13x14 - Henny, I Shrunk The Drag Queens!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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13x14 - Henny, I Shrunk The Drag Queens!

Post by bunniefuu »

[RuPaul] Previously on [/i]RuPaul's Drag Race…

We're throwing a Nice Girls Roast.



Your angel needed an angel.

[all laugh]


Oh, I'm sorry.
I thought you could speak whale.

[RuPaul] Symone.

You were overthinking it,
and it just became a spiral.

[RuPaul] Utica Queen.

Some of these were just observations
and kind of harsh.

[RuPaul] Kandy Muse.

You were my Don Rickles tonight.

Condragulations. You're the winner
of this week's challenge.


Symone, shantay, you stay.

Utica, sashay away.



[Rosé] Oh, Utica.

[Kandy] Oh, bitch,
not this long-ass message!

Utica just left us.

I love that little nut.

She is my little, strange being
on this Earth.

"Love yourself inside and out."

"Wiggle to the south, Utica."

[all laughing]

Of course it has to be me against Utica,
'cause, you know, she's my twin.

-You ate your twin.
-I ate my twin, bitch.

I said it so many times.
I need to get out of my head.

Something is holding me back.
I need to figure out what it is,

because it literally landed me
in the bottom this week.

And I am determined to get to the top.

And if I don't change
something in my head,

I'm not gonna make it.

[Rosé] Kandy, I want
to congratulate you on your win.

[cheering] Oh my God!

-You have your first f*cking win.
-Oh my God!

-How does it feel?
-You don't even understand how happy--

Listen, the roast is
such a, like, a Drag Race [/i]staple,

and I was like, "Oh my God, werk!"

The gag is, I don't think Aja and Dahlia
won a challenge on their season, either.

I don't think so, either.

So I'm over the moon.

-[Symone] Yes.

I feel like I am
in this f*cking race for real,

and I am ready to fight
to the f*cking end.

I'm so happy right now.
This is like the best day of my life.

RuPaul compared my comedy
to Phyllis Diller.

Down the road in a few years,

if there's, like, a little roast tour,
I wanna sit next to you, bitch.

[Gottmik] Girl!
That used to be my worst fear.

I would see those tours,
and I'd be like, "Not me."

And now I'm like, "Yeah!"

"I wanna read you b*tches down."

You have it, honey. You got it.
You Gottmik.


The fact that I've learned
that I can actually kind of write jokes

and deliver them on stage is so crazy.

And it just has really opened my eyes

that there's so much to my drag
that I have not really explored yet.

We are at the top m*therf*cking five.

Yeah, we are.

-And that is a milestone in itself.
-[Symone] Yeah, bitch.

But the reality is, baby,
one of us has to go home next.

How y'all feeling?

I'm definitely ready to fight
for that spot in the top four.

I know it's gonna be difficult--

Oh, baby, this is gonna be
a fight to the top four,

because I know you b*tches
are f*cking fierce,

and no one wants to give up
their spot in that finale.

-Absolutely not.
-[Gottmik] My top five angels!

-Let's get it f*cking on!
-[all cheering]

Divas, divas, divas, divas,
divalicious divas.

It's anyone's game, baby.

Coast to coast.


And on that note, f*ck you, b*tches.

We are this close to the top four.

If I have to cut a bitch,
if I have to send a bitch home,

I will do what it takes to get to the top.

If you didn't believe in me before,

oh, baby, start believing
in me now, because, bitch…

[dramatic music playing]

-…I'm here to win.

[car engine starts]

[RuPaul] The winner of [/i]RuPaul's Drag Race
receives a one-year supply[/i]

of Anastasia Beverly Hills cosmetics

and a cash prize of $100,000.

With extra-special guest judge,
Cynthia Erivo.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best woman ♪

♪ Best woman win ♪

[tires screech]

-Oh my God! Top five!


[Rosé] It's a new week,
and I'm ready to go.

I feel like I belong here,

and I'm not going anywhere, bitch.

[laughing] So let's f*cking roll.

[Kandy] Oh my God, look.

-We are on one side.
-Oh my God!

It's so crazy to think

of all the shit we've done
and all the b*tches we've lost.

This table used to be f*cking full
all the way around.

Aw, y'all are like my best friends.

-[al] Aw!

Wait till you see
the confessionals, my love.

[all laughing]

-[alarm blaring]
-[RuPaul] Ooh, girl![/i]

She done already done had herses.

My queens, they say
there are no small parts,

only small actors.

But if you're lucky,

one day you might meet a small actor

with some very big parts.


[Olivia] Acting?

Hello, hello, hello.


[RuPaul] My top five queens.

Now, America's next drag superstar

needs to have the star power
to outshine her competitors.

So for this week's Maxi Challenge,

you'll all be starring
in the new sci-fi adventure,

Henny, I Shrunk the Drag Queens!

-[all laugh]

Now, this special effects extravaganza

takes place on the Drag Race[/i] set,

where you'll be portraying
tiny, teeny, tiny drag queens

-fighting for your very survival.

Now, this, of course,
has been based on a true story,

but the names have been changed
to protect the guilty.


First, there's Dominique Perignon,
the mean one.

She's power-hungry and a little cray-cray.

Then there's Margarita, the smart one.

She's sexy and a natural-born leader.

Then there's Brandy, the sarcastic one,

a real wise-cr*cker.

And then there's Chardonnay,
the whiny one.

And last but not least,
Ginger Ale, the dumb one.

She's real sweet and real stupid.


Now, to help create
your characters' looks,

feel free to use materials
from fabric.com.

Ladykins, this week will determine

who makes it to the top four
of RuPaul's Drag Race,[/i]

so do not ferk it up.

Every single acting challenge
or improv challenge that we've had,

I've been in the top.

So I feel confident
that I can do what I do best.

Racers, start your engines,
and may the best drag queen win.

All right, Kandries,
pass out these scriptalinas.

"So five queens enter the Werk Room

as in coming from the main stage,

grabbing cocktails in silence."

We're looking over the script.
Oh, it's a thick script, honey.

