01x11 - Nobody's Perfect

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Royal Pains". Aired: June 4, 2009 – July 6, 2016.*
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Series follows Hank Lawson, an unfairly discredited but brilliant diagnostic surgeon who winds up moving to the Hamptons with his brother as he works as a concierge to the uber rich and ultra elite.
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01x11 - Nobody's Perfect

Post by bunniefuu »

EVAN: Previously on
Royal Pains...

HANK: Mr. Gardner
is stable.

So, how about today
we save two for
the price of one?

NIKKI: You let a billionaire
hospital trustee die
on your day off.

The Gardner family
managed to pull
a few strings

and have me blackballed at
every Level I trauma center
in New York.

Stay in my guest cottage.
Be my concierge doctor.

You have a shark
in your basement.

BORIS: This animal was
meant for research.

Are there any human
medical implications
to your research?

Uh, well, your CPK is
slightly elevated, but that's
no real cause for concern.

Boris alters his vaguely
medical research plans when
he gets his blood results.

Then, the blood mysteriously
vanishes from the lab.

Is Boris sick?

I know you think
you've come to save my life,
but I may be saving yours.

Save my life?
I'm not the one
who's sick, Boris.

Tell me what's going on.

It's come to my attention
that the Gardners intend

to pressure
the state licensing board
to revoke your credentials.

They're after
my license now?

It's not enough
to blackball me from
New York City's hospitals,

take all my money
and run me out of town?
How do you know?

Your name came up
in my business here.

What business?

A business that just
happened to come up
after you overreact

to a moderate CPK spike

and then have your blood
removed from the lab?

I have obligations all
over the world, Hank.

You have an illness,
and I need to know
what it is to be your doctor.

You're an ER doctor, Hank,
not a diagnostician.

We all diagnose.

Not if you don't
have a license.

The Gardners are not
getting my license.
There was no negligence.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Well, that won't
matter much, will it,

if they curry favor
with the board?

Do not underestimate
these people, Hank.

Trust me.

I'm good. I'm fine.
I didn't get my requisite
nine hours, but I'll survive.

So, how's Boris'
New York pad?

I'm picturing, like, a cramped
fourth-floor walk-up.

Yeah. It's a few floors
higher than that.

That's so funny.
In my mind,

I'm picturing you in,
like, a giant airship,

being waited on hand and foot

and eating, like,
a lavish breakfast
served on fine china.

You know what, Evan?
Don't be ridiculous.

Anyway. Uh, so,
I've seen Boris.

Really? How is the old boy?

Did he bring his
pet shark with him?

Oh, let me guess,
you can't talk about it

because it's

You're honestly becoming
no fun to talk to,
you realize that?

All right. Find my lawyer's
phone number, will you?

I can't find it
in my phone.

I'm sure his business card is
lying around there somewhere.

Henry. I thought you went
back to New York
to do things with Boris

you're not allowed
to tell me about.

You never mentioned
anything about laws,
lawyers and lawsuits.

It's nothing.
It's nothing.

I just want to check in
with him while I'm in town.

All right.
I'll text it to you.

Thank you. Are you
sure you and Divya
can cover today?

Oh, my God.
I still can't believe you're
not going to be here for this.

This is a giant fish, Hank.

Like, this is bigger
than Boris' giant fish.

This is the Loch Ness
monster of fishes.

Yeah. I'm all broken up.

Yeah, you will be,
once you find out who this is.

This is the biggest,
wealthiest, most exclusive
client we've ever had, by far.

Really? Okay.
I'll bite. Who is it?

I have no idea.

Whoever he or she is,

they are so famous
that we can't even find out
till we get there.

How awesome is that?
And they've already
cut me a cashier's check

that literally made me
tear up a little bit.

Control yourself.
Goodbye, Evan.

EVAN: So this mystery boss
of yours must be into sailing?

BRYAN: There she is.

This is the boat?
No, it's not.

Wow, this is what
you call a water toy?

[LAUGHS] Oh, man. You
should see the mother ship.
It's gigantic.

