02x07 - Naomi Gaines

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Nip/Tuck". Aired: July 22, 2003 – March 3, 2010.*
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Drama is set in a plastic-surgery center, McNamara/Troy, centering on the two doctors who own it.
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02x07 - Naomi Gaines

Post by bunniefuu »

Tell me what you don't like
about yourself.

If you're unsure, Mrs. Declan,
start with why you're here today.


I made the appointment
because I was offered a senior discount...

at the movies without being
asked proof of age...

but now I think I've made a mistake.

You can relax. We're not here
to pressure you into any surgery.

I want a facelift. I mean,
choosing the two of you was a mistake.

Before you jump to any conclusions,
can I give you a list of our references?

Save the spiel.

The lady in your waiting room
convinced me you weren't worth my time.

I just wanted to see for myself.

These butchers aren't interested
in your feelings.

You're just a literal pound of flesh to them.

- Mrs. Broderick, what are you doing?
- Hello, Dr. McNamara.

I'm just sharing with others
the legacy of your work.

Technically, it's called slander. Leave now.

After they've taken your money
and left you scarred...

you're no longer worth their time.

She is a disgruntled client.
Do not listen to what she's saying.

That's right.
A picture's worth a thousand words.

Nearly 20%/% of patients
who get lipo experience dimpling.

I explained those risks.

You shoved a waiver in my face
and said "sign. "

That is not explaining.

Look, if you want our help
at this point, a second surgery...

I don't want any surgery!

I could never trust you
to touch my body again.

Not after you...

violated me like this.

- What do you want? Money?
- I don't need money.

I'm not interested in going to court.

What I want is for you to publicly
acknowledge what you did to me...

and take responsibility for your actions...

so that other women
can learn from my tragedy.

What do you mean, "publicly"?

I contacted Andrea Hall.

She's the consumer-advocate reporter
for Channel 9 News...

and Andrea agrees with me.

I'm one of an increasing number
of victims of careless plastic surgeons.

A victim? You're the one victimizing us!

Driving away patients,
confronting me in restaurants.

- I never got my job because of you.
- You never got it...

because nobody wants to buy tube tops
from a 55-year-old housewife...

who's suffering
from empty-nest syndrome!

Andrea will contact you
about the story this week.

Either you admit to your negligence
or you suffer the consequence.

I am not some piece of meat...

you can carve up and throw away.

Know that.

It's these women who need
to take more responsibility.

They try a new diet for a week,
and then when it doesn't work...

they think lipo
can solve all their problems.

Oh, my God, this r*pist struck again.

There are serious risks involved,
but once you tell them...

they can go from a size 10 to a size 6,
that's all they hear.

She contacted the local media. You realize
what that could do to business?

Honey, you'll be fine.

You saw her at the restaurant.
That woman's unstable.

The truth will out. It always does.

Have you watched the local news lately?
They don't want truth.

They want salacious scandal.
That's what Bobbi Broderick is selling.

- The truth can't compete with that.
- I wish it couldn't compete with that.

"For the third time this month, another
young woman was brutally r*ped...

"by an unidentified man
waiting inside her home.

"Due to the increasing brutality
of the att*cks...

"the police are calling him The Carver. "

We have to get an alarm for the house.
This happened 4 miles from here.

I'll call today. Who was the latest victim?
Did they say?

Naomi Gaines. A model.

You see? That's a real victim.
Not Bobbi Broderick.

That's someone who suffered a tragedy
she didn't instigate with carelessness.

This poor girl.

She probably won't work again
after what he did to her.

- You can drive Matt to school?
- He already left early to go in and study.

I guess Ava's really been on him
about his grades.

I wish we had more time together,
don't you?

Not if it means
missing more school, young man.

I could sleep over next time.

I could sneak home early
before anyone gets up.

We'd have all night.
Wouldn't that be great?

What would be great is if you could
come quicker, so I could get some rest.

Why aren't you at school?
I don't feel good. I'm not going.

Fine. Leave us alone, then.

If you're sick, I want you in bed.

All right, move over.

Dude, get the hell out of here.

Dude, don't think you're special.

She will dump you
as soon as she's sick of you, too.

What is with that kid?

He's jealous. Completely immature.

I swear, there are days
when I think of who I was at 16...

and regret I didn't have that abortion.

You had Adrian at 16?

That's gotta be weird for you, Ava.

Me being the same age as your son.

I mean, why are you with me?

I told you,
I'm attracted to your soul, Matt...

not your age.

Maybe what you're really saying is...

that you're uncomfortable being
with an older woman.

Let me shut the door if we're gonna talk.
I just want a little privacy, okay?

