13x15 - Gettin' Lucky

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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13x15 - Gettin' Lucky

Post by bunniefuu »

[RuPaul] Previously on [/i]RuPaul's Drag Race…

You'll all be starring
in Henny, I Shrunk The Drag Queens![/i]


Watch where you're going, lady!

I'd help,
but you're doing such a good job.

-[RuPaul] Olivia Lux.
-You know how to do that character.

The thing is, we've seen it a lot now.

[RuPaul] Kandy Muse.

It was all were very sedate,

and I think you can bring us more.

-[RuPaul] Rosé.
-You were so prepared.

You knew every line inside and out.

You're the winner
of this week's challenge.

Kandy Muse, shantay, you stay.

Olivia Lux, sashay away.




-f*cking wow.
-Very that.

[Rosé] [/i]Olivia just sashayed away.

It's sad, as always,
to see another sister leave,

but it was her time to go.

"Believe in yourself as I believe in you."

"Your polite diva, Liv."

We love you so much, baby.

Love you so much, Olivia.

Divalicious diva.

Olivia has done so much.

She's top five on RuPaul's Drag Race.[/i]

She's been doing drag for like a year.
That's iconic.

I cannot even fathom

what she'll be doing in three years.

-Congrats, you, winning the challenge.
-[Rosé] Thanks. Now I have three wins.

And that feels great heading
into the very end with three.

So what are we at now? What's the tally?

I won the roast.

Shit. What did I win? I won--

Just say four.

Just four. Just four lovely challenges.

Yeah, I won The Ball and Snatch Game.

Just The Ball and Snatch Game.

But I've even more proud than my wins.
Like, I didn't lip-sync once.

I also have never lip-synced for my life.

Yes, I've been in the bottom three times,
but, bitch, I don't give a f*ck.

The same way I fought
tonight to be top four,

I will fight to be in the f*cking finale.

What do you think is gonna happen?
Do you think we're all gonna make it?

We were gagged at the beginning,
so they might gag us at the end, diva.

It could be that one of us goes home.

It could be that two of us go home.

It could be that none of us go home.

We don't know, but all of us
wanna be in the grand finale.

We wanna fight.
We want that g*dd*mn crown.

Oh, we're fighting.

I'm not giving up my spot.
I'm gonna throw some marbles.

-Good luck, baby.

I'm not going any-f*cking-where.

-Not a f*cking chance.
-[Kandy] Absolutely not.

[Rosé] [/i]As much as I love these b*tches,

athletes don't go to the Olympics
to make friendship bracelets.

I'm ready to take these b*tches down.

Love 'em so much.

Hot pockets, come on.

Come on, hot pocket. Ham and cheese.

We're about to smell the cheese
once I get outta this.

-Oh, that's disgusting.

-That is actually rotted.
-That is disgusting, bitch.

I've been through it.
The roller coaster has been real.


There is just nothing
that is gonna get in my way

of me and that crown.

Okay, but, like, we're top four.

-{Gottmik] I love that for us.
-Yeah, me too.

I could not be
more determined to stay here,

and nothing is going to stop me now.

Are you kidding?

-Isn't she cute?

-She's a woman!
-Yeah, she's a woman.

There's still one more hurdle
to make it to the grand finale.

[Rosé] Put this on.

I don't even know what's hotter than fire,
but it's up under my ass to make it there.

Because I did not come past this hurdle

to not make it to the next one.

So let's play, and let's slay.

Because it's top four, m*therf*ckers.

I'm a gay-ass bitch. I'm Joey Jay.

[all laugh]

[engine starts]

[RuPaul] The winner of [/i]RuPaul's Drag Race
receives a one-year supply[/i]

of Anastasia Beverly Hills cosmetics

and a cash prize of $100,000.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best woman ♪

♪ Best woman win ♪

[tires screeching]


Top four!

So it's a new morning.
I'm feeling refreshed,

I'm ready for a brand-new week,

and I'm ready to slay the rest
of these b*tches

and win.

-Baby, there is $100,000 on the line.
-[Symone] Yes.

If y'all win the prize money,
what are y'all gonna do with it?

-Invest in my drag.

-It's going right back into Symone.

Just like all the rest of my f*cking money
at all times.

-What are you doing? You act surprised.
-You doing something different?

I was just gonna, I don't know,
like, buy a boat or something.

Where you going, bitch?

Yeah. What?

Well, I want a boat because…

I just want a boat.

-[alarm blares]
-[RuPaul] Ooh, girl![/i]

She done already done had herses!

My top queens.


Throughout this competition,

when they went low, you went high.

-You right.
-And now is your chance[/i]

to leave an indelible mark
on this competition.

Now, between us squirrel friends,
whenever I leave an indelible mark,

I just sneak out the back door
and blame it on the dog.

-[all laugh]
-Okay, Ru.


I don't know what that means.

Hello, hello, hello.


[Kandy] Yes, yellow.


My queens, you've made it to the top four

of RuPaul's Drag Race[/i]!


Now, this week
is your last chance to prove

you've got the charisma,
uniqueness, nerve, and talent

to make it to the grand finale
of Season 13.


-Just one question remains.

Do you feel lucky?

-I do!
-Oh, baby, I feel very lucky.

I hope so,
because for this week's Maxi Challenge,

you'll be performing the world premiere

of my new song "Lucky."


Now, each of you
will be singing and dancing

to your own original verse.

-Werk, bitch.

And soon, you lucky b*tches

will be working
with the mega-talented Jamal Sims.


I love Jamal!

I'm ready to choreograph
my whole life now,

-as long as Jamal's here.
-[all laughing]

America's gonna think I'm psycho

because I'm obsessed with Jamal,
but I'm obsessed with Jamal.

For your "Lucky" looks,

you can use fabric
from the fabric.com wall.

Last but not least,

each of you will be my guest
on Inside Drag Race[/i],

an intimate conversation
with me, Michelle Visage,

and a bowl of 13-year-old TicTacs.

[laughing, cheering]


Ladykins, this is not the moment
to hold anything back.

And if you're lucky, in two weeks,

you could be the one queen crowned

America's next drag superstar.


This is our last chance
to literally show the judges

that we deserve to be in the finale,

and, girl, am I gonna show them

that I deserve to be
in that f*cking finale.

Racers, start your engines,
and may the best drag queen win.


