02x07 - A Hail Mary

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Fire Country". Aired: October 7, 2022 - present.*
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A young convict joins a firefighting program looking for redemption and a shortened prison sentence.
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02x07 - A Hail Mary

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Fire Country...

I have bleeding inside my brain.

Genevieve's... She's gonna need you.

- Promise me.
- I promise.

EVE: Since Cara passed,
I'm a little worried about Jake.

He's dealing with his grief.

BODE: Ever since
she came into my life,

she's the only thing
I can think about.

What did the judge call you?

We're your custodial guardians.

The sheriff was shot to death

and you're claiming
these men are non-violent?

By order of the department
of corrections,

this facility is on full lockdown.

MANNY: It looks like these
DOC guards are sticking around.

And there's a petition
to shut down Three Rock.

We got to flip the narrative,

make 'em proud to be associated
with people

who are fighting
to turn their lives around.

No matter what happens
between you and Bode,

I'm always gonna be Uncle Jake.

SHARON: The paternity
results just came in.

Gen's not Bode's kid.

I want her to have a family,
even if we aren't her family.

♪ ♪

EVE: The inmate firefighters of
Three Rock Conservation Camp

are learning skills that will
help them in the workforce

but more importantly,
they gain a sense

of community inclusion
and service.

But despite that, community
support for the camp has waned

since the recent escape of an inmate

and the m*rder of the county sheriff.

Nope. Whoa. Sorry, um, n...
Uh, you can't connect those.

The m*rder had nothing to do
with that inmate.

In fact, it was a sheriff's deputy

- that was responsible...
- Well, Mr. Leone,

you'll have a turn.

Okay, well, for the record.

There's even a petition
to close the camp.

Is that right?


are working to establish protocols

that make us one safe community again.

What are the men working on today?

They're building.

What are they building?

EVE: Uh, a fence. Around the camp.


Can we grab sh*ts of the fence?

Yeah, I can show you around.

- No problem.
- Back in 15

- for your next thing. Okay.
- Fif-Fiteen. Gotcha.



Cap, you got a sec?


I put in a request

for excused leave two weeks ago
so I can be there

for Gen's guardianship signing.

Yeah, well, a lot changed in two weeks.

And we're on a lockdown, Bode,
so that means no leave,

- no visitation...
- Can I just

- use the phone so I can call her?
- No. No.

There's no phone privileges
until it gets lifted,

I don't think you get how bad this is.

I mean, w-we're closer than ever
to getting shut down.

We're just signing paperwork.

You're not nervous about this, huh?


Because it's the plan.

It's always been the plan.

Even since we found out about Gen.

Right? And...

Yeah, Bode's not the biological father,

but he... he wants to do this, Shar.

Yeah. Yeah, since the moment
that he heard about her.

But what... you're having
second thoughts now?

No. No.

Yes. Because, I mean...

I would give anything
to have Riley back, but...

But having a teenage girl
in the house is...

No picnic. I mean,

Bode's just gonna need to get out fast.


But also...

we're a little bit older, now.

Little bit wiser.

There's a chance that...

we could have gotten
better at this, right?

Come on.

Please, God.

My name is Manny Perez.
My name is Manuel Perez.

LUKE: Hey. Manny.

What are you doing here?

Uh, Eve asked if I would
come by and talk to them.

You know, inmate turns incarcerated

firefighter turns Three Rock captain?

I actually don't think
we're gonna need you.

Day's all filled up
with interviews already.

We're good, but thanks, man.
We appreciate it.

What, you don't want me here or what?

If that reporter takes
a fingernail to your paint,

she'll find out that
you were at the center of

the whole drug thing here last
year. It's not good for you,

- it's bad for Three Rock.
- Come on, man.

- I'm living proof the program works.
- I just...

don't think you understand
the gravity of the situation,

okay? It's not just Three Rock
that's under threat,

it's the whole fire camp system.

And you and I both want the same thing.

We want Three Rock
to stay open, remain strong.

Hell, it's not even Three Rock anymore.

You've taken away all their basic

privileges, bro, and you put up a fence.