There's no shame
in what we do or say in here.

If we're gonna have
an open and honest relationship...

we can't hide behind closed doors.

- I thought you were with a consult.
- My third no-show this morning.

- In a row?
- Yup.

When I checked the appointment book,
I figured out why.

They're all fake.

8:00 a. m., Marion Crane.

That was Janet Leigh's
character in Psycho.

9:00 a. m., Sharon Tate. Manson murders.

9:45, Kitty Genovese...

woman in New York, 1964.

Like 38 people heard
her being stabbed to death...

and no one helped.

- Bobbi Broderick.
- And her gallery of famous victims.

This was sitting in the lobby for you.

Smells like a cheap fruit basket.

Oh, Christ.

"If you find yourself
with some free time this week...

"here's some more meat for you to carve. "


- Your 11:00 is here.
- She's in my office? You saw her?

You don't forget that face.

NAOMl: You still think
you can help me now?

I hope you understand,
I wouldn't have insisted...

you come in if I didn't think time
was a critical factor.

If we can properly close and reconstruct
the tissue in your cheeks soon...

there'll be very little permanent scarring.

You mean on the outside, right?

I'm sorry. I'm afraid
I'm playing catch-up here.

How exactly did you get the scars?

Don't you ever pick up the paper,
watch the news?

Miss Gaines was brutalized
two nights ago by a serial r*pist.

I'm so sorry.

The Carver.

That's what they're calling him.
Isn't it clever?

- You don't have to go into painful detail.
- No, I need to.

Do you know what he says
while he's ramming himself into you...

and you're choking on your own blood?

"Beauty is a curse on the world. "

He said that to the other girls, too.

And after that comes the good part.

That's when he takes out the knife.

May I?

It's okay.

Can you smile for me, Miss Gaines?

It's important, even if it's a little one.

I don't know if it's because I can't...

or I don't want to.

I think you can't
because your nerves have been severed.

- Is that permanent?
- Repairable.

I'd like to think
most of what's happened to you is.

I booked my first cover last month.

After five years of shitty catalog
and runway work...

I booked a cover.

I was making a name for myself.

Now people look at me...

and all they see is a victim.

I want my life back.

I can give you back your smile.
Won't that be a good start?

We'll see you Thursday at 3:30.

I forgot to ask you, how much is it?

I have some money in savings...

There will be no charge, Miss Gaines.

Thank you.

Why'd you call her in?

I just wanted to work on someone
who really needed my help.

It is a hell of a story.

I know. Can't keep those images
out of my mind.

Imagine what they'd look like on TV.

To hell with Bobbi Broderick.

We'll beat her at her own game.


By delivering our own story
to Andrea Hall.

I'm sorry. Mr. Alfred. Andrea Hall
from Channel 9 News.

I wondered if you'd comment
on the asbestos charges...

brought against you.

When I asked
the landlord about the asbestos...

he declined to comment...

God, Jack, I come here
to get away from work, not relive it.

you'd like to say?

My usual poison, please.

Put it on my tab.

Thank you.

I have to say, you are much better-looking
in person than you are on TV.

In my business,
that's not necessarily a compliment.


I'm a big fan.

In that case,
mind if we make this a double?

- It's been a long day.
- Please.

Exposing corruption.
It's a dirty business, huh?

It has its rewards.

It gets even better
if you let me buy you dinner.

What would you recommend here?

- Why would I know?
- This is your regular place.

- How do you know I come here after work?
- I did my homework.

See, now you're starting
to sound like a stalker.

As someone who hunts people down with
a camera and catches them off-guard...

I would have thought
you'd admire my approach.

But if I'm out of line...
No, I'm sorry.

You exploit people
on the 6:00 news for a living...

and sometimes it can come back
and bite you in the ass.

I promise not to bite.

Unless you ask me to later.

What the hell?
The alarm. Someone's breaking in.

What the hell are you doing?

- When did we get an alarm?
- This morning.

- Where are you coming from?
- I was at a friend's house studying.

It got late and we dozed off.

You expect us to believe you snuck out
in the middle of the night to study?

You wanted me to get my grades up.
It was late. I didn't wanna...

Whose house?

Adrian. Ava's son.

Ava doesn't have a son.

Yeah, she does. He's my age.

She tutors us together sometimes.

Look, I'm sorry, it won't happen again.

Next time you call,
no matter what time it is.

- Good morning.
- Not until I put my makeup on, it isn't.

I think all women look their best
before they get out of bed in the morning.

Maybe when you're 20.
Not when you're 35.

You mean 35 plus 10.

And you were such a gentleman last night.

- How old are you?
- You don't want to guess?

What are you doing?