And we're realizing that these
characters are very familiar.


-All right.
-[Gottmik] That is so funny.

-First of all, I love this script.
-It's a very funny script.

[Symone] I know exactly which one I want.

Let's just go down the line
and say who we each want,

and we'll decide on who's who.

I think Ginger Ale
could be cute and funny.

The judges have been telling Olivia
that every time she gets up there,

she gives this apologetic, shy girl thing,

and that's what this Ginger Ale role is.

So if I were her,
I would not be trying to do that.

Yeah. [laughs]

I think I definitely wanna be Brandy.

And I was thinking Chardonnay.

Yeah, that's my number one.

Okay. Symone?

I want Miss Dominique.

Okay, I definitely want Dominique as well.


Kandy and Symone,
one of you will play Dominique.

One of you will play Margarita.

Well, I want Dom, so… Mm.

I really want to play Dominique Perignon

because she is a central part
of the story.

Everything's happening because of her,

and I really wanna stand out.

Like, I feel like it's a side of me
that I haven't really shown the judges.

It's just a fun f*cking character to play,
and I really, really want it.

Yeah, I want Dominique as well.

Well, luckily, Elliott's here
to hold an audition for you.

-[all laugh]
-[Symone] Elliott?

The character that Symone
doesn't want is Margarita.

Margarita is the sexy, logical, smart one,

a natural-born leader.

I'm like, "Werk, that's very Symone."

Dominique is the villain,
crazy, delusional.

That's me. Dominique is mine.

I want Dominique.

So what should we do
for an acting momento?

Are we gonna rock-paper-scissors it out?
Are we gonna vote?

The character description is so you.

Natural-born leader.
I don't see that for me. The smart one?

Out of the two of you, I'd definitely say
Symone's the smart one.

[all laugh]

All right, I'll take it.

I'll take Margarita
or whatever the f*ck, yeah.

-You'll take Margarita?



I don't want this role.
Margarita is the dry one,

and it's not necessarily a fun role.

But that's the way the cards fell,
and I don't wanna have to fight

when I know I could do Margarita too.

So I'm just gonna
have to put myself into it,

and nail it,
and prove that I deserve to be in the top.

Do we have enough time to do
a read-through now as the parts?

Yeah, we can do, like,
a quick little read-through.

Baby, we're at the very end stretch
of this competition.

Oh my God.

Baby, it's you or me,
and I did not come here to give up my part

so that you could win.

Girl, you scare us.

It's like you'll do anything to win.

Anything? [laughs]

Anything? Ha!

So that's why all our makeup
keeps disappearing.


This week we have an acting challenge,

and we are all starring
in Henny, I Shrunk the Drag Queens![/i]

The past acting challenges,
I have just been safe,

and there's no time to be safe anymore,

so I need to step up

whatever the hell I thought
I was doing before.

The characters are pretty much us,
so I would imagine that we can kinda like…

-Be ourselves?
-Be ourselves.

I think so too.

And well, Rosé, yours is butch,
so definitely be yourself.

That's gonna be a stretch, but I'll try.


-[all laugh]

Oh! Did you hear it? I heard it!

-I heard it…
-It was definitely audible.

All right, so let's break off.
Let's go. Let's go do our stuff.

-[Gottmik] What are you gonna wear?
-[Kandy] Yeah, I would love to know.

[Gottmik laughs]

My biggest concern for this challenge
is what the f*ck are we gonna wear?

Because, baby,
we're at the end of this competition,

so we barely have any drag left.

The options are few,

and I also have to make sure
they fit with the character.

I can't come out
in, like, a huge ball gown

trying to be a butch queen.

Oh, that's cute. That's kind of butch.

-It's very butch. Yeah.
-Yeah. Like, what?

Oh my God. Look at how Rosé's hair
is making me miss my baby Joey Jay.

My forever fallen angel.

Oh, Joey!

I need to ask.
Can this go on green screen?

Baby, today we are gonna be
in front of the green screen,

and clearly in front of a green screen,
you can't wear green,

shiny things,
stones that reflect off the green.

For drag queens, it's difficult.

-[Symone] Is this, like, green?
-Let me see.

Yeah, they're gonna say no.

I am freaking out, because I'm like,
"I didn't get the role I wanted,

and the things I wanna wear
are not suitable for green screen."

And I just need a moment
of something going right for me,

because it feels like
things are just falling apart around me.

There's like this. [/i]This is a skirt,
and then this goes on top.

Like, this goes, like, here.

I feel like that's, like, too villainy.

I can't help
but, like, think about my house,

the House of Avalon.

We're such perfectionists
in everything that we do,

and I don't want to let anyone down,

and I don't want to look bad
and then, like, disappoint everyone.

I don't wanna be like,
"You have four wins,

but also lip-synced three times,"

and be, like, scrambling
to get into the top.

Like, I just don't want to look a fool.
I don't. I can't.

[alarm blaring]

-[Symone] Oh, bitch!
-[RuPaul] Ooh, girl.[/i]

-She done already done had herses!
-[Symone] What now?[/i]

[Rosé] We're gonna have to do all this
while falling off a building.

[Gottmik] Literally.

Hey, girls, how's it going? It's Scarlett!

[all exclaiming]

[Olivia] Scarlett Johansson? Oh my gosh!

Black Widow!

I'm living.

I'm such a fan of the show.

I'm so sad I have not been
in the Werk Room,

but it's been a dream of mine

to participate for a long, long time,

so this is really exciting for me.

-[all exclaim]
-Baby, you're in the Werk Room right now.

You're in the Werk Room right now.

It feels like it.

-[all laugh]

So I hear that you guys may need
a little bit of acting advice?

-What's going on?[/i]

Today we're doing an acting challenge

where we're gonna be
on green screen in this room,

and we're gonna be shrunk really small.


Um, we're gonna fight things
like giant cats.

How would you recommend

being against these, like,
imaginary monsters?

Um, acting is all about making
a situation that's unreal

feel very real.

So I would say
that the most important thing

is that you have a lot of conviction.

Whether you're fighting Thanos

or, like, a giant, spiky heel.