It's like the
Enterprise at sea.

Makes this thing
look like a...

Like something
you play with
in the bathtub.

Like something
you play with
in the bathtub.

[LAUGHS] Oh. Well,
the scale's about
right, so, uh...


I like this guy.
Yeah. This guy
likes you.

This is definitely a boil
that needs to be lanced,

and I have what I need
to take care of it.

Great. Just sign this
non-disclosure agreement
and we'll head out.

All right. I don't need
to sign any additional

don't know my boss.
I hardly know him, and...

Well, we should
get to know him.
Right, Divya?

He... Oh. Him. So,
it's a guy. Interesting.
So, that narrows it down.

I'm not signing anything until
I speak with the patient.

And you will. He's on
the main boat. I have
to take you out there.

The mother ship? So we
would see the mother ship?
Oh, bless you. Bless you.

Hey. Absolutely not.

But absolutely not. Yes.

We can't sign anything
until we discuss it first.

So, just give us
one second.

Why can't you
just embrace life?
Just embrace it.

It's a sailboat.
It's a beautiful day.

We're gonna go skimming across
this crystal-clear water
with Captain Bryan

to see the mother ship.
Okay? It's a mother ship.

A quick boil lance
and we're home
before supper.

Okay. I embrace
knowing who it is
we're working with.

Okay. Working for.

And do you also
read the last page
of a mystery novel first?

Are you the kind of person
that shakes your presents

to see what's in them
before you open them?

Evan. This isn't
your birthday gift.
This is business.

Well, actually, if you'd
seen the check, you'd know
it's a little bit of both.

And HankMed does
not discriminate

just because a client is
a little bit secretive.
Ask Boris.


By the way, Bryan,
where did you get
those Top-Siders?

BRYAN: Want a beer?
EVAN: Yeah,
I'll have a beer.


This is the life, man.


don't be rude.
That was a perfectly
good beer.

I don't drink on the job,
and neither do you.

You're not... Divya,
do not confiscate
my beverage.

Bryan, what the hell is this?

Well, this is the
water toy, actually.
Believe it or not.

Boss told me to tell you
that he's sorry and that
he can't wait to see you,

and then he said
some other stuff that
I'm not gonna repeat.

[CHUCKLES] But, trust me,
it was pretty funny.

Is she famous?

Yeah, I can't believe
he sent the damn dinghy.
He knows I hate it.

Why didn't he send
the chopper?

The boat is quieter.

Not when I'm
through yelling at him.
He knows I get seasick.

Well, you actually
don't have to worry about
getting seasick because

we're HankMed.
We specialize in sicknesses
of all kinds. Right?

I'm Evan R. Lawson.

I'm the CFO. This is
Divya Katdare, she's
my physician assistant.

And you are?


The mistress.

the what-stress?

Thanks for breakfast,
Boris. Delicious.


Am I intruding?
On the contrary.

I'm quite pleased
you've agreed to stay.

Thank you, Hank.

I'm doubly pleased
you've agreed to accompany
me this morning.


You can't let go
of my hand, can you?

No, I can't.

I'd like to
run some tests.

That type of muscle
contraction is possible

with myotonic
muscular dystrophy.

I've been around
that particular
road, Hank.

And you've probably
talked to motor-neuron

Parkinson's, ALS.

I've spoken with
every specialist
in the free world,

and some from
parts of the world
that aren't so free.

And they can't
tell you what it is?

Which is why
we have to run...

No. My hand is feeling
better. Thank you.

Boris, we have
to talk about what's
going on with you.

Yes, but not now.
That's an extensive

Let's talk about
your situation.

You have structured
a plan, have you?

I called my lawyer.

I made a few calls, too.
I think I can help.


Perhaps best
if you don't know.

No. Thank you.

Look, I'll just have my
lawyer set up a face-to-face
with the Gardner family.

Enough time has passed.
I'll just...

I'll just explain
it to them.


Interesting concept.

KYLIE: Oh, God.
I hate sailing.