I am a reporter, remember?
I stop at nothing to get the truth.

June, 1964? assh*le.

I guessed 36.

Wait a minute. Troy? Dr. Christian Troy?

Of McNamara/Troy, the plastic surgeons?

I'm honored. You've heard of me.

- You're my sweeps story.
- What do you mean, "sweeps story"?

Bobbi Broderick. That ring a bell?

She had some routine lipo done
at your firm recently.

She came out
looking like a pit-bull chew toy.

She contacted me about doing an expos?.

Did you know about this
before you slept with me?

You didn't honestly think...

that I would k*ll my story
because we had sex, did you?

Because my personal life
has never dictated my career.

Andrea, if you want
to prolong your career...

doing a smear story on plastic surgery,
which you're clearly going to need...

might not be the best thing for you.

Bobbi was wrong about you
and your partner.

You're even worse than she described.

You want a real story, Andrea? Dig deeper.

This week, my partner and I
are doing pro bono work...

on one of the victims of The Carver.

My mom called? What did she say?

She left a message. I have to call her back.

What exactly did you tell her
about the other night?

I told her I was with Adrian.

Do you think she knows about us?
What should I do?

You can start with rubbing
more oil on my back.

First of all, if you keep acting
like a scared little boy, she will know.

Mothers have good intuition
when it comes to their children.

The only way to deal
with a situation like this...

is to confront it head-on.

I'm gonna call your mother back
right now.

You're not gonna tell her
about us, are you?

Why, are you ashamed of the feelings
we have for each other?

Does anybody wanna
put sunscreen on my back?

I'll be right back.

You wanna jerk off or something?

- What?
- Before the old lady comes back?

Relax. I gotta take it when I can get it.

There's no locks in the house.

The only privacy I get is out here
when she's in there.

Yeah, well, it's not appropriate,
and don't ask me that again.

Right, you need to save your load
for my mom, anyway.

Look, Adrian...

I don't want there to be
any weirdness between us, okay?

Save the father-son talk for your daddy.

Your psychobabble attempt
at bonding is pathetic.

Chill with the attitude, okay?
I'm not here to take your shit.

You're boring me.

Your boyfriend misses you.

Tomorrow night, don't make any plans.

We're going to the McNamaras
so Julia can meet Matt's study partner.

So I have to do you a favor now?

Watch your lip, mister.

You're not too old for a backhand,
and I'm wearing heavy rings.

Fine, I'll play along. But then I get a favor.

So what'd she say?

We're all gonna have dinner
with your mom tomorrow night.

And this is what we're gonna do.

BOBBl: Take a look at the plastic surgery
of McNamara/Troy.

That's my stomach.
Are you considering plastic surgery?

Look at this picture. This is my stomach.

What do you think you're you doing?

What you're not.
Informing vulnerable women...

about the three most dangerous words
in the English language:

"It's only liposuction. "

- Nice.
- Yeah. I got tired of flashing people.

Are you interested in liposuction?
Are you interested in plastic...

- I have lawyers.
- Tell that to Andrea Hall!

I'm sure she'd love to interview them!

BOBBl: Don't go in that office.

No, we're gonna be here for a few hours.
I'll call you when we're leaving. Bye.

Dr. McNamara?
Andrea Hall, Channel 9 News.

Yes, I know, I've seen you on TV.

Let's go into my office,
where I can give you my point of view.

Bad idea, partner.

The fishies are pretty,
but they don't make interesting B roll.

Maybe you'd like to take
a look at our surgery suite.

- I just propped it out a little for you.
- Terrific. Thanks.

Guess who I gave
four orgasms to last night.

Oh, Christ.

- I thought she was here about Bobbi.
- No, Naomi.

But she has to agree to go on camera,
talk about her attack...

- and have her surgery filmed.
- What?

We don't know if she'll do all that.

I think that when you ask her, you stress
to her that her story of survival...

could be very inspirational
to other women.

I'm not gonna manipulate her,
and neither are you.

Hey, I already put my ass on the line
for us last night, Sean. Literally.

- Now it's your turn.
- Where're you going?

Facial. We have to look our best
if we're gonna be on camera.

This model recreates the damage
to your facial nerves.

In order to reverse paralysis here...

I'll bring in a donor nerve from your thigh.

That'll allow me to reconstruct
the nerve endings in your cheeks...

so that after we re-suture the scar...

you'll be re-booking that cover in no time.

You think I can still have a career?

More than that.

I think your story of survival...

could be an inspiration
to a lot of other women.

- That was the wrong thing to say.
- No. It wasn't.

It's just, you're the first person...

who's seen me as someone
who can really recover from all of this.

It gives me hope.