You know what I mean?

And so that comes
from believing in yourself.

If you don't believe in your own self,

then no one in the audience
is gonna believe you.

-You're a very sweet person, I can tell,

but have you ever had to play
a villain in a movie,

and how did you get into character?

The most important thing
when you're playing a villain

is you have to love
the character that you're playing,

even if they're, like, evil to the core.

You really have to have
a lot of sympathy for them.

You know, you really have
to feel for the character.

Yeah, thank you.

Some of the roles we have
are a little bit smaller than the others,

so I was just wondering
if you had any advice

on how to really stand out
when you don't have a lot of lines.

Remember that there are no small parts.

There are only small queens.

So, you guys, you know,
you wanna make sure

that even though you don't have
as much screen time,

that you have made the character
in your mind,

you have a whole story for your character,

so then the character
feels really complete.

It's like sometimes
if I'm reading some lines,

I'll kind of read them in the mirror,

sort of make sure
you practice a little bit of those looks,

and see what you come up with, you know.

You might be surprised.

-[Scarlett] Any other questions?[/i]

I have one guest question.

The movie, will it be called Size Queens?[/i]

[all laughing]

Oh, wait.

Hopefully, 'cause you're looking
at a room full of size queens, so…


All right, ladies, good luck.
Don't mess this up.

The future of cinema

rests on your very tiny,
tiny, tiny shoulders.

-[Scarlett] Nice to meet you. Good luck.[/i]

[Olivia] Bye, Scarlett.

-Thank you so much!
-[Gottmik] Thank you so much.

It's just really crazy

to think that we just talked
to Scarlett Johansson.

I just feel like it's surreal.

[Kandy] Oh my God.

And we made it this far.
We got this treat of speaking to her.

So, like, let's go into it

and just give it the best you can.

Give it 100, you know.


Hello, queens.

It's time to sh**t
Henny, I Shrunk the Drag Queens![/i]

with Michelle and Carson.

Are y'all ready to get shrunk?


As you know, these acting challenges,
it's all about larger-than-life presence.

But today you're gonna
be about four inches tall.

[all laugh]

That's so small.
I know exactly what four--

-Stop it!
-[Carson] Anyway…

So you need to go big,

because you don't wanna be outshined,
or, rather, squashed.

Okay, you're in the Werk Room,

and this is right after
you've been shrunken.

All right, lights, camera, action!

Is it just me,

or did the toxic overhead lighting

make the furniture huge?

There's only one way for us
to return to our normal size.

-What is it?
-We've gotta get-- Ooh, sorry.

We've gotta go all the way
across the Werk Room

-and find the shade button.
-[Michelle] Cut, cut.

You're strong. You need to be, like,

-you know what to do.

You are the scientist saving the day.

"We've got to go all the way
across this Werk Room."

You're leading them to victory.

Oh, okay.

It's really weird and kind of hard

to, like, act off of something
that's not there,

and while also being in character,
while also trying to overact in the scene

with these four other b*tches.

We've gotta go all the way
across the Werk Room

and activate the shade button.

Symone is bringing back her voice
that she uses in acting challenges.

Flag fac-try.

I call it the "fac-try voice,"
and it's so funny.

-Here, kitty, kitty.
-[Olivia] [/i]But at the same time,

I think she's second-guessing
the character,

and at this point in the game
you have to be confident

in every decision that you're making.

You like that? Ooh, yeah, get that.

Go, kitty, go!

[Carson] Okay, let's move on.

Kandy, for this part,
Ginger Ale is reading you.

That's making you smaller.

[Michelle] Action.

"Look at Dominique."

"She's shrinking!"

[screams] No!

My wicked beauty!

No, let's go back, let's go back.

No, do it again, do it again, no!

[shouts] No!

My wicked beauty!

No, no, no.

"My beautiful wickedness." Do it again.

[screams] No!

My beautiful wickedness!

-One more time, one more time!

[screams] No! My wicked beauty!

-No, your beautiful wickedness!
-[Kandy] No!

My beautiful wickedness!

-[Carson] One more time!
-[Michelle] One more time. Great work!

Kandy is a big personality,

so whatever character she gets,
that is an asset to her.

[Kandy] My beautiful wickedness!

But I would have done
a great job as Dominique.

[Michelle] And this. Dominique!


[Kandy] My vocal cords hurt,

but, baby, I'll worry about that later on.
I'm trying to win this challenge.


[Carson] Okay, so, guys,
this is our special effects moment,

where you are climbing up
on a sewing machine cord.

You kids have to really
sell the hell out of this.

If Batman and Robin can do it,
you can do it.

-And action!

Are you sure
this is how Scarlett Johansson

got the role of [/i]Black Widow?

Ooh, I loved her in
Girl With the Pearl Necklace.[/i]

Olivia is stuck in what she knows,

and as a performer and a drag queen,

you need to kind of show the judges,
like, all sides of you.

No one's smiling and happy 24/7, so…

[Michelle] It's hard.

Think about pulling yourself up a wall
and holding onto something.

Um, question.

I was gonna, um, like, say my line
and then look back.

Does my camera change
now she's back there?

[Symone] [/i]I don't think Olivia realizes

that she's the Urkel
of this group sometimes.

[Olivia] Um, may I ask…

"Um, I have a question.
You tell me to look over here,

but I think my character
would really shout this way."

May I ask a question?
How's the look over there?

[sighs] Oh goodness.

It is just so funny

because she's asking a question
knowing full damn well

it's exactly what she gonna do,
and knows exactly how it's gonna look.

So just do it, diva!



She's a divalicious diva.

[Olivia] May I ask…

[all] Help! Help!

-Hey! Watch where you're going, lady!

[Michelle] This is Jerry Lewis. [laughs]

[pants] For the love of RuPaul…

What's my line?

[all laughing]

[chuckles wryly] My opinion of Rosé
has changed so much.

'Cause, like, when she first got here,
she was so uptight in a way,

and she was just… Everything had
to be perfect and every word.

And then
as the competition started going on,

I could just see her letting go,

but then also still
has her perfection edge.

