13x16 - RPDR Reunited

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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13x16 - RPDR Reunited

Post by bunniefuu »

[RuPaul] From coast to coast,[/i]
it's [/i]RuPaul's Drag Race "Reunited."[/i]

♪ Bring back my girls ♪

[RuPaul] Tonight we celebrate[/i]
the sisters of Season 13[/i]

with up-close and personal interviews…

I think you can sit down
and shut the hell up.

[RuPaul] …original music videos,[/i]

and never-before-seen footage.

-Crown it.

And for the first time in herstory,

I'll choose two lip-sync assassins
from this season

who'll face off
in a lip-sync smackdown for charity.

Plus, we'll surprise the top four queens…


[RuPaul] …Gottmik, Kandy Muse,[/i]

Rosé, and Symone

as they arrive to rehearse
for next week's grand finale.

[engine starts]

[RuPaul] The winner of [/i]RuPaul's Drag Race
receives a one-year supply[/i]

of Anastasia Beverly Hills cosmetics

and a cash prize of $100,000.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best woman ♪

♪ Best woman win ♪

[tires screeching]

♪ When it's a game we love ♪

Welcome to The Theatre at the Ace Hotel
in downtown Los Angeles,

where we're preparing
for next week's grand finale.

First, I want to applaud our crew
and medical professionals

that make it possible for our little show

to continue to shine and inspire
during a very challenging year.

Keeping with our motto of safety first,

we're celebrating each
of the eliminated queens

from their hometowns,

and we'll be premiering music videos

they've each created
exclusively for this reunion.

Now, we may not be back to normal,
but we are definitely back to sickening.


Speaking of sickening,

bring back my girls.


Wow, look how gorgeous you are.

From Chicago, she's a living Mackie doll,
Kahmora Hall.

From the House of Hall.

-Hey, sisters.


From Phoenix, the trade of the season,
it's Joey Jay.

Hi, cutie pie. Here we are.

[RuPaul laughs]

She's Atlanta royalty, Tamisha Iman.

Hello, Ru. How's everybody doing?

[all laugh]

Also from Atlanta, do-re-mi, it's LaLa Ri.

Hey, Mother Ru girl.

[RuPaul] Hey, girl.

From the Las Vegas Strip,
it's Elliott With 2 Ts.

Hey, y'all. What's good?

[all laugh]

From Chicago, good golly, Miss Denali.

-Hi, Ru. Aah!
-[RuPaul] Hi![/i]

One of New York City's finest,
Miss Tina Burner.

What's up, b*tches?

It's "ma'am," mama.

From Minneapolis, it's Utica.

Hello, hi. Oh, it's so good to see you.

[RuPaul] Hey, girl.

Whoever said New Yorkers aren't polite
never met Olivia Lux.

Hey, girls.


My queens, thank you for joining us.

Now, you all made drag herstory
in the most lip-synciest season ever.

Let's take a look.

Tonight we're doing things
just a little differently.


Girl, what?

♪ Condragulations ♪

♪ You're number one ♪

♪ Drag is all over the world ♪

♪ It's a phenomenon ♪

And action.

I own 51 percent of the flag fac-try.

Ooh-ha! Bitch!

[shouts indistinctly]

[queen] They let her churn butter all day.

Hold me in your arms
until all the pain goes away,

but also, power drills
are on aisle seven, henny.


Y'all, RuPaul is so old,
Jurassic Park [/i]brought back memories.

[all laugh]

She auditioned for the school play
and got the part of the stage.

[all laugh]

It's just as hard to swallow
as Loni Love's comedy career.


You're the one bombing.

[all laughing]

Hey, girls. How's it going? It's Scarlett.


-Hi, queens.

What attracts you to the drag art form?

I gag for the fashion. Like, can we just?

Category is fashion.

[Michelle] This has never
been done on the runway.

You look rich. I would rob you.

[Michelle] Kumbayas!

Oh my Gottmik.

She is the wind
beneath her own damn wings.

This was like my wet dream.

It's fashion, but it's edgy and you.

[RuPaul] [/i]That is
one of the greatest outfits

we've had on this stage.

Now, that's a statement piece.

[Symone] We need to continue
to say their names.

♪ Don't say what I can post
You know I'm stunning ♪

♪ So just cancel your plans ♪

♪ To troll on my crusade ♪

♪ Gucci, Pucci ♪

♪ Susan Lucci ♪

Kandy. Kandy, wait.

I'm not ready for you to go.

You really have no idea
what people have gone through,

and when you learn about it,

it really shows why they are
that person that they are.

[RuPaul] [/i]No matter
what happens here or online,

don't let anyone
make you feel like a loser.

You are a star,

and I'm proud
of each and every one of you.

Our queen cam is standing by
to capture our top four finalists

as soon as they arrive.

But first, let's check in

with a queen who likes
to take her own sweet time.

The Mackie Doll is finally out of her box.

Kahmora Hall is always living
that rich white woman fantasy.

You can smell the privilege off of her.

Who's ready for a bite of this?

Oh, sorry, Ru.
I was just finishing up my makeup.

Y'all eliminated me way too early,

but like I said, I promised y'all,

the Mackie Doll
is not going back in her box.

From the first episode where I walked out
in my original Mackie dress,

and Carson Kressley's jaw dropped…

-It's an original Bob Mackie.

…to my Phenomenon performance
in my inspired Mackie dance costume.

to the sheer runway
inspired by Cher's Met Gala dress.

If I had to describe
my Drag Race [/i]journey in one word,

it would have to be "anxiety."

Aah! What to do?

Aah! Oh my God, I'm f*cked.

Y'all saw how much it was a struggle bus
for me to get ready.

I'm about to do something
I've never done before.

Paint a face in one hour.

I have done faster.

I don't take four hours anymore.
I take three, okay?

Baby steps. I'm 25 percent faster now.

Some of my most memorable moments
of the season were

when Nicole Byer said that I looked like

I looked lost in a grocery store
without a grocery list.

-Looking around kind of lost.
-[all laugh]

Do I get the bread?
Do I get the oranges and whatnot?

Spaghettios? I would never.

I was totally unaware
of how I looked when I performed,

so watching it on TV,
I totally agree with her.

But you know what?
I'm working on it, Nicole.

Why did you leaf me all these years ago?

My fully-padded green suit moment,

I thought I was gonna be the sexy
palm tree, willow tree or something.

Instead I was just, like,
this thick trunk with just my face,

so I looked crazy.

I was rooting for us.

I was rooting for us.

I was rooting for us.

My team was shady as heck.

They all told me I was doing great.

Then they talked behind my back
in confessionals.

I'm watching a train wreck happen
right in front of me.

But I can do it now.

[clears throat] I was rooting for--
Wait. No. [laughs]

I was rooting for us.
I was rooting for us.

The fan reaction has been great.

I got a message from someone saying,

"Thank you for representing
the Asian q*eer community

on RuPaul's Drag Race.[/i]"

You know, representation
really does matter,

and that I was able
to walk down that runway

in a very Asian dragon-inspired dress

shows that I am proud of my culture
and where I come from.

And seeing those messages
from the Asian-American community,

means a lot to me.

I hope y'all are ready
for this next performance.

It's sexy, sultry.
It's a tribute to my drag mother.

I'm about to give you everything
you all can feel.

I love it.

Now, in a music video
she produced all by herself,

here's Kahmora Hall.

♪ Shoo-doo-doo-doo-doo, yeah ♪

♪ Shoo ♪

♪ Many say that I'm too young ♪

♪ To let you know
Just where I'm coming from ♪

♪ Well, I'm living
In the world of ghetto life ♪

♪ Everyone is so uptight ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Nothing's wrong
It's all right with my man ♪

♪ I like the way we carry on ♪

♪ His loving will send me
On and on ♪

♪ With my man ♪

♪ People are thinking, yeah ♪

♪ I'm just thinking of ♪

♪ Giving him something
He can dream of ♪

♪ Giving, ha, ha ♪

♪ To let him know this love is real ♪

♪ That I'm giving love
Giving, giving, love, yeah ♪

♪ Giving him something
He can dream of ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Talk to me ♪

♪ To let him know
This love is real ♪

♪ I can love him long
I can love him strong, yeah ♪

♪ Giving him something he can feel ♪

♪ I'm giving, I'm giving
I'm giving, I'm giving love ♪

♪ Giving him something he can feel ♪



Oh, our first top-four finalist
is arriving.

Let's go to our queen cam.

♪ High fashion label ♪

-[cameraman] Hey, Gottmik.

You're kind of a big deal.
Congrats on making it to the top four.

Thank you.

[cameraman] Got time for 69 questions?

I mean, I guess.

[cameraman laughs]

Uh, describe your Drag Race [/i]experience
in three words.