[Kandy] [/i]So for this challenge, we have
to come up with our own original lyrics,

and talk about why we're lucky
to be in the top four,

and kinda, you know, brag on the girls.

Rosé, why are you wearing that?

Because over here,
we're dressing in metallics.

Silver and gold.
A foreshadow, if you will, my angel.

Yeah, the top two,
and the two that are gonna go home next.


I'm so excited

because it's a performance-based
song and dance challenge,

and I'm a song and dance kind of girl.

Let's see yours. Oh my God,

your handwriting looks like
Declaration of Independence.

-John Hancock, mama.

Oh, baby, putting the cock
in the hand, okay?

[Kandy] Let's see.
Wait, so you're singing this whole thing?

Like, at the end, I might spin
a little baby rap moment

'-cause I haven't done that yet.
-Oh, she's a rapstress.

You know, I actually-- I do rap sometimes.

I've never heard you do that
back in New York.

Well, you're gonna discover
that I can rap.

When the coronavirus hit
and all of the bars closed down,

one way that I, like, turned a quick buck

was I would go on social media,

and I'd be like,
"Send me X amount of dollars."

"I will write you a personalized rap."

And, bitch, people went wild for it.

So I'm a self-employed
social media rap star.


Is anybody singing?

I'm fully gonna go in and, like, singing…

Doing the words
in a funny way to the beat.

I'm not singing anything.

I feel like I have been a little bit cunty

throughout the season…

-A little?
-…if you will.

And so I really want to do
kind of more of a "love yourself" vibe.

It's so different for me to just be like,
"La, la, rainbows, and I loves it,"

but that's how I f*cking feel right now!
It's, like, yes!

I'm just gonna write that down!

I just feel so happy and proud
of where I am right now.

Everything that's coming out of my brain
is just so happy and cutesy.

I started writing one
that was, like, a little too nice.

Like, "Love yourself."

And I was like, "All right,
let's reel it back a little bit."


-Baby, it's a brag track.

[Rosé] It's top four. Gotta lay it out.

-Be a little c**t-alina.

Okay, maybe we calm it down.

Like, we're not trying
to solve world peace here, gorg.

[Kandy] I will say,
I am a little bit nervous,

because I don't know if y'all realize,

but every single time we had
a f*cking group live performance,

I was in the bottom two.

And I'll be damned
if I'm gonna be in the bottom two

one more f*cking time in the finale.

-Baby, what are you gonna do different?

I'm noticing a pattern here, my love.

Kandy has suffered and been in the bottom
for challenges like this.

I can see things going south for her.

Well, this is our version
of The Actors Studio.[/i]

Yeah, of course.

-And Gottmik is here.
-Oh, hello!

It's time to have my talk
with Ru and Michelle,

and I am so excited.

-[RuPaul] Always so stylish.

Even as a kid, were you stylish as a kid?

Not the most.

Since I was in Catholic school
my whole life,

I was just uniformed out of my mind,

and I never even thought about it.

-You go to high school? In Phoenix?
-Yes, yeah, no, I--

-Yes, yes, no?
-Yes, yes, and no.

-[Michelle] Okay.

So when did the transition start?

-Three years ago now.
-[RuPaul] Wow.

Yeah, and then I got my top surgery
one year ago, like, last month.

We're twins.

I know! Oh, what a fun year for us.

[all laugh]

Tell me about Gottmik, the name Gottmik.

What's the significance?
How did you come to that name?

It is my--
The first part of my old first name

and then the first part of my last name,

and then I switched it.

That sounds like math, but--

So you took Mik and Gott, from Gottlieb.

-[RuPaul] Okay.
-And just put Gottmik.

-And now I go by Kade.
-[RuPaul] Okay.

I love it. It's a porn star name.

-[Michelle] It is.
-That's where I got it.

-[RuPaul] Got it from a porn star?
-It's a porn star…

[laughs] Oh my God,
you're clocking me on TV.

Did you think that you, Baby Gottmik--

Baby Gott Mik.

-Baby Gott Mik.
-Did you just come up with that?

I did. Thank you.

Oh my goodness.

My new single available on iTunes.

[all laugh]

Baby Gottmik, you got here to the final.

I know. I'm just so happy.

Have you surprised yourself
in this competition?

Unbelievably so.

I just learned that I'm so much more
than this physical,

like… [imitates clicking]
Like, gorgeous face thing.

And now coming in here,
I don't even think about that really.

That was your thing
that you had to break through.

You're not a seasoned performer.
You're a visual artist.

Looking back at all the challenges,

I can see where things
started clicking for me too.

And you have come so far
by just trusting who you are.

[RuPaul] Your brand of intellect

allows you to actually
describe your sense of humor.

Even the outfit you had on last week
with the watches,

it was so satisfying,
that entrée into your psyche.

I'm charmed by you, and that tickles me.

You're not only a pioneer,
but you have this…

What's that French term?

Joie de vivre.

-[RuPaul] What is it?
-Joie de vivre.

That thing, that thing
she's talking about.

There's this freedom about you
that is infectious,

and there's an ointment
to clear that up too.


I'm just having so much fun being here.

Everyone's like, "I'm so excited
to be home." I'm like, "Not me!"

"I'm gonna move into the Werk Room!"

I'm literally gonna be in the corner,
and I'm gonna be like, "Oh, new girls."


-I'll be behind the fabric wall.


This interview is just magic,

and I'm laughing, she's laughing,
Michelle's laughing.

It just couldn't get better than that.

Well, thank you so much, Gottmik.

You are lovely, and we've got some TicTacs
on the side of the stage for you.

Thank you, I'm starving.


Oh, it's the glowing TicTac orb.

-[Michelle] Thank you, sweetheart.
-Thank you.

Thank you, bye!

-[Michelle] Bye!
-[in a nasal voice] Bye!


Never want that to end ever.

I'm so sad that I'm even walking
off the stage right now.

But I am on cloud nine,
and no one can bring me down.

Come on down, Rosé.

-Hi, Rosé!

[RuPaul] Here we are at the final four.

The final four. I can't believe--

I can believe it, but pinch me, you know?

And you got the theater bug very early.

What was that moment
when that spark ignited?

The first time I was onstage,
I was about six years old.

It was the Christmas pageant,

and I got the big "Deck the Halls" solo.

Were you here,
or were you still in Scotland?

I was in Scotland.

Have your parents seen Rosé?