These guys feel like prisoners
all over again.

Not gonna argue with you.
I need you leave right now.

- Okay? Now.
- Really?

Copy, Chief.

Great. Okay, so we're
gonna get some sh*ts

of the barracks before our next segment.

We'll be back in a bit.

Where's Manny?

Um, actually, I don't think
we're gonna need him anymore.

'Cause you're doing great
on your own. A little stiff.

I mean, your sound bites sound
like sound bites, but, you know...

Okay, well, it's not
really my wheelhouse.

And why aren't you doing this?

Oh, no way.

You're captain.
And you're likable. Usually.

I mean, I like you.

- Hmm.
- Why aren't you more likable on camera?

I love this advice.
Can I tell you something?

- Yeah.
- Uh, not helpful.

- Okay. Okay.
- Not helpful.


Manny, where you going?

Aren't you supposed to be doing
some TV interview or something?

Got booted.

Apparently I'm more valuable
to Three Rock as a scapegoat.

I think Luke has Eve eating
out of his palm right now.

Otherwise you boys wouldn't be
sitting here building a fence,

trying to "help the community heal."

COLE: Meanwhile, it's my son's birthday.

Can't even give him a call.

- Close the camp!
- Close it now!

- What the hell is this?
- Close this camp!

Close it now!

Close the camp!

Great. The community's here.

Doesn't look healed.

Close the camp!

Close it now!

This place is going to collapse.

And when it does, it'll be your fault.

And you will have to live with it.

As for me, I'm just gonna laugh.

GEN: Shut up.

Let me...


Eh. Way to go
with the easy move. [LAUGHS]

- Mm-hmm.
- All right.

Okay, so, Vince and Sharon
explained to you

everything that's going on today?
Do you feel prepared?

- I think so.
- Okay.

Well, they will be
your temporary legal guardians.

And once Bode is released,
well, he can take over.


What's up?

I don't really know Bode, is all.

There's time.

Your mom picked Bode.

And he's my best friend
and he's the best...

[SCREAMS, GIGGLES] Oh! Hey. Not cool,

- Gabs.
- I'm s... I'm... I'm sorry. I passed.

Congratulations. Passed what?

GABRIELA: I'm a paramedic now!

You passed!

I am officially authorized
by the state of California

to save your frickin' life.

Was there ever any doubt?
First medic shift. Get some.

Okay, honey, 10:00. We got to go.

congratulations to you guys.

VINCE: Yeah, big day, right?

GEN: Yeah.

Cons don't belong! Cons don't belong!

Hey, this place has a big-ass perimeter.

Can't you just take this anywhere else?

Cons don't belong!

Hey, we have a right to protest
wherever we want.

You lost that right when you
decided to become a criminal.

I didn't just wake up one morning

- and decide to get arrested, genius.
- Cole.

Hey. Just listen for
a second, all right?

Hey, you don't get
to tell me what to do, pal.

PROTESTERS: Cons don't belong!

So, the men work hard on the fire line

so that they can
shorten their sentences.

We actually have something called
the extraordinary conduct credit,

where an act of heroism
can knock 12 months

off their sentence.

We like to think that helping people

is something that should be rewarded.

MURPHY: Captain, we got a situation
over at the fence build.


Uh, I'll just be a moment.

What's going on over there?

Uh, just give us five, will you?

Come on.

Let me just tell you
why these men are here

and not in prison, all right?

Get your hands off me!

Look, I'm just trying
to reason with you.

You're telling me
that you're on their side?

You're damn right I'm on their side.

Because I'm one of 'em.

Move, let's move, let's move!
Come on! Move!

LUKE: Let's go, Three Rock.
Back up, let's go, back up.

[CHANTING CONTINUES] Everybody, back up!

Back off. Cole, Bode,

back up now, now.

Hey. No, no. Wait, hold up.

Do you have any idea
what this camp is all about?

Yeah, it's about two miles
too close to my house.

And I have every right to protest

for a safe neighborhood.

Hey, I think you got
enough B-roll, yeah?

Let's get back to the interviews.

This isn't B-roll. This is the story.