I'd have to say gorg, gorg, and gorg.

[cameraman] What was
the greatest advice you got on the show?

Um, probably when RuPaul said,
"You already got the job."

"You just have to show up."

[cameraman] What advice do you have
for queens starting out?

Ooh. I would definitely say
find what makes you you,

and start your name with the letter Z
so you always go last.

[cameraman] Name one thing
you could never live without.

Obviously my top four sisters.

I'm just kidding. It's my f*cking phone.

[cameraman] Give me your best
Michelle Visage impression.

It's piece of fabric.

Name a superpower you wish you had.

I've always wanted to be able to teleport

because I am the most impatient person
in the entire world.

LA traffic does not help.

[cameraman] If you could beat
anyone's mug, whose would it be?

Raven, if you ever have a sick day,
tell RuPaul to call me.

[cameraman] Where do you see yourself
in five years?

Definitely looking back
at how I won Drag Race[/i] five years ago.

[cameraman] What's your favorite thing
about being a drag queen?

Definitely the fact that I get
to crash the system with my art.

Oh, and rhinestones.

If you're #TeamGottmik,

let your voice be heard.

Welcome back
to RuPaul's Drag Race [/i]"Reunited."

In one week, on this very stage,

we'll crown America's next drag superstar.

But tonight we're getting down
with all the sisters of Season 13,

and this next queen
left her fans thirsty for more.

Just ask Kandy Muse. Take a look.


Filler queen.
I'm a gay-ass bitch. I'm Joey Jay.

She's wacky, she's crazy. I'm gay as f*ck.

I'm gonna shit
f*cking rainbows and glitter,

and it's gonna be everything.

Hi, cuties! The gay agenda is here.

Dance megamix the house down,
boots back, bareback.


[Joey Jay] Coming in,
I wasn't a very well-known queen,

and I'm like, "I'm gonna make fun
of myself before anybody else can."

Filler queen.

Bitch, maybe I am.
If I go home, I wasn't lying,

and if I whupped everyone's ass,
y'all just got beat by a filler queen.

-So it's kind of like a win-win.

This season was like Drag Race [/i]boot camp.

We walked in,
and there were twists right out the gate.

-Welcome, ladies.
-[Joey Jay] Kandy looks at me,

and she's like,
"Bitch, are we about to lip-sync?"

And I'm like, "f*ck."

There's so much anticipation,
and then bam, you're going home.

Sashay away.


[Kandy] Come on, chicken feathers!

I was surprised.

I didn't think a chicken feather
was going to, like, make or break

someone's entire career. Denali.

I'm just not a fan of chicken feathers.
Sorry, girl.

[Joey Jay] Baby, if my outfit was $200,

then, like, you're probably
still paying yours off, so…

Cluck, cluck. I'm feeling great.

The first time I saw you without a wig,
I thought, "Oh, I love that."

I knew being a no-wig queen
was gonna be, like, controversial,

and I was ready for the wrath
of Michelle Visage.

But the fan base absolutely love it.

It's so validating
to hear from so many people,

like, "I'm so happy
you stuck to your brand."

And I'm getting so many pictures
of people embracing the no-wig thing.

I absolutely love it.

My runway journey
is a little bit different.

I don't think the judges
quite understood my drag.

I just thought that was the poison IV.

I was going for IV bag.

He's like,
"Well, why isn't it poison IV bag?

But I'm like,
we have to do, like, a type of bag.

And I'm like,
"Well, poison IV bag isn't a bag."

An IV bag is a bag,

but, like, a poison IV bag isn't one.

It was IV bag,
but I had poison ivy on the costume.

Does that make sense?

How about we just, like, move forward
and just don't look back at it?

We've definitely got
the trade of the season.

I wasn't going in to find a relationship,

and then next thing you know,
Kandy is chasing me.

-You're single?
-[all laugh]

You've seen Godzilla,[/i] right?
It's like that.

But, like, watching
that episode with Kandy…

Oh my God, Joey Jay's so feminine,
and I love feminine boys.

…it made me, like, get, like, butterflies.

Like, I got a little verklempt.

So I was like, "Oh my God."

"I'm being embraced
for, like, just being who I am."

We don't need this
mask for mask bullshit anymore.

So the fans are asking

if anything is happening
between me and Kandy.

Maybe it already has, baby.

Mm. Hi, Joey.

Don't worry about it.

Baby, I might have been eliminated second,

but you haven't even seen anything yet.

This video is going to be
so cute throwback nostalgia,

and I'm not gonna be
the only gay-ass bitch in it.

Wait, Joey Jay is gay?

I've gotta let that sink in for a minute.

Okay, up next, here she is
in her own gay-ass music video. Hit it.

♪ You're all I ever wanted ♪

♪ You're all I ever needed, yeah ♪

♪ So tell me what to do now ♪

♪ 'Cause I… I… I… I… I… ♪

♪ I want you back ♪

♪ It's hard to say I'm sorry ♪

♪ It's hard to make
The things I did undone ♪

♪ A lesson I've learned
Too well for sure ♪

♪ So don't hang up the phone now ♪

♪ I'm trying to figure out
Just what to do ♪

♪ I'm going crazy without you ♪

♪ You're all I ever wanted ♪

♪ You're all I ever needed, yeah ♪

♪ So tell me what to do now ♪

♪ When I want you back ♪

♪ You're all I ever wanted ♪

♪ You're all I ever needed ♪

♪ So tell me what to do now ♪

♪ When I want you back ♪

Joey, Joey? Joey, wake up!

The customer needs a drink.

Get to work, filler queen.


Please, remember to tip your bartenders.

Our next top four showgirl is arriving.

Let's go to our queen cam.

[cameraman] Hey, Rosé,
I'd recognize you anywhere.

Can I ask you 69 questions?


[cameraman] If Season 13
were a Broadway musical,

what would it be called?

The Never Ending Story.

[cameraman] Who would be the villain?

[mockingly] "Who would be the villain?"

-[cameraman] Who'd be the love interest?
-Didn't… not see you there. Uh, come in.

-[cameraman] Who would be your understudy?
-Jennifer Aniston.

[cameraman] Name a historical era
you'd like to live in?

-The '80s.
-[cameraman] Why?

So I could hang out with Tina Burner.

[cameraman] Make a face you'd like
to become a Rosé meme.

What's a vice you wanna give up?

Ordering take-out.

[cameraman] What's a vice
you never wanna give up?

Kamala Harris.

[cameraman] What's a phrase drag queens
use way too much?

"I did not come here to make friends."

[cameraman] Now say that again
with a Scottish brogue.

I did nae come here fer mates.

[cameraman] What's the best advice
you got on the show?

When you got it, you got it.

[cameraman] And lastly, what's your
favorite thing about being a drag queen?

Changing people's minds.

[cameraman] Thanks, Rosé. Break a leg.

If you're #TeamRosé,
let your voice be heard.

Welcome back
to RuPaul's Drag Race [/i]"Reunited."

In one week,
we're crowning a winner, baby.

But tonight,
it's all about the sisterhood.

Up next, you can call her mother
or you can call her a grown-ass woman,

but I call her Tamisha Iman.

Take a look.

Tamisha is here.

I am Tamisha Iman, one of the baddest
in the art form of female impersonation.

[imitating Cher] Whoa!

She's one old classy, sassy lady.

But at the same time,
I can be that B-I-T-C-H if need be.



Hi, guys. Watching myself on the show
was like an out-of-body experience.

I'm recently getting over cancer.

Initially, I was cast on Season 12.

But one year later, I fought back,

and I knew if I didn't strike now,
I was never gonna get back there.

So I needed a comeback
that I didn't even think I had in me.

I am a designer,

so to be on the main stage runway
was totally a dream come true.

Oh, the legends ball.

[Tamisha] [/i]The sheer runway look
is always gonna be

one of my favorites, so when Ru said…

It is one of the most beautiful dresses
that has ever graced this stage.

…it just blew my mind.

[imitates Cher] Whoa!

It's one thing to mock RuPaul
doing Cher in your home,

and be like, whoa.

But who would've ever thought
in a million years

I would actually get that part
of what Ru is known for doing?

Only thing I didn't say was,
"Snap out of it!"

[laughs] It was so fun,

I enjoyed that the most.

Bring it to the runway.

[Tamisha] Seeing LaLa on the show
was amazing,

because I felt so proud
that I had just a slight hand to play

in that start of this great entertainer
the world gets to see.

Miss Tamisha. She put me in drag
many, many years ago, honey.

I think the way the show started
with the Porkchop group,

LaLa built a lot of bonds with the people
that were in her winning circle.

It's no shade or anything like that.

I am just a real type of person.

A couple of girls in here
I don't care for.

-You talking about me?
-You one.