Oh, many times.

Oh, they live, they live for Rosé.

And are they here in America?

-[Rosé] Mm-hmm. They're in Houston.
-Oh, in Houston.

That's where… When we moved to America,
that's where we moved to, to Texas.

You're kind of new to drag, aren't you?

Uh, yeah, I'm three years.

That's pretty new, considering.

And you're a theater person.
You've been singing, dancing, acting.

-Forever, yeah.
-All these years, yeah.

What made you then go,
"Huh, I'm missing something?"

Well, I was in New York,

and I was auditioning and I was working,

and I just didn't feel inspired anymore.

I felt like the industry
was trying to put me into boxes

that I didn't feel like I belonged in.

So there's a freedom in drag
that I didn't feel in theater.

When I allowed myself
to start playing in drag,

I realized that I'm way, way more q*eer
than I'd ever imagined.

And whenever I'm in drag,

I'm doing everything
that I've always done on stage,

um, in any role.

It's just I'm… I'm Rosé.

There's a sort of perfectionist part
of your personality.

How has that changed?

I think I've loosened it up a little bit.


There comes a point
where you have to let go.

Being in the moment and finding your joy,

which emanates from within,
is life's sweet spot.

-That's the goal.
-What's your ultimate showbiz dreams?

I still would love
to be on Broadway as Rosé.

And I would love--
One of my biggest dreams

would be for me
and my girl group to be on the radio.

We're talking about Stephanie's Child.

Stephanie's Child, baby! Yes, werk.

What do you think they are going to say

about your appearance
here in this competition?

And the fact
that you got further than Jan?

-Are you competitive that way?

We are, but we're more so supportive.

-And Jan, uh…

Yeah, I think Jan's gonna
be really proud of me.

Well, listen, we're doing this competition
in the time of the coronavirus.

And I just wanna thank you
for participating

at a time when the world is upside-down.

Thank you also for sacrificing your life.


Very few things I'd do that for,

but coming here
was definitely one of them.

Thank you, Rosé.

Thank you so much.


It's nice to have
a more relaxed conversation

with Ru and Michelle about my time here,

and I know that they've really
seen my growth and my journey,

which is really nice.

Hi, Kandy.

[Michelle] Hey, Kandy girl!

Michelle, do you have any room
for a little Kandy?

I got a sweet tooth.

Ooh, always.

-Why did you choose the name Kandy?
-[Michelle] With a "K."

Um, well, I was watching
an Andy Warhol documentary.

It was on the life of Candy Darling,

who was his beautiful muse.

And I wanted to be gorgeous like her,

so I was like, "Oh, Candy."

And then my boy name is Kevin,

so Kevin with a "K," Kandy with a "K."

Most people think it's for Kardashian,
but mm, no, no, no.

-[Michelle] Oh, wonderful.
-[RuPaul] No.

You lip-synced for your life last week.

-You had a panic attack,

you had high blood pressure,
you had some asthma,

and you probably had
a little bit of the Zika.

[all laugh]

-Not the Zika!
-[Kandy] Now you know.

I think it was when I put
that pockets look on.

I knew. I was, like,
"Baby, they gonna read me."

I asked the girls backstage,
those shady b*tches,

I asked the girls, I said,
"Does this look good? Do not lie to me."

Them b*tches looked at me and said,
"You look fabulous, bitch."

-They didn't.
-I swear to God.

-Roll back the f*cking tapes.

Um, but I didn't feel my best.

What was the concept, boo?

Baby, your guess is as good as mine.

How have you changed
since you entered this competition?

I walked in here thinking
that I have to be a badass bitch

and show the girls how I'm the best.

I was ready to fight every bitch in here.

And now I'm just, like,
a little, like, Care Bear.

-I'm like, "Someone please hug me."

Are you surprised you're in that chair?

I'm not gonna sit here and lie
and say, "I'm so shocked to be…"

No, I earned my spot in the top four.

Have any of the critiques from the judges
struck a chord with you in particular?

First, I'm a little hard-headed.

I'm like, "Bitch, I know better than you."

But, like, I'm also f*cking delusional.


But, like, you know,
it's a journey and a half.

But I'm taking it all in,
and I'm really trying to apply it.

Before here,
everyone would make fun of my lisp,

my gap, my weight, just the way I talk.

And everything that I've been made fun of,
it's been celebrated here.

I think from there is where
I'm like, "Okay, I can do this."

[RuPaul] That's it.

That's the key right there.
You got it, kiddo.

Do you have any questions for us
before we wrap it up?

Um, did you really hate
that pockets look that much?

-You know what?

It was… It was almost bad enough
to be good again.

-That's exactly what I was going for.
-You are such a liar.

-Such a liar.

You are a very, very special queen,

and I am so excited
to see what the world has for you.

If Ru thinks I'm special,

and the gag is not a lot of girls
hear that from Ru, okay.

That has just fueled my fire,

and I am ready to fight
with every f*cking inch of me.

-[RuPaul] Thank you.
-Thank you.


Come on up here, Symone.

How are y'all doing?

What do you use on your skin

that makes it so sheeny-shiny
and delicious?

Just baby oil.

I hate you.


-So you're in the House of Avalon.
-How did you hook up with them?

I was doing drag before I met them,

and I did a competition
in Arkansas called Fresh Fish.


One of the house members
was one of the judges on the panel.

That's when I first met them,
and I knew at a very young age

I wasn't gonna live my life in Arkansas.

And I had to figure out
how I was gonna get out,

and they helped me in drag,
with q*eer culture,

all these things I didn't even really know

because I didn't--
I wasn't surrounded by it as a kid.

The House of Avalon was from Little Rock,

and they all moved to LA?

-Moved here.

[Symone] Everybody, yep.

Moving to LA was hard,

and I didn't realize how hard it would be.

I had to change a lot about myself.

[RuPaul] When I see your brilliance,

I immediately think, "Oh God.
I wonder how deep the saboteur is?"

Do you have what it takes
to thwart that off?

I think so.
Coming through all of this, I had to.

I'm very shy,

and people would look at me like
I don't understand where it comes from.

You have everything,
you have a sense of style,

you know how everything's
supposed to look.

What is it that makes you so shy?

And kinda woke me up in being, like,
"If you wanna be a star, act like it."

It's a journey. It's a work in process.

Tell us, tell us
what you think we feel about you.