No, no, no. Th-These men
have literally saved your neighborhood,

and don't you think that
they deserve a place here?

BODE: Manny.

Hey, Manny, just let it go.

No, no, no, no, Bode.

This guy needs...
he needs some education here.

- Oh...
- Let's talk.

Can we just talk?

[CHANTING]: Thugs don't belong!

- Hey, you!
- Hey, back it up, back it up.

[CHANTING]: Thugs don't belong!

I think this is gonna get worse
before it gets better.

[CHANTING]: Thugs don't belong!
Thugs don't belong!

Thugs don't belong!

- Thugs don't belong!
- EVE: I think you're right.

Hey, Three Rock!

Water break, 15 minutes.
Let's go. Move. Move.

LUKE: You heard her. Let's


Yo, dude. What are you doing here?

Getting frisked at the gate.
When the hell did that start?

New world order.

But seriously...

have you seen Gen today?
How... how is she?

[SIGHS] Uh...

Nervous, but okay.

Hey, uh... What?

What's going on?

[SIGHS] She just mentioned you two

haven't been able
to get to know each other.

And, I mean, now...

the camp is just making it even harder.

I know.

Can you do me a favor?

Can you go to the signing for me?

S... Say that I'm there in spirit
and tell her I'm thinking of her?

It would make me feel
so much better, I...

I think that it would
make her feel better, too.

Yeah. Yeah, whatever you need, man.


EVE: Bode.

Come with me.

Jake, goodbye.

All right, thanks, man.


What did I tell you?

The camp could close tomorrow, Bode.

This news report is a Hail Mary.

- I know, okay?
- Well, then, why are you acting like

you have a visitor?

Like you get special treatment?

You're giving me a headache
instead of having my back.

Because it's been weeks
since we've fought a fire,

and there's no plan
to allow us anytime soon.

You know, fires are what
gets us out sooner.

Gets me to Gen sooner.

But really, you know what,
we're-we're stuck in here

like a bunch of prisoners
in a damn labor camp.

- That's not fair.
- What's not fair

is me having your back
and telling all these guys

that you're actually gonna
make this camp better.

But I don't-I don't
believe that you can anymore.

I think that you're-you're hiding behind
a bunch of empty promises.


Uh, you know, let's give them
some privacy, yeah?

We'll sh**t more of the fence. Come on.

All right.

If this place is so great,
why did someone try to escape?

Oh, come on, man, that's the
kind of trash that hits headlines.

The reality is these men...
they work for you.

They work for this community.

Why don't you just admit

that you're fighting
the wrong battle, dumbass?

Oh, yeah, because
you're a criminal, too.

You know what? I'm done.

I'm not gonna change your mind

and you're sure as hell
not gonna change mine.


[CHANTING]: Thugs don't belong!

Okay, so you think it's
cool that we need to live

- next to a bunch of degenerate criminals?
- You know what,

you need to stop, homie.
You need to stop right now. [HONKING]

And who knows what kind of freaks

- that we're having to deal with...
- Look out!


Stop! Oh...


LUKE: This is DC Leone, Cal Fire,

contact Edgewater EMS, roll all units,

code 3 to Three Rock camp.

We got multiple injuries.

Repeat, multiple injuries. [SHOUTING]

Murphy, let's go!


Man down!

Call 42!

Cole, Cole.

I need you to check this driver.
Watch out for his neck.

Make sure the engine gets shut off.

- LUKE: Bode!
- Yeah.

I need extra hands on the patient.

He's breathing! Not awake!


We got to have that stabilized.

He's got a major laceration.

EVE: If anyone needs
medical attention, call out.

MANNY: Hey, man, that was close.

You need to get checked out?

- What can I do to help?
- Stabilize that leg,

make sure nothing else is broken.

Try not to move your head.

- All right, I'm on it.
- Are you good?

Yeah, I think so.

EVE: Hey, Luke!

- LUKE: Hey.
- I notified Greencrest.

All right, I got EMS rolling out.

EVE: All right.

Don't move around, okay?

Keep your head still, don't move around.