You should sit down
if you're feeling

[CHUCKLES] Oh. I appreciate
your medical advice,

but I find that a little
bit of Dom does the trick.

It doesn't.
You should have
some water.

[SIGHS] We're surrounded
by water. I'm sick of it.

Why couldn't I have
met a nice, rich,
married guy with

a fleet of jets?

Well, nobody's perfect.

At this stage of my
life, I can't exactly
afford to be choosy.

Wait, you can't be
more than, what, 30?

Most of them are looking
for 20-year-olds on the side.

Ever consider dating
a single person?

Who's gonna
pay for my loft?

EVAN: This boat is insane.
It's got everything.


You know,
all I really need

is just a couple sails
and the big blue sea.

You know?
Grill a couple of fish.
Just look at the stars.

Keep it simple.

Keep it simple
on a 100-foot yacht?

Whoa. It's like Walden Pond,
only with a luxury sailboat.

I could lose
the luxury part.

Whoa. Hey.
Bite your
tongue, man.

You tell him, skinny.

You could, you know,
sail a smaller boat
if you really wanted to.

But he pays a hell
of a lot better,
doesn't he?

Not that much better.
Trust me.

Okay. Who is this
benefactor of yours?

It can't hurt
to tell us now.

She reads the last page
of mystery novels first,
as well. I just...

Oh, he is
a man of mystery.

You know all those
insanely famous people
who lost billions

investing with
the guy who stole it
and disappeared?

Gary Pastotnik?

I mean, half the Hamptons
want his head on a platter.

Yeah, the richest,
most powerful half.

That guy single-handedly
brought the word "scoundrel"
back into everyday use.

That's my Gary.


Gary Pastotnik?
That guy's, like, Satan,
only more evil.

Aside from my therapist,
you're the first people
I've told.

[SIGHING] He's the client.

Well, HankMed is
treating a fugitive.

Well, that's just great.

That's great.
Happy now?

I don't understand.
The money's the same.

Well, actually, no,
it's not the same.
His money's stolen.

Okay. At the rates
you're charging,
so is yours.

We all know what we are.
Nothing left to do
but name the price.

This is why
I like to read
the last page first.

Here we are.

Good morning.
WOMAN: Good morning, sir.


Good morning, Elba.
Will you join us?
ELBA: Of course.

I take it you
come here often.

BORIS: I'm required to.
I own it.

Watch yourself, Hank.


Hey! Miss Divorce Papers!

Are you avoiding me?

How narcissistic
are you?

I was trying to get
some work done.

Did you tell the process
server to fake stomach pains?
Because that was so good.

I never saw it coming.

Please just sign them.


Every page?

If it will make
you happy, yeah.

What's the catch?

Ten minutes
of your time.

For what?
A surprise.

Don't make that face.
You used to love
my surprises.

Used to.
Past tense.

Ten minutes of your time.
I'm going to tell you
where and when.

All you have to do
is show up.

And then you'll
sign the papers?

Every page.

So this is
where it came from.

Some of these deposit boxes
have been here

since my great-grandfather
built the place.

Really? He must have spent
a lot of years here.

He died soon
after, actually.

Accidental drowning,
wasn't it?

I've done some research
on the Kuester von
Jurgens-Ratenicz clan.

Oh, yes?

Your father died in
an airplane crash in the Andes
when he was just 44.

His father died skiing
in St. Moritz at 43.

That's just about
the age you are now.

Three accidental deaths?
They're lies, aren't they?

This thing you have,
it's genetic.

And as you've so
diligently discovered,
Hank, quite fatal.

You've known
your whole life.

How it would end? Yes.

Medicine is evolving...
Medicine is insufficient.


It doesn't have to be.

As a boy, I watched
my father get lost
in the disease.

He was, uh, larger
than life, you know?

Then, suddenly,
his muscles failing him.

In a year,
his mind, as well.

He signed off a good deal
of our resources to, um,

unscrupulous associates.

of incompetence is
a sensitive subject.


I'm sorry. I'm just
a little confused.

You disappear
from the Hamptons.

