,

then me wearing that hair on the
runway would not be an issue.

So what is your point?

I was just saying that
it was interesting--

- So if the runways
aren't being judged,

me wearing that hair
on the runway was mute.

- I'm not talking to you, Vixen.

- All right, well,
silent you shall be.

- Silent I was.

You're the one with the problem.

- That's all.

- Aquaria.

Oh, she's exiting.

- You knew
that I was a pit bull.

- So why don't you be
the bigger person?

- I hear what you're saying,
be the bigger person.

- South Chicago don't need
to be here right now.

- Oh, but South Chicago
is in the building.

- Vixen, she told y'all

from the first word that
came out of her mouth--

- You wanna fight, girl.
She said it.

- And I'm not here
to fight y'all.

I'm here to fight for the crown.

But if you try it--

- Ooh.

- The problem with Aquaria is

she likes to poke the bear
and run.

This bear will chase you.

So if I have to hunt her down
to remind her

that I am not to play with,
that's what I'm gonna do.

[RuPaul laughs]

- ♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,
let your whole body talk ♪

- At what?

Welcome to the main stage
of "RuPaul's Drag Race."

Swipe right,
it's Michelle Visage.

- Don't I look
just like my profile pic?

- No.
[all laugh]

- Style superstar
Carson Kressley.

- Ru, you're only 20 feet away,
and you're willing to host.

- You don't have a cat, do you?

- Only the one
between me down there.

[all laugh]
- Ooh.

- "Drag Race" superfan
Nico Tortorella.

- It is a dream come true
to be here,

and might I say you look
absolutely gorgeous tonight.

- Well, you shouldn't
say anything

until after you get the bill.

- Copy.

- The one and only
Courtney Love.

- Thank you for having me.
I'm so excited to be here.

You look beautiful.

- Thank you, darling.
We're so excited to have you.

This week,
we challenged our queens

to create commercials
for wacky new dating apps.

And tonight, on the runway,
category is...


Gentlemen, start your engines,

and may the best woman win.

- ♪ I want you to remember me ♪

♪ Snap shot ♪

- Up first, Blair St. Clair.

- This is a real
swan song for her.

- I am floating down the runway
with each step that I take.

I have white feathers dripping
from my shoulder tip to my toes.

I can fly away in this look.

- Ooh, look who just
flew the coop.

- Bye-bye, birdie.

Miz cr*cker.

- I can see her egg.
She's ovulating.

- Well, she just got laid.

[all laugh]

- I'm not putting on
a character.

I'm thinking about my friend.

On the day he died,

a bluebird started building
a nest on my fire escape.

So this is in honor of him.

This nest
is a symbol of new life.

- She's simply the nest.

- Eureka.

- Eureka Allan Poe.

- She's Crow-ella de Vil.

[Michelle laughs]

- I'm going very dark glamorous,

avant garde,
queen of the crows kind of fish.

And I might have to throw in
an old loaf for the kids,

because I think
they're thirsty for it.

- They always say a bird on hand
is better than two in your bush.

- I don't know if I agree.
[all laugh]

- The Vixen.

- She just peacock blocked me.

[Michelle laughs]

Miss Peacock in the library
with a stiletto.

- I'm wearing peacock feathers.

It's my favorite animal.

I used to work at a zoo,

and the peacocks
were always so fierce.

And I love that the male peacock
is always the pretty one.

So tonight, I am prancing
and twirling that tail serving.

- Oh, she's got a big cocky.
[all laugh]

- Monique Heart.

Call her Mother...Goose.

[all laugh]

- She's totally winging it.

- I am giving you
white and gold phoenix.

If the huntsman
had a good sister,

I would have been that sister.

I feel stunning.

- Would you call that a duster,
a feather duster?

- Cockatoos gone wild.

[all laugh]

- Mayhem Miller.

- She had a raspberry bouquet.

- These have always
brought me pluck.

- These feathers are gorgeous.