I think you guys think I am fierce,

and that every time I round the corner

I just feel the energy
from the judges' panel,

and so she comes on.

Sometimes I can't look at y'all
'cause if I do, I'll break character. So…

Yeah, when you walk out on stage,
that character, for lack of a better term,

when did that develop?

-Oh man.
-You know, that girl.

-[Symone] That girl.

As soon as I started doing drag.

Because to me, Symone is the me
I didn't allow myself to be as a kid.

Symone helps Reggie
not be so in his head all the time.

She is the confidence,
she's the essence, the je ne sais quoi.

The shyness thing, it ends up
being a crutch and an excuse

for you to not really spread your wings.

Wow. That's not how my--
I never thought of it like that.

Let me give you another one,
blow your m*therf*cking mind.

-Do it, do it, boo!

[RuPaul] The power that you have in drag,

it's available to you
when you're not in drag.

You are Symone.

-I'm Symone.
-All right, Symone.

Wanna fix yourself a plate? You hungry?

-I would love to.
-You hungry?

I'm hungry, yeah.

Yeah, well, we got some
13-year-old TicTacs over there.

-Just for you.

And I'm gonna take all 13 years of them.

[all laugh]

Hearing that analysis
of what that really is,

it's basically saying

you're in your own way
about making it to the finish line.

'Cause, baby,
it's not that you lack anything.

It's that you're not allowing yourself
to shine.


What's up, ladies?

What's up, Jamal?

It's time for us
to learn the choreography for "Lucky."

The last time we worked
with Jamal was The Rusical,

so he knows
what he wants us to improve upon

and deliver for this final challenge.

This is a critical moment
in the competition,

and I really want
each individual to shine.

I want to bring out what you guys

have maybe not have been bringing out
in the other challenges.

This will be the hardest
I've been on you the whole season.

It's really critical
that you guys nail this,

and it's gotta be great.

-Symone, we're gonna start with you.

Going into it, I am, like, "Okay,
you know you have three left feet."

"So rather than trying to feel like

you need to be a dancer on a tour,
have fun with it."

-[Jamal] This part is sex on a platter.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight.

-[Jamal] All right?

So let's see that.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight.

-One, two-- Uh-oh.

-Not sexy. All right?
-Uh-huh. [laughs]

[Jamal] If somebody were sitting in there,
how would you make love to that chair?

I would go…

-That's what I'm looking for.

Don't think about the count.

It should be,
"This is fun, this is frilly."

-It's flirty fun.
-This is sexy.

Again. One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight, one.

-[Rosé] I love that.

The counts were wrong,
but the attitude is starting to get there.

Like RuPaul said earlier,
the power that's available to me in drag

is just the same
that's available to me outta drag.

And so I literally
just need to tap into that.

Gottmik. What I realized working with you
was that you're not a counter.

A lot of performers who aren't dancers
connect to lyrics.

That's what I want you to focus on.

I want you to focus on the lyrics.

Don't worry
about the one, two, three, four.

Worry about selling the lyrics, okay?

So that's what we're gonna work on today.

Oh, I f*cking love you!

Yeah? All right!
We're gonna pop two times.

Pop, pop.

♪ Mama Ru said we're all born naked ♪

Pop, pop.

-Oh yeah.
-[Jamal] Pop, pop.


Pop, pop. I'm like, ooh, child!

Look at this little white boy
up in there. [laughs]

We know what we have to work on?

Listening to the words and k*lling it.

Don't second guess it, just go with it.

Okay, werk.

With Jamal's help,

I'm gonna have this down gorgeously.

Maybe just not yet.

Kandy Muse is up next!

The first thing we're gonna do
is we're gonna go one, pop,

and you're gonna pop…
pop the puss. Whoomp, pop.

-[Symone] Ooh!
-[Jamal] And whoomp, pop.

I want you to tap it, just pat it.

-All right.
-I can't hit it too hard, baby.

Yeah, and then from here, one and two,

hold three, four,

five, six, seven, eight, and it goes back.

All right? Let's see that. One, pop it.

Uh-huh, and two, pop it.

Uh, boom. [vocalizes]

-[Jamal] All right?

I have to figure out where
when you say go back like that, but yeah.

Find that middle ground
where it's still sexy.

-Right, not only-- Yes.
-[Jamal] You understand?

I want it to be raw,
but we're going to harness it.

Give me precise moves.

The last time Jamal saw me,

I was in the bottom two
fighting for my life.

So I really need to make sure
that everything I'm doing

doesn't look like I'm at a club
flopping around like a f*cking fish.


You're gonna go one, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight.

It's very Dreamgirls.[/i]

One, two, three, four,
and five, six, seven, eight.

-Oh my goodness.

-[Symone] I felt that.
-I did too.

Rosé, that f*cking bitch.

She can literally see the step,
and she picks it up.

I don't understand it.

It's a gift. I wish I had it.

All right, now we're going into the rap,

and I need you to go wap, wap, wap.

So, yeah, so watch this.

This is gonna be a challenge.

Jamal wants me to kind of break it down,

♪ And that's not my strong point ♪

So I'm gonna have to work on that.

It's lower body, lower body, lower body,

and it's attitude. [vocalizes]

It's not a step.

It's not a one, two, three, four.

It's a swag.


[Jamal] It's really, really important
that you bring the realness,

and it's not so perfect.

I don't want you to be perfect.

I want you to loosen up
and really deliver a real performance.

You know what I mean?

-All right.
-[Kandy] Rosé is a perfectionist,

and I think the judges
have seen that the entire season.

But I think for the finale,
they wanted her to loosen it up.

But she's not delivering,
and there's a possibility

that one girl fucks up a tiny bit,

and Ru could be like,
"Mm, no, girl. You're not moving on."


Aah! Y'all, today's the day!
We are doing the "Lucky" performance.

Oh my God!

And I am ready to fight
and make it to the grand finale.

Because, bitch, I'm trying to be
America's next drag superstar.

Our last runway getting ready moment.

-[Symone] Oh, my goodness gracious.

[Rosé] Ooh, I love you so much.

I love you more. This is so exciting.

[Symone] It's a bittersweet moment.

It's so fabulous,
but it's also, like, "Man, this is it."

This is our last time
in front of the judges.

This is the last time
I'm gonna do a challenge.

-We're here at the end.
-At the end, girl.

[Kandy] Mik, this wig needs
to not make it anywhere.