LUKE: Hey, hey, hey,
no, no, no. Hey, hey.

Listen, this guy needs help, all right?

Let him do the work. Get back.

Okay, uh, so, today what we're signing

is called an appointment
of short-term guardian

and durable health care
power of attorney.

Should we, uh, wait for your son?

Oh, um, he's in prison.

I thought he had approval

to come to this meeting today.

Yeah, that got revoked.


Maybe he got approved. [CHUCKLES]

Uncle Jake.

I thought you were working.


Yeah, hey, uh, I'm here.

Uh, I'm Jake.

I'm her...

Uh, he's my mom's boyfriend.

He was.

Before she passed.

Right, well, Bode...
he asked me to be here.

That's why you came?

Well, I'm here on Bode's behalf

because he's planning to be...

My dad?

I was going to say "involved."

Hey, Gen,
we talked all about this, remember?

Yeah, I'm not an idiot.

- Hey, come on.
- Whoa. It's all right, but...

Munchkin, what's up?

Nothing. Sign it.

It's fine. It's like,

whoever wants to be
my parent can sign it,

because my actual parent is dead,

so... whatever.

- Oh.
- Okay, um,

this, clearly, is a lot
for her right now.

You know, I-I think it's
about time that she got mad.



Single vehicle crash, multiple injuries.

We got to go.

Uh, hey, look, Chief, I-I
know I'm on duty, but

leaving her just seems like
the wrong choice.

Okay, we're gonna postpone this.

You two go. I'll stay with Gen.




Stay behind the perimeter!

Inmates, get back!


Are you okay?

I'm okay, mija, I'm okay.

EVE: Hey, Gabs.

I got a vehicle collision,
civilian injuries.

I need you on medical
and let me know what you find.


Ass behind the line, now!

GABRIELA: His ass stays where it is!

He moves his hand
and this patient bleeds out!

Hey. Can you keep pressure on it
until the ambulance gets here?

Yeah, you got it.

Good work.

JAKE: Gen's never
snapped at me like that.

She's grieving.

And she's a preteen.

Trust me, an outburst like that...

pretty normal.

No, Gen's like me.

She bottles it up.


Okay. Unbottle, then.

What are you trying to say?

Okay, well, fine, if we're doing it...

All due respect,

maybe you guys and Bode
rushed the decision.

I mean, maybe, just maybe,
you guys rushed Gen.


GABRIELA: Battalion 1508, 1591.

On scene with three patients.

May require emergency transport, Chief.

"May require," Perez?

First day or not, you are
the licensed medic on scene.

Make the call.

Copy, 1508. Requesting three ambulances.



I haven't been locked out
of a room since...

Riley was 12 and super pissed at me.

I'm sorry if we've been
asking the wrong questions.

Everybody wants to do this right by you.



This is like déjà vu.

All right. We don't
have to talk, but, uh,

you got to give me some sign of life,

otherwise I'm gonna
have to break down the door.

That's just a first responder thing.

GEN: Go away!

Okay, that's good.

Thank you.



Hey. Okay.

If you can hear me,
I'm checking your pulse.

LUKE: Greencrest, this
is Three Rock command.

I'm transferring command
to 1508, Chief Leone.

I've been trying to get in
touch with the power company.

No luck. These lines are still live.

I'm gonna keep trying,
I'll keep you posted,

- but be careful.
- VINCE: All right.

Greencrest, this is Chief Leone
on scene at Three Rock.

Assuming I.C.

Jake, do a 360. I want to know

- the status of these power lines.
- Copy, Chief.

GABRIELA: Driver's unresponsive.

Need a C collar
and spine board over here.

Hey, Manny.

Go help Perez out with the driver.

Already on it, Chief.

Yeah. Take it down.


How did it go with Gen?

Uh, it didn't. It was interrupted.

Look, Bode, I think we need to slow down
and talk this through.

To... I-I asked you to go
to help me out.

And you know
how important this is to me.

Yeah, I know, okay?

Maybe that's a problem.

What the hell does that mean?

VINCE: Jake, what do you see?

Hey, Chief.