They're vibrant
and they're flowing,

and I'm floating
across the ground.

All the other girls
can flock off.

I got this one.

- Why don't you come up
and pluck me some time?

[all laugh]

- Dusty Ray Bottoms.

What do you do when
you cross the Chicken Ranch

with Best Little Whorehouse
in Texas?

- I am feeling
my feather fantasy,

showgirling my arms
down the runway.

I'm loving it.

- What's the big teal?
She doesn't give a flock.

[all laugh]

- Kameron Michaels.

Something sick-ed this way come.

- From the Joan Collins
avian collection.

- I'm giving you
my best evil queen

here to rule the world.

I am stealing all the souls,

and tearing out
all the hearts on the runway.

So I'm living my fantasy.

- She is really talon-ted.

[all laugh]

- She's terrif-icarus.

No? No one?

- [laughs]

- Monét X Change.

- Mini beaks.

- Oh, my God, I hate you.

- I feel like a dignified woman
from the 18th century.

I don't know
if they had feathers then,

but I'm wearing them now.

This hair is very me.
I love a finger wave.

I am stoned for filth,
and I look great.

- She's sweeping the floor
with the competition.

- Asia O'Hara.

- Everyone's been tweeting
about this.

- I thought I saw a puddy cat.

- I'm on the runway

and I start to
for a second think,

bitch, you look silly.

But I'm like,
no, no, no, no, no.

Bitch, you made it.
You put it on.

You're gonna sell it.

So I am just modeling

and living
my Tweety Bird fantasy.

- Anyone got eyes on Asia?

[all laugh]

- Yuhua Hamasaki.

m*rder, she crowed.

[all laugh]

- I am wearing
a black feathered dress

with stick-up crows,

and they're just flying to me

because I'm the queen
of the crows.

I feel amazing.

I'm embodying
the shape of that dress.

It is very Alexander McQueen

- This is really a look
to crow about.

- Ca-caw!

[all laugh]

- Aquaria.
- Mmm.

- Are you okay, Cupid?

- My look this week

is a cross between St. Sebastian
and a wounded bird.

I'm projecting complete agony
and melodrama.

Some people k*ll
two birds with one stone.

I decided to k*ll one bird
with two arrows.

- This is what it sounds like
when doves cry.

[all laugh]

- Welcome, ladies.

It's time to screen
your commercials.

First up, Team Blair St. Clair.

I do declare.

- Heaven help us alive, Jesus.

The end is near!
You, you, the end is near!

- Whatever do you mean?

- Find someone to love you
and hug you and hold you, girl.

The end is near!
- Oh!

- Don't die alone.


- Oh, ladies, ladies,
haven't you heard?

The end of the world is coming.

- Yeah, we know, girl.
[all laugh]

- I can't die tired or hungry,

or worse...

a virgin!

- Sweetheart, snap out of it.

Anybody who's worried
about the end of days has...

"End of Days."

- The same thing as

Christian Tingle.

- It's just a new dating app
for doomsday preppers

who want to find
that special someone...

[deep voice]
before it's too late.

I was all alone in my bunker,
rocking back and forth.

Now I have someone to

rock my world.

"End of Days."

Together till the end.

- I was stealing food from
the grocery store alone.

Now I've got a partner in crime.

I love End of Days because
there's just never enough.


[snorts and laughs]

- But how can I get
my end of days?

- All you gotta do

is download the app.

What are you waiting for?

- Maybe it isn't
the end of the world.

I got a hit.

- "End of Days,"
till death do us part.

- Oh. [laughs]

- The end is near.

Thanks, "End of Days."

Armageddon laid tonight.

[all laugh]


- Up next, Team Monique Heart.

- Are you a pathological liar?

Is truth serum
not your cup of tea?

Is it hard to show people
the real you?

Introducing "Fibstr,"
the new app

for pathological liars
looking for love.

So no bottom feeding for you
anymore, catfish.