Keep this away from me.

I don't know how it keeps running away.

-[Symone] Did you bring that?

What did you bring that for?

[Gottmik] You never know.

[all laugh]

You never know.
It's RuPaul's Drag Race [/i]Season 13.

[Symone] What's happening on the side?
Is that a fade?

There's lace around the sideburns.

That is everything.

-Oh, wow.
-[Rosé] That's artistry!

I'm sad. I wanna stay here forever.

[laughs] More runways!

-Mik fully wants, like, 75 more episodes.
-I know.

[Gottmik] [/i]I love these girls so much.

But one of us has to go home,

it is not going to be me.

Y'all, I freaking love this new song

that we are about to go
and f*cking do the video for.

-[Symone] I know.
-It is so cute.

Baby, I'm so excited for today.

My verse is lit, I sound awesome,

and I'm also ready as f*ck.

So, y'all, what was y'all's
first impressions of each other?

Rosé, well, I just thought
you were a shy little angel,

which is so f*cking weird now.

Yeah, I didn't really know
you were hilarious.

You literally told us
you were a comedy queen,

and I was confused.


I'm not gonna lie. I did not care at first
when I first met you.

I was, like, "Oh, well,
another one," and I did not--

-Another one!

[Symone] Another pretty chicken,
as Miss Kandy likes to say.


[Kandy] A bland piece of chicken,
Perdue, ain't no seasoning.

You know, she had no salt, no damn pepper,

no garlic, no nothin' on her ass.

Getting to know you, you are funny, bitch,

and you're just--
You're a star, and I love it.

It's been a complete 180 in my opinion.

She is just a powerhouse,

and I'm so happy that she finally let down
those walls and allowed us to see it.

Because I don't like uncooked chicken.

And Kandy, I was, like,

"Oh, we got the loud girl this season.
Okay, we'll see."

People usually have
a preconceived notion of who I am

and what I bring to the table
before I walk into the room.

You know, being the [/i]Kandy Muse,
everyone knows who she is.

-No, I'm kidding.
-[all laugh]

[Symone] But honestly, to see you
be so sensitive and owning your stardom

and everything about you
is inspiring, really is.

I love you, gal.

-Oh, I love you too!
-I'm your sister for sure.

[Kandy] Coming here, I didn't think
I was gonna make any, like, close friends.

But, like, y'all are like my good Judys,

my little besties,
my best friends from this point on.


-Y'all, this is so special.
-[Gottmik] I know, it really is.

I can see how much we have all grown.

Like, our growing journeys here,
they've all been so crazy.

-[Kandy] Oh yeah.

Before this competition,
my friends were like,

"If you ever got on Drag Race[/i]
and you have to do any type of comedy,

-I don't know what you're gonna do."

They were like, "You have to sing."
I was like, "You're right, I can't do it!"

-Like, so scared.

And now I'm here,
and I don't even wanna do makeup anymore.

I'm like, "I just wanna be a comedian."

Symone, should we go
on a roast tour together?

-Absolutely not.
-[all laugh]

Seeing who I am now compared
to who I was when I first walked in

is just so crazy,
and I'm so proud of myself

and what I did here, and I'm ready to win.

When I first walked in here,

I put a lot of kind of pressure on myself

just to make sure I was
representing the trans community

and the trans guy community especially,

because there's not a lot
of representation there at all.

And I feel like I've learned here

that the best way
to represent your community

is by just being you.

The pressure's just unnecessary.

That's the lesson I learned, for sure.

That right there, exactly what you said.

Coming out of this experience,

I've had to unpack
a lot of things about myself.

I was a very lonely and very shy kid.

I didn't love myself.

And to come in this competition
and to be able to blossom,

and the Symone that everyone sees,
I finally see it.

And let me tell you,
when you finally get on the other side,

it is a beautiful f*cking feeling.

Nobody can take that from me.

I love me, and I can say that.

[voice breaks] I can say that now.

Oh my God. [laughs]

The tea is there's four b*tches here,
there's one crown.

But the gag is how many of us

are going into the actual finale
for the crown?

I definitely see myself there,
so I'm going to be there.

I will say that out loud and proudly, so…

-[Rosé] I didn't come this far.

I'm not going anywhere, bitch.

-[Rosé] I'm bringing it.

I'm bringing the f*cking
roast Perdue chicken.

That's the main course.

-[Symone] Same.
-[Gottmik] I wanted to be top four

-'cause I wanna lip-sync against you.
-Yes, very that. [laughs]

Like, wouldn't that be a f*cking gag?

[Gottmik] I'm so close to being
in the finale of RuPaul's Drag Race[/i],

and I am not going to f*ck this up.


♪ L-U-C-K-Y, baby, come on ♪

["Cover Girl" by RuPaul playing]

[RuPaul laughs]

♪ Cover girl ♪

♪ Put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe ♪

♪ Let your whole body talk ♪

♪ And what? ♪

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.[/i]

Tonight it's just family.

Michelle Visage, now,
when's the last time you got lucky?

Honey, I don't get lucky, I stay lucky.


Style superstar Carson Kressley,

I hear your lucky number is 69.
Is that true?

No, it doesn't bring me luck,
just a neck ache.


And the hilarious Ross Mathews.

Ross, do you carry a lucky charm?

Well, these have always brought me luck.


White diamonds.

-Why they gotta be white?

This week, we challenged our queens
to shake their ice and roll the dice

in an epic performance
of my new single, "Lucky."

And tonight on the runway,
category is Drag Excellence.

Racers, start your engines,

and may the best drag queen win.

Get ready
for the world premiere of "Lucky."