Yeah, lines are still suspended.

No contact with the vehicle or ground.

MANNY: He's still unresponsive.

Listen, you strap him up, okay?

I'm gonna go find a medic
with a gurney. You got this?

- You sure?
- I got it.

Two minutes out from extrication, Chief.

Copy that.

Hey, Luke.

What's going on with this fence?

We needed a visual.

Help the people of Edgewater feel safer.

How's that working out for you?

Eve, will you back me up here, please?

Look, I-I know it doesn't look pretty,

but it's gonna sell that we're listening

to the community's concerns.

You really believe that?


Everybody get back!


Get back, everybody.

Perez? Do not move.

The tires are insulating you
right now, but...

all the ground around
you is electrified.

Uh, yeah,
this is Manuel Perez, Cal Fire.

Listen, D.C. Leone's been trying
to contact you guys

and we're not getting
any movement out here.

We have a downed power line.

No. No, no, no, please don't put me...

Excuse me. I... I just...

I wanted to say thanks for
pulling me out of the way.

Yeah, don't worry about it, man.
Just stay back, all right?

The ground by that truck's electrified.

I mean... I mean, you're welcome.

LUKE: Easy. Easy. Feet flat
on the ground, Vin.

Just like you trained for.

Take your time.

Okay, then, what the hell's
the guy doing right there?

Is he trying to get fried?

Uh, no, not-not
if he shuffles like that.

You know, he keeps his feet
perfectly flat to the ground,

he keeps from
spanning voltage gradients.

He doesn't get shocked.

He makes it look easy,

but what he's doing
is incredibly dangerous.


Right here. I feel it through my boots.

The current stops here.

All right, I want a

Nobody moves inside this circle!


Press it tight.

We got you, all right?

I-I don't care if the lines
provide power to other towns.

It could k*ll two people here. Cut 'em.

It's a temporary shutoff,
all right? 15 minutes.

That's all I'm asking for.

Look, my daughter's trapped
in a damned cage right now.

Can you please,
please just shut off the power?

Back to the barracks
for head count! Let's move!

EVE: Hey. Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Where are you taking them?

I'm locking 'em up.

There's a lot of activity
and a lot of civilians.

Too many opportunities.

This is protocol. Non-negotiable.

Hey, you want to know what's
protocol? Chain of command.

When we're on a call,
these guys are with Cal Fire.

And right now, we're on a call.

So, my firefighters are
gonna stay right here

and they will assist them
as needed. Sound good?

Okay. Everyone, grab your tools
and move back to where you were.

Let's go!


Ooh! Let's go, Cap.

Oh, you like that?

Are you hungry?

I could roast a chicken or order a pizza

or maybe you don't want to be
making decisions right now.

What do you mean?

I'm worried that maybe we're pushing you

to make decisions before you're ready.

It's not that.

I don't mind deciding things.

It's just...

I thought it had already been decided.

What had?

Who my family was gonna be.

Me, Cara, Jake.

Then Cara died.


MANNY: Electric company's taking

their sweet time shutting off the power.

Just hang in there, mija.



- I'm gonna die.
- Hey, hey, easy now.

You're talking,
so that's a good sign you won't.

Can you tell me your name?


My brakes failed.

All those people.
Did I hit anyone? Oh, my God!

Hey, hey, hey, it's okay.
It was just an accident.


I got pulse at the carotid,
but none at the radial.

His BP is crashing.

We need to get him to a hospital now.

Yeah, we copy, Perez. Stand by.

All right, so, what's the plan?

We send two guys in, get the patient,

keeping their feet
flat on the ground, and...

No, no, no. That's twice as many chances

of bridging the voltage differentials.

It should be one person,
and it should be me.

You think you're gonna carry
the patient out by yourself?

Look, I bring in the Sked,
Gabs and I move him,

- plastic to plastic, and nobody gets...
- No.

- Jake, there's a way to do this.
- Yeah, and it's my way.

Chief, I understand that
you have the experience,

but I know what I'm capable of.

Well, there it is. Bottle's open now.

Give me the green light.

Go to it, Captain.