[deep voice]
Unless you're into that.

[coughs and laughs]

- I'm Judy. I'm a 26-year-old
gorgeous teacher

on vacation here
at this beautiful resort.

I'm looking for a man who can
handle all my personalities.

It's hard to find true love

when you have Samantha,
[deep voice] Becky,

[southern accent]
and Tim living inside you.

[all laugh]

- Hi, my name is Taneesha,

spelled just like it sounds.

I live in Beverly Hills
in a six-bedroom mansion.

I'm looking for a man who loves
houseguests and house visitors.

- It's me, Tammy.

[Valley girl accent]
I'm totally a California girl,

tall, blonde,
with an awesome tan.

I'm looking for a super dude
that totes down for hiking,

going to the farmers market
on the weekends,

and down for a girl who's
not afraid to take charge.

- Simply log in and
one little white lie

can lead to a lifetime
of happiness.

- Thanks to "Fibstr,"
all of us have found true love.

[deep voice]
And he loves all of us.

- Thanks, "Fibstr,"
for helping me find

a man that loves me
and my true beauty.

It's one
of our houseguests, hon.

Let 'em play.
[all laugh]

- [tough voice]
Let's get out of here.

I'm gonna make you my new bitch.

All: Thanks, "Fibstr."

- It's not lying.

It's "Fibstr."


- Up next, Team Monét X Change.

- Ever been at a $3.00 matinee
with that special girl?

A romantic scene comes up,

and you want something sexy
to grab onto.

Just one problem.

Feels like a bag of bricks.

- Welcome to "Madam Buttrface,"

the revolutionary new dating app

where you can score
that sexy chick

with a face you'd rather
shove into a pillow.

Wanna take your old lady
to the beach,

but don't want your friends
to clock that busted body?

Try "Madam Buttrface."

- Everyone knows
that during the summertime...

A banging body is way more
important than a cute face.

Come to "Madam Buttrface,"

where you can get yourself
a cute girl like me

with a Baywatch body,

even though
she got a hurricane face.

[all laugh]

- For a night out on the town,

it's crucial to have
a hot lady to show around.

Whether you're at the club
or just want someone to hug,

download "Madam Buttrface,"

and we can help you
find some love.

- I was invited to
this super exclusive party,

but I didn't even have
a hot date.

Thanks to "Madam Buttrface,"

I found a hot guy
who could take all this body

without worrying about
this busted face.

- Need that hot chick to impress
your friends at the gym?

Well, now she's only a swipe
away with "Madam Buttrface."

- My hot and flexible body

allows me to exercise
in all different positions.

And with my strong hands,

I can hold onto your weight

and your friend's weight.

Oh, wow, so heavy.

And thank you,
"Madam Buttrface."

Without you,
I would be single forever.

- Don't these men look
delightfully awkward

with their paper bag beauties?

Who needs to date a dud
when you can have a buttrface?

[all laugh]

- Everything's better...

[deep voice]
with a buttrface.

[all laugh]

- Whoo.

- On a scale of 1 to 10,

I'm gonna give myself an 8,

Aquaria a 7, Monét a 6,
and Yuhua a 2.

I'm gonna have to do the math
and get back to you,

but I don't think
that averages out

to a winning performance.

- Ladies, this week
you worked as teams.

But tonight, you'll
be judged individually.

- Yikes. This is not good.

- Now when I call your name,
please step forward.

Asia O'Hara.


Blair St. Clair.

You are the tops of the week.


- Yuhua Hamasaki.

Kameron Michaels.

Mayhem Miller.

You are the bottom three.

The rest of you are safe.

And you may leave the stage.

- It's time

for the judges' critiques.

Up first, Blair St. Clair.

- I will say this is not
one of my favorite looks.

It looks a little bit

- I have to disagree.

I don't think it looks
arts-and-craftsy to me.

It almost is giving me

like a Marchesa
Chicken Ranch wedding moment.