♪ Ooh, wah, wah ♪

♪ Ooh, wah, wah ♪

♪ L-U-C-K-Y, baby, come on ♪

♪ p*ssy on fire, you're so lucky tonight ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm giving you
The show that you want ♪

♪ Wake up, girls
It's now time to listen ♪

♪ Hand on your hip, assume the position
Mama Ru said that we're all born naked ♪

♪ Gottmik says love your body
Don't fake it ♪

♪ Here's the tea, I put in werk, baby ♪

♪ So fight for yourself ♪

♪ And let all
The basic haters lerk, baby ♪

♪ That face that stamped so right
Clown paint and waist so tight ♪

♪ Boys, girls and in-between ♪

♪ It's time to crown your queen
Let's go ♪

♪ Yo, the Muse is back ♪

♪ Top four bitch on the track ♪

♪ She 'bout to bring it back
And you hos better watch your backs ♪

♪ Queens wish they had my spot ♪

♪ They said I would go first ♪

♪ Now I'm laughing from the top
Ha, ha, ha, ha ♪

♪ From the hood to Hollywood ♪

♪ With three bad b*tches on my side ♪

♪ Number one show-stopping diva ♪

-♪ Now I'm ready for my crown, bitch ♪
-[alarm blares][/i]

♪ Had, had to get your attention ♪

♪ That wasn't hard ♪

♪ Now I just need
To mention that you are ♪

♪ L-U-C-K-Y, baby, come on ♪

♪ p*ssy on fire, you're so lucky tonight ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm giving you
The show that you want ♪

♪ L-U-C-K-Y, honey, honey ♪

♪ A little twist and slide
You're so lucky tonight ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm giving you
The show that you want ♪

♪ You're so lucky
You're… you're so lucky-lucky ♪

♪ You're so lucky, Y-O-U-R-E so lucky ♪

♪ Little Scottish boy
Grew up to be the Supreme ♪

♪ I'm the definition of American Dream ♪

♪ Lucky for my daddy
Who believed in a star ♪

♪ But take it from Rosé
You better werk to go far ♪

♪ Everything about the bitch is right ♪

♪ Magnify the résumé, the font is tight ♪

♪ I can rap?
What a gag ♪

♪ Check it, baby, this is drag ♪

♪ Ahh, you wanna, wanna taste of me? ♪

♪ Ahh, I'm the mothertuckin'
Ebony Enchantress ♪

♪ It took a minute, oh, but now I see ♪

♪ Ahh, I'm the sugar, honey, ice tea ♪

♪ I got the fashion
Beauty, and the brains ♪

♪ You see that crown?
Oh, baby, that's for me ♪

-[alarm blares]
-♪ Had, had to get your attention ♪[/i]

♪ That wasn't hard ♪

♪ Now I just need
To mention that you are… ♪

♪ L-U-C-K-Y, baby, come on ♪

♪ p*ssy on fire, you're so lucky tonight ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm giving you
The show that you want ♪

♪ L-U-C-K-Y, honey, honey ♪

♪ A little twist and slide
You're so lucky tonight ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm giving you
The show that you want ♪

♪ You're so lucky
You're… you're so lucky, lucky ♪

♪ You're so lucky, Y-O-U-R-E so lucky ♪

♪ You're so lucky
You're… you're so lucky, lucky ♪

♪ You're so lucky, Y-O-U-R-E so lucky ♪

♪ L-U-C-K-Y, baby, come on ♪

♪ p*ssy on fire, you're so lucky tonight ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm giving you
The show that you want ♪

♪ L-U-C-K-Y, honey, honey ♪

♪ A little twist and slide
You're so lucky tonight ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm giving you
The show that you want ♪

♪ You're so lucky
You're… you're so lucky, lucky ♪

♪ You're so lucky, Y-O-U-R-E so lucky ♪

♪ You're so lucky
You're… you're so lucky, lucky ♪

♪ You're so lucky, Y-O-U-R-E so lucky ♪

-Oh my goodness!


♪ Bring back my girls ♪

Category is Drag Excellence.

Up first, Gottmik.

-[Ross] I think she's spotted us.
-[Michelle] Circle gets the square.

[all laugh]

[Gottmik] I am polka-dotted head to toe.

All of my glory holes out and proud.

My makeup is stamped.

I have my clown white face,

but then I also have holes
that show my skin tone.

This look is really creative,

out of the box, show-stopping drag.

I feel so Baby Gottmik, bitch.

I feel what?

Gorg. [laughs]

[RuPaul] Gottmik? It's more like Spotmik.

-[Michelle] I love it, period.
-[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Kandy Muse.

[Carson] Thank you for being transparent.

[RuPaul] Now, that's a queen
that likes it meshy.

[Michelle] We love a meshy bottom.

[Kandy] Walking down the runway
for the last time,

I feel so beautiful.

A lot of girls for the finale

usually choose to wear gowns
and all this glamorous stuff.

But Kandy don't do glamour
and gowns, baby.

So I'm giving a true-to-me fun,

sexy, flirty, and chic, but ho.

Doesn't matter
what circumstances I'm put in,

I'mma always be cute and easy, bitch.

[RuPaul] Kandalisa.

I've heard of a lace front,
but she got a lace back.

[Michelle] Mm-hmm.

[RuPaul] Rosé.

Is that a shillelagh in your pocket,

or are you just happy to see me?

[Ross] Beam me up, Scotty.

[Rosé] This look is a dream for me,[/i]

to wear a gown of tartan.

It is Scottish as f*ck.

My hair is the most beautiful shade
of Scottish orange ginger,

and it is down to my f*cking ass.

I am in love with the way
I look from head to toe.

[Carson] I'm not plaid about it.

[Ross] She kilt it.

[RuPaul laughs]

[RuPaul] Symone.

-As Leontyne Price.
-[Carson] Yes, ma'am.

[Michelle] Y'all, do these sleeves
make my ass look big?

[RuPaul] Sleeve Symone alone!

[Symone] I am wearing[/i]
this beautiful purple gown[/i]

with larger-than-life sleeves.

They are so obnoxiously big,
and I love an obnoxious sleeve.

And I feel just on top of the world.

I really wanted to make
the statement of our hair

and the way we wear it is beautiful.

I wanted to bring Black excellence
to this competition,

because I wanted to show

that you can be that
and be unapologetic about it.

[Michelle] She is cornrowing
down the competition.

[Ross] Even her sleeves are in drag.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Ladies and gentlemen,
Cicely Tyson.

Welcome, queens.


[RuPaul] You have been through so much.

I know how tough it is
to do this competition,

especially during these
trying times here on planet Earth.

I just wanna not only thank you,

but applaud you for a job well done.

Give yourselves a big round of applause.

And just a little word of advice
when you go out into the world

after you leave this competition.

-Pay your taxes…
-[all laugh]

…and don't read the comments section.

Just don't. It's not worth it.

The truth is, the only comment
you need to remember

is that you are a star,

and I'm proud of each
and every one of you.

All right, so this is
gonna be your last critique…

[sighing] Ooh.