You're sick,
but you won't
let me treat you.

Yet, you call me here
about my medical license

and now you take me
to your bank?

What is going on?
Why am I here?

I've grown to appreciate
your integrity, Hank.

I want you to do for me
what no one would do
for my father.

Stay on with me.

Monitor my condition.
Manage my challenges.


I'll give you ample time
to decide, of course.

Look. If I agree
to do this, and I'm not
saying I will,

I will want
to know everything.

A complete medical
history, the real thing.

What are your
measurements, Hank?
What? Why?

You're going
to need a suit.

A suit?

A meeting has been arranged
with the Gardners
for this afternoon.

You wanted to face them,
now you will have
your chance.

I can't believe
you got us into this.

Sure you can.
I've gotten us
into worse.

You saw those zeros
on that check and lost
all ability to think.

In his defense,
it was a lot of zeros.

Look, it wasn't
just the money.

Okay, fine. You know
what? Yes, money is
important to me.

It's what we use to buy
food and shelter and bling.

But since we got
to the Hamptons,
it's been different.

I've been evolving.
Into what?

Don't blame him.
Gary's made of money.
He buys anything he wants.

Look. No offense, buddy,

but I don't think a shout-out
from the getaway driver is
helping me here, so...

All right. Hey, hey, hey.
Look. I did not help him
get away.

I just help him sail around
now that he's gotten away.

Hey, you're right.
It's no different.


This is why I didn't
want to come.

Why? Because you knew
that he was going to be
some infamous scoundrel

that was going to
t*nk our reputation?
You just knew it?

Because I know that
the reality is always

compared to
what you imagine.

And at the end
of the day,

all that really
matters to you is you.
Oh, and money.

You were right, Divya.

You were right.
That champagne
did not help at all.

Sit down.
The fresh air
will help.


What the hell?
I hate this frigging
boat! This rope...

BRYAN: No, no, no!
Don't touch that!
Don't touch that!

KYLIE: Whatever!

Wait, don't touch that!


Kylie, don't touch him.

EVAN: You all right, man?

Hey. Oh, my God!

EVAN: Oh, man.

Bryan, I'm so sorry.
EVAN: That looked really bad.

Oh, my God!

What? What is it?
Nothing. No, no. It's fine.

Oh, my God. You're lucky
you didn't get hurt worse,
'cause that's not that bad.

Kylie, call 911.

But they'll call the feds.
Gary will k*ll me.

Maybe we should call him.
He'll take care of it.

We need the Coast Guard.
We need them to help us,
too. Now.

What the hell is
happening to me?

You're gonna be...
You're gonna be fine.
Go get my bag.

Oh, yeah.

Okay. The fall
broke your ribs.

A segment of your chest
detached from the rest
of your chest wall.

It's called a flail chest.

That sucks.
I mean, it could be
worse, though, right?

Why's he breathing

I'm breathing backwards?

What? He's breathing
ironically? What?

DIVYA: The flail segment
of your chest is moving
in the opposite direction

of the rest of your chest.
It's called paradoxical

I want to breathe forwards.
Make me breathe forwards.

We're going to do
everything we can, okay?
You'll be just fine.

His chest is
going in and out.

Stop it. Stop.
All right?
Going in and...

He needs mechanical
ventilation, maybe surgery.

I mean, things we can't do.

We can't do.
That means he's going to die.

That means that we're...
I can't die.
Divya, I can't die.

I've never been in love.
I haven't been on
The Apprentice yet.

[STAMMERING] I can't...
Evan, stop it.

Evan, you are
freaking out.

I know. What am I
supposed to do?

We're in the middle
of the ocean.

The captain's chest
is a paradox.

And you just said
we can't do anything.
What am I...

Listen. I said
we can't do
certain things.

Fortunately, Bryan is
conscious and he's
breathing on his own.

So what we can do is,
we can remain professional

and we can keep him
comfortable until
help arrives. Yeah?

Yeah, I can do that.
Stay professional, Evan.