[Carson whispers]
She's a very good actress.

-Like, technical.
-[Michelle] Yeah.

So she is the one to watch, in my opinion.

"Suddenly a giant black pussycat

leaps onto the floor next to the queens."

And action.

-Look over there!
-[all gasp, exclaim]

My role's Chardonnay.

Her big scene is that
she's basically allergic to cats,

and she gets att*cked by a giant cat.

If we stay perfectly still,
maybe it won't notice us.

Ah… ah-choo!

Oh, bitch! Goodbye.

[Carson] Cut.

Gottmik, I want you to sneeze a bit more.

You think you're gonna, then you stop.

Ah… ah…


-Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

All right, last time.

I wanna believe that sneeze, Gottmik.

-Oh, yeah.
-All right, here we go.


-Oh, bitch, you better stop it.

Relax, I'm fine.

[gasps] Ah-choo!

-[Symone] Oh, bitch.

You're on your own!

And cut. That was great.

[Michelle] Moving on.

-[Carson] Kandy, are you good with cats?
-Ooh, I love p*ssy.

-Oh, okay.

So now it's time for Gottmik

to get att*cked by a giant-ass cat paw.

This is drag artistry,
ladies and gentlemen.

And guess who's the cat paw? Me, bitch.

[Carson] You should be trying
to get away from the paw,

but also sneezing,
because you're very allergic.

Here we go. And action.

Help! Ah-choo!

Oh! Help! Ah-choo! Help!

Maybe you're on your back
and it's tickling your belly.

[screams, laughs]

-Turn around and hit the paw.
-Help! Ah-choo!

[Carson] Try to kick it away,
with your leg.

Ah-choo! Ah-choo!

[Michelle] Kandy, swat her!

-Ah-choo! Help!
-[Rosé] Get her, bitch.

Now, maybe it tickles. It tickles.


[all laughing]

[laughs] Oh God!


Ah-choo! Help! Ah-choo!

Get away from me, you f*cking p*ssy!

[all laughing]

Ah-choo! [laughs]

-Okay, now, cat, run off.
-Cat! Run off! Run off, cat!

[Carson] Okay, the other way.
Other way. There you go.


That's great. Gottmik, you all right?

-Yeah, that was so fun.
-[Michelle] Okay, good.

-Way to commit, Gottmik.

It is the most fun
I've ever had in my whole life.

I'm living my fantasy.
Like, do I wanna be an actor?

Great job, ladies.

Lots of special effects
to add in the edit,

so we will see how it all turns out.

And that is a wrap.

[all cheering]

[Olivia] Thank you.

It's nerve-wracking
'cause we are at the end,

and, like, how are we
gonna get down to four?

Like, it's anybody's game

[all screaming, cheering]

For this week's Maxi Challenge,

we have to act in a movie called
Henny, I Shrunk the Drag Queens![/i]

Oh my God!

And today we're gonna see
how the movie turned out.

Today determines who is in the top four.

Top five to top four is the big jump.

The crown is right there.
Everyone can taste it.

And it is making me want it even more.

How does everyone feel?
Are we nervous, excited,

are we everything and all in one?

I mean, I can just hope
that I did good in the challenge,

because coming off of a win
from last week,

I would love to have another win.

At the end of the day,

I don't feel like
there really was, like, one part

that was so much more massive
than the others,

so it's really upon us individually
to… to shine here.

[Symone] It's just all in what
the judges think and how we did.

So since we've been here for so long,

how do you think people
back home are gonna receive you?

I think about that a lot.

That's why I'm in my head
a lot of the time.

I just wanna always do well

and to make sure
I don't disappoint anybody,

because there was so much
invested in me to do well here.

I think that's been my issue
these last few weeks,

is that I am so worried

about what everyone else
back home is gonna think.

And being so close to Gigi
and coming in the season after her,

and having that pressure on me
to do so well, I feel like…

It's exhausting.

[sighs, sniffles]
And I feel like last week,

doing so horribly in the roast

and having to lip-sync

and being so close
to the end of this competition…

It's just-- It's just a shitty feeling.

And, um, I don't wanna disappoint anybody.

I really wanna make it to the top four,

because I see the girls,
and they're doing so well,

and I don't wanna get to the end
and it be like, "Oh, she fizzled out."

[voice breaking]
"She just couldn't make it."

[sniffles] And I don't want
that to be my story…

[sobs] …and I don't want
that to be my end here.

It's easy to come here
and think about the disappointments

that you're gonna have
back at home if you go home first

or if you don't make it halfway through,
or make it to the finale.

But remember that
who got you here is yourself,

and at the end of the day,

the people back at home are gonna be
proud of you for getting on the show.

I came into this competition
too self-aware

and really concerned
with how I was coming off

and how I would be received.

Coming here, I had a huge fear
that if I let myself out fully,

that I might say something bad

and then the fans might,
like, turn against me.

But I'm starting
to really relax into myself.

It's weird how when you care
about the way you're received,

you don't do the things that make you you.

Bitch, I'm just having fun now.

Growing up, who was the first person on TV

that you saw and you were,
like, "Oh, bitch, that's me"?

There's somebody else out there like me.

Growing up as someone
who is Black and Puerto Rican,

seeing on TV the Black Cinderella

with all these characters that are POC.


I really didn't see anyone
like me ever on TV.

And even when I did see,
like, the Chaz Bonos

and, like, the trans guys on TV,

I was just like,
"Well, that is too masculine."

"That is not me."

-[Gottmik] I'm too feminine.

You know, it really,
like, set me back in a way.

If there was someone like me
on TV when I was a kid,

there would have been years
shaved off of my little journey.

There's no way I'm the only one
that feels this way, you know?

-[Gottmik] I don't really get

why we hold the trans community
to this expectation

that you're either supposed
to be Barbie or Ken.

Like, no in-between.

I just really wanna be
that start point for people.

Opening this door

and building this community
of femme little guys

wearing dresses on Drag Race.[/i] [laughs]

[all laughing]

And, like, if I had more examples like us,
if I saw that from such a young age,

coming out would have been so much easier.