When Kandy and I got into it in Untucked,[/i]
it was true emotions coming out.

I said what I said.

Get the f*ck outta here.

[Tamisha] [/i]I came to the show

to gain the sisterhood
I never had in my community,

but you're not gonna mesh with everybody.

So Kandy and I will never be friends,

but I don't wish her any ill will.

I don't wish her any negative hate
or anything like that.

I wouldn't have changed anything.

[Kandy] Girl, I suggest you keep
your f*cking mouth shut.

Shut the f*ck up, you stupid-ass bitch.

But if the cameras was not there,
I would've hit her.

You're a fighter, a survivor, and a star.

When I was eliminated,
it was two different emotions.

This is not right,
and, whew, it's finally over.

No, tea, no tea, no tears,
no tears, no tears, no tears.

I learned regardless
of what the cards were dealt to me,

I've always played my hand,

and I still have a wild card to play.

The song that I will be performing
has sass, has attitude.

It is definitely a Tamisha Iman original.

This is my last time to show the world

my charisma, my uniqueness,
my nerves, and my talent.

Judges, I got talent. [laughs]

Now in a music video
to her original track "Arrogant,"

here comes Tamisha Iman.


♪ That bitch like to fight ♪

♪ At the end of the day
I will speak for myself ♪

♪ It's a couple of you girls
I really, really don't care for ♪

♪ You have some really nasty attitude ♪

♪ But I have to commend you
On your drag ♪

♪ Just come off as
Just, just, just come off as ♪

♪ Just, just
You just come off as arrogant ♪

♪ You're being arrogant ♪

♪ I said what I said ♪

♪ You're being arrogant ♪

♪ I said what I said, little girl ♪

♪ I said what I said ♪

♪ You're being arrogant
I said what I said ♪

♪ She can't take it ♪

♪ I said, I said ♪

♪ What, what, what I said ♪

♪ Little girl, little girl ♪

♪ Little girl, you're being arrogant ♪

♪ I said, I said
What, what, what I said ♪

♪ Little girl, little girl ♪

♪ She can't take it ♪

♪ Just because
You did exceptionally well ♪

♪ In this particular challenge ♪

♪ Now all of a sudden
You're sitting beside Michelle? ♪

♪ Twisted, twisted, busted, busted ♪

♪ Twisted, twisted, busted, busted ♪

♪ Wig on your head
Goodbye ♪

♪ Holla at me, I know you know me ♪

♪ You say you're bad
You gonna have to show me ♪

♪ So, lil' girl
Tell me what you're gonna do ♪

♪ When Tamisha Iman is coming for you ♪

♪ Old school diva from the ATL ♪

♪ I rose through the ashes
To give you hell ♪

♪ Thirty years in the game
That's plain to see ♪

♪ You might hit a lot of things
But you won't hit me ♪


♪ That bitch like to fight ♪

RuPaul's Drag Race fans have questions,[/i]

and the answer is


And, yes, they're real.

But to answer your other questions,

bring back Kahmora Hall,
Joey Jay, and Tamisha Iman.

Hi, Mother, Tamisha. Hi, Joey.

Hi, cuties.

Tamisha, you look stunning in purple.

Kahmora, I love your bellybutton.


All right, Tamisha,
I've got some fan questions for you.

So Jada from Reno wants to know
have your kids seen the show

and what are their thoughts about it.

We still at this very moment
haven't had a conversation about it.

So my kids are grown.

They're actually older than you, Kahmora.

So when they're ready,
they know where I'm at.


The true trade of the season is Tamisha,

'cause she actually got biological kids.


Kahmora, you can sit down
and shut the hell up.

-Joey is a bully.

Joey's a bully. A shady, shady bully.

Say it again.

-You shady lady!

All right, Kahmora, the Miss Mackie Doll.

Valerie from Syracuse writes,

"If you were a tree,
what kind of tree would you be?"

Triggered. Um, but if I were a tree,

I would say
I'd probably be a coconut tree,

because we've both got big nuts.

I think you're really trying
to, um, branch out with that…


…but we're rooting for you.


So, Joey, we have a question
from Michelle from South Plainfield.

She writes, "Big hair.
Are we ever gonna see it?"


Well, this is awkward.

Joey, that is your Anita Baker cut.

That is not big hair. [laughs][/i]

You know what?
Mind your business, Tamisha.

Okay, I'm sorry.
I'm just gonna stay in my lane.

[all laugh]

Thank you, ladies.

Well, nobody wants the crown more

than the queen
from the Brazonx, Kandy Muse.

Let's go to the queen cam.

[cameraman] Hey, you're Kandy Muse.

What is the tea, honey bee?

[cameraman] So nice to see you.
Mind if I ask you 69 questions?

You're naughty,
but 69 is my favorite number.

[cameraman] Describe yourself
in a hashtag.

#StarQuality, baby.

[cameraman] If you were actual candy,
what would you be?

I think it'd be sour candy,

because you either like me or you don't.

What's a moment from this season

you wish you could do over?

Pockets. Delete the entire episode.

[cameraman] Uh, name one thing you'd like
to mop from RuPaul's closet.

Mm, RuPaul's wigs.

What's one thing you actually mopped

from your Season 13 sisters?

Uh, Gottmik's wigs.

If one of your Season 13 sisters said

she wanted to punch you,

how would you respond?

That's not top-four behavior, baby.

[cameraman] What's one thing people
don't know about you yet?

Hmm. If I told you, then you'd know.

Who do you look up to the most?

Myself, because I'm an icon.


[cameraman] Uh, repeat after me.
Sally sells seashells by the seashore.

Go f*ck yourself.

[cameraman] Any plans
to do stand-up comedy?

Yeah, actually, I wanna go
on tour with Utica and Symone.


[cameraman] And finally,

what's the best thing
about being a drag queen?

Mm, the attention, darling.

Also, being left alone
when I wanna be left alone,

as in right now. Bye! [laughs]

[cameraman] Thanks, Kandy. Break a lash.

Can Miss Boogie-Down take the crown?

Sound off with #TeamKandy and let us know.

Welcome back
to RuPaul's Drag Race [/i]"Reunited."

Now, we're just one week away

from crowning America's
next drag superstar,

but tonight we're celebrating
all the sisters of Season 13.

Drag Race is a life-changing experience,[/i]

especially if it's the LaLa Ri Experience.

Take a look.

Oh, what you say, what you say?

LaLa Ri is here to slay.

LaLa Ri is like a Olive Garden pasta

with, like, Popeye's chicken tenders
on the top for the razzle-dazzle.

So I would still describe myself
as the Olive Garden pasta salad

with those chicken tenders put on top.

But we might add
a little balsamic vinaigrette.

That's the bougie hoes eat.

Balsamic vinaigrette, girl.
At least that's what I think.

Did I say that right?
Is it balsamic vinaigrette?

I mean, I act the fool all the time.

If I could describe
my Drag Race [/i]journey in one word,

it would be "short."

[laughs] Girl, I'm not serious, girl.
I'm not serious.

No, in all seriousness, it was amazing.

Baby, I had a lot of ups,
and I had way more downs.

[sewing machine stops]

[LaLa] I knew the fans were gonna come
at me about that bag look at the ball.

It's a new meme every day
trying to haunt me, girl.

My most favorite meme out of all of them

is the one
with a lonely bag on the street,

and it says, "LaLa Ri was here."

Girl, y'all is wrong for that,
but I love that meme, girl.

I love it.

So my most proudest thing
was actually my fashion, child.

Because, you know, pre-Drag Race,[/i]
I was a leotard girl, child.

But I didn't want Michelle to read me,

so I tried to step outside
my comfort zone.

I am proud of myself for the lamé look,
the gold situation,

which I thought
that was not lame, it was lamé.

Um, but you know, I had
actually lived for that little moment.

I hear she's in
the new Bond film Goldsphincter.[/i]

My personal favorite of my looks
was my snake look, honey,

when I was slithering down on them girls.

I'm so proud of that look.

We have to use our voices
and do the right thing.

The hardest thing
for me to watch from the show

was the Black Lives Matter conversation,

talking about Rayshard Brooks
and George Floyd.

It's still hard for me
to watch to this day.

You know, I still kind of get choked up.

But having conversations like that

definitely brought me
and my sisters closer, because we realized

that sometimes we actually
go through the same exact thing.

Use that platform wisely.

-And get in some good trouble!
-[LaLa] Come on!

Tamisha Iman was, like,
the first person to put me in drag,

so that was like a full-circle moment.

I expected me and Tamisha
to get closer on the show.

So she's your drag mama.

Yeah, you could say that.

So, child, I think we both
was there to get that $100,000.

And it's no hard feelings between us.

I still love her down.