I know. I know
that it hurts,

but I'm going to
take care of that.
Hold him still.

EVAN: I've got his head.

Okay. Sorry, dude.

The Coast Guard is
asking us where we are.


Okay. I'm here.
Let's get it over with.


What's going on?


I don't have time
to play games.

You know, I don't think
they've even painted
this room since then.

Since when?

You need me
to jog your memory
for you? Okay.

You were lying right here,
craving a cheeseburger,
onion rings, red Jell-O,

and, oh, yeah,
a chocolate shake.


You want me
to sign them?

Your shoulder was nasty
after that surfboard
jammed into it.

I visited you
here every day.

In fact, I think I was
the only person in the
history of health services

that looked forward
to visiting the hospital.


You have
eight minutes left.

Now, both of us know,
the chocolate cravings...


...that was just an excuse
to get your brother
out of the room.

Right. Because no patient
has ever craved chocolate
in a hospital.

Oh, come on.
You weren't trying
to get rid of Josh?

No. I wasn't.

Okay, maybe a little.

I know you still love me,
Jill. I can see it
in your eyes.


It's over, Charlie.

I still have
six minutes left!


Hi. Do you
have a second?

[CHUCKLES] Do I have...
Uh, yeah. I was just
calling you.

No, I called you.

Okay. Um. Did
you find Boris?

Well, is he okay?

That's a complicated
question. I'm not sure
of the answer.

And unfortunately,
that's about all
I can say.

So, how's New York?

Do you remember
the Gardners?

As in "got you fired"

Yeah. Apparently,
that wasn't good enough.

Now they want
my medical license.

You didn't do
anything wrong.

I've learned that
doesn't always matter.
I'm about to meet with them.

Well, good, Hank.
Just talk to them,
human being to human being.

I would,
I'm just not sure
they are human beings.

Well, then,
just be Hank.

That I can do.

So, I'll be thinking
of you. And, uh...

Yeah. Hey,
break a leg.

At least that
I'd know how to fix.

Thank you.

Yeah. All right,
the Coast Guard wants
to know our heading.

What's a heading?

Bryan, what's our heading?

before we lost the sail.

He said 196, 15 knots.

Hey, Gumby. Are you
going to turn Gary in?
Or, more importantly, me?

Did you just call me
Gumby? No, not you. Um...

Okay, they're having trouble
finding a signal
from the boat.

There's a scrambler.
It was masking our location
from satellites.

The satellite? What...
What happened? What happened?
What happened? Divya.

Okay. He said that there was
a scrambler or something,
and then he just passed out.

He has a tension pneumothorax.
Okay, come help me.

No. I'm trying
to get us found.

I'd prefer this job
to one involving blood.

What does that mean?
His lung has collapsed,

and I need to relieve
the pressure or it will stop
blood flow to the heart.

Okay. So, his lung
has collapsed, she said.
Oh, my God.



Sorry about that.
Welcome back.

Hey, Kylie. Cut one
of the fingers
on this, okay?

Then cut the tip off,
all right? So it makes
a tube shape.

This isn't
worth the loft.

Kylie, I am trying to inflate
his lung. Just do it.

You have to do it, Kylie.
This is a sign.

I knew there was a reason
why we weren't making it
to the big ship.

I should end it with Gary.

Yeah. You should
end it with Gary.

No, this is just
a situation here.
It's hard to explain.

She's, uh...
She's using K-Y Jelly
on a rubber glove, and...

I'm not a medical guy.
I don't know. She's...
She has an elastic band.

I just heard a hiss.
Hold on a sec.
That inflated his lung?

For now. Okay, how long
before the Coast Guard
gets here?

She wants to know how long.
They're working on it.
Thank you.

We can't wait.
I need to stabilize
his chest wall

before he damages
his lungs further
or becomes hypoxic.

And I thought my life sucked.

So, yeah, you don't know
where we are, right?
Okay, great.

So, just to remind everybody,
we're on a boat in the
middle of nowhere.

So, what exactly
are we going to
need for that?

We need Hank.