You were the "End of Days" team,

and you waltzed in there
in your Amish Amy Adams getup.

- Mm-hmm.

- And I appreciated
your leadership.

I think these commercials
are about three things:

about concept, comedy,
and about teamwork,

and I think you did
all of those beautifully.

- You're obviously
some sort of seasoned actor.

It's not an app maybe I'd use,
but I'd think about it

if it was, you know, Armageddon,
which may be coming.

[all laugh]

- Up next, Eureka.

- I'm so happy to see you here.

I was such a big fan
in season 9.

- Oh, thank you.

- You definitely
brought it tonight.

- Welcome back
to the competition, Eureka.

- Thank you. I feel like
I finally showed up.

- This is the level of Eureka
we expect to see.

And the funniest line almost
out of them was, "I know, girl."

- Yeah, that was the best.

- It's so simple,
but it's just you being you.

- This particular look,
why I love this,

is that you're giving us drama,

you're giving us
glamorous makeup.

- I love all the goth stuff.

Putting that raven on your hand,
it's great drag.

- Oh, that was a raven critique.

[all laugh]

- Up next, Mayhem Miller.

- That's a beautiful color
on you.

Your makeup is,
as always, flawless.

And I think the reason
that you're in the bottom

is because of what happened
in your commercial.

- We didn't notice you even
in this commercial.

You appeared at the end
and the joke wasn't tight,

and there wasn't like
a yin to the yang of it.

And it's just like,
hmm, I don't get it.

- The joke was so disjointed
it didn't play.

You probably knew
it wasn't going to work.

- I did.

- Did you say something
to your team?

- Um, no, because
I wanted to be a team player.

- Who was the person
you were supposed to tell

that you didn't like that?

- Monique.
She was our team leader.

- So was there
some kind of clash?

- She was very direct
in what she wanted.

So I was like, okay,
I'm gonna fall back,

because I know if I was
to try to enforce something,

I would get shut down.

- You realize that you
get one shot each week.

It could be your time to go.

On this show, you didn't come
to make friends.

You came to win a competition.

- Up next, Kameron Michaels.

- I hate minimalism.

So when I saw you come out
in this look,

which is like Malifi-Cher.

[all laugh]

The shoulder detail,

how the arms and the wings
kind of move,

and they're like mechanical.

The bodysuit is kind of like
a Bob Mackie moment.

- The Bob Plockey.
- It's a Bob Plockey, yeah.

- I am shocked that you are
in the bottom three this week.

This look is one of
my favorites of the night.

- Thank you.
- Your performance, however,

that's why you're standing
in the bottom three.

It was very flat.

I'm getting the feeling

that acting is not
your favorite thing to do.

- I think my problem with it
was I had one funny line.

- But sometimes
the most boring words

are the ones that can be
the most impactful or funny.

And if a director
gives you direction,

you have to really take it.

- Yeah.

- Up next, Asia O'Hara.

- I think fashion oftentimes
is about references,

and this interpretation of it
is so good.

The Tweety Bird,
the eyes, the coloring.

The glove detail is great,

when you clasp your hands,

it looks like
the Tweety Bird beak.

- It could Moschino couture.
It's witty.

Your face is hidden, but
it's obviously very beautiful.

- Normally when I hate
when your face is blocked,

but the way you did it,

with the blowing up,
the Tweety thing, it all works.

And literally my favorite part
of the entire challenge

was your face behind them.

- I think
it was the favorite part

of the last 10 years of my life.

[all laugh]

- It's the only part of that
entire commercial that popped.

Just bow down k*lled it.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

- Up next, Yuhua Hamasaki.

- Tonight on the runway,

your head feels like
a different look.

I just feel like the red flowers

are saying something different
than the goth dress.

- The crows in Asian culture
means death,

so I wanted to emphasize like
an Asian queen of the crows.

- Which is great, except
nobody is going to get that.

- Title of the video
is "Buttrface."

Your face
actually looked pretty.