I would've figured out
who I was so much sooner.

Because the only thing we had on TV

was drag queens and trans women
being hookers on TV and being k*lled,

or gay men being the…
the overly flamboyant,

"Ooh, I need a gay best friend
to go shopping.

And it's, like, there is
so much more to gay life

-than just shit you see on TV.
[Symone] Yeah.

This show definitely showed me,

like, the little gay boy
from Conway, Arkansas,

can go on and be somebody, honey.

And look at me now, doing this eyebrow
in this RuPaul's Drag Race [/i]moment.

Will they be sisters
or will they be twins?

-We will never know.
-They'll be neighbors, baby.

-They will be neighbors.
-[all laugh]

["Cover Girl" playing]

[RuPaul laughs]

♪ Cover girl, put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe, let your whole body talk ♪

And what? [/i]

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.[/i]

From the itty-bitty titty committee,
it's Michelle Visage.

Well, thank you, Ru.

I'm not only a member,
but I'm also the president.

[all laughing]

Style superstar Carson Kressley.

Now, Carson, are you a size queen?

Of course. Why do you think
I hang out with Michelle?

[laughs loudly]

And our extra-special guest judge,

the super-talented, Cynthia Erivo is here.

-You all right, babe?
-I am, babe.

-How you doing, darling?

We are so excited you're here.

Thank you for having me.

This week, we challenged
our queens to go big or go home

in the sci-fi thriller
Henny, I Shrunk the Drag Queens![/i]

And tonight on the runway,

category is Haute Pockets. Mm-mmm.

Racers, start your engines,
and may the best drag queen win.

♪ Bring back my girls ♪

[RuPaul] Up first, Symone.

-[Carson] Oh, your zipper's down.
-[RuPaul laughs]

[RuPaul] See, now,
that's what I call a fly girl.

[Michelle and Carson laugh]

[Symone] I decided[/i]
to be Symone in a pocket.[/i]

Very lead singer of Paramore, darling.

Rocking the runway
and really paying homage

to the emo kids
I hung out with in high school

who allowed me to be gay old black Reggie,

and they did not care.

This is for y'all.

[Cynthia] She had this look
in her back pocket.

[all chuckle]

[RuPaul] Olivia Lux.

Do these pockets make my hips look big?

[Michelle laughs]

[Olivia] For the first time,[/i]
I'm giving the judges fashion.[/i]

I have my big, billowing pockets

to accentuate the good stuff.

Every last stone
is meticulously placed by me.

Diamonds are indestructible,

and I feel like I am indestructible
walking down this runway.

[Michelle] These pockets
have always brought me luck.

[Carson and RuPaul laugh]

[RuPaul] Rosé.

[Carson] I'm not mod about this.

[all laugh]

[Rosé] I'm serving black[/i]
and white mod realness, baby.[/i]

I am really inspired by the '60s.

[Michelle] Oh!

[Rosé] The makeup was so specific,[/i]
and the dolls were glammed.[/i]

Valley of the Dolls?

Mama, welcome
to the Valley of the Pockets.

[Carson] Now, where'd I put my car keys?

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Kandy Muse.

[Cynthia] Her pockets are full of Kandy.

[Kandy] I am walking down this runway[/i]

like a little doll that just
walked out of the box. Ooh.

This outfit is
Japanese-inspired, colorful.

I have my little 40 pockets
dangling from my body,

but if you look real close,

you can see my ass
between the pockets, but ho.

[Michelle] Asymmetrica-ho.


She got a pocket full of rainbows.

[Michelle laughs] Yes.

[RuPaul] Gottmik.

It's Mrs. Colombo, starring Cher, man!


[Carson] Oh!

[Michelle] Flasher? I don't even know her!

-[Carson] Oh, watch it.
-[RuPaul laughs]

[Gottmik] Hello, I am a flasher

trying to sell you all my watches.

My look is inspired by Hercules.[/i]

There's this one scene
where this flasher flashes,

and he goes, "Wanna buy a sundial?"

And I'm just feeling
really beautiful tonight.

[Cynthia] You know,
she's really huge on TikTok.

[RuPaul] She takes a licking
and keeps on ticking.

[Carson] Can I get a Swatch of that?

Welcome, queens.
It's time for the world premiere

of Henny, I Shrunk the Drag Queens![/i]

[all laughing]

-[fanfare playing]
-[signal beeping]

Uh, so, girls, who do we think
is in the bottom this week?

Is she for real?

Dominique, were you even
listening on the main stage?

All right, ladies,
since we're all together,

I'm gonna ask each of you
who should go home tonight?

Um, I would have to say
Dominique Perignon.


For sure.

In all fairness, Dominique.

Uh, can you repeat the question?

I mean, Dominique.

[Kandy] But mama said[/i]
I'm the prettiest queen of them all![/i]

Mama? Mama!


You guys are just jealous.

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.

I hate you 'cause you stole my wig.

I hate you because you put
kitty litter in my makeup.

Just this week, you stole my dress

and hot-glued it to a dummy.

Girl, that was not me.

That was my inner saboteur.
[chuckles hesitantly]

Girl, you scare us.

It's like you'll do anything to win.

Anything? [laughs]
Anything? [laughs fiendishly]

[sighs deeply]

Like flip this switch?

[judges laughing]

No! No, please!

Drag queens should never, ever be exposed

to toxic overhead lighting!

What will become of us?

Aren't you just dying to find out?



What's happening to us?

Oh God!

[laughing fiendishly]


Is it just me,
or did the toxic overhead lighting

make the furniture huge?

Ginger Ale, the furniture
didn't get bigger, you idiot.

We shrunk!

There's only one way
we can get back to our normal size.

What is it? I'll do anything.

We've gotta go all the way
across the Werk Room

and activate the shade button.

[judges laugh]

But the shade button is so far away.

We'll never make it!

It might as well be on Uranus!

Wait, why can't we just call for help?

-Help us!

-Can you help me?


[in high-pitched voice]
Help! Please, I'm tiny. Help us!

[judges laughing]

Help! Anybody!