Hello. I'm
Dr. Hank Lawson.

Dr. Lawson. We're part
of Mr. Kuester von
Jurgens-Ratenicz's team,

and he suggested
that we accompany you
to this meeting.

I told Boris I would
do this on my own.

Well, that's not necessary.
They saw us and realized
what they were up against,

and so they already put
a deal on the table.

What kind of deal?

Well, you apologize
for your actions
on April 28, 2009...

...and take full

for the death
of Clayton Hale Gardner.

And the family is willing
to discontinue the case

pending before
the licensing board.

And what did
you say to them?

Dr. Lawson,
do you want this
to go away or not?

So, all I have to do
is take responsibility?

One tiny concession.

Yeah. Not so
tiny for me.

Dr. Lawson...

I saved a kid's life.
I'm not about to admit fault
where there wasn't any fault.

It was a bad day.
A bad heart.
That, I'll tell them.



Okay. I have
to take this.
What about the meeting?

Right now,
this is more
important. Yeah.

Yo, can you get online,
like, right now?

HANK: Uh, let
me see. Hold on.

Do you have a laptop?
Yes. Why?

I need it. Look,
it's a medical emergency.

Evan, I'll be with you
in a sec. Yeah, hold on.

Thanks. This thing
have a camera?

Okay. Excuse me, everyone.
I'm going to need to use
this room. Thank you.

It's a medical emergency.


Hold on.

Can you see me?
Got you. Got you.
Hey. Here.

Hey. He has a flail chest
and multiple broken ribs.

EVAN: Do you see it?
Okay. Yeah, I see it.

EVAN: Look at that.

We need to stabilize
his chest wall,

but I don't exactly have
a positive end expiratory
pressure machine onboard.

Okay. You're going
to need to get leverage

to pull the rib cage
back to his chest wall.
Let me look something up.

You're going to be okay, dude.
We're working on it, okay?
I promise. Right?

Okay. Good. There's
a splinting method
you could try.

A pulley system.

But we don't have
a pulley system. It's a boat.
We're on a boat, Hank.

There's pulleys
in the rigging.
Extras in the cockpit.

All right. Grab two,
and you'll need some weights

and a line to attach
his chest to them.

And what should we use
to penetrate the chest wall?

Is there any...
Is there any fishing
gear on board?

I saw a tackle box
near the cockpit.

Good. Go get it. Divya,
you're going to need
something to sterilize with.

There's got to be
some alcohol onboard, right?

Plenty. The good stuff,
too. I'll get it all.
Screw Gary.

Hank, this is Kylie.

Hi. I'm the
disgruntled mistress.

Hello. Nice
to meet you.

It's because I didn't go
to college and I hate retail.

Alcohol. Go get it.



Hey, there. I'm Hank.

I know you're in pain.
We're going to take
good care of you.

Okay, what do you need?
What do you need?

All right. Divya,
find a place to hang those.

Okay. Over here.

You want to move his
whole body over there?

EVAN: Okay, I'm going
to grab his legs.
KYLIE: Okay.

Thank you.
On three.
One, two, three.


EVAN: Oh, my God. Okay.

It's going to be okay, man.

HANK: Let's go.

EVAN: Can you see?
HANK: Yeah. Yeah. I got you.

Divya, grab the biggest
hooks you can find.

Oh, my God. Okay.

HANK: Okay. Here we go.

Insert the hook
beneath the broken rib.

Remember, the barb on
the end will make it
hard to pull out.

Divya, you can do this.
Nice and steady.

Okay, whoa. Are you sure
that's the right spot?
Like, how do you know?

HANK: Evan,
you're not helping.

I know. I'm...

DIVYA: Bryan, this
is going to hurt.

First hook going in.


Yeah, it's
definitely in there.

Yes. I know.
There's a scrambler. But...

How big can the ocean
possibly be? All right.

I can't get
the last hook in.
Push harder.

It's not working.
All right. Evan,
give Divya a hand.

No. No, no, no,
no, no, no, no.
I can't. I can't.