Mitchell's pulse is thready.

VINCE: Easy, Jake.

You want to keep your soles
glued to the ground.

Keep the strides short.

Do not bridge those voltage rings.

And stay calm. The closer
you get to the lines,

the more dangerous the current.

Okay. Okay, look,

I would really love it if everybody
would just stop talking about it.

GABRIELA: Jake, watch out.


MANNY: Good job. Watch your
feet, Crawford.

Chief, someone needs
to go in there and help him.


No, no, no, let it be
me, okay? Let me go.

- Hey, no, Bode!
- Bode!

Bode, no! Come on!

JAKE: Bode, what are you doing?

B, I got this.

Forget the Sked.

Be faster if we just take him
straight out together.

We don't have a lot of time.

Move easy, Bode.

MANNY: Don't rush, Bode. Flat feet.

Is that guy really
entering the hot zone?

Yeah. They're inmate firefighters.

This is what they volunteer to do.

All right, listen to me.

Do not touch patient
and don't touch the truck.

You could get electrocuted
just brushing up against it.

he's bleeding internally.

We need to move fast. One, two, three.

JAKE: Okay, hands on plastic,

just like that. [GRUNTING]

MANNY: Watch your heels. Keep 'em down.

- Wait.



JAKE: You kept him alive, Gabs.

Good work. All right.

VINCE: Good baton pass.

Now get back here to the safe zone.

- Hey, you good?
- Yup, I got him.

JAKE: Cap, we got him.

Cole, you, and you three,

head around the perimeter
and help them out.

- You got it.
- Move! Let's go.

You got it, Captain.

Bode, ready for hand-off.

- A few more feet.
- We're almost to the safe zone.

- You're almost there.
- Come on.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

MANNY: Couple more steps.

VINCE: You got it, you
got it, you're good.

EVE: Nice!

LUKE: Get him into the ambulance.


Nice job.


Great work!

EVE: Nice hustle, Three Rock.


Oh, sure. Now they get the power off.





Good work, baby. Good work.


Let's roll out, baby!


Ironically, we could use
a little light now, huh?

Listen, you know we got to talk, right?

Yeah, we do.

With Sharon.

I'll get some more light from the rig.


- Dad!
- MURPHY: Leone, stand back!

Don't do this to me, Vince. Come on.

You're okay.


We got him.

We've got him. It's all right.


GEN: When I picture the future, I...

picture, like...


And I'd look out,
and Cara and Jake are there.

We're all three there.

And then I picture looking out

and seeing just Jake,

and I'm still happy.

What's the matter?


there was an accident.

It's Vince.

He's in the hospital.

No news from Sharon yet?

Uh, no, not yet.

My first official day as a paramedic,

and I'm gonna remember it as my worst.

No. Mm-mmm.

Hey. You saved that kid today.

You saved Vince.

He's fine.

Or he... he'll be fine.


Look, Manny, about this afternoon...

- I just want to exp...
- Walk away from me.






You got to come back to me.

I need you.

You are not getting out of this.

Come on.

You got to show up.

Oh, please, Vince.

You didn't bring me any food?



Oh, thank God.

Oh, God.

♪ Tell me what you're feeling... ♪

I got a hot cocoa here
with a mountain of marshmallows.


You know...

♪ That you mean it... ♪

you can tell everyone what you want.

♪ That you won't leave again... ♪

Everyone wants to hear it.

♪ Tell me what your heart wants... ♪

It's just...

sometimes I know what I want,

but I don't know how to say it.

Hey, that's okay, too.

But I don't want
to hurt anyone's feelings.

Gen, the only feelings that

anyone cares about are yours.

Can I tell you how I feel?

♪ I can't make you see... ♪

I love your mom.

♪ If you don't by now... ♪

You know that.

♪ I'll get through these changes... ♪

I mean, I, uh, wasn't
just her boyfriend, I...

♪ Somehow... ♪


I was going to ask her to marry me.

♪ Somehow... ♪

But part of that question,
for me, was...

if she would have me
as a father for you.

And, more importantly, is
if you would have me.