-Wait! Wait, wait, wait!

I think I hear someone coming!

It sounds like a wild elephant.

-[queens gasping, exclaiming]

[whispering] Hello, hello, hello.

Is anyone here?

[all] Yes! Michelle, we're here!

-[in high-pitched voice] Michelle!
-[judges laugh]

[in normal voice] Michelle!

Michelle, please!

[queens screaming in high-pitched voice]

That's funny.


No one's here.


Oh, well. I mean, the queens won't mind
if I mop a few things.

[in singsong] [/i]Like this makeup!

Ooh, and these candles!

Ooh, I love candles.

And of course these…

[sniffs] Ooh! No.
Those are definitely not clean.

Let's get closer! She can't hear us!

Michelle! Michelle!

-[Gottmik laughs]

[queens screaming in high-pitched voice]

-Michelle! Whoa!

Hey, watch where you're going, lady!

Ooh, I wonder
if Carson's dressing room is locked.

So that's why all our makeup
keeps disappearing.


[all grunting, panting]

For the love of RuPaul,

does anyone ever clean up around here?

[all] Damn!



Wait, somebody's coming.

It sounds like a pack of wild elephants.


[Kandy] Hello, losers!

[queens scream]

Come out, come out wherever you are.

[judges laughing]

What happened? Cat got your tongue?

Well, have fun playing with my p*ssy.

[exclaim disgustedly]

Here, kitty, kitty. [chuckles]

[queens gasp]

Look over there!


[whispers] If we stay perfectly still,

maybe the cat won't notice us.

But I'm allergic to cats!


-Oh, bitch, you better stop.

Relax, I'm fine.

[loudly] Ah-choo!

Sorry, bitch.

[all] You're on your own!

-Help! Ah-choo. Help.
-[cat roaring]

Chardonnay, I'd help,

but you're doing such a good job!

Help! Help! [laughs]

Help! Ah-choo! Ah-choo!

Mm-mmm, I love a good catfight.

Get away from me, you f*cking p*ssy!

Ah… Ah-choo!

Step back!

-Here, kitty.

What's that? What's that?

-Go, kitty, go!
-[cat meows]

Quick, let's get outta here
before that cat comes back.

We're never going to make
it across the room

and up to the shade button.

I've got it.

The sewing machine.

But I don't know how to sew.

Wait. You came to Drag Race,[/i]
and you don't know how to sew?

What season is this?

Are you sure
this is how Scarlett Johansson

got the role in Black Widow?[/i]

[Michelle laughs]

Oh, I loved her
in Girl With the Pearl Necklace.[/i]

[shouting] Move it!


Look, the shade button is just over there.

-Let's run!


I could do a death drop,
but this is ridiculous.

We'll never make it.

It's physically impossible.

Damn you, science!

But wait. Ru always says
that drag gives us superpowers.

I'm pretty sure that's a figure of speech.

-[gasps] She's coming!

Okay, as preposterous as it may seem,

maybe together we could take
one giant step for dragkind.

I'll do whatever you say. Just don't say--




Oh! Thank God we landed on
India Ferrah's old breastplate.

Which was my plan all along.

[judges laughing]

[Dominique] There you are!

[queens gasping]

Come on, girls.
Let's take her down to size.

Since when did a drag queen
need a button to throw shade?

Ginger Ale, the library is open.

Dominique, first off,
legendary you think you are.

You ain't nothin' but a… [mouthing]

-[judges laugh]

Furthermore… [mouthing] …your mom…
[mouthing] …your boyfriend, ooh, ooh.

I did that…

because you a bitch-ass ho.

Ooh! [laughs]

It's working! We're big again!

Look at Dominique! She's shrinking!

[screams] No!

My beautiful wickedness!

And this, Dominique,
just so you will know,

and your drag daughters will someday know,

is the night the lights

went off in the Werk Room.

[judges laughing, applauding]

[queen] Werk.

Oh my…

[RuPaul] Wow!

-[in singsong] I smell an Oscar…
-[all laughing]

-…Mayer hot dog.
-[all laughing]

Ladies, now it's time
for the judges' critiques.

Starting with Symone.

So when we were in there directing,

I was a little concerned
that I was losing you.

I was, like, "I need Symone
to do something to pop."

And then when I saw it back,

it not only popped, it was very funny.

Now, Cynthia,
our Symone played Harriet Tubman

in our Snatch Game, and you were nominated

for two Oscars for your portrayal
of Harriet Tubman.

So you have something in common there.

I think I would've nominated you
for something in this as well.

-[Cynthia] Yeah, I loved it.

You have such subtlety
and nuance in your comedy,

and I was laughing the whole way through.

That dimple comes out,
and I'm, like, it's lovely.

And this is amazing.

You're like a little doll
in someone's back pocket.

[Carson] This is my kind of drag.

Like, give me fashion,
give me a gorgeous silhouette,

give me fit, give me details.

This is spectacular.

This is nothing short
of what I expect from you.

The wide leg is just flattering.

I'm happy to say
it was a great night for you.

Thank you.

Up next, Olivia Lux.

This look is gorgeous.

It has great details.
I love the stoning details.

I love that you carried that through
onto the trim of the shoe.

But this was about haute pockets.

This look has pockets,
but it's not about pockets.

Now, your performance as Ginger Ale.

You know how to do that
character and you do it well.


Thing is, we've seen it a lot now,

so it would've been fun to see you play
somebody dark and somebody evil,

because I would've loved to have seen

the other people
that live inside your head.

There was glimmers of, like,
wow, there's versatility here,

and I just wanted to see more of that.

[Cynthia] When you do something,

I want you to take it
one step further, right?

That thing that might hold you back

from pushing a little further
because you might be afraid,

you might be wondering what people think.

Go one more step further,
because that's where you wanna be.

Up next, Rosé.

You really rose, or should I say Rosé-d,

to the occasion of this acting challenge.

You were just so fun to direct.

Your physical comedy was great.

Move it!

You were so prepared,
you knew every line inside and out.

Just a pleasure to work with.

Tonight on the runway,
this is really fun, this little mod look.