I cherish the relationship,

and if I see her
at the local Kroger, girl,

I'll buy her a loaf of bread, girl,

or some milk.
That's all I can afford right now

'cause I didn't get that $100,000, child.

Lord, bitch-- Not bitch.
You know you're not a bitch, Lord.

The fans think
I am a deacon out here, child.

They think I am Pastor Ri
when they're praying.

Turn your TV on, and for 5.99,

get a miracle from LaLa Ri, and a prayer.

That might be another source
of income for me, child.

The video you're about to see
is actually a LaLa Ri original, honey.

It's ratchet.
It's a good time, baby, and guess what?

No paper bags were harmed
in the making of this video.

Come on with the disclaimer.

It should be coming across this,
like that.

No paper bags were harmed
in the making of this video.

Ooh, what you say, what you say?

Here with her own original song, LaLa Ri.

♪ Baby, do you feel my vibe? ♪

♪ Baby, do you feel my vibe? ♪

♪ Baby, do you feel my vibe? ♪

♪ I know that only real b*tches
Gonna ride ♪

♪ Get your, get your
Get your, get your money ♪

-♪ Let's go ♪
-♪ [/i]Get your, get your, get your money ♪

♪ Get your, get your
Get your, get your money ♪

♪ Get your, get your, get your ♪

♪ What ya say? ♪

♪ I'm getting money
It's your main bitch LaLa ♪

♪ YSL bag and my shoe game Prada ♪

♪ Worry about me, ho?
Worry about your dollars ♪

♪ ATL, bitch
Where we use to pop collars ♪

♪ b*tches used to read me
Now I'm in the Race [/i]

♪ I already won
Regardless of first place ♪

♪ I ain't gotta cough
To show I'm sickening ♪

♪ Weight up for COVID
And now a bitch thickening ♪

♪ Bankhead booty
On a bankhead bitch ♪

♪ Bank gettin' bigger, ho
Bankhead rich ♪

♪ Imma six-figure ho
Pay me with a Benz ♪

♪ All you other hos
Couldn't see me with a lens ♪

♪ Top-notch diva
And I been like this ♪

♪ So when I walk up in the club
DJ spin my…

♪ It's the melanin queen
I'm the melanin dream ♪

♪ And I'll forever be the leader
Of the melanin team ♪

♪ You better move that big ass
Kadonka-donka ♪

♪ 'Cause Imma need a little more
If Imma put on ya ♪

♪ I like a dreadhead, he from California ♪

♪ I got fans like Kitana,
But these hands Sonya ♪

♪ I got fans like Kitana
But these hands Sonya ♪

♪ Fans like Kitana
But these hands Sonya, Sonya, Sonya ♪

♪ Fans like Kitana
But these hands Sonya… ♪

♪ And Imma need a little more
If Imma put it on ya, bitch ♪

♪ Put it on ya, put it, put it, put it ♪

♪ Put it, put it on ya ♪

♪ What ya say, what ya say? ♪

♪ Put it, put it, put it ♪

♪ Put it, put it, put it on ya ♪

♪ What ya say, what ya say? ♪

♪ Get money bad bitch tip ♪

♪ Get money bad bitch tip ♪

♪ Get money bad bitch tip ♪

♪ Get money bad bitch tip ♪

ATL, represent.

Now, I'm getting word that
our next top four diva has landed.

It's time to say hey to Symone-Symone-yay.


[cameraman] Symone,
fancy meeting you here.

Oh, it's fancy, huh?

-[cameraman] Got time for 69 questions?
-I always got time for 69.

[cameraman] If your Drag Race [/i]journey
were a song, what would it be?

Oh, "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus.

Fitting, no?

[cameraman] What's your favorite
runway look that you wore this season?

My favorite runway look.
I mean, have you seen them?

All of them. Every last one of them.

[cameraman] Ross or Carson?

I pick Michelle.

-[cameraman] What's your guilty pleasure?
-Oh God, there's no guilt with me.

Pleasure's pleasure.

[cameraman] What's your sign?

I am a Capricorn sun

with a Gemini moon and a Scorpio rising.

[cameraman] What does that say about you?

That I'm hard on the outside,
but I'm soft on the inside.

[cameraman] What's your secret talent?

Oh, I don't have no secrets, honey.
It was all on the TV. Y'all saw it.

[cameraman] Name a designer
you wanna work with someday.

Oh God, there's so many,

but, you know, Rihanna comes to mind.

Call me, girl.

What's your favorite swear word?

f*ck you, you f*cking f*ck!

Name one thing on your bucket list.

Oh God, I would love to see the world.

All of it, everything.

[cameraman] What's one thing
every aspiring queen should know?

That it is not as easy as it looks.

[cameraman] If you weren't doing drag,
what would you be doing?

Eww. Nothing.

[cameraman] And lastly, what's your
favorite thing about being a drag queen?

That I get to express myself.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, mm.

[cameraman] Congrats on an amazing season.
Break a lash, Symone.

Oh, thank y'all. I'll see y'all out there.

If you got a Sweet Toof,
sound off with #TeamSymone.

Welcome back
to RuPaul's Drag Race [/i]"Reunited."

One week from tonight

we will crown America's
next drag superstar,

but first, who wants to buy a vowel?

It's Elliott With 2 Ts.

♪ I'm the queen you want to see ♪

♪ Elliott With 2 Ts, okay? ♪

I know where my strengths are.

Dancing, acting, singing.

And, girl, I'm so ready.

[laughs, snorts]

My journey on Season 13 was bumpy.

[alarm blaring]

[RuPaul] Ooh, girl.[/i]

I have been the only queen
in Drag Race [/i]history

to have been eliminated
three times in a single season.

I'm sorry, my dear,
you're getting the pork chop.

I don't like pork chops.

It was kind of difficult to watch back,

because you almost wanna feel sorry
for that person,

but then you're like, "Oh, it's me."

But now I'm not afraid of anything.

As Britney Spears would say,

"I'm stronger than yesterday," and she is.


One of the most positive things
that came out of being on Drag Race[/i]

was allowing the world

to be able to see my passion
for performing and dance.

♪ When it comes to fish
I'm the biggest catch ♪

That is my art, that is my life,
that is my soul.

And so the reactions that I've gotten
from people watching me perform and dance

have been just magical.

One of the most shocking moments for me
that I had no idea about

was Kahmora finding my voice
to be annoying.


There's something really annoying
about Elliott's voice.

Rude. [laughs]

You messy, girl.

She's my sister, I love her,
but she's messy.


I think a really impactful moment for me
on the show

was being able to talk
about my struggles with depression.

I think it's something that a lot
of people really don't fully understand.

It literally is something
that I have no control over.


The few times
that I've interacted with people,

where they told me
that they have depression as well

and they struggle with it,

but hearing my story and seeing me on TV

really helped lift them,

and moments like that,

it makes all the struggle
and all the difficulty worth it,

and that's all I could ever ask for.

The song I'm gonna be performing

is like a love letter [/i]to my dancers
and my choreographer, Jacquin.

It's a message
that you can come from nothing,

and if you work really hard
and you don't give up ever,

you can literally do whatever you want.

[imitates roaring]

So thank you, Drag Race,[/i]
for letting me show the world that.

Now in a music video she produced herself,

prance, Miss Elliott. Prance, I said!

♪ Taking me higher
Than I've ever been before ♪

♪ I'm holding it back ♪

♪ Just want to shout out
Give me more ♪

♪ You're just a hideaway
You're just a feeling ♪

♪ You let my heart escape
Beyond the meaning ♪

♪ Not even I can find
A way to stop the storm ♪

♪ Oh, baby, it's out of my control
What's going on? ♪

♪ But you're just a chance
I take to keep on dreaming ♪

♪ You're just another day
That keeps me breathing ♪

♪ Baby, I love the way
That there's nothing sure ♪

♪ Baby, don't stop me
Hide away with me some more ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Aah ♪

♪ Aah ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ You send the shiver up my spine
Might overflow ♪

♪ You're bringing me closer
To the edge of letting go ♪

♪ Oh, oh, you're just a hideaway ♪

♪ You're just a feeling ♪

♪ You let my heart escape
Beyond the meaning ♪

♪ Putting my head into the clouds
I'm floating home ♪

♪ When you get me going
I can't find a way to stop ♪

♪ Oh, oh, you're just a chance
I take to keep on dreaming ♪

♪ You're just another day
That keeps me breathing ♪

♪ Baby, I love the way
That there's nothing sure ♪

♪ Baby, don't stop me
Hide away with me some more ♪

I've said it before,
and I'll say it again.

Put your children in dance class.

Now it's time to spill several teas
with Elliott and LaLa Ri.

Elliott With 2 Ts! Hey, sister girl!

Hey, Miss LaLa. How are you, girl?