I was already going to
ask you this, but...

♪ Can't you see how much you hurt me? ♪


It's okay, I've got you.

I'm right here.


♪ Tell me what your heart wants... ♪



Oh! Vince is okay.

"He's awake. Annoying, actually.

He's waging a loud crusade
to get discharged."

Sounds like Vin.

They're gonna keep him
for a couple more days

for observation.

- ♪ I can't make you see... ♪

He's all right.

It was a bad shock but it seems like

your dad's gonna make a full recovery.

He's already making jokes.


I'm sure he is.

Yo, thanks, um, for jumping in earlier.

Yeah, of course.

♪ Somehow... ♪

What happened with
signing the papers today?

Listen, uh,

about that...

If you don't think that I'm...

I'm right for the job,

for-for Gen, just...

just say something.

No. It's not about you, Bode.

Whether or not you're right for the job,

I have the job.

She doesn't know you.

But I know her.

Look, I know that she hates the dentist

and sleeping with her socks on.

That she loves thunderstorms.

That when she says "eggs over easy,"

what she really means is "over medium."

And that she needs to know

what's coming
around the corner, in detail,

or else she gets really anxious.

Okay. Okay, look, I just...

I-I haven't had a chance
to get to know her.

I know. But I've been raising her.

And I want to.

And more importantly, Gen wants me to.


♪ Somehow... ♪

I'm nervous.

And I will need help,
so I'm not trying to push you out, B.

But I think this needs to be me.

And you'll be Uncle Bode.

When you called me, you told
me that she was my daughter.

I know, and I messed up.

It saved my life.

She's the reason I was working so hard.

Look, I know you
might think that, but...

before that, your reason was Gabriela.

Before that, it was your folks.

Man, you went back to prison for Freddy.

I don't-I don't know,
but, Bode, you keep

putting your reason for living
on other people.

And I don't know if it's because
you don't want to look at yourself,

but you have to count on yourself.

That's easy for you to say, out there.

No. It isn't.

'Cause in case you forgot,

I was counting on a future with Cara.

But things change in an instant.

♪ Paper... ♪


♪ Yours is like... ♪

MURPHY: Leone.

Lights out.

Tell my dad I love him.

He knows.

But I will.


The impulse to show up, to help

and to protect
is ingrained in these men.

The men of Three Rock Camp
aren't looking to escape...

Better late than never, right?

Happy birthday, kid. [CHUCKLES]

They know that Three Rock
is their escape route:

a way out of prison,

and maybe out of the life
that brought them there.

In the chaos of the accident,
this reporter froze.

But these inmates...

they rushed to help
the very people

who protest their presence
in their community.

I want these men to succeed
as much as they do.

Can you believe this?
I've watched it three times.

It's like we wrote it ourselves.

Nah, it's great. It's good.

Oh, also, thank you for reinstating

visitation and phone privileges.

Whoo, baby. [LAUGHS]

Look, Eve...

[SIGHS] I'm sorry.

But that news report
was too little, too late.

CDCR handed down the order.

They're shutting down Three Rock.

I'm sorry.


Hey, Chief.

Took you two days to come see me?

Did I piss you off or something?

No, man.

I had to go hunting.


For this guy.


Looks like a mouse bear or something.

I mean, this is very rare, like you.

And he had your whiskers,
so I figured why not? [CHUCKLES]

Yeah, that's about right.

Hey, listen, man, I just want to
get something off my chest.


All right.

Lay it on me.

I can't shake the feeling that
all this is my fault.

If I wasn't fighting with that protester
in the middle of the road

and caused that truck to swerve,
you wouldn't be here right now.

If I'm mad at you,
I got to be mad at Luke

for putting up the stupid fence.

And then I got to be mad
at the electric company...

Well, I'm always mad at them, but...

It's dumb luck, bro.

Plain and simple, it's
just dumb luck, right?

And dumb luck

has given me as much as it has taken,

so I...

I'm good.

We're good.



All right.

Get some rest.

Yeah, you go do some hero stuff.


Mouse bear.




How long has it been like that?

Not one word.
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