I love this hair.

We can see shape, we can see your neck,

we can see proportions that make sense.

And I love this for you.

This was like…

my wet dream.

[all laughing]

It's short, it's black and white,

there's pockets everywhere,
it's from the '60s.

It reminded me of Sweet Charity[/i],

which is one of my favorite musicals ever
to watch. Well done.

-Up next, Kandy Muse.

So you were Dominique.
You were the villainess.

Cat got your tongue?

There were moments that made me laugh
because you make me laugh.

I think you could've gone further with it.

I think things could've been bigger,
which is why we kept pushing you

and saying, "Do it again,
do it again, do it again."

And what I wanted, I think,

was to see something that wasn't Kandy.

That's why if maybe you had done Ginger
and Ginger had done Dominique,

we could've seen you play
something different to what we see.

In the show,
I thought you were super sexy.

I felt like it was
all very sedate, like, settled,

um, and I think you can bring us more.

[Carson] This runway look,
it's hard to read what this is.

If I'm wondering what it is,
and what the look is, that's a problem.

It doesn't work.
It's not fitting appropriately.

The hem is off.
Some parts are more together than others.

It's sloppy to me, Kandy,
and I feel like you're better than that,

especially this far along
in the competition.

You're elevating now.

This isn't quite elevated enough
for the final five.

So I'm very disappointed.

I agree with the outfit,
'cause when I put it on,

I don't feel beautiful in it.

When you put something on
and you feel great in it.

I didn't feel that today. So, you know,
I'm just disappointed because…

we're so close to the end,

and this is something
that I've wanted for so long.

But the fight's not over,
and next time I'll play a dumb bitch.

Could've been worse.
You could've been broccoli.

[all laughing]

-[RuPaul] Up next, Gottmik.

This outfit, cheese and crackers.

[laughs] Thank you.

This outfit's just rude.

It's rude, and I appreciate it.

It's fun, it's fashion,
it's got a sense of humor,

it's ex*cuted perfectly.

You're telling us a story.
It has a cultural reference.

I could go on and on,
but I just don't have the time.

-And then the acting challenge,

your physical comedy
with the giant cat paw…


…and the ideas that you had
for the sneeze…

-…just sold it.

I actually laughed quite a few times.

You do have comedic timing,
and you should use that.

I don't wanna freak you out,
but there is a giant cat behind you.

Ah-choo! [groans]


All right, queens.

I have to ask.

Oh goodness.

Who should go home tonight and why?

Starting with Symone.

I love you dearly,

um, but I'm gonna say Olivia.

She is a fierce queen,
and I've said that from day one,

but I feel like she has
a little bit more growing to do.

Olivia, who should
go home tonight and why?

When asked who I believe
should go home tonight,

I'm conflicted
because I cannot say myself,

and I cannot say any of them.

[tense music playing]

So who should go home?

Olivia is just standing there silent.

RuPaul's looking at her, also silent.

And I'm full like, "Did I miss something?"

Based off of everything,

I will have to vote Kandy.

[RuPaul] All right.

Rosé, who should go home tonight and why?

Olivia. I do agree with what Symone said.

Olivia has a bit more
to learn and find out about herself

before really stepping into the stilettos

of America's next drag superstar.

-[RuPaul] Kandy?
-I love my sister Olivia,

but I think that when it comes to growth,

she still has just a little more to learn
about herself and her drag.

All right, Gottmik.

Um, I have to say Olivia as well.

For a few of us,

the person that walked
in the entrance room a few weeks ago

is not even the same person
that's standing on this stage right now,

and Olivia's still trying to grow

as fast as a few of us have been able to.

Thank you, queens, for your honesty.

You know we have to ask.

It was actually in the skit.

-A little foreshadowing.

-Yeah, it was.

Now, while you untuck in the Werk Room,

the judges and I will deliberate.


[all laughing]

Shady b*tches. They just left you.

-[Kandy] What the hell?

Keep that in, y'all.

All right, now,
just between us squirrel friends,

it's a very emotional night.

We've got our final five.

We're gonna determine who might
just not be going to the prom,

starting with Symone.

[Michelle] [/i]Tonight on the runway,
oh my goodness,

now, that is how you do haute pocket.

She just nailed that,
even down to the red hair.

She stole that wig from Tina Burner.

That was…
[in French accent] …haute pocket.

She has a real ease to her.

There's just, I think,
a natural talent within her.

In her performance,
I felt that that was a real person,

where some of the others
were more one-note,

and you could tell
it was a caricature of a human being.

This was a good night for Symone.

-[RuPaul] Let's move on to Olivia.

[Michelle] Tonight on the runway,
her face,

the hair, the details, it was stunning.

Did it say…
[in French accent] …"haute pocket"?

No, it did not.

So tonight was a miss for me with Olivia.

[Cynthia] What I saw on the runway
and what I saw in the film made sense.

I was like, "Oh, cute, cute. Okay."

But I wanted more risk,

I wanted more danger, I wanted more.

She wasn't able to put in
those peaks and valleys

to make it feel like a character
that you cared about.

Yeah, Olivia has
all of, like, the raw materials

to be America's next drag superstar,

and I just think she needs more time
like Symone said.

When you asked her
who she thought should go home

and she decided
not to say anyone for a second,

I was a little bit disappointed

that she couldn't say someone
or say a name.

If you're not gonna fight for yourself,
who else is going to fight for you?

[RuPaul] [/i]Rosé.

Rosé, on the other hand,
when you work with her,

she is such a joy,

because she wants
to go full hog every time.

Watch where you're going, lady!

Rosé is an excellent actor
and a performer. She's a professional.

That's what I love about her,
her professionalism.

And my problem with Rosé
this whole competition

has been trying to break down
the wall that she puts up.

She's bottled up.

She's bottled up, Rosé is.

But I've noticed
that she has gotten better.

She has. I think tonight
was the perfect combination

of really, really prepared,
really, really professional,

but then also having fun in the room
and being in the moment.

[Cynthia] And this outfit tonight
had such a wonderful point of view.