Imagine what other people might feel
if they heard your story.

- What it could do for them.
- What do you mean?

The timing might be odd...

but we have a news crew
coming by to record...

some of the pro bono work we do here.

I think you should let them interview you.

Go on camera, looking like this?


Every time I've seen
someone like me on the news...

all I can think is:
"I'm glad that didn't happen to me. "

I'm sorry, that probably sounds awful.

Personally, Naomi...

if I saw you on television
sharing your story...

I'd think you were very courageous.

When you first came into our office...

you said you didn't wanna
be seen as a victim anymore.

By showing your face and telling
your story, you're taking your power back.


Think we could
switch sides now?

I spent $200
on a mineral exfoliating scrub.

They've only shot the back
of my head this whole time. It isn't fair.

Could you focus
on the patient, please?

Bring in the microscope.

Thanks. I feel so silly
that I never knew you had a son.

I'm so used to keeping my personal life
from my clients.

It's just instinct not to reveal
those details anymore.

You sure it's not because you like
to pretend I don't exist?

I guess we can all help ourselves.

Mom, you really went all out tonight.

My mom's roast chicken is the best.

I don't eat anything
that used to have a face.

I'm a vegan, Mrs. McNamara.

Since when?

That's okay.

Getting Matt to eat
anything but red meat is an effort.

I guess that's the one thing
we don't have in common.

What do you and Matt
have in common, Adrian?

You mean aside from the fact
I have to share him with my mom?

She really is the best French tutor
you can get.

She's very hands-on with Matt, too.

Music. We share the same taste in music.

House, Rasta.

Then, Matt, why don't you show Adrian
your CD collection...

and that'll give me and Ava time...

to make something
that we can all eat together.

Have you and my mom done it in here yet?

Adrian, your mom said
you were cool with all this.

Why do you keep trying
to blow it out there?

This your dad?

Yeah, his 40th birthday party.

I know your parents weren't married.

Do you ever see your dad?

I don't even have a picture of him.

Certainly never had a birthday
with the son of a bitch.

You guys close?

Of course you are. You're just one big,
happy family in this house.

No wonder my mom fell for you.

You have everything.

You even smell good.

What are you doing? I'm not gay.

So what? Neither am I.

Dude, kissing another guy is gay.

Hey, I'm warning you, stay away from me.

After what happened with Henry...

I've been so worried about Matt
meeting the right friends.

You really did make me something.
I'd have eaten the chicken.

I'm so used to asking for things
and not getting them...

I didn't realize someone would care.

You're confusing personal attention
with ground rules, Adrian.

The truth of the matter is
you're denied nothing.

Really, Mom? When I asked you
and Matt to keep it down...

while you were humping the other night,
you didn't do that for me.

That's denial.

Did he mean what he just said?

Go wait in the car, Adrian.

- But Matt's mom's...
- Now!

Julia, Matt and I discussed
the fact that our...

relationship would come as a shock...

but please realize
it has nothing to do with you.

You call it a relationship?

I let you into my house...

and you violate that trust...

by using me to seduce my son?

But, Mom, it wasn't all her fault.

There are no victims here, Julia.

Matt's old enough to make his own
decisions about his sexual partners.

What are you, a pedophile?

I put an alarm on this house
to keep monsters out...

when shockingly, the true monster...

was right in front of my face
the entire time.

Look, I understand
why you'd be uncomfortable...

with the notion of sexual expression.

That's why you came to me...

to deal with your own shame issues
around sex.

Now really, if Matt's gonna learn
anything positive about intimacy...

he needs someone with the right skills.

Just because you can't get
your own child to love you...

don't try and take away mine.

He's not yours to have anymore, Julia.

You need to get over this Oedipal stage
before you smother Matt...

and he never forms
a healthy sexual identity.

Boy, I bet your bullshit business
would just t*nk if your clients knew...

that their life coach was sleeping
with boys barely out of puberty!

Don't try and intimidate me, Julia.
You wanna play games?

I will push right back and I will win.

Don't thr*aten my mom.

Matt, your mother doesn't really have
your best interests at heart here.

Don't you ever touch him again...

or I swear to God I will k*ll you.

Now get out of my house!

I know we both wants what's best for him.

I'm sure you can figure out
for yourself what that is, Matt.

How could you not tell me about this?

- Mom, I'm sorry...
- Don't.

Just don't.

- Can I look?
- Yeah.

Oh, my God.

I never thought I would see
this person again.

NAOMl: Thank you.

I need you to smile for me,
so I can tell if the nerves are fusing yet.

What if I can't? I'm scared, after all of this.

I don't know.

Why did the turkey cross the road?