- I think you focused on
looking crazier versus ugly,

where Asia just looked ugly.

She put regular moles,
a smashed-down nose.

- I did moles.

- It looked more like a club kid
than it did ugly.

- Yeah, that's what it was.

- I originally wanted
to put on the ugly nose,

but my teammates said no,
so I didn't put it on.

- Your performance in the ad.

The few times
that we did your ball line,

it didn't go anywhere.
- Yeah.

- I didn't get that joke.
Your hands were tied

with dialogue that wasn't great.

Who wrote your dialogue?

- I wrote my own dialogue.

- Okay. I think that--

- I felt like I was rushed.

I was told to hurry up
every second.

- You should know that
we're not gonna let you do that.

I was giving you a time count.

You have to be responsible
for you.

- Okay.

- Thank you, ladies.

While you untuck backstage,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

Now, just between
us squirrel-friends,

what do you think of my girls?

Blair St. Clair, I do declare.

- She's definitely buttoned up
like a theater kid is.

I'm excited to see more
of her quirky-dirky self.

- I think she has
the right attitude.

She took great direction.
Willing to learn.

- In the walk, I have to say,
at first I was like,

is she going for
an old Hollywood Marilyn look?

And I was like no,

it's like, Doris Day G-rated,
something not quite there.

- But I think she's gonna grow
and it's gonna be great.

She'll be the total package.

- TP?

- The TP.
- Okay.


- She kind of stumbled
last week,

but she felt the sting,
and I think because of that,

she delivered it all for us
tonight on the runway.

- Yzma, Little Mermaid,
Ursula hair.

- Uh-huh.
- Which I love.

I'm a Eureka fan.

- In the app commercial, once
she just relaxed into herself

and did it the Eureka way...

- Yeah, we know, girl.

- It was wonderful.

- You live long enough,
and you realize

you just do you.

- Yes.
- You know what I mean?

Mayhem Miller.

- Mayhem was flawless tonight
on the runway.

She's just one of those magical
queens that do it effortlessly.

- I'm sorry, Michelle,

I just didn't think
that dress was enough.

Like from the neck up, it looked
like she was like a realtor.

- So arts and crafts
is more creative

than that magenta beauty?

- I thought that was
a better head to toe.

- Oh, stop.
- I'm gonna agree with Carson.

- Oh, Courtney!

- I thought
it was kind of blah.

- Thank you, Courtney.

- It was a little meh-hem.

[all laugh]

- I made my first quip.
[all laugh]

- In the app, I think
she was a victim of circumstance

and not speaking up.

- The whole idea is that

she didn't wanna ruffle
any feathers,

pun intended.

You can be respectful about it,
and just say, listen,

I'm not comfortable with this.

Because they didn't know

they were getting judged

They should have all
been trying

to make it the best
commercial possible,

and I don't think
she stepped up and did that.

- Kameron Michaels
with that gorgeous outfit.

- Yeah, the runway look
was just embellished so well.

But she was dismal
in the app commercial.

- And literally we tried
so many times to--

- 10 times.

- And she just--
every line was like this.

I delivered it like that.

- You know,
the bit just didn't work.

Asia O'Hara.

- When we pushed her to be ugly
and have fun and be stupid,

it was like a release for her,

and she stole the show.

- Right.

- She didn't have
that many lines.

She just had
a full character choice.

- I thought that she really
brought it with Tweety Bird.

She brought modern, pop art.

- This is what I love
about drag.

Thinking outside the box.

I'm so excited about Asia.

- Yuhua Hamasaki.

- In the app commercial,

the look was just like
a hairy dalmatian with HPV.

- Ooh, that sounds sexy.
- I knew you'd like that.

- I'm getting turned on
as well.

- That's why I said it.
You're welcome.

And then tonight on the runway,
it was very costume-y.

- Even when you critiqued it,

she brought up this whole story
about Asian heritage, too,

and it had nothing to do

with what you said
about the color combination.