Oh my God, you look so gorgeous!

Thank you, girl. This old thing?
I pulled it out of the back of my closet.

[both laugh]

So, listen, girl,
I have some fan questions for you, okay?

Girl, bring it to me, girl.

Matisse from Baton Rouge,

who says, "You are cute
and funny as hell, girl."

"So what do you find
more attractive in a man?"

"Do you find good looks
or a good sense of humor?"

Talk about it.

Ooh, girl,
y'all are getting personal, huh, child?

So since I have such a huge personality,

a good sense of humor goes
a very long way with me, child.

You have to have
a really nice sense of humor.

But, baby, ain't nothing wrong
with a little good look here too.

And a good bank account.


So Miss Elliott With 2 Ts,
girl, Miss Sheila from D.C.

wants to know who was
the Season 13 dancing queen?

[laughs] I mean,[/i]
I already know the answer,[/i]

but you can go ahead
and give it to me anyway.

I love you, LaLa, girl,
but I'm out here to twirl, okay?

I am the dancing queen of this season,
with a side of LaLa.

I'll take that answer, sister,
'cause you did send me home.


I love you, LaLa! I love you so much.

I can't wait to see you in Atlanta, girl.
We're gonna have fun.

Listen, when you come down to Atlanta,
I'm gonna bring you to all the hood spots.

We're gonna get up in
all the best ways, girl.

And when I come to Vegas,
take me on the hoes' row.

No! [laughs][/i]

♪ Hey, kitty girl ♪

Welcome back
to RuPaul's Drag Race[/i] "Reunited."

This next queen
skated through the competition,

and our runway
still has the scars to prove it.

The undeniable Denali.

Let me break the ice.

I am Denali, and I am icy,
spicy, and a little bit dicey.

I am competitive.

When I start to get mad at myself
is when I push myself even harder.

I'm gonna show what I am capable of.

Hey! Oh my God.

If I could sum up
my journey in one word, it would be…

♪ Rollercoaster ♪

-[alarm blaring]

Spins, plot twists, turns,
and dips and dives,

like, everything and all in between.

What the f*ck is up on here?

I'm really proud of that lip-sync.

Yes, my little boy nips came out,

but I still thought I worked it out,

even with cement blocks on my feet.


My favorite moment of the season
was Phenomenon.

Being able to put out a great performance…

♪ Icy, spicy, for you I'm too pricey ♪

Be in the top with Rosé,
and to be able to lip-sync for that win,

that was such a moment, too,
where we both were, like, bam!

Oh, we nailed a double boom. [laughs]

Obviously I got close to my sister
from another mister, Rosé.

[both] Thank you, Ru.

It's that very epic Rosenali moment
in Untucked[/i]

when she holds my hands
and sends me out to w*r

right before "100% Pure Love."

[whispers] I really need you here with me.

-You know what to do.
-[Denali] I know.

And then as we continued on
in the competition,

a lot of my successes
happened to be alongside Rosé.

A lot of the heartache and the pain
happened to be alongside Rosé.

So you never know.

A few sh*ts of some Scottish whiskey,

anything can happen.

-So lovely.

The biggest surprise to me
was how well people connected

to the "100% Pure Love" lip-sync.

I was like, "That was a bad day,
you were in the bottom,

you had to send your friend home."

Then I got home
and I got to see that lip-sync,

and I was like, oh.

Seeing me go…


I was, like, "What are you doing, girl?"

Stop! She's already dead!

-Hey, squirrel friends!

One moment that the audience
didn't get to see

was after "100% Pure Love."

The next day, RuPaul
not only complimented my lip-sync…

-Bitch, you can m*therf*cking dance.

…but also complimented my ass.

-And you have a phat ass.

And truly, to get a compliment
from your absolute idol

on how thiccums you are means the world.

Skating is very into the knees and push.

The makeover challenge
was extremely difficult.

I was a little frustrated
that I was in the bottom,

but being back home
and seeing my own makeover,

girl, I know that it wasn't that great.

Where was the blending?

So for the fans that came for Olivia,

saying that she should have gone home,

at the end of the day,
we were the weakest team.

Who should go home tonight?

My only regret is not saying
Tina Burner's name.


Girl, we all saw it.

We all saw it. [laughs]


My inspiration for this video

comes from being a little icy
and a little spicy.

I'm a huge K-pop fan.
I lived in Korea for a year and a half.

Reporting all the way
from the Kiss and Cry,

-it is time for me to lip-skate…
-[thunder rumbles]

…for my life.

And now, serving a RuPauliday on Ice,
it's Denali.

♪ BLACKPINK in your area ♪

♪ Ha, how you like that? ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ You gonna like that, that, that, that ♪

♪ That, that, that, that, that ♪

♪ Gonna like that ♪

♪ Bada bing, bada boom-boom-boom ♪

♪ How you like that, that, that, that? ♪

♪ That, that, that, that, that ♪

♪ Now look at you, now look at me ♪

♪ Look at you, now look at me ♪

♪ Look at you, now look at me ♪

♪ How you like that? ♪

♪ Now look at you, now look at me ♪

♪ Look at you, now look at me ♪

♪ Look at you, now look at me ♪

♪ How you like that? ♪

♪ Your girl need it all
And that's a hundred ♪

[singing in Korean]

♪ Karma come and get some ♪

[singing in Korean]

♪ What's up, I'm right back ♪

[singing in Korean]

♪ Plain Jane get h*jacked
Don't like me? ♪

♪ Then tell me how you like that
Like that ♪

[singing in Korean]

♪ Look up in the sky
It's a bird, it's a plane ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Bring out the boss bitch ♪

♪ Yeah ♪


♪ How you like that? ♪


♪ You gonna like that ♪


♪ How you like that? ♪


Now that's what I call
a blades of gloryhole-llelujah.

The time has come to toot or boot.

If you like a look, toot it.

If you don't, boot it.

Here we go.

First up, Utica's bag ball eleganza.

Is this even a question right now?

I'm tooting right now. It's so good.

But what I'm trying to wonder is

how we had the same hours,
the same time to make the same thing,

and she came out with a masterpiece?

Girl, we was on two different spectrums
of the globe.

But that's a toot, sis. That's a toot.

Can I give her a sh**t? [laughs][/i]
I really love that look.

[RuPaul] Next up, Kahmora's train look.[/i]

Stunning. Of course it's a toot, honey.

Kahmora's whole wardrobe
is a toot plus a toot.

Honestly, also a sh**t.

Oh, it's just incredible. I love her.

Y'all were lucky they sent me home first.

[RuPaul] Next up,[/i]
Elliott With 2 Ts' fascinator look.[/i]

Um, can we go to the next one?

It was interesting.
I'm gonna have to give it a boot.

[Denali] I'm giving you fashion,[/i]
different makeup,[/i]

I'm giving you versatility.

I love it. I give it a sh**t.


I got pigeon, that's what I got.

I love you, Elliott, girl,
but that was not it.

That's a boot. Outta here!

Boot it out!

She gonna get me for that.

[RuPaul] Up next, Kandy's beast look.[/i]

[music slows to a stop]

Look over there!

[RuPaul] Next, it's Symone's train look.[/i]

[LaLa] Symone is just so Black,[/i]

and that train look was super Black.

I'm gonna give that a sh**t.
sh**t that to the moon, honey.

[Elliott] It is beautiful, stunning,[/i]
it is everything we wanted.[/i]

It's everything we needed.
If we didn't know that,

we know that we need it now,

and we need it all day, every day.

Symone, toot the house down. No boot.

[RuPaul] Trend alert.[/i]
Tina Burner in red, orange, and yellow.[/i]

[Olivia] Let's say it all together.[/i]

[mouths] Boot.[/i]

You will know, and someday
your children's children will know

that Tina liked red, yellow, and orange.

It's not a flattering color palette
unless done very well.

Oh dear. All of the things
I'm saying sound terrible.

I feel like I'm back in the roast.

[gasps] I'm sorry![/i]

[Tina] Listen,[/i]
you hated it or you loved it,[/i]

so it is the only lewk.

Red, orange, and yellow.

[RuPaul] Trend alert. Who wore it best?[/i]

We all brought the same drag.


[LaLa] I will give that it was a pandemic[/i]
going on while we was getting ready,[/i]

so we probably used the same designer.
Who knows?

It's tough when there are two looks
and they're the same concept,

because there's always gonna be someone
that, like, outdoes the other.

[LaLa] Honestly, I wanna see[/i]
a good old drag queen boxing match.[/i]

How about that? Can we set that up?

Going down.

You know what?
I just think great minds think alike.

[Michelle laughs]

[RuPaul] And last and least,[/i]
LaLa Ri's bag ball.[/i]

I'm gonna have to give this look a boot,[/i]

um, and possibly a trash can.