…before we decide who makes it
to the grand finale of RuPaul's Drag Race.[/i]

So let's get started.

-First up, Baby Gottmik.
-Baby Gottmik.

This look is really fashionable
and completely original.

You hit that sweet spot, pun intended,

where it's glamorous,

but it also has
a really chic sense of humor.

Yes. Thank you.

[Carson] [/i]You've brought that in almost
every look this entire competition.

Some of the best looks,
I think, in Drag Race [/i]herstory.

Thank you.

-Don't throw up. That's not washable.
-[RuPaul laughs]

Oh, yeah.

In your performance in the video…

♪ That face that stamped so right ♪

It was, like, Gottmik is going for it.

Fantastic work.

I was watching that tape,
and when you weren't even taping,

you were smiling
and you were so excited to be here.

Oh yes.

And I so appreciate your attitude.

Gottmik, your journey,
it's been so much fun to watch.

[Ross] From your performance
in The Rusical to your Snatch Game,

you've impressed me every week.

[RuPaul] You are creative.

That is what excites me.
That's what turns me on.

And I am so proud of you.

There were a few times in this competition
that you mentioned your parents…

[voice breaking] …and it really touched me
when you mentioned them.

Because I think about kids
around the world

who don't feel that they fit in here
or they fit in there

or what box they're supposed to fit in.

You've given them a roadmap,

and I watched you in this competition
grow and expand.

I am so proud of you,

and I know your parents
are proud of you, too,

because now they really understand

what a gift you are to this world.

I can't even thank you enough.

To me, I just really feel like
you do understand what I'm doing.

I just wanna, after this competition,

take the same energy you put into me,

and put it into the community
and the world.

That's what it's all about.

-Thank you, Gottmik.
-Thank you.

Up next, Kandalisa Muse.

[all laugh]

This look on the runway tonight,
super detailed.

The tailoring is right,
the proportions are right,

the makeup, the hair, that highlight
on the apples of your cheeks,

all of those details, super fun.

And then in the music video…

You hos better watch your[/i] ♪[/i]

[Carson] [/i]You just have tons of charisma.

My favorite lyric
in your verse in the video

is "from the hood to Hollywood."

I relate, I get it, and it's authentic.

I did an adult film
called Hood to Hollywood [/i]actually.

-[all laugh]

So it resonates with me as well.

Still have the scars.

I am so happy you are here.

And, yes, there have been some moments
where you fell off the horse, so to speak,

mostly with some of the looks,
but you get back on every time.

You found your lane,
and you stayed true to you.

Whether it was Bossy Rossy,
when you got that win in the roast…

She died.

No one else can do Kandy Muse.

When you needed to fight, you fought

like a girl from the South Bronx would.

-You've gotta fight, gotta want it,

and that's what you have.

You have that drive, and it's exciting.

And you're so funny,

I want Kandy breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

[all laugh]

I watch you and love you
because you're so funny.

But more than that, I can see
your heart when you perform.

Your heart, your soul,
sometimes your lower intestines.

You give your all.

[all laugh]

Thank you so much, Kandy.

Thank you.

Up next, Rosé.

What a journey it's been for you.

From the first lip-sync,

I could see your face the most
going, "What the f*ck?"

[Rosé laughs]

[Michelle] "Are you for real?"

You are so talented and such a presence

and are so good at what you do.

And you've also grown so much.

You're a professional, and it shows.

This runway look, which is so gorgeous,

I love the pleating details
and the lace details.

This is, like, a formal night
at Highclere Castle.

You always bring a look
that is somehow on-brand for Rosé.

And you bring a level
of professionalism and polish

to the runway that I really appreciate.

In your music video,
when you come to the stage, you're ready.

You hit every mark.
You had all the beats in the dance.

Your voice was beautiful,

and you went into speed rap,
which I loved.

Every challenge that I worked with you on,

you were the most prepared
when they walked on set.

From the commercial to the movie parody
when you were on your knees,

which is always a good way
to get ahead in Hollywood.

I think you're sort of the full thing.
You have style, you're funny,

you can sing, you can act, you can dance.

They call that a drag grand slam,

which you can also order off
the menu at Denny's if you ask.

-[all laughing]
-[Ross] They'll serve it.

I am so proud of you.

You deliver.

We can always depend on you

to come through and make it work.

You can do it all. Total package.

Rosé is the TP, total package.

You should be very proud of yourself,
because I definitely am.

Thank you.

Up next, Symone.

This is spectacular.

You do a thing that's very rare,

where, no matter what you wear,

you're wearing the clothes,
they're not wearing you.

You are in charge, you are selling it,

you are looking gorgeous,
you are looking regal.

I just think we should
take a picture of this

and we should email it to Anna Wintour,

and we've got the October cover.

How many iconic looks
has Symone already had?

I have goosebumps because
I enjoyed it so much all season long.

-Thank you.
-In the performance in the "Lucky" video,

again, a real standout.

You have so much charisma,

and I'm buying whatever you're selling,

including Sweet Toof.

You're gonna need it.

I've ordered a case at the Wiggly Piggly.

[all laugh]

Do you remember Mary Poppins' purse?

Yeah, and she would
just pull, like, a ladder out?

Well, I think you stole
the bitch's suitcase,

'cause you're pulling some shit out
week after week after week.

I wasn't here for some of the foibles.

-I guess the singing didn't go so well.
-It didn't, no.

After coaching you
through that vocal challenge

and getting to where you were in "Lucky,"

I was, like, screaming watching it.

Because you did it.

I listened.

This competition is about
learning what you're good at,

camouflaging what you're not,
and staying true to yourself.

When we falter, when we fall,

it gives the world an opportunity

for them to see us get back up
and then survive,

and that's what you have done,

and looking good as you do it.

Love it, love it.

Thank you, Symone.

Of course. Thank you.

Queens, to share
your wisdom and experience,

especially with our young viewers
around the world,

it's become a Drag Race [/i]tradition
for me to ask you this question.

Gottmik, you gave us permission
to show this childhood photo.

Yeah. [laughs]

What do you have to say
to your two-year-old self?

Hi, Kade. That's your name now.
Get into it.

Um, you know, there's one side of you

that just loves laughing and life,

and then there's another side

that just feels like
you just don't fit in.

And you just need to realize
that you have to live your truth,

and the second you trust
that you know who you are,

your whole life is gonna change.