You do know that this
is a medical business
that we're in, right?

Yes. Uh, hold on
a second. Yes.

Asset balance sheets, me.
Jamming fishhooks into
people, that's you.

Evan, this isn't optional.
It's the last one. Let's go.

Yeah, make it
happen already.

Mr. Coast Guard? Yeah.

This is, uh...
This is your fault that
I have to do this. Here.

Just pretend that it's
a game of Operation.

Put the gloves on.

Yeah, that's a really
realistic game.

I'm probably
overqualified for this.

Feel for the rib.

Oh, my God.
It's definitely broken
and disgusting.

Pierce the skin
right above
the top rib.


Piercing it.
HANK: Okay. Evan,
you're doing great.

KYLIE: It's in.
Now, ride the
point of the hook

around the backside
of the rib.

Ride the point of the...
What the hell are you
talking about?

HANK: Evan? Evan?
Be careful.

You need to stay close
to the rib or you'll
tear an artery.

Do not tear
an artery, Gilligan.

Okay. Why don't you just
say "no pressure," too?
That would really help here.

Evan, focus.

Yep. Okay.

BRYAN: Oh, my God.
Good. Good.

Follow the curve
of the hook.

It's coming.
It's coming.
HANK: Good.

All right, Evan.

Hank, I'm attaching
the hooks to the line.

Okay, great.
Run them through
the pulley

and attach the weights
to the other side.

Good. Good.
Now, let them go.


Oh, my God.
It's working.


I'm going to take
a nap, throw up

About seven times.

Thank God, they found us.



One of Fidel's
shining glories.

Sounds impressive
and illegal.

Yeah, I'll take one.

Tough day?

Yeah. You
could say that.

Well, look at the
brighter side, Hank.

Diana has decided
not to charge you
for the use of her laptop.


While I admire
your passion, Hank,

you don't have to
do this on your own, huh?

God created lawyers
for a reason,

and I can't imagine it was
for their joie de vivre.


Let them help you.

Look, the Gardners are
not getting my license.
It's just not happening.

As well they shouldn't,
but let my team come
here, develop a new plan.

Thanks, but what
I need is fresh air
and some time to myself.


Then take my car.
Natan will drive you
around the park.

If I'm with Natan,
I wouldn't exactly
be alone.

With Natan, you couldn't
be more alone. Believe me.

I'm not going
with Natan.

But thank you.
I'll see you later.








Hey, Divya.
DIVYA: We're bringing
him in now.

How's he doing?

Stable. Better
than I would be,

given that he's
being held together
by parts of a boat.


You did good.
I'm proud of you.

Listen, this one was
a really close one.

I am ready for you
to come back, Dr. Hank.

Yeah, I'll be back in
a few hours and things
will return to normal.

Great. Only, I'm not
exactly sure I know
what normal is anymore.

Yeah, that makes
two of us.

I'm telling you,
if I pull through this,

no more scramblers
or getaway driver.

EVAN: What do you mean,
"if"? No, no, no.

The doctors are going to
stitch you right up, man,

and before you know it,
you'll be back on
the big blue sea.

You're going to be
looking up at the stars
and grilling up some fish.

Are those fishhooks?

Yeah. Or ribs...
Or chicken is
also good to grill.

I just got seduced
by the yacht and
the toys and money.

Yeah, money
isn't everything,
or so I've been told.

Well, thanks for
everything, huh?

Yeah. No, it's...
It's, uh... It's what I do.






I need you.

I'm sorry, Boris.
Look, I'm going home.

Hank, it's getting worse.

Where are you?

Somewhere in
Battery Park.

Okay, look, I'll meet you
by the memorial.

No, I can't get there.

Why not?

I'm quite blind.


Can you see anything?

It's very blurry.

All right,
thank you.

Okay, I'm gonna
roll up your shirt sleeve.

That appeared
this morning.

Why didn't
you mention it?
I didn't see the point.

I'm your doctor.
That's the point.

It's worsening, yes?

Are you taking
any medications?

Because I don't think
your sight loss is
from your disease.