I have to give this a toot.

It may be the worst look
you have ever seen,

but it will be with you for a lifetime.

I'mma toot that, and you know why?
'Cause it was iconic.

She made that outfit
a winning lip-sync outfit.

Let that sink in.


What possessed me to make that bag look?
What was I going through?

Now, Miss LaLa Ri, in recognition
of the worst look of the season,

it is my honor to present to you

the first annual Golden Boot.

Aah! [laughs]

Yes, ma'am, honey, I finally won something
on this show, child!

LaLa, what do you have to say?

Ever since I was a little, bitty girl,
I wanted to win this award,

even though it never existed
before tonight.

But I finally won it, girl!
You better manifest!


Ooh, look at it, girl. It's so cute, girl.

I'm gonna put it
right in my bedroom, child,

next to the dildo.

Ain't that cute? Mwah!


I can cry right now,
but I got on my good drag.

The opinions expressed here

in no way reflect those
of RuPaul's Drag Race,[/i]

VH1, or myself.

'Cause, child, don't even get me started.
Thank you.

Welcome back
to RuPaul's Drag Race [/i]"Reunited."

In one week, our top four
will battle for the crown.

But first, a queen who put
the sizzle in Season 13.

Let's turn it and burn it, b*tches!

I'm Tina Burner, and I'm New York's
premier costume comedy queen.

I have been a staple in the drag community
for ten years 'cause I'm old.

Nobody puts Burner in the corner.

Hey, guys. It's me, Tina Burner.

I have auditioned
for RuPaul's Drag Race [/i]963 times.

525,600 minutes.

So to actually walk through the door,
it was very surreal.

You didn't show it,

but I actually walked through the door,
I hit my head.

It was very embarrassing.
I should know better.

I'm a tall, luxurious woman.


My favorite moment of the whole season

was dressed as the Tin Man,
coming down the runway,

and RuPaul just going,
"Tina, bring me the axe!"

I've always wanted to play Mommie Dearest.

I had the most fun in the disco challenge.

That music kicked in,

and I was strutting down the runway.

And landing in the top,
it was like, amazing.

You were a disco queen to me tonight.

I think my lowest point in the competition
was being in the bottom for the Rusical.

I just got canceled.

Because coming from New York City
and coming from theater,

it was really important for me
to do New York City proud.

I stand by my choice to stop lip-syncing
those two seconds in the Rusical,

because it was a comedy choice,
and I'm a comedy queen, henny.

I have seen more memes
about me than I can count.

From Ronald McDonald to a sexy hot dog.

Baby, mission accomplished.

I didn't know Tina Burner owned flames

and the color orange, red, and yellow.

I own flames,
and Tina Burner is this sexy.

Turn it and burn it.

[all laugh]

[Tina] Rosé and I were paired together
in the makeover,

and I hate-crimed Rosé's face.

-Oh my God!

One of my favorite memes… Somebody put,

"When you leave the house and you realize
that you left the stove on."

One, two, three.

-Mean Girls.
-Mean Girls.

During the competition, I got really close
with my Mean Girls trio.

Kandy and Mik and I
became really, really tight,

and fans were not that receptive.

Here's the thing, y'all.

Mean Girls, one of the campiest[/i]
funny movies I've ever seen,[/i]

is about having fun, being stupid,
and making fun of yourself.

That's what Mean Girls is.

You're not being confident,
you're being arrogant.

Get the f*ck outta here
with that bullshit.

I said what I said.

Tamisha and Kandy, and "arrogant,"
and it got wild.

[Kandy] Take me out right now!

I was just a little taken off guard,

because we had come
from a previous challenge

in the same group,
sitting there, getting along,

hanging out, going over lines.

And to this day,
still don't understand, but one day.

-It was gonna have to be one of us.
-So why didn't you jump up?

[laughs] Oh!

You gotta know that baby likes to fight.

In the words of her drag daughter LaLa,
she said, "She likes to fight."

So if you ask anybody on the circuit,

they say she got a loud mouth
and she's ready to go.

Tamisha, give me a call, girl.
Let's hang out.

I'm gonna do an original song

with my local queens from New York City.

It's time to celebrate what I do.

You think you loved
"My Lovely Lady Lumps"?

Well, no, I lost that lip-sync,
so get ready.

This is gonna be much better.

And now for something
completely different,

Tina Burner in her original composition,

"Turn It & Burn It."


[siren blaring]

Didn't your parents ever teach
you not to play with fire?

♪ Ring the alarm
As I walk through the door ♪

♪ Red, orange, and yellow
But I'm so much more ♪

♪ Ronald McDonald to a sexy hot dog ♪

♪ A page in my burn book
Not the full catalogue ♪

♪ In on the joke, let's make that clear ♪

♪ Always have the last laugh
Living life without fear ♪

♪ Let's move on, the bigger picture ♪

♪ Gonna take you to church
Give you the whole scripture ♪

♪ Turn it and burn it
Light the world on fire ♪

♪ Sky's the limit
But I'll fly much higher ♪

♪ Never give up
Fight my way to the top ♪

♪ Put the haters on mute
'Cause I won't ever stop ♪

♪ Turn it and burn it
Light the world on fire ♪

♪ Sky's the limit
But I'll fly much higher ♪

♪ Never give up
Fight my way to the top ♪

♪ Put the haters on mute
'Cause I won't ever stop ♪


♪ Said I'd never get there
Sorry, but I did ♪

♪ Mama said I'd be a star
Ever since I was a kid ♪

♪ Didn't make it all the way
But she had a good run ♪

♪ The battle was lost
But the w*r was won ♪

♪ Ru and Michelle
Carson and Ross ♪

♪ Said I'm a New York legend
You heard the boss ♪

♪ From a local queen to a national crown ♪

♪ Now a global stage can't hold me down ♪

And now it's time for a Ru-cap.

♪ Firefighter Tin Man
Brought you the axe ♪

♪ Got in my head
I just need to relax ♪

♪ Played Mommie Dearest
But I'm #Dad ♪

♪ Did Rosé's makeup, sorry, my bad ♪

♪ Rusical robbed
Don't you better know ♪

♪ Went out like a beast
Forget me, you won't ♪

♪ Miss me, hell, yes
I'm not going far ♪

♪ I'll be back, I'm an All Star ♪

♪ Turn it and burn it
Light the world on fire ♪

♪ Sky's the limit
But I'll fly much higher ♪

♪ Never give up
Fight my way to the top ♪

♪ Put the haters on mute
'Cause I won't ever stop ♪

And now, the fire and ice of Season 13,

Tina Burner and Denali.

Denali, my beautiful angel,
you look gorgeous.

How are you doing?

Thank you, Dad.

I'm doing good. How are you?

I miss the hell outta you.

I believe you're serving me
some Alaska night sky there.

Aurora horealis, you know?

-All right, Miss Tina Burner,[/i]

now, I have fan mail questions for you.

Bruce from Billings wants to know

you and Rosé were really funny
in the doppelganger challenge.

What was that like, and are y'all close
or are y'all frenemies?

[sighs] I'm gonna give you the real tea.[/i]

-I still hate her!

No, I'm just kidding.

Just-- We're closer than we were before.

I'll tell you that much.

And there was none before, so guess what?

We're an inch closer.

So y'all got an inch closer,
and we got eight inches closer.

No, I'm just kidding.

Aah! Werk!

Denali, we have a question
coming in cold, I'll say,

because it is from Elsa from Saskatoon.

Are you gonna be planning
any ice-theme drag shows,

like Twinks on Rinks
or, uh, Trade on Blades?

Oh, that's funny.
The second the world opens up,

you better believe I'm gonna have
my own ice show starring me.

So, yeah.

I'm thinking maybe we should collaborate,

a little Heat Miser/Snow Miser?

Yes, we could do the number
from Blades of Glory,[/i]

where they're fire and ice.

I mean, considering
my, uh, my skating ability--

-You'd be the stem, I'd be the flower.
-[/i]Yeah, that kinda works for me.

All right, Dad,
another fan mail question for you.

Trina from Tallahassee asks,

"What's the weirdest thing
we didn't see you do in the Werk Room?"

Win a challenge.

I love you so much, Denali,
and I miss you every day.

-Bye, baby.

Thank you, ladies.

We are one week away
from our lip-sync smackdown for the crown,

presented by Bubly Bounce.

Now let's go to our queen cam

to capture the reunion
of our top four queens.

Oh, snap, what's going on up in here?

-Oh my God! Baby!
-What's going on up in here?

Oh my God.

Hi, diva.

Symone, hold up.
The color palette. We match, baby.

-We match, honey.
-Let me do a handstand.

You trying to. Let me get over here.