Those years of being
uncomfortable in your own skin

is gonna make you grow
an even thicker skin,

and you're gonna be able
to look in the mirror

and say, "I love you."

And you're gonna take over the world.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

Kandy Muse.

What advice do you have
for your three-year-old self?

[queens chuckle]


People are not gonna get you.

People are gonna try
to physically hurt you,

mentally harm you.

There's gonna come a time in your life

where you are gonna have to choose

if you're gonna wanna
live your life to the fullest…

or end up in jail.

But you are gonna grow so strong from it.

You don't have to put the blame
on yourself for everything.

And you can't change.

And you're a c**t, bitch,
you've always been a c**t.

[all laugh]

Look at that hat.

Love that.

Rosé, what advice do you have
for your two-year-old self?

You are so severely blessed

by a love

that your parents will teach you
throughout your life.

A lot of kids don't get that.

And one day you're gonna find
something called drag,

and you will finally begin
to really understand yourself.

And then it is your job
to teach others that love.

And you gotta take that bow tie off,

because there's four b*tches that will
read you for looking too perfect.

-[all laugh]
-Put it in the hair, yeah.

I like the bow tie.

I'm not a big fan of bow ties.

[all laugh]

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

All right, Symone.

What advice do you have
for your three-year-old self?

Reggie… [sobs]

You're gonna grow up
and you're gonna believe

all the things that people say about you.

That there is something wrong with you,

that you can't be Black and gay…

…that you can't be feminine
and be successful.

And you are gonna hate yourself.

Please don't make the mistake I did.

Love yourself,

and then you're gonna go
and live your dream one day

and meet somebody who inspires you.

And she's gonna call you a star.

And you're going to do everything they say
that you couldn't do,

and you're gonna be great.

Thank you.

Thank you, queens.
I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck in the Werk Room,

the judges and I will deliberate.

You may leave the stage.

Okay, just between us squirrel friends,

what do you think?

We've got our final four,

and they are a fabulous final four.

-[RuPaul] [/i]Let's start with Baby Gottmik.


Gottmik's performance in the "Lucky" video

just shows how far she's come.

It's just a tremendous amount
of growth in a season.

And then don't get me
started on the fashion.

Oh my goodness.

I think my favorite thing
is when high fashion meets stupid.

-[Ross] And that was it tonight.

[Carson] 101 reasons to love it.

[all laugh]

She was never in the bottom,
and she's gotten better and better

and that was just so fun to watch.

Beyond all of the looks and the growth,

this kid has charmed me to no end.

Kandy Muse. Kandalisa.

In the "Lucky" video, she was ready,

and I was so here for it.

[Ross] I will tell you this.

When it comes to understanding
what Kandy Muse is saying,

-I'm up to about 90 percent.

The quality of her voice is so original.

Everything about Kandy is original.

And she's grown as a person.
She's grown as an artist.

She's got it.

[RuPaul] [/i]Rosé.

In these challenges,
she was so ready, on her mark,

knew her lines, had the character.

Are we sure she's not a robot?


Is she Vicki from Small Wonder[/i]
all grown up?

Her verse in "Lucky,"

of course the minute she started singing,
I was like, "That's Rosé."

She also dropped a rap,

and she was speed-rapping.

That's not easy, and you could hear
every word she was saying.

I think she's at her best

when she can combine that structure
she puts into everything and her heart.

Rosé is a true professional. Wow.

All right, let's move on to Symone.

You know, I could not
take my eyes off of her.

The camera, when it looks at her,

it's like it's pointing. Look over here.

And you just… you can't ignore her.

-Look over there!
-Look over there! [laughs]

You can't ignore her.

What an absolute joy to watch.

It's just above and beyond.

It's two plus two equals 5,000.

You know, I can't believe
Symone's from a little town in Arkansas.

A star that bright was just unknown,

waiting to be discovered.

And, you know,
her emotional speech on the runway,

it was so beautiful.

It's a close race, Ru.

Silence! I've made my decision.

[in Japanese] Bring back my girls.

[in English] Welcome back, queens.

You all did an amazing job this week

and all season long.

And Michelle, Carson, Ross,
and I feel very lucky

that we got to share
this incredible adventure

with each of you.

However, before I can
determine who moves on

to the grand finale of RuPaul's Drag Race,[/i]

I want to see you all

lip-sync for your life.

I have not been in the bottom two
during this competition,

and this is the top four.

The stakes are higher
than they ever have been or will ever be.

But you're going to do it

one at a time.

I am truly gagged to my core.

I assumed I was gonna be
running around the stage

with all four of these b*tches,

just bumping into them,
living my fantasy, but, no.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself from elimination.

-The time has come…
-[thunder rumbles]

…for you to lip-sync…

for your life!

Good luck,

and don't f*ck it up.

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Did you think I'd still care ♪

♪ That there'd be more feeling there? ♪

♪ Did you think you could walk back ♪

♪ In my life? Oh ♪

♪ So you found you missed
The love you threw away, oh ♪

♪ Would have sold my soul then ♪

♪ Just to have you back again ♪

♪ Sorry, but you changed
Your ways too late ♪

♪ So you know the way it feels to cry ♪

♪ The way that I cried ♪

♪ When you broke my world in two, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ So when all you've got ♪

♪ Are sleepless nights ♪

♪ When those tears
Are clouding up your eyes ♪

♪ Just remember it was you ♪

♪ Who said goodbye ♪

♪ Who said goodbye, yeah ♪

♪ Baby, I've learned the way ♪

♪ I've learned the way ♪

♪ I've learned the way to break a heart ♪

♪ I learned from the best ♪

♪ I learned from you ♪


Ladies, I've made my decision.

When I call your name,
please step forward.


Kandy Muse.




you are all moving on
to the grand finale of RuPaul's Drag Race.[/i]

[chuckling, gasping]

That's right.
We've got ourselves a final four.


Condragulations, queens.

Thank you.

Now I wanna hear from you, the viewers.

Are you Team Gottmik,

Team Kandy,

Team Rosé,

or Team Symone?

Let your voice be heard,

and tune in next week
for RuPaul's Drag Race [/i]"Reunited."

And join us in two weeks
for the grand finale,

where we're gonna crown
ourselves a winner, baby.

Now remember, if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an "amen" up in here?

[all] Amen!

That's right. Now let the music play!

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Losers, weepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Finders, keepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Losers, weepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪
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