It's the chicken's day off.

My daughter told me that.
It's one of the only jokes I know.

I guess it didn't work.

Yeah. Very nice.

No, it's okay if it hurts.
That means it's healing.

So this is where you hide your victims.

How did you get in here?

I'm still your patient.
I have every right to be here.

I brought this for you to take a look at.

It concerns your safety.

- I'm sorry. Who are you?
- Nobody. Excuse us.

Don't you touch me again.

You might be able to get Andrea
to drop my story...

but you are not gonna be able
to get out of a lawsuit.

I'm putting together a class-action suit
against McNamara/Troy.

I'd encourage you to take a look
at my story of surgical negligence...

and join me in putting
these monsters out of business.

- What went wrong? You look fine to me.
- Fine?

I was lied to...

about the consequences of my liposuction.

I have bumps all over my stomach.

And what happened to you?

I was att*cked in my home by a man
who r*ped me and carved up my face.

How can you violate this girl again?

BOBBl: Hasn't she suffered enough?
NAOMl: What are you talking about?

Dr. McNamara fixed my face...

and he probably saved my career.

I thought since we were both victims...

NAOMl: Lady, hold on.

You are not a victim.

Next time you look in the mirror
at your flat stomach that you paid for...

think for one second what I went through,
and you'll see the difference.

I'll take care of this.

Now I'm pressing charges.

Did I really walk into her room
and compare her story to mine?

I understand why they didn't hire you.
You're crazy.

They didn't hire me
because I didn't show up for the interview!

I chickened out.

It wasn't your bad lipo job, it was me.

I did everything
that you told me not to do.

I overate. I didn't exercise.

I did this to myself.

That way I could blame it
on everybody else...

except myself.


They were never gonna hire me
to be a personal shopper.

I didn't have the experience.

All I really wanted
was for somebody to say:

"What do you think, Bobbi?"

I just wanted to matter again.

I didn't realize
you were under so much stress.

I'm sorry.

I could have explained
about your recovery a little better.

I'm sorry about the meat thing.

It was really wrong.

We usually give all our potential clients
a list of references...

before they schedule any surgery.

If you'd be open to it, I'd like to add you
to the list for them to call.

You'd use me as a reference now?

I mean, my liposuction was a disaster...

- and I couldn't lie about that.
- I don't want you to.

A "con" point of view might be
a nice and necessary perspective.

It'd also give you a chance to hear
someone ask, "What do you think, Bobbi?"

I wanna break up with you.

Matt, don't allow fear to destroy
the good in your life.

I'm not changing my mind.

I just wanted to be a man,
and come over and tell you to your face.

Be a man? Okay, I can respect that.

If you're so grown up then, explain to me...

why you feel we can't
continue this relationship.

I can't keep going around
and lying to everyone.

I'm done.

The last thing I wanna do
is cause you more pain.

But through my professional experience,
I can see what you don't.

Your mother is the duplicitous one,
not you.

Why would you say that?
You don't know her at all.

These unexplained,
subconscious feelings of conflict...

bubbling up to the surface
and causing painful exterior drama...

are completely explainable.

They are not your fault.

When you've been cruelly denied
the truth about the core of your identity...

how could you not have doubt?

My identity is fine, Ava.

Your identity is predicated on a lie,
perpetuated by your mother.

What are you doing in my room?

Something I should
have done a long time ago.

Finding out what the hell
is going on in my son's life.

By going through my stuff?

From now on, you'll have to earn
your privacy in this house.

There are gonna be
no more secrets between us.

Why don't we start by the one
you're keeping from me?

- What are you talking about?
- Ava told me.

You've been lying to me,
my whole life, about who I am.

Ava is a manipulator, Matt. You cannot
believe anything she tells you.

Christian's my real dad, isn't he?


That's crazy.

I've seen the way you two look
at each other, how close you are.

He even said he thinks of me as a son.

If you want me to be honest with you
about my life, then tell me the truth.

Is Christian...

my real father?

Tell me!


I didn't know for the longest time.

Matt, I'm so sorry.

I didn't know what to do. We're a family.

No, this whole family is bullshit,
and you're the reason why.

Don't talk to me like that.
I am still your mother!

You're not my mother. You're a whore.

Even if you did hit me,
it would still be true.

Matt, I am so sorry.

You have to understand...

none of this changes
the way that I feel about you...

the way your dad feels about you.

Does he even know, or have you been
lying to him this whole time, too?

About what?

Lying about what?
What the hell's going on here?


and I have been seeing each other.

We slept together.

What? Since when?

You just found out about this?

It's over.


Hey, it's okay, Matt.

We'll figure this out.

Its okay.
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