-Okay. We begin.

Talking about looking different
in filming--

Where can I sit? Where can I go?

Symone got here with some orange hair.

I did. I said, "Let me go do something
a little different for the finale, honey."

-[Kandy] Yeah!
-Full of pizzazz in here, honey.

We almost thought you got eliminated.
We was like, "Where is Symone?"

Oh, you thought-- Over you?

[both laugh]

I mean, diva, we were sitting here.
Where you been?

I've been getting ready
for the finale. Are y'all ready?

-[Kandy] Isn't it wild?
-It's insane.

Bitch, this is gonna be
such an iconic finale.

-The looks! The looks!

The looks.

My looks are actually game over.

Like, I am ready to come out
and f*cking k*ll it.

Baby, it's time to restart the engine.

Good thing Bubly Bounce got
that kick of caffeine to get us through.

[Kandy] All right!

Baby, that looks delicious.

It's good. Mango passion fruit.

Oh, I missed y'all so much.

I missed y'all too.

Okay, but promise me this.

Split the money four ways.

-[Rosé] Absolutely not.

-If I win, I won't split.
-[Symone] You wouldn't.

But if y'all win, split the money.

[all laugh]

[Kandy] Bitch, we're here.

-Oh my gosh.

-Look at all of this!

[screaming] We're here!

-Oh my God.

[Symone] RuPaul's Drag Race, [/i]baby.

Welcome, ladies.

[screaming, laughing]

-Hi, Ru.
-[RuPaul] Surprised to see me?

Now, this is where all the magic happens.

-I see.
-Oh my God.

Y'all nervous?

-A little.
-Yeah, a little bit.

Maybe a little bit.

Look at my children have all grown up.

Definitely had to up
my Botox levels for sure.

[all laugh]

-Full of filler at this point.
-Yes, of course.

No, I'm full of hate now. So it's fine.

-Well, there's that too.
-I, like, missed you.

[all laugh]

Well, are y'all ready?

-Let's go, baby.

Let's get it poppin'.

Get it poppin'?


I'm so excited. This is gonna be insane.

Yeah. Now, have you all remained friends?

-Oh yes.
-Very close.

I feel like we're the closest, like--

-Too close.
-[all laugh]

Oh, baby, ooh.

It's making me nervous.

So who's gonna win next week?

-Definitely me.


-Like, no question.
-I love it.

Well, I'll tell you,
I'll be the judge of that.

-Yes, you will.
-Oh, well.

Your name is on the marquee.

But seriously, I just wanna tell you all,

just savor the moment,
because you'll look back on this

and you'll think it all went by so fast.

So just savor it.

Swish it around
in your mouth a little bit.

-You know how to swish, don't you?
-Oh, absolutely.

I know how to more than swish, baby.

[all laugh]

Now, will you do me the honor
of introducing our next guest?

-Ooh, absolutely.



[all] Utica!


She's sickening.

I am Utica Queen,

and I am the wacky, inflatable
waving-arms tube queen.

I'm all about the goof,
the woof, and the aloof.

This bitch is crazy.


Hi there. Hi, it's me, Utica Queen.

Summing up Drag Race[/i]
in one word has been kooky.

[laughs loudly]

The one moment that I wish
we could have included in the show

was when I first entered the main stage
and I talked to Ru,

I talked about the experience,
how I was struck by lightning.

Uh, shocking, I know.

You've been struck by lightning?

Yeah, I flew off the ground,

I think it was, like,
ten feet up in the air.

And I think that explains
why I'm so full of energy.


It was a testament to how I can just,
like, keep on going.

Yeah. It's electric.

I really loved all the things that I wore.

My beast look, oh, I loved that one.

The earrings… With the little earrings.
I love my earrings.

My curtains look.

I'm gonna have to say
my favorite challenge

is the design challenge.

I feel like I was definitely in my element
walking down that runway.

I felt as powerful
as I could ever imagine.

Welcome to the joy of Snatch Game.

Snatch Game.
Watching that back was definitely a time.

Even if I know that I'm not
gonna be good at something,

I, at least, go for it.

I think the praying squirrels
on my head [/i]would've been proud.

Maybe, like, a soft applause.


I'm sorry. I thought
you could speak whale.

The hardest part of the season for me
was definitely the roast.


At the time,
I did not understand the difference

between humor and insult.

You wanna try not to be mean,
but cut and funny.

I've grown and seen the way
that jokes can be told,

and how they can definitely
come from a place of love.

I definitely wanna strive for that,

instead of just, like, relying
on this just bad sense of humor.

Ten. Oh.

For the makeover challenge,

I definitely feel embodying
Symone changed me as an artist.

I feel more confident in my work,

and just feeling so beautiful
and so sexy and powerful,

and thank you, Symone,

for teaching me how to capture
that energy in myself.

You're the winners
of this week's challenge.

I find so much joy in lip-syncing.

I feel like it's one of my favorite things
about being a drag human.

I definitely feel like
I put my stamp on that stage

and had a great, great time
with this season.

Leaving, it was sad, but it was--

I think the whole thing was worth it.

Minus the roast. Bye-bye. [laughs]

In this lip-sync, it's my last chance

to share a little bit
of my country hometown twist,

and so I hope that y'all enjoy
and have a great time with me.

And when you think you can't, Utican.

-Okay, Kandy, your turn.
-[Kandy] Ooh.

And now, in the music video
the bitch produced herself,


[guitar plays]

♪ I wanna start this out and say ♪

♪ I gotta get it off my chest ♪

♪ Got no anger, got no malice ♪

♪ Just a little bit of regret ♪

♪ Know nobody else will tell you ♪

♪ So there's some things I gotta say ♪

♪ Gonna jot it down and then get it out ♪

♪ And then I'll be on my way ♪

♪ No, you're not half the man
You think that you are ♪

♪ And you can't fill
The hole inside of you ♪

♪ With money, dr*gs, and cars ♪

♪ I'm so glad I never
Ever had a baby with you ♪

♪ 'Cause you can't love nothin' ♪

♪ Unless there's somethin' in it for you ♪

♪ Oh, I feel so sorry ♪

♪ I feel so sad ♪

♪ I tried to help you ♪

♪ It just made you mad ♪

♪ And I had no warning
About who you are ♪

♪ I'm just glad I made it out
Without breakin' down ♪

♪ And then ran so… far ♪

♪ That you would never
Ever touch me again ♪

♪ Won't see your alligator tears ♪

♪ 'Cause, no, I've had enough of them ♪

♪ Hey, yeah ♪

♪ Hey, yeah ♪

♪ I feel so sad ♪

♪ You should be sad ♪

♪ You should be ♪

Welcome back.

Next week, we are crowning
America's next drag superstar.

But first, the queen
with the million-dollar smile.

Lux be a lady tonight.

I am Olivia Lux,

and I like to light up a room
whenever I walk into a space.

I think I've coined
the phrase "polite diva"

because I'm still polite.

I could still be a diva, though. [laughs]

I'm so happy to be here!

Watching myself back on Drag Race[/i]
was mind-blowing.

How long have you been doing drag?

Like a year and a half.

When you're underestimated,

you have to kind of have
more confidence in yourself.

So I feel like every asset of me
as a drag queen was tested.

Did I say that out loud?

My favorite was the disco.

I was transported in time,
and I was there.

The disco was when
I found that diva in Olivia

that I was kind of looking for.

You have what they call "it factor."
I mean, it's just you are radiant.

May I ask?

May I ask a question?


I just remember everyone making fun of me
when I needed help,

because I would be like,

"Hi, is there anyone that's able
to help me with my nails?"

And everyone's like,
"Olivia is such a diva."

I think a lot of divas,

backstage is usually
where it's like, "Mm, girl."

So I really tried to make sure
that I'm, like, polite.

May I ask--

I am reclaiming the word "diva"

and using it for good.

[RuPaul] Condragulations. You're
the winner of this week's challenge.

I think the girls started to look around.

You know, one win, okay.

But the second win
right after the first win,

they were kind of like, "Okay, wait."

"Time out. This girl,
we need to kinda look out for her."

And that felt good.

Maybe I'll go to France and be a mime.

Walking down the runway this season,

I felt so fierce, I felt so fun.

A lot of my looks were nods to nostalgia

'cause it makes me just think
about the simpler times.

It was so much fun creating these looks.

[Jamal] She's your dream girl.

When Mama Ru asked the dreaded question…

Who should go home tonight?

…I was the majority vote…

-[all] Olivia.

-[all] Olivia.

But for me, there were no hard feelings,

only because I know that everyone's answer

kinda has nothing to do with me.

We're all on our own different journeys.

There's no real way to compare.

I just don't take things personally.

Kandy saying no one can be
that nice is really funny,

because I know Kandy real well.