That rash is emanating
from an injection site.

You've lost your vision
and have a morbilliform rash
spreading across your body.

What are you waiting for,
paralysis, death?

I've given myself
some injections.


The shark. That's
what it was for.

You got a shark
to harvest its
embryonic cells.

Very good, Detective.
What were you thinking?

Regulate my immune
system, Hank.

Try anything I can.

Then let me help.

Well, to say I'm surprised
would be an understatement.

I did all I could.

Do I have to check them
to make sure
you signed them?

What do you think?

You never change.

You are still
just a little kid

who does what he wants,
when he wants.

Jill, you're all I want.

Now, you tell me,
when I walked
through that door,

that there wasn't
a part of you that
was happy to see me.

It was nice to see you.

You're my wife

and you're the only woman
I ever loved.

All right.

The symptoms will diminish
as the foreign proteins
clear your system.

Till that time, these
steroids I'm giving you

will decrease your body's
inflammatory response.

How can you be so sure that
the symptoms aren't part of
my particular condition?

Well, loss of vision,
that rash are manifestations
of serum sickness,

an immune reaction to
heterologous proteins
introduced into the body.

The shark cells.

Maybe the muscle
contractions are part
of that reaction, too.

We won't know until
the proteins clear
your system.

Where did you get
the idea to do that?

There's research going on
you have no idea about, Hank.

Boris, you have
to stop immediately.

It's not medicine
you're putting into
your body.

I don't have the luxury
to be selective, do I?

For once, Boris,
trust me.

It's why you hired me
in the first place, isn't it?



I can't read that.
What does it say?

"Blue skies."

Then it's meant for you.

I'm sorry.
I don't understand.

Your medical license,
it's safe.


What did you do?

Who's to say I did anything?

Perhaps the Gardners were
moved by your idealism.


Much as I am now.

You leave me alone, Hank?


EVAN: Well, yeah. No.
No, I understand.

You're saying how much?

Yeah, I missed you, too.


Hey. How's the
captain doing?

Oh, he's itching to get
back on the boat, which
I take is a good sign.

Great. How are
you doing?

Very happy to be
on solid ground.

I'm gonna go knock
on Jill's door.

All right, I'm gonna try
to get your brother
off the phone.

Good luck
with that.

Well, yeah, sorry
about that, man.

Let me call you.
Absolutely. Bye.

Shall we?

So that was one
of Pastotnik's posse.

And he just said that if
we ride the chopper with
the mistress

and go and see the
big dog, that he'll
quadruple the payment.

He will quadruple it.

Okay, Evan, you're
not seriously
considering doing...

No, no, no. I told him
to tell the big dog

that we can't be bought,
at least not by fugitives.

You know, if they actually
have criminal charges pending,
that's a different story.

Evan, are you
developing a conscience?

I am constantly
evolving, yeah.

So, about before,
on the boat...

You were very impressive.

I was?

And, uh...
And I was wrong.

You were?

I thought you were
all about the money,

but apparently you're not.

So, I'm sorry.

Wow. I don't know
what to say.

Then don't say anything,


Why Gumby?


So, how'd it go?
I'm not sure.

My license seems to be safe.

Well, that's great news.

Yes, it is, but the
lawsuits haven't been
dropped, so...



So, how was it
being in the city?



Being back there made
me realize this is
where I want to be.

It is?

Remember you asked me
if I planned on staying
past the summer?

I do.

And I'd like to with you.




Okay, um,
here's the thing.

I don't know if I can

be with you

right now.

Oh. Okay, why not?

Because I still have
to figure things out
with my husband.

Okay. Got it.


Oh, my God!

Can you just
pick a channel?

HANK: I'll pick a channel
when I find something
worth picking, okay?

How can you know what's good?
You're on each channel for,
like, two seconds.

There, you happy?

Oh, yeah, that's funny.
Oh, that's really funny.
Really funny.

I need a beer.



My family medical history.

Uh, Boris, I can't
read German.

I never said
it would be easy.

See you later, Hank.

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