This is probably
one of my favorite all-time Rosé looks.

She's doing exactly
what she's supposed to,

getting better every week,

and I think this was her best week yet.

[RuPaul] [/i]Kandy Muse.

In the acting challenge, she's a delight.

She's Kandy. She's got a big personality.

Anything? [laughs]

She can read the phonebook,
we're gonna laugh.

Kandy was just being Kandy,
and Carson and I were pushing and pushing,

and still kind of getting along
the same level

and not going further and further.

Tonight on the runway,
that outfit wasn't gonna work.

So, Carson,
were you getting Maison Margiela

had a fight with Yohji Yamamoto?

Maybe at a Kinko's with a shredder.

And then they said, "Just sew it together
with some chartreuse silk ribbon."

-I don't know what that was.

-[Cynthia] The outfit…

I felt bad for her today.

Even in that sort of abstract fashion way,
it was not good.

-[Michelle] No, no.
-[RuPaul] Gottmik.

Well, Gottmik, in the challenge,
was the whiny one,

and I think
she does that character really well,

just like Kandy, just like Olivia.

The difference is
she was giving us peaks and valleys.

When she lets loose
and gets really comfortable

and doesn't think she's "acting"
and she can just be,

that's when she's great.

[Michelle] Tonight on the runway,
what a great way

and creative and inventive way
to do pockets.

Season 13, we've seen mostly everything.

We've never seen that,
and that was spectacular.

I really wanted to run after her

and snatch it off her
for myself at some point,

-'cause it just was brilliant.
-I'm always ready to clock a good look

when she comes around the corner,
and tonight was no exception.

It had a sense of humor,
but it was also ex*cuted and glamorous.

-It was timeless.


I've made my decision.

[imitating German]


[RuPaul] Welcome back, queens.

Based on your shrunken performances

and your haute pocket presentations,

I've made some decisions.

Gottmik. Your performance
was nothing to sneeze at,

and on the runway, your look was timeless.

-You're safe.
-Thank you.

You may step to the back of the stage.

Thank you guys so much.

Rosé. This week you played it small,

but the results were supersized.

Condragulations. You're the winner
of this week's challenge.


Thank you so much.

You've won a cash tip of $5,000.

[Rosé] This is insane.

What a f*cking full circle.

I am, like, completely redeeming myself,

and I could win this f*cking whole thing.


-You are safe.
-Thank you.

Kandy Muse.

Olivia Lux.

I'm sorry, my dears,
but you are both up for elimination.

It feels like at this point,
all the odds are against me,

but I have to not think
about that right now.

I want this spot in the top four.

Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself from elimination.

-The time has come…
-[thunder rumbling]

…for you to lip-sync…

for your life! [echoing]

After the critiques,
the room was spinning,

my stomach was in knots, my body was numb.

But now that I'm on this stage,
I feel none of that.

I am ready to show the world

and everyone that has ever said to me,

"If you ever got on Drag Race,[/i]
you're gonna go home first."

Baby, I'm ready to prove them wrong.

Good luck, and don't f*ck it up.

♪ I don't need your sympathy ♪

♪ There's nothing
You can say or do for me ♪

♪ And I hear your reasons why ♪

♪ Where did you sleep last night? ♪

♪ And was she worth it? ♪

♪ Was she worth it? ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm strong enough ♪

♪ To live without you ♪

♪ Strong enough ♪[/i]

And I quit crying long enough ♪[/i]

♪ Now I'm strong enough ♪

♪ To know ♪

♪ You gotta go ♪

♪ There's no more to say ♪

♪ So save your breath and walk away ♪

♪ No matter what I hear you say ♪

♪ I'm strong enough to know ♪

♪ You gotta go ♪

♪ Come hell or waters high ♪

♪ You'll never see me cry ♪

♪ This is our last goodbye, it's true ♪

♪ I'm telling you now I'm strong enough ♪

-♪ To live without you ♪[/i]

-[Rosé] Come on, baby!
-♪ Strong enough ♪[/i]

-[Rosé] You got this!
-♪ And I quit crying long enough ♪[/i]

♪ Now I'm strong enough to know ♪

♪ You gotta go ♪



Come on, baby! Yes!

♪ Now I'm strong enough ♪[/i]

♪ To live without you ♪

♪ Strong enough ♪

♪ And I quit crying long enough ♪

♪ Now I'm strong enough to know ♪

♪ You gotta go ♪


-[Rosé] That was good.

Oh my God.

Ladies, I've made my decision.

Kandy Muse, shantay, you stay.

Thank you so much.

You may join the other girls.

-[Kandy] I love you so much.
-[Olivia] Love you.

-[Kandy, quietly] Oh God!
-My dear Olivia,

you should be very proud of yourself.

I know I am.

Now sashay away.

Thank you so much
from the bottom of my heart.

You have literally changed
my entire life, all of you.

I can't thank you enough.

[RuPaul] Thank you.

[queens applauding]

[Olivia sobs]

-[Symone speaks indistinctly]
-[both laughing]

[Olivia] I love you so much.

A friendly reminder
to live life to the fullest.

Thank you.

Divalicious diva!


[Olivia] It's disappointing
being this close to the crown.

I wanted it so badly.

Although I didn't make it,

I learned that I am a force
to be reckoned with.

I learned that I am a divalicious diva,

and I feel like allowing myself
to be the fierce diva here

opened up so many doors for me.

This divalicious diva
has some more learning to do,

and she'll be back.

[chuckles] I hope y'all are ready to live.


We're top four.

My top four queens.


Condragulations, and a quick reminder.

If you can't love yourself, how the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an "amen" up in here?

[all] Amen!

All right. Now let the music play!

-Oh my God!
-♪ I'm a winner ♪[/i]

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪


[RuPaul] Next time on [/i]RuPaul's Drag Race…

You'll be performing my new song "Lucky."

[Rosé] This is the top four.

The stakes are higher than
they ever have been or will ever be.

Why should you be
America's next drag superstar?

It's top four, m*therf*ckers.


♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Losers, weepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Finders, keepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Losers, weepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪
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