- I just feel like
everything's got a clap-back.

- It was a little tiresome.
I don't know.

- I have one thing to say.

Yuhua in danger, girl.

[all laugh]
- True.

- [clap, clap] Silence.

I've made my decision.

Bring back my birds.

- Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

Blair St. Clair,
you're a plucky girl.

You're safe.

Asia O'Hara.

Your Tweety chic
was the peak of the week.

Con-drag-ulations. You are the
winner of this week's challenge.

- Ooh.

- You've won a $2,000 gift card
from Casper Sleep

and a $3,000 gift card
from Catherine D'Lish.

- Yeah!

- Oh, my God.

I won. Tweety Bird
worked out for me.

And I'm so happy
to hear Ru say

Asia O'Hara,


After a "fowl" performance
last week,

tonight you soared.

You're safe.
- Thank you all so much.

- Yuhua Hamasaki.

The judges were not crowing

about your performance
this week.

I'm sorry, my dear,
but you are up for elimination.

Mayhem Miller.

This week,
your wings were clipped,

and you failed to take flight.

Kameron Michaels,
your runway look slayed,

but in the challenge,
you laid an egg.

- Mayhem Miller,

I'm sorry, my dear,
but you're up for elimination.

- Kameron, you're safe.

Join the other girls.

Two queens stand before me.

Prior to tonight,

you were asked to prepare
a lip sync performance

of "Celebrity Skin" by Hole.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself
from elimination.

- The time has come...

to lip sync...

for your life!

Good luck,
and don't f*ck it up.

[music plays]

- ♪ Oh, make me over ♪

♪ I'm all I want to be ♪

♪ A walking study ♪

♪ In demonology ♪

♪ Hey, so glad
you could make it ♪

♪ Yeah, now you really made it ♪

♪ Hey, so glad
you could make it now ♪

- ♪ Oh, look at my face ♪

♪ My name
is might have been... ♪

- It has taken me
way too long to get here,

and I need these b*tches
behind me to know

you ain't gonna get rid of me
that easy.

- ♪ Hey, so glad
you could make it ♪

♪ Yeah,
now you really made it... ♪

- I'm really feeling the music,
I'm really feeling the words.

I keep thinking to myself,
just go for it.

Just go, go, go, go for it.

- ♪ When I wake up
in my makeup ♪

♪ Have you ever felt
so used up as this? ♪

♪ It's all so sugarless ♪
[all laugh]

- ♪ Hooker, waitress,
model, actress ♪

♪ Oh, just go nameless ♪
- Yeah!

- ♪ Now she's fading
somewhere in Hollywood ♪

♪ I'm glad I came here
with your pound of flesh ♪

♪ You want a part of me? ♪

♪ Well, I'm not selling cheap ♪

♪ No, I'm not selling cheap ♪

[cheers and applause]

- Ladies, I've made my decision.

- Mayhem Miller,
shantay, you stay.

- Whoo.

- I'm gonna do way better
than I did this week.

I waited too long to get here.

I'm not leaving.

I'm not.

- You may join the other girls.

- Whoo!

- Yuhua Hamasaki.

You're part of the family,
and I'm-a gonna miss you.

Now, sashay away.

- Thank you for everything, Ru.

Thank you.

[cheers and applause]

- Bye, Yuhua.

- Yuhua gonna remember me.

[all laugh]

[cheers and applause]

- There's so many thoughts
going through my head right now,

thoughts of me going home,

disappointing people,
not going far enough.

I think the competition
got into my head a little bit,

because I was doing so well
in week one and week two

that I just got complacent.

All I've gotta say
to the other queens is...

[speaking foreign language]

That means I love you.

And may the best winner win.

- Con-drag-ulations, ladies.

And remember,
if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an amen up in here?

- Amen!
- Amen!

- All right.
Now let the music play.

- ♪ To-to-to to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To-to-to to the moon ♪
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