If we all said her name on that runway,

I know she would have
some choice words for all of us.

Just my opinion.

-Shut up!

[Kandy] The divalicious diva.

[Olivia] The biggest thing I learned
on RuPaul's Drag Race[/i]

is that opportunity
is not a lengthy visitor,

so go out and get it
and chase your dreams.

I'm living!

I also learned how to lay down
baby hair from Symone.

That is actually probably
the biggest thing I learned.

I can't believe
she won with that hairline.

[all laugh]

The song I'm gonna be performing
is an oldie but a goodie.

I love this diva,

so it was so much fun
embodying her for this lip-sync.

Maestro, cue it up!

Now it's about to go down with Olivia Lux.

♪ Time on my hands ♪

♪ Since you been away, boy ♪

♪ I ain't got no plans
No, no, no, no ♪

♪ And the sound of the rain
Against my window pane ♪

♪ Is slowly
Is slowly driving me insane, boy ♪

♪ I'm goin' down ♪

♪ I'm goin' down ♪

♪ 'Cause you ain't around, baby ♪

♪ My whole world's upside down ♪

♪ Sleep don't come easy ♪

♪ Boy, please believe me ♪

♪ Since you been gone ♪

♪ Everything's going wrong ♪

♪ I'm goin' down ♪

♪ I'm goin' down ♪

♪ 'Cause you ain't around, baby ♪

♪ My whole world's upside down ♪

♪ Mm ♪

Ooh, Mary.

Now, let's get up close and personal
with Utica and Olivia.

Oh my God, is that the Olivia Lux?

-Hi, Utica!
-Hi there.

Utica, I have some fan questions for you.

Absolutely. What do you got?

Okay, so Markie from Detroit asks,

"Utica, early on you cracked Ru up
when she asked you about weed."

Have you ever smoked weed before?


"What were you thinking about
in that moment?"

Well, I wanted to be honest,

but then I had the thought,
"Oh my God, I'm on national TV."

[both laugh]

So then I was like,
"Answer, but don't answer,

but then answer again, but then don't."

And then she just started laughing at me,
and then I was like, "Oh my gosh."

I just gotta keep up the pattern
and see what happens.


So do you smoke weed?

[laughs] I cannot with you.[/i]

All right, Olivia,
I have some fan questions for you.

For me?

It's Sam from Boise.

Um… "Olivia, there are rumors

that you and Utica,
um, have been on a date."

"Is that true?"

"If not, are there plans for one?"


Oh, I don't know.

Um, well, I have seen you after the show.

-The food was delicious.
-The food was really delicious.

It was really good.

-I love you, baby.
-I love you too.

Welcome back, queens.

Now, in a season full of lip-syncs,

two of you showed us
you've got the sass and the ass.

Now for the first time ever,

I'm choosing
two lip-sync assassins of the season.

-LaLa Ri.

Yes, sis!

-And Denali.

Oh my God!

Yes, bitch.

Oh, sister,
you remember that Porkchop group?

[all laugh]

Sorry. [laughs][/i]

Tonight, you'll go head-to-head
and toe-to-toe

in a herstory-making
lip-sync smackdown for charity.

The winner will earn $10,000
for the charity of her choice.

-Yes, honey!

Welcome back
to RuPaul's Drag Race[/i] "Reunited."

They battled in the premiere,
and now it's time for the rematch.

For our charity lip-sync smackdown,

we've partnered with our friends
at Barefoot Wine,

a proud ally celebrating
the bold and the beautiful

for more than 30 years.

Up first, coming to us
from Roscoe's in Chicago, it's Denali.

Hi, Ru.

Denali, tell us
who you're lip-syncing for.

The charity I'll be lip-syncing for

is the National Center
for Transgender Equality.

LaLa, girl, I love you,
but this is my redemption.

[RuPaul] Fantastic.

And coming to us from
"My Sister's Room" in Atlanta,

it's LaLa Ri.

LaLa, who are you lip-syncing for?

Hey, Ru, I am lip-syncing
for the National Black Justice Coalition,

dedicated to the empowerment
of the Black LGBTQ+ community.

Denali, sister, I love you,
but, baby, you better watch out, girl.

Both great charities.

Now, two lip-sync assassins
stand before me.

Prior to tonight, you were asked
to prepare a lip-sync performance

of "Be My Lover" by La Bouche.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and earn $10,000
for the cause of your choice.

-The time has come…
-[thunder rumbling]

…for you to lip-sync

for your charity!

Good luck,

and don't f*ck it up.

♪ La, da, da, dee, da, da, da, da ♪

♪ La, da, da, dee, da, da, da, da ♪

♪ La, da, da, dee, da ♪

♪ La, da, da, da, dee, da ♪

♪ La, dee, da, da, da, da ♪

♪ A-ha, yeah, hey, wanna be my lover ♪

♪ A-ha, yeah, hey, wanna be my lover ♪

♪ A-ha, yeah, hey, wanna be my lover ♪

♪ A-ha, yeah, hey, wanna be my lover ♪

♪ I must confess, girl, yes
I wanna be your lover ♪

♪ Take a chance
My love is like no other ♪

♪ On the dance floor, getting down ♪

♪ Oh yeah, I wanna be your lover ♪

♪ I hear what you say
I see what you do ♪

♪ I know everything
I need to know about you ♪

♪ And I want you to know
That it's telling me ♪

♪ You wanna be my lover, mm-hmm ♪

♪ A-ha, yeah, hey, wanna be my lover ♪

♪ A-ha, yeah, hey, wanna be my lover ♪

♪ Hey, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, baby, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, be my lover ♪

♪ I know you wanna be my lover ♪

♪ I know you wanna be mine ♪

♪ Oh, baby, baby, yeah ♪

-[RuPaul laughs]

Ladies, I've made my decision.

Denali, you're a winner, baby.


Your charity will receive
a $10,000 donation.

Do you have anything you'd like to say?

Ru, thank you so much
for this opportunity.

Huge shout-out to Roscoe's
for letting me twerk here,

and I'm so glad that my splits and flips

are going to benefit
my trans brothers and sisters.

LaLa Ri, in the spirit of giving,

your charity will receive
a donation of $5,000.

You have anything you'd like to say?

Thank you so, so, so,
so, so much for that.

I had so much fun performing
with you, Miss Denali, girl.

You are sickening, sister.
Condragulations, girl.

Thanks, ladies. All charity, no shade.

-Thank you.
-Thank you, Mother.

Now, never-before-seen footage

snatched from last week's main stage.

Take a look.

Now my final question.

Tell us, why should you be
America's next drag superstar?


I, basically, grew up with the show now,

and every person that was crowned
always opened my mind.

The world is not black or white,

it is this crazy as f*ck gray area,

and that's what my drag is.

And I've grown so much here,

I'm so ready to be crowned,

and be the representation
that I wish I had growing up.

And that's why
I'm America's next drag superstar.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

All right, Kandy Muse.

There is no rulebook that says

that America's next drag superstar
has to be perfect.

I have fallen 100 times
and gotten up 101 times

because I have the fire
in my f*cking belly.

There is an entire community
of Afro-Latinos,

brown, loud little gay boys
back in the hood

that are looking up to this big bitch

right here on this main stage
like, "Damn."

And that's what I wanna show the world

that it's okay to be big,
it is okay to be loud.

I feel like a f*cking queen already.

Crown it.

[all laugh]

Thank you.


I should be crowned
America's next drag superstar

because as I've demonstrated,

there is just about nothin' I can't do.

There is a drag queen
who I admire and look up to.

She's a great hostess,
she has a TV show, she sings.

Her name is Lady Bunny.

[all laugh]

Her name is RuPaul.

When I think of myself in the future,

I hope and see something like you.

And as I've shown you all here
every single week,

I can do all of it really well.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.


Growing up in Arkansas… Conway, Arkansas,

I, uh…
I believed all those negative things

that people said about me.

But I kept going forward, and I said,

"There's something there
out there in this world

that I'm good at," and I found drag.

Throughout these weeks,
I've fought and I've shown myself

and I took down the walls
that I built up to protect myself.

[voice breaks] And I feel like my drag
is really inspirational.

There are a million and one Reggies
out there who need somebody like me.

I'm a beautiful person,

and I'm willing to fight for what is mine.

And, um, that's why
I'm America's next drag superstar.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Well, there you have it.

Four powerhouse queens
ready to pull out all the stops

for next week's lip-sync smackdown
for the crown.

Who are you rooting for?

Are you Team Gottmik,

Team Kandy,

Team Rosé,

or Team Symone?

Sound off and let us know.

And remember, if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an "amen" up in here?

[all] Amen!

Now let the music play!

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Losers, weepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Finders, keepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Losers, weepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪
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